HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 5¢ A NEW ERA blot locailpaper in Huron, win be cent to nev subscribers, from lot Ally to 31 t Doc,, for 50 cents advance.. • 'ibis: CLINTON � � P p GSE 'OR .JUNE ROBERTSONS 3 pair badies Hose, 25c. A Stuff Dress for 96c, 23° yds: Cotton for $1. A. Muslin Dress for $1,40 Gents Sox for 5:c. . • Gents Ties for 10c• Sensa- tional Corsets for „50c. Big; range of Ladies' and, Children's Parasols for 25c„ R REMBER.—We prove our "Words" by our "WOrks." -Th-e- :Ctreat.. ..ash ESTATE 30113.. EOD GEN.5 We have opened out this week. one case of PRINTED Nell8L N9 and We; Gream, Tuscan and Same grounds ' with LA&Es to match, a • One case of American PRINTS, splendid value. MILLINERY aEPaRTUErTT • We are 'sending out , a very large number of 'HATS and BONNETS. A look will convince you that our Millinery is'right. 5 per cent off for cash, /MEN WISFiMAN; Manager._: stat*-- HODGE rl •.MA•GNIFICENT FULL .LINE OF sPP,ING- G -00D5 IN STOCK T CLOSE PRICES We are closing the balance of our -TRUNKS at COS`(', as we require the room. for Boots ,and Shoes.- _._••-. Orders. take( for Dack's CeIebraaed Handi Sowed Shoes. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE: • • 5 PER 0. .OFF FOIL CASH. W.. TA ` LOR & sQNI CLIN'�`€ N. E•ontrty-E onrt-and-Gederna-Sessions,--- This cozrt was .opened 'by His Honor Judge' Toms, on Tuesday last at 12,o'clock,•:almost . the only persons present being the officials; jurors and a' few members of thi3 bar. The grand jury was sworn in as follows :- • T. N:. Dancey, foreman -;-Robert Armstrong, George Backer,Brussels; Samuel Allan,. Jas.• Clark,. Colborne ; M. Braithwaite, Hullett .; John Bowers, West •Wawanosh ; Wm. Craig, John H. Edwards' 'IY 'L. Wm. Crooks, 'Joh ,• ., Her. ton, Charles Nairn, Jellies Robinson,Goderich; James Cardiff; G'r'ey Patrick Ooughlin, Thos. Essery, Stephen; Robert F, Carter; Robert' Downs, Crediton; Anson Chrysler, Thrnberry; Wm. Howard, Exeter, •Wm. Jaok'ett, Us. borne ; Adam Kronskoph,,Andrew Morrison, McKillop. . • Judge Toms, addressing the Mary, said their duties this time would;be found so light that. he could hardly describe them There -were n6 cases to come before 'thew, and they would only have to visit the •'jail,: examine it and report thereon The inmates, thereat present were adl luliatros, or of nnsound mind', brit one old pian, whose Only fault was that -he had nothing to live on, and bis neighbors had eViilentrrilreit'ght-tter7best--thino'-they- a could do was to make e' criminal of him by sending him to jail as a vagrant. , '.His• Honor strongly urged the necessity,• as an act of j tice and mercy, of the erection of a poor house and expi e ised his pleasure that, the vote on the question at the County Council last week was an evidence that the sentiment .in its fa- vor was progressing. Should the grand jtiry. make -any presentment on• this.subjeot their views would no .doubt have a eighth `$EC "thtly' ..Six Mantles Trial Trip. -We will send, the NEW ERA to new subscribers; from, the 1st of July to the 31st Dee:, for 50 cents in advance, simply togive a. six months trial. This, at:our subscription rate of $1,50,a year,, is givingtwo tnonths tor nothing Fearfulriotin has occurred.in Belfast between' -Orangemen and. 'Catholics ::.a number of livesbeingJost, and tremendotae bei 'damage done td:property' • A Belleville telegram says :-The crops in this aeotion•have suffered greatly owing to drought,and the. prospect. is very un "favarable. Hay, will not, it is estimated, be more than half a "crop, whilst rye and fall wheat will be very light. There is still hope for barley and spring grain and roots. •• Around tho The coming 12th of July isle be celebrated in Exeter by the Orangemen of South Huron, , out and in; great tight asked hint what was the Mr -Harvey' Howell, Harlow' has bought Ater- It ie enough to say that Mr. Troyer Clover, per bush. • Ea Gra PURCHASE c IDIOT .• • HATS. Have dust'. purchased: over 200 LADIES', and CHILDREN'S .171.41.T$.,The ' Newest Shapes ata reduction of 40 .per cent. 'off rr ala-: _n, prices..:•.• Ther. now offer extraordinary Bargains Come and see them:: S�'7�ERFVL '�Talue • 'green of it, whenle _theawaggon got d was insitting- pitch .hots the.woda ilipPediforward; and the boy fell down in front of the wagon elose to the' horses/• heels. He received sortie ,bad bruises. on the: back and chest, outon the head, and generally. skin,but n o bones were broken. the b disfigured dint , g :the horses ran. The wag � on being uncoupled, • LACE CURTAINS.. OLINTON 1VIARI{ETa, : (.Cor-rectedevery. Thursday. afternoon., :Thursday,: June '10, 1886. • ' Wheat, fall, $0 72 a Q-75 • White and red - - ..0 12 a 0 0 . 0 ars � 0 28 . a '0.28- • ce v@ no , '6060. r On Saturday night about one o'clock, Aho pa0• Poas; 050 a 0 .5 Hills Green were. awakened by .arses oL, li'four, .per inbl. 4 00 "'a' "4 ;50' ills of H fire. 'It issue that Mr.. C:: Troyer,.;vas sitting iitt, away anriwere caught at rornYce, but Choy. re- '-.,.,. Barley, . • 0 60 , 0.6ti i d in urs' Potatoes, 0 25'. a 0 25 to amuse a sick baby and lifted the, window to .Butter ' e 0 12 ` a 0 -1 3" ^' fat her (look at the }noon: He thought he saw ga "�' 0. 08 a 'U 10 through..the window of Mr. 8, Phuff s go flames - house on• the. other side of the street, Ea' pot $ork,. 5 50 a Q 00 aside ilo windouivrontnthestverandah, with hlwas rock' Ka�'> ':..'' 8.010 ,a 8 OQ ten ' and. broke through' so that ho fell on Alto CVooh in. trade, 0 '18 , a 0 20 bard ground andbroke.ltisleg. The brave roan ltrool for cash;'' 0 16 a 0 17 soranibied'acrosa the street and 'kept crying Sheep poste 0 50' -'a: 0.755.,_, Lamb akinx+, : 0 60 a .0 80_. 700 a'75i► fire. ' This drew Mr PhiM•if attentron,who came.. frem'brr, fpm. Greased.,sof MitIlett,the. splendi "'told it was only the fire in the fireplace., • • short Born bull; "•Proud'.Chief." o �ytngliam Thins says:-hasti'riday after-. Mr. Chas Maguire ltas become the owner •, f_ noon Oeo. Anderson, jr., had a very narrow es- olre-so res, the late. rtit ; X J. Johnston. rlape with''�ji'� lifo"wiribrairwork in -J :-Ander - of •Morrie, the late• property of Mr: J. Toh inj5 eon's saw mei#+' It appears that he had placed' John ion a goose J'. P.c of Morris, ]tae his. •'a handspike 1n' a pulley' to hold It while some this sPrin a goose that haslaidldozen eggs repairs:were being made, and 'the hale nary this eprIug,• and it ie atilt laying' for• an -itis ws started before he conte withdraw it..The worth: - 'result was that the handspike flew around with. Mr.1;.. Woodhulle.• in who has bean ,coreitt s ng ro . rrible force and struck the young man across •vival services' in Bluevas with, great'Succes the. breast. and left.] aw;knocking'himinsensible, foethelastfoar.weeke; has now gone to-u:vew in which. state. he remained for some time. Al- fled of labor at meeting of the..: though he has not as yet resumed work,ins in The special meeting of the WosE hiding Con- juries are not of a Serious nature, but be had a servativo. association helrLat Godericlt last• Juries are call, The same day John: Davidson, -W-( dneaday,•Ras,lat 2.114ALITY- .E99al.X,. nG _„teamsketatis cans mill while engaged in anon from each inuaiolpality. ttaulinglojKs'in %lie .infill' SaSiii' naule'ueari si were really a representative body. He re- `Ve regret to an• nounce the death- of the wife , a couple of fingers on. account of the' horses 'mindprl the -jury -first -this -was, a -busy -reason•- t`nf�Inspector-Toms;-ot-Haeter,-whish-occurred--starting-before he was ready and jamming his with many, and' if •they wished• to get homy on Wednesday afternoon. Deceased has. Loon , hand between the grab •hook and a log. • • as soon as possible there was 'no. reason why. 111, for• sometime: Ler ailment being coneuutp- . ??icon the report recently es this Province weh le In - they could notgoon•S�iodnesflay:- -• tion. the surance'Compa to ft Ata recent meetfnPt. of the Directors of tiro• the following; particulars concerning the bust- Davis vs. Reynolds. This `was. an 'appeal AlcICIllopMutual PireinsuraneeCompany,there - ness transacted by the several local comp'aater ntv dur>n the oar 1865: The Hay • against a penalty of yb'60.iimposed on defend•. }Vere 102 applications for, insurance aceopted. in this con g y P.'sat Of these Dei'. Neilads brought in 49, Mr. McMtl-, ,company lists 1,280p011cles iu o Aeration, repre-•• ant by lir. Young aid Henry Scarp, 7,;Ian 34 and Mr. earned= 19. senting property to the value o1} $1,680,887,while Oltntt>Yt;-on:ect.2nd:'-'•1885-,---under' the Scott ,A email fico -occurred- in=Fatbor iced)y's-their assets _awd ttto80.474;theycolle ted no Act, Tke' appeal came beforo.tho court at.aesesemontsa French church, near Exeter, lasG'-Suhday, .As •Phe 'Howlok company had in =gilt the December sessions, and was adjourned, he waspreaohitrgthecnliciflxsnd flowers anuglrt oli'eioa. represontiog property to the value of until now, when . His Honor di8tnissed • the ilre on dtin of the altars, and in ton minutes the` 62,803,208, while choir assets. amounted to $121,- a sal without costa. E. whole thing was consumed. Fortunately 'the 487 ; they collected assessments to. the amount pp Campion for. On fire was oxtiuguishod in time to prevontaerlous. .of b8,413 and their losses amounted to $3,963.' pelland Reynolds. Tait is the' last of the damage. , .,. . . I'he ,413, aiop:company had 1,101 j,)olioies lit Yeott_A0t oases brongh:t in 1885. riir, James Henderson bas gold his farm on the operation..00vering gislls-amounting _10 $2,O15 - The following's the of the grand .2nd COO. of McKillop to Mr, Alex. Attcheson,sou 858, with assets of the value 01$43,004;, rhos < oi= g of John Aitchesoh, Esrj•, of,McKillop,1Ort$2,282, leafed in asseesmeile $3,551 and paid in losses jury :--The jury beg leave to present; -1st. and Mr. Henderson retains possession of the., .33,008. The UsbOrne and Hibbert'eompanyhad That we concur to the,remarks made by your . house for three years.., ,The farm .contains 27 1,041 policies in operation covering risks to the, honor concerning the .satisfaction it give's to acres, and has no baildin` s on it save tate house. ;amount of $1,277,055. and had assets amounting have a clean docket inthe county and hope that Itis within two uiilos.of•.oafot th... to 823,321;, they collected in assessments 9 . ' ate ins Ina long continue. 2nd. 6u Saturday last a little daughter of AFr. Jat, and paid losses $587. The WawafOsh company such a .este have a 3f That -we visited the gaole neat to in- Shephard, of (lOdericlr, fell into a p• ail of 'hot ;the Valueofi81 050 284andassets the villa° of Stt'igttions and found the same merit and clean, h d U 1 td t flo .dynd well cared for by the gaoler, the matron tndmtitrnke,,V:- '•o-eomplaints'-woie=meal any of the inmates as to their treatment • and we are inclined td believe that though rigid' dis- cipline prevails, none of the prisoners have. rea-- sson to say that justice is tampered with. ;ire., There are at present one unfortunate confined in jail whose offence consists in the fact that he t' r is aged,. infirm and poor; and we -beg tot put cit own 'Vatceson :record on this point. -We do Mit consider poverty a crime sufjiient to merit in- carceration with the criminal classes and, for. this reason we would• suggest that all possible tl pressure be brought upon the eounty council at Its next meeting to compel that body to take action in providing a House of Refuge or other �” "auch,institution in which to caro for the aged, infirm, and unfortunate of our county. Trust- ing that rust-inggthat your honor•will agree with us on these points given above. We remain, T, N. Dancey,, Foreman. -----4,-.44.4.--a......-....- Special crop reports from every 000uty • eCHEAP. COT'J1hGGE FOIL SALE.—A ONE $TOItY V Frame Dwelling, near railway station,'will be sold cheap -for 6aFilli ,. pply.to W -tv FA BRAN. AREL . FOR ,SALE:' '-' THAT.' VERY . VALU- -. of and30,con. 8 1T ASL>, tarot composed lots 29 Hullott,, 200 "acres, of this 210' acres aro cleared; the balance good hardwood bush Dearing orchard of 3 acres. Ordinary dwellinghouse ; .. gdogrutbt barn and, otituildin s,. Farm is well watered,arid situated about 6imtles iomtltoTown ofClinton. Terms easy. Apply.to M, lacTAGGART, Clinton. • tf •. • ARB( FOR SALE.- THE. UNDERSIGNED OF- -WARM •for=salo�70=net's, aLla•elcaeod,-�,1ar .e:�fcam0.•. s- �• g Barn,noarly new,goo0 frame house, 2 good'wens,. good spring creek running through the Premises, le acres' hardy 5 rsl lee-frourelintori-;And:-10-from-Beaforth,- The farads a very good one, wall fenced, ana . pos- session will bo given next 'December:" Lot 257 4th - con., Stanley. --Apply to Ra21'. •NOTT, Lot -43, 1st% Com, Tnekorsfl ttb. ,Clinton. P. 0, • MARDI FOR. SALE, --THE $UB$CLtIBMi2.OFFERS .Lr for,..61e ltls'splondid farm of. 100 acres, being 1ot. 4•i, 2nd°cun,,; of Tuckersnitti. Geed now story and half frame •houso,'2 acres splendid 'orohard,,good i1dings, 85 acres free from stumps, 15 acres in fall wheat. The Whole under good cultivation, and well. under drained, iivo.tpring on the farm and ane good Vaofls. Olose.to•churehOs•and schools. 'ae milosfrons the town Or Ciluton,'Gfrorn $oaforth. WI 1 be sold on reasonable- terms.. HUGH. McDONALD; on th, premise's; or Clinton P. o. Cel t•: Cuoo:rn, Au,, 21st, ]gfl5.:= ('.hare mach pleasure in giving my testimony to the gond effect of Dr. Jag's ;Medicine .rtes Pills., For yews I taro been troubled with my liver and • unable to work, Ind After using Oa JU GS MEDIC IME. c,F LUNGS LIVER & BLOOD. ulah L T SBORO.. 00 l o ; WE ARE ..S $QyV��T THIS ' W EEIz i' Wer exte nsive ran : e of Paraaso`Is :Si I . e n s a �• e dk 1 eves': •i.. r st: B a e k k oc ac chi i � r co or e� os e -Li. ono bftt1O and at law.pflls, I end myself greatly be11eftte,l, 00 mull no ti1At' I titre dune Iden, work this snminer•.than I have Si- sears. 1 Intend continuing this valuable Makin's. anti taro pleasure in rec.innending 11 10 als Ant. I w kh 1#a eon a on 0 Oi,IIe r 1, r larly a water nectrd. �onrs truly, fora moment, and was severely sealaaa. All 902,739; .they Colles, ed in assessments 91,220, anis tv,,i, DicOnttr+on et Tndian>,'' that medical skill could do was at ,neo dooO,hut -paid for losses 91AG. t p$' it urlea�v�tr�so-sev t�•ah� . • .. - �!V '�M•E T I•M� sueenintred on ednesday, 'nlurtitt trots e h NO w1&� in Minnesota aridDakota and froth the ebraska' aoflowa Nneat sebtlon'i wland Wisconsin, nil written after the rainfiat Monday night, show the condition of spring wheat in the Nothwest as a whole.to be very much better' Can oil nJay 80. The rain of June 1 'cobersd a large area. The London earn , which will ()pen on nOarling's Heighta on the 22nd' inat,,• will comprise the followin volunteer corps rict,--Londt 111'11 ((star �Ist 1fromFlo, x y +„ ;2(`;' � r> sea )t I3atta in f f F, s � th21s 1Battalion of Middlesex • 27tH Battalion of BORN Vnittahlo.Vrenii 'CAven Free with Canal Face or or s of any doscrip- iLISGO\.•,•.In London, May 24th, the Mite of Ila?t+ repitlnr Weekly , Mon, s hands use a — e .' :laughter. Ill cos o Ya � l l .1. rI 1.: Mon, should u80 DIcGregor and 1 url.e's Carbo to rill' Geo. ,The ticxa•rxnv ,lnrmtris,sn, of T.onil0u, ton.. „ust mad, Cerate. It will Matte th@ skin in perfeet health.'; ' STODI)ART-Tn14,r nnndvllie.otl the 3UtlLMay, anethcr'importnutstepin n,h'us.. It now ail leers re uteriy 1 • Ladies troubled, with .'Pimples, Blotches, ' smooth, clean and good color. Be sure and get the wife of Mr. 'James Stoddart, fortnerty of the genuine, mado by Mc-Orogor & Parke. Clinton, of a eon. ' 1'r cue 28c. Sold at WVertliington'S Drug S&Ore, ri h township,on the 20:h Of 1 ;.., B.r.a1L •-Tn flodO c dare th4 Brus8els• Poet. -An Old genticibait '11117, tIlo wife of Mr. Debt'. Beau. of a daughter. living•uota•.hundred miles front Crusade. at, ' ' forded considerable amusement to auuutberof: MARRIED our residents over 'his unwillingness to believe' . CHANT -1VSC(1RATIL-At the' roaidouco of in the.telephong and the unseen and'wonderfttl Dir. Jas. Bis. cG E Tliug t the re iclone too Manner" of conversing with a (person ata des• .Rev R_' M. Pope, Mr. J. iri..Citaht, station agent tance. It was hie first oapokienoo with the }i and Brother 'of 1116. II 1 B: phone.• " . ri1lasld7zte rilcOra ,o 1h tne1vegmge. forma, and in addition rte all ts, wel .known popular features glace in sarh issue then Jones'' io1'znons, the International Sabbath School Caseous. n Cm,rplct0. Stere, Rte., ete. It is vastly hstnovatl 1n every realieat. • Y•or BA. DANCE OF YSAit the price Ie only F$Oc., or 1h Mohs Of five and rover d.0e. each. Postage stamps accepted for fractional ports Of a dollar. Simples free. • r,1TEae, sobserlbeo will be entitled, without additional 'cost to one of the following premiums. '.vhlrb should be ' ordered aster number, viz ; . •t. , n Ton Beaus, 4. Ladies" Y'ancy 1t ark Guido, Iteglatered letters soma at our r s,kr•' AddresOntario.' plainly e0vrx rash rntz�rplso <•tl., „I(1 P,A., . rug,$"G f7tr; L . knOW'Sontimil tells of a miYldle agd'cl " CQIa G, uliatonr toan ft' m the Whltecliutoh s0etion,who spent iid yy t 1 t ill ge 'etSDALL HGARE.-At St. J'ohn's ehureh, aearohing Par awife. HOdnt app o greatoiportion of Oneau ttovs.b' ear at all inatelyarticular. in' his Clloico, but indiserim Y l.called upon” alt and sundry of, those whom he heardof ae being anywa3' fnatrimonially inclin- ed: He had Ave cows, which equiredmilkinid tieforo seven o'clock each morning h0 sates, b dot alio a-• o otoetawifo s eh w s bound to ata agdo the tniiking,.as h0ltfmaolf had aouretl of t114 job, Says the Exeter Tinos: -Just as the Maitt- street.hteikedi lt.fiitt,bath School was being die. missed on Sunday afternoon the sad news was Announced tbat Mary Ann, iteloved'wife of M. I d been called Prom tit uo to _.obi, H. verity, h t eternity, It was reotived,with'extreme surprise gild deep heartfelt regret bv all resent', and and 7 months. • alto . Witi inn Clinton, on the littit Inst.. Margaret many were the teats of grief . SAT.J.In Clhito ), few hours after her death. the mclaneholy rntbl� ' „ Wife of Dtr '1, B. <att«aged 67 yenta.' , • it enoe had east a gloom overtire entire taller Up to the bine of deo th, which watt caltaed AONEW,`-In Ashfield, ori 121Agnew.41 inst., st.,: :hole, 1 (,she 111111 on o -td toterelily good youngest clauxltt0r of Mr. Jo g 11 Itlbl) l l 5 . ' Dais. healttr 3 -Prints Jnr Beautiful.. Colors and 'Des ns. Linen lawns and u :I:I: T'' FIRS'.L--iC.LASS. ortu it Gllerp.2 Ileaand stealth Cages Re�a�lp�@'T Londeu Stratbroy, On the Otlt Inst., �t e ironic rvii — $R01K�+l�' ARM Wan, f Cli t n t frank Do8Brasay, AIc.J,P.'s18 a, o n o, o' *- daughter of Dr, W, W. Hoare, .05 $trathroy.• 1 T - Iri Titillett, on the 26th May James If. Carpenter and another young man, both 0f -HAS bUSIBurnham B d oftli0 bride's' father, by the tvhonraroixawresidingatDnhlio,Oiit.,nsawtedAlr. ; at the rose euCo g� W Craig, R. D.. Mr.' Chas. Rouse, of tlth4.. the whltt♦Bronzo agant:sGFlihY, MfenitVhiteO Ht`onzboinnits 138c g og'1 coo bl O t A d e e by, to J'onnie, second datIghter.,of Mr.T. East. lac man n 1 e, w'2ito Brour6 la, blecmaln i0 alar. They also tt Bronze mon 260 �S bite B Me- bred a -�At th0 urnham'tO a c, ' $ iP. helped Mt. B (t .. . IIYiN o It l sTiTHERLAN sxlir n thodiat Pareona Or Gunton by tin) Rev, E. $. meat with a life allied stntne of llaftlr. It was very Ueautlicl Rupert, en the 0G It Wet, 5 5. Jas. Stitherlatltl, and thOt annd elofl uleople room owlet 504 victtnty,wett toe ;04 50 Bliss Mary Stephenson all of Hallett. it, and tome o p a p q ' r. Bernbam's good success, broke the uplifted' arm at the eihow DIED.. anQmarked the fate nine r tea times with a hammer. They 10014 the statue Clown Ana ant ant 11 to Detroit, Aid ht four day`s • ill suet, mile came to see it and count hi) on thea et and Inmate of e LOItl3 -In (3odOtfoh towns 1Mitr liet of the late Gee. -. It hn , P P . 66 yeare not see hhoreit bad been lirtukeluar marred. rir: Bnrnhani'! hoe the br5k t,'artia. of which' there are nineteen lnarka of A Unmet, 15 hi5poaseaslec ' et. 541100 he:* icon offered for tits conviction of the snip ty but no c1n5 lost boon found. as nely h this was •do , . here is slip dent t p party. T o yet to. ofl00 Kielty pn y. �bo opposition with ti stow of defeating White Biome, ant it lies proved to he one of the beat adeertladmente, fol Dir, Burnham a short time after told bevel isms Inonamenta, e small0005 besides a int .r of Forties iiitcndh.g to purchase b Monument should call atl or write 10 W. M. (3T1 GIS', Mitten, or d'ADIEB G.tT4t,AU1IRll, (Idalrrielt. . o ' ,' + t'fn Frlality, n anti..01 :retiree Metier, Of the the 10th PORTER. --Tri Clinton, on the ata inst., biro. Waterloo ; 22nd 13ntteil'innr of Lissa ;133rd enth'(f I:.tst\Vawttni,stl, v00'001111070-1 haltliftg Elizabeth' Porter, mother t)f MIs. JOO..I11r1fi1e. Battalion, r f on, ,, wood ma of the bu•]it. lie had arh01(1 tt cord of 00011140, aged )b704010. 4y • PRICES ': L. O•W. ONDE BolRo.�s for June.. Owing to our huge trade in this line, we Were enabled to accept -a; special offer "i ,•'. 7 A.\F. ATS..: atbi i'edllctionsbejow'l'. u'lttr: rices:. Ladies slncl C,IllIdlen ld<�T:Z �I g eg prices:. , WO have jttst added this purchase of over 29-doz. to our already large stock, which gives our customers over 306 styles'to'ohoose from. I QEF." oLlit BILI TIEDIJCTIONB i'OR 41;34M lir Prints, Dress Goods, s Cottonaes Shirt x n s .C or r sets and Hosiery,. Black andCol rat id Gloves .at 25c. and 45o. ous stook of EMBROIDERIES at cost. Magnificent rise range o£ See our 'tretnen/l SASH unaloxs in blank and colors, 9 inches wide in.black silk, ORIENTAL LACES, full rtmg$' RInpO1,' fes' Saslk and Dress Trimmings at 30o, per yd. BEESLEY'SMilli¢ery Emporium 1