HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 4• . .. — Nviv tAartrtiotintim; seu hisetold Clinton friends on Monday laet, while on his way to Conference. He is looking Alaska, Speetaelea-Rob. W. Coate. about aitmaual, but expects to take a trip to the Medleine-Dr.Jintg. old country am= time en july for the benefit of Insurance-eleXillop InsurepeoC'o. his health. 01r) wonted -Mrs. W. Doherty. neer the coleniitee W. Jaekeen• • A friendly oathering of the young people, of: Stray Morse-eolie mazer. Ontario St, church was held at the parsonage Farm for eate-Dovid mountaim The broken arm -W. lw, Gitlin. Who's your batter-Zacksou EPOS. Theeleine trade -Geo. E. Pay & Co. e . gliitton tiv (eta. .FIDLY, Julgra 4, 1880. IN Quinn to glee as tacit local matter as porisible, we have used mailer type thao uoual, and omitted all editorials. 1100AL NEWS, It was last teilee atm. County Crown Attorney• Lewis, of Goderich, tells this story df liiinself, so it must be troe. "Why don't you put on a white -tie, and go over to conference, said a friepd him the other day, "youelepass for a minister," - "Well," said he in that bland manner peculiar to him, to tell you the truth they won't let me in. My good friend Corbett and 1 did go over, but whether it Was because ray clothes were not orthedox, my ,face too honest, or I was% donbt; fizl einepany, 1 don't know, but we had to come owee—YleMec Corbett, eirdeireellete-11- you the same." ' . introit rvesbyterp,. • An adjourned meeting of Huron- Preebytery was held at Brucelield, on Tuesday, June lst, at 11 o'clock. There .was w stead representation of members ofthe presbytery. • • Me. Simpson, pastor -elect of Brucelielde ateletieed before the. Presbytery, read certain prescribed discourses, and underwene the exantioatioa required Of candidates :far ordination.. The Preebyterye taking a conjunct view of the whole,- sustained. the exercises and examinntioo. On,again as- sembling in the afternoon for the purpose of' ordaining and' inducting 5.1e, Simpson, Mr. Forrest, Moderatoeed Preshytery„, preached-aer excellent discourse from the Words "I ern tke door," and after putting awl keeeivinge.ansWeirs. to tbe questions usual in such cases. engaged in' - prayer, whereby the laying on of the hands oe , the Presbytery; 'Mr, •Simpuni was soleinney set apart to the Work of the miniiitry and in: ducted into theepostora Omega tbe emigre; _gation. Thereafter the untidy erdeineduffinetee • and the congregation Were briefly and lovlueler counselled concerning their deities. by Mr, Abe Lean and Me. .Musgrave TespectiveleteM. Simpson was then conclooted .to the door by Mr. McCoy, who introduced lffin • to .tliceeeme -greation, froin whom he received the hand of fellowship as they passed out • The chute sioraine. • • .. Quite.a lot of cattle have dieen•shipped from hefe during, the plat *eek, Many of' them of exceptionally good , weight. Among a lot shippedfiy. MoLean Bros., Were animals purchased -of -the -following parties, and their Weights ;,-11. Snell & Sons, cow, 1650 lbs., to steers. 2980 -all two years old; Jno. Brown, 3 head, 4380; Jno. Woon, 8 head, 10610, or an average of over 1300 each. Mr. Hearn shipped the following ani- mals, bought of D. McMiirchie, '3 head, 4810; Jas. Brown, one, 1290; A. McAl- ,lister, 2. steerc-3(130--Win-RObettknra: steers, • .f — • :., :if - were both exteptionally good weight) S. Carnochnn, steer, 1260; Jos. Govier, cow, 1260; John 0. Elliotb; 2'heifere,2350; Jno. Oaks, steer, 1290. • • Mr. Gouinlock, ot SeafOrth, also shipp- ed eighteen heackpurchased from Mr. Jas. " fair, which weighed 23,660 lbs., or an average of nearly 1400 lbs. eaCh. This is the third lot that has bean bought of Mr. Fair this spring, by the same party. • Unroll " mine 'Assoleisition. The fourteenth an alai matches of this old association„came off Tuesday, over the .."%thelecot gange. Tbe• .day ;Was fine -and the oecasion attracted if large erieWd, be- sides those immediately engaged in the • regalar business, of the day.. Thefith tail wind which prevailed all day,, rendered it difficult to run up large. seeres ,at the long ranges, notwithstanding, ',some very geed Scores' were. made, and' the' elggre- gates-. attest. steady markeimanshiP'. W.e • give below the velonere Of the leading matehee With the score - . • . • . , '1.00 -yds. 000 yes, Total Anet• • kiergeant Monroe. 211 26 , 55 ter 06 Sergeant Wilson .. 26 • el .' 53 6 00. • 'Major 2S 25 53 11.00 O. E. Courtice.... , 31 23 • )33 g 00 ' Mr. Coleman 21 -2(1 50 3 00 Mr. Robson , ... 28 22 :• 2 00 • Capt. Wilson '' -21 1-00 Lieut. Roberts ' 21 • 20 ." , .17 • • I ' Sncagn bikreit. 208 00 vil ' -litr.-110bson 2.) 113 1...3 00 - • Capt., WilQ011.., 25 . 28 5.1 .0 Olt Jas, Anderson... 27 25 ' en Lieut. Robertf... .2,1 31 1;1 • 3 na th E. Courtice... ;.,4 04 0 I • . ' Sergeant Munroe, 28 ' fin -• 2 .00 Jno. Jolinston : 21 25 • 45 00 Limit. Young-, .. 21 '22 . 1 00 The a,ssociatioo's challenge ,cup .was the coveted prize, and the competition. for it' was. very • keen. •StaIf.Sergt. .Wi'lson, of •Seaforth, held temporary posseSSiOn of it since the last annual match, the•cup "has. to he won twice by. the same• person Were becoming- 'the absolute property or mid winner. Aber. :01, very spirited. contest,, . duritve which tlitentmeet tinanimitY 'pre-, valledhee,11 was won by. Ale. Nolteletten, be- ing a Oe with Oul. Sergt, MtlOree., • LOCAL CHURCH 011INIIES 'Yesterday being Ascension Day, iservice.was held in St, Paitrechttrch, ' • ! ;n __ReeerOle....afig-prerieleee-•itteligebereeteeettotlete— et Lev. Mr. Roberteon, of thet place, will preach in St. Peure. „ Rev. Mr. Grey was tinablitetiotake his beeee line appointiefeet an liiinday aftertioonomeed it • was suppliedfor him by Ate, 'Sautes leotnig, ., • . Rev. Mt, Brock, formerly of Clinton, litie re- signed thepaetorate of the Parte Methodist church Owing to ill health, ara will not tato an appointment this year, .• It is the intention of the Preebyterian Sabbath School of town tie hold its picnic: at el.orlerich, on the 24th of Suite, provided imitable arrange. inents can be made with the ;railway. on lueeday evening last. Entertainment bad been -provided by Reir.-11-r, Spayling, and th evening was spent in pleasam nt sea' enjoyment several short addresses being given. Altpreeen had a Very good time indeed. The closing entertainmenttire of St, 'reGuild was held on Wevery ednesday evening, and was Imo- cessful in ery way. The fellowing is the programme : -Part 1.,-C1arionet, Mr. Farmer duet, Messrs Combe and Li Smith; solo; Mr* Becher; reading, Mr. Scett ; song, with chortle Mr. J, Jackson, and Misses N. and M. Jackson, and Greig; song, Mr. Hollis ; solo, Miss Depew. Pare IL-Clarionet, Mr. Farmer ; duet, Messrs, Reicher and Jackson; reading, MU Brewer; song, IVIr.11ollis ; song, 51r.Herman ; quartette' 1VIrm,Ciraig,as Mo. Combe,, and. Messrs.. _Brewer and Herman; Mrsltansforci and Alias E. Greig played the accompaniments. Mr. Relelier, of Gruclerich, and Mr. Hollis, of Sea foith, made their first appearance in Clinton, and were much appreciated, Mr. Hollis it success as a singer of comic songs. "RURAL Dement Mumma,- a -no half-yeerle meeting of the church wardens and lay delegates who cohrpose the Rural Decanal Chapter, won held in Clinton, on May 27th, in St, Pours 's house. The rural dean, Rev. W. Craig, 13,1).,, took the chair and opened tbe meeting with prayer, The attendance Was not as large as might have been expected. After roll call, the statistics were collected and tabulated. The deferred question of how best to deal with the synodicalecollectionse-wileiout-interferingevvithe the usual Sunday collections for local porposcs, was not discussed at Much length. The Rural Dean explained a plan they were adopting hi St, Paul's, viz :-To group them, and appeal to the congregation, .by eneelopee, at stated times,' to make up.the amount, In preparation Inc the January meeting it was decided to hold it mClinton and have a public meeting in the eyening, at"which Rev. W. Johnston eves re- quested to reed a paper upon "The duty of the ehurch in relation to temperance. reform-. R. MePosh, 01 •Wieglialo, andeele. Jebnitons- feed, of Clinton:to open the cliseuesion. • It 18 to be hoped therefore, that there will be a full representation, and' that members will come prepared to remain to the evening sessiou, anti take part in thq.disetission of the paper. while it was apparent diet any one nian's tiase would be•wholly taku up with the duties of tbe office, and „much expense incurred in tea. velliog to remote parts ef tbe eohnty. No Otte could feel deeper regi et than be at the course he had fele it leis duty to take, but it was an absolute neeceeity. It had been said that he should two retained the position a e few weeks longer, but if he had done eternally , eases would have 'come before hire which t would necessarily be unfinished, and in his opinion greater confusion and trouble would have resulted from Ins continuance in the po- eitien than from hie immediate resignation of it. Percionally, he would be involved to many complications which would arise and would be oecasioned inuoh incouveoience and trouble which could not be disponi) of for probably many menthe. 0 Mr. Stephen Yates, of Goderietr, could not blame Mr. Scott for givieg Up his position - be felt that he was perfectly Justified in doing SO, but thought be ouglit to have waited for a few weeks and allowed cases to be brqught before hich he kuew were awaiting his • pleasure, Ma ip the meantime given the Ex- ecutive Committee Reath° License Inspectors notice of his intention, Ire believed that if Mr. Scott had continued in office. for another month tile liquor traffic, in his riding at any rete, wield have beetocrushed out. Al°1 eVlagisteate, he believed to be an aliselutenicee-: cessity. It was often difficult to get juatiees of the ileace willing to act in Scott Act cases, t and still more'diffioult to get two Who held liko views and would agree upon a ciammoo epilog upon pointe that came up. Then when convictions were made by' ordinary magis. -trains tirerwergerdwaysegrpporderi-frenr,- aerd-' whey the time came for hearing the appeel it was sometimea found that important witneeses had removed or been spirited away, and the decision of the magistrates reversed through the lack of their evidence, Many magistrates &elect to hearing a second case when the first has been appealed, until the appeal has been • heard end the higher court has pronounced upon the °see. Mr, Yates cornplaitied that - the inspectors were not properly assisted bye theetemperatice community. ' "He Asked foe the inspeotole a more hearty'support from the temperapce people, and expressed his deter- mination to bring the law -breakers sto•justiee in spite of all difficulties • Rev, Hugh MOQuarrie, pf Wingharo, had little hope that we should succeed in thorough. ly enforcing the Scott:tea till the electors brought the ,propee influenne to work when municipal electioas were being held. When both parties insist upon their candidate being sound upon the teloperancequeation before they weuli cast a vote for them, we may ex. poet the neceesary morgl and financial sup, ejounty Connell • Tbe amencil rneb on Tuesday leek, After readied the ininotes of last meethig, the War. den Addreesecrthe cerincil regretting the dee miee, late of' Toreberry, and be. thee epoket of the Benmiller, Crakes and Eginonciville bridges, the Police Magis- trate, House of Refuge, etc., tied certain re pairs to the' eounty,buildhigs. . A resolution of condolence with the family of the late, Jas. Heim hope .was paseed, A circnlar from the Department of Agriculture, calling attention. to the fact that the Act . had been amended offering frac tuition for two years at the'Ag- ricultural College to ono student for each coou-. ty, was referred to- the •Speciel Committee.' Several letters andeaccounts of . minor impel', taneoewere • referred to 'different comnaitteee, . was moved .by Mr. Keine,. seconded:by Itli.13,1ack, that the couneil grant such a•sum as it seems .,fit to supplement the pay of the subalterns andmon-commiesioned officers and members 'of tbe 88rd Bettelion; during their stay in camp tb is season.. Referred tie Finance Committee.. • •• - • • Xci other of inmoitance was transacted:up to the titne of. one going ere prees, and rOpert will appear' nex t week of whatever is- clone.. • ' ' . - • .7r...it • 411•••••••••-•--.---. ; onyer.t.:141f. 6 ciinvention of teinperance workers was Held. in :the TOwn Clinton,, oil'. Friday; 2eitle., The cheir.Wasetaken. at 10: a.m. by:D, D. Wilson, Esq., of-Seaforth; the Pre- sident of the Nulty Of Huron Scott Act As- sociation.' About one buedred delegates were present, dearly pinta of the county beiug represeneed, • . The meeting wei. epeueil \vitt prayer by Rev.• Hugh eldeuarrie, 'of • Winghato. The Minutes of. the lest conveneion were iced and auStaihecl. The president, iu announcing the Purpose :of the coneentiee, 'expleined that eince the• laat- "conventien Was had enemy changes eed taken place. • The (entario Gov. ernmeothad appointed an inapeotee in each, of the three riding, aud instrected theme to enforce the- Scott Act. . The, efforts • of the A.Seociatioie to seettie the ,appointinent of a' Police Mageetrate:liad been successful, but lie had ,beets • apPointed 'without salary,., ond ie was foend that, theeduties and expenses per- taining to that office .were se great elset it Wes necessary: for him to • give up the poeitiene This resignation. plaCed the •inspectors At a 'great disadvantage, ande One otthe: principal .nneations•th beforetho contenteen WooM be that Of the Polka.. Magistracy.' Thor:zit there were' many diecouragemente in' endea- voring to • enforce the Scott Act, the plain deity, of eVo.ry fempezance nian was, to make the best possible use of the hew we have, and eontittree to fight - on thee liect till. complete prohibition resulted, • He had no syen athy. . • with those who try to clisconsage-Avery od yb"--1areoring for a return'to the 'Creeks Act. •Ho. &Olen& npodit as it .great -wrong to sane - :non bee our Votes any law 'will& Housed tho sale of- that Which had bronglifeeleeolation and ruio to so neemy heroes. ,.11_w_o_tated,.. license to do wrong ooteof•eXiseenee,, and did our best to stamp. out the accursed liquer erectile, the responeibelity for its baneful con- ellinerreci-Mereterest-whoile ip.i o ers, believed the Machinery 'fde the enfoecement of the Act" in Enron to be Complete, with the one exception .that a Police Megistraeo is 10- (131,1110(1. • • , • . Tho.Treasnrar, 51r, C:"Stevenson, read a Statement of the finanees of the Asseeletibm. showing a deficiency of aeout $300. ' , The• President invited Mr. Beett to Intik° an explanation of Ins reesono for' fe'siging the Pollee Magistraey, • • . • Me, Soott thanked the President for the eppertuniey given him of explaining hs P081* tion. In' the first place,. the Weide had net. beau soaght by line : Oifethe contrer7. lie dellyeed to toe au pport of another s claims to the position, mid it Wag not till ho learned, tipen the highest authority, that that, gentle. -Mate-ewould not•reenive the appointment, that he eittertained the offer made him by the 00vertitrient, Not did he then coneent to - .adeept the position, except open bertiliu com. , diijous. One of theso. conditions wite that ho sheuld not be compelled' to hold donne anywhere •bat at Clinton. Sineethen witness. es had refused .to come to Clinton to testify in On1306 of allegedviolation . of • the Act theit ticourred in other parts ,of the ceunty, and the Provincial Secretary upheld them' in their Rev. Mr. Potter Will. preach ineltattenburY eefueal, and informed him tharhe would be 81. Church 00 Sunday next. The motel month- required,in the discharge of his duties,,to go to ly fellowship meeeine; wilt be held in the school room of this church on. Sunday mooting next, apy parte of the cone, wheye violetions �f tae Act were aliegeu tO;naVe taken place. A poonnetioing at 0.45 sharp, , futther reason for'hie action *as the fact theee 'Air. fefaelc-Pettnalmil oieriehtele in tlecolly. .1..ts aiktr•:". -there Intd-huerraii 'Net epaeserdiiiIiirtrellist term church, Sonclay evening. Grant, of St. lefarye, Will preaoli itt tele elittech on Sunday, next, mul also .coeiltutt the Seem- nt tal services of the oecasiee. A social will be held at the residence of Mr, Stoneham, opposite the ergot factory,on the evening of Thursday; &ono lettli, for the benefit 'of the Ontario Stree,t,-Metheilist church.; • The Doherty Baint-ireipentedttoletepresetite Rev. Philip Sparlitne, of 'Muskoka, formerly Somforth, and uncle- of the paater of Ontario St. church, preached in that pulpit on 'Sunday inorniug. last, • l'he pulpit of tins thureh will oec. up led 011 Sunday nos 1 by Ilev.iete,Swenti. Rev. eir, Teenier te ef Cheekier, drepped MID I. • . • semen of the X.iegislature which prevented 'any ono holdindthe position of Police 51agis• trate eer any partner of ettehlan °Meet', from ondneting any criminal legal !Ashton. Tito ease then virtnally resolved itself into the question whether he should give up the Police Magiatracy or his profession, 13eiea •poor man ho Weld het fielded:tie tffiencliin his pro. fession and ctet'oil` his 'inealis of support and tliat of those depending upon him. The fees allowed a Police Magistrate were not aclerynato, to his itippore-Ie.' would , be consumed in supplying the many legal ferms 'required, tto there was literally no remuneration Whatever, 4.egegensetelelletieneeeaeneeenwelee.,...... On motion of M. Y. McLean, pap, by Sept. Hogarth, the reeolution .to fiend a delegation to 'lie County Wince!, was adopted, and the following gentlemen elected member° of the delegation 1 -Rev A. Stewart, Clinton ; Rev, Jae, Charlton, Gerrie ; Rev. W. Johneon, Goderich ; Dr. Williatue, Clinton WA Messrs. Andrew Govenlock, Winthrop; Robt, Unisons Clinton.; Thos. McGillicuddy, Ooderieh ; P. Clarke, Exeter; Andrew Blyth James Wanless, Varna; Henry Steep and Horace Foster, Clinton, , Dr. William moved, sec. by Andrew Gov- enlock, that in case of the refueal of the County Council to provide salary for a Pollee 1114gistrate, the Execueive Committee be in afructed to apply for the appointment of a Police Magistraee in each riding without sal, ary. Tim President thought it would be on. wise to adopt this resolution, Mr, Yates held the' sameu opinion. Mr. M, 1VIcLean was emphatically opposed to enggesting any alternative whatever. He believed the reason we did not get it ealariefl magistrate at the first, was boomiseewe placed an alternative course before the council, which they gladly adopted to get out of providing a salary, In regard to asking for the three magistratee he thought nobody was particularly anXiella to work fay nothing. Proper men could not be fettled le take theeposition withouteremunera- tion, and no one ong,ht to be expected to do so, lie council ought to provide a salary and they should be asked, for that and nothing less. WYOri Raid if the conventien sent mon to Lhe 'County Council, they were to go thero. to fight for, what they want and not to come- prim onnetheumeletes.byanggesteng..anyealeer native. ' It was finally agreed that the delegation should simply ask the Colwell torequest the °Marie GovernMent to appoint a salaried Police Magistrate, and that,if the Council decline to take this action, the Executive should immediately call another convention to consider tbe situation. The third clause of the Business Committee'a reportauggeeted the dividing of theCounty Scott Aet Association inte three aseocelitions, jiOswn o one fn. each riding, eat& to hereepiensibkt for be work f Scott Act enforcement in it riding, but all to work in conjnotion with the county association. . ' • , Mr. J. clarke, wife had 'Suggested thia, clans° to the committee, explained that he thought if the association were -0-divided ,mo.re feequent ineetingii could be held, the workers of faeh riding would be more closely uo itedandt ;meld better twist their respective insneetiere 111 their duty. , le.le'; McLean suggested that if the charige were made the ridings should have •the same u port from our coneils to put Hie law 30 for boundaries as those for OntaruPeleetion nu!? as it thduld be; - • . • posee,' • ' -Rev. Mr.•Diuthy, • of Varna, 'Iliought We' Mr...Yates aud Pee. Mr. 13nrwasb opposed should look to the power that 'gave us the making the change,on the ground that 11 Scott Act for the...piaci-finery and power nee. might cause aelefusioia, and weakness /night essary for its enforcement,. Lied thought tem, result from such 'a division of the forces. . olleers, that he would. and it was unanimously agreed that he ehould be the nomiuee of the convehtion. Mr: Tilos. McGillicuddy administered, a Kathe r large (lose Of tafij to the Executive Committee for its faithfni work in the past. After prayer by Rev. M. It mhy the 13ereedio , Mon was pronounced and the convention, ad; CO O WA j°0unrnuSeV4einesitay afternoon the delegation appoifited ; E El•ECIATION. WAD' 015 TIM COCSM" UNCIL. by the Convention, with Several others, waited Upon the County Council, to urge the appointment of a 18121::11 I:1131:11 Ilaitttsteraetalerj?sidiffatAlINtirtg p Council would fuifil the obligations of me law laid upon them. fle thought tatrielwd press mem them a disagree adayidu ,buottoch ratheranagreeable one, because the enforcert of the Seett Act would in time be a pleasant du to perferm, et was not necessary for him to refer at length to the reasons why the Scott Act was not enforced. To the objection sometimes urged, that It •had not been car-- rled by a majority of the ratepayers, he [dated that it sometimes happened that men -were elected by a ma- jority of votes piffled, but note,, -actual majority of the ratepayers within that municipality, but that did not prevent them taking.thelr seat4 as representatives of that people. Rekrring to Mu question of the cost, Ito said that Or yeors the temperance people had un-. grudgingly borne their share of the criminal expenses account, and he thought It.was not unfair to ask now • that some of that money be refunded in the shape of a small salary for ti, Police Magistrate. He was firmly fot4bf vio:pr anhabti ten; clt,,o,liwatht whose 01(1 ipaaijui ootrii ton! salarycj eopi°a° sp‘t)lyet:uiri iitedd Huronoonusiec"wilewor !Wing the Act ceased to be law, bfa. 1`. MbOiumouser, Coderieh, read a letter fromthe W.C.T,11., urging the Council to appoint a Police Magistrate with salary, and then advanced'the follow- ing points as reesons why the appointment should be 'made 151, The Act was the law of the land, being Pe.s_Sedeby both parliaments told approved by the peo- ple; 2nd, 11 was found that a paid, magistrate was as- sntial to tho enforcement of the Act no fault was liffMr1vitirthe Act, burWitiriffrilliiffigniTiiir" The necessity Of a magistrate was implied by the Council sanctioning the appointment of one without salary. 3rd, The cost would only tie abota 1 cent a head for the 80,000 residents in the e iunty; or 50. it voter for the 20,000 voterf3 would give a man a salary of ewe a year. 4th, The delegation represented a •sentirnent /which prevailed among a majority of the electors in the county, 5th, The temperance people were: as strongly in favor of the Act As ever, mid wanted a magistrate to help the people in doing their utmost to ootoree it, and if it woe then found that the law could not bo made a stmeess, tho „temperance , people were honeht drunigh to say they would then sooner.have it good license law thom it -poor Scott Act. ' • REV. Ma, JOKEBTOX, GOd011011, (EPIS061).19 saki be was not interested in the political or !Mancini aspect Of this oo.olittYy, but in its motel aspect. This was the most important phase Of the question. Councils pro- vided fer the people's ,well-being' by building roada. brid4,cm, cite., and he believed it to be theirseity also to look after their moral well-being. He was not member of the Scott Aet,Association, but it was Ills duty as a Mao and citizen V:, see to tee enforcement of Allis, as well as every other law.etie taw could *be eet at defiance with, itimunIty, so Cotild any other, and the state of such affairs on society WOUls1 be far IfIrleadmo tdle)oelnrathhiee:u ho,ped, the interekr..of the masses, that the Council would accede to tlie request perenee people should sink•party differences On e.of the members of the Executive favor - end see that only thoroughly emend temper.. ed "jog away with thd c"ntY Issc'etattbn • ance,men are selected todee their reprosenta. and simply dividin_g it into three parts accord: tivea in the Tornigion parliathent.' The geeet. ing to the riding boundareese ,clainiieg that est resulte would follow and the' most Wee ive.Work be accomplished, ef tempeemice,men would 'make eheir, infitionee felt in that di- rection. " •• ' • At thee -conclusion of Ur, lesaby's address the chair nominited-Reve. Borwash, and 5/. Denby anit. Messrs.. T. MeGillicuddy, S. Ydtes, J. D. Sinith, lefe Y. -McLean and •Wynn, a cominitteei to prepare a programnie cof buSinese to be brooght befcire 'the convene: thin In the afternoom • ' Piaeteryearelfered and the Benediction.pro-• menneced by Rev, X. 'BurWash, and the con. ntiotradjourned-tilli.1-5 . The afeerneon session oomirrenced 'at 1.80, the Peesident in. tlie ethair, and was opened with: pray.ete leirks of Holmes. viilc. . • . Mr. Thos. MeGillictiddy presented the ro- ped of the business ccinernittee, which was re- ceived and taken up chime by 'clause: ' The first chime, containing, the.foliewing resolution, was, adapted without diecussion, alid by an unanimous vote :-," That'the con- vention deeply regrets the unforseen circum- stances that have occorred to cause the resig. nation of the Police Magisleate, appointed for the County, by the Coterie Government." ' • • The. seemed clause of the report was a rem: •Itetion to the effect; " Thee the acatventioa shout(' appoint n delegation bo interview the Connty .at its approaching session, oud respectfully request that body to meinier. ializo the Liouteiiant-Governoe iti Council; to appoint, withoutedelay, a Pollee Magistrate for the remoter, with apprepriate.ealary." letr. Yates strongleesupported the remem reendation to send a delegation to wait iiponlbe County lele. T.:McGillicuddy. also Supported. the resolution, and in. speaking thereto he suggested further' that; the County Cdtun oil be aleo regtieFfi ed to have a plobiscit at the next 'January elections., in order that the ex- act feeling of the people 'might he aficertained. 11 thepeople then prououneed for a Salaried Police Magistrate; there could he no'fitrther objection, and the whole 'responsibility would there.would he nd, real neceesary work for the county assaition to do if it contihnediee' " ' • existence Dr. "'Williame supported that ' view, but M11.. ANSS Tikinrao* kiloton, said they OnlY "asked' the council4o.do what placed. within their power to do, . Opponents of the At demanded their 'rights, and the temperance people wanted no more: Lewd magistrates. against whom he would not say a word -disparagingly, would notlake caseS, and it became necessairto get someone who would. ,Wanled only fair evemhanded•justice, nothing' more or less. If wo got proper mabbinerXfor enforeing the Act, and. 11 was. then found unworkable, be for one Would not come before -Oomph any shriller errand again. Ma. TATES said theMiestien might be asked, .• Why are i We hem 1" 'Well, for this reison,that the only possible way otsecuring the enforCement of tkiell seat Act, was by. n paid magistrate. Gad not a word to awagalast the inligistratvs. pf thacounty, but it must be reme aliered that laproseentlons Ile supporters of the Act Wart) 1564 by the best legal talent that opponents could get.' Is was atpecial eat, and required machinery to enforce it. Then another objection against the kienforc i milt 01 the act when tried befd .n lungistrate, was weuldlike. to.see the debt of the county' eiso.' the prievilege of ppeal,it.was aprealed ot because of any, loop•bole of escape.. What we kindl ask; this -it is the becafise of its being sue be • helleved.the cou il could con.' elation wiped pub first. , • • connection with the "hub."' Mr. It. Holmes also thought there ought t be some central comnaittee to direct the wor of. the whore counity. irregularity or Unfairness in its ti al, but cause Mr, Je P. Clarke pretested against severing eaw of the laud, the peorle'elaw. and t erefo stimr law -and O council were opposed 10 11 Quoted iiidge Twits, bent seen k' stunt- as any ether law • Give us the machinery foi its ea tIsentiv grant the requesi asked, even if. the 111Q hers orthe Act being law and sliould be enforced by every -con tatilethe foremen an _i_Ancoesa, L .ngfhileap_peear yefo y • CI rk ither tintod'a' fiC,In Provincial s'ecee tee saying that the appointnum t. fPolice Magistrate, with saki le-be-dincontinned4f-thjeott-Act-eelised-to,becomo41 low of the land: ' . ,REV.' Mn. Jonnero2r then thanked the mend> ern of tho. council thelr.patieid bearing of the delegation, when tite embers witifyirew. :1.1Mtv. D. 11 Witsom moved, and .116.1ohn McMillen ed 'a:restitution in favor e1 recommendur the appointm• ent, 41:Yr was ideofienntttlig, tiltell‘t17.aggtgl).'n•gilt)7;ofr but, what the council will do when 11 081000 up ferAisens• sion to•liny, (Friday) is hard to say. • . ' • lefreeSelete imus 1 ogareh' opposed the motion .6 divide the Associatien as he thought it el7milve-the-7organizati for effectual working. Rev. Mr. Denby thought if divided itto ridings there would be e tendency for each association to become isolated from the others, and wo needed to work in hermony. , ' .Rey. Pugh McQuarrie could not see any advantage lu division. We did not feel eur- selves any too powerful when - united, an thought the sifeation would. not dm improve by dividinginto riding associate:mi. • • et Ile diseassion u this motien ended in th withdrawal,tl.e. fecomenendation by th Business Committee, The . following resolution ' censtiftited tit Intirtli clause of the Business Ceenniittee' report :•,-"That each membee of this ceneem- lion pledgesltimself in his own:localely to en- deavor to raise at once the emount clue helm his Municipal organization' according to the - • • ' e'uolph., Confroude, flofhodict e • • . • ' e , Church of CanIda. e seerst ier!ift or stitteone. appropriation agreed tleon; order' to Cleae off the indebtedness. of the A,ssoolatioo end place ,the seciiety los •positien to efileiently eatey on its work." This clause Was unani- mously adopted. , The fifth clause of, the repoit declared' elle. necessity for the re -organization and oontieu, ance in active operation. Of the anueicipal branches of tho.6cott Act. Assoclateln, eanc "the atienaleleciion of their officers, ancl•Ye commencic".d. that public. tametings -be 'called in eentral .places in all theenninielpalitioe;e. and that the Etcecuttve conarnittee send deputa- tions to address. meetings and endeavor to • Mr. 51, Y. 51creal, of Seaforth, efeate a deeper public interest in the work of Tog . upon b le-pc01/10-411CMSeirOS. ._ . . no one- with his 'eyes opened eoulcr fail 'to „I Mr. Jas. Wanless asked if all the old associ- he Aehocititielietilah at-preeent exists; , that there was even .att attiempt tb-onforee ootbee_egeereeceg.4e.fiewae me miemced--i-n-oreenteouseweee,etilleeneceelatenneThe Presidea it, replied in tho affirmative,. said explained that Perhaps it Wes neteeaser tie' find mit the real the object of the moyetnent was to arouse' cease of thee.' The Scott Act was the diatcome . greateretithusiastn conong temperance people . Thii opn femme is now in 'session at Gode• rieb, and tbe followffig is tho first' draft of sentienii foe • the ' yoer,.. Whieh • is likely to .ho materially changed before the final draft is issued . . . 01.74PII .lerseneeer. Guelph, Le W •Iformes ;.%Flugh T'Creesley, left withone an appointment at' hie ownerequest, in view of evangelical work. • Guelph 2nd-Wp Griffin, .1) .p; Henry, Irvine. Guelph 3rd -Wm Sa- vage. Peneonby-Isaile Orane.• Elora-4as., •Broley; Samuel Freer; superanuated. Fergus --Soseple S.'Colling. M arsvil le ---Wm .• .motte eelel,Wood-Themas Grandy. Ertimeia ,-Jas , Rockwood -Francis Swann; Wesley .11. Kerr. Acton:-Roliett ..Phillips. Georgetewn-J W Shilton, -.0 A; :One thbe . sent) J Gray, Treasurer of Superannuation Feud,. permitted to reside in Toronto (285 Ontario Streeteeoe .0 Porneroyi--13 A, •(0.alc..; woode)N- M A, Superaunnated, Erin. o11innfed--3' MarkleapaolV•Patton. 61•Aiee .Diernaer.-Galt-W C Hendersoii7 M. A. Berliu-J W Cermet,: Peeston-W J) Ilinekee C 'Minders. ..W,at, f-aget,a-leonefe reetie. p rolub trenza stir crbetet peoploothenaselvese aml to his ,opinion the Tower, to entbree it rested .with •tlic people, arid. to them We should go now. "flio Act was carried b u weeds Mpg, • - eciunty, end. if those peoplo who voted 'for 11 aro sincere, they shoeld be ahle to cenne pel thole represoutatietes in the Countet Coma. ne .getedeputatiene ofecnitsiciers ..te-a sees tmaele branch. ' : .e • ' nod that there had not been put/lie aneettugs branches had never leen properly Organized, iota lieli-eld; , 0...C. lateen' thoeght the muniMpal . . . 54. Solaneleautou was pleased. to advise the convetitien that at all eViente the Exotee asso.. oil to 'emote a Salitr,v for A ranee Magittiate. elation was not dead. and di& not' intend to am es long As anybody else continued, to live, Ile was not blind tb. the fact that the AAA itself . Lie approved of this' ineve, the object of which id not perfect, and that there ,are great &III. .cultics in the, way. a its enforeetnent, brie if he uuderstoodto .be to educate the public in the people required Uri enforceinent as they ..tem:P""ce Princ'01/3"" sectir8 ill° c"Pe'''' do that of any othenla w' it would be 'enforced, ation of the temperance peoplein the Work of Melte people do no tempel their officers to . enfornieg the'Scott Act. The,peonle, he be - see that the kw is eierried oot bet Mel in their lieyed, did not, know the difficulties -in the duty in thls. respect,11 amid not lie enforced, 'IrttY of its enforcernent, and if they understOod though ' fifty Pollee Megisteates were ap- the aituation as ib exists, they would hold vet, pointed. • e, different views thatf they now do, and wellid , Coeinty (1.14-loutiell3:111jahrlit --‘446'8448444be asked te hititevr:e jltle T i 8111--;•/,Vor.,1:',;,, , ,,, et Jobit le-asIse :46411411-1 aesalaey for 1116 Police 51agietrate,leat if theilia'Anfri."1),;;;,„IVir'ot'LiCout) igielf,nsthseeee°1alts.col refused to do an WO.shoula ask theraloacqueet I the appointineet of a Poliee eragistrate evith. ewes uuentmonsly. adopted. • out salary in pitch of the three eidinge of the ! A' eommunieation froin Mr. E. 8. SPeece, . • seeretrary of the Criteria brande of the' Do. c°111-inotvY, tette le. a;egy opi,os.,;ii pia:el:44 any altar. ! minion Alliance, asking for financial' assist. native before the ConutO Council et i th . ance,was read toed held on •elletable for future duty of that body 'tom ake the provision asked ! onside) Abell. ' ... . , for, end they should be held to thateetuty•and ;elle Benj. Stuillie teudered his resignation given no alternatiVe to shirk it ' . - of the PresIdency of the Tuckersmith branch me. yaw euggagod that io caw of • I, ;,e. el bile Associatioe. The resignation was ac - fusel from the County Council; the Ontario , cote& mad Mr. Goo. 'Walker, of Bruceficed, government be Inemoralized to confer the I -deeded initis stead. ' power uf a Police Magistrate upon one ordi. • •Ittr, Ed, Bowers Was' appointoii Pf081(1011k . nary magietrate in cat% mueicipality of the i of the Wingham Association end Ile. Robt, county. 1 RileyePresident of the East Wawa:melt leraneh. Rev. N. S. Burwash Would fitvor the • pay. ; The President asked the einevention it they vita ofee salerete to a Polica-Meighetritte.bY wished to submit the name of any gentlemen the 'ecott Ad Association, if the couneil re. : to Gee government as nominee for the position fuse to provide it, e . „ , of Police 'Magistrate. ' Mr.. Septimus Hogarth, of Stephen, felt' 1 Mr. el. Y, Meteansuggested Unit perhaps Somewhat sceptical as the testa of an appeal . th° late raliee lelagistrete would aecept The to the County Council', but strongly favored. I position again if a salary was attached, Ire phteing the request before teem, even if wo , belieVed no better man for the position weld get a retusel, for, it would have the effect of I be found, and thon,ghelie ettould be,entirely l'ovedileef, tte,e altitude of said coateeileeneorelgo. aecentable to both the gevernatene,gpLthe tie gliestionreilerit the -Janney Mention we Ii6,.341°;,,'..— ,----,, ' e- , .---- Wolild. be able to cleal with them edenrdingly, . oft cum% en:cuticle io allow his Moto to be .51r. Samos Waukee, of Varna, deplored the ngiaill "bmittea it' aPPIleatioo far the Peel' ineonsistency of temperance men when elec. Goo, tion tame around, end urged the necessity of ' Mr! 'Itelll'an Yate8 was: 'Wm' aslwa if 6 ; , volag roneistently with totuperance /tredve. Weald accept the position ife ie were offore4 siolls, • hirro and replied etephatieally, amid loud eT Suowdert, 'eNcssiigaweye-W Miles; 11.,,PN New: Hainbueg-3 W Robinson., • arrigriOin DisTnrer, Stratford; Erie Street -A Cunningham. Stretford, Waterloo 'Street -S II Carson, W Herridge. Mitchell, ,Trafalgar Street -W Caeson, Mitchell, est onto Street, DI Swann, 3' Williams, Superan- Muted. eloneton-1) A Moite Staffa-S W Gilpin. leullcreon• -4 Caswell, (E L Flagge TA Largo, B A. Ifarmony--TeelereTeeetilite, 11 A. . Scbringirille--D Sharp. lelitsteetoe-0 Hamilton. e Dyke, 13 Walwie Victoria _ College. . , See eleaes-- DE-STiblf P. -St-illatvs--.,A.----11/4t Phillips, 13 ; 11 Service, superannuated.. rantan1-4 Stevenson.. Luean-ft Davy. Ansa. Craig -le Rogan. 'Kirkton-1111 Hall. WoodhUni -Ezra A Veer, Aliasouri-T 3" t Fair. Thamesioed-A Setateb. •. • tioloetilen Deeritteer-Cioderich (North St,) G it Turk ; Victoria. street; fe Seltotio-, Clinton-atatteiffin tit street)E 8 Itimerill A, (Ontario Streak) W ele Sperlingekinforth- J le Howell; 51 A. 1.1elneetiville--3 5 Moller, Geo Cobbledick le A, 13aytielcl-T Gee. 'Varna --eA le Smith. Ileosall Norte -Win Torrance, Barnby. Hensall Seuth-It Godfrey, Lendesbore-,LIfetigh. Dungannon -Wm Rieke, Archibald McKibben, Luther 0 Rice, Superannuated, pereartted to reside at Hobart, Lake Co., Inde 13.8. Auburn-lohn Turner. Benmillor-james Kestle, J T Legear, ;Victoria College, WINGIIAtf DISTGICT:-Wingliatb.--D 0. Mc. McDowell. Kincardine -bites MeAllister ; 1 It Hilts, superannuated (Streettotille). ley- -Wm Baugh. Ainberly-Georgii Loundset Lueknow-E 111 Nugent ; John 'Walker, an. perannuated, Ashfield -Wm H MOS9 (1,110b, DOW). Nettle -Samuel Selleey, 11 D, Sohn Kennedy, James Gedclee, supeenumerary. , Teeswatero-A Potter. Bruesels.-eW Smyth, L Kerr ; D Cicippio% (Toronto 87 Paul, Walton -T fr Sabine, Dlyth-W „ n ecuziphall: lielgralle-N Bar‘14411-111".-AdllIter '61 fait Wood street), superannueted. , vale -4 8 Cooke, 'Whiteclinteh-T Sander. ' , con. Salem -John 11 Watt; (Teesswiter), A ' N Milier ; left without a station with the view , ()halting eniestonery work on the Pashto Cease, Toronto Gotiferaiee. ' 11,1sTOWEI. 141,) # r - ' -G Rieharctoon. 1,4towel (Williain.St)- - WM T Miller, Palmerston -0 E Stafford. Palmerston oircuit-Wm. Shannon, Drayton -G 13ug4in ; Saantel,Tuokex (Toronto) • H Berry, superannuated, Aluia-A Tonge A K Birks, B A, Peel -James Harris (Glen. Stirton-j Wass, Trowbridge -0 V Lake; John Armetrong, superannuated. Atwood -J Ferguson. Henfryn-W j Bran. don. Wallace -eel' It Isaac) (Listowell.) Moore. U McCullough, Teviotdale-J W Pang, Linwood -G Smith, Hawkesville- E Teskey. C W Holden, student, Victoria College. Thos 0 Bell, Withonb a atation for one year at hie own request. MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT.-Mlallb F(11411114 -- Isaac B Aylesworth, L L D, T Dudley, superp,„, annuated. Darham-B L Hatton, R Hoeke: ing. Holstein -R J Husband. Harriston- John Mills ; A Andrewee Conference Sabbath School Secretary. Gerrie-Ames Charlton. Wroxeter -S 11 Edwards. .Eordsvieh-Wns Ottawell. Olifford-E A Chown, B D. Glen. eden-J Pepper, 13 A. Arthur -B Sherlock, R J Tyler, superannuated, Kenilworth -J. Noble. Grand Valley -Wm 411 Bielby ; 0 Colbeck, B A, left without a Station for one year at hie own remiest, Cedarville-A.4am , Glazier, „ Wameneroeo Dxsinior.' Walkerton -bhp. Scott -del A, D D Rolston, W. Tindall, Wat- son, superannuated. e Milmay-J Webster. Hanover -J Edge; A, Clarke, superannuated. Elmweod-T Legate,J Garner, superannuated (Latulaehe Ohesley-J Kenner. Dobbington -0 Hartley, E B West. Invertneye-It W Williams, Arkwright--W W lieech,R 0 Bur - tool, H Hall, supernumerary. Paisley -J ..Gallosvay„-Eden-GrovR.Eydell.....Tiver- ton-T Amey, Port Elgin -4 Greene, Ham- ilton Leith, superannuated (Saugeen). Sao. g000 -James Hannon. Henry Caldwell, J• 3" 0r6okshan1s, students, Victoria College, ' OWEN Some Drumm. ()Wen Sound -T Id Campbell, J Scott, B Vanua, superan• ;mated, S 1, 'Kerr, supernumeraery, (Annan), Chetsworth-john Hart. . Woodford -0 A Gifford, A. Breeolcholm-S R Gibson, , Keinlelee-eben Ball, Allenford-Sol -Ed- munds, B D., Hepworth--LJS Curcorao, Wi- arten-J W Senclerson. °Olney's Bay -It Carson: Reed-philip Sperling, Sup- • ernurnerary. Toberniory, (one wanted). Cape Crocker -T Culberte" • • MARE,DALE DISTRICT. - Mankdale-Geo 11 Cornish. Eletherton-W Ayres. Dundale-,- W Strongman, LL B, D, "W' Mahood., Eugenia --F M Smith. J Par. ker. Williamsford-A Thibadean, Walter's Fallse-R Johnston (one Vardef,i), Ruplirasia ----41* A. Newcombe ( Minkda 1 ,f W Frizzed), : Ed Shaw, (SF MoLaughlip), Vieterici 0.01. lege. ' E 11 West, retired for One year. • 1). Auld, ele .Perry,, tecommended for mint erammation. , • e The first order of bueseness on Wednesday' was the election of Presidnnt, the election be- in,g by baelott. • Wilco they were Quieted they steed as. followee-Rev. W. S. Griffin, 105 ; • 22 ; Aylesworth. 13; Riella.rdeon 18 ;Hole -nes, S ;:_Howell, 5- ; Bfia A tliat er, 5. Herridge,• 3,; Swann-, 2.,•; Kenner, 2 • Scott. Edge, Rupett, Pato-, Henderson and Swat. field, 1 each. Dr. Griffin was accordingly de - dared elected, and on•teking his seat made a ." 'short speech thanking the members. of the confeeenee for the honor conferred upon him.' Reee T. .M. Campbell eves appointed Seem- tarioe the conference. . " etiv--Aattertionntuto. 000 GENtRAL ERVANT W y 0 I ERTY, Righetreet, TEA? 11011SE.-StIithE0 FROM SOBSCRiE- ER'S promisee, lot pe, eon 13; Mullett; abont two • • we s' since, a light bay horse,' about 12 year4' old, fie • whit about but has cricked heels ait round. Any • ing information that will lead to' its recovery, will be iitably rewarded: JOHN PLATZER, Elyth • or Londe oro P.0, • .• TIJARM 11:$ALE.-THE ObTEERSIPIED •OP - Mullett, conceit 'iin• 50 acres,. good harlYstablc, di•iviim oreoard. An eve estine spring runs aeroet•the pre. 5.1011.14TA,1N, Lenaes n. '. • • tm •. raises. 'aeo.a.wen. wen fenced and In a good: 'state ' of cultivation. • Will e sold cheap. Apply to EAV1D hoilse, good bri • house. with . frame kitphen, good NES for le the eastlutlf ,cif lot 24, concession ii, McKillojOutuOl.. Fe Insurance Co,:'; .• .miT1ct..1the. undere't ned aro- appointed - to act as regents in the tow .hip of Gede rich, for the. Company. Any por n wislting to In- sure i labia old and reliable Pit mors Company. 'will apply 'to 'either TR0S. • 'ELANS,Jgar- leek, .or SAMUEL CARNOCII , .Settforth, • .1)rompt nttention.will be.giVen:.•• • ‘• -1 . Fsideof lot Maitland blot:103bn° I ARM Pon. SALE:- THE iEnS:TAITuiElet0t,F.Tiii..Det.: iftte John Lawsim, 68 aerei of good land, on. ic north are on the premises., good frame hou.so and barn Mid-. itlgc,About.3 acres orchard, well watered, i 0111 MaralileSter, miles froni Clinton. rind .7 'fioin Ely. i. 'Aleo, wanted a.plot of 5 or. 1,0 acres,: in 'the; townshij •of either Colborne or Mullett ; • if smut building am fruit trees thereen,preferred. Apply to JOHN KNOX JOHN SMITING, .Exeeutore,,..Auburn,• , . Ii19R1111E COLONIAL ilirst .Citioin , i -I ii'Fie-r-----from. : T ' .011.iiton! to London, $57. r. : . . I* : Th. lowest net° foriFirst-Class Accotn mti. 1 dation ..ever known in tthe history of e ocean travel. . • Wel, JACKSON, CLINTON, AGENT. BIG REDUCTION koky,Allowan-11 The undersigned buying purchased the.. .stoek of Mr. Geo'. .Sharman, will Clear.. 1 . auk, the stook of, CHINA ,CROCKERY & Glassware AT LESS '11,1fAN cr. Wholesale Prices, itiftest he run out tit ten days. Don fail to give us a call. -We can give you ' prices to huit yon. „ okoll Exhailge..— • • V. PLOODY. Get0Cti. ,ANle. STATIONER