HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 8The -CONN NEW ERA, bcst.•local paper in Duron, will 'be sent to ew subscribers front 1st July to 31st Dec., for 50 cents in advance. CLINTON NEW ERA •FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1886. . LOCAL NOTIor s.. Demember the visit of the hand: Royal Staft of Eug. 1is1i, French and German Physicians, who will beat the Eattenbury House, Clinton, ;rem the 18th to the 2nd Inst, CLINTON WOO><•LEN ' sm.1,11 is the best place oallHuron ttdwool A fll stock f NIjdeFiob onband at ion est rates. Don't pass us,. VAN EGiMO1ND'' soles, woolleb: bfilis, at incasrhthortrade, Alstoo toetggetgoyo rrwoolle goods ii, . first quality and cheap. Always on hand a large and well assorted stock tochoose from. *21 wit ZOPitg. Six Months Trial Trip.—We.will end the NESS' ERAato new subscribers from the let of July to the 31st Dec., for 50 cents in' advance, simply to sive a six months trial. This, at enr snbscription rate of $1.60 a year, is giving two months for nothing. BIto8E1i's OFFICE.—We understand- that,Messrs. Cox & Worts,brokers, etc,, Toronto, purpose starting a branch office here, and have rented the building owned • by Mr. Dinsley, for the purpose. -- " Felt• -E t ANS.--County--Olerk-Ada son leaves about the middle of June on a tripe to the old county ; he goes for the benefit of his health. It it expectedtthat Mr; John McMillan, of Hullett, and pos- sibly.some others, will accompany him. THE AssEssafEET ROLL; -The adjourn - . •ed meeting of the Court of Revision, was held on Wednesday evening, when'theap• peals of Mr. T. Jackson againsthis entire assessment, and that of Mr. James Smith, on behalf ofhis empty store, were consid- ered, but the Court disallowed ~both,, and the Roll was then declared closed. LEGAL PRooEEDI as. -Mr, W Robi4- son, of the Huron Rood,- threatens .legal proceedings against the town, for damages done his property by the Mary Street drain emptying its waters thereon. Air. Searle also purposes taking action to com- et the town to cover the drain on Oran e VE0E1'431E8. — The gardeners :here, evidently regard us as upholders of the vegeteriau idea, as they ,kindly bring us "the first fruits: of all their increase," and the best that can be got.. Yesterday,, Air, Jos. Alianson left usa basket of grew - berries, some of which measured over 4 inches,. He. also left a collection ofgarden vegetables of the'choicest kind. • Tug Wi sAT CROP.—Tho gentleman who furnished the Globe early in the spring with a paragraphto the effect that the fall wheat had suffered irreparable injury from the effects of, the winter, now writes to say that his first impressions are fully confirmed, and that the crop is, in no part of Ontario, afull one, and in many countiesthe yield will certainly not be more than half an average one, and in some instances lessthan that,—Globe. [We are glad to say, and are know the. Globe will be pleased to hear, that in so fares the central portion of Huron is concerned at least, this gentleman is in error. Fall wheat in this neighborhood ldoks. splendid, generally, and will be a good average crop. Over near Bayfield it is heading out. • BEZEis.-A short time since some per - Win Went into a vacant lot owned by -Mr. hos. Holloway, and dug up and took ay -soma; tree- therefrom; it Nus a cheeky thing to do. The rain which fell in this neighborhood, on Sunday night, was worthconsiderable to the county, if it was very general, for grains were in anuch' n'eed of it. Three hundred appeals have been entered against the Dominion Voters' List, in East Huron, by the.Lbe- rals. Mr. A. McArthur, because of some misunderstanding with. the contractors, has thrown).up his partof the Mitchell f Methodist church contract Boys who are in the habit of tearing 'offlabels and cards attached to the ears, en Sunday and other days," -should 'bear in, mind that if detected they•will be prosecuted therefor. Mrs. T. Spooner, and Miss M. Townsend leave here on the 17th for the old country they go - by the Allan Line, .. Several teachers' left yesterday to attend the "meet ing of the North Huron Association, at FROM 1.- UP. Moth Proof. CARPET FELT, BASKETS, FANS, SILVER .PLATED WARE, CROQUET, BASE BALLS, BATS, RUBBER BALLS, FOOT: BALLS, HAMMOCKS, SCHOOL and • OFFICE. MAPS,; BUILDING PA- • PER, BAGS, PATTERNS, &c.,, btreet. • If these shitsroceed the r b .Brussels; Mr, Horton, •formerly of the ability is that the town will be;throWn in GTR., was here for it short visit on for a cionsderable .bilrof costs anyhow 'Saturday;' he leaves for the old country sdera ing more. • in a few days. .Master Bert Walker has perhaps askew a sitnatiQnan DEATH Or A WELL -$i owN VGGALIST. _in, . organ factory, at —Miss "Jennie Watson,the.celebrated ,Detroit. On the nightofthefirelastweek • Scottish. vocalist, died u'ddenl ae her a young• -man hurry-ing.-along-the_strcet R� home in Toronto.on Tuesday..9.'Shp'•re- R ..■gN_ turned last November •after an absence of some years in the United States: Miss Watson -s -death_ well lze.., :regretted.. bye° thousands of persous.to whom she•has en- deared herself by her agreeable manners and .beautiful rendering of the songs of Scotland. •She'appeared in -Clinton • on 'several. occasions. ••. . • L PAPER: VEAR�Y 500 DIFFERENT 01)8'14. o, Wau p.Per and, eo,:imr.. from. 1 A R,CILL. NIX: WALL PAPER AND BORDERS CONSIST OF ran full belt against a female hurrying in MEM OF NOTE. -•Rev. Dr. •Dewart, editor of the Christain Guardian, spent a short time here on Friday last, while: on his way from' St. Thomas to the confer- .ence, at' Goderich. He. had never been in this section of country. before,' and said that in all his Canadian travels 'he had not comeeacross a more beautiful' Section .they will play out eery night.next ,week, of land than what he noticed from the car before going to._Stratford .Major T. T. window between =London =and -Clinton,,: •Coleman is gazetted Lieut. Colonel of the and admitted that it was justly •entitled to 38rd (Huron) Battalion, vice Colonel Ross, who retires, retaining his' rank. .Major Murray is also permitted to retire retain- ing rank: Mr. Jos. `Al1aiisori.,show.ed Ili .some exceptionally large ;strawberries for .this time of the year, .tin Tuesday. We congratulate our townsman; , Mr. Jr P. Tiedall,.on his departure from the bathe• lot's ranks,.and extend to' himself and his life, partner our best wishes;;. Messrs G.: T.'MtTaggart and H. T. Rance• were pre- sent at the wedding; the former being one of the 'three .groomsmen.• Report, says: os• .:that .a highly esteemed young lady, of sible, and make :other railway -arrange- Albert .St., next week' takes her de ar-. mints for tJie occasion. During the after ture to Wingham as. the wife of a resi ent noon W. H. Murney,•• Esq., of Goderich, of that ' place. Mrs.M. - Y. . McLea , of P. C. T., was. presented with a handsome Seaferth, . was this' week . on a- visit to • bible and a .complimentary address as a friends here, `Last week_ a• couple of boys token of his valuable services to the Order thought they would strike out 'and: see the in the past. Mr. Murney-replied:.in very world for themselves; after walking tb feeling terms. Resolutions ' were :alio Brueefield'and Bayfield; and staying away --passed thanking the •members of Perlia-: one :night, they concluded that they had went of both shades of politics who'snp seen alt that was worth seeing, and :re-. ported.the Government during the Riel turned: to theparental'roof: An emergently- debate; also approving of the action . of `meeting of the R. A. C.; A;F. and A. M., the British House of_ Commons in defeat-'. was held .on Monrlay. "evening,.. a large ing the Home. Rule Bill;' . number of visiting brethernbeing present; "SOMETHING CoiitlE1i.NING CRAIG; --; 'no business of public importance, was gentleman whose word is as good as his. transacted.' Messrs. J. H.: Morley, of the bond informed' a 'NEw EDA represents- Ohieage & North-Western R:'.R:, and Mr. tive the other day that he -had taken_,din-.W. W.innett, `of the C. P. R., were here: ner--with-Mr:-W.-Cr-aig, eattle-buyer; i . ern :busiztess-aa•Tizesday: Oue ' thousan certain place within the borders'of Cana. Awe and three-year=old heifers and forty da. In referring tp hie -affairs; Craig made • • Shorthorn bulls, 'testing 540,000, have the following statement, and while we are been 'purchased in :' this county for the notin a position -to know whether he was High River Ranch,' forty miles' sogth_of -. : telling,the.truth or otherwise, .we give his Calgary.. Mrs, Hele, of•Bellefontaine,O., remarks as they. were given tons. •."I -got %here on a visit to her'friends. Rev. Mr. into difficulties -in -cattle, and to Thomas'' and son are visiting, oldfriends set out of them made use'lof forged notes; here..; • It is said that the firemen have de - though I never committed the forgery; tided :not to..take :part 'in the. Stratford this was done by a_party wbo was toget, Tournament, owing to . the. difficulty of and who did get a .part of the proceeds.. getting, a suitable team together. The When things began to get, too warm it` passenger.business at Clinton.station.for. was agreed that I should get out of the the month:of March, was as large:as any way, and the other party was to try and, other three stations on the O.T. R., out satisfactorily arrange matters,after which side of . the cities. ': D. M.Angus has Fe - 1 could return, He has not'done this, turned from New York, having passed and I may yet return: Myliabilities---,are successfully his examination,. and being not neatly so much as some make out." a full-fiedged,M. D.;•he expects.to take up Being asked why he did not go where.he his permanent. residence in' the States, would be unobserved, he replied that he ossibly in New York. Mt. Lawrence no • ea. 0 .:ing arrea.an • • • t. fit R hie'agg gx ii illuffirs_p ace, quently made no effort to keep out of the paid his friends a visit :here this week.- way. It is said that he has very little .Complaint'..has been made to us that the inoneywith him, • Woollen Mtn and Doan's Tannery' Wee. AccIDENT.—On Tuesday evening the times :blow off steam across the road, and mother, of Mr. W. B. Foster, who resides startle horses that happen to be in the in Colborne, just serosa the .river from locality. Mr. Thos. White was pleased tom. Holmesville, met with an accident while fipd'that he was the owner of a,dne Ton in town. Mr. Foster had• driven ,here tine colt, on Wednesday morning. Y. A. with his mother, wife and sister, and. King, late of Cairo, Mich. has returned while he and his sisters were transacting • to these parts to reside, ,and May possible business around town, the team,,, a quiet take up hie regidenee in Clinton; the` en one, was left -in charge of:the others. tire disregard oftbe Sabbath was his great While waiting et the corner of Diektion's objection to•residin in the United States, store, the horses kept gradually stepping The Commercial Hotel is being improved to the offside until. they had cramped the by 4,00 of paint. Mr. W. Rattenbury rig, and raised the hind wheel from the bas been. indisposed for several days, but grelittti , - -Before tirade whO were, standing is reported tar be betteryesterday;� althriligh by could prevent it, the box fell over'on Well up in : years, we hope that the total. its side and the occupants were thrown derb•o Clinton may yet see many more out on the hard read. Mrs. Foster, jr., years of life. ' The Wingham excursion to held her little boy in her arms and both Brantford was pretty well patronized year escaped unhurt, but the •eld lady was not terday ; nearly 260 came down the L. H. so fortunate. as being an invalid, and a &13., and about 81 got on at Clinton. - pretty heavy .person; --she. could -not help --We.are. requested-to...say_:that _the_.Gkrand herself, and fell on her side. When picked Union Hotel will always be, what the up she complained of her back. hurting proprietress has aimed to male it, a home her, and an easy chair was brought from for Scott Act people and travellers, and Mr. Chidley's store, in which she ivas they, may rely on it that the utmost cor- placed, and where she remained for some' diality; protection, and good treatment time before she could be• removed home. will be extended to thein, so that no fears It was not thought that Any bones were of injury to person or property need be broken, but she received a very severe entertained, For our report of the County shaking,• and we hope no serious results Court, we are indebted to the Goderich will oasts therefrom, • . , Star. an opposite ,direction ; the young man was tbrown.into the ditch while. the other • tumbled against a fence;: both had their • . faces—sl"rghily--diafgured: -A certain- txr ll l ti. 1R -illi S 7 B i1lq�: �egant iu design that last.: carpenter in town who was making an year, 'and also much cheaper. • Save,rnoliey: by purchasing here.. outbuilding, ;left it standing' on •. Albert St. over Sunday ;during the night some boys carted it over behind 1+•air's mill,and dumped it into the mill pond..,3Xrs, W. Robertson has been visiting friends, at. Goderich.. Messrs J� A Cre11• and • W. 'Ross have passed the Toronto. University examinations. Rev.:W. W. Sparling's parents are here on . a' short visit. The Doherty Band play ;some new' music on the iharket.square; on Saturday evening; ul� �lGGiS9 &-C9�9VI� PdT�6&flS he termed the garden o Canada." Rey. Dr. Burwasb, of Victoria University, also spent a short time here, on Friday. t. O. L. —The semi-annual meeting of thb•South Huron County Orange Lodge,. was held in- the Orange Hall - here, on Wednesday. Delegates were present from nearly all the different 'stations of the County.Jno. Scarlett W. C. presided. Arrangements v,ere made for the celebration at Exeter on the 12th of July, and the 'county secretary was in- structed to procure as low rates as .p• .01 Z am Ageri.t for. the ` �A11an Line of Royal, ,, Mayl. `Steamshpe:.' 'ine '�ecocaf�� Window Sha��s aid rollers; rC'HRIfi�. DIC S,CloN,. Clintons Ont. :. lea J:UNE. !,RADE A LABOR ASSORT�11E T OF Beautiful clesigns,low prices MUSLINS DRESS _ GOODB-LINES� NEW ALL THE SUMMER SHADES A Consignment of PARASOLS just in, cheap, see them, :ANOTHER CASE GLOVES and VOS(BRY, �pocial HONG -for Bois X Mantle Departinent Still fall e ui ,ec : Novelties in CLASPS YP N v C S anti BUTTONS:" cmerican• .:X. uS t1. We sell CHEAP all the time. Call and ask to seethe5Aods ' 'and get our prices. "ECS: - pAY C• a THE DRY GOODS`E EMPORIUM 1O � U F CLINTON,. 1 A WONDERFUL BARGAIN, DON'T O E AND SEE I armOfl WE ARE STILL HARD AT. Wo nc TRYIMMG 'TO' 'CATCH UP WITH OUR ORDERS. X _ yl:. ':X On SATURDAY next andsix. following days we will Offer __ _ - a line of . TWEEDS at 45ets, per; yd. They are an all vfrOol Tweed, s `lendid . , figure � �, patterns,. and worth 75c. a yard, 1st Pp y it Out: 11 in needof B Y _5 IT Li;est Style, should see our beautiful stock of - Cut and : Made in :the c,, From . Which" to choose your Spring Suit, CALL AND INSPECT- OUR STOCK., O. Co ,,.._..c... . TIE HUB CLOTEIEIS, CLINTON., Three Doors, West of Dickson's Book Store 5 Yards .for. a Boy's. Suit = $2.25. ards10 a ; , _ ' 't ,• - = 2:95: `We have only a limited quantity at this wonderful - price, and. people who want to take advantage of it should call early and _ o avoici disappointment. Nov that, our Saturday Sales are becoming known, people. are on the lobk out for .our great bargains, and although we offer this line fore week we don't expect . there will beany left at. the; end of three days, 403LAIN'T (>2N.