HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-18, Page 3eimisonnisweeesestemeammmereenee.-
FRIDAY, 0JVI'M 18, 18$6.
A Peer eon ther-race.
rsanergessEr-Simertotthor of 00stler Joe."
Shelves drunit-exuld drunk-was-Meni," tile -alga that
OW ear feet; • •
14tiee1k time terrible eases, Mit laers was the Very
worst. _.
%Ilia Refuge had just bon started for the daughters of
night and -Sin,
And I.wbe the matron here, ele, On the Oight that they
breught her in.
Ger face was enAlled and swollen, and ablow had cut
her eye,
And the blood that oozed Unnoticed on her check was
caked and dry.
She hiughed WWI Aboareo, wild laughter, and eaPOred
and kieked about,
And she swore and cursed so f olly we thought we
.4*. loot turn iier out,
She'll come for 4. spree, aa often time Poor Mat CM.
tures eorne ;
They hear of otir " midnight meetings away hi their
filthy shun;
I've seen 'em jump on the platform, and fling down the
Chairs and shriek,
And join M a ribald chorus when the clergyman tiled
to speak,
But Molly was worse thee . any- shestaggered
the plaee,
And picked up a brass -bound bymn-book and aimed
at our chaplain's face;
It cut him across the cheekbone, and he uttered it cry
Then we rushed at :Holly to seize her, but SUB strug-
gled with might end maim
She hit and elle tore and scratched us, and she Ideked
like a beast. at bay,
'Chen all of a sudden reeled forward and still as a
monse she lay ;
11 the struggle her Wound was 'Wined, and the blood
- flowed down apace,
And the same sort of mark we •QtiCeti was on hors
• and the chaplain's face.
What a fist had done for Molly the hymn -book hod
done for him k
Be was only a young beginner, and she • trenthled itt
every limb;
For the wound was deep and painftfi, bu'
t lie pushed
his way through the crowd
Aild cleared his voice with an effort, an spoke these
- words aloud: , • . '
"Pour lasssmay the Lord forgive het, as I forgive her
too !"
And silent as if by mstood-the stoothe whole of ,the yell."
ing tired, ;
While he, with hisface_allbleetlingI did the words of.
. the Saviour quote,
That the left cheek should be -peered to -ono who the
right...cheek smote. '
lle came where he hold the wanton, and he moved, his
lips in prayer,
And smoothed from the bloody features the nnisses of
tangled hair.
' "Take her away," he whispered, 4.eand iese. that her
wound is &eat."
Then -he spake aloud theblessing, end then dismissed
' the rest.
. •
s ' We kept the girl at the Refuge. .ight from the hour,
she swooned
Till time and it kindly surfrecothad thoroughly healed
• ---. • • the wound• • •
. ., .
o -k --,x) In a weer -R.11 closed coMpletely, bet leaving a
ssmark to n r, ' -
And-the•face of 'the poor lost doter° and his had the
. r4 Self -same sear. .
• ,
The day she was well she left us-siek us with never , a
word ; .: '.
Went, back to theawfuhouteastswIthwbsS. sticlissees,
men herd,
A nd now and again we gathered • pews of the lif.;. she'
"In the hospital," once they told us, and then.that tho
girl was dead. . ' , load' th,eir 'asses from them. Wine es plen-
1 tevas five years after, that, sir, oho night our -faithful Wel as water; go that men of that tribe
priest . . . ..
On it mission of love med `mercy' to, atC•ltwful pled° •should be very healthful end lively:, their. . ,
down east- •- , eyes brisk and sparkling.".• .
TO It den where the lowest women herd' With the vilest The itiesionary„ 'Dr. Duffeou his return
thieves- .
They're some of the very worst, sir, that- Our Refuge . to Indio, in 1839, paned, through France,
here receives.' • • . '.. . • . . and the 'wealth of.- -the wine country sug-
iiee heard front a girl* Who etiine here tales, of this gested the followipme eetions .
devil's place, . . . . . - " In these countries; mantled by -vine-
And he made up Ms mine to storm it, armed with the yards, oue cannot ehele learning the true'
word of Grace. - intent -and use of the. vine, in the scheme.
Ilis fatetusliedred as he told' us, and. epolse . of tbe-
'souls_ to_svius ' • ..• - ' : .' of Providence, iri our own laud, wine has .
And the task that the Lord had sent 11[1111110kt-I IA e - "fienome so eielusively.a mere lux tier -and -
of shame and sin. . •• ,
• . . • what is worse,by a species of manufacture
Ile laughed When we spOice,or, danpP,' aiieeteee night.
. an intoxicating beverage, that many .havit,
went forth alone.- - . - • -wondered in
how the bible Bo often speaks of -
But we had a strange mi5-riving which we hardly liked
to .own ; . . • wine n conjunction . with cern, -and suoli
Be was back on the stroke of midnight -back. from other supports- of. animal- life. . Now in
the jaws of hell.
But his face was pale and ghastly., he'd a strange, raising through the vineyards in the east,
wildtale to tell. • of Rranee, one, must at one perceive .that
ee, the'vine. greatly flourishes- on slOpea and
lie had entered that filthy alley" ilia spermu God's
word aloud,. • - :. • heights' .where' the . soil is too poor -and-
-Tut the people swarmed about. him in a . Dusk and gravelly to . maintain either corn for food.
. . ,
. threatening crowd S . or pasturage for cattle. But what is the
And they jeered and they spat and hooted; and the
women were worst of all, , . , ' '.... ... .providential, design in rendenvg,this soil=
Per they picked up filth to pelt .him,. and drove Mtn favored.bY a genial- atmosphere -so • proe
.. against the wall. . • .
. ' - ' :. duetire 'of..the vine, •if its. fruit become
. -
Beaten and bruised. and smothered, be thee symild solely, either an :article of lutury, or.an
. have turned and fled, • . ' . • . • m.
When a well-almed brick thatm
struck him lull on his eteuent of vice 1, The tutseverete, thee
hatless head, .. . '''. _....,• PrOVidend0 :bad. -no subli &Seen.. Look at
Then he mimed smite sick and.gieidy anti ,felt -spool! the peasant, at his meals, in the eine,beae-
dreg ee along
And a door was -slammed in the facet of:the threaten- ing district& Instead of milk, he has. be-
- Ing, murderous throng.- .- . - • : • ' lore Inns a basin of the pure unadultorpted
And beside him -there stooda women -he could hardly blood. Of the. grape. In tlitiS,, its native
see her face, . ''' " • " and original..statsi, it is a; plain, sitriple an.
a foul and noisome darkness hung o'er 'the dread! . ..
. ful place, • ' wholesome' liquid,. which. at every repaid'
"Bush for your lifel." she whispered, "I'Ve bolted and. beCoinew to. the husbrindman what milk it
barred the door ; ,' •
They'd 'eve yeti/. piece'. if It '. let em-haelt hew the
tigers roar; , - - ' ----- ,
. .
"Shay found out as you're the parson es .tices the go.1
-atm zETTER Box
Ealtor of the Clinton Arew Era.
beet/ sitefetle-that-th
ereetion has encircled the earth, at i
greatest circumference, witlt palms an
*pots that bleed a drink which shortly be
comes aleoholio; and that the inhabitant
muat use it, on account of the quality o
the water, when there is any. In rtearl
the whole palm region there is unfrequen
heavy rains, whioh roll down the valleys
leaving a pool, where there may bee' lio
law, such as thee escaping Lireelites. fonn
at Elina--now culled the Wady Oharun
del. In the cacti region there are petiodic
reties, so that the people could net have
tolerable• water continuously, without large
tanks, which cau Duly Ounetrileteti by
well -organized communities, which t he
tribes of the desert are uot.
With your leave, I will write of the
substitetes which matt carried with theme
in the 12 inieratiOns, ote foetid where they
settled. Foremost among these was the
grape, which is more widely diffused than
any ether fruie, and exists under greater
varietiesue soil anti climate.
The spies lirought froin the valley of
Beattie, "a branch with one dueler.- of
grapes, and they bore it -between them on
a 'staff." Such grepes, Strabo, nee of 'the
ancient geographers, saw in Babylonia.
From here was the dispel -Mom -and -the.
migrants carried with them the grape, the
first mentioned- freit after the deluge.,
Froni this region it is probable wheat also
spretrceeees-Strideer-titliaeehot-ieeyielsfed a
hundred fold, after being cut area times
before it was allOwed. to bead.
Wine spread everywhere but not the
Wheat so rapidly and genert;lly. In 1883,
on tramp in searoh of employment, I pass-
, ed .through a village in Derhyshieteltreir
atoppeel at a wayside house, for, the com-
mon -reireahnient of hread, cheese and beer.
Had no bread, ;end was forced to pu t, up
With 'oat cakes. •
Lieuts. Palmer and Drake. lifter tier.'
ing an° instrumental, [Survey refethe "Venni-
sula of Sinai, were sent next year to ex-
plore the Desert of the pecedpeethe couti -
try Of the Amerites and th eletites.
They WerEelong *puzzled -at . ea of piled,
stone; presently they underateed that the
.nainegiven them by the pviertilewaricler-
ere meant " geape 'mounds.' •
Next to the north was the portien, of
Judah and ite bountey answere'cl .to
• the latter -part of his father's bleseiegeof
.which4 give MattheVe Henry's exposition.
"Judah should be a very fruitfel tribe,
especially that it shmild, abound With wine
_to_malie glad the_ heart._ Qf _strove_ Men.
Vines so coinenwein the hedge -rows, and
so strong' that they should -tie their asses
be them, aud,sufruitful ;thattheyahould
which pr. Robinon reports being done in
Palestine. To the owe effect tells War -
baton of Lebanon pnd Syria.
As to some people's notion about sacra-
menal Wise, they may be kept among the
-43 weak, whorrbehhltranl
ta The passover wine was One-fleirth
d water. .
- Good and evil are inextricably mixed.
s The greater the good, the greater the Pea -
f Bible evil. In nty last, I complained of
y excess of rain ; now es there despaer for the
t want of it. T. II.
, '..fune 10, 1880. '
1 -
Ireitne AND MANTLE MARINO Ikt itr,r., ITS
Jur branchesdone by Mies Sew Wear at reoldence
Ontario St„ opposite the Presbyterhos Mane°, Ladies
entrusting her with garments of say description may
rely on getting entire satisfactiOn,
LulMnsrfOrsate, earl wrIl^bil oat to or-
der tor any perigee seeding in their Ortler
lore the sow. ot May, JAs. WALLIS, lat COU.,
Doderich townseep, Baylleld P• 0.
ellellerates, IAMB, LUMBER, ETC. -TRE SUB -
swamis, has for gale a quantitY of first.elass shin-
gles, Lath, Pine and Hemlock fautiber, etc., cheaper
than ever, All parties needing anything it thla line.
wili save money by salts, on us Also a No. 1 yoke
sf Oxen, nvo years old. 7BMIN SPRUN'0, Maitland
Block.. II ullett.
undoisigned otter for salea belt or whole in -
's Written for the Val. tore•t la then: Portable Stegall haw Mill. The
boiler is llo horse -power• eng•ine 25
ereets ie u grate inve
un, ao lz dok- at r , and the 6
inelt. All inc)
e u p o"I
tere. aiec ekwilintea with the Person in use elmu t three tillill
o I tl aonilligg Ra8-plr;enerdeitlYe
who inventee kinsets, I don't kne whether linsineee • satisfactory reasonsfoi!eeiline( t
flu was a man or a woman. leut I think
he lived -about -the lime time as the Span-
ish Annette, I think lie was a half-brother,
no weole-souled brother week) invent suck
a vice- and El mei: the fair Easterly sees by
tolling them how as small wastes was more
genteel and lady -like, and that by their
graseful figure tha would win men on site,
and that -old maids would.soon belifieek•
tinkt animal like the dude and model girl.
Small wastes -Lent so big as large ones.
A wasp has a small waste eo hail an hour
glass, Sum womeu clon'e ware- kerents.
The, are generally helthier, other thins
being equal,
The boots is another kind of korseta,
Unit iz worn on the feet. °Busels and
hoops go out of fashion when their turn
kutnes, „ Koreets never do, We. korsets is
it stimulant you kant kwit luting them came -
you begin. Men siuntimes are tite too,
b-ut the powerizeekeertecl from the inside.
I don't kno which kind of tite is the worst,
1..pink both, especially if theygo together.
butey of natur." So 1 asked alady once if
tha had a hieeher eense of hetes,. than their -
Creator and if it was from borne bust in a
show -window -that they got their model,by
which they thought they were Making there
forme more buteyful in shape. She got mad
and said • as how she never said no such
thing, rquietly remarked that;" akshuna
spoke *louder than words." I' thavit tha
were going too, when she reached ter the
Nicer, but I didn't reel, josh Junior ain't
no koward. • ..
'<mete are also baled stays; and stay
they do in more ways than'one. Wp have
a•Seott-ekt against whiskey,,I think we ott
to haee Irish, or some other akt against
tite-laceine, tor it iz eust aa-injus ious as the
whiskey-tite, the only difference iz that it
ie a more •respectabel way of bending the
Sixth Commandment, Bet I summed:is
lengeas-whiskey iz- medernittereirilebeeelie
manned, ated as eoug as korsets iz made
our maids will be umeade. Jose Juelunt.
. sues .
RfieGiregaen itinng Compound.
: 'fravtryoteabtuecoughetehrenie yroarsenese,
a feeling of Lightness in the Chest, Weak len
or any similar complaint / If sio, buy at °net%
bottlwot McGregor's Lung Compound. "It'll
uuro you." It contains, entirely new specifies,
of which one dose is more effectual. than it
whole bottle of the old time remedies: Itis pot
up in 500. altd$1 betties, field by Worthington,
on to complain. •
druggist, Try it; and you will never have roe -
De VarietIes Run Out? -
BY theempular phrtute " nitwit* but,"
as applied tee freitee-iiie-6611-iniedelereem-ea-nt
lose, of yitality, • quality ere finitfulnese.
That some varieties have lost one or More
of these qualities when grown in somelo-
celities by annalLMAR;„ seems Very clear,
That the same varieties, whengrown in
other localities bp other men, are as Or.
fece in fruit and foliage as ever, ia equally
clear, 'It would seem,' then, that the gees -
don of .deterionition is largely one of gel
or treatment. It is quite natural for ,a
fruit grower to plant in -better soil- aud
take better eltre of. strawberry plants that
coat him thirty-eix dellars.than if 'they
cost him but two dollarand a teal' te
thetisand. It hejust aa leaturel for him 'to
become leee and less carefel ef. the 'new
variety as they-110one° more common. If
careful selection and cultieaticin improve,
it remit alto be -.true- that; peglectwill
'deteriorate.' The plants in ,strawberry
patchy eillowed.to do se will, become mat-
ted togethere each flintier producing from,
two to aye plants. The fartherthey are
helm' the parent plant, the weaker4i11 the
neiw plaitts" 'become. These end' plants
are emeiller, less vigorous than -the larger,
and if planted a deterioiation. must be the
result. In a propagation' bed the runners•
-shotticlebeeene-offafteethe second plant has
formed. This will place , a great' check
ist for June. : '
They say it's thraugh .you . they peaches and goes on
the Christian lay..
I dragged you in here andsaved you, and sent tint a
gel for the 'slops;'
lia, they're a comin', sir I "Listen the n�ise and the
ahotitin: stops:" .
The noise was changed ie a -Monica to a hiss and a-,
sullen groanss . •
The woman crept close and /Monett, then open' the'
. door was thrown, •
And there was tesergeaut standing with,- six ,of hie
tallest men '
And our chaplain:walked between them old of that.
• awfuLden;
And Silsbee they reached the , entry, lo, woman's
piercing, shriek
Told of the brutal -vengeance. the ruffitnets tried to
Ile plotted whdt'it wee, did the Sergeants and hurry-
ing back they found •, '
The woman who'd saved our chaplain all of it hop on
the ground. •
Thd crowd in their hratal fury had beaten ttse woman
They kicked at the prostrale_body till the red Mood
stained her gown ; '
- But nobody knew who'd done, It- the chWartle hacj
'dunk away s •
her foe was all white and gliestly hi the light of the
btill'seyo ray.
Twas the face of an old acqeaintaece our sale
hat -night.
By thoscar'on the cheek he knew her in thelantern'S
. quivering light- • • .
TWAS the long lost Molly, the girl that ire,
thought was deeds- • .
She beckoned him down and whispered,endtheselvere
words she said :
"1 know'd you to -night by the sear, sir, the scar o! the
out I made ;
heerd how yer treated me then, sit, --------ow yee give me
yer Meath's' an' prayed, . .1*
An' 1 sec when I see yet in danger. Molls yoteVe a
debt to pay.
So I dragged yaw ad•ay hi yonder, end 1 'old the curs at
Died ? No, she didn't; we eared hi' -the' s matron
bete under me.
That's the -eh, here eolnce the bliaplalti-Alow 'both
seers you may see, "
And Often Westelt thestery. liewthe Lord in his tentlee
Saved a life and it soul' thgether all through 5 scar en
_ _the isee.----- .
The latest remedy tor Coughs, Colds, Cretin,
Whooping Cough, Bronclethe etc., la MoGre.
goes Lung Compound. Theit is ho renledy in
existence containing any of the active ingredl
OntscoMposing MeGregor,s LtIti g Compound, so
do not say you have taken' everythinguntil you
have tried Wafer year cough or cold, andyour
opinion will bo the Same as all Win) liar) used
it, viz., that it IS the best. Stild in 800 and $1
bottles byA. Worthingtondruggist
Ten•yealeold le'anoy Taylor, of Grant, Iowa,
reads Nvith the bock opeide down and Writes
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAR:4 rstonrerv.-
/NI On approved notes for short dates, c, j/A1/17,
kitorney, Clinton. trA 10
to thdidiepherd, not a luxury bet a news-
sery, not an intoxicaiting.but a entritive
Hence to the' vine4dressing Peeeent of
Auxerre, for example, an abundant vint-
age, as copitected with his own immediate
sustenance, is as important as an overflow-
ing dairy to the pastoral peasant of Ayr -
al -lire. A-nd—lence, by such a 'vieweof the
subject, are the lapguitge land sense of
seriptures vindicated from the very ap-
pearance of favgring what is merely luxu-
Tient, or positively noxious, when it •tto
e,onetantly magnifies a well -replenished
mine -press lira rocky mountainouts 'coun-
try like that �f Palestine, as dna of the
richest bouneies of. a gracious Providence
-net to the rich or the mighty of the
earth, but man as man, with his mant;"
fold physical wants and infirmities." .,
' nee the above might hpply to whet is'
celled " ppfermented wine," hut that is v
not his 'meaning; as- appears by ehiseeree---'
rao . •
• Negapattina, Kay 23. -At this Jeeuit
mission station, the firet prielits tited to
rive like natives, on rice and water. This
did for. a year or so, while Beropean
strengteriastecir-Buertiyeeundebyterthisy- _
got weak, their system relaxed, they took
ill of eholera or other disease, and. died
like rotten sheep. In eight years, sixteen
died. A change of diet was made, itioludl
ing mettern,fovvls, Ste. -As to drink, if 0130
is unwell or weakly, it little wine is allowed,
but the ordinary fare to take a bottle of
brandy, make le' into foam by mixieg it
with Water, and allow one wine glass of
this gt.'g daily at dinner for each father.
,Tins is little, but it helps digeetiop. It is
only an extreme Measure, in curing drunk-
en soldiers, that total abetinence eo be
insisted on."
The percentage of alcohol, which nature
elaborates, inaaps, lakes ori extracts, for
their_preservation, is so small that they
will not produo intoxication ntiletie used
in excese of human requirements. In
those countries where Wine is always about
there it no.drunkennsit. Dr. Guthrie in
his "Sundays Abroad," tells of a tinnily,
five years in Floteece, who never saw but
one.drunk, and he a ftypigner. Peed, in
his "Band book of Spain," never knew a
Spaniard take a noconcl glees of wine.
Drunkennese was seen only among mule -
While agang of workmen were tearing
dOwn an old barn at .Suspenson Bridge,X.
on Wednesday, they found in, a pail
underthe floor 4,700 dollars in gold, --The
latest date of coin is 1801, The; worknion
divided the fine, ,
- A. Kingetbh family moved gum their
house a mouth ago, and recently the little
giri,of the family, and her mother called
on the lady who occupied the house they
heel vacated. While there the child saw a
very email baby that had arrived but ektew
da before. She looked at itcarefully,'
soon ; we'd have got that baby if We had
stayed here.» .
Auvice TO Moenres.-Are yeti .diatUrbal
at eight; and 'broken of lour rest by a sick
child euffering and crying with pant of Cutting
"Mrs. Wrieleees Seething Syrup" for Child-
ren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It
will relieve the poor -little sufferer immediately,
Depene upon it; mothers; there is no mistake
about it, It cute; Dysentery and Diarrhoea.
regulates the Stomach and Bowel% cures Wind,
Colic,softens the Gums( reduces Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the wholersystent.
"Mrs. Winslowev Soothing Syrup," for child-
ren teething is pleasaet to the taste and is the
preecription of one of the oldest and bestfemale
physicians and ratites in the 'United States, end
is for sale by all druggists throughout the world.
Price tvOenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure aed
ask for "Mee. WeeseoveseSoomexect Seiler,"
and take no other kind. 20-y•e.
• - Terms easv.:-AVOlyttilltaihr, at thrtilillIT,76i, to
XX. learn Dressmaking,: 741115 01, TIMWA.ItTrIA,
Albert street. Clinton.i
AIL Farm Oeurity, interest 51 per cent, Payable
early, Apply tb ItAIITT, Solicitor, Olihterk, fin
J - e)",3 81P01
Pole A,ClhneltditAtST,lia4WfotAgirilinG:sPiklmlePetil,SiScrAill'enrEt0441111*.dliVV11111
eight gee ef paper er-ia, e. .e says-that--Uirfermented-wine--meets-fin- tunan-re-
erything within three foot oilier eyen swims unirement-is pot nod, and never Was.
uptide down, At a greater disteneci her sight The only approach to it was by boiling it
norninl, down to syrup, and sating it as melasses,
Private and Company Loweat Interest,
nyop $1,500; will be sow et a l5*fl releDerc
no$A.LusoN, clinton r, 017
Subocriber keeps for 'service. on Lot 77,
imam d Goderieh Townehip. [i.
Thorough -bred Short -horn Balt. ot inst class
pee -egret:, Terme, 51. at thee of aerwee, with the
privitege of returnele,„11 necessary. . ALEX.
BADOUR, Doeetiesvieme. ohm some good -
spring wheat ter sale,
GI L ES' .
MOMENT Iodide Amnia.
T -L7..." •
'nil -Speediest 'and Pilot certain medicine in the well
Weak Back, Enlarged Johns, Paralislc•
• Rheumatism, Nenratimila,
Prolammuis -Uter0,I,
-Female 'Weakness.
The best aud only certain remedy to relieve pita of all
kinda,no matter of bow long needing. Instant relief guess
indeed cripples. Swaim J elate, Varicose Veins, Bites of
insects or flick Headache, No oil or grease t is .elean and
sweet; Will not sqii. „
Inibionnation of the KidneyS,Drigilt's
Disease. -
Dranetes, Iniontinenee Of Mine. Is Eh e. noir Liniment 1
the world possesalug alterative powers'. Can be taken in
ternallyt carea Cramps and Colic, Diarrhoea and Dyeentess
Sold by all, Drugarlaut. Trial Bottle, 21e. •
-Write DR. GILES. box 2,452 N.Y. P. O., who will .give
advice on all disealIes,
resBeware• of mist:repaints.. denture and connferfeits. •The
genuine has tbe name blown in tlie glass and Magpies of the
dissoverer's mune °Vet eorlc,
• 0( 0.1511 impaovas sistioltala sloe re.
liable 9191 purelY l'ar the id all
diseases of the litionach, Liver, Rowels, Ite, Sold by •II
druggista 111 25c, per box, •
' • .SALE ley .Telereleff.' •
Blacksmiths and Carriage Maker;
• • ' 'GOODS • •
. •
Teud6rs %rill be re'ceived hy the undersigned up te
Tuesday,' the 22iel thirof, Julio, 1880, tit 4 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the porehase nt rate on the $ no-
. Ceding to 114111 tile -hands of the odersigned; of the
following etock beloging to estate of A, Callender -es
. ' • lirother... ' •
Lot 5, Dein, fro Trimmings for buggies, Boit% crews, .
Wets, &es. 5324.01. 'Lot 2, Buggy rims; Spokes, Bus,
gy parte, wood material for 'Buggies, . Leather elta,
trimmings, Varnish, Oils, Paints, ' Brushes, lte., 5104.
highest tender not ?feces:411y eacepted.. Terrne,three
moths with approved security. 'There be . for
sale belonging to said eetate: 5: second hand Buggies;
1 light Waggon, '1 Buckboard, 1 S new Waggon,
1. lot Shafting, .1.1eltinS,-, Pulleys, tke,;, -1 Blower. and
pipes, 1 anvil 2 Forges; 1 Hub Borcr, hiin.Latipp,
2. Iron Vises, 2 Weed Vises, 2 Work Benches, 1 Grind -
:hone, I Set Double . 'farness, 1. Set Single Ilarnestr,
12,50o feet -Hemlock Lumber, 56 bo out as wanted:- the
Shop usedbY Callender Broants a cayrriage then, 1 SO,
iron-Harrows,skos see. Thoe articles will be -sold
cheati,:and. on laworrthJeleratie, Foe further portion-.
lars apply to MANNING -4 SCOTT,. &diatom to -the
•Estate, or to JAMES TR011isSON, Assignee. • :
• .
Afan tame t u reis and. PrOpriethr for th e beseSsitvtuu
• Dog in use. Agent for 'the sale and applitation of
the lar Refine PNIEN'T Al7TONATIC113011.E.R
:STEAM FITTINGS 'thrniglieti and. atiplicetmv sltset
801111.6.,`Essiglites.:ttiod loath& orena•-
ekinesee repatree-estoeditIonsly ohd
• •••in fiCsalisfsteitory, manner.
. • .• .. •
Fel m implementa manufactured and repaired. Steam
nnd Water Pipes fat ids/lest and put in position. Drj,,
Mins fitted up on application. Cjiarg-es moderate.
• .
61111 0' ivi4hill.47t*.
_ •
The following testnnenie,)e, received by Ma; Janne
Vas:Sweet, epeak for themeelves; . • •
I received my sewing marhine about four inuntbs' ago, and
juat as well.pleneed with tbe work- of it alstlie day I le-
t:dyed it from the banes of the repairer, s.-DAVIS,
, I received toy sewing Meetifine about six menthe lieu, and
was lertuuate to get it repaired, and Was Surprised to see the
excellent work it done, for it wan laid by over four yearii and
codemned. Tours truly,. W. G. SHEppflann,
beg to acknowledge the receiptof my long lost treasure,
the New Thrk Singer Sewing Nadine which bliva Just got
repaired. 1 ant 'highly pleased with It and return non -myna.
sere thankii, for it works eplendul. ALEX. McGREG011.
The Sewing Machine got repaired about isix mtnithe ago
provee to be la every -respect a superior job, it large munber
ofpeople Miring the six menthe haV9 sailed at MU tailoring
establisbment and are surprised at. ita excellent work, 15 18
jest as advertised; JACKSON BROS.
Parties having work his thls line, can have irattend-
ed toon leaving orders MOODY'S STORE, or at
residenee, next to old Presbyterian Church '
, •
MINGOLDS, 4 kinds, 25c. per lb;
13V.01•118E TOTATOES, 49o. par lb. •
*ANTED. --"A lot' of OATS. in ex:.
• change for OAT MAL, 12 lb.to the bush.
JAalnifS emeeee, , qh„ Til*VON.
. .
131,y.th Puzp Factory.
. .
Doing removed hie businesS to the 'r remises formerly
known as TIM liOUNTOASTLE M woidd thank
all old patrons for past favors, and 19 9. better poRi
Lion than [Wer Drill:many all orders entrusted to
entered work a specialty.- Wells dlj and completed
on ehort notice, All workguarante PrIecarengen
Many 'persons have ruined their eye8ight completely by wear-
ing unreliable spectacles. Don't, watt until yo I cannot read
this adverlisement but call on th6 undersigned., the sole -agent'
.bere for the celebrated
peotaclep and Eyeglasses
Where you can,get your eyes accurately tested and fitted with,:
"- these excellent glassus. Every pair gaVanteed.
ZO3Ei.'. •
liStatctimakers. Jewell,ei• and Engraver,
Owing to our -large tilde in this line, -we were enabled to accept a special oiler!
inlkdies' and Children's STRAW HATS at big reductions below regular pricee.
'We have just added' this purchate of over 9,0 bcloz. to our already large stock,
Which ,gives'our customers over 3QG styles to choose from. '
Prints, Dress (400ds.,..Cottonades, Shirtingsl Cor.;,
sets and IlOsiery, Black and Colored Kid
Gloves at 25c. and 45c.
See mit: tretnendone stook of EIVI:eliROIDEBIES at 'cost. • "Nagrnilicent eantg,
SASH RIBBONS in black and •bolors, 9 inthes wide' in black silk. ORIENTAL
RTIBBONTo17-Sli aria Dress Trimmings at-31Tc.
• _ . ,
KESLEY'S Millineyy.Ericiporittm
• 4
Ladie§", (lents' and Children's -Wear.
TPIIIVER „i.P0 TIIIES; 7;7-I VAi(4.5 X. *E,X011AXIi
: •
• .
For sale by, tho GRAND RAPIDS it INDIANA
It. u.p. 'Sugar Maple the principal timber. •
' AdsseiSiges: Railroads already built;humer.
ous towns and cities, one 61 the healthiest parts
ofthe United States, purest water, good Markets,.
fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large
agricultural population, best:building material at
tote figitres, good soil, low prices, easy terrtiss
perfect title. For books, maps, charts, auctmll
Adqitionul information, address ' ' '
W. 0: HUGHART,.,
rommissiotrer; Grand R phis,
lIlalilt ME Stock Fula
(tress° Isle,1111eli
All Stock selected
from the get of sires -
and dams of estab-
lished reputation and
registered kr Oro
French and Am -r can Stud Books. We have e:
very large number be inaported and grade stall- -
lions and brood mares on band. Prices- reasoff-
able. correspondeeee solicited. Send ,for large[ •
illustrated catalogue, freo by mail. AddrasS
vlaYAGE FAEN131, Detroit, Met'.
CI LIN 'X' 00 /V
Otbinet .Parlor
furuitum Wareooros,
• .
The subscriber ,keeps the finest"'
Aftve,ye on heed. Ennerailefureithed at
the shortest notice and lowest prices.
'Leading liTOdertaker,
ery 01 0110 latest improved pattero, is now Mewed
to attend to all orders in hie line in the Most prompt
And satisfactory Mariner, mid at reasonable rates. Ile
Would also return thanks to all who patronised the
old ilem before they were burned out, and nOW being
in a.hotter ;Melon to execute orders expeditiously,
feels confident he can giVe satisfactlen to an. ,
PACVORP--Need the Grand i'vunk Rail
oco, Clinton. '
• fuezts iffekEN*2111.
Loaxt, and Investnientto'r
Thb Contpany Loaning :Money 04 Park
8ectiritit at Lowest .Rateg 1.'uterest.
lier4r:eg of elt kinds promptly attended to at reemns-
. 31110 [ides. A telsi sone:tee,
St 4 oda 6 per Cent, Interest Allowed ow
Deposits, areording to antonnt
and ante
er• It] of Matt.-14tOftte-ffil41 #0•414-4049-,-,
THEcoweeteEst FRIEND.
• .
EN. 0 N irerr?ott.taitt
Mg manhood, nine
vtiusnestioveakness, la* of vigor, strength and de-
volOpnient, %need by, indiscretions, excesses, etd.
loots in a day; dtu'orl usuall,y withln,a month,
No deceptiOn nor quackery. Positive proofs. 141 •
description, bnadreds of teStimentals, vont iett4e
oradvieo mailed in plaid, se_ftled envelopes, free.
Brief/helical 00.4 Buffalo, N.
l$2.10 owT.
1.1/11AN lw TON •or -4,3111•6
AT 00c1s. PER CWT., .„ •
Delivered any whore tdwrt free of ohtirge.
Goderich Augest 551) 7s8q.
MRS,' 40if RAYSON.