HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 7rl'iIIIAY, dUI�E 4, 188O. NEWS NOTES. The Montreal Recorder fined two merchants $o each for selling firecrackers, Two. more Orangeville hotelkeepera have been fined $100 each for violations of the' Scott Mt. Mr. b. C. McRoberts reports fallwheat out in head on his farmen"tHC lGtll COO. of Lar. don township, , Snow to the depth t f several inches is re- ported in various towns in Northern Vermont. Fears are entertained of severe damage to crops by frost, The citizens of Clifton in Dakota Territory. at egging a Dave large enough to hold all thinhabitants of the village, for refuge in case of cyclones, What adds to the unpopularity of the eye. bus is that, while it blows away almost every thing on a farm, it has never been known to take the mortgage, • 4. A Chicago packing house has contractedto supply the French Government with seven Million poundsof beef in cans adopted for use by the Frenal' arcey, Twenty-seven hotel -keepers in Middlesex' were summoned to appear before the Pollee Magistrate last week forselling liquor contrary to the• regulations of the Canada Temperance Act,. The Toronto Young Liberals are endeavor. ing to make arrangements for a visit from Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, the Quebec Liberal orator, at the close of the session of Parlia. ment. A.three-year.oldyonngsternear Appomat;: Dakota,' was lost, and after a search of 24 hours, was found near his ,borne in.a badger' hole, into which he had slipped feet foremost, and which was deep enough to: quite conceal him. _., . Rev. Mr. Scott, patter of the First Congre-• gational Church of Evanston, has been asked +•o resign. The specific offences charged against -him appear to be cigar -smoking •in public and riding a bicycle,.' The wife of J. S. Wilson, commercial tra- veller, Toronto, while lighting -the kitohen•fire Friday afternoon, poured kerosene oil in the stove, She is terribly burned, and it is feared her,injaries.will•prove fatal. In happy ignorance of civic bylaws and in supreme contempt of civilized methods, a party of Siwashes recently camped_ in true gipsy style, and turned their four horses loose on the plain streets of Victoria, B.O. At,the meeting of the East Elgin Liberals in Aylmer, on Thursday, Di. Wilson, M P:, was unanimously renominated candidate at the ensuing general elections For the Local Legislature, Mr. T. M. Nairn was the chosen candidate. i..- The jailer of the Bibb County,' Ga, jail, was surprised to find that two or three of his prig- oners were' cleanly shaved every day or two: Investigation showed• that the . shaving, had been done with a piece of glees from a email bottle. , A Buffalo father, to encourage early 'rising, offered a prize of money to that child who should rise earliest next. morning, At a very early hour a bright little girl made: her appear- ance, claimed and got the prize and then went back' to bed. i Mrs. Bood'a''body with corrosive aubimate and abe died very soon in great agony. It is proposed to bring the children of Louis Riel to Quebec to be educated. A five-year old son of John Ra '?bow, of Tburlow, was kicked to death by a colt• is a field on his father's farm. St. Pam's church, Grand Forks, Da., haa made a departure in the mode of pay- ing the minister. The clergyman's; salary of $1,200 is raised at the beginning of the draw placed montyank, that he may therefrom hl On, Tuesday. evening au -attempt was made by some individual to set fireotothe extensive binder and reaper works of Messrs. A, Harris, Son & Co., at Brant- ford. Luckily the fire was discovered be- fore it had time to get a start, and was put out, About eleven o'clock on Friday night the barn on.Mr. Hiram. Keyser s farm,. in Adelaide township, was :destroyed by fire together with its Contents, comprising a portable engine, two separators,some other machinery ° and three cows.: The fire is supposed: iQ have been the work of as in- cendiary. A Philadelphia manufacturer, whose hands are' out on strike, has sued the Knights of Labour for damages for conspiracy to injure bis bueinees, and Philadelphia textile mane. facture to the number of 150, and representing. as many milliondo'lars of capital, have formed a trade union for resistance toother trades union, Mr, Thos, Robinson, senior member of a, prominent firmin Indianapolis, is entrtled.to the beit'for strict observance of the Sabbath.: He will pot permit lousiness letters written on Saturday to be mailed till Monday, because otherivia_- he would'tra el.on Sunday. • • • In the ManitobaLegislature•on Thursday a want of confidence motion was: defeated. After the vote was taken hot words passed: between Mr.Norquay and Mr. Martin (Op- aposition) in the course of which the Premier. struck Mr. Martin, and a fight ensued, Mr. and Mrs. Salathiel Burke, of Neoga, ill.;.have been married 13 years. He. 'is 37, and she a year younger, and they have iiiee,. fine children, andamong them are • four sets of twine. First a pair of boys, then a pair of girls, then'a pair of boys, then.apiiir of girls, and the baby is a poor, lonely littde girl: • The sudden,death of Dr. Patten, of Platts•: ville; is announced' as having . occurred on Thursday.' About 9 o'clock Wednesday night he was waiting on a patient, and when he left.. he promised to call again in; half an 'hour. Shortly " 'after .entering his own incase he dropped dead on the fi,or.• , It is gravely, related in'xp Illinote newspa. per per that after a peach tree on the farm of J: M. Baker, of 'Palmyra, had .blown clown, the broken trunk was_stack in _'tie fir's • under a' • soap kettle. 'Nota blossom Was on the tree,: but when the' heat of the fire penetrated the branches the .tree burst into full bloom: THEA PE U.J Goods House. 14.-401\11DS313421/3ELICX, Those lea dy Made „ Suits Which. We introduced4wo -weeks ago are nearly all ,sold, and to -day we open the second consignment, We find that the cut and -style are right and the workmanship excellent, while prices place -them -within the reach' of all persons who require a suit of any kind. A Fairly Goad_ Suit, 'first-class cut, $.5. . A Good serviceable Tweed S dt, Nice colors, $7 A Dandy Suit, fit to be worn on your wedding. day for $10. ,..The fourteen year.old-daughter of Mr. Homestead, residing on the Montreal road; about'a'mile from Ottawa, poured:coal oil over a kitchen fire. The blaze. set •her clothing on. fire and before it could be removed she was very seriously. and per- haps fatally, burned about the head our-, shoulders, A young man .named. Hugh White, of Brant, had a nazrow escape from being kill- ed by a stallion on Saturday,.q. The. beast caught himby the arm, breaking it in two places, and thrcew him to the ground. In stepping oyer him the calk of the shoe struck. him on the'oheek, white then man- aged to get up and escape, but it was •a close ,call, - Penry. Liniment, of Chathapi, 'the other evening tried his hand .a€ amateur bombing, and succeededbeyond his expeotations.. He placed a lighted firecracker in a glass . bottle to see the effect of an explosion under such cirogmatances. The :ignition did not seem satisfactory to his way of , thinking,. and he undertook to quicken the fuse by •pottingthe bottle to his mouth and blowing it. It ex- ploded sooner than .he expected, and burst the bottle. • A piece of glass penetrated one eye; -and will result fatally, at least in destroy ing the organ completely. - ' • The Dominion Government has provided in the supplementary. estimates for the payment of the-expensesincurred by the St. Catharines Milling and Lumber Company,: in contesting their suit with the Ontario Government.about' the title to huge timber hinita in the•Lake of the Woods district. Here is a revelation for the 'taxpayers of Ontario. First, Sir •: Ohn Macdonald parcels out the possessions' of the Province to the nominees of Mr. Rykert, 'at, a_ nominalratuc7- TIren•-when-the- Government - of Ontario takes Toniiyson's advice -"Britons hold your own"—and . successfully sues the transgressors foy:the value of ' the lumber car-. Tried off, the Dominion' Government',tapsin an -assists its trintntsr. by-payipg-from'--th' Boys who are teinpted•to think it "fan" to throw stones at railway trains should take warning from' the experience of. Jas,_Morgan, a St. Catharines youth, who bas just been sent to Kingston Penitentiary for live years On a charge of throwing stones at a railway • carriage on the Welland Railway with, intent to injure passengers seated therein • When we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is the only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, Liver' `Com- plaint, Indigestion. and Impure Blood, we aro telling plain • facts,'' of whtcl1 1Tundredb "itpon hundreds can testily, who have 'been restored to perfect health by its use. We would there- fore advise you strongly if you area subject of any of the above troubles,to give McG}regor's Speedy Cure a trial.and be convinced. It is. sold,in Me and $1, bottles. at Worthington's drug store. , •• An Irish lady who is the owner' of property. valued at between £400 and £500 a year,"has appliedito the Kilkenny Outdoor Relief Bareau. for assistance: She said she was ashamed to apply for aid, but was unable to ' obtain her rents and only asked for a shilling a week fer a few months. ' It is statedthat the members. of the Board, who are. all Nationalists, reins. ed to grant her request, lout offered an order mittiug'lira 16 -the -Work public puree the:cost of resisting rthe legiti mate claim of the people of Ontario, It is, a scandalous abase of`pow.er.for which the mis- rulers et. Ottawa ought to be strictly.held to• account. • , . Soatt of the curiosities of newspaper •etatistles are worth a paragraph., ' There are 700 religious and denominational news- papers published in the United States; and ,nearly • One-third ' pf them are printed in New. Yorir; Philadelplia;.l3oston and Chi- cago. New York is .far ahead: in• this respect; 'but Chicago leads' Boston . Three newspapers are denoted to the., silkworm,: six to, the honey beet and not less than. tbirtytwo to poultry. The dentists have•, eighteen journals, the phonographers nine, and the deaf and dumb andblindnineteen, There, are three:publications exclusively devoted to philately., and One to:tbe•terpsi- chorean art. „The prohibitionists have 129 -organs iethe liquor dealers' eight. The woman, suffragists have seven, the•candy. makers three. Gastronomy is represented by three . papers; gas by two.There are about 600 newspapers printed' in German, and forty-two in French. .Thetowns which -have-most-Frenetr-periodicals- TIM New York, NOW. Orleans and Worcester; Mass. -four apiece'. There aro mord Swedish _prints than French. Two daily papers are. printed . in the Bohemian tongue, The toughest Hennes are found among the Fetish_ ' Finnish and Welsh press.; . for instance. • ziounwiety autl-the-Przjacisi I .41-o Cliiaage, the Yl dyswalta iii Sonanrat :of Ohio, and the. Y Wawr'of. Utica,: N. Y. There is one Gaelic °publication, one Ho - brew, one, Chinese and me in tine Cherokee language, - y••.• A London;. England, telegram .says The Salvation Arrny Congress lion opened in this city, Tye thousand .officers and many . thousand soldiers of the army from all parts of the 'world are present.' Gen. Booth; commander ofthe.army, in his opening address gave statistics show• ing the work performed by, the organise- ' asear in"G'reat'Britain alon 000,U00 had been.' contiibuted to the Army's treasury; 1,000 girls had been rescued from "life on the street, apd nineteen homes for the poor and friendless had been established and put in working order. The prison brigade, the General said, was doing food work, Delegate Smith, from the United States, made an address on the army's work in Americaand greatly moved the audience byhis thrilling storiesof souls 0 sot s saved.. A Cnadian delegate said he regretted that Canada had .not gat el to the Salvation Army a portion of the money which the Dominion 'spent in killing Riel'a .rebels; If the money had lieen"giveh.to the army, the tebels might ,all„have been converted and saved, and Riel •himself might have been now 'it major in the army. Miss 13ooth testified that the French and.Swiss members of the Salvation Army were among the most solid and'devoted workers it possessed,: but that .they lacked funds, and she urged the English to contribute to their treasuries to enable them to pro- ceed in the good eause. In Ritchie ooanty,V'irginia,two nights ago; Mr. and Mrs. George•Kreoli, who live on Goss Run, were aroused by the shotits' of • n mob which had surrounded their house. On the door being opened, Red men tied Mr. • Kreck and wife, took them into the woods and treat- ed them in the most brutal manner. ' The fiends then burned the dwelling and its con- tents and departed. ltreck succeeded in re, leasing himself, and swore but warrants 'for such of the mob as he s had b , eon able .to re- cognize. Twelve of them Haile been -arrested and placed in jail. • A' FULL „AND COMPLETE'LINE OF ORSTED &TWEED Coatings And STRIPED TROWSERINGS for the ordered clothing` department. We have the neatest thing in STIFF HATS, NECKWEAR, • LINEN and CELLULOID .. COL- LARS , OLLARS, and'CUFFS, arid SILK _SQUARES.. Kindly,look.tilrough our stock before buying your outfit. • L. OUIMETTE LONDESBORO. C�fR.E . IT SUCCIESS. MILLII_I�IERY ATFULL BLAST -i Our full stag' of hands working over -time; Something charming in ,the latest NEW YORK& FRENCH STYLES A Magnificent assortment of SILE GAUZES, AIGRETES, PLUMES, LACK, _.. FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS and TRIMMINGS of every des- criptiort, and of the very finest tluality'to choose from. Beesley's poput1ar_ low prices' does,,it. • EE SLEY' S MillineryB Emporium- s %! SUCCESSOR .' MrslA, Fischer,{ } M� Pischer, a i'iTaTa Ta, i Dirt, C 'in oii7 . I beg -to -€titpounce--that I have-•openeclw oil-t-iii-the'.C-AI-LORING - TRADE, where you can rely on getting the latest goods - cut•: in the latest ,Styles by MR. M. FISOHER, as• . Gutter "ancl- Manager, Thanking you all for the patronage extended to hint, hoping. to' receive the same in -the. future. Fine range goods oods to choose .from. Cheap for cash, as 1 am not in 'a position to de. anything -else. See our WORSTED Pantings & Scotch TWEEDS 'tuts. A. Fischer, Prop.; til, F sclie :, I!Ianager. NEW DRUG.` The undersigned has just opened a New Drug ,Store in aieksOlt ATE+ -v :S1o0--.k. LILir-� inti Strut, •Two'dools West of the'City Book Stole, where, will lie ;found• a complete: assort= Ment of Fine DRUGS , and CHEMICALS, also • PATENT MEDICINES and DRVGGI$TS SUNDRIES. .A.11: that the public may ask for in these lines. e c lenge( from rest ante to. 1 rug' ore: • A. WORT; SING -TON;• . Clinton. 31, YEARS ESTAliLISIIED. REThe. only manufacture]; s .' of FIRE PROOF SAFES with Sion-Conatteti ie Steal : li lana Doors.. .All .�ilLneiar styles:-of:Fireproof_._Sara*' are_fittel-with -anrIR=GHAMBEti- prevent dampness to papers. : A large assortment of SECOND te r'sIiPiND• SAF„ •for low prices and easy terms •of.payrinent;,' Catalogues on: SAP*. ; • In thanking his numerous eustamers for their liberal patronage in the past; begs to announce ' that be }las' just received a splendid assortment. of; 1\T�W S•FIN'G' GOODS,, :CORIPIIISTlC+F ; ME• LATEST NOVELTXES TWEEDS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, 11IUSLINS, GINGHAMS, LACES;: an ref rept, East, Toronto. °minion.Planl. nr Coope- . & Swa: SVOQESSORS TO' H. STEVENS &' 'SON, aL 1NTOQ11: ei Manufacturers of . SASH, _belong ELIwns, FLO0RIiiG, S'tniN , CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRRAMES, PICKETS, &C.' and all kinds cif:- Interiorkind Exterior FinishinL,s. • LA.TH and SHINGLES' kept "011 hand. g Mill'on•Wellin gton St.;op ;opposite Woolleu�' l: , 1p �.1VI11 PLANS' .ANL).. SPECIFICC'.ATIONS PREP RED, —E11113 .OTDERI- S S-IT-IRTINGS, COTTONADES,JAICKS & DENIMS: S S. Cooper,. JV` PA.. Svva e TWEEDS. a specialty, and a first-class Tailor who guarantees a fit, A full supply of hand made BOOTS' andiifOES just arrived for .the spring trade: Afresh assortment of WALT, • PAPER, newest. patterns. Experiments have recently beenmade by a San Francisco dentist on the subject of the tranaplantation_of teeth, with a view to their growth to the new position. It would appear that if proper precautions be taken tp secure'. perfect apposition- atidoleanliness the operation is of ten attended with success and possesses many advantages over the use of false ;teeth. • The inflati'niation to the gums, however, is somewhat persistent and constitutes a drawback, from the inconvenience which results therefrom. Recourse to this method is moro particular.. ly indicated when the teeth to be replaced are front teeth;; and essential \oth for appearances' sake,. and for . perfect articnlatJou, Mrs..'t'. II. llaral, Of ,1'ackson 11Iioli . being i11, her doctor prescribed an Alcohol bath. A stupid nurse, by mietake, Covered My Stock of GROCEP,IES is New and Fresh. Try our 50. cent Young Hyson• TEA, best value ever offered to the public. HARDCVARTJ,SROCiCERY and GLASSWARE; a hill enpply.k_ LARDR 11 and CROWN' OIL for ,machinery;always., on, hand', and everything usually kept.. in a first-class country -store. COAL OIL :50 cerate per. gallon.`. Highest Market price paid•in;trade for, BUTTER, EGGS, OATS, &c. Come one and all and inspect niy" ' stock. :No trouble to show geode. halo else purohaseil._alarge quantity of the:73LU1 MIN TAG BII�DTI1,t..CtT TWINE _Best i, tbiniiharket whrah:Iotter at the lowest possible rate have note on Land one • ` •' •- - �• Largest, Best .aiad'. roost. Complete Stocks of ....... .. • , •. ... . - . .- .. � • _ . of 'the JO-aEPl3: MORROW, • • BOOTS and SHOES, over displayed in Clinton, and will sell them at. the eery ,. Lowest possible Prices: If you want•good 'value in Boots' and Shoes, ,call ' on • and you will not be disappointed, . I atnstill making the,, CHAS. U C . SH•ARIK . • .VARNA.,'March 3t1t, 1356, Tills is to certify theta have used Afctlrego 'a Speedy mire for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint And do honestly say that if it east inc $100 per bottle l: Would not be without it, as It has domes me mora gond than all the Medicines 1 over usod4ind 1 feel like a new roan,. -Yours frilly, ALEX: t3Tsr•u,, Carleton l'laea. Ont. This meat. rine is for sale at ;Inv and s1:00 1'er bottle at wortlringtonN ]crag store. - CeIebrateci Iaiid.SewecI BQOt \wicl . sire so favorably 1 mown torequire no -ointment.. All kinds of custom work promptly attended ton and at reasonable prices,. f 5 PM CENT OFF FOR CASH, Eocis'. TAKEN..l r +xcir� iron 1••oGOODS.• ', h Gporiea out 1131 ELLIO ITS ELQC. � .. . NEN-3 1)0,,014: TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON; Call ern . Cruickshan .#,- • the Boot rv.Make BEDROOM 'SETS PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES ALBERT STREET, BRICK, BLOCK, cLINTor SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., i , ;' ASI .A f,1•.YF.rtA:r, ASSORTMENT ,.c1r THE VisrtY DINT Sr t:l1L�-FURNITURE Alt It1 AsonABLr Piiie S. „ rc CtixriL4. IF _RUPTURED V (*AS. CLUTHE'S Prepared Special Truss Has Cured in font...months.. Doctors Wear and Recommend them as the best for all classes, Descriptive Circulars on application to. .J-i1S T- [.. C0 , CHEMIST AND DItlUOGIST, , ,. • ' eLINTON, ONT. Mange of BuslnTess' _[tiet ttiriitt,I'f.tt11111ltrtrr.tLtatlt.'. ., The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that be has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried en ' by W. L NNe i W . Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunksli s, , e , ,Y'ailses • Buffalo R bas Blan is 1 And everything scally kept in a first•elass Harness Shop, at the lowest prices, S 'ecla attention is d rected to my stook of Luau Han.rnav whieh . i make specialty:: �, , 1 will eke a REPAIRING PROMPTL'S ' ATTENDED TO. By,strict'attention to business, and carefully sttidgin the of m ' oustoroore I hope to K S , hope RLtII':SUBla]It THE Sxe CD-01THE T.1A1tKET, merit a fair share of patronage,, ()ive Oro a call before purchasing elsewhere. 0.100 r aj S. a+p fw-.: •