HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-18, Page 2_ • • g[fr. esaseasegenesaerree iJ MaAttha than herself; and her knowledgeof him did not make that resemblance impossible. For Ilurridge WAS her employer ; she was We 'private Seeretary. . • doa't kuOvv, 40cter," said the visitor, "whether X .ought to offer you my °pude- knew overthe death ot 'year illetstrioue eolith; or. my congratulations on your ace cessicia to his honors." es- "'I don't knOw; either -hang me ifeI do!" said the-thigh:a; "You have,'I sappose, been the evening Pa- pers? The paragraphis in all of them. I wondeehow these editors get 1101(1 of news so quickly. Ile news ot his lordship' death • arrived tbis morning pray" • "Bat itlytty0 Ponehes?" "One of them died three year ago and the other three Months ago," "Geocl heaveasl" cried the doctoie sinking into his chair. • "Papa," mid Norah, "something has hale - petted I.think you had better let me see the paper." • The doctor sighed, but he drew the thing out a bis pocket and handed it to his daughter. „ While she rale her eye down the columns nobody spoke Mrs. Oronan held a needle ineuepenee -ab •the very niertient of action - Uncle Joseph ceased drumming; Mr. Mur-. ridge smiled superior as one who knows what is coming, and the ddetor looked more miser- able end foolish than at any preview situa-r tion in his Whole life. — "I have found it!" cried Norab. "Lieteu, Where is Daffedil? where is 11sta) lite-cliildren ought toles taken -out of bed and brought,down. Oh, here is newsl Liston everybody. Papa, is it possible? You knew it all before, and you told none of us -not even me, Mother, elidigt you knowV' "Your mother's grandfather, the, aidela man-" 'Uncle Joseph beggie; but Norale interrupted; reading beeathlessly: " Wehave to announce the death Of Hugh . Hyacinth, VisCoant. Clonsilla, of the Irish peerage, which took place' in.e.the island a Madeira.a fortnight ago, Lord Olonsilla was ' born in Dublin in the year 1819, and was , therefore in his seventy-fifth year. He mate riedein 1820, Ursula, daughter tit Sie Fat-. rick •ItleCrath, baronet, and had issue oae son, who disci unmarried in 'the year 1860. . The late lord never took any -active parte in politics. The heir to the title is Hugh Hya- cinth Crouan'Este, M. D., the great -grand-. son of the first viscount and son of the lath - Hugh Hyacinth Cronan, formerly of the Iriel civil service. Dr. Cronan bite been for ninny yeas practicing as a physician in London.: 'laitait ':What does she mean?' 'asked Mrs, Cro- nan helplessly. "We ere all viscounts aud 'benierables. Oh," said Norale, "what Will Hughsay? what will Cal ista say? Good graciouIt's like a dreamt' • ' -411y5dfft1c inellitessfitetliTite"-titiede Mrs. Cronan again; "what it Means:" "It Means, nay ladY," said kr. Murz4dga. bowing low -though he Was aigold filmed of the family, and had never bowed- low be- fore-"it•means nothing less than that your noblehusband is the Right Flonorable the Vis - .count Clonisilla, of the Irieh peerage. Nothing less, I assure you." "A lord viscount!" said Uncle josepliS "There wean, viscount once -.he was a Tern-: • pher leferie,,gthere ought_taabee_on this • occasion, a brittle of champagne." "Nothingiess," repeated Mr: Nurridgs. "And nothbig more," said his lordship. But no one heard him; • ' 'viscount i My grandfather- was an alderman -end yet- Hyacinth; can't yen speak? Why haye I not been told?". . . "It's' duke, Marquis, earl, viscount and baron, baronet and knight, • unless you ' reckon the ranks S of grand lodge and the Thirty...third," said Uncle 'Joseph. "Beane-, Maria, on slich occasion -a." . "There was no use_in_talling_y. change .whicti seemed so impossible," said the doctor. "And.I'Ve been married to a nobleman's cousin for five -and -twenty years, and newer kttew • -"Only his 'second cousin, eence genieved." ' said the doctoe. "3.13e dearer told you the truth. My father was in the ciyil. service, ae I told you. Ills „grandfather was the . first Viscount Clonsilla and the stood Lord Clonsilla. When lot 1 beard.' .anything about it, Lord Clonsilla had, a. son; and a married brother, and a firet cousin; all these • stood between me and the title. e'Wea it worth talking, &mi? X had no money; I , had never spoken to the viscount, or set ' eyes on him. Nor lead my father before nee. '• What wag the good of mit great relations?' ''Groat relations are always good," said ' .his -wife. •"If it hadn't been, for • the alder -- man, 'My grandfather, and my Uncle Joseph; where would have been the family pride?" ' "At all events, my Lady," said Mr Vine_ ridge, "there is no dobbi possible on he sub- •• ject. The late lord's only sonsdieif twenty years ago unmarried. Hid brother, it is . true was Married, but he ,bade, no children. Andthe first cousin, who was 'the heir pre-, . sumptive,diedethree months.ag, also with- - out offspring -S. P, at; we' say in , genealo- • gies. Censequently, • the next heir, to the coronet and title la -your husband." • 7 • , "Oh," cried "Norab, thtowieg her arms. aboat her father's neck, itt dm so glad! Yoit peer dear! You shan't go any longer slav- ing like a postman unaaddOWn the streetall day; you sha'n't be waked up by a bell and - -made to goottleitrtheriniddle-ofethe-night-asg-: if you were a railway poeter; .you shah't any more make up year own Medicines; yeeu ' Shall band over all yOur.patleats to anybody whe likes-giye them to Hugh if :you like. What will Hugh say whoa he finds out that • I ihn the Honorable Norith-ote are wo the Ladies Calista and Noraitt", ij 1 - Although there are net inanyla the trade. "Oh, you will go into tlee upnershousie 0f1 IV is sometime profitable. For there are comae, there's agree and acres, of land in always. the new rich,, who continually desire Treland-dirty acres, the novels call. them" to prove that they heve idwaya thouglt their kurrldge ;coughed, and th,o doctor friends little stiSpected it, Teeny beloaged to ?changed colop-"and a coontry 'house. the class vrbich rules by right divine, and by Mat is the name of our country bowie? Ohi the eame right ptasesses hereditary brains.; I knew it is a beautiful, grand Old pace, etad there are, besides these, the rich d'ou- with a lake and swans, and a lovely garden, tremor, who bears. emotes of Englitat origin Mid the mostwonderful glass houses and a .and would UM prove their conneetiou with Scotch gardener.' I haven't lead Mis's Brad. great English houses, and are willing pay handseinely for ouch n, connection. There - don for nothing." "There Wax a country house Ouse. It was fore, old Murridg,e generally found his bends , fully occupied in tracing pedigrees, finding celled CaAle Clonsilla. But I believe It tumbled down years ago. The late lord out miesing links, proving; marriages, estab- never saw the place since they shot 'at his fishing American conuectious, followleig, up lines of deseent, converting plata country father and hit the priest." "Well, then, there must be a grand Wee gehtlemeti Wade eendante of royalty -this old-venerable-ancient-rcimantio history is a very lucrative branch of the profe;selon of the. house. You will tell us the 'family -and In this wav bringing vainglory., de - history, won't, you, as soon as 'we settle light, honor, distipetion, and solace to 'all down?:, All the men were knights Without who could afford t� pay for lb, So • greet fear, and. all the ladies wore beautiful and indeed, was his skill that be never failed to without reprpach," ' proVe his client. a cadet, at least, of Mine "I will tell you, al Dace. About 209 yews. ancient house, and whoa there was no estate . ago there was au attorney in Dublin named 'involved and the family Wai supposed Hyacinth Crenate -Preening Joe they calkcl •go be exanct, he net tufrequently made hint, so greatly was he admired. He 'Made his eeieut the bead of tbat house. Nothing his son a barrister, and the barrister tecame could be onceived more pleeema to ladies a judgeeand the jadge was made, for certain and gentlemen who had been brought up to political services, Lord believe that for them there was no family .hiaJoe, leieetriendirealledtimatertlistingilish eehistorY-nermore-than at -thtO7hegliening-of him from his lather. Hie sten, for other the world -previous t& the family shop eminent pongee.' services, was ridged a step where the money wag nnidee-whether a shop In the Irish peerage at the time of the with a counter, ani a till mid an apron; or a union. • That is all the family history, ..; shop with an dike and a; clerk; or a shop Norah; and I ara hanged if I see ,much to be e with a box of pills; or a shop with a wig „proud Of when it is told.". • and gown; or a shop with a sword outl a red -."Not one of them," said uncle Joeeph. "5.0 much as a 0ovincial grand master." "Obi And no banshee? no ghost? no whitelady? Are you quite sneer asked North. "Not. even eo much as a family bogey, my - • geg • "Well, thenethereels.a town house:some. where, -I ant stietg X hope it is in Ireland. r. tortes, be came 'noon- curious discoyeriese, feel real Irish ,.already. Toraorrow . width he was 010 to turirto his own advau- try ."The Wearing of the Green." Where is time, le ie not to be Maned. Notably, there our beautiful town .house. -Lady. Olonsilla's , wee the sucecesion to the Clonsilla, title; in town hOuie, where she will live in the season which, as -.you presentlysee, he did, a . with her' daughters, • the Ladies 'Mist% ' very god stroke of business. . Norah, Honor and Kathleen?" • • ,His °MO was in Finstniey Oirchs, whore . "There Used te be one over iu Dublin, ;hut lie had , two rooms on a second floor; the I, suppose it's been sold long itgo-" . front -room -large -mid looking out on , "Well, there's the Money and the diety, the (men place; the back room sinallsand dace," Norali persisted. - ..dinay, looking upon the Limbo of chimneys • "I wish you goOd-night, Lady Clonsilla," -workshops, brick.builtlinge, outhouses and eaidsltfte Murridgee "Ono. -entire, cOn- pertly yards which oue finds in that part of gratulate you. Good -night, my Lord." .Londoe, On the door Posts below Manama ; Ile bowed very low, -much lower. than is Wila 'painteti ",Seconct Jong. Mule, , expected by vieCounte. as a rule„ and retired. umeE," oitit rebut was furnished With "I • was about to remark, . Marie," said one very . largo table -genealogists, like 'Uncle Joseph, "when we- Were interrupted civil engiueere, require' great tablesa-ance .bY Mr. Murridge, that I. had always Observed • allot:lea! • very mail one; le had a .great. semething of; the air of eank in your • bus- ,book casee full of books of reference, Such aS band, It was certain, to me, that he was of Tug -dale, Douglaei•Tonge, Beltran; Wotton, bottle parentegte though he 'concealed the Collins and„ Lysons,. a really. 'valuable col - fact from friende who would leave appre- lotion; etts far the country hietorieg, ime • ..itated its importance," • . ; • ,aeecte the resaurces of a Rothschild to pos-• "Yes: you never toed me. Olt, Hyacinth!" sess them. There Was:aleCtealarge.sized safe said his wifee reProaehfully, "it would lu a corner, and there were tin boxemilled.. -11aVe.sbade its all so happy bi•thitik 'that. yon one_above the other, as in a solicitorls: office, had such noble bloodheyour'veins." , , • ancltheee were -three or Mgr chairs, The • "My clear," he repeated, 'I -didn't katoW :yoom at the backwaS not, airoperly ,speak-, thitre was the least chance of . the peerage... • ing,.fornished at all. That is today, there It's thorned ettituirclinaey thing that eyer :was a table at that "windoW ivith a 'blotting - happened. And, Maria," be added, rubbing e pad, and an inkstand and a chair. befere his chin, "I believe. Ve made` the greatest There' waseunether title be:side the fireplace, • fool of Myeelf ever known. • go and see with a heavy copyi g press • upon it, the Mitrridge about ib :to -Morrow. But I ant Vail withalmedle and'. a strew. .This was. sore Of it, beforehafid. There never was a. fey the 1: ay clerk, Who posted the letters; „ greateelool•in all the. world ritan.yOull luta' bend, Maria." • !. ' • • - "Oh," cried' Nnrah again; "you will 'look . so beautiful ihyour cermet!" • : "Shall I; neer dear? . 1Wonder evlitire it is.. • What is moreto the point is whether. the late -lord left-anyetnoneyeandifssoewhethee he left any the nee. There certainly neves • could- have, -been, a greater feel thao 'year father, child. Esittas 'case is about the' only one which' can compare with it." •'• • , his edueatextwas not eoglected. At school "Maria,-'-' 'midst:11101a Joseph, "we Will all • he learned only the things most useful in a Move upward, immediately, into the highest . commercial life, as a good hand, accounts and • soeiety, addage.will hate a banquet,- Wiele - boOk-keeping,....thort hand; Freneb. •and • champagne; every night. On all points of .art evritieg a business letter. He aisti had. e iquette rely:on nieTTliere • Will be, of the lidyantage; being a day bOy. of hie fath- eouree, waiters in evening these:: It WtIl be eiractly like a banieitet of a high degreeeonly • '.et'a experience mid. practical. wisdoine whiep • was on tap, so to speak, every .evening. . . that ladies will be present, and I shall not • ' eet havelaught my eouseir," Mr, Murridge -Neat rie§ jewels. . Of coarse I shall sit on•the , explained, "to despise • Oft• Common. cant sriglithand et the chairman and reSponcl for ...about honor, friendship, justice, eluirity • the -raft" • ' ' ;: and the rest of. tt. Tim world islelleif cow- . • "Oh.. Uncle .JOSe.ph!" • • inurninred Lady three who litre by -eatiog each other. There- .: OlonsillitS carried away by :the :eplendorne . is no ether *vete •live. SN'egeteetie iota thee his iniagtuatiou, • " •• .„ • '' • .city -every day to eat each ether, and to de: "As for. his Will' take •fend, bursolvee against those lithe Weald oat handed once=-." • , • " • Tho way is tOmelai as much money as 'have been the &Ilea aenaighty.feet,"' wo poselielySeen.. As for .honoi;,'it. imams said his lordship. • • - •• Abet you trivet Play fair where it is your in- "Anctinitiate.hini . to :the loftiest de,greis. . • de it with my own, haudeaticl-then he, pared, . and 'friendship; means putting other will be 'a credit and an honor to axe illus- . people pa to tt god thiog etheet you can'tget it for yourself, and in exchange' ior another trignis. peerage . -his native country. 'good:thing. • &tie:V.0141mo Meens.keeping the : earet you,,*iirle:, nor :the .girlsgbe-_ , people you- 'are, :eating up in goodetemper. 'Cause yen are females', but .the boys .1 can„ Dieu quite Understands the world.: ;There is and I will; encl.-when they are K.nights 'Teniplars, Mark -Masters, 'Royal Arches and .Thirty-eecerele, they will not be ashamed to talk -with any one, and 'will be fit to share in the very highest society • like. their great- uncle," He drank half his glass at a gulp,. and weed oil rather thickly,. pointing tat ,the dotage "Look at him, -Maria! He is a, tobleman all Over. .Bleed in eveins and. earistotraey uponsehiestinpor Up, e Didn't X always sitY. there was ,sornething -in „prate husband above bit • • "It can't 'be •lieltlecli „Maria," said. the vis- 'eount. "Rat l'itishtrotirliiiileand had: hot. . been so great Slot"; . e • . "'Why, mathe. present. oeoasion," Unole Jo- seph watt on eeeme occasion which may never Agnate egattegen. Area __history of the lodge- Matia-ewhy, is there ne eliampagoet Thank yeti! I Will. takto--yese4 !will take :another glass of gin and 'water," , s OHA:PTER• • • . LONG motrvncti. ttr TILE CITY.. . Murridge Wag 'by profession a geneal- ogist. This is a trado,in which aro few cone- A 'Rival Wheat ,Grovver. -- The rapid. hog team) in the exportation of wheat front 1..1.11s, to Great Britain during the past twu yearn. excited got° apprehetz- slog buth tent couutry and the United Nacos that a toriuldable mai had beep found in the prodnetivu of thia,great staple; There is no occasion, however, for @orlon, warm. 'rhe trade reeeiVedd temporary stimulatiou (hieing 1884 an 1885 from some advantage whigh was to lye had. in the exebauge money, which left a profit to the agents in Englanti,although they oh, aimed a lower price thane the quotation 10 ; hat it has been found that the hasty growth which follows the rainy eea irthe Orieot is unsuttable for wheat. It givbi the kernels size without body. Prof. Gold win Smith, in ft rOgout letter from England, write* ;-"The mention of Iudxu remiade thee I beard a lecture giyen by ;qv S. r r. high authority, oe Rind 00 r 1 e uck With the primith e cher:et:ter of the implementr, of which met:Lie were exhibited, especially of the pleuele It et•t•tiie impnssible thel, husbandman tieing such implements can prod nee-nt eloper -head orebe-very-ftirmid- able rivals tit our wheat. procineers of the North-west ur of Dalctila, It is irue that they live on almost' outbid/4, on that or what they do raise utmost the Whole goes the market.," ' . coat pr tt shap with a steel pen ?tett a few Four All !sten 2iotellkeepet anll one grocer pages of blank. paper; yr a shop with n', undle--of scrip and -shores. So. thee Ma 'have been titled 8,.)9 (alit and eoets for viola - rt Aluvritige Nies really a philauthro st of .the tion Of the Seett Mt. first water -an eighteen carat p ilanthroa, At ielafe meeting of Mutual Grange, No. peg. If, from thud to time, in his grubbing • 32, of Latabeth,'It retieltition Was -passed fay - :noting genealogiea old wills -and' family his- euring a reduction in the number of County Councillors, and suggestipg that one reprfe sentative phould be sent front each township and incorporated village, with power to vote according to the value of aseessable • property of their respective municipalities. • ‘Vonderful .euro of Paralysis. D. Merkle, of Carlstadt, New Jersey, lost the tom of his right arm, wee uselessieleanging by hie eidea tried all the known remedies by direction of the best doctors in Jersey and New York, electricity, strichnia-all. failed. Giles' Lin- iment Iodide Amnionia cured hilts Sold by all druggist,. MANNING be SCOTT Barristers • Solicitors ' • • . • cONVEYANCEIte c. ' . Cemnussioners ter Ceetari e end etaattobe: • ' OFFICE NEXT DOOR" TO, NEW ERA, CLINTON , MONE,Y 1Z;LA•?;,..11ic,•4'.OR'PlftEtN,"Sfa, ,..v... J. Jackson's stateeAlbarteStreete- CENSES.---APPLY 40 TUE eaLltirl's-'-------AultnEdelAre?gEned• ,LI at the Library- 'ROMS, . Sthith's 20 JAMES SCOTT. . Bleck. MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR SUAj:L. slims on•geod mortgage security, moderate ate of interest.% H. HAI.E, (Hinton. • • DOWSLEY, DLR. O. S. -ENGLAND Phyelcian, Surgeon, ote. Office and residence iiext efolson's.Bank, market square, Clinton, tnbl 4:sten faotraf. emrrtiainrdids.ge,1 bjeis.otwilierrs DIC'APPLETON,OFFIC8--A RESI,DENCE - Mundt-1ga- His son and ihtli uoinch0.ntEanritro astnrcoee.bt,yClaiindt;gna,otpe.positethe English -together With the private secretary, cbm- pieta& Mr: Murridge's staff and formee .•, B. PROCDFOOT„ CIVIL ENGINEER, establisliment.a. • Arce,_Per_ou_vival,alanddicuillinoareend-SurveY01±- .„ -• Annan' ge-Meetell'elfielesit'sftliglits-be•said . lilt t and Draughtsman', Pannier Beope, etching .as of et. groat nutuy.others, that Isa 171.111:u. nu. Em ; . . _ • • •• itottld doubtless have been. clitreateif hilel„shie ' . OFFICE' • _RATTENBUIVY . ST.-, teething been Other than what it Was. Td • -L0' :Murray Illeek, two doors east of,•Hodgene en- trance. Resilenee, cippoate the • Tempeishee Hall, ,Muroxi ,'S tr so t, Clinton.. ofage hones, e.o.m. to 6p.m. Ail ItS: 'WHITT, TEACHER' OF MIISIC.• 'PUPILS lee- a ttonaed at Moir own residence,if neceseary. ne.. ,ibiteneei. Jam Bobertsenee Dtiron Street, Clinton. ftleanow mothed taught if desired. , • „. 774"-rse.. "i'lrifla'tr's*m""Irs-1702,147.7arr",". 3.53113.--13PRIZTC1-4850 I Before buying, get our. pecial prices fer :WeiNles,.. tact -Use –Stick*, Express Wiggons,Doll Ofrrlape.-- CROQUET, BASE i34LL . CRICKET OD wALL MAPS THE LARGEST aul BEST tN. USE ' BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE. Wm. Coorll, Marro"( . . A. BENNETT T IE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Albert it., ReiRocksi Stir Oalcos'EXCHNORORGA) After the Oeverest test at the late fair in Clinton, it Was titiversally admitted that 'Fon. reneger Nieto EASY ACTION, Beetle" OF Finset, AND sWtatetEsS loNa, the EXCELSIOR was away aheitd of all oi h- ers, and destined to be the.popular instru. .rnent Of the dity, This, rslong with the fact that a special prize was a warded ikeertain ly speaks Volumes for the initruments, and parties perchesing should see the ExteFtee, sion before buying elseWbere. •' GEO. IP:-OAKES, PROPRIETOR, Factory three cloorsavest tiftitlielloy's Pump Shop, risttenbury Si;,; Clinton:: • TRY: THE CLINTON. NEW ERA. .„ P4 P4INTINt. • The, .8CIIEMAIRROW _ ""-1.11111111.101M1 , • • BENDEL ibLER NURSERY. F.RT1T Alsn ORNAMENTAL TREE, NOR- . WAY SPRUCE,ACOML-AND„ . ASTRACHAN' PINE, THE LATTER or WIRCH vet Magi; SPEOIAler TIT% LARGE.. STOOK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery' willbe sold. at very low prieee, and those wanting anything in thie connection will save money by purchasing here. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to Addyess, JOHN STEWART', Benmll ler H. Nelson 84 CO: . . BERLIN BIANVTACTURERS STEAM 'ENGINES, BOILERS, AND GENERAL IVIACE1NERY, ORDERS PROMPTLY $50 000 To LOAN at 6 per Cent Why pay other., 8, 0 and percent, when 'you On, get money from usat 0.per C. • -TERMS fnade to suit borrower, regardini . payment end periotl Ivan: ; A.pply to • FABRAN • -BA.NKERS...y, CLINTON. , • no nonsense about Dick Justice moans baVing all you dan get -all that the law al- lows-tOthe last penny, ttad never foagiving auybot v. I have made the' boy thoroughly tinderet told these principles. Ile begins-_ life ' with n 'elms bead, and no sentimental humbug." , • • It is not often that a boy'e views are thus based upon the first:elements of life and so- elety, and Dick certainly* began life -with great aelvantages. • • , Upluckilv for Dick, he Was •net allowed to •UNION • SHAVING PARLOR put these principles into practio in an inde- pendent way. Mr. Murridge regarded his: business as a, thing to be kept together, and • hatided.down as a property. to his sou. therefore, without any iuestion .01 to Dick'e sT.A.Niwi.g.,.;.flocADTJATE Qv !HIE 11 ED' .s.../e4puepartrtreneNTieterinUniversity,Toronte,for meily of the Hospitals' and Dispensaries, Now York Nronerfor the ConneYof•Muron,Bayileld,Ont. VILANK: PowELL, ;BARRISTER, 'SoleleaTtnte -a.: Notary Public, etc. ,Oni4'0, •gemu,s's.Btoea, 111cItT STAMIT, ctryrox, Toronto agents. Messrs. Mc- Carthy, Osier, Hoskin St, Oreelman. Private -funds to oan at 'lowest rates of interest. • • W. wiLLTADIS, /3..4,, M.13., GRAD:MAE' OF .1.1C....r ran to University ;13ember of the Coliegoot.Fhy idaneint urgeonks;On't. :Maxon & REsneencn the. honeetermeylyoeennie4 by Tea Albert street ounten, • .• . • w ORTHIN G TON PHYSICIAN,. UlteiHoN Accouchour,Lieentiateci tke COilegeofFhysician, end Surgeohs oi LoWerCanada,andlTdvinoialLieen, tie te and Coronoiar theCoinityotHaron. Ofilecand losidence -The building; formerly oeettpied Mr Thy/altos', Huron Street.. ' • Clintonan.n. 10,1871. ' ". nLINTON reTTITUTE, LIBR ka,ettr and Reading Rooms, Perrin bleak, down • stairs. About 1,700 volumes in the Library and allethe Leads ng Newepan ere and 'Periodicals or the day on the table. Membetehip ticket !MOO annum. Open front 2 to 5 p,. m., and front eVet,o p Apelications 'for naem norslisg reelyed' by thelaktrarlini It the room. ' . 8aAvizIG. irlia CUTTING AS:D sErAm- POOING done very .neat lit141 to suit ' • • every peeson. • . JOIIN rAlteilIAOSION, Smitle,t4 Mock.. --aptitude-for-genealogical reearchinad the • . aft of clntbing a man 'with a pedigree, re - J T NITILKIE ITRG EON DENTISTi • • Moved hingfrom. Akan early age and. •placed, him in own back office, where be •t .gave him copying ,vvork. .You'cannot Possi- - earry.ont any of thee beautifurnrocepts 1 tinuf maxims on glare copying work.. 'Unfortunately, too, Mr.' Murridge could nee ti Nines . to ust 11 SIM H e editors. There are, to ho gure,. the' heralds • . wits a jealous master,. who would let no one who are a dignified body, atia have a sof- into billearets but himself, and. worked, like i• toge of theft- own, andon ciecasioes of core- the mote, underground. So that, though AFIN, <- • .7t. " • 4.„ ...te _re -S' C.• -se ' • "You, shann. t go,any torigCr slavilly like a postman." • "The Lord knows!" said the visemmt, still looking helpless and bewildered, - • • -"Wen, X suppose Hugh wott'tenabid nettle -- Oh, and I suppose veci Shall go away from Camden Town and live at the Weft End , Notting Hill, ev'en".-Xorali's knowledge of the west was Ihnited-"aud tiriVo &beat in our min emalage, and go to theatres eve...1S' night. Daffodil will give up thts and se. in t b hou43-.--9 • 1 !I JAI I n ntOny wear the most -beautiful coats in tin/. wo c an( coesequen y are nip wis that .there was a coronation-hvery. Week. They &so enjoy inticli finer titles than the Members of the upper hottse, being called king.at,arnas, herald pUrStkiValle, rotige dragon, rouge croix, blnemantfli find port- cullis. Mr. Murridge possessed no other iitle than that of plain Mister, which we are not expected to enjoy. It was reported of him by those who 'regarded hiineis interloper anel an mequalified prectitioner, that he hesegerigitially beat apprenticed to a die Hinkel*, aud was afterwards eniployed in- isegraving coats-of-arme, for, outs -who' kept a herald& shop, ornamented out-, side by the gilded effigies of aloathly worth like unto the dragori of Spindleston Heutth. This •enterpriding tradesman not only on - grayed shields teed furnished family seals; but also found their•eoats-of-arres for people elatleleSt thoin so lOngthat alt Monitor/ and trace of them had vanishol, Nothing proves a familt? to bo old eo much as to have lost the mentory of their armee There aro many such; they have withered in obscurity and neglect ter generations; then one of theta Makes money, and such gentlemen as this ,hortticlic shopkeeper recover the loug.lost ilinnections and, land them peoudly among Ale barons itt the wars of the Roses. In this way, theretore, via Blurring° tound utmseit impellee in the direction of gertealogicalstud. 101; atid this way. Ito gradually neglected , the practiee of his art, mid transformed limmelf into a seareher atid. grubber into family litetory Melt was now theco-and-twent be knew no, ' more about his fether:s blishiess than be did ' at sixteen, It lien he first took his seetiii the buck sallec-egcept that his. father would talk over the , miccessful conduct of • tt" case )0101.115 WAS completed, especially if there had been any eliflicultice or sharp practice in •It. He del not dare to complain, but 'his position made him conthatally grumpy'. It is not a good sign, for a yotteig inan's future whon he notirithes a secret grudge againse his father, and When the father, absorbed M his own business, never stops to consider what his son; is ,doing„ and how ha regards his own pesition and work, • • •Dick was no* drewing .the very hand - seine salary of seventi-five pounds, a year, with breakfast, lodging, washing, supper, if ho 'wanted ite and leis kihuday dinner, Ile • Cold dig; exeltislvo right for the eounty for the Hurd process 'of administering chemically pure Nitrogee Monoxide, whieh is the eafest and best systeni yet die, overeater the painless extraction of teeth. Charges modeeatee satisfaction euerantetd. 01,PICH, LIOTY'S over %oleo's Tailor. Shop, flutes Street; Clinton.• . D'3•RICS MEDIC I N E. FOR LUNGS LAVER $ BLOOD .• o T have 1188(1 Ofe,,T4ftet tleclialiM and Pills RID el andaleremyjanettyafeua year ormore, add find boll tbeee so useful that -I wooed be sorry to miss theta out ot niy•liouse. C, W. VOIT.NG, • Editor Cornwell Vreeholaer. eold ,1-..11„ Combo, &egg*, •McKillop Mutual Firs Insurance Co. NOTICE. -rhe undersIgnea are appointed to net ne itgents in the townehip of .Goderich, for the company. Any person wishing to In- -euro i !Wile old and reliable Farmers Cernpany, will apple' to eithet THOS, NEELANS, Hat - leek. Or 6A-AftrelL CARNOCHA.N, geaforte, prompt attention will be:tett:Tn. . PROTOGItAPHEI: • • - was, thottfore rich as elerks at three -and- 33110DEILZOIC'et teveney go, We ratty allow him eightmi- g„ • • '11IR:. JAS.: CARTWRIGHT, , of HuTlett boa been aP pointed agent for the County Of for the above Darrow. will cut and turn the •ground from to 4 inchesileep, and is Made cif the very best material; It also takes the place of both gang plow and setifiler, and does excellent.Work • • • • • " IE MOISONs BANK • Incorporated by Mt w • CA.-PITAL Od0 000 • • AEAD ,.OFFICE; MONTREAL. • „ THOMAS WOREMAM,........ President. , .T. II. R. MODSON " • F. WOLFE.P.STAN THOMAS, Geaeral Manager. ' - !Votes diseour.141, "ColleCtions veddo, Drafts • . • issued, Ste' -g ccc,4trige ' • • . bought and. sold at loces: • • , •• CZWe'alt 4'01.it01. : • Interest at 4 'ear cent- allowed en deposits, ' • - - . • .... , • . . —• • Motley ml, tamed to farmers on theif own notes with ,..ne.or more entlorsem... No inortenge required as se. • • . • H. C. BRE'Y tat. 'Manager, januart 1.eS Clinton • AllY.pONS011 Wishing to see the Harrow' wort: •inay . • . to take It any.place and ' work tt on any kind of soil. !THIS HARROW 1sachnitted lo be themoM saving farnilimpiement ever Manufactured. by addressitri• the undersigned, and be will be I:leased .j,, 13 D• .DLECOMBE, JAS.. CARTWRIGHT, Londesborc. 2110ifirOfir—reat-iStateAgellelc- CLINTON, ONT. The multits?gned has obened akeitcy 'for the sale !Altai Estate, and will be glad to deal with parties haying proper. ..tY to daniose•of. . Terms, two per cent on all amounts up.to $.1000, end one per cent on any atnonut after the first $1000 No charge made for atiYettishig, endue charge whateeer less.a sale pr transfer is effected. 1 have twit the following properties for sale:- . • .• , 'Let 14, Lake Road east, Colborne, 100 acres, 45 cleared and under astute, 20 acres alashed and can easily heir:feared, balance of ush light... Will be Beldam!). 100•aeres, good lauth 21B Iniles from-Bowesinein3tipaltuta. (10 mires under cultivatiom, small house. • Price $10 an acre. .West half let 28, 2n11 con of East Wawaposh, 110 acre), 80 acres elhared, balance good bush, 18 ncreS of fall wheat; spring creek running through the farm; bank barn 40xbO, two acrea. of orchard one utile) trent Auburn., .*.Priee $5PUI $1.200 or $ MOO down, balance tb snit ;again:ger. ' Lot 800, 1.5 ef aere..ou 1111r0Ti situitell on the east e of Mr. Ridout's readence, well fenced.! Price, $200, to suit purchaser.. a . • . Rotel, 40 feet front bY.60, feet tleep, -Price seasonable. Splendid building lot for -Pale, opp6site tfte .Comtnercial .Nortli lirost Transportation Company, , • • 1 • 1 • , Canada Pairi Rakay to WEIN, s„.,„ • TO. DULUTH TARE 410,40. -13qrtdirt31..U.r,fare $9,40, A.nd pointe in DA Ct/T,t.i MANIT014 and tninfitt Comintra. 'Tickets by rail -as- - usual to all Points at'Loweet Rates. • S; • jAS. TI-1011dPSON, . • . . • TiNT TIM MATTER OF AN ASSIGNMENT, MADE ...1L 111 4. Oallander & 'Bro., of tit° town of Clinton,Thr- ridge makers and filacksmitlis, pursnaneto an Act 6( Legislature of Ontario, known as 28511 Victoria, Chop. ah act respetting assignments for the be- nefit of creditots,lutil amendments thereto:. . , . :NOME 'IS. HEREBY. GIVEN THAT AUSTIN Callender and John Calvin Callender, dolog business to- gether under the firm namound:style of A. Callender & Bro., Carriage Makers and General mad:smiths; have, With the cobseut of &finijoritY of theitereditois having &faints of 8100 and upwards, made an assignment of al1. their personal property, which may bo seized ahd sold under exechtion, and all their real estate &edits and effects to me, James Thompson, of the 50011 01 Olinton, Agent, in trust,. for the benefit of all their ere4itos and for the purpose of paymg allE1 Satisfying ratably and proportionately and without prejudice or. priority, all thaereditore their just debts. Ana the persons, firms and corporations, having elainni against -the'said deitters are reqUired to send in their names, residehee end post office addresses and earth:Mars of thelr claims duly verified. by affidavit, with vouchers Of any) at- tached, amf madame; the native of the security -Of any) held by them, by letter prepaid, to moan or be- eforeetheetentheda'ealatat ie hereby given that after the said dete twin proceed to distribute the assets of the said debtors among the parties entitled Omens having regard, only to the. claims of,witt.st nodes shalt have been given, and that f. 'will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof "so distributed to :my Dorsett or persons, firms or 10e. peraemes, of.whest. debt or clahal shall, not then have uetice. • Aud notice is nifi0 hereby givtietiett a meeting of the, said creditor.; wiii he 'held at Ingoilice in said Town, on Friday, ,Ith day of June, titan cede& cane to con. sitter the affairs of the Estate generally, pursuant to seta "Act. JAS. Ditydr8ON, Assignee. - 31ANNINa & Scorg, Solieltorsfor Assignee, FIRE WORKS. 24ix MA'S!" AT . pette4 it day for his diniter, or toil shillings a . . _a...ea. , week, whieh comes to twenty-six patinas a VOST ri‘ 4 ali . , year:, fifteen ',builds it •year for . his dress, ' ' ' aLINr° TOE 011ErOti NtW Fittirriii, Whielt iilt not extra.Vitgant; Um pounds for a a. forthiglit's holiday tit the statelier, and live 1,1 VE.131Zie WORE. A See...Clan.% , , : PINE APPLES, IBANNANASi potia(18 A year for Ids daily oniaibus, There . , remained the. handeeine SUM of nineteen OHANGE§ . A.NO LtsioNs, porno, it year, Or rather more tient it shit- DENTxsT, . • fmg a day, to cover his amusements read his COATS BLOCK N. 14- VrulteamplIcd with beelterou ,et the sliert• tatty eapenses, How many young Velma; etterstaneetweerweealawaseasateetiefiemeeetre est notice. . ran atforci a sinning- u day fin- Pleat:IIM ! ' ! - .7 - ,...- • pl-M....,ER.: - _ L , , - • - - ,- .. Dick had so few pleasures that be must • i....4 have been saving meney„ He wee a mi.' quiet : e,,,,,,,,,ggaigeo ek,„,„,,,,,aammieemeneee,gmeeee,,eg e 1 .' Mies, et. }",;(tiftif.:11/S •As. young men -eons of Intiaerful Staliere geto - • t itAffit:S WM. Ran, *Laity re 1.. -he had taught hdro4,11: to pl.ay_Liv •i II la Ili* T 0 N.. • ,IVICMIN itr.voit, lOgeN i4r.:!....v. Cuttro's, atch an Clock Raker, • • • , ' JEW ELLER , • PrOMITE TOE MARKET, cuinvorf ' • '---..Wite-rrni-ifeepi sel9praisortimentoi Mire, f CLOCYS, JEWLLER SII.VER. 'Which .f•'n will soli at reasonable rates. Repairing of etrY deteriabgi• 14'9123•NtlY 4 ‚tended to, &WI all work -warranted. • • . J.,BIDDLtOOMBE. • Otinton,Nov.1882. . kg, ' . S tVE PER,CEN 38367SEMI--CENTENNIAL188G. • GORE DISTRICT. MEANS. CO • Conducted both on Cash and Mutual Plans.. ' Hog. .IAs. I/QUO. M. Pelee - Preeident ' • ADAM WeRenca. Estee - nee -President , 1:-.. . Ss Ssileirelo,HEseE., ;•(:)/dsaRnagiEng I,Ms_r_ectors, Enters upon itst FIFTIETH YEAR, much • - Stronger and more, prosperous than at any _ previous 'period, haring $218,899 .9f Assete • anti pratically NO 'LIABILITY except a Re- • insurance Reserve of $80,000. • There are $20,- 000 deposited ivith the•Ontario Governmettt, and over $9°,000 held Mortgagee, Deben- Mires, and Cash, immediately aveilible, tie „ meet losses.. • , Mutual Policy -holders in the "Gore" savo 20,per cent. with undoubted siscurity. For ten pardonless apply to ZEAL)" OVP/CE GALT • oe to .1011.44100,atmeeigenteelatiati WHY SUFFER FROM ead4ohe DYSPEPSIA OR IgDICESTION WEST'S LIVER M.'S , Will thoniughly Cure you. They . ' do not tripo 'or owrge,. hut dot, ' ' , -tally, :arid •,;Overevor ..ined .-n ponzirldl.roil priroc- . lop.1.., ,.. II. 10'/ a. 'A • ' provan to 4f.i:fth.t • GR EATEST BLESSING Of,: all zufferare from tiurigostion, 123sorderee.1 Sionmpla. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND ' PERFECT IMRE • • - Us* thorn- onell flytt; rellatradl front- youv tstitory. :30 P1113 In A box, 25*. per ho -t, 13 bONC3 for 2I - FON SALE 81 ALL mown> AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES eerhaps rhai a go 0 0 •(1 CONitetibp erorah, try Vales ',aid her father,• • • 0. bovato Coanterreits and naie Intittations. ienuine weapnea otti". in •1:141e, with siggs.- tsp.. on cites lea. Vise ;leg 1 rec0ii, .., is.:1.tif. 1. 47/0. C. ti1231* Oa, M ' al AN:1• 1:11i11,17 .7 • ro, OPP