The Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 2SELF - 0R-BEAKAR '.'trOtn. roon are the 09400 who- ,ereet t repee akevalliee their Melet. and knit a brow as amity. as a•enackinge •alni "flash theities teem Their vete nit well 42 *ISM -4 Inciter nonce. But goal fi ging eequiree a nerrow s: !, or, at loust, class! proximity to the doer. At' the Adelphi,before the villein flings,it mey • • be observea that he carefully .edgee up close : to the. door. Nowe the ward was a Icing ..• -- room, ana Dicie'e .fling became, • before. he • repelled: the deerhandle, an 'ignoble etritie, which was renderet. only partially eflicient by his banging the door aftee, hiMso that all the Imeies jumped • "It's all her own fault, whatever hapeen." "Sotnething," said Calista, in the same words as those Of the resident, medical, something is cartamly wrong with. tack. And he is trying to set hiinself right by My - mg the blame on Norah. What can it be And what can he mean by his vague threats" She tried to dismiss the stibjeett from her -mind.- A man does uot try to injure aggirl because she has refused niin. Yet' she was uneasy; and in the afterboou, when Norah came to the hospital, andlitigh made love to hex- before Calista?e, .ettea, Dick's gloomy words kept repeating themselves in her brain. "It is all' her fault, whatevee happens," CHAPTER IL • MS' LORDSHIP'S TOWN IlqUSE. • . The residenee of" Hyacinth droaan; M,D.,... C.P., general practitioner, was in Cain- den.streete• Camden Tenet His surgery, his consulting room, and his red temp ;were also . attached to the same house, where patients. not, only received advice, but saes' their medicines mixed before their eyes, and might also, if they wished, have their.teeth drawn. Probablyit l not safe to make the statement with greeter- donfideneeno • practitioner in.Camden Town had alarger practice; very fewof-his brethren, except among the youngese men-thosegjustrestart- ing-enacle a smaller income. No Man in the parish, except the postman, 'walked a greater 'number of miles. every, day,- nor did .anys body, except the tram car conductor -end even he gets every other Sunday offs whiele, the deetor There were, in Dr. Cronans case the Usual_ compensatiens; thOugh theincome was small.' the family was large; there were plenty of wants to exhaust tile scanty means; *though . the loaves were few the menthe Were many. This is, as has o.bon_reinarkedronoof Dame Natiyete playful .ways; • She suited= tut,e.s for the things which are yoitafing those which are superfluous Or lewd .PraYeide for; she aelds to the thinge which , teregdready possessed others. '•whictis may deprive. thenf. of their value. Thus, on htm who. has the greatest good fortune, luck and worldly hape pines* she bestows *aesthetes which deprives bine of the. power of enjoying anything. at all, and when a poor man has succeeded with in- finite trouble and selfsciental in saving a little money, she sends him au illnesS or *.inisfor- tune which gobbles up his little-allg be the rich man she denies au beir, and to the poor" man, who has teething to leave; she''Showeri4-, heirs and heiresses. However, Dame -Nature rneans well, and we aye but .peer blind ximr: tits, and doubtless, know net What is best Lor ue: On this principle of playfulness Nature- bad- enfIched :Dre--Plyacintne -Case- tau ,with ton childiene of whimiCalista. the .elctese, new_inherstatty-pencieid ' as we iulye seen .sister "at the Children'S Hospital. The • second, flanged .Hyaeintlie after hes father,, was at . UniVersity College. Hospital, on the point •of .completing . his student -time. After llyacin'tli eame.Noraly, - private eocretary to ' a geitealogiet, ticentler engaged to Hugh. ; Then ,follovved. Patriak, who follmeed the eed, and „was a midshipman,: or fourth officer, as, I think, it is now celled, on board a P. 0. boat in In- dian .waters. After Pat followed 'times whet were 'still at seltool--Atberic, Terence, Ger.- aldine Larry, Honoisenderciethleee, It Will be .understood. :from these namee that Dr. Cronan was df 1e-1**dt-fiction Ile was born; in* fact, Dubtiii-;--be pro4 neuneed it Dolehm-eand he graduated' at -Trinity Lollege, and-suchemiations-as-boba were understeecl by his. wifo, isvho never saw any of theme to' be still resident in :the dis- tressful country, lelieres. Irish. people itre fond of talking etbout their familial De. Croettne however, hardly ever mentioned his• people Yet he . gave ell • his children Christian natheS More comtnon, 10101a/id then on thiS eido of the • cheameL When a man is OWL., turn on the subject of there , generally a presiunption, that ;it is snot stioh ne make men stick out their chine . On the inother's side, boweVer, to makeup,Nature's way neminse-the • childeen asceuld. bohst of the 'nog houoriebte .oftenleatiolte Their' grandfather hal I, eoe an • ablermau. More iinportant still, • ehe-hael—mado- inomee at his. teed°. of chronemeter maker, tie rose to Ln an alderinalle• Pad Waal:var. den of his compeller; and. in bcith 'capocitiee devoured his tirite.. quantities of .turtle . soup every. year. It was entirely • throtigh elite tirtetelle alelftslentaieeto Or-ohoOe•-• - his daughter, whom he dia. tot live to see, . was . possessed of -a suleitantial ineennee-no los that' tweelnindreil pottilds year. What the fen children ‘vould Infielesione Withdtit that tete Intiedred a t'Oar olio catinOt even thitle.• What'becanto Of alt the rest df the aldertrtife, Money I letloye net. SotiM of the 7ramichlhirea hod tioelitoribt, 'rat throligh their portion, and were gone abroad; tionee were clerks; genie had shonsgsozne were pro-, fosiooal men; notone, lam awe, woe Imitat- ing the groat: ottaltlido of his gl'altdittbhorr and saytnganopey for these of the tiientiothe century to upend. ' • One evening in June, about halfspasb Utile o'clock, while it is still elmost light enough to read Without a lamp, Dr. Chattel% eat by • the giripty fireplace in the family dining rOom, etirrotinded by his - 15 Was not every evening that he could tints sit at his ease, in slippere, with 'tt tape between his lips, and tho "materials", on the • table :The room was edited the dinitigkroofit, but it was ilecci it; the fondly sitting VOODY, W01;IC T out; ..,etudeve.and_anytilingtelee TlicY gy.ba• they received their visitore in it, and they took their meals it IC The Windefee Was open; for it woe -fte.titally a warm Ogetting, though only at the beginning a Juno; the gas was lit, end if the route wag rather erowded It lout it happy lOok, as if the Lune ily were, on: the Whet*. goods tempered Among those fondly pOSSOSSIOne Whit% the 'visitor et once inVOltintteeily recognieeS, even before he bee had time to leek at the china and the pictures, good totelpet is the first, if It is foetid in the hetitto tit all. The.Cretsgos took theirigood tenaperoldefly from their father -,-jt was Just one, more Of Natures compensations to make up for the smell income. No one ever savv the doctor cross 9r irritable, not even when, filter a long day's work, he wag called out again at bedtime. Helene a tall man, of spare figure; ids once dark hair and whiskers well streaked with gray. His features were clear and handsome, and his blue eyes bad a trick of lighting up suddenly, and his mouth of dropping into it smile on small provocation. Certainlje not a weeping philosopher, nor one inclined to rail at the times, even if they were ten times as disjointed. The picture of fatuity life, eit its easiest and 'happiest presentei in this Camden Town household is reproduced every nignt in miles af streets and thousands! of houses, it is complete when the wither sits -as Mrs. Cronan sat -this evening...with a basket of work before her, plaeldlys stitching. She had beenmarried for twenty-four years, and had stitchecl without stopping for twenty- three years, sti that she now desired up other, oempation but leieutely stitching. When She children woreyOunger there was greater pfessure-the stitching wasieurried, Beside her sat henseconctdaughtereNorahe She had a book in her head. but I think she was not reading 'much, for She did not turn Over the pages, and her eyes were looking through the open winiow into the beck garden, whet° two films -and-a-liburtumrwere- in • g mest delightful fellow, in the world, and the cleverest, there are Met Inang books.whieh she cares to read. /f it he asked why she was not assisting her 'mother ill darting the -family stockings,15 enottet CO reply that it girl who private secretary to it geoealie -he was constantly occupied in visiting Magee, and conducting the lerfeteriewt tunes tions of the "higher" degrees, these Of which the natale wearer of the blue eproathavo no knowledge, and the outer world no ap- 1 preeintiop. Me spent, as he Priandly told hie niece, *early eve night of Ids life M this work, and 0.8 the function in every right- minded lodo is always followed by a ban- quet, there was certainly no other man in the whole world, outside of royal circles, who bad consumed such an enormous quantity of champagne and was possessed of a finer palate, But to all things there cometh an encl. The secretary grew old. He began to And traveling wearisoine; his 1 Ona of the four prisoners who recently escaped from the Edmonton, N. W. T., inck.up has been Yenapttlred. He-Tepetts that huuself and Ins eoeupanione suffered terribly through' the deseitioU of their 4uide, , I an employed by the house of Thurber, Whyland Jo Co., of New Yorlee and reetde at 18 warren Place, Brooklyn. Dering the iutenee :old weather ofithe paet winter, in crossing the . °ridge, the frost struck my face and an attack of erytelpelse was the result. I appiled Giles' felnimeut Iodide Annuounte the relief was im- mediate and the cure rapid. Edward Dein, Sold by all druggists, e memory began to fail him -it was whispered MANNING & StloTT that he had once ineriartedi the secrete of a, higher instead of a lower degree by mistake, • a truly dreadful thing to do, and believed to have caused the earthquake in 4aera; things began to be said about slipshod, conduct of the work; and finally"; the council resolved, that the time was come when he must resign.. They gave Mit, however, a pension of 2100 a, year, which he brouglet to the Crenate household, where he came to lodge and to grumble. Hie champagne was cut offee-it wile gone for 'geed. He ivoula" never agent-alael- taste of that divine drink. No wonder that the o'd Man wept heavily and was always di tiontented Por he craved contioually af- terchatnpagne. He found some coneolation full Mose= When a girl is enga ed to the in Pu'iting on bis dress eletbes73.je'l:i gist, who draws a salary and pays for her own beard, and who is engaged all day in the most scientific researcbge, cennot be ex- pected to dun etocktuge iu the evening, Geraldine, the third daughter, was learning a lesson foe -next day's, school, 'and the three boys, Terence, Alberie, enel,,Larry, wombs -r- ing a low royal, in which nobody interfered -in so large a family there is always a row going on between some of the members. - over a bacitganunon boar& ' That is to say, two of them quarreling, and the third, who ardeutly desired to swing a shillelagh in the fray, haa been hustled and bundled out of the squabble at an early entree, and new sat quie , walang for his chance. • fatten a picture as thte is truly national; It represents the Ettglielt ' Widmer de familia Less civilieednations ge theatre, cafes, chantauts, open-air concerts, operas, dances, 'circuses, public gardenk-all kincis of thiuge. All 'in fandly"eottr people . slay no libme. each household in its own net.- The older boys, hoevever, have 'got a trick of. Spending the otrening oat ••la hie hand the the:tor had nu pi -ening- paper, mil he' was reading it is i habit with met who •have 00 for much reading, and somettinee forgot the newspaper for, many day.se to- gether.. .Prom time to time he jerked a piece of news at his wife, who iiever read a paPer it all; 'and knew nothirig of any politice but; eide the walla of her owe home, • . • Then thedoor opened, and -an old gentle- man came in. • He Was a, very clean; good- • lookingolcl gentleman, grave; and even se• - veto, but not benevolent of aspect Quito Vontrarygindeed, though his locks *era sO Silvery white and •so abun tent, and his beard so beautiful and so creamy. He would have imikedbenovolent • :rha • S hut for h'e un er p, w eh projected, and gave it • grtimpY look to.au Otherwise open and Wildly -countenance. This witelinclee-Jogenli-shtm- -Oa• -He was`dressed ;in evening cutume- not the old-fashioned swallowtail which old mop used* wear by day, but the correct evening dress of the day, withit shirt front ,decorated.witle one stud and white tie. He wore,thlsdros-a meet.. unusual dres3 it CameletnTown--eas if he was accustomel • 19', lt„notteie, if' it was a kind of disguise. Ai sight of their great -Uncle the boys shut Up. 'the backgammon- board, ahd all then retired together prorimtly, and were heard to finish their genie and their quarrel in some up! .steirs apartment. Noma -Joe her pert, ap- plied harself vigorously to her novel, and het father :buried: himself in the paper., So great ' wasthe popularieSe tif Uncle Jcieepli.• ' -Uncle Josera shook head solomtlYi.. ;took • a•chair as ff he were asiteting ale a funeral, auct•sat down brOgo. lliede•,-Mre.. - Crimea. with that. was almost like h , groan. He sighed. a great deal 'in the eiVe. .uing, evhict, for eertaan treesons-Ovassetstr-ye Ing time with•iiim„ • . •, . "Two years ,ago,". be addressed the dtreter,, but received yostmilso -the news- paper,- and thereforeetio tarped•to his niece, 9.'wer• yeara • ego, 'Marta, I alltilikr-enoevetat this* Moments half-pastenine, be sitting on the right haml, -or perhaps the 'left; eV the chairmtio. ' The binigiiet would.. be nearly O'er, and the elognence of the eVenlogein which I alaitys took part in a .fe* wen - chosen sentences. Syould be abbut to begin. If you ett down at half -past seven or it quer- ter. to eight tee epee:Cites generallY begin at half--preet nine" • - e- '"Yes,eitideed, lInc!FrreFP1:17)1-a-Crintan replied, eitith a. sigh sympathetic; "it 'Inlet he it beaulifilltbingto.remendier," , - • eleeteetifitLindeetle2.21ariat!' • /leCrsiglied • again. "I will take a glass of gin and water. • But it its over-eit is oyer I shall hear those speeches no more, I shall drink that Ottani- . paguo no mores Piper sec end Ifeldseek are strangers to Inc beeceforth. . • . I and in talking over the once splendid pasthe had a sympathetic listener in his niece, and he found gin -and-water-a- substitute -for champagne --inadequate, it is true, hut bet- ter than nothing. "It has been a brilliant pareer, Maria," he said. 'Few inen-ii has ofteo been said in my own' presence -have sat at more or at nobler banquets. doubt if any nuns ex- cept a prince and he inustbe a prince of seventy at least. has:arunk More ehitinpageie than yclor poor node. yet such a life has its dratylotokst you can'tsave money by eat- ing Mut drinking.; the more brilliant it the mereechtuntsagne.you drink ;• the less chance you've got of saving. You can't save cham- pagne, and now, you Sees nothing but - the memery, reittains.". - "Indeed, 'Miele Joseph, we are all proud of you."' , . "And now I'm coin° dovvia to a pension nf hundted, yeareandeto gimandavat,er. Give rao another glass, •Marla. s Gin -and. water • "You must thiult or •the ' banquets, uncle, and•the greit company yea: kept, mide.". ."The highest in the land," he replied, einnly. "I have Poitiated and raised to the most sublime degrees royal princes and the noblest of thanobility, young. and old.. As fOr. dukes, inarquPos, earls and :barons • they have been under my hande,•meek and obedi- ent, by the hundred.. I"ve lost count of baronete, .and. knights' I vein° not at .all. Yee Marta, it gives a man some satisfaotion in.his old age ;to feel he's done so muctli geed and been so greatly -honored. No doubt such a life bestows an air of dietinctien.. ,I put it on with my evening -dress. The jewels are up Steirs: lAvould not -be peeper 50 adorn mytireast With those splendid aegfilia, out- side a lodge I can• leave eety jeivels to peer children, Maria but not the air of dis- tinctioa. That can't be left to anFrbodet:'r • • "It cannot, 'Uncle Jeeephe no more than 41, • , .' • "I've often Cho Maria .550 Old :man continued, "that .rthould haegi liked one* YOU?' boys to take Up the same line.... But -of comae too much to expect of- them. It is a gift .• Such a • man as ,mysell 'Can't be made. He Is born, as they -say Of a poet. Either ayoung man has the,genhis or he has • not. Lord! Most masMrs, whether the chaireerspast 'it, hove got • no more real' knewledgeT.Of the 'ritual: whatever the" dd gree, than they have of the Roman mass:" "Of course 1 don't knew -What ip 'is," said Nis. Cretan; "but Piro , always • under- stood-'-" , . -2 ' 'Yeti coon Understand,. Maria. No Wes man can. It's beyond' their intellects to understand 'such sublimity aud such intrice Moe More thane demo' ..difterent rituals - think . think Of that Every !Me 'complete ancl diV• faggot, and all to be worked egactUnd word for word Alt.tivese rltuats at my,fingere' ends, Tvitheett flaW.or inid me the mail deputed to work them' for lostrtiation, for 'raiiitig lend advancing; and C separate dress.. for each; with its Ownfjeivels! The at:irons entilethetecarfsearegipestairerwithethegjeweLg Did' the rituals-ethey Musn't beavritteer,-ands,s therdetio one anywhere who knows-. thene like qie Theyvegot a Yining hien in my plebe.. 1 trained Bitt as Or comparing hint witliine-wellt I' pity the • Vexing- 111101t They Will make eomparieene, and—" .• "0.11, good•Loriti" This miseetrily interruption wee due to the doctor, who suddenly juniped. up with -this profane 'cry: He dropped back, however, aria SattIONVII again; gazing about hirn with A look of the blankestamavenient The start endethe, cry Might liavaebeen-forced from lam by. suddenly sitting on a pin,- or by exasperation beyandendurante with Uncle Joseph's' 'tedious prattle, or. by some sharp internal pain, or by the redollectien of some -ftatehtittlentieetion blunderf -Burtheit- look Of imazeinent-what did that mean? p "4 4-raeietne't ierlea ties. Crimea; "what 'life come to you, my dear:" • "Nething," said thet tiodter. He picked up the atelier which .he had drotped, • folded 4. Y'srp• carefully, and Pieced itto Itietpocket-ea thingwhich he had *never been Itineyeu to do in all his life before. .• "Thee° Must be something .tlee matthr," Ids wife porsiSted. •"is it, tooth achet" 4 '15 ie he repented; `e.iethin,g of tlteleast-imponnfrcertoMsrer-to anybody."' ,"Theti it is Soniethifig," said Norahe "and something that Concerns yam at least, papa; und it is •eorneating that ;vote read in the . 4, papor. lAt nic road the paper, ,too." • • Barristers Solicitors,f CONVNYANONItfit Q. eouttnesionersfor Ontario apd letanitoba. OPPION NEXT noon To NEW BEA, CLINTON. MONEY PI LO•tele MoItzialterl BOUGHT. roe Jaeltfu's lure, Albert Ifitliret.2. °111-ce WARRIAGE LICENSES. -APPLY TO THE .11. undersigned at the Library ItoOine, Smith's Block, 30• JAMES SCOTT, OtTEY Ta LEND IN L,ARGE Olt SMALL autos on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. fl. HALE, Clinton. DPhysielan, Surgeon, eto. Office and residence IL DOWSLEY, BLit: 0. S ENGLAND next Molson's Bank, markt:it squarerOlinton.....- , DR•APPLETON.-08'FICE--A.T BESTDENCE mu Ontario street,011uton,oppositethe Englieh aueoh. Entraneeby sidegate. p.Equ.r.iroot, KIVU.. ENGINEER, • %imolai and Dominion Land Sur_veyor, Architect and Draughtsman, realm, BLOCK, Clinton.. REEVE.- OFFICE RATTENSIIRY Murray Block, two. doors east of, Hodgente.em •traneo..Iteeilenocee opposite the Temperance Ball, Huron S. treat, Olintom Office hours) 8 a.m. to 11£1. WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PIIIDS JAIL attended at theirown residence,if necessary. Re, 4 !dance, ,fohn Robertson's, baron Street, Clinton. Rice's new. method taught 11 desired. STANIeuRY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI L./0AL Department of ViotoriaCuivereity,Toronto,fot merly °Lyle ospitsisand DispensarieeiNew-Yorlr COronerlor the °minty o.f neren,Beyaeld,ont. • - • MISS PaPEW. 101111061C 14.44OHERs le NOW Ng.a.ln TO RECEIVE PITPILE. 11E141)111414En NURSERY. PRT1T AND ORNAME.NTAVTREES, NOR. WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, THE LATTER ot. WHICH VS 3141/E A SPEVIALT , LARGE. STOCK ON HAND The 'above ornamental trees and shrubbery willbeeola at very low prices, and those wanting siring In this connection, will save MiMoy purelawk kere. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended to • .4claroff. JOHN STEWARt, Bernell ler Going North.• Going South 9.55 a.m. express 8.03 a.m. express reaRANK O.f POWELL, BARItiSTElt,, SOLICITS:Mt NOtary blie, etc. Oill &URGE S BLOCK, AL- BERT STRUM', tILINTON, Toronto agents, Messrs. Mc- Carthy, Oster, Hoskin & oreelman, Private funds to oan at lowest rates Of interest, • ' • • • ael W. WILLIAMS, B. A, M.D., GRADUATE 011 .Toronto University ;Member of tit eCollogoof Phy slolans and SurgeonetOnt. OFFION & ossmexce the touseformerly000tipied by Dr. llecee, Albert etreet Minton, . WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, BLUME 01, 1-/Acconeleour,Licentiateof the College of nye Wan and Surgeons of LowerCariatia,and ProvincialLieek Hate and Coroner' or theCountyo/Muron. Officeant residence, -The building former13 bocupied by Mr thivaites, Huron street, • • Clinton, jan.10,1871. rILINTON ifgcnAmos, • INTITUTE, LIBR VARY andReaditg Rooms, Perrin bite*, down stairs. ,About 1,700 vo umeein the Library and all the Leading-Newspaperserantiatiribtheals of the day on the table Membership tieltetia per annum. Open from 2 to 5 pule and from 7 to 9 p in. Applleations for nienmershsp reared by the Librarian lu In the roma • UNION' SHAVIN :PARLOR IfAlE CUTTING AND SHAM- . • POOING done very neat and to suit . evert's...person, • S O MN. 'F'.% leg MARRON, Enlith'g Bleck • Vifriz.iirr; • .4 ERDEON DENTIST. - Hold the exelusivcoright for the county. for'the Hurd. process df administering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, Which is the safest and best system yet dis- covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Charge, moderate, satisfaction.,_guaranteed. 0141CO3 EL: TIO PT'S BLOCK, over' Rance's trailer Shop., Huron Street, Clieten, r'. A. A. BENN.CTT, . .. _ .... . • „,„..,ww • • UNDERTAkER, 4ND EMEAL.MER, Albert_St.; Red Recker Store 1.11111111111.111ft la atm • . . After.tlie severest test at *elate fair in Clinton, it teas universallyadmitted that FOR ehitvE0T AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY 'or magi, AND swEETNEss 01" TONE, , the ExcELsiort was away ahead of all eth- ers( and destined to bethe popular instru ment of ,the day. This, along WithThe faet it. ehat a, special pr .,e waeawarded it, certa:in . .1y speaks voln in for the -its trn m e n 10, and paries pu rebelling; should eee the Ex.CEL ' Sion -before buying elemehere. • - GEO. F. OA'KES, PlnenteBTOIt. Factory three doors weal; of Hallox's Pump li • iliop, Retteillniry , St Clinton, 7 e I e • ep1 e, excopt 1 to oolv•abont I • : . I hint With a howlldeved look, aeon() W110 13011- (101.4 Whitt ie goieg to clo next, tvn, • ' I "If 1 ant allowed, to talk without; being 1 L.:LY ? 71 shall drink that champayne no more." aro hearm, oxidic," Mrs Cronan suggested, piously, "there is finer champagne." The old Man ehook his head doubtfully, tie if ho thought that could not bee „ "And nearly every night, uncle, wash,t 151" "Nearly every night, .ilfaria. Always in eveuitw dresg, and wearing the maguificent joivols of the Order: Always the mysterious cereinonies of the lodge, and -the banquet after the wotk Was done. 'fbe banquet -ah!" again be groaned, "With the champagne. Nearly every day Of .111y life; for mere than thirty: rars-.oxcept Stoaday---thb banquet -and thachamptiguit Ineettintnee the conntr,y - lodges: hi winter T,onclon, What it life, Merle Whitt it career( And now it la over." Undo Joseph, fit tact, had been for sonte. thing like thirty you,' the ,secretary Of a very exalted institution in Masonry, much grander than grant lo ig,e. in this capacity-. for which ha was ileteel by a Very extraterdis Mary memory and tee 'pelletal:gains for core. • tnoniel as if he lied boon Vaud chanderglain .• Interrupted," said Uncle J6sepir, treitehly, 'el -woe -going to say, Matiii---"' "Papa. lot me sep tito paper,' said 'aortae *gain. dear,' not- 1.0.1411(e, I Clare say ou will hear soon. enough." • • , wits going to sal% . • . "Yes, tfife:e Joseph, YOur father will nflOW Dle the i apn. to-ttight, 5414 7.11 ts, Crosson, in. st fray, which implied. that, as a wife, she meant to knoW tlib secret hatever 18 was, " there anything in it yrhich eoncerts you, comet) I can tell it to you in the morning, (to on, 'Uncle Joseph," ..... "I was ping to say, Marla, when these inierruPtions begat, that there IS SoMeilling m noble blood whieh one relnarits on the veky.first introduction. It is something -a--" Het% the door opened, and l'nele Joseph Wa4 thhd time interropted, Ho eitt back ,11 1118 chair runt began to drum the table with his fingers, but only for it foev inelliettte because the thing Which followed was of • such it surprising end sterttinge=cha?acter that for once he forgot 'his own reminia- -tencea- - . This late visitor Was an eiderly taut with iroraggey hair. short orstature, and of thick Lttikl, but, not fat; it mat of hard Nee - Mirthless in Ids glety oyes, hardness hi his e.firin-set mouth, hardnese in his chin. .As he stood in the doorway, Norah, who had het •mind full of her 'novel, thought he looked like a landlord eotne to $611 up everybody withottt pity. -Nobody know him better tro DX CoN11:41.1:0 „forisi, & sof •CIIINTON -SX:81 • latelteSig,S WORN A SPECIALTY'. ••DENTISTi.. co.mrs atoort sarooreskae C1145005 tiOnititArs. .ilLINTOlki 1131236--SP*ilTa--tiElaG Ihtfore buying, got our spctitial Pricee, for Bails, 'Marbles,' Lacrosse Sticks, Eitpress Waggolis,Doll Carriages. 011.0Q1•ET, EASE` BALI! • • . 0 30%. WALL MAPS LSItaltIST tall MIST tN USE. IIT,Q01Z nopicsTons. Wet, COOPER, CLINTON, 0 et MoKiHop Nutusi Fir' hav000s Co. Novict.,-The untieroigood aro appooned to Rot as egeute ta the towing:11p tioderich, for the Ocitnpaujr, -.Any perabll Wlahhigif3 In - Rare 1 uthis old and Afifantrarmere Company, will appiy to either TO NEELANS, Oar- lock ter SAMURD, Celt OCJIAN, &Worth, Prompt attention Trill be given. TRY TRH CLINTON NEW ERA FOR FEINTING, RAILWAY TIME CARD • Trains leave Clinton as follow ;— GRAND Tntnix neaLWAY. • Going East, Going West. 7.25 a.m. °manses 10.0 a.m. mixedl 1.05 p.m. muted 3.00p.m. mixed • 4.30 p.m. mixed 9,15 p,m, express GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, H. Nelson & Co..7.00 p.m. express 4.13 P. in.eX9ress BE,RLIN. -The-ACME 11A11,1t0-W----- •' MANTIPA.OTT./RERS OP MR. JAS. CARTWRIGHT, of Mullett hassbeen tip- ' canted agent for the County of Huron, for theabove STEA-11--EN-H INES B of LENS fiarrow. It will cut and turn the ground from 2 to 4 F-- - I inebes-doeprandis-made ot the very sbosteinaterial. .Aism GEN. -mut:, mAcll- J.NR.r. .. 16 also tates the place of both gang plow and outlier, ' s" ---- e by addressing the undersigned, and he will be meaud and does excellent work. Any person wishing to SOO the Harrow work, may . to take it any piece and work It or any kind dun. ORDERS -:- PROMPTLY -le PILLED Tura HARROW is admitted tole) the mut tuber - saving farm implement ever manufactured. .$50,000 LOAN at 6Jer Cent. Why pay others 7, 8, � and 10 per cent, when you can' get money from us at 0.per e. TERMS made 'to suit borrower, regarding - payment and period of loan. Applyto,- 7A—RICAN 4t.TisDA.-.03-; • • RANKERS, • CLINTON. • TIIE 11.Q.LSONS BANK. Iecorporated by Act of Parliament, 1800. QAPITAL, .$2,000,000, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL;, . . THOMAS 1VORIUSIA31, .. . . ...Prealfient. ' •• .t. 0, R. MOLSON Vice -Pres, F. WOLFERSTAN, THOMAS, General Manager.. Notes discounted, CollictionS made, J);:afft 'issued, Sterling and American„ exCV:tnge bought and sold' at lowest' current rates. Interest at 4 per cent alltivrail en depc.sits, • ..1:r R ; money advanced to farmers on their Own notes with mo or more endorsers. No mbrta•age required as et. ..Ianuary 188. H. C. RitOlzit. Manager, • Clint on Watch and • Cluck Maker JEWOLLEft,;.&c., OriliOSITR alA BIDET. CLINTON Whorl) he keetie a seleceassortinent of • .w.Arthigs, cLoco• JEWRLLERr SILKER:; we wilisseb at reasen*eistes.• iteRinelleclioila, fei(d)faltsWegtk dweast?riatil iii?14'. promptly • e • , e. BtDDLECoMBE. • Clinton, Nov. 1I112.4 PLANING DRY KILN! fruit SUBSCR0IER HAVING JUST bometryin. •and furnishedhis new planing mill with machin- ery of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared to attenato all orders in his -line lie *emelt prompt, and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would alio retain. thanks to all 'whor patronized .the, old firhf before they were burned ,outeind nom being In a better position ,to execute orders expeditiously, feehmonilden t calf give eatiefactien teen. ' FACTORY -Near the Grand Trunk Rail way Clinton. ' • THOMAS MONENTE. ° WHY SUFFER . FROM *. Ig eadathe DYSPEPSIA' ag WHEN WESTS Wet PILLS WIll thoroughly 'cure yc4ol. They , "do not g4PO or purge, but act ettilett, and 'win:mein:a. used • e.2iondltiorod lees. • They have tl'roveit to file the R EATEST, . BLESSI i\JG OF 'THE AGE „ To all siaffetere from lvtligestion Dbkordlorod Stoniaoh. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE App • PERFECT CORE , 1130 otom ind bo rolleVed Eront your Misery, 66 Oltio In it box, goo. per box, 6 boxoo for 61 F0'11 SALE -DY ALL Dttioals,rs 11110 P...644E0 IN AWOL= • Ilc a are fif Counterfeits ;Ina Time Imitations. Genuine wrapped ts,;y itt lilac, with signit- tem on every box. Free 1101 packa.v these ('elt•hratvd Wilts sent fo an), it on receipt 111` 'it 3 cent stamp. , J1 " 1,1o, Esg,* 06. JAS. CARTY/MORT, 'Lootlisboro. Th011iPSOIt'S real EState Agency. CLI•N'14,,ON, ONT. . • The undersigned hes opened au agency for thee' le of Real Estate, and will be glad to deal wtth parties having weer- ty to•dispose of. Terms, two per cant on all amounts up to 161000, and outlier -cent on eat amount atter the. first CAE* , h. char& n -110e afrid-nli Charge whatever tin- plersoaptretaieles foorrt orag1e-r le effected! I have mown the following Lot 14, Lake Road east, Colborne, 100 acres, 45•01eaved and under pasture, 20 acres slashed and Can easily be cleared, balance of bush lig ht. Will be sold cheap. • 160 acres, good land, 234 olden from Bowesmonut, Dakota. , , ' Names. ander eultivation, bonne. Pvice,$10 au tierm---- West ,bolf lot 20, 2nd con of Bust Wawanosh, 110 acres, 80 sores cleared, .balance good bush, 18 acreeref fall wheat, spring creek running, through the funn., Sank barn 41460. two „ acres of orchard, one mile h•om Auburn. . Price 09,090, l$1209 or $1500 down, balance to silt pnrchaser. • • . ,Lot 806, 14 of an acre, au Huron St., situated on ihe east side of Mr. residence, well fenced, Price, $200, to mitt purchaser. • • 1 notitpelie,n4t0Mliel4mt 1,401 blynt60/04'tsauleee,t).o. prporsieiteentahseo.neaobtroluereict .rN TIIE MATT P;i1 Olf AN ASSIGNMENT, MADE 1. by A. .Callancier ul• Bro„ ortho town of Clinton, Car- riage mak. rs and Elnekntnitbs, puvanant.to an Act of Legislature of Ontifrio, known 58 2851i Victoria, Chap. 20, being an act respecting assignments •fur the be- nefit of creditors,'inid amendments thereto. NOTItt IS. HEREBY tE.VEN TEAT . AUSTIN • 0allandorited Nen (Wein Callender, doingbesineta to- gether Under the firm mune and style of A. Callandev&_•• Bro. -earrietgo Maltera andGeneral Blacks-11dt%, heve, ' wtth' the consent of 0 mcjority of their creditors having elaimsof $100. and Upwards, made an assignment of alt their personal property, which may bo seized and sold under execution, anclall their real estate credits and . ,effeetete.me„.JameeThompeeti, of to tewn.of Clinton. Agora. in trust, for the benefit of all their creditors . and for tho purpose of paying and satisfying ratably • and proportionately and without prejudice or -priority, all' the creditors their .just debts. And the. persons, - 'firms and corporatiOns, haying' elohns against • the said, debtors are required to send in their names, residence , and post office addresses and particulars of their claims. -drily verified by affidavit, with vouchers (if any) at. and specIfyingtha.nature_ot_the_securRy,(0-__ any) held -by them„,by letter prepaid, to me on W• be- ' fare the tenth day of July, A. D, ipso. And notice- " is hereby given that after the said date I wilt proceed to distribute the.assets of -the saiedebtors among the .partises entitled thereto . hevina regard 'only to the claims cf,whi Ai. notice have been given, and that I 'will:net-be liable for the assets or any part thereof - so distributed to any person or persons; firms or cot- .• potations, of whose debt or claim I shall not then have . notice. . . • And notiac is.also hereby given that a meeting of the .said creditors win be held at my oillOo in said Town, 'en Fridayeeth silty of June, at 10.0clock a.m., to con- :akilderAthate; aff,airs of, clic Estate generally,. pursuant tO " • • • . JAS:. -THOMPSON:, Assigeoe„ ' MANNING & SCOTT Solicitore fOr Assignee,. • I • North West Transportation Copy Canado,r.,acitioRailway:toWinnipog,10',A51,To.' TO HULUTII, .FARE $10.40: t Portelr.thtixr,fare $9.40 And all points ip DANOTA, MANITOBA and 13.nr.rlsri Tickets le'y rad ae ustairteall Points at Leweitt-Rittes: . jAS. THOMPSON', CeINTorr. FIRE WOTUKS 24Tit MAY, AT . 337;m1-0-4(kia 32E 10E ,ctA,m, C11'8, PINE A.PPLES, 1BANNANAS, ORANGES ANU • LEAIONS., bora N. 11.. Fruleestippliee with tee Cream .011. the ehort-s .notire.. • liPOD Imectc, iftmo.`,g CLi,Niorst. Roehin Wright, . / ...,i,,,..,,„. .,,,,i, OPTICIANS, ... ' rfiltiOn'imsts Or. DIADIRONDS; 'WATCHES, CLOCKS, ' BRONZES,. ATARDLE STATtIARY; . ART I;OTTERY °MD A GLASSES,• PANS, . ,-.,. '..., BRIQ-A-D,, RAO, ETO. 4" ,, SORIIERS AND RETAILERS or tLGlik ANY, WALTIiAIVI WATCHES, 'STERLING SILVERWARE, TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE, 4NERI6A1 at,goKs, FINE 0 1.'; T GLASS, Em, -ETC, LIMERELLAS, 14P WQ.Q.DWARP Ay..AL. ,.D.B...T.R.9_11?___ OrErt,A. IJOUSg 331,001, DETROIT4 - MICIIIGAN: SOLE STATE WE.IsITS FOR PARE, 1 PHILTI. Pl.., & Co 5,.. CUE'S:RATED vcr,kroTIV.;, . I :sea eaoerite • ANO .TREET EP1 :PTO, Otto4 E15111111111111111111111111