HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 3FRIDAY, jUNR 4: 1886.
or the night should close in upon a with
a drizzling shower -,-a tranger Orange
city -u was my own experience here on
Southern Correepon,dencemy first arrival. But all this is becoming
• rapidly changed so far as Atlanta is con -
ATLANTA, May 25, 1886.
at Sunday t took a walk Out to the
Laey, West View Cemetery, some three
mile!, from the city of Atlanta, It °en-
tail* 575 wee, and .vrae purchased only
about a year ago; and is. a beautiful loca,
tion for the purpose, aa it is studded with
forest trees in rich profusion. Hills and
dales and running. streates thickly abound;
• and it is already being made quite ettrac-
tive, at! the long winding avenues so neatly
graded are coming into existence, and the
• bedding -forth of rare plants plied their
sweet perfume; A !street car line from the
(34..4 nearly completed to this. point, and
Will E10011become oteariy accese to all classes
at all times. I know of no other country
where 5owers are 80 highly prized as, among
the southern people,. You will find them
gallantly displayed through the button
holes of the mate of the sternerinix„ and
profusely displayed in large • tempting
clusters utile)] the bosoms of Atlanta% fair-
est ladies, in all their rambles, both old
and. young. At the widows, on the pul-
pit cushiens„ in the work shop, and at
every nook aed corner, you will always
find the pretty flower to cheer out path-
way through life. • Especially are they
bountifully .dieplayed on public occasions
•os when Jeff Davis, -the idol of the
Soutbere • 'Confederacy," . lately -passed
• through IVIontgomery apeAtlenla, on his
way to Oharleston. .Tho car' which con-
• veyed him was strew!) with flowers -lettere.
• of welcolue were . woven, with flowers of .
every hue upon the outiide; and 'every
-town at w,hioh the trein would stop, he.
was greeted with emblems of every device
written in ilOwers, and showered with.,
nosegays.. Nature-,hae. been generous in
their .prodeation, in this climate, arid so
they are popular. The immense .fields of
bright oleanders in the. s,wainps.' of Flerida
and Southern Georgia- are not more en-
chanting -At - thwbeholder- than 'the -wild -
forests of Magnolias. that .environmany a
southern hamlet; as.. the immense white
and fragrant flower which it yields bursts
forth in all its grand beeitty and loveliness
-or the wild honey -suckle of almost erstry
• hue and shade:from white to yellow .or
• deep scarlet, . profusely • scatteripg the•
ground in all ourforest .wanderings: • This
is a different vaiiety. Om the northern
honey -suckle, which is 'quite , insignificant
in comparison to the kind 1 speak of here,
•tvhich grows from 'V to 10 fe'et in ,height.
• A week or sO ago I 'strolled out to our
new publie park, adjoining the city limits,
• which was a present to the city three
years ago. It .• consists of .100 acres of
natural forest -a .winding ravine, with
high sloping banks .on either side, inter-
• ' spersed with many sparkling. springs, and
cool •running brooks -giving . a.. oriel and
. coveted retreat to the' weary., A street.
car line has also been established, and now:
• in 'operation, leading to this park, and a
dozen care:placed on this line find plenty
of patronage on a Sunday.:.' The grounds
have been: bsautifully laid out, With Wind-
ing walks, !MOM fleets:and 'artier% a large.
suri.diai, 'fountains, spechriens-of Georgia
marble, large refreshment .saloon -z-
• -Tiers) and a ne music etan • an a d.ano-
mg hall. The band assembles here;Tues-
• days and Fridays; and •.all. Is freeexcept
the car fare, which is 5 cents. '
There is alito another new public park in
progress of being fitted up in still another
• direction adjoining- the city. . Itis.a pri-
vate entetpriseoinderteireh by a .0yridicate.
• of ba.pitalists, • It is Peterl Park,
Mr. Peters being the original owner Of the
-plot aground, containing)" believe "abotil
sp 80 acres, and also embraces a deep •ravine
• and water course, with an abrupt felloof
. smile 40 feets.w,hich had'been used evident--
ly as a • Inne.kiln •quarry, and triore.re-
motely Mr. 0 Peters • formerly t purchased
• several acres here, merely for the.; timber
upon it, put up a saw Mill .owthe strearit;
• and continued -sewing until the timber be-
- came 'exheetited, -This •cv itself accomplished
about 40 years ago, the land :costing hfin
, only $1per aeres the timber 'heingS the..
object of the purchase and the .land was
considered valueless, as it was unfit for
• agricultural purposes. . After the lapse" of
• 'so Many years a second growth of timber
•--,•-liptieared. Last year a syndicate of capif
• taliste conceived the idea, as a matter, of
Speculations to. spend about half a million
dollars uponthat pOrtion Of thisworthless
property that lay nearest to the city, in
levelling the hide, Conetructing sewers,
• .making „-keautifully "-sieved. avenues and
•drives in "all its parts, orqqbet grounds,
lakes -and •fish•ponde ;. gas pipes were -to -be
. laid, street lampit 'erected and pines for a
supply of clean water. -A little over a year
has .now elapsed and 1 understand the
syndicate have. spent al/mit $150;000 or• .
$200,000 in this enterprise,4n grading and
ornamenting the grounds., and the erec-
tion of many fine buildings.. And herois
where . the profit isto cone in, tie naked
loti3Oto be. soldsfor aslefiestini than at the
rate or $5,000 per acre, But few lots have
been .sord uip to the preient date; owing
to stringency in bilsioess affairs. The
plan is an excellent one, but cialild not sac-
• ceed without a large, capital.- • The lots
• will be cheaper than residence tete on our
most fashionable streete, will be as attritc.-
tiy e and eristoetatio,end the scenery around
far more pleasing and romantic. •
• The questiori of Atlanta being Made a
• Military. post, by the Voited States got*.
• ernmente-hith-littely-lieen-deeided-'-in-its-
• fafor. A beautiful spot' adjacent to the
• city has been .purchased, and already spec-
ifications are out for the construction Of
the necessary' buildings, which are to • be
sublittintial and elegant,. -some 40 or 50 in
number, . •
• All the business streets of Atlanta are
now pared with blocks of chiselled granite
•tow Belgian blocks', Which after ,a briek
sis shearer of rain, look bright and clean and
glistening'in ,the sunlight, making a re-
snarkable eolitrast to the effeot of a like
shower on my first arrival here some"three
years ago e when it was not uncommon to
see the drayp and Milk waggons nearly up.
to the belie in thelitiff Clay, and becoming
worked nti into mortar beds with each
passing valeta,. The street crossings in
Georgia ere pi/Millar and deserve a desetip.
tion. • Large Wolfs 'Id • atone are- plated
across the roads within ordinary stepping
distance, so that the intervening Rumba
between the Stones allows free and unob.
as a tileatia of eseepe from the deep
mire and blush that would, &hermit° be
encountered at oath omitting. But woe to
him or her OM ehould happen to alip as
they °retie .eingie•hatided and • alone, Snot
being wide enotigh for two to go abreast)
eerned, and may yet become a model city.
The folk:ming letter, from ..Mr. Llenry
Smith, formerly of liowick, to bis brother at
• Varps, will be of interest to our readere
SasEAtooa,. April let, 1880.
DEAR BRotecee,-We all left )3randon on
November 2n4 and landed at Saskatoon on ,
November 15.1h, having travelled by rail:20
miles, and by trail with the teams 170
all comMg through splendid. The' cattle
lived on tne prairie as they trevelled. The
river not being frozen over, we bad to pat up.
a.t a neighbor's' for several weeka; thes,boye
and I went over in a small boat, and got the
house and stable ready, so that we bave been
quite comfortable all winter. We cut and
put up 90 large loads "of geed prairie -hay for
feed, last August, SO we have plenty of feed
for thesoattle and hoses, R makes better
feed for cattle to winter on than good time*
bay, but not 'quite so -strong for working_
horses, -though they de eplendrdon it 'with
acene grain. Our •cattle never looked so well,
at .this section of the year, tie they do poi,
and they berm had nothing but slough hay,
It is quite a mixture of -grasses, containing a.
large amount of sugar, the great bulk .of it
tasting as eweet as corn stalks, when chewed,
it is good for milk and butter, Young stuck.
growesplendid on it, even the pigs eat some
of the bay, '88 they would at corn stalks.
As for the winter and cliniate here, I niuet
say that I never sew a nicer winter than this
haw been here. Ploughs wererun until Nov.
1201 withaut frost to interrupt progress,
froze up a little for several days, then sof-
tened 'again suitable for ploughing for some
time. As usual here, there was im tame all
fall. December was igfine month,about two
inchesof snow at Christmas time and New
Years day, and on the-2nst of lanuary • it
turned cold; and allttle stormy, being void
.all the rest of the month, sometimes register!
ing 45 degrees. below zero. But the.celdest
here did not seem any worse than 20 below in
kowiolt ; the, air here is so dry, that.no mat-
ter hew. cold it is one never chills, like in
Ontario, but if ene's.fingers or face is extiosed
to the eold, without good mite or buffalo about
the,face, one's fingers, nose au % ears will freeze
very soon,: especially if driving 'against auy
little wind there might be. It is always italra
and bright tunshine, when very cold. Feb.
ruary and March were both tine most of the
tinse, and there has been leas wind and storm
here this winter than I ever saw in Ontarie
and the people here say that .iyehave had an
average stonier, only the latter part of De-
cembee was .milder than inuals if so, the. -win-•
tete bete are certainly preferrable to those in
the county of Huron, andthe tunimers here
are delightful. • :The climate here is much
milder then Manitoba, and e blizzaid here is
never koowo.„ Seeding cOnintenced -last year
on April 4th, and continued good seeding wets.
ther,excepting two days, until done. At
present the snow is nearly all off the prairie,
. and every appeerance of seeding in full blast.
I shall try to keep dates of seeding, harvest,
.etc.., sp that 1 can give,you a correct account
of the 'Burnt:ter progress of affairs.. We expect
a railroad through Saskatoon inside of a year,
.the Manitoba Central; running frona.BrandOn
to Battleford„, which acerirding to, emitract,'
is to be completed. by the first of March, 1887.
The Lone Lake and -Prince Albert R.IA. is ex•
potted- to come” through here inside: of two
treterse we issailikely.soon tube weli otter
railroads. The. contract for the Winnipeg it
Hudson Bay Milieu'. is let, to beseempleted
in two. years; and will bfs the greet Outlet .01,
produce in thia crepitt north:west, through. the
• Iludspo Bayand-theaudsom.Straitssinte the:
Attutic ocean; thence , to 'Liverpool,' beiog
0500 milee.nearer liYerpool by that route than
you' are in Huron; which will be a great ad
vantage to us, a big.eut on tlieU.P.R. From
observation made by !he Government last
StIMMet, it seems that the Bedlam straits are
O -navigable for ircn ecean,steamers, for pearly
six months in the year. Now is the time to
invest in. lands out. here. • It is remarkably
• healthy; both in Winter and summer, • Tim-..
her is searae, though &retyped can be got for
some years: to oome; but heal:must in future.
be the fuel, is there, its .-plenty of it in the
country. • Lumber is Scarce and dears but
when the railroad gets thtough the -country
.both timber and lumber for building will be
'Cheaper and,more plentiful. Game is
ful, 'there -loot _o.ceasioriel islarik _bear. seen,
different, kinds • of deers prairie wolves and
foxes of differenkkinds, also badgers;: --and on
thehtreams lots cif beaver, Mink, musk rats,
• SC., and in summer and autumn wild turkeys,
wild geehe and wild ducks by the thousands;
also lots of prairie chickens and rabbitri win-
ter and summer.. • There is lots -of .wild fruit •
out here, and I believe- small fruits can be
cultivatedrind raised here as well as in 'Hu-
ron (except manes) as there are lots of straw-
berries, gooseberries, currants,: raspberries,
two kinds of eherries,stvio kinds 01 tree cran-
berries, and. in Some parts there. are, marsh
cranberries, mut lots of Saskatoon berries,
(being the &line berries Of Ontarie). all grow-
ing wild. I believe that sortie varieties Of ars.
pies Would &swell here; There is one thing
certain, °pecan live.here.witla far less labor
than .in Ontario. 1 ant thankful that we
made the move • when we did, and if you
think you •ate likely' to more here limns day,
I Would advise you, if possible,to come, out
this 'springs and see the place, -as land can be'
easily got now, but when the railroad •comes
through here it Will somata taken up: 0 If tiny
ono wishes any infetmatioe respecting this
part °Vale country, I. will -da. all I can for
•them, if they -write and send stamp frit replii
w• ithdrawn owipg to the reserve price out
being reached.
In the death of Mr: M. Killoran, the
township of Downie, has lost an excellent
Citizen and a good neighbor. Ile had beet,
in poor health for a oumber of years, but
he bore MS Maw uncomplainingly.
A few dart ago the infant son of M.
John. Rolfe, of Stratford, took a phial con-
taining pure carbolio acid and drank there -
Flom. When he wee seen by lila mother
ha was putting this oink in the }with!. His
mouth, throat dud eteinach 0 ere eCriousis
inj u red ,
• 1.1 P. Ray, the defaulang teller of die
branoh llauk of Montreal in Stratford, has
been arrested ill glan Francisco, The
amount alleged to bave been stolen is
The prisoner has confessed the
crime, and. sas ill return to Canada...
The ',Wile ell Creamery • met with a
ohm h t. necklet' t which ....delayed businees for
a few !Ionia one day last week. From
some unknown cause shortly after work
hd commenced, the head was blown out
of the cylinder of the engine, and several
break& made in other parts of the machin-
ery. •' •"
• Mr. Henry Goddard, - -while working in
Sinith & Itainford'e factory, Listowel, last
week, had the misfortune to get one of hia
hands oeverely cut by the machine on whiCh.
he wee at works One finger was cut off at
the second pent and two more weri-biW.
en and apother-tularly split opens, Mr.
Goddard has been very unfortunute of late,
as it is only a few months .since he hest,
part of a foot by a similar accident, 0 -
Last Sunday meriting Mr. W. A. Higgs,
of Stratford, was somewhat surprised to
find upon Ms.:front doorstep, an infant of
tunnel inonths old, wrapped in a shawl.
The child is a fetoale• &lad looks healthy.
lts immediate wants were amply provided
'for in,the matter of clothing, nursing bot-
tle- and Booth i :Hy etsp. Mts. Higge is
caring for the ehill until another home is
found ter it;ot :mine traco of the unnatural
Parent is found by the police.
Gotlib•Pilke; a German from Fullerton
was,in Mitchell on Monday last, and hav-
• ing indulged rather freely n whiekey,
two af his adquairitances. took his watch
away for safe keeping. ".1.ditee on in the
day, forgettieg what bad become of his,
titnespiece, he bitught a new one for which
he paid $14 dollars cash. On his, way
home, about Midnight, he aays he wee met
by two Young inan near Trinity church and
that one of them held his bands while the
other took his watch frourti is pocket, and
then they both ran away. • •
• Anyton rO Marentts.-Areyou disturbed
• s.t night, and broken of your rest. by a sick
child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once ,and get a bottle of
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child-
ren Teething.Its value is ancalculable, It
will relieve the' poor little sufferer imtnediately.
about -it. 4t curet Dysentery and Dimerlitea„...
regulates the Stomach and Bowels; cures Wind
• Cellos softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Wm. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child -
reit teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and
ss tot sale by all druggists throughout the world,'
Price twenty-five tents a bottle. Be sure lad
ask for "Mee. Weenew's Sootimea SYRUP."
end take no other kind.
The following it; teken froth the Listo-
wel Bonier, .of last week t . Mr. Thomas ,
Jonee, of 'IVIitchell, ehippeil a splendid lot.
of eattle for the old country market.
Amongst the shminents were 11 head from
WM. *Burnett, of rEfuta, :Which aSseregated
14,710s Or an average qf nearly 1,338 each;
7 head from . Mr. John Disiks of Elton;
which aggregated 8,980 pounds, or an aver-
age -of 1,276 each ;2 head'. f,on Mir. Geo.
Danbrook, which turned • the settles at
2,960; 4 head heel J. Thoiapeoe, Grey,
which. aggregated 5,990,' end froGeo.
Ament, of Wallace. 3 heart weighing 4.250 ,
.peende.. sNeerly all thesinimale were tliteci'
year old istoers and hprime condition. '
The annual ineeting ..of the Stratford
District of the Methudiet chtirch was _held.
in. the Trafalgar i street
on Friday! Rev. C. W. -Henderson, M. 4.,
in the_oham. There -was aditrie%tteridlinee
of -clergy.and lay delegetes, and tha meet-
ing, was beth luteresting and: prefitabie.
The reportpresented for cifeuit and pon-
nectional fands was most setnifactory,
showing that over $30,000 was 6ontributed.
for all purposes during theyear, of which
Alger street church gave $2,4110 and
Toronto street church$1,950. Mr. Edwin
Flagg .was admitted as a probationer, and
preached his trial aermen, ;which was sat;
efattOry to the ministerial board. Rev.
Andrew Cunningham was placed ori. the,
Stationing Comtnittee ; Rey, David Rod--
gers on Sunday School Committee; George
Leversage, Esq,, on •Missionery-Comnail.:
tee ;. Messrs. R. Babb, , .Wille; N
/3rishin and I..* Hord' lays delegates.to Con-.
ference.. Rev. Mr..Hendertion,fot the able,
impartial and.satiefactoty manner in which
be , filled the' position of Superintendent
daring the pas t _threeyearsi weestendered.
a highly eulogistic :rote Of tilitukes.whilh
drew from ..the geotlemhi
en ..heeety ,
esnitett .Crovirs' of nevistoir.
. . • ,•
The first sitting of the Court of Revision
for the township of Hullett was ,.bele at
Loncteshoro on May 26th. All the memberd
prole nt, and duly .etvorn ; John Britton was -
appointed chairman. The following notiees'
Of appeal tvero read: Wm Tipladysjr., aro
eased for too Many utile; Chass--Msekintbeh,--
for having a Wiels ; resolved that Wni.
TiPlacly's"aesesenient be reduced $100 on per!
soled property; Mae. Maokinto.sh, bitch
struck off roll. A notice of appeal was loud..
ed in by Jelth Morgan. dated 26t1i May, 1886, ,
to be assessed as tenant for•part of S. S lot 6, .
M.13,.; resolved that haid appeal he laid over
until the court sit egain, and' that the reeve
and deputy -reeve consult Mr. °Arrow, on tho
leeslity of said appeal.. The court was then
adjourned toeit again it Iondesboro, oli the
71b.of ,.18 , '
• :Connell meeting was then held, Minittes
.of 'former nieetiog read mid confirmed. John
.Torratiee to be paid 14 cents per rod:for Wire
fence on lot 6; con. 13, as .said fence was or-
•dered•by•theroouncil„Androw Willie was
ordered to.build a wire fence on lot 26; cop.
..I.--Lashamto examine Mr. Willis' • fence and
3. McMillan to examine Mr. Tortatioes'whew
completed, and if satisfactory give °tilers ree
es:natively for payment. The treasurers bond
WAS examined according to law, And accepted,
The following Amounts Were ordered to be
,paid i -Dominick Reynolds, taking care of
-tlie late Michael O'Hara, $10 ; T. Stevenson,
coffin for Michael 011ara, ; Wm, Gimlet,
2 stone.hanimere, $3 ; G. Askwith, repairing:
culverts, $2. • John Lasham' to get ten .new
roadscrapere from John Brunsdon at $6,50
each. Righty cords of gravel to be put on S.
It. 25&26, micierthe direction of J. Lasliam,
j, Brigham. and B. Churchill,and eizty- cords
on 'S.S. & 9, under the direction Of J. Me -
Milian and J. Britten, the treasurer to pay
for same o0. order of the said respective coun-
cillors. The reeve to take What action he
deems necessary to recover 'rendes obtained
from the couttoil by Mr. Thos. Jackson of
Olieton, for gravel taken from lend held by
Joseph Whitehead and represented to belong
to the estate, of the late Donald MoDoneld,
said monies being wrongfully chained, Conn.
,:ciLthen.adjeuttied_toineet ageinsist, Laides!
bore, on June 7th; the Barna day as the BeconT
eitting of MI5 Court of 'Revision.. Join
IleArrewaite, township Clerk.
' Mr. W, Bolger, of Stratford, has re-
ceived an appointment as road overseer in
the Parry Sound District.
A. yoting man of 80 years, son of Mr.
Michael O'llrient of Stratford, was killed
while lumbering in Northern Michigan, on
Tuesday, 18th May,
The Barley House at the Grand Trunk
etat'on, St. Marys, hits been purchased by
• _George Taylor, of Lanark. village ..and_.
O county, who shortly takes poseession of the
The Oxford Rause property,. St. Marys;
was pet up for sale by auctson by Mr,
William Cosgrove on Saturday last. The
bidding ran up to $4,476, but the sale wee
Around the County.
Thos. Oudmore, of Usilsorne, apeared
sucker in the Sattble, which weighed three
pima de.
Miss }leery, of Brussels, whose mind, is
Ito impaired, will be sent to 501 asylum
for treatmeitt. •
• Mr. Soihu Shepherd, of Tuckerstuitli, re!
• gentlysold to Mr, W, Cudmore,ofjippep,
two fat etesirs, one of which tippeci the
beam at 1,820 pounds.
List .Tuesday ,Annie Alaud, socuilit
O daughter of Rev. T, J. Sabine, of Walton,
died after a severe illness of sevetal week,
aged 8 years and, 8 menthe.
We have heard it stated that the License'
Inspector for south 'Lure's has. A large
number of cases against parties for illicit,
liquor selling; and that he can not get. sa...
• magietrate In the county to acC,-Exposi-
Mr, 0, Willits, of the 12 cim. of Howiek,
came near losing • a .veltiable horse on the
24th, Ha was tied pi Mr. Wm. DAI1010
• gyaarrdde, na. -,
and reaching ove., r7the fencebit the
top off a poison plant in Dr, Brownlee's
The EX
eter Salvation Army has pur-
O chased the property at present occupied
by Mr. A. McDonnellme a livery Roble,
from Mr. E. Dreir, tor $525; It is the in--
• tention of the Arley to fit tip the. building
for a barracks.
• We regret to hear that Mr., Wm. Mc-
Kay, of the l'Oth line of MoKillop, has not
yet recovererl, frorn the severe accident
Which befel him while sawlogging last
winter. One of hia little children died a
few weeks ago. :
s We have just learned of the death at
Ishpeming, Mich., of Mrs'. Cassidy, relict
of the late Mr. F. Cuddy, formerly of
Goderich, from congestion of -the lungs, at
a very eslyenceel age. ,Shis watithe.mother.
of Dr. J. F. Cassidy. •
Rev. R. McCosh, rector of $t, Paul's
church, Wingbans, started for. California
on Monday morning, his brother-in-law,
Mr. Sovereign, at prtatent being danger-
ously ill,During his absence his place
will be filler) by, Mr. McEwen, a student:
McCosh expectsAft tie away about six
weeks/. , • " -
Last weak the License Commissioners
for South Huron met at. Kippen, and
granted the following dreguiste' licenses
under the Scett -'Aot W. Browning,
ExOter ; Lumsden & Wilson,eaforth
R. SratibUry, 13ayflefil; Chap. 11111, Zurich.
The coin in issiOne rs present were Spicer
Exeter ;J. B. (leigeis, Hay.
The Dunlop correspondent of the:Signal
says: -There is some talk here Of petitions
irig for a new school section, running from
John •Berker'e nrthwards tosTohn Link.
later's,eivie,g a section of 2S• miles sgaire,
and teking, iit 61 children ef school. ae„e,
with a tendenCy to further Sticrease. The
school Insuse to be beat about, an eig,hth of
a Mile/from the hotel, on "the Lek° Shot cs
•Road, and thus be near the post office,
Robt. N. Duff, ofthe fiiixt of Reading (Ss
Dufr, ,Bluevale, Met . with a bed accident,
last Friday; in his Flaw mill. • Ile was ens
gaged in cutting shingles,. and in order to
prevent •sthe bele. fram-
tempted to put some resin .on, when his
hand was caught in the niIIy, resulting in
both bones ef. Isks arils being broken-;
Brussels Court of ReYision Wita.teld. _pp
Tuesday. • There Were over 50 appeals to -
the Court, most of which were•for persona
neglected to boput on the assessment roll
by the assessor, and for properties missed,
there being something like 36 lots missed.
by that official, amonnting in value to about
$3,000, •Tho lady voters were also diss
franchised,. the same as in Toronto, but on
appeal nonie 16 Were corrected.
•. James, on of •Nr. .David Greig, Of
Wingliam, aged about five' yearly met with:
a painful accident on Wedneedey evening.
He Was litternpting to `get on 0a finisher
Waggon ishilein Mother, and -got his le;
in between the spokes. of • the wheel in.
some manner. The wheel had tehe taken'
off,before tho leg could be teleaeecl, when
lt -eras .folind that it Was badly skineed,
and the'small boric of ..the ankle broken.
• neura.lgie headache it is a specific) ; elite AS A
gargle, diluted with wester, it has no tossi
IL Ili% FRA.sk.V. 510 Vergeti avenue, J.dsets-re-res
city, N. J. Sold uy all drugelets.
Trailer leave Qin ton as folloveF
Going Emit. , Going .Weet.
7.25 am. express 10.0 a.m. mixed
1.05 p.m. Mixed •3 00 p.m. mixed
4.30.p to. eirxed • 9.15 psn. express
• Ghillg Nor th, Going Sonib .
9 05 este. °sprees 8 03 am. express
7.00 p.m. repress 4.13 is m. exgress
_rite AC.1116 IHR14110.W
---mit-JAS.AATIVIIIGIf Trot- Hallett has been ap-
pointed agent for the ("minty of IIhron, for the above
arrow. It wlllcut and turn the ground from 2 to 4
inches deep, and is made of the very best material.
It also takes the place of both gang plow and scalier,
and does excellent work. .
Any person wishing to see the Harrow work, tuaY
by addressing the undersigned, and he will he pleased
to take I0 any placti and -work it oit any kind' 01'11011.
TIM 'HARROW biedmittodto be the most labor-
saving farm implenient ever manufactured.
JAS. CARTWRIGHT, Lonclesboro.
Thompson's Jed, Estate Ala
The undersigned has opened an agency for the sale of Real
Estate, and will be glad to deal troth parties having proper.
ty to dispose of, Terms; two per cent on all 11MOUllt8 Up (0
SIM, and one per cent on any amonut after the test $1000
le charge made for advertising. and no charge whatever -nu,-
loos a sale or transfer M effected. I have 'low the following
properties for sale •
Lot 14, Lake Road east, Colbonfe, 100 acres, 45 cleared
and under pasture, 20 acres slashed and can easily be cleared,
balance of bush light. WI» be sold cheap. _
lei acres, good land, 216 milea from Dowesmount, Daltoth!
GO aores under cultivation, small Mose. Puce $10 an acre.
West half lot ra, 2nd con of East Wawanosh, 110 acres,
80 acres cleared, balance pod bush, 18 acres of fall wheat,
poring creek running through the farm, bank barn 40100, two
acres of orchard, one mile from Auburn. • Price 50,500t
$1200 or $1500 down, balance to snit pnrebaser.
Lot 806, 1.5 of an acre, eu Huron fit„ situated on the,elist
side of Xt. Ridout's residence, well fpnced. Price, $200, to
suSitnPulenficii: rulriillug lot fo'•
r sale, opposite the Commercial
Hotel, 40 feet front by GO feet deep. Price reasonable.
.1. by A. Olillander ,t.• Bro., of the town of Glinton,tar-
Flake motto's and BlacksinithS,. pursuant to an Act of
Legislature. of Ofitarle; keetNi as 28th Victectii, (Map.
XS; being mi net espeeting assignments fin• the be -
pent of erctlitma, mid amendments thereto.
i Llallanderand John Calvin Callander,diiing business to.
%tether, under tho firm name and style of A. Cal hinder &
Oro., •Carriage Makers anti -General Blacksmiths, have,.
with the consent of a insjority of their creditors' having
clauria of i100and upwardn,.,Matle an assignment Of all
their personal propel ty, which may beamed...and sold
under 'execution, and all their real estate credits and
1 °fleets to me, j antes 'rhompson, of the town'of Clinton;
Agent, in trust, for the lienefit of all their creditors
and for the inirpose ofpaying and satisfying ;ratably
.011(1 proportie»ately and without prejudice or riOrity,
3 all the croe000r4 their .jlist debts. And the persons,
. firms and terporlitions,• haying- claims against the said
O ' i
debtors are required to send fri their names, residence
end post office addresifes and particular.s of their claim
duly verifiedby affidavit, .ivith Tentelier(if any) at.
1..tached, andspecifying the nature of the tow:tufty (if
1 oily) held by . then] by letter prepaid, to the on or be:
fore tite tot1t dayi , , .
14 Loreby kiVoll ttOtt after the said date I will; proceed
Lin ,distribtite the,,assets Klee said .debtors- among-the-
Parties-entitled-thorettring-; regard-unb to t
clair f ,wbi Jli notko shall have been•given, and that
I, will nut he liable for the assets or any part thereof .
so distributed to anYperson or persons, firms or eor-
iterations', el whose dcht Or claim r shrill not then hive
'Aker notice 10 3110 herebygiveir-that A meeting -of -the-
ir -0d creditors „will be held at Inv office in said Town,
on .Friday, 4th day id June, at 10 oiclock 0.1n., to ceii-
ssIlidicier,At(1;te. .ii itu i 04 0 of the Estate generally, 'pursuant to
, • • . • jAS: THOMPSON. Assignee,
31AN14I.VO J:, SOOTY, Solicitors for Assirmce
- .
. .
TWIIP 0 1=1,2'49..
To Owners of stock.. •
trial liSSMS.
mu,DE twas
Giles' Liniment Iodide lung
Bowes en Umeghtlf Bunches: Cures Lameneas 14 Cal—
Spinal hIening4i
founder. WevavkindIdglaiiii:.,
Sprung Irnees.
"Q"Nitotlirtlible sho'uld be without it. Salim:74a: tanin.IRiugnga Und"te:
mess companies all use Gile's Liniment, and in the great ree
Iiinegr:tabOine: tliaBleniTectonavnin4 Le"t1-1"4'. " lia arllie"4' w.
Write DR. GILES, BOX 2482, N. Y. P. wjio 4111.
°A4 Cbarge. give advice on all diseases and also en thO malt
agemeut oceattlei Sold by ell druggists at 50c. and. $1.00 a
bottle mad M quarts at $2.50,•in which there great, earl
The Bailment in whiteivrapper4 ifor family use; that it
yellowfo ttl
'biles Iodide Atermow111daerlls.ONSe and Cattle
• Used bv a11 the leading tome:seen Jetkoe Park, Rtes. _
• .
weed, Beighton Beach, tibeepshead Bay and Bull's Ilero;., -
Never disappoint, aro tonic, Alteratlios awl mimeo, Destroy
• Worms cures Indigestion, Colic, Dots Sore Throat Worth
Minder, Plok-eye and Rheumatism, The dose Is email add .
the power. is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and ;chi -
chasers falling to obtain a auto liwaos refunded, sole by aOl
druggists at 2,1cts. porbokt
.13e-costro of Counteisteits I .
Manufactufer and Proprietor for the best Saw liikI
Dog in use. Agent for the sale and application of
the Olir Fianna PAxusr AUTOMATIC) BOILER, OLEAN1111.
STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on simrt'
Boilers. Engines. and all kinds olMos
citinery_xepaired expeditiously anti
• in as satisfactory manner.
Fann implements manufactured aedirepaired, steam
and Water Pipes furnished mid put in position. ,Dry
Kilns fItted'up onapplication. charges electorate.
' Restores grey
hair to -sits- na-
tural color re
. moves Danilruff
ICSI raliSing811011 Conally.
atia Paoille Railway to• Winipe FARE
TO OULU. TH, 'FAAE :Mt:45015.A°
PortArtb..4±5fai.0 0.4()
knd till poi n te in Pseora, Ma-stitenAsand
Berrisn Castranna. • Tickets ' by rail ati
tothal to all Points at Lowest Rafes.
, At the anneal meeting of the London •
IVfstbridist District oh Thursday, ifwas de!
"aided 00 allow stiwtrustees of Jetties, St:
church, 'Exeter, to sell present parsonage
site and to • apply the proceeds on buying
a new one ;also thatthe eonference pay its
portion of the- simply' for Exeter Main St.
church. • The total receipts • for Exeter
' were, James St„ $3,327.59 ;Main St., .$2,- •
210:01. Elimville, $1,999.20 ; Centralia-,
$1,514 51 ; Crediton, $11238.27. • ' .
Mr. Joseph Bnrtoit, Of arrierliey, While
• in Mitchell celebrating the faueen's birth -
'day, got one of los.eyeaskii-oseliTid ont.', Tl
Somas that Joe entered into an aitefeation
with the bartender of the Royal, a Man of
the name of Frith, and the *latter struck:
liiin over the eye with a large beer tumbler-
--with the. result: Mentioned. Constable
Dunlop went to Mitchell to arrest Frith
and the latter settled it for $70. Burton.
has gone to Toronto to get his eye treated.'
He has still one, Mid we hope be may be
able for werk. "0. . •
, On Wednesday John Haskett, a lad
abouel7 years of age, Who has been in the
employ of Mr. 3, R. Williams,. cilorrie,
met with a very serious and what might
have proved fatal aecident. It appears he
was pealing bark off a: log, and accidehtally
slipped into the stream tank which is about
-4 fe:. deep and-fillird with • t,
fortunately it was nearly full of logs or he
would never have come out alive, as it was
he got one leg scalded in .11 terrible manner,
the skin pealing off with his clothes.
The Winghain Times says- -Drillingoper-
ations at the new salt workige,eased last Sat-
ureay evening, at a depth of 1,180 feet, no
other bed than the .35 feet one struck a
couple of weeks ago having been reached.
This bed, however, Will famish an abund-
ance of salt. The pump waa put in the
well the early part of tho week and was pet
to work a little en Wednesday afternoon
to cleat out the dirt. Pumping was re -
stoned in.earnest, on Thursday morning,
and the brine showed 100 per cent. of salt
for some tinie, when it gradually dropped
Until it showed but 19, when it commenced
te gain, and by noon 'hallowed 15 per bent.
As the surface in the bed is enlarged the
strength will continue to limonite, and it
is expected thet after a weell'epumping
tho brine Will carry the full 100 per cent,
Sand nte Another quart bottle of Giles' Lint.
went Iodide Ammonia for family use, I have
a heavy cold, and as I 'old before, cannot
Liniment. I 11130 it as An
• 24tit MAY, AT
pIN*7E-A-Pl)1;Efs, tBANN-A-N--A , ,
,'Fruits stippl led. %iith Tee grearn the ‘;hnit.
• emt.notica: .
MRS, 11110.1.11.Q1101C,
W.. 0. Meyer, Esq., of Wingalitn, has a•inhalant. I find no language to express the
caw which gtves 30 qoarts of milk a day, great rohef and comfort 1. find 10 its nso, To
logronwEns 01,
FANS, •.
Ult113RELtiAS, •
soL4 STA.TE ;.t.GENTS von, pAitg,
rintivr,E oo,g, ontitnnATrim
stops the hail
- front falling out
'not Soli the sktii:
AsFa hairserets
sing, it has ec
superior: • Gese.
Prepared hs
. Leedom; Ont,
Sold by all Druggist
rad Patent 51
• • Dealers
For sale bilite GRAND RAPIDS 4 iNDIANA
R. R. CO. Sugar maple the prtneipai timber.
Advantages Railroads already b'uil.t, numer-
-oustowns and cities; one -of -the -healthiest parrs--
Of the United States, purest water, good markets,
fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large
agricultural population, best building material at ,
low figures, good soil, low prices, easy terms,
perfect title. For books, maps, charts, and all -
additional information, address _
W. 0. 141/011ART„
Land Commissioner, Gland Rapids, Mich.,
• 1481110 StocIt Fast
Grosse isle, Rich.
• All stook selected
from the get of sires
and darns of estab-
•- WEr, registered to tho
lished reputation and.
Erence and Amenean Stud Books. We Liirve S.
• very large number of 'Imported and grade stal-
lions and brood 1113,TCS on hand, Prices reasons....
able 'correspondence solicited.. Send'for large'
illustrated catalogue, free by mail. Address
seAVAGIE A FARNUR, Detroit, Itlich. ••
Gobi net Parlor
The subscriber keepe the fittest
OASKtYS and .00141INS
Alwai‘e ou band: FuneAtle fueeished at
• thesehotest notice aed lovrest prices.
Leading Undertaker.
,9R.E.mEM T II 11 •
exist witheut tho
Loan-apd-Invostment Co'y
This Company Is .toaning Alhaei/ ON PC41•1/t •
8002frity at Loorst Palo* of Mow&
-.,-SAViNGS • BANK 1311A NO11.
.1", Mid 5 pPr.Cent. Interbt Allowed on. •
• Drpootts, accordiog to Amount
—mod tinzeNdit,z - •
ORVICII, -Corner et Starket Squire and North Sim%
Onflerich A tignst hill 198 L