HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-11, Page 1' The CLINTON NEW ERA,- bed local tiaper n Huron will be sea to new subscribers, frOta ld Jul to 31d .Dec, for 50 cents in advance. •••••••-•-•••-•+- • VOL Pi, WO, 24 aaltras-ai.to aer annuli in advance 1' , paws. GREEN. At h union meeting held in this place, on Friday evening of last week, the young people of theadjoining school sections made arrangements for holding their an- nual picnic, which is.to take place on the lath of June, judging from the enthu- siasm of the pupils and ex-pupils,.it iu everyway likely tobe a suceessful one, • HDLLETT. BASELINE ITEMa-ThO farmers- around here have commenced to do their statute labor, and some have already finished. - Mr. Scales and his men are building stone cellars underalr, Robert Mason's Mr. Chesser, of the 18th con., mailed a fine bank barn last Saturday. lSlr. Batty, --OrWbitby, us.visiting his eon-in-law;31r: James Cornish, and Mr. Hooper, also of the same place, is 'pirating friends - on the base line. A young man named Fred. Gorbett, employed by Mr, Wma Archer, got into rather an awkward position one day last week; he was in the act of moving a a mowing machine, when the horses jerked him off behind the niachine his feet be- coming entangled in the lines caused the horses to back the machiee on top of Jilin ; he escaped- 'very 'well,. excepting -a -few Slight hruleOe. HENMALL. • BRIEFS. -Last Sunday night we had a; good rain -it fairly poured down, and the 'Water stood in pooIs•on Monday morning; when the femora -came in they: iit*I a broad smile Off their faces; one aitritter said, "Ay! it was jist what we wanted; we could_takealst as much more in a few days." The Presbyterians are building a . fine church, which will be a credit to the village, The Brown Brothers are building theia large double brick store . which was burned down a few Months an; they.were doing a fine business and gaining the con- fidence of the community by their straight- forward dealing, and their store has been a loss to the village and vicinity. There' are a. number of fine buildings being erected here, and Our town is flourishing.. What we. need is more aailway itecorn- modation. • • . • ' . HAYPiELD:. ••13niers.- Oet old friend, Jas.' Ca 31c- . Intosh, paid tis a visit this week ; he looks well as ever. Dr,..Stanbury.andriemily. have returned from Toronto, where they • had been celebrating .thegolden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart,- the pareeta of maStataburirr-thettocter-aiso-attende • the Mecheal Council. 'Court:of Revision here,latonday4essedaoff-eeryawellease ral alterations Were .made .in the tolls; • Rev. Mr. Forrest appeared before the council reletiveto tax exeniptton,:claintMg (het his residence should not be assessed, although not church property; there is something Very wrong about this exenipi: tion law, the churah:should stand eatiaity *clear ofell state aid. Mr. Marks is sending. a schooner load of wood • to Detroit -the vessel left pert on Wednesday; he exp_ecte several others for the same purpose ;: Mr. ' McMillan is also shipping. Our harbor is rpuchimproved ; we expect the dredge daily. W. W. Connor and R. Reed ed Toronto last Week for me,dical advice; both are in ill health. The reeve reitirhed from the -county council on Saturday, in • good spirits; • he thinks thecouncil did wrong in voting to meet at Brussels in December next;it.must Ada largely to the elperiee; and ihtiatiaba be-dorida' ' • . GoormtEll TOWNSHIP.' BARN Pada anaL,-Alaath on thefain of Mr. Peter Cookrath con., was Mimed down; on Wednesday morning last,' Mr. Cook NYaS away from home at the time, and how the fire originated it: a -mystery. There were some impleineets in the barn at the time, but we have not learned if there was anything else. It is said that there was an insurance on it of: $800. ; will make quite an improvement to the • 151h.; good :for 'hint.' Mrs. Pen_nebaker has a Cherry tree in blossom and has cher.' ries on now for the third titne this year. Mr. Geo: Dyke is rapidly pushing forward -the erection .of his new house. The at- tendance OS. S. No. 11 hasbeen larger • during the past week than usual: • Mr. • ;lames Whitely, of the 16th'ton.; ,losb a fine colt hist week. MT. Nicholas Better does not give a very favorable account of Deka& ; that cur -tatty sedms•to have eery little attraction for him. Mrs. Wm. Con- nell, who has been for 'Some time ailing, is not yet improving very much. • .•- - coarsen...4101=n met on the 29th of May, RS Court of Revision. 'Iltenibers all pri3sent, they being qualified, the Clerk stated thatnoappeals had been entered against aSsinisment; the role was then gone over, and some slight !Menges Made regarding Occurrences Since assessment, ,x0.11.1ta.v.Ing.been-reskiedandre quixed changes'made, the Court of RevisiOn was closed. The miniiteact last meeting,werd read and passed, and otdinary business gone into. Mr. Courtiee Was granted liberty toutut Weigh, sosleffen Huron road for public aeoomodation. Rath road commissioner was itistruoted to ex- • pand only $300, and nothin additional withelit saheb -10m• of councilv"--- ouncil--granted--a, special sum of 060 towards repairing sideline between lots 35 and SC leadinf to Clinton. , polling littb-diVisions, was sadrthe Voters' ustti • Clr- BRIEFS, -Mr. W. Dodsworth, of the cular to Reeve from Judge otos relation to of last year were looked over, when it was re.: solved that no tchanges In boundaries is needed as a large margin remains before any of the sub-alyisions reach 200. The following accounts 'Were paid, viz l -R. IL Elliott, outlet for Water, , it • $23 the late Jos. Miller's balance of board and attendance by Mrs. Graham, 410; coffin for same and rough box,$10;goods for same deceased,froni J. L. Courtice. $12,18; NOw-Record printing $7.86 Geo, McMillan for damages in loss of crop by water being drained on thenl, $15; J. McDonald for- services towashrp. engineer, SLIM. Connell then adjourned to meet again first Sat- urday in July, JAMES PATTON, Clerk. BRIEFS. -Rev, Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, reached in 'both Presbyterian churches ast Sabbath, to large congregations. Mr. -W. E. Treleaven; a student of our ,public sehool, preached both morning and even- ing last Sunday in the Methodist coureli, very creditably. The prospects for- agood crop of fruit in this vicinity this year, are very good; the spring erops on the whole are very good. A publicmeeting of the rateyayers was "held in the town hall ately to discuss the advisability Of asking , at ' CLINTON, oyx...,.,FRIDA.-X, JUNE 11, 1880, ROIIEHT ITOLDIEN 1 PuelIsher. the cdunty council for permission to estab- lish a High School in this village; the proposition was voted down. An enter- tainment was held in the temperance hall lat. Tuesday evening ; :the programme consisted of charades, dialogues, readings, vocal and -instrumental music, and WaS well rendered. Rev. A. Wilson, of To- ronto,de ivered a lecture intSt, Andrews' 'Church 1 st Thursday evening, on. "The law of Christian worship," and was listen- ed teavith. intense interest by a, large_ audience. coLHOHNE., BsDirso-Nr. Valentine Fisher has re-shlegled his dwelling house and has added a kitchen to it. Rev. John Baer, ot Dtion, was visiting in this sectionlast- week. Mrs. Wra, Allin, of the Maitland, received a telegrana on Tuesday last, that her mother was dying; she started at once for Columbus. Mr. Nathaniel Baer has levelled off the Aide ortlit roadway along 'the fence, making a great improve- ment both on the road and farm; - Mr. WmasTotbs and wile, of St. Thomas, are the guests of Mr. N. Johns and Mrs. R. Rowdena Mr. Wm. Vanstene, Miss Lilly Vrtuatone, and Mrs. Adam Good, of B:nssela. are stunting friends around here this Week. There was a minister chosen out of the conference at _Goderich, who tali the appointnient at Zion last Sunday, in the place of Rev. Mr, Markham. ' Errannanarmarra,--The entertainment given at No. 2 school house last Friday evening, was 'a success in every respect; the recitation given by Miss Etta Potter entitled, "The last Ilyntosa' was very well given. Recitation,Thiamin]'" by H. Leteuzer, avas well. rendered. A song, "Tile man behind the Plow," by - Robert Lethuzel, was vvell given. Special mention may. be made of the 'dialogue entitled. "From Punkin Ridg4," by eight cheroo- t -61i dressed suitable to the different parts, which brought down the house in roans of laughter and applause; also of a, song, entitled "Call john," a double quar- tette, pronounced the best ever heard. The proceeds went towards the payment Of e molodecar for the use of the school. • .41.01tHIS. ACCIDENT. -Thomas eldest soh of R. Peat, of the town line between Morris and ullett; a -lad-of-aboUta-12-yeareaabouta two weeks ago was felling a tree, which lodged aaaiiist another, and in trying to get it down it.fell • on him and broke his egjust above the knee. Fortunately bus father was near him And helped hint out, nd-by-theaid-daneighboragetahira-home- and sent for the doctor Who, set the:limb and hwaritogetegginglar faicirahly us could be expected. It was a Moats call but he is bearing up under it as well or better than could be imagined.. '.: •• a, a FIENDISH OLITHAOR. On 'Tuesday afternoon,..] tine the lst, as a young woman son the town line • between Hullett and Morris Was on her way to a• neighbor's, die was overtaken. by a :man who is a Stranger to her, and, after asking her several questions about the neighborhood, 'caught her and threw her down and ac- cemplithed his fiendish designs. • After -he left her ehe•wentth the nearest hone.) and gave the alarm. The • girl is highly re- spected and the ,•men turned • out and hunted the woods for the villan, but could not find 'bins, if they had caught him, it is likely -there -would .htive-beenaa u petal: • HARLOCK. ••• ACCIDENT Saturday while ingega -ed astute labor* Mr Andrew Best re: -oeived a kick oh the leg by horse, caus- mg e fraction ot the bone.. A doctor, of Staforta, was called in attendance, and he is now in a favorable condition. LocAmmas:-.31r. Jos. Lyons and Mr. John Mills belie lately had their 'barni eplit and 20 feet added to the width; they are also making commodous stabling nderneath. A nember'-of °di far ' are putting up wire fenccs. especially along the' side roads., the effect of which Will be apparent duringthe winter, Some • three or four top -buggies have been in- troduCed into this part lately; the farmer. evidently has as much right to a comfort- able rig as anybody. Statute labor is in full blast. at present, and every, yetnig man With a moustache is expectfato.Put in two . days, The bicyclists• ondenin statute labor. Mr. Samuel Torrance, Who lately, went to Manitobh, writes home and expresses himself as being very favorably impressed' with the appearance el the ..09,41.1try; -110:late frosts have caused the grain to look yellow in several places. Fall wheat on the whole looks welL The women are afraid the fresh; have Injtired the currants and gooseberries, they don't care go much for the wheat. ' • : T SOUTH. Banas.'--Miss Mary Townsend daugh- ter,. ot Mr. Joseph Townsend, Intends starting in a few days on a trip to England for the benefit of her health. The people of S.Sallo...4_purpose_holding piCnit, iu Mr. Thos. Fowler's grove, on'the afternoon of Friday, June 18th; tea will be spread at hit o'clock in the evening-provusions 'furnished in the usual way; an energetic Committee has been appointed and no pains will be spared to make the affair a auecess We are sortastic learn that Mrs. Robt. McVittie continues very low, with decreasing prospects of recovery. this small nourishment, 444 unless she gets relief soon, feara are,enterMined for her recovery. WINTHROP • INK:MOTOR'S VISIT.-Mr,D.,M.bialloolk, the Public School Inspector, gave the school here an (Acid visit last Friday. He expressed himself as well pleased with the work being done by the teachers here. Itaaonm. Criva, -The Reform Club held their usual meeting in the hall on Monday , evening. After a lengthy, able and elo- uent discussion of the subject, "Resolved that Great Britain requires a „military force to. protect her commercial interests," the decision was given by. the chairman; -Mr-It Calderain favor-oftheaffirmative. Mr. W. .Cash led the affirmative, and T. MeMillantlie negative,' The next subject of debate for the club is to be "Resolved that it vrould be in the interest of society for eight hours to conatitute a day's work." 'Mr. b1urclie leads the affirmative, and Mr, F. Pearen the negative, ." BARN RAISING. -Mr. H. Blanchard had a barn raising lastThursday afternoon. After the timber had been placed in 'posi- tion. Mr. T. Boulton and Mr. .J.. Dodds were (Mogen captains. After an exciting race victory Tested with Mr. Dodds' side, andas narewarcl of victory they got to the supper table -first ;* about fifteen.4reinutes afterwards tlie. other 'side came strolling slowly eking in small groups towards the same point of attraction. Through Through the influence of the dainties here provided, -their droopitig spirits were somewhat raised. . Dancing was the order of the evening, and Was kept up till after the midnight hour, when all separated, to repair to their respective place's of abode, but 'are not positively certain that all the gedtlemen 'went directly home. . • pAHAMOUNT. . Nellie Goble is spend- ieg a couple of weeks with her cousin, Martha Clarke. Mr. Robt. Pickering is it present enjoyin4 the health -giving breezes of the North-West. Blacksmith Gordon is ahead of all other competitors in the early potato line. You would al- most imagine he had been welding, new . . tops on. them they are so long. Martha Murdock is enjoying the delightfulacenety of the sunnya smith, down at Belfast. Emma Belcher, from the 4th con:, was re- visiting the scenes of her childhood* this -week. Statutelabor is the principal cm' ployment•-of-ouraeitizens-t-hie-week,--Th Murdock Brothers have just completed the stone wall, under Alex; McDiaratid's -barn. ,Fiax.---About three o'clock, • Weclnesa day afternoon,June tbe 2nd, the residence. of Mr. Tennison caught fire, but :by hard .workmu ,apparently put OUte,-,...The 'fire although seemingly subdued must have been eating away in the heuee.„ for about g o'clock the sante night While the fantily were in bed the fire again, broke out with greater fury than ever. The neighbors were alarmed and gathered as quickly as they could, but found it .imnossihle to save the house. They got out all the furniture possible, and then turned. their attention to saving the school, which was . barclly two rode from theburning house. The largecrowd which had by this time 'estthered,,Werketkiith although the school. caught on fire was soon got under subjectioo; but not until . every -1716feltbleaattiele -dab te' wete" removed,' was the. danger thought to bes over.Mr. Tennison's house was -insured' ,but he will still loge considerable, PaiwpAiry.--It is Our ' painful duty to record the death of Jane Agnew who died at her home on Friday June 41h, aged 22 Years. More than. 7 months ago she 'contracted a cold,. and. that most dreaded ' disease, consumption Set in, Wtiich at last carried her off.- Jane was a favorite with all who knew her and up to the verylast had a cheerful word, and pleasanearailo-for-the Many . friend culled 10 geTrei=iiing her IreTCY- neee she hcippy in of forever resting in thearms of her blessed .. Saviour. When spoken 'to about the gleominess of death, she said 'she Could see no gloom as she was only passing on a little while .before. The whole community mourn atierlossa but while we mise her welcome on earth, we rejoice in a more blessed welcome to be he reeeived.fiorn het in Heit-Ven. Her lanai], which took phicelon Monday hist; ,was attended by a large Concourse of .sympathiiin friends. About 80 brothers and sisters o Dewdrop Council, of which she has long been a. member, assisted ati thef burial.. Het furieral sermon , will preathed in Hope Church. by Rev Mr. 'Ross, on 'Sunday morning ziext, at half past tea o'clock. • gINKTNO.-Ur„ James Enticknap has a severe attack of heart disease, On Non - day it was thought 14 Many that he would not live through the''day, but he became somewhat. easier. e is HOW to all ap- pearance gradually sinkingand will not linger many clays. a Paronan OFP.-Earry HOldesworth, who is in the employ of Hill and Lawer- once while driving past the residence of Mr. Martin, the rag pedlar, his horse be- came frightened •atathd pile of sand so peculiarly covered near by, and hoisted Harry horizontally on the road, with enormous velocity. Result --Harry and horse separate for a time, but have again commenced operations. • ..aaleatitaft.-Ati a son of Mr. R, Dock - riding on a load ofgravel, one day tu ek, he unfortunately lost his bal- ancennd was.precipitated on the hard road, striking himself severely on the side of the head, the wheel also passing over his hat and grazing the nip of his head, and as it proceeded passed over his arm near the elbow. Fortunately no bones were broken. Re is slowly improving., .A.NOTHER.A.conisisv.-on Friday night last Mr. D. Baer, of Colborne, met with an unpleasant accident, 'while on his way home from Clinton. He had been in to procure a coffin for his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lobb, and it was dark when he was returning. While driving -down the road leading to the bridge,' his rig struck a stump (which it is almost impossible to avoid in daylight even) and he was thrown ont-He sustained.severe internal injuries and it was at Araa_thoaght that his ribs were broken, but &medical examination showed that this was not the ease. : Re is still confined to the house' but we hope to be able to announce his complete re- covery in our next issue Ozer UMW.- We chronicle thie' oveek a synopsis of the history of the late litre Lobb, - whose demise took piece at the resideoce . Of -Mr. :Baer, Colborne, : lest week. She was a native of Kilkenny, Ireland, where she spent her earlier years. -She emigrated to Canada seine 40 years ago and settled in the township of Whitby; -where she mattieda Mr. White, who with his wife removed to Toronto, and both were engaged as servants by an Episco- palian mitustet* to whose church they be- longed. This amatinued. for. a short time when, her husband died. She. With .her daughter (now Miss White,' Of Clinton%) removed to the Maitland con., Goderich "3-w:Pshigv:ata-laeop-house-fotaheralarother. This she did until he died, when she mar- ried *Mr. Lobb and settled' hi the Mine leca ty.--Hereashe-remained tint] 1--cleatha called her away.' She has been &member of the Methodist, church over 30 years: Her funeral was attended' by a large audi- t of friends. and acquaintences. Mat Birks preached her funeral sermon. last Sabbath evening, and spoke in high tering' of her Christian character., .. ' rSTANIArs . BRIEFS. -A few days ago Mr. Stephen- son near .Hill's Green, made a bee to haul lumber for the barn which he pur- poses shortly to erect in the place ofthe • one that was burned. Mrs. McFarlane and her grand -daughter,. former residents of Stanley, are at.present visiting among old acquaintances. Fall wheat heti headed out and ielooking well, but crops pater - ally are in need -of tain. . Road worlahas ;lateli:beeriathe Order of the Grant, of the London Reed, has had his :barn raised.; and is having a stone. founda- tion put under it. •Mr. J. MeCtillay, of the Sal con., re -shingling his barn. Mr, A. Walker has returned from Kent'county, where he has Wert travelling in the inter- est of "Avery's fence rail fastener." , Mr. Wm. Moffat, of the 3rd eon,. last Week sold a. brood mare for $210. Picnic. on the 25th inst, in Innes' grove, a big ante is expected. • • •- eta se.s. • LONDESHOHo. SI*. Months Trial Tri .-•We will Hood , • Civic Holiday ;the only attraction of im- ' : . - BEleruxon-. I portance for the day wits theexcursion to - .13arars,--Farmers in the neighborhood Brantford under the auspices of the town are doing their statue labor. Mr. G. W. bead.' Last weelg the daughter of Mr. I:Tandy is away at Chatham this week 'at - Meyer tell from a swidg and injured her tending High Court C. O. F. Mrs. El - collar bone. The soeitil at McCiitcheon's Boit is still on the sick list. Mr; Jas. last Wednesday' evening Was only fairly Gledhill had a gang of men repairing our . • bridges on Saturday and Monday. Last week Daniel McLaren and hisjovial Crew moved the house purchased by C. Wat- ters. Dau does the businesa.quick and lit ' goodahape. Crepe are looking tolerable - .. well in the neighborhood. The buggy and harness sold by the' Sheriff on Wed- nesday Wfie bOught.by Mr. Saud. Hart, sr. Mr, J. Miller has sold his trotting, horse to Mr. Sharp, of Seaforth; we did -not— know the price. Some mason, or masOIS'S assistant, having made some complaint . about the quantity of lime he required to use, said lime being procured at the Ben - miller lime' _works,' Tom opens his ' -mouth and says • something. He guar- antees his lime tgabeateeoint to none, and , furthermore he says 4 cord of stone can be laid with four busheittof hie limeand laid properly and he Will put up $10 or more - it required that he can do it again. • Will : any one take him up? Tont means bust-. , ness, there's fire in hie eye. • , • ' . Additional Local News, MINISTERIAL ClHANGE8.-By the draft' ' of stations published in another column, • it will be seen that several ot the Metho- dist ministers of the county remove to fieldg of labor outside the county. These-, , . Are Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich. . . who goes to Owen Sound-; Jas:Broley,:of • . .Seaforth, who goes sto Elora; \V. Birks, . of Thilmesville, wile goes to Nassagewaga; J. Markman, of Benmillera to 13allinafad; • G. H. .gobbledick, of Dungannon*, to • 'Georgetown ; Jas. Caswel l of Auburn, to .- . . Fullerton; Ty Gee of, Bayfield, to Durham;. . . . J Ball, of Nerisell„to Woodford. • THE Inamtar.--Toron•to Truth thus re- fers to a. well known Clintonian :--Mr-: Horatio Haleathe well-known. authority upon Indian language and Indian. tribes- • ' • contributes 19 the current number -of they Popular Selene° Monthly, a paper entitled . • " Ethmology of the Blackfeet tribes." The paper is a very _thoughtful one: ;.:.and --.- the author. reaches the concluaiOn that the Blackfeet :Indian is the, superior of . many_ ether tribes. This he attributes to-the-pmbable ,fackbit-the Blackfee rare • , a, people of mixed race: , To those Who ' • take an interest in .guc.h questions we re- ': commend this..thotightful and valuable paper. • • . Trig . PRIZE' FARM .• GOMPETITION.--,• ' • . , About w dozen enaites• have already-13.mm' -HiLiTlitra-Edwitrcl- ,Peffer-9V---A.lbeft7 :received in : a King 171; 'Made Nicholson 108, „Minnie. he 3Preiviadlel' SWeepstakes airize farm in connectiort with Nixon .108. - .Jehior. Third -Mary Dyer the Agricrilturel 'aid Art Association. Itt.• 225, adinnie. Walker .a80, -Toury Browat .feriner years prizk'Werd offered for the. al5galOttolitnegie160;lane Straughad 112. beet firm in certaingroups a fa ountiee ,,; , . .. lattanys.--aThe Presbyterian and Metho- this year .fitrins• in: every part of Ontario . n dist Sunday Schools intend having e 'pie, may enter the competition, • Entries will tile in the grove here, en.Tuesday next. hereceieed'u.p to. the lath of June, The a ' The English Church' have. started a Sab- Judges will visit the .farms during.thelast • bath School and have' had a very good at- week in June. Three prizes of $1(10, $60, Mande' to startawitatt—Whiallaegy, Au and $40 will ba given. .flow many of the • • 1. gone to the States and his position is oc-• , "prize farms" are in the comity Of Htitori cepied by Sant Pentleton; et pungannon. is difficult to arty, but one of the .prizes: ' Rev. John Young, of Colborne, preached should come here: ' • . ,' .- at Hensel], Oti , Sunday last. ,Tooinas DEAtitts.a.--The. wife of kr. White,. of , .: • 'Lawlor' lost his colt last:week, and the .Toronto; formerly Of the firm of Wright • . .. ''.., mare is new ain • a dangerous. state. ,Dr a .dr White, Clinton* died on. FildaYr lastaa- ' • , • ' Gordon -is -new occupyang. theahouae-he MM.:Porter* niother-of-kr,11-..- Porter and . - -- . . . lately leased, on Front street. • John Syia- Mrs. J. Biadlecombe, . of whose illness a .' • ington got his leg J)adly.brdisefLatike,,nlik•Aentinn,wai.„Madd,last,irseekr„died-oit..--.- sprained, a few days ago; by .an: unruly Tuesday. last. Deceased hae been ill for A :horse:. • Mr. Youngblut is improving his comparatively short timeaShe wawa mein,' ..-.. 'tesidence by gieing it a good touch of ber of the Methodist :Church. • Hrs. Salt, : ' • *. • known among the old residenteof town, - wife et, Mr. T. 13. 'Salt; one of the - best -died on Wednesday ; business reverses, brought about some time age' to some :et - tent by her scin helped -to -break her Oon-• • .. , atitution, and ;he. never recovered there.' , from. The wife of Mr. • James Robertson, . of Harpurhey; (brother of Mr. Robt. Rob- ' I ertson, of Hullett), died QII Monday last - attended ; tt seemed to, be a weal tor the young folk, and no doubt they enjoyed it. Caledonian games are to beheld here on the 251h; a large amount is offerecl in prizes, and noadoubt a large' crowilawill visit Willett= to. see the games: The 12th ofJuly is to be celebrated in Wing- heni this year also ; it seems that Wings ham is going to be the great centre for large gatherings, Rev. •;R_•,,,Y, Thomson, of Heinial,-occurRed the_pulpit of 'the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning and evening, and delivered two very elo- quent addresses • Rev. H. Gracey, of Gan- anoque, will conduct the services morning and evening next Sabbath in this church, Rev. Mr, lifequarrie, the pastor being away attending the General Assembly at Hamilton, 'Maar& D. M. Gordon, Adam Reid and our Worthy Mayor are attending High Court C).0.F., this week,; in Chat- ham; Mayon Neelande has been re-elected treasurer of the High Ceara A special meeting of the council will be.held Friday evening, to consider railroad matters, EAST WAWANOSH. Baaars.-Thtt funeral of the late David Anderson. took place front his father's re- sidence in East Wawanosh, on Tuesday, .June 8th, and was attended by A :large number of persons, there being over 70 rigs; deeeased was formerly a teacher, and until his late illness was in a "natation in West Bruce. Jas. McGill,who was ill last week, is recovering. The y000k, people of that neighborhood had a friendly game of base balt at the feria of Mr, Thos. Ross on Fraley evening, and latex in the even- ing Mr. J. Dingtvall favored them with some Highland music. ' MANEIIESTEil. • LIGHTNING -During the thunder storm on Suuday night, the house of Mr. Downs was severely exposed to thelightning. It struck one chimney and then tore•off a part of the tin eavetrough and left with- out dolegeny MQ re damage, save a• shtick: to the inmates. . • . • • Salloora-The following are the marks of the pupils for the motah ending May, 81st aa -Senior Fourth Class -Jennie Hob-- kii4c-8,.ailetaiaobie-2-20-te, ash -Walker 208. Maggie King198.. Junior Fourth - Hester Dyer 239; Bella Wilson 2161. Se - the %5 - • C';*. VARNA ' • BItIEPS.-,Ltev• Mr: Smith returned front conference on Tuesday, ad on the follow - log day Rev.Mr.Denby left for Hamilton, to attend -the General Assemblyofthe Presbyterian ;Church. ?Jr. James 'Young, of Cli ton, supplied the pulpit in the Meth • linrely-qtr-Salabath evening-afterellilless• she will a member - • -inon.• Considerable freab gravel has been acceptable Ser- of the Presbyterian church, and leaves a last, arid-preathed.a very family of six children.. The mother of -Rev. T. M-Canipbell, Gocleticha died _a_ placed upon the road -aid and wesr-from on Wednesday, after `at lingering illness. , :the village, whichin the present does not heighten the pleasute of • travel, but • will aft - eventually improve the road.. • LOCAL cHuRcH ct-timEs young men in a cer- Rev. W. McDonagh this year moves._ tain locality, not far fronahere, have been from Sarnia to Strathroy. . • ' having a high'time during the past week, Mr. James Young will preachan Tata the occasion of it being the union in the tenbury St: church, on Sunday morning bonds of ntatrirnony of a somewhat ill- next, and Tama W. Birks in the evening. . lards are out for the •vvedding of Rev. . 3. H. Carson, which takes place at Guelph • on the 16th inst. lie,. G. F. Salton helps ' him through. the difficulty. Rev. Mr. Sparling.has a reception ser- vice on Sunday, evening nett, when about • forty . members, who have been received - on.trial, taken into full member- ehip. , ' • Final arrangements have been made for holding the picnic of the Presbyterian Sabbath School, Goderich, on the 24th • inst. leave 9.30 a. m. sharp. Fare 25 and 10 tents for adults . and children respectively. The following parties from this eounty are attending the meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbytetian church,' et Hamilton ;-4Tevs, Denby, Vans; A. D. • McDonald; Seeforth H, Meguartie, •Winghare; 3), Pritehard Auburn; , R. I Leask, St. Helens 11, Thomson, Hen- ; C. M. McKetrather, Howlett, and Messrs. W...lkerr,• Howick ; Murray, and J. Scott, gentian ; TaStrachan, Brus- tele ; A. W. Penhebaker,lEthel, The sacramentof the Lord's supper, was ' dispensed church, last Sabbath morning. The preparatory services upon Friday evening afid . Saturday morning previous were largely attended. The pul- pit was occupied by the Rev. A. Grant, pastor of Knox church, St. Marys, whose discourses were appropriate, vigorous and eloquent. The Sabbath morning services. gregation with his usual acceptaneo, there weiir ddilditated .thelitater Otte tOtta- ' • - -iftirtrA, to new subseribhrs tom the 1St of July to advotr, to give:1 81.60 a year. is siniply gulcrieg. GEO. NEWTON, Agent, Londesbero, BRIEFS.-Mr.litther is,getting rollers put in his mill arid 'otherwise improving it, which when completed willcost him $5000. Mrailurphy thrashed 20 rtcresof wheatlfor Mr.' Mills on Tuesday last; we would like to hear of any other machine doing that, and .allow them. the whole week to dea, in. The Court of Revision passed off very quite here. Mr. A. !Woodman is away to lligh Court of O:0. F. at Chat- ham. We notice Mr; A. Taylor around here; the agents -for 'inathimary are getting so thick, that all will soon be agents here. Dr. Young leaves for the Old Country in A 'few days. Spring wheat is looking very yellow; but the recent rain has improved it. Mr. James Braithwaite, township- ;erica's:mat C4oderich , ()mid of Revision day, and Mr, jag. Cainfignrain,, his stead. Dr. Upshall away a on a leasure trip. Two of the Mies VVilsons eft here on Tuesday for Dakota; it was , the first time one of theni was ever in a xadwayacarnagea era , WINGHASIe • • LEcruan.-Rev: 11. B. .Keefer delivered a Very able and eloquent address in the Cairn hall last Thursday evening. The subject of the lecture was the Enforcement of the Scott Act, and we are quite safe in saying that it was, without doubt, the finest and moat powerful lecture trim' de- livered on this subject in Wingham. The lecture Was under the auspices of the W. a POTarioAla--4 Conservative conven- tion Was held in town on Wedneliday, to select a candidate for the next Dominion election, Mr, Thos. Farrow, M.P., was the choice of the , meeting. So, netv, whether he likes it or not, he will have to era& thnfield.Withlhnialifi be-refulleti to - give it hearing to at his (Farrow's) last nubile meeting, held in the.town hall here, in the tvinter. We have no doubt hut that Mr. Farrow will find diet he has no easy task before him •to bold his own with the Doctor, if he takes the platform rot his battle -ground. BRIEFS,* Thursday was Wingliam's ' EXETER. - BRIEFS. -It is 'very _dry. We _had a little rain on Sunday night, scarcely enough to lay the duat, and some frost on Tuesday morning. An old adder, in the person of Mrs. Dug, passed to her long home, from the township of Osborne, last Saturday ; her remains were followed by a large number of friends and . acquaint - pees to the, Rodgerville cemetery on Monday. reliet of the late Samuel Willson, of 'Osborne IS in a Very poor state of health; owing to some de- rangement of the stomach she has not been able to take her food, and for weeks she was taking only a cup of milk at a Mealy and lately her stomach has refused even • • • • • • •• • • BRIEFS. -Mr. Robt. Markearid family. of Kansas, are here on ravisit to his parents and friends, Mr. Marks has been in Kansas about 6 years, and is now extort- sivelylegaged in the banking business'. He is so well Pleased witli7the-noillitif that he would not think of returing hers to live Mr. Markareturnsan a few days but Mrs. M. and family will remain for ;mate time longer, Mrs. Both 11, who has beed waiting, at Mr. W. Ra nbury's for some time past, left for Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Higgins, Of Toronto University, returned home on Saturday last looking well after the hard course Of study he has gone through. He succeed- ed. in getting ,first-class honors in his course, standing 2nd out of a class' of seventy. A meeting was held in the union church to take into consideration the getting up of a picnic for the Sunday School sagas, ,There were delegates from' Kippen Hensall, and the three Bluefield churches: It was agreed to hold a union picnic at Bayfield on the first of July.i.Teams are now busydraw- ing gravel nto the village w.hich is to he used in constructing and repairing side. wallts,as they think it will be more lasting' than plank, Mr. McCartney is now turn- ing out over 800 lbs of butter and 8 cheese daily at his factory. • • k mated pair, so far u age Is concerned -a man of between sixty and seventy with a young lady of probably' one third his age. What lends the greater zept to the affair' is tbat the old. gentleman has been twice married before this, hils second- wife not having been six months in her giave yet. As a rule, Mr. Editor, we are disposed to sit right down on charivari business; but in this case we would not be too hard on the boys: ' j,*e_clto moralize will scarcely fujI to recognize -1W this fact the great practical truth that the path of advance along the IllreS of morals and religion lies Often through the region of present incdnvenience and apparent defeat. No more marked illustration pf this iaat preSent available than that which the temperance problem furnishes. . The Scott Act has, as you are 'aware, received one more backed larthe action taken at the recent session Of the county council 'Which, in its wisdom, threw overboard the petition presented by the Huron county Scott Act Association, and. refused to ap- point a salaried police magistrate. We are glad to know that our reeve, Mr. Tor- rance, raised his voice in favor of such an eppointment-we are sorry to find among the names of persons adverse to this, the name �f Mr. Arch. Campbell, the deputy - reeve of this township. Of course men have a right to their opinions on. this question, Mr. Editor, especially if their .opinions are right, but right or wrong the opinion &YOUr humble correspondent in this village is that Mt. Canapbell and all - others of the council who voted against the appointment of a police magistrate fcr our county ought, metaphorically speak- ing, to be knocked "higher than a kite" at the next municipal elections; And our hope is that, they will be. • • WAS it large congregation in attendance, there Tieing about 190 members who per - took of communion, fourteen of whom werenew members The Rev. Mr. Ram- say, of Londesborol took charge of the tett/Meer:in the evening, Afr. Stewart tak- thg Mr;'llamsnee 'work for biro, • ,