The Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 4oritarrox NEVIRA boot bog er Huron, will be sent io new subsoribere, from let to ..$15t Deo.,
. grW Wittrtiotutitto.
;Great harons-4. Robertson.
• ort wanted Mrs, 6. !dodgy.,
We knock eel all 4.1tAt ALVIN tt«
1.1,1104041410—"00. Watt, Jr.
&de tendenr-Jas. Thompson.
Mfflinery for Jutac •,-Develey ifa., Co.
Boyel physultens. ,
Cheap dry gotal6-W. L, Oultnette,
Lost -New Ea otiwo.
House to let -40m eenendve;
fittithit tit/ gra.
JU1sTB 11, 1886.
Cotenly Cannell Centrinente.
A full report of the proceedings of the
County Council will be found on our inside
an °maga Street awl part on MaryeStreet
pagee. In connection therewith there aro
sheelcl be covered. but no mere 04 0110 'stielit, (200D OeliEltar. S$RVAIIT WANTED AT The
thtee mattere in particular to which we shall than on the other, 1-a Oreeld liotel. Apply 10 514S, MORINY.
man eotered the pulpit, leorth L. and en.
Bowers B A. Itelgrave.-9.4 Iturwaeh. Blue. Mr. Jackson saki the matter was one that
Sunday from. 9:-00 conencted by
thellev. Josiah Greene. It Was 1 lege, full
of interest, alai matte (1- Mr great spiritual
unetien, The tam riencee, obitflY by aged
Minislete. were (deer, beautiful, and joyful.
a. na. 'General Superintendent Oar.
Eucknew-F E Nugent ; Sohn Walker, am
perantanAted. Mose (L04.,
Berv:e--Seueuel Seltery,, 13 JAM
Kennedy, eamea Geddee, eupernuinerftrY.
•Teertweter-A. Potter, Brussels -y Smyth;
John L Kerr i superannuated, Ethee-le
Pout. Waltotz-T .1 Sabine. Plyth-A
ettoulel be covered by public money. He
wag A Jemmy ratepayer, aud woe not fair
te either tole or expeee him to do, thee which
Wee for the benolit ct.t Oa whole town. Part
tents in actinic,
avtutvtiontunt$, .
celOOD QEXMlitt, wArrign OXOE
%-e Aelee ter W. POHERTY, retch street.
°all epeoial attention, Thom are the Equal- ranee,' tie eeee after prohninacy exembo.
ized assessueent,the Poor House question and The omen was uhique, clear, appropriate, vale -4 Ceoke. Whitechurch -T 0 Sander.' should receive the 40,010..4 of the council, 1 OST.-SOUEIVIIERE NEAR WELLINGTON fiTo
the at pointment of a Police Magistrate,
'If any One knowing anything whatever
AbOnt video, will hike the trouble to go
throligh the Assessment Rolls, they will find
that the assessment of Personal Property in
the townehips perticelarlyee ridiculously low,
and out of all proportion to what it ithould be
It may be levier in eome of tha. towns and
-We do WA bear so nueli now about the villages than it should be, but in comparition
N. P4 raising the pilot:, 4.)f weal. At 16 and with the townships, the towns are too high.
18et0. a lb. it is'L'abotit 0dts. lower than in Take the personal property as equalized in
Mackenekee time -
any of the tovinseips, and it be found.
-Tile lolie Faye Sept. 7 has been 'fixed en he average wooing, per ratepayer, is
%heel lotw indeed and assessors should Beet° it
as a probable dato.ku. the general elections.
Lai more careful returns are made. In many
It depends bow Abe Quebce elections 80, if cas04, on one hundred acre farms, the pereole-
they happen to be egotist the.government the el property assessed does not represent the
.elections will iikety be hurt Led along., ....-, .-e-- value eta -good" teani Of' horse's, mid 1118 AI,.
a surd he think that this anything like repro-
-ti, Alono,nald, au) Liberal candidate fort stints the premed Property on a farm ef this
East! Eaton, is this weelt und neat holding extent: . .
-Meeting!! ill the Worthenti part of the Biding. Theenounail, by a majority of , A, defeated ;
proposition to devote $15,000 for ttie erection
Wherever the Bootie e pealed he Will -create a 0 a Poor House, Durifig the debate which
Itrierabla imprebston, ter hei• is thoroughly
eenvereane with kilo ineblic gueetionteef the .teolcePlaee en'tbia (lues'int it was meat clean'
dayoutil 1i -ere is goner prospecte of Ilia being 1Y euewn by Messrs; °lege/ Cameron, Ewe).
Wilson and McMillan, that the evhole outlay
the nest reinesentative,fla BasUltiren, ' ,• .
- ' wo..,1d berm merethen wheels spent proutiatem
_Tile 0,0147(.nees e f the'Canada Methodist pusly by the veriouremunkipalitio for oharitY,
.olitireli recenaMend only ono editor for 'the "lie the neeemedatien for the old and infirm
• would be infinitely better, those gentlemen
' Christiret Ornardien iestentel Of two as hereto-
.. gave Statistics from other °multi,* 'Mowing
fore. Withoee speaking disparagingly of the the advantage of hiving some place other than
Work ot editing that. exeelleut paper, we are the jail ite•whieh to keep the poor, until death
safe in saying that every cautery .editer in. °awe to their relief. Some of the argurrients
.0ansda does flee times to. mnbh work every advanced on the opposite side were as shallow -
week,. as thoee ewe editoreoogether, and for a And fallseioia as possible,: .The ,representa.
tives frorn , rural retinieipalities are led away
great deal less pay. ' .
with the idea,that a Poor HoeseivoulcLbeare,
-The °dace Motu it man ttirew a. eheet byer
. 0 ' only 'the towns. A. more 'erroneous' idea
_him all going him a demetery mearGletiooe, :Ibtobeild not prevail. ....alley forget evisiently;that
tried to wire a .boy wibe his ghostly eppeer- eleseeeere always old peeple in the .townehipe
Who fratti varioue causes; ate not able to look
wipe. Thu , boy picked up a stick, however,
ter theineelves, yet the munimpatity-mune
-and- Ilirew-it at the ghost -with -such- preeisiOn l• at
• provide ice them, and it coul.1 'certainly be
that the loan died from his it:juries. If a few
crone to better advantage unitedly, than by
more fool,' of this" kindle° leilled off, tbe
attendieg -to Mt:gated caw,. If :flume of the
world wilkee bailey. . •
rural representatives were to study this gut's.
-Aeoarding to a report laid before tbi, thin oet, we believe they would seen aome to
House before it adjohrned, the cost of the elle eonclusibn that the most'eeencuninal and
apd wai ep. , 8013, Salem -401m Iii Watt. D (iltMeDbrrell, The only Way the Sewers could be covered .1 a Ladles hoe sheuend WOOL EHAWL. Vinder
and delivered with great energy, wilt be rewarder,' on returning the same to this office.
joyed by sueetmmenee audience colleoted froue
unie,s Around\ tbe town, As well art of thVoWn
itself. After Atte sermon the young wen re-
ceived iuto fulle connexion were ordained by
Dr. Carman, abd Dr, Griffin, assisted by
several eenior ink -deters.
At el p. m. the Conference (Annie wail.
filled with Sabbath, Scheel children, teaohers,
and visitors. The Seeevice was londuoted by
the Superintemlent, eMe.. R. W. McKenzie,
Gifford, M. A., and J.' . Coiling, The Sabe
The ochool Was addeptrel by ,Revs, G. A.
bath School of Victoriatreet was addreesed
by Revi,J. Weleabineo ' a ' . ' k . year at tus own requfss , chardson,
delivered a permute of ' ge
W08 occupied by Rev. Weeley et/ether, who
< At 7 p, in. tire pidpit of girth -atm% Olaurott Di si. ttais ratt croi : A, yl Supt.-eaw(7,0 .c : uug g. LL D,
;3., Tnin)autidolieByt, i:ceyr : stsini toMe: li toorico. 00:1u,lrotalikettlitin.retogyeh i ehtlhvasfiedtsaTtires:d9wi s..t:liltusti:70 tuwt 1r:sea: awsoegeuBurareamlpietzeonarot:
1.1.Nr FOREAIT DISTBIDT.--,Mount Forest-
aeneated. --DurhaM-T Gee, Wm T miller,
low all aroutul. Ho believed that in cem-
flelstein-le J -11milienelee flerristonelerhe enrolee with some of the townie:tips assess.
Mills; J 11 gelmes,Anpernureeraq.,_cforrie aireWerevere toTelfigh and had goodgrounds
-3 C'harlton.-IVroxeter-S II lielwarde. for an appeal. We might be successful, and
"Fordwich-Wm OttatvelLe °lidera -E ,A: we may not, bat the oay way 1711 wield get
ACbreohwuler,L11 SpherlogolkenefjTylleTerirtipet An: at a Proper bade, would be to open up the
whole question • of the county Aseetieriaent,
punted.' Kenilworth --F, M. Smith Grand
Valley -Win Itl Bielby ; F 0 Oolbeck, B A„. "d he Wanted tok"ir If tIle "uncil w°1114
left without &station. for one year at his own snetain him in an appeal. gr. Corbett
I its
Ince request. Cederville-Adam. Glazier, Dr. agreed with what Mr. MoNliarehie , stated,
j. Ayleaworth, District Sept, j Charlton, Fi,, but he thought that as -far arsekehis year was
concerned it would be -better not to appeal.
Scott, of Owen Sound, was received, nancial Secy. It was then decided to lee the matter drop.
DuAriet Sept. A. BOwerr, 11 A, Financial attd they should, be -was iry Issuing dehens
Secy. tures,
. LISTOWEI., Irietowel- George Mr- Corbett introduced a resolettion•asking
Richardson, Pahnerston-Ohas E Stafford. that a portion of the drib' on Miry 'Street
Pahnerstou oirenit-J R Gibson. Drayton be boxed hie •
-0 Buggin ; H Berg, auperannuoted. Mr. Cooper •thoughe that if thirwas dons,
Alina-A W Tonto ; Henry Irvine, Reel- Seine of the drain alluded. to by Ur. Searle
James Harris, Stertou-J Wass„ Trowbridge should also be fleed.
-0 V Lake; John ArInatrOng, superattnuat. It wee finally decided attar the whole
ed. Atwood -,T Ferguson. Benfryn-W J droba q,uention lead been ventilated, to refer
Brandon. Wellate-j Isaac, Moorefield the matter to the Street Committee, Withein.
M 'McCullough. Teviotdale-e•W Sham, etitutions to report thereon.
non ; 0 Bell, left withoet etatiou foe Olaa EQUA.LIZED ASSESSM.KNT,
power upon Ismail xi, 6.8
service the sacretnent ei the
yaw! administered by Rev, D. fl
assisted by several othere. Rev, Ven. Smethe
preaceed in the Victoria street C prch at the
eame hour,•and Rev. Mr. MoAllisittr adaairlis-
teredqho ,Sacrament. The pulpiteiof other
elturohes OWE wore also, oeed ied by
ministers attending Cenferenco.
On Monday the Conference rearm
work, A telegram reporting the death
the opening ot the Conference of Ilev
at beauty and
fber the public
era's Supper
1 V alKERTON Divorce Walkertoti-ejohn • '
Iteve.-„G—Roggine....TreateleeLeee tleo-- terue,t,t:i.npAeraptmonaTerte. em' lir eTyl.edeen.. • ' " -
Childrener Vend, presented hiereport7iiiielle • , - , . - . . , • .1418""l'llEcEus sla7e8as' .
W9.011ist:t • , ede. Oprbett replacer' Mr, °Oats on whet..
W88 adopted, The rissearreent per member
anovereT- Edge; A• Clarke, superannuated'. ever ecernmiteeerethe latter had been on,
recommended is one cent, . .
lmWood•eeT Iregateef. 0 artier, euperaneuated • Mr. W. Gopp was .geranted, $3 a Month as
Rev. Jae. Gray, Treasurer of the Super.
C eeley-jleenner. Dohhington-Geeklart. eheeity for the next three months. He lies
animation Fund, was 'introduced to the Con.
leye (wee to be eent.) Inveimay- R W. beep reeeleinaria montheduring the winter •
ference and spoke at Considerable length
ma. .Arkwright-W W LeecleR C Bur- Menthe.
the reeeipts and dieburseneente of the Will'
, , ton,
Hp.on, . . ,
Bell, aupernumerary. Paielepe-j Mr. Thomas ..Jackson wait granted. , two
Conferenee, and spoke of the periedioalsem.
.1.weemerateneratifd •(-S-cmgeeen). ; SareeeeTwas presented,. recomeiendinge continnation
Bev; Dr.Withreiw was introduced to. the Gallo y Eden rove -'J R. Fyclell. Tiver. mouths leave of absence,
iomeeT tneyee port Elgin -J .Geeene, Betn- • .eeeeeehtionefrornethe_Industrial Counnittee-
dere his editorial managemeote showing -their iltort Le
geem•-J. es Renton.. 7 Henry Caldwell
being:. most Pro.eperous, ..subscribers to the
0, A udeHt, e 'Atone College. Law Cahme
, 'of:the exemptien gereneedete-W. 'Doherty & •
petitionteewil,Issinrsteurreettutso , for
the )1:333;;. .
prosperity. and developeiett, the lest year
Wesleyan. •beological . College Mootreal ; a 00, T
Magazine being more enctmerons thanewer, J.' Ceooksim '
J Scott, el .A. District .Supt; J Galloway, law to be drafted therefoe, . but the • coupon,.
, and' tee -Sunday School papers beim A Weenie.;
tion 'It -250;000' copies, - which -be -toe -confined -Financial See '
. Owee Severe,. Ink *' '
. ..
Li. . Ory'011 • SOU151-‘4E up for dieepasion.. ' '• '7-7e_ ' * . ' • • ''
not -to -be . eemmitteee u uttl thee: by.laif edieeneee
to the Dominion...Of Canada, but eicee.nde to
Danard, euperameneted, .0ouneil then adj.:Peened. .
theTnited Stat'ea and also to "Austrelia.. • 141 'Campbell,: W.
Sylvester L Kerr, hpernutnerary,. (Annan). - • _____.....-..• . ...—•-•• • • • '
. ----.....
'After vedette ..repolie • had:* . been: :reae . on,
Chatsworth ee-john e :, cricket • match. -
Tveday, • th.e. report of tee -committee oneethe ex., Woodford -J Ball,
permit° was etffimitted, in subetence. wried. (one • Wanted) ' Broo holrn - Ebenezer Tes.
.. key. , Keinble.-7G Sine , , Allenford-,S L.9 ,
at the presinit time ' most eittisfactory Way of Edmujule, 13 D." Hepi • I N' - . . e .rs o e series. c games between
Th .fi . i f th ' f' •
lows :-.• - - . • • . • ', .
' Sena te last yeae Wa'n $204288; . "'•NOW th
• • • • Veering after the. poor is, by the ereetion of ' An expressien df thanks to menibere of the
.. _
arton-4 ,W ...Saud,ereon.
. , .
- -oothetey-did not-deelee-nnietianeaLgeed from le • • Ilquse'of• Coininote who voted against the
, . -a- puse-of-Rpfuge, whereetheir-weents-owlete: nffitilithcie of ,the •Scete A05 as designedlese-SparlingeSepereninera, ,
this large expenditure, . It would • hoe been properly looked aftee. . '. • .. . .. •• . , the Senate, •and also to the Provincial Gov • earsete ...;.Tobeetileey ee,(On
,just as profitoble to the country if the anictunt Theeeounty Connell decided tot to1Meolue dement for the aid ,which they ave given. Creeker-eT Celberee :•T TM
bad been thrown irate Lake Buren le is oee men datthe eppointment' of a sale:tied -Pollee toward its .epforcemexie • in Counties whero triet Sept -e S C Edniniede; ,
of the . most unaccounteble thipgre jp, jiip IN..1.-;%ist ra fe, _ We tto noteetel ill questimeibeir. theetect_baseb,epteatried,,onclan-appealinale -.Se_eyee,.... ..---••• ',e, Mark
--wend thiiteriefeileridirlitelligent 'people Will right to do Ws,' bob we do their' judgment,. friendi of tempeeanee to 'join hands at ebb
Cornish. Fleiherton-M Ayres.
retain, at eaormous •expense, .. an institution The tomperence' people. hat',e (Aimee that with..., .supremo juticturcetie serest in the election or
W 11' Setae -gum°, LL, Re PhD, 1 lli
such as the Senate of Canteen. It • should have . out a •Salarence elagieteate ie is impee.sible to .candidate„ to Parliament and otheeeoffieere .ol
Engenin-J S Corcoran Priceville••--•
'been swept out of existence' long ego, aricl,eap. -enforce, .tfie- . Scott • Aw, . 'elle voeiticil may : ;State Who favour 'probibitien, and, edmMend.
ker. Williameford2-A. Thiharlea.n..
mot be wiped away too quickly now. ' • olaina that ' the temperence peeple ddnot Cc. ing heartily .the work of . the Dominion Allie •
ralls.e.-R Johnston (one to be sent). Eup
present .9., majority of .the rate.eaeterd, brit in 'once • and the Wornenes TemPerenbe- Union, •
R Basking (Dlealedeleee J W Frizzell,
• • • • this they are mittaken. If a vote were takeri•
• ifrisn leonie .801c; , einong the ratepeyers -on this questiOe, and were among the .parts in the report' of the
McLaughlin),. Victoria College. Ed A She
they decided in favor of. the appointment,. we Comnriteee. ft wan'adopted enthusiastically.
West Theologietel College,. Montreal,- •
After a' nionth• tedious disoussion. en the of "•The report ef 'Educational, Coininittee was
. ItritieliBarliament,4o,the-explhozi Lail-eir.i.7. . clotibtevery-burehitehtaPtrevsoetnetionotouneciel:buld _teed, and • the follottie - student- Woke ap. . • E 11-Weet, retired for .one .yeae on account
epeelletedeethe cern e e :••,-' toria Oallege liaeweeefeill-healtli, - D Auld-O-Petereie-Seipere-
_all other. matters. urgently ieguiripg legiehe number•haveshown themeelveiThrougliont as B. WalWin, J. W,. Prizeell, L. T. .McLaugh. annuated. ' 0 H Corniele,, District' "Supt. W
• whatever-they-ernekl-toeobsti eretei te- wOr lin, S... T. Leeeare,,T. J. grooksheirke ; MOB. Mere, PineP.oiat SooY. . ' •
. . P
'i.pPoied.te the Scott,. Act,. and breve ',done
, ttion; upon the bill introduted by Mr Glad. .
stone, granting Home Rake -to •Ireland, vies If 'the .aet Is to. he enforced the temperance • .The Committee on Conference •Relatiotis ,
le0o lie
a ba
Yawn Co.tinell.„
voted upon Sena 8bh. • The. bill was defeated pergildhave•got 10 sand eOgether, regardless itconmeended as . new 'superannuates . Wieee,.. * - 7*. ''''' ' • ' '
by it majerity of-80-rin i veryfillie usee-thei --eleiroletioiel or other ..dttlerencee. . The .act' is Teri idge, je.•rtild- one le. Perry. :Reit-peels .. liegeheriedettegeof, tlee poineeilew-deebeeled- -.11h-T
.. vote being the largest ever poled: • It etood• • the law of the land just es much as any ether, for the .ncoet Conference were. received . iota ', . . more fiel peactioe in'theenetteltime, The '
on Mende), everung.. .• . ' • ' •
.311 for the bill; 341 against.' Ninety Liberals 1041 the diffietiltiei conneeted.witla its enforce Kincardine, • Seaforthe , Monne .: Forest and !Mr. Cooper as chain:tan of the StreeteCo .. ..e ii • ' • • ' ' • '
6 • • • . . . .ne o owing • tbe,e0ore :-,.. •
of which twenty were Scobtielt membertevoted tient should only Stimulate temperance worke Gale. • Gilt was selectee; Contemn to beepo 1D11100$ said they were making allow Improve, . ' • . .•
L Kennedy, c Prot) oat, b McDermott;
with the'•Toriee. against the•bill. There was ers to greater earnestness: • 'Make all chem. on, the'firat Wedneedey in•jupe,e1887'.. •• meets on the strate ; ihe Reeve had bought *. '.•
is_ mem .. • ' , 2irr) VA:11:4tii.
a. strong feeling on broth:aides. of the house 'stances; no. inatter what their tiaturei. bend .. On motion itivas reselved that the Confer.. 10,900, ft,, of 'ember' at 111.50, :per. Me, 'which
among the bent informed reenibere that the- for the •-atimateeadeedtplieliment: of •;orm °be eke.: tipecial. Committee distribute • the .Sus e ,; Wee as low as it wield be bought: - .. 28 ' . •
,. • • .• 1 Harland, rim' ont,..., 16 d McDermott 2
TO do.. *robe in life is comparatively ME. Bray, b McDerine 3e Meninmett, lilielmes'
bill waste() revolutionary in its character and int.'', tentation. Fend: A' series of 'resolutions re. • .. The Cemetery Committee rePorted having
• • A McGitrva, b Strachan 2 1).51 Dermott ,
would toake Ireland- practically independent wive but to do 'right apd to uphold right lating to ' General Conference legislation wae made certam improvements in the grounds of,
.1.2ohniagn, b McDermott ,. c McDermott
A.Manning, b McDermott . 5 b Iloclmes
Holmes ' '
. of British: rule. Ie witesiloWn that under it principles, reguires moral aourage and ear- introit:iced and ' adopted:. . Rev. Dr: • •Griflin . the . cemetery, . and had platted 170 ' trees, . a
neetnesse Greet viotoriesehave oftehresulted $90.2.1. • e • .ii.renee:4n.VsigaCriee;
tho educational interests of the. country .was. elected eeprenentative :toe the.. 'General the amoune elependedleeing- i.
. ter:mid practically be*Controlleci by the Oath. froneVereediecouregine. circumstances, and if Missionary Board. Rey. .IV: 'C. -Henderson • The Finance Conimiebedreeetemende'd plev 3.- e! leeeegb.,,Le .t.t 1
olio hiereroby directed. febm....110Mee . As a te.; the frequent Mertes Of the-Soott Act.Pritiei. Iva'. elected 011ie Transfer Committee.: - .meht of the' follerwing,aeowente :•4". Pratte eitelc..ileVicte' -nfieeereii°e- -. - Li 0
wilt the preeent eainisery Will either •dissolve Ples in this •county; will only lead, • The -President nominated the.Peresidenti and ihreimonths aelal,. 81e:75 ; Luke eTroutre, b gracile • o • .
rertee,• e eteteemete 0 1.bAr,,„
. the houso and trust to theireetiandes, in a new • sultts,.,then. the people " could. subedit to 'timed 'secretary of Conference, Snirerineendents of three niontitteseleit. $21.......rarran, •Meephee. ,
- electoral vote, or they Must resign and he re. reverses with e degree Of fortitude, What district'', and Rem Vere. Berridge J. edeAl. • MP delleVey, Are and water .accoubt, $2.g5 ;,; ,e4 riese.:;.'eee.;;;;*:,..e; 11-134eiee.,.. .. , .. , :,;;;: .
placed by meu of More 'end:ler/to vieweee who Will fie: done .noW . in thee Motet' has tint VA, lister . J runes Batmen,. and W '11 'Holinee as C. Diekson, stationery, $tl;,49 ; ..w. -. Coats ; • - • • • • ' •" -. - --,•••1 ; . •':•••-
will gent Ilormeltele to Ireland 'without ore been dedidedby.the tetimeriiiice peeple,•... • the Conference Special COn3riiittee, It was. postage, $2, '; G...E; Pay, .coa behrele of etreet : . • - .e.,,,,„„,ne • -
• da ,gering the inpremeey: of the Empire., • , . While ;it'eeere. talking about :County Cone." Ordered that newly hertreed clisteicte-nlect ]ay e . Watering tappeopriatien, 8'25'; A. • Ileyward, • • . • • 7' ' . :"''..'":""''"! ' ' •,, •
oil matters, there is another thing to which me.n to ilie Conferepce Missionary..Bocdftt $I.,.....1, Bean, turning lerrip pests`, ille e. W. Barea;, e!:4:.'41.11Zif,riotol.:-.-1,iy.xe'nue2dr.!.N.n;:,...... i
nem iOien. Parihurneut... ' • We will call .. attention. .*Tee Warden should. :the financial district tneetinge... . . . , ' .. -J. Paisley p0510, „ $1";" J-. Devine; cleaning ' - • eser . •••.,, ......... • ..- 11.. . •• ' . • '
-144;getigtigtY;":! eitliSiatirell .
- . Parliamene w'as lire -reigned. oUWerleteeerty thdcbuncil 18 1� .04pm, he should. • 8160 stop clistriet :superintendents and.,•fieapoinl' seers.' Streets, and. in bet:MA(10- eta., '$145,05 ;• the ee,teego'rerrn:
eteethe readingeol-etetimereeeiection.4„, ditch' 88c ;. O. _Ilene:gen. :and men, work on
I, 1.:41.,,11.•• .,... ilyir4fir&H----7.7., i
.. , . insist ' e ter. •Orslerd/eing.maititained.while-
of Jest' week. Cominenting, ..thereou'i. •the tales, thce.Confeeenceolosed:e e • . : • . ' e . ', receipts from .the rope of-lialeeen." the 'paste .1.7,
the smoking. indulged - in by ' Mans; of the
• .. •• .. Snabers White in the &moil chamber., • The , ' • " - • . • - • . - . • '• ' • month,. Were $37 S�- :,-: • . - - • ' .. • o• .1-lic, b 'puniest , 0 b Tialultull '1. ' Y ' ‘11
same ownership as the eialle says :e- , a- word win be heard, • • while clouds' of tobeeeo • ' Ouserit DISTRIOT. -7 Guelph,: line& :: .W the•eereet watering; and efterae teXplaoittitiii . .ekieitear. ,,,e,..e' . • .el •.--' "
itt i . ' er • - . ' ' re ' t b T 1.1 11'
"reroute .NeWee (whieh. is? 'edally 'under:the ra • • - • . - • .eireee. inhere. oe tereeeetele• .. ' ' - ' • ' • •
. . noise and confusion is sucb at tineee that not . • •• . ' • • ' • . 'Sweet disinissidie foe .17 Ace. iu referenee to • .11e,cestpe,?!;, agn,", .,,. , " •," " • .• " ", ..... ..
5011. A more infenroue record. ite a' debatiohed 'member Who has the good Judgment ; net to, impoinement. at hip•oWee requese, in' view of street had contributed e ceetakereii-ount per itinehati, c :aceimee, e.
" Seldom has any. parliament Made for 1t smoke fell the room, to the annoyance of ap3i. Ilohnes , litigh , 'T •Cressley, left wifIltnt an ShOWIng. • that the pettple . elm:el' the front
self-seekers. MateeehtiVe oonie out of ie..with tain a little more dignity in"the •cennelle anti D D,.; AK Birks,B. A. .. Guelph 3rilL-Mm So., :the Street Watering ComMittee the siiin of •-* •
Malcolnison,b Keuncil;,.., 14. '
, ..
-Brides a
and .deinoralized 1;4,4' plunder.grabbert ••and be •a user of the weed Mr Warden, main-• evangelicat'work. Guelph S Griffin, toonth .fiii this purpeser the centecil granted ieeee •:.• • •'• : ••••-, ... ,...,°•• • 1
a previouslY, lair eeputietien• everlaselingly be it will then have lees the appearance, of a beer, v,age.. . Poisso.fibyIewto Crane: -lelora-•Jae, 8100e to he paiel in monthly instalthente. ,. . . •'-'. -Mes ., ..... ..... •
corrnption, end, mike, heve .voluntarily taken ;. • . --Jeseple S.:Coiling.. Mareville•-.-WM Willi. • • • • • - ' • " '
" I . , The nia •or said lie Would • 'kee_taieneweley.
- . now tee ANALISIS.
. ..smirchea.vitli-the, indelible stain of personal garden than it has at 'present. ' ": • Beoleye Samuel Feat, superanuated. Fergus . , -,. ,A
quell*" Conference: • thott. . BeiwoodThotnas:Grand .• E • ' ' • ee.. Tee - ..k
upon themselves the dielignor, without thp • .
• profit, ot ' being the ...r;iady autleuloservi -.- els er. pc woci -4Prencis Swann i • sr ose au •ority. -the tank en the, Market .., -
revere was emptied on the eeth ' of May., 'and : - 6 4." •, . .,
Wesley, $. leere. • Actomeellebert. Phillips.
e=e.• . 20 .4 IT -2 4 '
- - • 22 li 10.1, 7
mimes arm LOT FOR BILE. OR .70 .
.1.4- That large and well eituated house trt present oc,
oupted. by the UndereIgned, la offered either for sale or
to rent, On'veryresteonable terms. Everyconvenience.
Poseession given1W Sept. 401 -IN 0/ALLANDER,
. .
Blacksmiths and Carriage Makers
00000 ond TOOM1.
Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned iup to
Tuesday, the 22n4 day of June, UN, at 4 o'clock in
the afternoon, for the purchase at a rate on the $ ac-
ceding to Itst in the hands of thd undersigned, of the
following stook belonging to estate of A.. Callender alt
Lot 1, hen, iron Trimminge for eugeles, Bolts, Screws,
Nuts, ewe $324.031, Lot '2, Buggy rims. SPokas, T3Vg.,
gy parts, wood material for Buggies, Leather clout,
triattnIngs, Varnisk, Olis, Faints, Brushes, as., amt.
Tenders tweeter both Jots or ter only one. orEe.
legbest tender not necessarily accepted, Terma,threo
months with approved security. There is also for
sale belonging to said estate:5 second band Buggies,
1 light Weggon, 1 Buckboard, 1 Gig, 1 new Waggon,
1 lot Shafting, Belting, Pulleys, dm, 1 Blower and
pipes, 1 anyll, 2 Forges, 1 Hula Borer, 1 Iron Lathe, 1
Set Dies, 1 Drill Machine, 1 IrOn Cutting Machine,
2 Iron Vises, 2 Wood Vises, 2 Work Bent:Mee, 1 Grind.
stone, I. Set Double Harness, 1 Set Single Harness,
12,500 feet Hemlock Lumber, to be eut as wanted, the
Kapp used by Callender Bros. as a carrriage shop, 1Sot
Iron Eittrrows, dac. These articles will be sold
cheap, and on favorable terms. For further perticu. -
lam apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors to the
Estate, or to JAMS THOMPSON', A.ssignie.
-0 F4 -
'There will be s•olti PUblic Atiction, op the prendies,
in the Town of, CLINTON', on,
tUESDAY the 15th day of June,
etee.P., tree thnetticielee:Iticaieereeetererteee, eonset,
GROCERIES, - • $1,662 50
CliOCKEITY, - 626 64
And the CillATTELS *4�2 70
. 82,402 89
0101013x8,HBOa• ay=rcp peer:ebpildndet:rdine hs_acoonn_rd:. Gwo and:11 sbow ,w. paue,b81 oathee d hP The chattels nuty-bopoldeopaT3telKirtbarkablo.
Terms: 1 down, balance:1# 4 end,0 months. with inter-
4)„7•18110YelgkitGuIleitkOla.00lt 14Bitint11P '•
wauiede Cape
Canipbell, Die. badly beaten'. :.cciises for, the resat arc.
•1:)„, Financial ' plentiful, anirevneY.-- hied has his °Wet Ver.. • ' Geo. WATT, JR.;"Trusteo:
. . •
-tlan.-S.-L-N .00111a.t ',.11.11.W./.11LIY:11,1S11. - - -
le -Geo 11 Goderich presented Ilurtng the gime, of
undale- which several of them 'were not well posted
ihood. as to the game and rules thered, and .bad
J Par- -judginent at critical points, did much to
Iter's decide the genie in favor of.Groderich. In
"41; the first innings the bowling . and batting
of the Clinton team was excellent. • The
field,.during the whole game, was played
most wretchedly. Five fly. balls were
dropped after heing in the fielder's:hand.
being credited to one player. The
orest judgment was exhibited by ispeci-
ho:fieldern-in calculating-whe
wOuid isach the greund after tieing F1
Brussels club will play in Clinten side of lot 4,
n -the preinhesygood-frarrie-houseand-barn-builth--
ay7th-ff-1-5th-i-ast; Iired7-we--urge- -are,o
-7"•• o
10 3.)Vs peetnises,,lot Si,con 13, Mullett, about' two,
.weelts' since,' a light bay hot:3o, about 12:yenrs -did, no,
whiteerbent it, blrhas ortoltod heels air round.' Any •
oho giving; information that will lead to. its recovery .
will be Suitably rewarded. • •j0IIN PLATZER; Myth:
or Londesboro P.O.
raltS for sale the east' half of lot 34, 'concession II.,
Mullett, containing 50 acres, good. barn, stable, driving
house, good larick house with Inland kitehen, good
°mallard: An everlasting spring* Tons across the
15 ses. oo we Well fencedand. in a good state.
of cultivation. Will be sold cheap: Apply to DAVIl?
MOUNTAIN', Londesboro. ..
nigs,- about. 3 skres orchard, welt watered, mile teem
Manchester, 0 miles from Clinton ,and 1- from Blyth,
Also, wanted a plot of 5 of 10 nem, In the townships'
of either Colborne ,Or Mellott ; small building and
fruit trees, thoreon,preferred. Apply to JOHN KNOZ
JOHN SPRUNG, Lameutors, Auburn. 3m *
17011.1`14E 'COLONIAL
First Cabin. Fare, .-froitic..
Clint9p to:tion dOti, $57.
Tere•Iowerit, rate for First-Olass Accomuto- •
ocean travel.
• • tools of -the administiation-in, justifying -and- 9.---Beleaviegiven;a1-elieirf steniiierer of the pro•,
elefentling-gratuirously-th&eorrtrptitur4pf-oth.-----ceedings-ofthirOotifereneef ateGie-deieter-A. GeoigeteiterShiteeliGelieCile *lee -left empty for-sevetal.:dayse-ree7- e • -. .4, ir:
erek Party feeling may her retiree blind tame great deal of business of 'Meekest. MainlY to , y
, . r , .8 . t. Mr. McMurchie-sitid-he-wmild..assume ail- Kmiec),
. . . maim.... r ..... •
to the eittent'o 1 the politieal arid. neetional de. teleititers is bedded_ asenot Of 'interest to .the Fund, 'permitted: to reside • in Teronto • .(285. responeihlility therefor, tend he.wae not going ,retieme . ,,,, . 2nlTPuil8(i.' 4 le a ,' 4 '
pravity expesedehy the records: of . the sesdion general, reader. ... • ' : • • . ' ' .Ontario Street);.J 0 Potheisey, JI•A 1
pote._:_to•apreeipzeefot what was. done. ..212.Q.11_treetif Kentsabli . 7 .- , 20 2 11 . . 2 -.'1
just closed, bat in tied futeee,•When 'the mists .The Rev. Mr. McDoWell Made the follow. woode.K Burets, M A; SuPeranhuated. Erin were verefeley and ' duty, and . he delimited .eieoppe t ' Toe, 711.11,1041.-IslefinnInr 2.2 1 ' ,•' e ' ''', •
of political bis have bleared aWaYegenridiates lug remarlesee•Tbe. liquor traffic, • long a and BallinafeefeeS• Markham, E X., Flap -:. -soireral menibere of the council who thought 'eeeefieeee"""'"*.•..- ee te . ,.e • 'e :;,.• :Le
icism on the' part of. the:Valli° which 'could, tenth and 'religion in fate lands, is beconiing audit Secy.. • : . • ' .. ., • . . . . , . out the.firemen.., The !expense of -waterlog $t!act'an""! .. . . ' 72411 Tilling& : -; t!: ' . ;
114:11nes.,,, . .. . F = : = (14 .. i . 9 . : , 11 ..1.1.
will stand amazed et the indifferende liectoyo. powerful ob•staole to the advaneementof Dr Gelffin, Disteiee'Sueet , S W Holinesilin- . that the dust should be laitt.,. nnil they 3Ailed
, blushing disregard of every principle of hell- commtleitY. . `,Che attitude. tif the Churches. M A.. .Berlin -J W Gerthaii, PrestoneeW
' ., Pubeeriptione end'he asinoned ell eeeponsibility
the streets thafday had been borne by. peiVate nolioes: .. ,g • .1 el, ;le. '4'
, .,51.cDennott ........ , .,..7. -, 1., o :... 7. . , 5
tolerete 'snail a degree of proiligeg and un. increaeingle distasteful to the masses of the ' .G.eee Mendel'. -Galt-eW.0 Henderson,
_ eety and•justioa on the vete of llee.adininie. of Christ, reepeetiog this burning queritiOn; is II .11inekte. • IIeripeller,-11 C. Benders. 'eeatt. .for -it, If oe•voteolcepeure were to be, moved, ' , • • . . :e . . .. : •' ' . • . •
tration and their following.. 16 isle beloped one of the encouraging signs of the titnee. White,Supernterli WaterloreW Mille. Xas, 6 -311-ili; he 's*aa-it'llribi le:Ii•aVelt: -: • • Tlie : 33.111 .. ..13-4tatt1on, ..
that the degradation' of Canadian public .life The people of God .desire und-lsiV that the segattcya,--W Birks, .T. j Rapp. , Elmira -J: '. Mr.. Jackson thought there was 00.neaeAsity ... • . . .
ha's at lot el:teethed lOWeetteee Mark in the fil. .legislation of this •Doniiehin. relating to , this a Spowdoo. Kew Hambeeg_e• wt itoinson. Te
iareemrtedhyotirhada veotrightos tik
d'IePltlYOLfeacel!nbp The'teeeteheeIn .n11
, . . . .. ,
; thy sessibu which,hail jtiet.eloned. -*It Minable 'giant eviler/me be elenlegielatio o Prohibie Linwook-T. 3 Smith, Ikawkesviileli A • . tielpation. of the.ealling'init.of thie
: to be seen' by the completion .ofethe new par- got -that le tney beet ce .e and Newcomb. ' W .0 Henderson,' M A., District (petition he did, add he. believed Mr. Mc- Battalion for brigade drill on the .22nd•
Roulette whetherthe electors of Ormade.are ad sell alcohol, except fer niedicznel mee &ph, W Millie rffianeialSecee • -- • . : 1 • - -
Mumble should, apologize teethe mayor- ., • • 'insbe let -Col. Coleman, Who. will assume
a 'class nu corrupt and 'venal as the nuteoeity chemical ptirposet .• • - ' ' • ,STRATFOED DISTRICT, Stratford ,• , ,edee • 0 . h
.t. : • . The retrao refused to dr and was willing eominand of the Battalion, 'called a:nieet.,
allowed to-attend:0114re :-J. B. . Wallwin Street -,el H 'Needle . Mitchell,, Trafalgar Ste - tie Vey thiteiremen eat of iidoteu pooket. the leg Of e e several officers. for the purpbee
. .
of their preserit repeoentativeee' ' ... • The followine. probeitionees requeated to Steeet-e•A. Culiningliam. Stratford, Waterloo •
, . .. amount they were .entitlect,, to receive . for of taking int+) eonsideretieh. the. peteghtte-
. .
' • '
. 'rue South II trnott Condidetve, Soled T Legeari litory Colwell, J. Se .Croo W Owen, MitokeleeToronto SI -M Swann, being called out that day, ' • . , ' . ing of helmets for • officers and men, feh
•.-----, . . , • shank, J: W. Veinal,. E.dward II:Shaw, '3 I Williams, SarCerainuatock._Milvertoa-,,O. '-'
n The mayor seated tharbe had no feelings. other leoltenteer busineo whic_Uynaell
The Signal says :--" De.'Galenical of.SeF
a, . IcLaughlie ; • • • *
, - ' • Hamilton. eloOdbenee-D AMoir. Sta1fae4W le thnnatter, and there was no occasion foe. eat-elee-,44-reetcli Otiee, Clinton; 'on
fertb, iu to bp the Conservative Pendid ' 1-1(44Yerepreeseintatiste-eleateeP4-diet ..1 • ilpinee-Iettelertion . • .111-
3-1/.... itic-Lany.such-warretb-otisel .g. . 0 -Was peens •Tuesday last, 'Several tenders Were sub.-
tario Legislature. If Archibald Eiehop (Grit) eareheeT anicione ari eanyone to see the dust settled, .
hos. Billiard, Xt. We MoKenz' , G. win, Vietoeire College, W• Berridge, . super. but did uet believe' it was night' b° ' leave a milted by the eommitth 'Who had the
matter in consideration; that - of John
irt •u a re ilex e ectien for the on. ineetiegs to the Confeeencelltssionery 13 ad Harmony -j Mctachlin, M A,' I B Wel.
runs aga.ic as the Liberal cendidate the Doe; *Learnt/kg°, Ceoege Stergeoit,'S. E. (las m n, upon elite ceptre, of the ,ehiptey for martid ..,sy, .
tut .5, 1L Perdue, el J' 1; i t' t ee t W C I" • * 1.8 ' • • - • -- 9 getetteeel afeOleel. : -
. e 4, .."..4 . • ,-.
tor's chances of .ettoceee. Will be' =oh better ' 0•4 Latab etintated,Ibraniitton. A. .Cautaiegharn, Dia.
Several:4W' Had a .fire occurred • lust in 61 , cif • • 14 .r„.imax;*•,.
• .pveed Lim. ' 16 is timo that Bislui ' ri te'
p eva re lr, : ,Thg ineeterig .• ent Friday night for the• tee Seee.. Meelvs Diseillue....-Sb Marys -A el -- 0 . e. P P .
elerit' heiebbothoorl . the town eo le vrould euee" e
`,. T•
. :than if M: Y. MeLeen or 1). 3),Wileen we." ' 1' . an . d rm ric , up ,, assom finance', ecyi.",
. Coletnalc' - ,Aikaz, .4.,-, f4<,
,A. The Reformera of Ontario must get via CePtien- of_ Iiii;g4113 D , Pe. Sot `e • enperaneueted..
. . f VI Of have bold • him :reeponeible, , for the empty ..,, • . .. . ,..
chase dist. . nte the same amo gee.'
yourig mete into -full • coneeetioti Granton -j 0 Stevenson., Lueati-le Dive. 'took, all the heed, oz the toevii for • the time
gat renuteoriteeift elm next eiection." chair. Ile referred to the great interest the, being, end ee didmot wish to be held te. the Severed conapatties; .The Stan of about
- of some of the ,,," old -stiaks.',), or,theY Will not Was eereelarge. • The President occupied the Ansa Ctaig-Sileogers, . Kiekton-le Il Boll;
Mothodiat people took in the serviewe an in weceeiteee-tera A teepee etietteete-e vit . sponsible. foe that for which .be• %%knot to $750 -being.. needed te, 'purchase the 310'
If TheeColcman letbelii6t cendidate 'in:the Pring, Kiritore-H B Hill, Embed -D. blame, As he had nob been consiflted in the, -‘cessary number for officersrpott and-aud;
tereet.whieh never abates as theyearepeteet, Sharp. Aameefort-A. Se • t -h It J. Fair matter, After sow further desultory eon- and the ,Offl_cerS. by their liberality/. have
. •
. South -Riding, fa the Local,' the Iteforniers and go. -.The Metherliet Church always 'iti, . left withdut a station ot his bwn tegnete, for , verstitiono thernatter dropped. . • . stippleinented the general battens) fund,
, can being Out ane0 one Of teedetY fit% oendidette . **tit Uptitt a ,honverted :ministry at well at a the purpose of attenclifieg College, I Si . • which amounts' to 018 sufficiently to,
• that evonld .boat him .tio bad be .Would riot 'tninistry ef mental gifts and sultere....The Phillips; BD,-Dititeicit Shpt., .1' 0 Stevenson, ... ..., ,' t.. .. .
.1', STREET imPROVEMENT, . . , , . a
cona piste the purchase,. .Uther_routine mime etinek him, TIM Neter is net Ate. ponerty etated that tue redelivers on leneinese Wag (Baptised of when the:meeting
. young MO, Rabat C, Burton, hint H. Car, Finantdid Seoy.• '
. a .bea ewe elf a lellow, Let .110 htte.*.not the Princess•St,,west, wanted to gravel thestreet, , •
tom, and George V, Salton, were aueceseiveiy Gonattrou Drerafe'r-Goderich (North.81;), adjotirned, ()apt% 1,1ellough And Keine
called upou tO relate their religiotie experiArnia G It -Ttiek 1 ' Victoria. street, ,G P :Seltotie-,-• . mina to
Atla asked what aseiseance the coated *oad • I.e. • I
Will ,not • ,,,..e.iy Jib Wetted Maieta,, the
i strength that agerge Jackson had,. by_any in -A divine call to the tninietey. l''heir .te.; Clintota-;(Rattetthery street) E SItupertild At give. Parties residing there
veans, and the Mende (rolild t I (Ontario Sereet,) W W 'Sperling, Seafotelte- be "---- ' 'tohal the. rated if tho. contrail
werowilling holding &St -class certificates foe the posi..
ception into full connection was inoved bY , g Depeteettent of Militia .
requiring officers
Bev. G. Riehtiedson, seconded by Rev, D, 0, J E Howell, let A. Boltatereille-S $ Fiebee, Would give the gravel' and fill the *Noon&
tionsL-these officers holding eedeebtit they
no wai i for a
better.cenint,, Tho•Signat is A Ettlo.fresit in MeDevrelit and etipported by IteV: W. Geif • . W M. Patton. . leeyfield---le L Ilettoth teethe, After tiohie diecuission the wiliest *as
will likely • be appointed by regimental
people of Sofith Hitran than ever before, and, The Statistical Committee's repert slanwed tendesborp-,4 Hough, Dungannon -0 F
ii, 11 Barphy., Homo: stAlth-n Goaky • MI:, Perim asked that the road. beinW the. orders, wh
grentede • - .
(Anhwei° Alp. Allatison. s be graded, and a ma' do provisionally. The tattalion
that he is (Avenger in 'the sympathies of the imeninieuely ado*. lele the I.A.,Col, . in command
throwing Mr., Bishop overboard, and Will And fin, D. A, Peetirdent. Ttie • motion Watt -:;•A E Smith- Hannan Xertifr-Virlff Terrance . .
should be atilt desire, to be their repreeente, thee the tnetribershiP had increased during Campbell, A MAibbon, Luthut O. Rice " „,
Bidewalk built. . Referred 60 Street Cone. willdrill at London, on the 22n4 inst..
Ike, will be:returned by a larger majority, the year 1,905, Making the Mont member.. Superannuated, permitted to reside at Hobart, Mlle"' • • . .
-than lever. • Atitl trekimtewhirteetere toeing 0511116,6613r All .conteexiolial Nude wore in, Lake Co., Ind., U.S. Auburn-3hnTarner„ TOSE EVERLASTING DRAMTtitneerAeflettee.-We have to ' acknow-
about, perhaps a iittiff better. than c/o county ()advance; • " . / Plenneiller-James Kesel°, S T Lapeer, Victoria Mr. Senile atked the council to ooneitil
tt A
town confrere.. It is kgrataitene insult fee . The Sabbath SelicolS leport indientea Oollogo. 3 B newel'. M A, District Suet, J", the .tortetee of building a eulvere cieWn the enge eomplitnentery eiekete to the Xing
tho Signal to speak of Mr, Bishop in the way healthy peeve -es in Sabbath School( work, 8 'Maher, Financial Soy. • . east ride of Orange Street ; it had been done. cardine Tournament on the 28rd and 2415
in which it did. 11 10 tirct though to fernish The attenatinee iocrearree LOX, and It6:12. Wieliereer Dipriticr.---:-AVingbarn-1) 0 lie. above ids property, and it Was a disaderthe. inet., to the Winghani Caledonian .gaines
pfitIder,for due opponents. *ban there 15 11(13' eonverittons arc retorted doing the yearMaDoWell, Kineriqine-,-,Irimes It' I I ! on the 25th inst,„ to the Stratford Tourita.
terttoii for it, wed there eetteinly is 'riot hi ' fl'UNDA'S: SESeitieES, ,‘ ,;,..0.1%.1.18fer ; age to ifis property, that the-draitt 'nen'
beep anmed t'o•.' roman ene the comutiztvit 'tent on the 1715 insta,.. and 13russels Calel•
!is inntanre. 4 . The Conference 'Love Feast was heti on 3 It fliite, soperautuata (Strecteviiie). tip.
ley- -.NVin Minh. •Ataber1yorge Loun4 was set long. ' le was e public sewer and ,dollinh .gftmos 61t tire 22nd: Init.- - 1
. .
. .
. 0
-12 0 -
vir Lowitimiy,
lenties.eoing to•the 6 Country this' sununer should,' '
take this popolar "he boats are the most com-
plete myth° Atlantic, andiceonimodatiou unsyrpassed
emus Low.
noTwo nrortritz.:
-CMI-and-get -all -particellta' (it ".
• AGENT G, T. IL .
• •
-1 Ise-
Orodu Glom 11.7—
• 1'5115 tro stock of,'
CHINL,„CROCKERY & Glasiviare;
r AT JIEiSS rraAN •
:Wholesale Prices,
Melee be reln, Out in ten days, 1304
fail to give uS a call. We can give yon.'
priees to sitit,y/611,
Battu & Ego lain la txchnia.
- .V:: PLOODY,,
'GT rtOCt 1.1 STA1T0N1:11