HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 3FRIDAY, JUNE 11e me.
a provided,. Where*, it is Mtviise to put
- such unlimited ometrol of public fuude in the
handa of aey body of men not responeible for
•suoh expeuditure. Whereas, np prevision is
latele for properly auditing theaceounts oftbe
Board of cloninuesionere, and whereto, ;spy
ootinty in whzob the Canada Temperance Aot
ie in foree, could be compelled to pity large with passed to supptenient the pay of the pre,
sums of money at the mere option of suchJ vates of the 3314 13attalion, while he camp
boards of commissioners, therefore, Tesolved during the present season. With refereeee
tbat the Warden and Clerk be instructed to
Memorialize the Attorney•Gerteral (if Ontario,
iteking bine to provide such logislatiore as will
do amity with liability by the ceenty, or in
caee of non liability to pass legialation to re
move doubts. or else td providu ouch legisla•
time as will pet ire the hmide a the *meaty
council the appointment of such eonimission
ers and officers, so that they will be responel.
131e4o-the county ,council, end have their
memento and Itsetimatee properly andited and
limited. Ordered to be laid on the table till
the aiternoon eeesion, 'All such acedi.mte are
audited herathe Provinoiel Secretary before
they are paid]
The supplementary report of the road com-
missioner was.read and referred. 0) the Road
and Bridge Committee, •
A circular fronetbe Clerk of the Legislatiere,
reepecting amendments to the Municipal Act,
was read and referred to the Special Commit.
leeeteteport aeDecernher Seton.
Prneeetilissigii Of the 'Italie fileseleue
-e--- _
(continue-Drew:Tait week.)
A. letter from the lateens° Commiesiener ef
Eaet Huron, demending the eam of $537 78
to be deposited forthwith in the Batik of
Hanailten at Wingbain, to enforce the Cana-
Tetnperanee Aet Of 1878, for tho district
of Eest Heron, urea referred to Finance Cam.
^ inittee.
learolee see mit.„
The following repert of Mr. D. I. Malloch
was read and erdered to be printed. in the
midwives :--
llavathe hopoe to summit nay annual re
Pert of the, schools in the inspectorate of West
Huron for 188S, and th doing so, confiee wy
Self Chiefly to a statement showing the total
receipts and eepeeditures ot eneh mithick 1.
ity, the amount peel for teaf .ere, sale: ,
number of pupils metered on the varieee re.
girders, 'averagp cost per pupil' for salaries,
lumber of .teachers employer); etc:. During
,4 the year I ;examined every eallool in. the in.
.speeterate, and a 'ergo inenber .of.theetl Pt/08o
but owing to ill health wae unable to take,
temi41a second time. I may state that as
a get:keret-rule, I take two sehools• day, aud
no more than that number under any drown.
awes, In some caoese-I have taken onty
one, when the attendance wae so large that
ell :maid not be examined in half a day. The
gi Oat majority of..ths 'school are malting
creditable progrbss, particeilarlys'ithea-theolia
ere remain for setzeral leers in the oral% sec-
tions, In sections where, there is a oonetant
change of teachers each yeardhe progress hi not
so satisfeetory as is toe desired. Dueing
" the year a large number of Candidates w.
° at the Eutrance Examinationfor admission to
the High Schools of the; county, and a very
fair proportion. were sueeesful) About 240
usndidates have signified their %intention to
write at theapproaehing mraniinaticie in July.
• This is.. cif itself, a good evidence.otthe in.
tot est taken in educational progress. The
socompailying statements are based upon the
• annual,report of the trustees of each sehool
saimlion in tbe different neunietpalities, and 1
• beg to 'submit there to year faercitible
- 5
: • '4'4. ••• Municipality
' . •
F., t(VPASA,
• 45.
211124111Z117 -1,• 2'.4B `8,t218, r°•celPtO
• ., .'
V..°4 gO'EF2<o &g eripeneitures'
Y.1. FI -11 tiiii9f1_41';'?'• 1018
a. titAtEgoligE§k
fg. • . • •
I-, • ,
".4 0"4?':":'1C• .Z•50 ,•'.in=0:•••110
-0,75:v,c.e Average eOet
' ' to a ee a aVerf Of PlipliS for
' . salaries.
te, Fog, est me.m. nu:, Of:PlIPun
, 4 . te, 23 on register
3 lei .1 n 11 th4 V 41
Obilin fait Informatioa on e mitt,er: In
reference to a communication from Mr. J.
Miller, •late Insperitor, &eking the eum of 4450'
M lien of postage, ofso., during his term of
°face, the Oomnlittee recommend that no fie,
non be taken, as he was paid all that the 14W
en'Itled him to, An amount of 15o per day,
The report of the Jen and Court House as
follows, was read sad adopted :-We visited
the Registry Office and recommend that
some sheimee be added to make room for stor-
leg books. Recommended that necessary re.
pairs liaatoade in and Minted the Ceurt House: -
We alidiVieited the Jail and found everything
°lean and in god order, we found at present
6 melee and one female therein, five ofthem
being insane, One under seetence and one as
a eatrapt, a1i being satisfied with the treat.
ment they are receiving. '
The following is, a summers, of Friday
aftertmon's proceedings :-A motion by alt.
afeedurchie to redneck the equalized value of
Ofinton by $l0,000,.was thee on 4 divieten.
Several motions to reduce other niuniiiipalities
were also lost. Mr. Adamson •w,as granted a
leaveof abeenee •for two inonthe, he. to pro.;
vide &substitute during his absence. Several
by-laws were passed. On motion of Dr.'
Rolling it was decided; by the casting vote of
the Warden, that when the commit adjourned
it was to meeteigaineon tbe rst Wednesda treofs
!:member instead et the firet Tuesday,
. The ,coinenittee reports a marked improv -e'
tnent over past years in ti e Matter of assesr
ments; in a majority of cases, the Mincipie of
assessing up to the aetpal alie having been
adopted; and it is belied .all asselOore will
adapt 'this system., Severaleof the rolls ie.
tamed are not complete, the affidavit not be-
ing attached, and hereafter rolls sorettline.d.
.will not be accepted. The . committee recom-
mend ehe doption of the evalecis eiet forth hi
the annexed schedule. . • ,••
. No of teeth-
2 . a. m te" les' ors engaged .
to 0 road allowapee was,eonfirmede . s, • ,
• 'Ma report of reed seennmissionete ;Ainslie
weal:Lead, .. ; • .. - . •e a. •.
A •letter ',from 1..;,•AL Millet ;re pieeting peer-.
• Mint . of his aeoMint, fed! postage, etc.;.• during
his term as I. P.4. foreWestlitiron; waste.
ferred to i'inartee;:corotraittee; • •
.Movecl. :ley Me.: Molgillane'eee. by Ma
• Campbell). that in the erieet deafly appeal be,,
o ansemunieipality,from the' equaliezetion Of the
. easseesinerite for4the preeent year, • the...final
equeligatiain shall:lie lett to the .7,ileciaten of
• the Countf4die-•••Oarried:. •
. . Council ;then adjeuread, '1141/: .9-31) 0.... 111.-,
Thdrsday.. • - ' • -:•'0.!' 4.',4i, .
. TninD .4:0AY--TItyrs4
. Cotincid'.- resumed, .40,::4104,appreving.
-- -n.inuteee • . -' . - *.!,'..•2.I';' ' ''',P .- '
. A petition teen Meyoze,Neelanele, .of ;Wing;
• ... hebi, andaitbers,:s praying theeCceinCil. to, re-
..fga:XiMi ,4.11;474hatars,. the; aeinaeenteaf _ hid
pedlar's' license, es, he le an invaIld,andliiisr
• ' been for some yeath, wee tefered„to eli'leance/
Commiteee . . : a .".a"?,... ,.:".•'ae.*
- a • „MieVeff by Itlee-Corbeitte -see, by Ma MC:"
'• lififlan that this council menriorialige„the'Do-
.. melon' Government tot the •standard two
barrel �f sari:Making italfeelogal weight...3f
; fire bushels, er;280 lbs.; Med-Visit ,the weight
. •4,. , ; be stamped en the' barre1,..aPitirind:-.•
Oe'motheia, of Misers. •Girtin and Miran;
O it wee deckled to ask the Meet, ' Gaiernor to
• Poetise the line between lois '24 and 25,4111 con.
of•WeekWawanOidi; to brearveyed ma mark-
ed off by permitutha shine' boiteditelee. ' - •
- -Tlieemadeeeibmisaiether was inettneXed_to--
•. examine, We bridge. ,aeletethe hayfield:. river
O er etnribe Leralon Road, hod fetiell.if -4
ne bridge ignecessary, . • . • i•
• 0401 then adjettenad to meet again ,at
• • e ifiatiloa)..4•FaidhYtearniefi. , .
' . ,s. - aSe ,. i . ' Tree den 1886
;After tintivading, ef the Mibutes; it was'
• moved by Mr. Johnston and seconded by Mr:"
Kellf, that the eouneitWitiihold the memorial.
7-- • ,orithes ealtqibetion pr,ortssf0015-0150111t-ttst
Govetniamit, until' the Deer:Other eiseeion, and
. • that the Salt Manufabterers beelleWed to in-
' • teattiew the eouneil oetlie question.a.-Careled.
• eceitaie goatee -reefs ammar.
The l'epatt• of . the'. School Committee,' in
seibstanee, as, follovisedas read and adopted: -
lin tegard to ha' petition. from several rate:
ptifete ef the toeaniihipe of Minto and flowiele,
• . in -relation to the formation ef a MAW eiihooi
Fie:Atop, ave,teeenamend that an arbitrator be
appointed by council, in tiecoi•dance. with the
PraYellataf the pottage: '10 referenee to th
• reithreunieation from the See..Treae, of S'. Se
No, 10, Colborne,. We receniMend' that no rie‘
-"lien be taken, ad the colintr-eoUliffirliff /VP
present juriedietion in the matter, ,iyti re-
• -tonimend thee the report of Mr, Mall oh, 1'.
. S.,1, lie adopted and printed in KO/minutes;
• The connnittee regret that Mr.• &Hoch did
not pay the • Mit:ober of visits rescribed by
law, andave receintoencl thatet e Inspector be
paid only, in proportion ta bo work done. -
O 1,The couticillae no peeve tooct oh thiel BOW:
- ' gestion;end Mr, MaUocl6tated that it eves ow.'
Ing to thee a he had 'ot made the requisite
eisitiait shrs, the animas. of the eornmitteet
„. in pntting n sa91 cheese -Ed Niev 'Eta j•..
' Tbo Scbool Cofnjttoo of 1885 recommended
. that the Itretor be required to give data ,of
each visit t each school,which, terpiirement
bite be,t1en eiregarded ; wo, therefore; recent-
, mond t at the'Clerk give' notieer to' thele• s
epteitptti, end ask that future reporte he medo
511 pHcotdanterwitlr-thie resolutierra
• a/Moved by Die .. Itiellillie secOnded by Mr,
/Biesett, that 'Whereas ft appears Ifinti the
iitatotee that the ootnity counell of any toenty
in which tileXehade Temperance* Aot is, in
forret is directly liable or tWooltiairdis of the
tatiinated exPeaditure tif the Coninfiesioners
for the inanity, Whether the expenditere• is for
constablee, or Magistrates fees, or fot uneue.
cessfell proecoutione, or for an' e,ttier °este
'whirred itt the .discretion of the comtniesions
ere, Wliettas, under the proVisions of the act
referred to, no lineit, elieck or reepetthibility
Lan e ,t 4 0
. eae ea
7fla t4
I 8
04412 81-90 1,987,472 444;252 2,131,721_
Colbotne 34,302185,00 1,381,77A mare 1$2&533004eriCh t'p 57.776j39 03 2,116,924 129,290 24146,214
Grewyie..k. 64,767 30 00 1,942;920 145,7192,188,639.
110.3r. „ ...... 53.412 35 00 1,869,420 183,530 2,002,050
• 47,374134 4 9- 144,44712,489.333-
O Hollett 03,348 40 00 2,133,920 160,04412,293,984
Mcitiliop 52,4•.5 88 00 1,978,470 120,18212,098,639
55,035 32 113 1,767,120 12,820T1,884,948
Stauley:-.-..;42,666 00 1,7440 111,331 1,909,303-
Stephen. 55,219 34 00 1,877,44 124,242 2,001,688
• Tuckersmith. 17,800 47 00 ..,917,c ete,sea 2,040,000
• Turnbeery a. 35,490 1,1L3,120 79,852 1,180,042
. 'Osborne ...:, 42,712 47 00 2,007.464. 8,106 2,130,600
E. Wawanosh 41,745 31 00 1,294,095 1.03;486 1,380,021-
W. Wawanosh 41,678 35 00 1,458,7C )104,208 1,563,025
Total assessed vA1tieW762,408.
• 2 R •..
ta P.
teatiele .• ..
Brussels 6'• I.. • • • .e1
Clinton • • • p • • • •
Goderich ....... •
Seaforth ........
• . g g
fe • • g '
90,870 8,150 94,0.0 80,580
106,305 21900 187,215 188,540
257,597 52,525 310,120 284,00
• 513,100 41,050 558,950 491,830
415,365 68,665 479,030 336,950
1,000,972 123,800 1,124772 875,300 •
470,605 80,165 556,770 467,900 sOoiation in his own county. • and for two
`. 398,806 70,360 162,165 344;700
WrugLeLter . • 02,280 • 8,550 02,289 80,150
to the appointment of It Police Alagistratei
granted Jas. Gillespie, for claim 01 Vil) in re 'WORE UV% 3. I USING
reconaliencl that no action be taken. $25 was
Loudeebore bridge. A number of account; i -....40.11 •
were also passed, to the enunieretiou of which ' ea •
our readers are not interested. ITIATX MAW
PEPOfil" OP VTR SPEcILth VestartaTEE, ,
To Owners or stock.
The committee appointed to select a 'ate
for a Poor Houtze, received the 'electing' of -
fere :-tot 7, Reran road, Goderieh Town-,
ship 58 acres 81 $4.5 per acre; lot 3, eon. 2,
Goderiele 'Nownship, 70 eoree at $65 ; lot 25,
eon, IA Kellett, 01 acres, $65 ; lot 24, con,
10, Hallett, 60 acres. el63 ; pert Blytle mid
part in East Wawiniesh, 70 acres, $70. The
oommietee Ow corresponded with the Clerks
et York, Middleeex, Waterleo and Welling
toe, ar to the places ,ancl iseas of the FOOt
Houses, and fled them to be ae follows ;-
York, $19,020; Middlesex, $00,01)(); Wistorlee
145 scree $26,000 ; Wellington. 50 acres,
ff2t,300„, :From the correspondence the fol
lowIng facts are gathered in reference to tiriVer9:141,4 allre gwiniTettreTteo "1114341'1 Pitid.
Renter:Mar. lhomghtly Dunehes. Cur% Imaepeas le Cattle
Spinal Mealpm 1 .1 Founder, Weak Lunha.
Sprung Eames. Spavin. Mahone
Quitter, idgalls
No etab'se‘muld be withiout it. Railroad mining and ex
press companiaxall ose Gile's Liniment, and intim gloat rag
Mg Mahler of Petulant and bedpan4 it has schievel won
dere. One trlal wIlleonvInee.
W130 DR. gli,ED, BOX 3482. N.Y. P• elevite
eat charge, give advice oti all tilsemes Mal also °lithe man
agement of,tatt1s. Sold h,44 drugghts at Me, and Its l•to
bottle and In quarts at $2.00, in which there ie great saving
The linament la white wrappers Is '")r Surely use; that in
yellow for cattle.
Giles Iodide Ammonia 'Horse HA cattle
• Powder%
Used by all the leading horsemen o eereme Pare, Pee
'mod, BeIghton Beach, Sheepshead Day and Buirs Men
Never disappoint, are tome, Alterative and Diuretic Deat
Worsts, ewe, Indigestion. Cohe.Pots, Sore Thruat, Cohan.
buildinge, reed °est df maintailiance of in. ehasera failing to oidain a. euro mope". rotunda SOU by arli
mates P-Tleat a small farm is more prohtable dritg.;Ists at 2.5eta..per bar,
than a large rine; that a low building, while ,
not 80 leveeing as a high 'structure, is more iteware of Consettnefeite i . laeice3E3 ,eic7,\'‘Iaat, CCLanieliSiv.
suitable for old and infirm inmates, and that
the ease of menittimance of each inmate per,
including k 9 of a fr ROJ3,ERT DOWNS .
9 •
eeper and .aily. In -refer. 9 . Watchmaker, JeWener and Engraver, Clinton..
year, for lard year, ip Waterloo, wale $41.71,l ' - • - •
erica to the circular from, the Depertment of
Agriculture relative to sending a young man
to the Model Farm, the Clerk arid Warden
Many persons ittLVO ruined their eyesight completely by wear-
ing unreliable spectacles. Don't wait •until yo . -1. cannot read
this'advertisement but call on the undersigned, the sole agent
here for the celebrated
$pectacles. • and yeglasses •
Where you can get your eyes accurately tested and fitted with
these excellent glasses. Every pair guaranteed. "
manutaeterer and Proprietor for the best Saw XIII
were instructed to take the necessary steps. the it3f PATENT A.1301tAT4e MUIR Omuta&
peoeided a et and. proper young man should STEAM PITTINGs aunrontilseheed and applied on Sinn
make applioatiou.
On the motion to appropriate $15,00010 -
wards the -erection of a Poor House, the vote
was as follotve :-Yeaseehisset, Kelly, Allan,
Rogers, •Corbett, Cemeron, Clegg, Beek
.Johnston ; Rollins, Essen, Campbell, MoMil- Farm impainients manufactured and repaired. Steam
Ian, Wilson, • Saunders, 'Britton, Beattie, and Water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry
Heys, Scott, &Mille• A MeMerchie.-21, Kilns fitted up on application, Chargemoderate,
Nays-Beacore,Durnin, Cook,Elliott, Keine,
Jaques, oRaithie; Either, Torratiee, Wray.
Howe, Kalbileish, •Stothers, Griffin, Currie,
B1 ick, Strachan, Merhereon, D. Mo. HAIRBALM
ivrultVic. Bryarg,0 liverrAtanly,-,Andersont_i_Restore vey,
Walker, Horney, Kay. -27. . The • motion r
was therefore defeated lif6 of aii
' injoeity. hair to its nee
• tural color, re
. tricereS Dandruff,
stops the hail
from falling out
incraases its
growth, and will
• not soil the skin.
'As a • hair daia.
sing, it has :lc
• superior. Guar.
• anteedhartnless
Prepared by
Harkness•& CO
London, Ont.
Sold by all Druggistf
• And Patent re
• Dealers
linilerei. Engines. and all kinds or Ma
el -dumpy repaired evp.ditl..nsly and
in 'a satisfactory manner.
On the motion to ,thoommead the appoint-
ment of a PoliceMagistrate the vote steed
as follons :-Yea-Beattie,• 'Scott, &Mille,
Harney, A r MoMurchie, Straohan, Black,
Me11,111an.. Currie, Stothers, Wilson, Tor-
rance, Corbett. -13, • Nay --Walker, Ander-
son, Har, Britton, Manly, Oliver, • Bryans,
McPherson, Satinders. Girvin, Campbell,
n, ,owe, Wray, Eallifleish, Rennie,
&ion, jehuriton; Beck, Kelly, Clegg, Cameron,
Haber, Rollins, Cook, Kay, Duthie, Allan,
Elliott,- Rogers, Beaeone, Bisset, Keine,
Jaques, D. MelVturchies-35.
On motion 6 Mr. Rogers it'was deciaed. to
hold the D comber meeting of commit id the
yillage of,Etrusselit. Council then adjourned,
"Targseptaii.v.e toadialis"-:.
Clinton, Ontario, warborn on the Teviot, a
few miles from , Kelso, in ox ()rouge 'ire,,
Scotland, oil May 15th, 1831. _Kis ' parents
ware William Turnbull and Elizabeth Cairns,
Young Turnbull reeeived limearly edneaticiffil
instreetien at the prish ithool in 'Fackford
and the public 8081008iIi Hasvick.irespeetively.
alhenee_he entered theehigh sehoot at Wood.
stock, Ontario: • Thie scheol: Was .under the
mastership Of the late Mr. Straohati. IIe
completed his ,course at the. Univereity of
Toronto, where he iipeot for years; taking
high honors in ()Jambs at matrIonlatioe, during
his find and eecond years. • He graduated in
t861taking away the gold nibdal for moder
languages... With respect to Mr. Terribuel a
.cennection .with pub1i offices, we• mayatay
,that h was fOr five years vice.preeid et of
she •Meahlinicie Institute at Clinton, d• for
the succeeding fire and a half years as pree
.sident of the' same Methane 116' hae free
quently been president of the hers' .As.
'For Lapes", ()lents' arid Children's Wear.
- • e
01.1AS. /CARLIN cciansi Beiboofi3 oupkroni.
, Total, townships, 030 768,488
a, 01 egtalizet1 Assessment 033 018,738
team Taxmen= s sterol* •
The treaeurmagatel. the following statemeat
ot colleetions from non resident lands between
deny. lst and April eOth, 1880, as ,follovai :ea
Ashfield, $41.70; Colborne, ;$7.74.; Goderich
township, $6.70 ) Grey,$189.13 ; Hay $92o 9.;
Howick, $4; Hullette i22.35; Morrie, $19,03 e
$257;05 ; Stanley, 870.64; Stephen,
1O430; Tuekersmith; $33.47 ; Turnberry,
$21•98; East Wawataish-;'$'46:03 ; hayfield
8.96; Brume's,. - 20.8t;.$Eteter�1.
Wroxeter, 49.68, it total, of $1877.11. e
also stated that he had bece unable to) vest
any portant of the Binkieg Fund, elet'efly be-
cause of the abundance of money i .the cond.
.try seeking invedinent,
The earl -Meted ,exPenditiii foietlio czn:kent
year is 865,557.81, lesa;3192.21 from Anc.
tionrr and Peddlgrrii roost -etc. ••
8fizeterienialtireenoatieeteas antmea consul -rem
der of 3ais. Nagle $2,810, for ebeilding abut.
'The eopireittatimmended that the.ttita-
snouts' to •Poirtek bort bridge, be aceepted.-
'That the repairs mentioned as, neeeseary .on
• Zettand Bridge in Mr, • Ainsley's 'report, be
,proceeded with at °nee: With respectao the
sup.erstriicture orBrussele triage, on account
bt th (items abutments being already built,
we coomniend that an Iron superstreetu.feibe
1.1 tit, with footpath,Recommend the ap.
erdaVitterte Grieve's bridge be put in a oroper
state of repair; Becotamend that the Itoad
'ouireitteeetieetnetrueted tsehaee the approach
of 1.(i 'en firicl e ut in a proper sato of. re:.
pair. Recommend that the hole in Maitland
• bridge be repeired, Recommend that ttee
bridges known 48 heaver Meade* bridge,
Helps's and Nine Mile bridge be exatnined
by the Commissioner as imen fie possible.a.-
Recommend that a light hoard fence be Wilt
on weet side of Flynn'e bridge, • to preeent
accuMulntioa of 9110W
1111TORT OP TEM' 7731A1105 1:0115tIT1ES.
The following ie a atimmary of the report:a.-
The estimates for the cutrent year amount to
460,873,73, exclusive of the equivaleet to the
Legislative grant to Publie schoole, requirea
rate of 8-10 milli' on the dollar on the equal.
teed asseeeinent of the county. The [aegis
tester costs of appeal este, Qaeen vs Cleater,
atnounking to $30, recommend MIA it be paid,
reference to the Motion of mr. MOMillan
to appropriate $20,000 for the erection of a
Peier House, vao teepinmend that $15;000 he
appropriated for the putties°. [This clausa.
tviiiedofisatecl in the outwit When the report
was read °lease by clanseel In reference to
the emomenleation from the hoard of Liteese
elenunissionets of East elitiron, aakieit that
8537.78 be deposited in a Bank at Winghate,
to,the credit of the License Fund elleeial ite"
&Mut, for the lieenso districtof ,East Iteren,
We receromencl that 'lotion be 'deferred until
the Peeember meeting et eeeriell, in order to
yeats, was a membet of th town eetincil.
Valle serving in this body a wee Chairman
-ofethe-istalanaeOnialieteo freeTurribullahas,
:never taken a &Janine part in politicaebrit
•is a• thorough-paaed tenter; and' in a quiet.
. way has always giv: , his besteinpperk,tii his
'patty.: His trave haVe beep confined to his
very youthful !... led.-.. When a boy in 1840
he Meth° to n of Hawick with his parents,
proceeded t. theseapori of' Annan.- and flamed-
. to Liver ...l, From Liveirpoble the.family ivent
to New. ork, themlin
e to Albany by a dbon '
Ritier/6teambeet, and then to Bechester. The
nex year they set out from hocheeter, by
s eamboat fop Hamilton, Oetarjoetcruching at
Orb Hope. and 'Toronto,. From Hamilten
they preceeded to Woodeteek, in 'Which town
etheySab.ode-many-years. , letra-Turnballewan
•baptised in the old 'Kirk • of Scotlande' but
when the disruption of 1S43 look 'place, the
fatuity began to attend 'the Free Churele of
Scotland, MT, Turnbull iii now a member Of
the body known -as the Presbyterian-Chirch
in Canada, and he has been for many years' an
Alder in that church. On the 29th of January ,
1862, be married Elizabeth' Jane MoMarray, .
&tighter of .Thoinas Mcblutrey, TOrento, Med
niece orWilliairr-Mi7Marrayr-D:Ceterattsreiient-
erchcleaconso1eleTiagars. , - We' May say that
egrisTarnbifilallart taught echool in Oxford
county for two Years'with much emcee.
.before entering the university, a44 -having ob-
tained his degree, 'hie tholination again led -
him to setioel work,efor which he wan 'fitted
intellectually as Well as by sympathy,' in
1862 he became head maetei Of th,e Caledonia
high and public etheolia• which position he
held with satisfeetion to all •coneeened for
tmarly six years. He then resigned toatocept
the headmaaterallip Of the Clinton high school
( April 1868), and this position' he .etill haft;
The Clinton HigliSchoothas a ate of four
"tatteterieraWepacialletw-in---their-rteWeral -de
•parttoentrir. • The lichee' has for many years
now taken 8 high place among the High
Schools end Collegiate Institutee of the pro-
vince ; and has alwaye reeeiyed a liberal
mestittre of praise from high ectioof inspectore.•
This is doubtless due tei the fact ,that oter
sithject loess his Work, and 15 Sylph ii finely
equipped scholar. ••
. •se 43 le •0,3
Meteregeir & Parise's Carbone tiergete.
Ilave yen an old Sore, Ciit. Bud, Erni*
Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple, Blet01*eti,
Mough Handl, er Foe° 4- If soathere Is but one
ore, namely, McGregor and Parke% Carbone
Co e. If you but try it, it wilt convince rot.
It 8 bus 28e. at WOrthington'ellrug St01•0.
i postal. Vette from Claryville to Big
"Indian, a clititance °of 21 milt% is through
the-lotighest -ea Wildatit pottion. Of .thes
Vatakill Mountains, The roactis ite roligh
infects that the niail is carried on foot, and
the carrier is Clark North, who tie totally
blind. Ile has,earried the :United States
• Mail aver tamest impeesable Oatskill teethe
for 30 years, sines lie Wits a .4y, and halt
neVer seen any :of the Wild region ,though
which he has travelled, and hover Met with
an tieeirleal though MIOW &WO And fleOcle
Often erose his path yet they stieln to he Po
harrier 10 him,
R. It. CO. Sitter Maple ,she principal. timber.
ous town and cities one of the healthiest pints
Advisor/is: Railroads already built, numer-
of the United States; ptirest Water, good markets,
fine Olt, good roads, schools, churches, iarp
agriptiltural populatioNhest building material at
#pres, good soil, low price", easy tering',
porfece title. For books, maps. Charts, and all
/additional information, address •• '
• • N. 0. ifUGHART.
.1%and Commissiec; grand Rapids.
ries OW. Apply to Mr, Min., at the 'Min, or to 4
11 NINE & SCOTT, • • AT $21.10 PER (MT:
learn Dreasmeking. -MISS AI. . 'PRP:WAR:NIA, , , . „..„, • . . 5,
Albert street, Qiinten. . - . , ---*-- -
' '',- - - • - ' '" ' '''' - ------ .- ' • AT Niers. PER CWT.,
Ay °NEW TO ' LOPl*. - PRIVATE -. FIMDS, oN - 4 , • .
yearlY;..Apply to kl.A: HARTT, Solicitor,. Clinton. lin .Ueilv0 red itny w h ere di to w n' ' re e of 'merge ..
1.3.1. Farm security, interest se per eent: Payable 1 ,..., „
• . • 0., • ..
.. • . . . ,
fIEN101117Af 'WAGGON FOR SA.LE, WITH • • .
4j119.1e and Sind ts;,In Splendid order and. will
bo eold•eheitp.' JOHN. RIDOUT, Oliu ton , . . .. • •
' )111S ' J0111 Ii ANSON
., ..
• -ON ETY-40-404.7-.067,-PARaL_PROEEp,m...
Marion 'approved nistes for short thates. C.A. HARTT, S••,.
Private-and..ilenipanvest interest,
Attorney, Minton, 10.
' re ARAI- OT 20 ON THE ; ---• 7---
-L' 1,4th con. of the township. of Hullett, con a ning _,... .
.about 46 acres. Terms to suit purchaser. Ally to CetRettOTS, TURNIPS, h,trO.KW EA
. .
CASIERON,HOLT cammtaw,Barraters,ao each. •
. .
• Housus.
Madame Stoct ram
Grosse Isle, Mich.
All stock selected'
from the get'of sires
and dams of estab-
lished.Teputation and
registered in the
• French and american-lettid-Borerste..-We.haztia-se
vty large number of.imported .and. grade stale
•3.ioris en brood mares on band. Prices re so -
• able. Correspondence solicited. Send for largo
illustrated catalogue, free by mall. Address
•Cabinet Parlor
furilitiot Wareroems,
• Tlieaubserthet keeteethe Itiset,•
Always on hand. Funerals furi4sbedat
tile eitorteit notice and lowest prices.
. Leading Undertaker.
. • •
MItalpitault . TUE PLACE;
branches done by biess•SUSAN.Stooau At residence
Ontario St., opposite the Presbyterian Slane°. Ladies
entrusting her svith , garments of aoy deseriptio.n may
reyon getting entite satisfaetion. . ' -
and mit AND . change for OA',1; MEAL, 12 lb, to. the bffsh:Y .
der fer any . person sending in their order be. ' •
:BA Elm Luteber for sale, vnil be to ot. , • . - -
OIL CADE, $2:50 PER -MT..:
fore the 20th ef' fday. JAS. WALLIS, ist -Com,. . .. - . .
iGoeerieh lawnship; IlaYffeld F. 0.. , • .• . • • , •;* , ..,-...., •'
QIIINGLES, WEIL, wain% iserea-THE stria . .
kY manta has fer sale a quantity of firat-class Shin. . , ..• ---',-- . •.
than ever. All parties needing.anything in this line, SANE•902 PIP It 'CFNT
glee, Lath, nue andllemlock Lumber;. etc., 'cheaper . , - • • • •• • . .
. . ,
.will save money by cailltig on us Also al7o. 1 yoke .0 .•c.o. . . .. .4 • ,,i ,_.,
ofOxen, five years old. JOHN SPRUNG,..ittnitland. ' .
Dlock, Ifullett.
• 1"--"---- . .. lgi36-:-.:43EXii:^CEXTONAIA-1.886, . . -•
OUsa POI( SALaaaTHE SUBSORIBER OFFERS ' .1..; ' . • • • .
• • . .
, for sale his ba, andloton Maple Street. The • . . ,. . • "so. oe Tire
four rooms and large kitchen. 'Splendid fruit trees on G
lot is one-quarter o ' acre, and the house contains • • . .. . • , •• . '
Abe place Good well; , Only II v rainiites' walk front
..,the centre of the town, .Will be e(thi eheet.., Apply
to AbhttlEORILISrO11ntenr--4---..,....---
MANGOLD% 4 .kinds,„ 250.: pet lib.
, Haman 'Km PoTATone, 40o. per lb.
WANTED. -Alot of DAM' in eke .
LA 'large frame house on .Rattenbury St., formerly
occupied by Mr. W. Doherty, is offered for sale or to
rent on reasonable terms:- It contains plenty of room,
With hard and soft water, and is a very desirable resi-
dence, Terms. on application. to JOHN TAYLOR, • • T 1GQ E
spencer 81,, Clinton. . • ••
offers for sale that conveniently sitnateff
House and Lot on Albert street. The house consists
of 0 good sized rooms, good barn and a number of'
'Fruit trees on the premises, Will bo sold on reason-
able terms. AIRS. JESSIE SMITH, Clinton.
Condented beta or. Caali'alin hIatual. P1n..
DON'. Sas. Youru.:, M•1'. 1', - - ,L5resident:
ADAM - Vice•preaident •
11; S. SrtioNc., ESQ., agini, Direetor.. .
11 That
' That conveniuntly s1$ifat4deottaga8t44 iota
lector o---T.:1.-,ouseecceitains7 rdotrucgodd was -dab -0,
with bard and sgit water. There aro three lots in the
•property, -with a burobor of fruit trees * will be sold
or renterIcheap: . Also. for sale, a lot on'Isaac Street,
'opposite the residence of the ua0e7015ne44 Apply to
•A. DOESWORTII, Clinton.
Loan and In-vestnt Co'y
Vas Company is hot:ming Money ea Parra
Security at Lowest ilea4 of interest
8, 4 and Ci per Cent. Interest 4fietee400
1)P7iosits, OCC04'dit10 tO amotott •
and time ICA
OFPICEo-Corner ot Market Square and NOrth Stree
' HORACE 78010011, •
„. •
()Orlerioli Andiiiit n 113'8 '
undersigned offer :dr sale a hall or vrhole
terest jo their 'POrtisb10 'Steam saw. Mel, The
boi r is 30 horse•poWer, engine 25, and the Saw
11I511100lrAlbin13Othi0t0 running-order;...onlY
in,use about three months ; doing a splendid
buelinesa; !Intl/doctors, reasons for selling Cost
• over 81,300;. vriO be sold at a bargain, .FiRDUE
& DONALDSON. ()Sidon .P. 0. .
_ .
orr Road; lots 6 . and 7, Ooderich township, con.
slating 01144 acres, is o ered for. sale On reasonable
terms. About 120 acre leased. and in pod state of
cultivation• -balance good hardwotid, good . frame .
house, fte.,'general puddings, plenty of water, bearing •
orchard ;11 mike froth the rising town. of Clinton.- •
Particulars May be .obteined on the prodder:is, or by
addresSing *TABUS PER/NM, Clinton 0.7
. •
:Enters upon its FIFTIETH YEAR eieecle
stronger and more preeperonethan et any
previous period, having $218)806 of Assets'
•endpratically NO LIABILITY except a Re, '
ipentance Reserve of 830;000. There are $20e •
000 deposited with the Ontario Government,.
and ever 891,000 held in Mortgagee, ' Deben-
tures, and Cash, immediately- arailtible
, meet loseeeeee'e.
\Intim °boy -hollers io fo "(hire,' SONO,
20 per emit. With undoubted security.
For hill particulars apielY to READ Ovnet; ()Aut.,
or to :11'01111* illIDOPT0 Agent, 'Clinton
NoNL‘jr A quick, pernia.nent,
vcueneee,weeknese, lack ot vigor, strength and de•
eaused by Indiecretions, excesses, etc.
benefits in a day; cures usually within a month.
NO deeeptIon norquackel7 Positive prepay, tut!
description, hundreds of, testimonials, with -letter
sif advice inalled'ia plain, melee envelopes, Ate.
Erie Medicalgoe Banal% N. .
' ' • . '
L.F-Sitliserilieri--keePs-fer-senvica,....on-Lo 'K 1 N e
Maitiene COneession Goderich Townsblif. a
Thorough -bred Short -horn Still,*.of first °lags
pedi roe. • Terme. ti at tirte of service, with the
telittrit:ifureitml3vi V:_neceseary. ALEX:
E Ale0 eome goed
Spring Wheat for sale, . I THE COOK'S BE FRIEND -
-...-.--p..1-.--7-4.,:r0y• ,Aai„u„
„;1,1iv-•A7, •.'. .,
: •
• .1A.VIES PETIOUSON .. .1 . 'ILEP/ijitED. ..• j
. .
, -
lining removed his NatWest° the prouneee formerly •
known an THE MOUNTOASTLE MILL, would thank
all old patroes Mr pat falrote, and is lu a better posi•
thin tban °ter to promptly fill ilaorders eetrusted te
him. • A STOOK OF 0001) MIMI'S ON RAND. -
Ordered work a wale*. Wells dug and completed
en shod notiee. Alt ivorkguatanttiod. Prides reason
able. Oantaa Bit X.1114 PROXYTIN ATIMAND 70.
. _ _ • ...
' • ' SAIVIgS FEltatt8ON, iIINTII..
811111017 STREET..CLINTON.
klgtrbrIgnt all kinds promptly attended to ii0,rloi.'01
able+ ratty. A trial *nth...Heil.
The follosting testimonials, reeeived by eire
tterisamet, meek for thottimilvag:
reeeived toy sewing %Addeo iihent.rour months, ago, awl
amjnat as weli pleased with the work of it ea the day 1 re•
eelved it froze the bands or the repairer. 14, DAVIS.
/ received ref Sewing machine about alz months arto, end
was fortunate to get it repaired, and ,was surprised to Hee the
-eseellett work it data, for it wen hid hi, over font years tad
eendeinned. Yours truly. W. (I, SIIE1'0I1E211.
1 beg toacknowledge the receipt of nip lousiest tonwars,
the MO York Singer sewing Machine whiehi bard jest got
repaired. 1 ant mob, please' 0011 Wand return 100 141' stn.
eere.theake, for it works splendid,. ALEX. afeGREC4011.•
The Sewing Machine I got repaired sleet tilx menthe ap
proves to be In every reepeet ni:perfor job, n large nonfarm. .
of treeple- doting -the Ow -mambo have rolled at our tailoring
establishment and are intrprieed et its egoariere weer, it is
,itat as advertised, ,440E3ON1111014.: •_
Patties having Work 11 this litt,<All 114%011 attend.
ed to on teeving ordere at PLOODY'S STOltisTror
residenee, tri obi Presbyterian Chureli
eetee ) teestelteie ClIntine