HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 8MT.MINTON NEW ERA
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1888.
gentlemen, from Exeter, came here iii a
double .conveyance, for the purpose of at-
tending the Scott Act Convention, Their
horses were put up at the Grand Vahan
stable, When they came to get ready, for
home, they found that the neckyoke—a
new one, belongin to a fancy carriage.—
Dr, ARPletou Los returlieoi and had been tamper with in such a way
esunred the practice of his Pro'- that had they-startedwith it a, -sextons act-
cident might have resulted therefrom,
We do plat attach aqq blame to . the pro-
prietress of the hotel for this, because she
certainly knew nothing about it, and we
do not 'suppose for a moment that she
would countenance such a thing, but it
was done by some one,nevertheless, and
we, say this, that if anything of.a similar
nature occurs again, the party guilty
thereof will be severely punished.
Clinton, April 13th, : 1880.
aGTanroar' WOOIf,LEN ?llliLl.bl is the
best place in the Canty of Nuron to trades your Woe'
off. A full stock of all kinds of cloth on hand at low-
est rates. Don't pass us.
VAN Eonlown'N Howto-woollen Alals, at
Seaforth, is the place to got a good price for your wool,
in cash or trade. Also to get your woollen goods in
first quality and cheap. Always on hand a large and:
well assorted stockto choose from.. *21
We have just made a special purchase iu Ladies'
and Children's Strew lints,' at big,reductions
below regular prices,. sothat to our already large stock
we have aided this purchase, whioh gives nur custo-
mers over $00 styles to select from. Ladies' Fur.
Gishings at the Very lowest rates. DEESIJA;4 CO.
Zawn ria trO•
TEE Derma' 11EEvEsuIP. —There.. did
not appear to be much interest manifested
in the election for deputy -reeve, last Fri-
day, but the vote polled indicates that.
there was considerable; for Mr. Corbett
headed the. poll with 184 votes; • being 42
more than received by Mr. Searle.
A Livia ToWN.--On Friday. last the
Scott Act :Convention met here, an oleo- suspended, but expects to resutfle: its meet-
tiQ.iq. veaa,held, tile..same day,...a..rifle=matoh•--i •—again in,- the fail' . While Jit i
was also- in progress, and the band of a Walker was breaking In a colt on Friday,
ministr 1 troupe paradedthe t Q t a streets. it reared up andwent over backwards, but
And in addition to all this, there was a was all right as soon as released from the
dog fight on the back streets. Who says tangled harness. •°As Rev. Mr: Danby, of
,that Clinton is. not a lively town? lLerua, and•a friend- were nn •theiLiaay
to Clinton, last Friday, they came near
having an accident'by'one of the horses•
they were driving stumbling, as they came
down. a hill ; for a minute or two they had
to hold their breath, but fortunately, the
otherhorse was controlled without' doing
any damage. Mrs. Thos. Cooper, .who
has been visiting friends in Toronto, re-
turned early last.week ;, Mr. Cooper's new
house, on Albert St., is being pushed for-
ward, and
or-ward,and is to be a very fine • residence.
Dame turnor" says that a marriage will
shortly take place in which the groom is
of let -y proportions. Misses 0. Morrish
and M. Tiplady are yisiting friend .near
Goderich, this week. Miss Susie Rum-
ball, daughter of Mr. E Rumba'', Gode-
richtownship, has come to town'to'work.
Miss Archibald returned from Dundas,
Minn,, on Monday. Miss Farrah, who
has•been seriously infer 'several days, is
now in a fair way of recovery,; ' The reeve
and deputy are attending the meeting of
the County Council. The Wanderers
play the' Goderich cricket. club; at Gode-
rich, next Mond y W:e 'regret to learn
that the wife. of Mr: A. T. Salt is seriously
The ray roll of the Doherty Organ
Co. for the month of 1fay, amounted to
the handsome .amount of nearly $2,500.
Mr. E. Ainsley, who has been On the sick,
list for --some time, is now .able to be
around again: The wife of Mr John.
Sturdy, of• Goderich, mother of Mrs. S.
Pike, 'Met with a serious accident .last
get ' Id ked in the bd,men
a •horse; at latest aocounts 9,e was im-
proving,, but she is still very low: 'Dr;'
'Worthington left on .Tuesday, to attend
the meeting of -the -Ontario -Medical -Mao=
elation, which is in session at Toronto;
Drs. Smith :and Campbell, of; Seaforth,
are also in attendance; they will return'
home this Week. We are sorry to hear
that Mr. P. Robb has beep compelled, to
make an assignment.. Mr. Thos., Jackson
and wife leave on the 17th,.by, State Line
steamer, for the old country.• Mr.Ren-
times. • - dall is back to his position On 'the dia-
mond. '. Mr, H. Joiner has ripe'strawber-
ries. Mrs. Houghton,:. of Seaforth, -was
visiting friends here this week. Mrs. S.
Davis,.Mrs. Hodgens and•: Mrs. G. 'E. ,Pay
-are attending thoOonferince.at Goderich.
A report is current here -that 'a petition
asking for the release of 0.G. Martin, the
bogus'money man, is• in circulation ; we
known nothing definite of the matter, but
if person sliould.spend his full time in
jail, it is this' same individual: •. Mr. John
Smarten is confined to the house by the
possession of several of Job's comforters.
The Expositor• says;— 'Mr.. Cornelius, who
for thepast year acted as leader and in-
structor of the Seaforth band, has remov-
ed to Clinton and has taken' a situation in
the organ ,factory there." They are ay.
coming to the hubs We have received
from -Mr. -.D..,M. Angus, New York, a
beautiful engravecLuwitation• to atter'
Btilul's.—AIr. G. T. Hiscox, ofLondon,
(son-in-law of Mr VFX. Rattenbu$y), was
elected an alderman, in. London, on Fri-.
day, by 23 over his opponent. Mr. Geo.
Diehl lost a $x50 cow by milk fever, on.
Saturday. Mrs. Tames: Gorre;l, of Crystal
city, (daughter of Mr, J, Butt), writing
under date of:the'20th, says:—" We have
had the finest spring this year that I have
seen anywhere; a large -crop -has-been put
in," The Ridont familyhave held a
tenancy of their present house for over 23
years; it is not often people remain so.
long in 'rented premises. A colt belong-
ing to Fred Corbett put its heels through
the dash of a top buggy, the other day,
The temperance lodge has temporarily
ACCIDEN , . Mr....3ohn.....White,, of the
Exeter Times, while driving to .Goderich'
on Tuesday, had itrunpleaaant accident,
though fortunately it was not attended
with any serious results. While careless-
ly jogging along the road, a bicycle glided
past, which frightened his horse, causing
it to jump to one side of the road, throw-
ing the buggy into a ditch, and breaking
the shafts. •
So rr upalEs:—Mx.-Ply aXward,-4t
this town, is pushing the buggy business
this seasonto its full extent, doing quite a'
large retail trade, in addition •to ' consider-
able wholesaling. Mr. Thos. Brown, who
is travelling fot him, has already disposed
of no less than 'twenty-seven covered bug-
gies, anal could have sold more had'they
been made upfor him. Mr. Brown evi-
dently knows how to handle articles of this
kind, and being thoroughly reliable, is an
efficient agent for Mr. Hayward. : •
NOT THE SAitE.—The other day a party
named•William Craig committed suicide
at Toronto, by cutting his throat. Not
thinking that there was any connection
between this person, and the one ofthe
same name who recently left Clinton under
difficulties, but still•desiring:to set at rest
any such suspicion, a . Clintonian, who
happened to be in Toronto, tgokthe•trou•
ble of going to th'elmorgue to see the body
of the suicide. It is scarcely necessary to
any that it was some other William Craig:
BoTHINSIDE-AND-03-T;-On.our inside-
pages will be found- several interesting
letters.and considerable surrounding:news..
The NEW EisA is giving' somuchlocal
matter now that we an-nnt-find--roona-for`
it on the outside ofthe paper,and are'
compelled to put it oh the inside.. Still
we do net suppose our readers will mind
Where it is, so l'ong'as they get it. And
just here we might. say to parties receiv
ing letters from friends in other 'lands,
that we are pleased topublish extracts
from them, when of public interest, at all
k`ROhi $1 UP.
ACCIDENTAL Poisorenao.-One day last
week a little twenty -months' ' old 'child 'of
Mr. Carey,• in town., had a .narrow escape
from ,death ,.by aocid'entalapoisoning.—
Some morphine pills were kept inthe
house for a member of the family, and the
child found them and ate .several TOO
accident was not discovered for some time,
and only then by the child °beingstupid
and -helpless, and had not medical aid been
obtainedquickly, the ,pills; though mild,
would have ended its existence: • Too
much care cannot be exercised in keeping
alloisonous articles out of the reach of
SERIOUS ACCIDENT: -On Tuesday a son
of Mr. D. Erwin met'with a serious acci-
dent, the result of which isyet .uncertain,
It seems' that Mr. Erwin was. sending a
• calf o it'to a-faam-on gh°e-base-L ieriind-in
order that the two hays who accompanied- the Commencement Exercises of the. Longi
Island College 'Hospital Class of 1880; we
knight attend if we .were a little nearer. --
The Wife_.of Mr C F.O.-}1_anley iy;. 's
-been visiting friends'at Crosswell, Mieh.,,
ed returned to town, last Monday: illi. Jas:
• it might ride and walk alternately; he
Y allowed them to take horsealong with
them. On the way back both. the boys.
were-ridiug,, anti when hear the .house of
'Mr. Mcllveen the horse got frighten
and an away; throwing -both boys off; one H. Belfry, of Brantford,.forinerly of Clin-
ton, was iri town a short time on Monday.
A large crowd gathered 4. the station on
Tuesday night, to see Mr. and Mrs: Bfter
•off to their new.homein the west; they
left Goderich by boat on Wednesday.
morning; the bride was the recipient of a
number of handsome and costly presents,
amongthem an oil painting portrait of
her husbnud, executed and presented by
a sister of the groom, and which awaits
her on her arrival at Winnipeg. Yester-
ay morning, at 1;30; a firewas discover
ed in a stable adjoining, the residence •of
Mr. W. Coats, Huron street, tend in a
s or ','other etable`eht'str• ,
belonging to Mr. Paisiby, were consumed;
nothing but thebuildings were lost; flow
the fire originated is a mystery.; if people
in oingg'to,afire wield first go to th
e_ fire
hall add' help the firemeni draw the en-
gine and hose carets, they would do a great
deal more good, 12 firemen can hardly be
expected to draw the engine, hose carts.
and coal cart. Mr. J.Scarlett ofGedericli,
has been elected Grand Censor of the Gran
ek Chapter of Orangemen. There.
as been quite a matrimonial boom this
week, and there's, niciretto follow" very
soon, . We are sory to bear of the seri-
ods Hines., of Mrs. Porter, mother of airs.
l3iddlecombe ; her recovery ..1s .. doubtful, -.
Mr. Jas. Scott,. librarian . celebrated his
78th birthday on Wednesday; he is.as ac.
tive'as many men of mut& yoyngor years.
A horse driven by Mr. T, Brown,yester-
day, Caused a Tattle 'sensation by getting
its leg over the shaft of the buggy; it •had.
not been released from the position and
hitched up again five minutes before it
kicked the- dashboard .over. Mr. Geo.
Balderson, of Goderich township, left here
yesterday on a visit to Dakota; he purposes
fell clear .of the horse and escaped unhurt,
• but;the other, 'Willie, aged about eight
years; was not so fortunate, his foot being
in, the stirrup, and he was dragged along
the road for some distance before-it:became
• • released. When picked up he was .un-
conscious, his head being 'badly bruised
and cut, .and his back, somewhat injured.
He was taken into the house of Mr. Mc-
Llveen,•and medical aid summoned. The
boy showed no signs of. life whate'ver,
until Wednesday. scorning, when con-
,sciQusriess-returned, and since that time
akbeen radua_l_ly im roving. SO far
as known •fro boneswere bio enr
brought home on Wednesday afternoon.
AASESSMIii7T 1An7,A s.—. -The 'Court of
Revision for the correctioa of errors and
:nmis :ons, in she assessment.",roll;:fbr this,
town, was :held ou 'Thoirsday evening,
when the following changes iyere.made:—
J. Ransford, put oti as" oeeupant ; F. R.
Powell, put on.as owner ; Miss E. Beesley,
, put on as joint -tenant for the store of'
Beesley ,& 'CO.; Sas. Angus, put on as
joint tenant for the store occupied by A.•
Angus ; Jelin: Ford was •substituted for
W. Ford.; David Graham's personal pro -
petty $1000, was shtick off; several pro-
perties assessed to_married' women were
changed to the name bfihe husband,: The`
.following parties, whose names had been
omitted, were added —D. Cluff,_ P.
Pelcher, W. Geo, Sheppard, Jos. Wheat-
ley, Geo. Stewart 'J. Stewart, C. Witts,
Theta. Hanlon. Appeals to put on the
. •names of several Wage camera were dis-
allowed, because affidavit had not been
put in ; they may, however, go off; before
the judge. Alex. Wheatley'eaateasnlent
•• was reduced from $800 to $200. Mr. T.
Jackson's appeal against his ersonat pro-
o. Wall Paper and eorde.., from
to $1 A ROLL.
aMr11i11,11, & hNI� Pd1TE�IS,
1VI%ich ,superiorin finish and inure elegant in: design than. last
year; and also much. cheaper., . Save ,money. by purchasing here.•
t ° a•m e
A at for the Allan . Ltne r eel:
Agent •....,RopaT
Mal :Stearsiships: . •
ins �l�ccarai�fi �Li�do� S�
Clinton, » Ont.
Therefore be careful ;iri selecting . tliein • • See that• the materialsare right,' the style of 'the''garnaent good,. and that
they fit yob. well: Buy durable gooels•of fast -
colors, others are deal' at, any price: •
• The•lowcst• priced are not
always the •cheapest:
Beautif 1.tesiry1 l v 11cea
Consigntciit of- p ,RASOLS just ilk; G11eap, see them
GLONES and HOSIERY, special HESE` for Boss
Mantle- Department
Stillfully equi.ped. Novelties in. CLASPS and BUTTONS.
American PRINT -1. just
We 6e11` CHEAP..all the. tiriie. Call and ask to. See the goods
and get otlr' prices. .•
X-,-^ —' o
Boys'. AND, MEN'S
Invites your atteltion: to. stock;
That combines: in the largest measure,' all the good qualities
that can be clesirecl, • and the extent and variety of which is so.
gi eat" t1la,t the most fastidious can bo •pleasod.• The great- va.l ie -
We are givirl in ,good quality' is astoiushing;
petty, his three stores,and.dwelling, was taking np land and will thenreril:rye his
considered,but the take n r of evidence family, there A horse belonging to Law-.
and a decision postpotled until Aext Wed- rence ea .IT,i11, rtln 'away the other night,
nesday evening. .tiitching the driver off by the roadside,
R„is;rnr.r.y.—')u .1`riday lrt�st A party, of but doing no particular thminge, •
05 C. nANOE & - 00.;._
TIn'ee Doors West ot filiekson's Book Store
the New Styles in•LINEN: COLLARS. r
10 Odd Coats at •$4 worth $10. and . $12
25�_Bo Strawitats at 10c. worth 35c.
• 100 White Shirts at 52c. worth SI.
• 15 Vests at 50 c. worth $2.
People who wish ' for opportunities to purchase eheap goods
shollhl not fail to watch our advertisement.
IIN'Jr`4 N. •