HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 249,4pouvowsAll,l1M112111SleDMUDDIZT.....,!: • 4.11=1111111111•111111111111111011.1 - , "StILF OR BEARER,' .... . . . . . .. . , -: wile a auterence. Per zo ntm one was ewer with apleall Mittel, bed:ease he had entered h Into a soleennundertakine and promise, wit. It wag he whe started 'The theoeyclear old meal • Ha said thet ef come Me lerdeMpe. daughters were ow eiititled to look for- "Oh, it will not inake-the least differenee to Imo ' • emoro unit an. y money. with the title X . . • InelP019,fulat Nemo Item. . CooasTowet-tire. Campbei i bad beeu troehl- miss DEPEw • ...-,-,_ . By WA.LTElt BESANT. tile PaeraMelit Of ToVre and kisses, to Meer,' her sister after the manner of the world- "ttarZI to th . Mos; de irable alldenc.e.e. por eo .. hear; but it ought to 'kelp a man tu, your -profeseion for hie wife to have a handle to ,ed tor a number of yeare -nit a ludigeStion. and Constivation, aud was ludueed to try McGee fe4: .. . . MUSIC TEACHER, ' •------ Author of ".414 Sorts and Conditions of . ' Men," "The •Captaires Room," eta • Nora,k Cronan, at that time private seere- tory to Mr. Uurridge, Of hiliebury circus. All umultind were Calista's brother.; arid ibl ; they Ict marsry naturally in then acnvue, auk; wwhiuch, lias so long been kept con- cealerd from, them. Right-minded younee • her namet even if it Is only an honorable. I'd make It help me, I know; if I wits a Pd get money out of it• SoMehetv. ores speedy Cure and tumid i 1 all teat %vat nee... tel Iles lava tithe. rem .1y iresold In everY rat ef.Canadeue ade„find ei. per b.ottle. Sold. at voltaingtou e term, otole. - • ' • . • - " - 13 "W "*PT To RECEIVE PUPILS_ ; •-• • yet site called one or two of them by their men, he wont on would lad require to, be .. • ' . .. 1 . • • - - • .a., renunaed yhysician, It:the Quiet' thing in the world worth get. 4 . billtei•ecent iderne alai; through BENNILLER _ , Christian names. One of them was Hugh, her ' eister's fiancee, me other Wiee a young` et a walla' so envious. tie is, 1. deed, a aeliglitful okl man." - Ling or havalle Titlel What's a, title with- oat an income/ But if I had the. title swept Ohm, Michigan. Kansas, lothana Illinois, 'I. NURSERY ' ' • • . . • CHAPTER 1, - • THE catuaREN's ROSPITA.L. ae - e geutleman who, at that moment, Wita actually entering the great doors of the besPital and making for the direction of the resident mech.:10i: privaee room. Hugh Aquila, 34. D., P, R. C. S., and I* :relthat did Norah melt .., e ; She looked at her father, who laughed. As for m. e I made a' little speech. I mkt that Norall'anal were above all things de- sirous of pleasing our parents -which hi I'cl soon get the.• imam i " !./ behave , , quietly. Yen would. Pielt.' Hugh raplieu, ' These two young men bad been at school tegether,, Of the olcl there • - Dr h• W• 'and 1' ' le !gall' ' limnain ' eau" VaUla 3 is estimated that 120 lives Were. 108t, 128 pereone injured, and property damaged to the eXtelnt of 83,000,000. - RRTI'r AND ORNAMENTAL TREES; NOR. . , WAT SPRUCE SCOTCH -AND • ASTRACHAN PINE, THE LATTER or WILIOR we MANE A SPECIAhT 1 -,.". ,§„......---- ., . .....".....-- t ee et- Xi., OcP., was a strong„ well-built ream. Man, with big limbs. and a large and culpable head -a head which had been endowed with quite true, isn't it? so long as our parents Oro reasonable and try to please us. But mar. riage is a thing, I added, which.' is so curi. schoeldeae re- mined the use .of the Christian name, When they were quite young they may have had the KANN/NG-0SG SCPT-T . -___ ,-- .L. ARGE...• STOOK ON HAIND ' • -.- •A` in • .., . , „am.. 10 en ample .Theek, a reasonable forehead, a way persenal in its • nature that the most filial daughters same thoughts and the like ambitions. But their paths from the beginning diverged, Barristers . • • • . 1 Solicitors. --- The abaFe ornamental trees and shrubbety will be sell : -1.... la ele ',th , • ,..• ilTill mo. uth. ,and chin, steady..eyes set un- der clear-cut eyebrows, and a nose both sons and are bound • to con- Bider themsel• ves- that Therefore, I said. thateNerah and I intended. to and now. they were. so we apart tbat they • looked ea opposite diredicais; -64-0-1-0 the' • , e OONVEYANCERS o. e o very low prices, and those wanting anything in. this connection will save money by -purchasing here, '*01.4*11 . , im:net..i,-, •.' • '' -l'i 01 " •A • 0 • ,,,, broad straight auct Neg. This is, rather an Unusual Mkse. 'rho Moe which -is broad and , short is the humorous nose, but it generally - continue our en a ement and to complete it as soon ati lylp..,egssibly.euuld, even if we h. ad to trample on -a 1 .the distinctions' of - • - .• - sunny south and one te the bleak north. wOnjued.loopiciledo, ?Iran 17;111 tortrand stuutteAyotphle.ortuurp-e. . s..orno0E07)1rnisxsironoersofor lOntar.i.o.a.nd Manitoba. °B11104;SC::114.P. ___, I' Orders by Mail 'will 4epromptly attended to ' • iiddrese, • :-..............-,..„. .,.,,.„ , s ,. - : I argues a want of dignity; that which is nar- row and long may belong to a most dignified rank." Calistasiebed. "I wish this dreadful title e • • with wonderful and unvarying effects- or light TO L°0ARST. ' MONEY 1 JOHN STEWART,' BenmIlles, - thetic• person, but he is too often unsynma . that is both short ' narrow showe a . , „ . • butt nevei come. "So do I. A white elephant would have' - • • aud color, and the other saw only a ' • with bit f :Ittl;f°0%-eladsae:, . nitrate FUNDS. C. RIDOBT, Office • over 4. Jackson's store, Albert Street. ' H Nelsoh di Co children's Het.Pie which and . • been much more. useftil, On. might at, least IgruraL mialeindsoirdr Wslotr IVEARRIAG-P, LICENSES. ' . ' ' '. t ea, 4 V - le. ....0:•4 • - , 1,,,,\O . Ili tal •• at ,Shadwell „ al?, ir,Let ale Q.Ch'e lack cif everythMg desirable in man. Since Ilug h Aquila's, nose _was both broad and 1 0 n g, he coUld laugh and cry over Othe. r e. kill him and dissect him, and put his tones. together in the back garden., I should like . mnaeonoiiea erect and god lIke• the . - - women creepin,,,,,, sneaking backbiting, filch- ig an ii d t h Onelonged -APPLY TO 4 -r -a. undersigned at the Library Rooms, •Sinith' Block- Su .FAJBES SCOTT. s - • - / ' ' B g A.L Lkli,..-. --. - r - /.., •et. • . , t . btfore the . fireplace, • "-''' ""- •- room in cots, but. more • at e laid in ,, Mid mu" . people's accidents and misfortunes -that ' is ettesa , lue had sympath whiehie almost as valuable a quality lor a ' d t as for ; , young .oc.or- . tehave a white elephant. Bit .Wrhat can be .. eltelleteeithea, peerage when the income DI, mains ,the same, and you have eel; te. t. disvensin your own medicines?" ' resc erous.o give, t 'wed the other only lived that lie rnight grab. ,- - ""-, _Hugh thou lit helited never sem, his former- bleed liter g cl Tit' dark' . e morose an grUrripy. . IS MONEY To LEND IN LARGE' OR SMALL oregood ' .lillind piortgage security, moderate ate of interest. 14. HALE', (linden. - - • MANUFACTURERS OF , STEAM cradles open; are placed On top of '4,1N3 StOVO, like a French dish laid to stew in a -Bainattaria encleonie have spray playing upon their faces and a nOvelist. Such a young limn, one if; sure, at the v'ery O.utset,,..will certainly make a good fight, and'vilre aeplace soniewhereWell the front, in the' • front But Is there nothing at all? It mu be. • an extraordinary peerage." •••• . "There is nothing -your father tells nie." .and gloomy creature:to-want his bright and elever Norah' His cheek flamed at the very ethought .1 _ '' • ,, ,, - . • "R, bowsrany, lki.D:, M.R. C. S. ENGLAND .s..." Physiolae, Surgeonote Oteice and resideace next Melsotee Bank. marketwise°. Clinton. . - -- ENGINES BOILERS • . • . . ° ' 9 ' • ANH GENERAL MACHINERY. . . down their throats; some are sleeping, some are sucking the rott:e, 'and some are lying broacLawalte, their eYesstaringetraight to if not. . very and foremost rank; it IS not granted to every map to become •coinmanderdn-thieftethere in•• do will e ..,Th.eu X am sure the best thing and " e tolneke no difference at all, an to god on as if nothieg had happened What oes dhey stOod in silence for a while, .eath ex- peeking that the .other would say something. Then Dick asked if Caliste was in her ward, - -^•• Dolt (if raLiiBoWstrOeNe.t0FFICIU AT RERDENen. Olinton,Zp it clisli numb, Entrance Liz sid t - " - "he Illie---7.. e ""--7 - " . . . - , . - - - .-.-..- --.:z - - ' .. .,,,• • -- - • • graye are ce great many men, veiy good nieri ..aadlearning-Thett-he-would-findlott-therehe • . ..._____fLgik , ORDER-S-FRO'lYIPTLY. -:- FILLED . before them, as if nothing that goes on out- deed who miss that supremitcyryeteleave- . , , . _Daffodil say?" e • • "He ft 'savant away • . . ' , TT B. PROUDPOOT, CIVIL •ENGINEBR _ side the crib. has the least interest I or a'baby. it Here and there sits a mother, her 'child tu - ".. her lap; Lut theris ere not many. mothers the ward and all hehind theni a good record for .courage,, per severance end tenecity. Happy is • the, - woman who es loved by such a, man! • • takes I asa tl .after his manner - P -e... a T• - • anti taughs at it .In'fact, no onewould- take it -seriously. if It were. not for Uncle Joseph, t a d id'hh hh who has ofixed which as come, , - _ ' 4 • • . 'There is soinothine," said the young doc- tore "not quite right with Dick. He can't hats talent, to drink. Yet there Was a look aec• ro i x . h P vineial and Dominion Land Surveyor, elf and Draughtsman, PRaltIli BLocts, , Chautt ' * • ik $50 000 , . T 10AN . I 6 0 a pilot. . ... present, and about tacitly night' perpetually hovel's • the. sis en When To add one More .detail, Ilugh had big, ha.nds, his fingers delicate g , • =Melded to youx inether, that every title. • as of di•ink-unsteadiss in his heads and ne Dn. UBE VE.-OFFIoB . . • 'Murray ., , . One first visits this. wont ' there happens a curious dimness to the eyes, with a choking . at the throat, for Thinking of the innocents strotig Mit were as well as strong. TWO was, perhaps; be- , cause" he Was skilled itt anatomy, and already e ewe band w.oporationi; . . is aecempardecl lia a printely fortune. It appears- that at the hospital there is •-• some excitement .over the event. They ,. eyes, no. purpose in hN movemenN, want a will in his manner There is soniething very . ' - queer about Dibir 3tXurridge." . sF•7 Sleek, two .door tkaTtT, Ilutj hence Residence, opeoeite °the Tomporsanesnsfl e II- Huron; Street (Hinton Oftloh ' e a • . , .. . ours, s a.m. to 6p,m. ' ' ' .1 - ' ' . • Why pay others 7, 8, 0 and 10 per cent, ' from . suffering for the sins or their fatliets and the ienorance-of their mothers. Pre,sently this 'feeling paeses a,way, heca,usa one Peteeives that they clo not er, andene '' "Oh, Hugh," said the .sister -it ..had been .lifr. Aquila until a day Or two before this--. "Oh II h I h ' bad no opportueity be- . , ug ,. . ave haven•'t had an honorable -at the hospital for a long time, and they priturally 'desire' to inake much of ' the •titbe So. they. have eased his rant; and Im is•now ltarenDaffocille . The• young doctor drew two lettere from , his pocket and fell to reading them. • That - is to sate lee read them eagerly and. yet slowe , . ly, ae if he wanted to read every word. No- le- Rs; WHITT, TEACHER OP B1BSIO,, PUPILS Inatteededettheiroweresideneeefueoessary R ndeneo, John, Itoberte`On'e Eturon street, 0-1Mtone. Rico's um method taught .if desired. - . - . when you can get money us at.6 per o. . ' . . • a• TERMS made to suit borrower, regar ing . payment and period of loan.. • , euft .rernembers ' how good et must be for tbein to be ineuch a room, with pure air, neithertoe hotnor too cold, with the _ester's careful bands to nurse • theme/me for the first time in. their yeung fere of telling you how glad and happy Tam for North's take," • . . . . , oabeeh You, Cada," he replied, simply, taking her hand; "everybody, is very kind to me and It is to much the better that we Viscount Daffodil; and even Earl Daffodil, and while we were takine ourcold random, • • e 'and niceties a, post carct came 'for hina ad -7 dreesed to the Right Honorable and Right bode y shall knew what was in the first Ntter, eseent that it Was • s' ." " • h ' • ' • ' %Tied Norale, wit • mum very sweet word preceding the signet- • . tare. He sat with .thls letter in his hands for a-while:meditating the . . : . . , DIL sTANRieRY, GRADUATE OF TIM MEDI ateDepertmentoteretoriauniversit Toronto' f meriy of the Hospitals 'and Dis ens ' y,, or p arms, New York ooronertorthe Colin ty ef Huron,Bayfleld 0 t ' • . . ARly to . , , ' • • - • FARRAN & 118DAI li I . • lives etholy calm Altund. thena-Trethesikl, children, in. the wird above, die 'quiet!, 'the 'gentle mays, the tencNr hands and the kindly • spokeaindsettledmatteesebefore--this-wou- derful succession." • • : ' "Yes; I think it is.,. Though the successime - - ReYerertd,Ilii-Gea.ce.theDaka.Daffedilat ."Aridwhat does -your mother say, Hugh?" "She says everything •'that is kind . and .e, • ' • ' . . e on charms and 7 -grace utth •-i -writer "."Tlibirliti IAD ' it *.badk: into his oc retbooki and •read tim other Id- t . 1 'Ph f e his h •er, w iic was r m p.mot er, - VRAisTIE-It. 'POWELL, RAHRISTEIt, SOtICITOR, . 12 Notary Publio, etc, Qtli le, SE,uuts's BLOCK AT- BERT STRUT, CLINTON. TOr011I0 agents, Mess4. Me. Carthy,,OMerfirekkin'&•Creelmaii... . • • e • • • • .• . . • . • • . • BANE -ERS, CLINTQN. :.. - * - . , • words • aro I ull of lessons Which they will never forget Wily not far•the infants, lee? ought not ha make any difference. Tell. me, : Hugh, is it long since you. began tothink of. soniething that le surprising," . • - • Alla. then the young. man began talking qfy deareet son,e,she said, arn •cpilte Private funds to 'oat' at lowest rates of interest: • • ' TIIE' MOLSON8TBINK,- - The "sister in, this- were 'Wore a gray woolen dress with a White. apron, which eovered thewhole front* her drese a 'bib .apron," a White collar, and a white cap and 110' cuffs, because. cuffs 'interfere with turn- ter , ' • . , • . • . .,- 441 'have been 4 here fel; nearly .twelire menthe; I hadbeelf here a week when fIrst I . saw•Norali in this ward ' 1 •began to think" of • it as you Say -that Is,to think Of her' about himself; and of .thetime, notefar des- • w taut, when he would buy a practice and set ,.ttp. for himself, and staie that partnershio, .- with Berate andbombineethe .serions work. . of .m physician , • with 1?vemaking, •'. which ,"I ' ready to belleVe thatareutemistress N every- ' .thing- that yon believe' her to be; Is good, • and as sweet and as heautiful.:,- I pratet ' you May 'have as good a wife as you dem*, dd that i • • us saying a deal. Will 1) w. WILLIAilS,GRADU L ' ATE OF laaToronteUnivisrsity; member of theOoliegeof Phy 1/2nlasnjoir Syrgeone, ont. Orrice -4 Remnant:1E the Minton: r"i• 7°43oupied by Tr. Reeve, Albert street - - • ' • . 1. • . *Ineorporiitud by Act of Parliament 185b: . , . ,--- - • QAPITAL . - ' - • $9 000 000. • 1 ...) , , . ,.. • ing up. the• sleeves. She. Was young, but . .en-aint.there-my-beautiuLNersh • RhFike hould Bo OS blackberr am to •dr bread j , , . . great you pleasagitraaloeahany-lova-andtelleher-1 am . --- - ' -7.------:".'"-"-- '' Het.A__Deet_Qaka MONTREAL • grave of face, with sweet, solemn eyes, and _ yet n quickly -moved ' mouth which looked as if it: could. laugh ou, sued' prevocation. *ere it not that -her . occupation ' made laughing almost impossible; becaese, babies ' heats 'no sense of humor. Her name in the like yea, Calista, and yet unlike She , N as .good as you axe, bat in 'another way. • She belongs to the world, and. you-" .• . ., . • • .. " • --.• _________,V _y ..L., or • Moyers sauce to cold mutton, and should turn the gloomy doctoi's house-presunlablY. in Old -Burlington street '. or :eaville row- into a palace of 'enchantment. , - 7 i . ..... • . ... Calista was a.good listener,. and sheheard • it all with answering smile and sympathetic looking tot -wipe) with, the greatest eagerness • to seeing her and gottingao know her? As . . regards your plan tinclemanner. of living, I. • ambition to become a „carte appreve of. your' am successful-physkciao. It is fortunate that • you are the son of -a sliccessful singer, nay Falee-WORTaiteaToNmerersTutAll, • f .GEoN ._-A-4-toeteueltcur,Licentiitteef the Collegeotehysician. " li Mate its'nuexoonfoLrio07azioadaandFrovineialLieen,. residonee;-The beil7iiCedin • f nue ' yo. f mire n i . Calmed g 3 ormeil()couplet b Y Iiir Thweiteseleuronestreet. • . • . . - - Clinton, ', an ...0,1871. ' ' • • . . THOMAS WORKBIAM, •• ' • •President. J. 11, It: MOLSON. Nice -Pres.' r; .101.1,'EltSTAN THOMAS, Gemeral Manager. • Arotes-di• . seountecl; Collections made, Drafts ' . iS$Ued, Sterling' and 4nierican excinnge • . world 11128 'CaliStil, Pr011aYA; iand she was the 4 daughter .of . Dr. Hyacinth Cronan, of Cam- den Town. As for her age,' she was twenty- two, and as' for her figure, tier etature„ her. beauty and her grac.e,. that; dear reader, ' matters nothing to you, because the is •the next thing to a pee, and we alt•know that . - be talked • e• tee. e alt. 111 - -••••1---7:_ette fes tr,gte.. eyes, and the young mitnein his raffia/fluty.- phiess, accepted her sympathy and. interest in his fortunes as if they,were things due to him... 'Everybody used . Calista in • thia • , • • I • Bat the .babies, wittehing thole long talk, . ., grew suspiciotie. They tvere. neglected. :This • dear boy. You will find no difficulty hi 'making the attempt! As fer my money, it • . , . . Was made for- you, and lie alt your •own, if :' you want it all. • There is, however, a.gresit ' . surprise for me in your letter, apart feem • this nears of yom• • engagement, tvhich (melt , __ . , , _. „ ...,_ . not to be a surprise to a Mother. it is the - • CILINTON 1VIECHANtCS' INTITUTB, LIBR `Jane' and ReadingRoonis,-herrinbloek;down stairs. About 1,700 volumes in the Library and all the Leadin g Newspapers and,Periodicals of the day on the table. • Membership ttcket la annum . • Open *owe to e pan., ILIA front 7 to o p in. Applioatione! for memoerehap recived by the Librarian ia. in thereon'. , , • , ' '• boug1.4 ancl sold at lotoest • . • '' * CusTent rates. . • 1 terest O-4 er cent allowed en' denosits. . IR P . • . . •. . . . • ' • ... Er' A. VIP. -Thmiarearia • * . • •••-• ---------a • : ' .. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with 4„,. ..ne or more endorsers. No. mortgage xequired as see • tatty • • • , . . .. a nun's charms mutt neVer about.. . It was a Sunday. neOrning-a-morning in early June -when outside,. there 'wasa- die vine silence, and even the , noisy .highway.•et't e -e . e•••: .. HIM 1 11. • 1.•4 J young gentleman,' whom they knew. because. . . twice every •day . he bent over.. their cribs, • wee •not a„baby.. _.Whse_dicl_ the sister waste - her time upon -him? So -great surname and the Christian 'name. Of your • c I ' • fiancee; •Is she one of the•Clonsillit ' ronans. • -In-thatcasOierehrietifult-uame- Is easily ac- UNION*.' -, • SHAVING PARLOR. • • . . , . . . . ... . .., . . SRAVING. 'IIA.IR ,. .-„, . , If, c. BRENER Manager, . Ainian.-• ;as. • _. - -.- . _ • clisten , --- .• - .. • • of the .Thaines was almost quiet.' •Tae sis.7 ler was loitering round the'crilia in. her Weed, ...all ethe• babies havingebeea 'looked 'after, , pate e . N, - s, ,....., .r 0111 .. ., - -‹) - • ' and so wide-. _spread .was. the, uneasiness, that they first beganwiththe cough. prelimifiaryt already; , alluded to, and then evith one accord'hurst ;•• counted for.. ,There should be also a 'Caste., .. in the, family,. and • her father's. -Qhristirin . ' ame should be H aeiath Th should also . • n y . . • • ey o . be poor, 'Welt ' IesuPpose is the - case With , CUTTING :• ANY) ' SRAM- ' ' POOING done 'very neat and Vo suit , : • • every .person. , . ... . . , . • .. JitiliN'EAR.Q1UARSOIV, ' • J. 13.1DDLE..00MBE . . P - • • ----- • - ' washed. put • ink; • clean • things. tinti 0 • 4. ‘,....,. 'tee, .• ett •t.-- - - ante that w.ailing ,y.vhich tvaa .fetniliar to . ' them, becatise ,:yoki tell ..niss' her. father is a Slunk's; • Bleck . ' ' ' • ' ' ' • • ' - • ?§1*‘--- Wittlant Clod Maker ' . . _made coneforfahle_fonorning.e.,-1-Twoe or ,three . mothers -but net, many,. beeteuee there are honsehold .duties• for the Staiday. • morning -vete sitting:with their own babies- , inetheir leps, a thing -which, did not Inter- fere With Sister Calista's catholinauct uni- Versal materniey:- Everything ' in' the weird was as it should be; the temperature et- actly right, the v'ent.ilatioalierfeat, the ease,: Presently door - t el \ % ---'•t•--4, • 4 ee .........e...._. -- Alb e. 1 -- • ,/ • e - - .. .."Slie. is like you, Calista." Peale,: - , - flTh „; e • • -Virgil-frorn-hieacqueineandeewith the hes-- ,- ' pitensar.the Porta NaValit .• . , ' ' •• It was jest • whist you _'would •expect• of a •man that, •."at such a .litite,ture; -should meanly ran away, and leave the babies to be • • „ wrestled with by the •sister. : .This• is what . . ...,, ‘ . . Hugh.did. - - ' • . - -.. - . .. • • He weneto his peivate rooin, .a . Muggety whitber.thp babies could not follow him Mal • , • 7gelinifal practitibiieThi-Ctiaderi To-viii-Tell7 . ... me,whenyov. write Mixt, about their family,- , which concepas Yottin a ,Yereestratige mare. ' her. But .a thee t• :Will tell you when we Meet. ..I hope ''Io see you -and North -next • • • . month: But- de" not forget to 'answer this. . gaestion-.-Is• her • fathers Christian, name. Hyseinthe • . ' . •Youraffedioncite • • • . , e, • . " .. "Mont.pit." ' . - . iT.. T. ...WILKIE 9 - • • • tireitc;EOlc is ENTIST. - . ilted the exelusive*right for.the county for the Uurd proccsa: Of administering •cliemically pure Monoxide which is the Safest and best system yet d4! cov red f '• , e oi. tho painiesS extraction of teeth Charges moderato, satisfaction guatanteede ...0ettee, 'Ete 'T,IeTT'S ISLOOK, over Rance's Tailor Shen, Huron Street Clinton'. • ' • - - : . - , • JENYELLER,„&a.; • • • • - , . . .., ,• . . • orponstic 'TUE MARKET 'CLINTON ' -. •.' • ' • •' ' . ' ' 1 •'' .- -: • - - - • • Where he keeps peeeledeaseettetent of ., .. • -'' . . ''••• •' . ' '' - ' ' '• at.eTCHES, CLOCKS, JEWRLLERT,' SILVER. ' „„. satisfactot,y. the opened and 'care , ke - • , - "Tony ' 'There he proposed to •spend the short re- . ' • ' • . . . "Well, . Which We will sell at retisonablerates. a -young man came in. As he ied n'o hat rind began • to walk about the .crilis .and • C1 as if they belonged • to him, and as. babies," Calista, smiling. • : .' ••"I Should have put it differently; Strange and Wonderful it is, Calista that suCha mainder of •the morning inen'• easy chair, with a book in his. hand to hessit meditation the end his • name Is gertainly Hyacinth: ' andthere ie a Wide, in the, family: And,. theyare the ClOpsilla: qr.olian4..: I wonder • • • . • Repairing of every deserlption preraptly the sister event to meet ,him•and talked .earre• hint estly with over each baby as he h ad ' ' girl .ai-Norah Should be able to'love Sit& e man. -. ' • - • .• .as".. .. • - .., . . . , on virtues graces of a certaM young lady He •did not -immediately carry 'Out • this ietention, beeause there . wee. a visitor - whet theminter Timed' "AfterfhlI, She 1,44' t .. • .' ' ' ' ell Mein 1 ler ow n time ,', ,, . ' • • .A . A . ' BE.NNETT . tended tond all wark warranted, • .. • . . . . . J. BITTLECOMBE .,' Clinton ; Nov. 1882. an air Of business and duty, itisiair to sup-_ 'pose that this young gentlemen was • con- "Nat Hugh_thet mud-nett:leaven though..te - " • ' "Norah is• 11 happy girl to win your. lova • I' occupyinethe one eaey, chair in theroom. • ' - adVily,• Dick?" said. Hugh: ' • • ''.I did not ex- ..• ' tie laid his head .back, and closed his eyee. , • tle had been up.lialf the night •with • a . bad . • • ...• • . • . T II. E-2-,,. C..) XeIletttrOTee " , • • eected with the medical stair, He iveS, in' fact, the resiemit enedivta 'Officer, and - his ' suppose itis geed.that You phould think your inistress an angel, because itmakes her bet- . 'pect to see youhero to -day" • , • • 'I he visitor' .wat h yoang •niau.abdut his Case, anti to fell :asleep instantemeeuslye. and slept tillellett brought hint his •early dinner:. •.:''' .e....e. .. , '..UN DE RTA KIER • .. • • . . . 4 ... , . name Was Hugh .A:gailre • . . • ... -- TT ' • ,Mr. Hugh had .pessed through his. hospital course and takett. his medical de 'grew With as much credit as is possible for ... any young male of. his ,age. ' Merele.: to bee . long to the profession should. have. :been happiness enough -Tor hine who•hackareamea. ter; ' Rereetebereatlieeetetherellinks. of you, Ear strong and .brave and clever lo.ver, and do not be too humble, Did you see her yeetere 'dayl" ',- • ' . . • • - - :. ..:,Y • e ''''YeS; In the evetibig I found time for Oil:a- .den Tema,. add • had stiPPee, with her lady- ship."' . .: '. • • e_ : own age. • :When Hugh opened. the door he • . .•, . ,.,,,ime. sitting with his becid bent and his face set in deep gloonl: -Bet he hasteiffirto pup on ' n smile -rather• a weak and a - watery. .smile. • ' . ' : , , .. . ... ., "t had. nothing to do this Morning mei se- othnibus.to. the There certainly was soniething very queer • , , . . . witlythc pther..young manrand he Waszping to Calistetein order to tell her. so. , He had been accustomed for a great many years tte.. make Calista that ktud•of lialf-eenfidant who • • .eharesall the woes, .hectrs. nothing of their caniee..end • is forgotten when things •-- • .A„N 13'.E M 14 AI- M ER : - . 5 Albert St., . Red .Rocker Store . . . . • D Rir-lt.1.1.. --- • ee--.A.ND-e-• . • .. lt ! • . . ' all his life • ot medical seleate• . , . .• _ . ' to they .eteekahe .Brinic and walked' • . run • • '. . t, ' . . . . , . . e . . .. . . ,Aleis one ' thing, of all. things, worthy of inani'S Intel- ,Strange say both sinned; and then their 'faces broadened, '• and . they latighed. over." , • • , t. .. , . .. gmoothly. Persons like Calista always have Yon,..cenie Malta ; rinuE SITBSOiiinEn HAVING JUST COMPLETED .. . . •"Are to congratulate me, Diekr plenty of friends, who . use of their ., 'Dalf-toldeireanbeet a. .1_ . and7furnished his new Vetting DIM with machla.-., 1. led and aMbition, There arei-M-factrother • things ;equally Worthy, but .as Hugh was .. 'going to be medicinee doctor it was 'good for ' him to believe, while . he was young 'that there was nothing.else. . So the young limner • believes that there is nothing to, worship and follow but his kind of.art; and. the physicist Did you ever •Ses reaister in a hogpital lattglif She smiles often.' Slib,smileS when the patients thank her and kiss her hand; .When-theteget dightheaded and talk nonsense,, when they grumble and groan; when. they gogood,.and. premise to remain patient and steadfast, clothed • In . the armor „Alf- righteousness - .6% , .. aNce ietende the en- sempathies when tic:Mtge:has to he f,aceci: -gagemone , I suppose you know yoteeT 'MID " me out? Did she tell yoe_ how she'd. raft/sal "Calistaek he said, dimming into 'a chafe, "I wish I was dead!" • . me?" . . ••. . . ' . •"Do you., Dick? , You said. same • .. "lin. .• 1.bave not talked' about previous as about two months ago, when•I saw you last ptrants,"' • • .• .. • . . .yet I heard .afterwaixls that you Were cheer- . • . • . :."Yes.;',: asked • her temarryme, Half a faL" ' ' • a • . . ...e, • • / • ' ws l • ._. • - I i. -: • .E . 1 s ' ' . . ..o . 1 a • • -..-- D . . • ni • • . •-,:, . - . . . . . ory Of the latest imptoVed patterns, Is now prepared. . • to attend to all orders in his line in. the most prompt end satisfactory metier, and at reasonable rates. • Hei would also return thanks to ail who patronized the • oldfirm before they were.hurned. out, end now. being ih m bettor position to execute orders eirpeditiously, feelseonlident he can give satisfaction to all. . • FACTOR Y-LN.ear the.Orancl Trunk. Dail • considers himself as the Proteesoe of the one • when they go away cured• and strong again,... ,I . • After the severest test•atthe late fair in. • dotes* times I asiced, and. she refused-thatle Nv4h ,I was dead now,. than" '' . . 't '. ' • ' ' way Clinton • • . • . • - , . . ., ' '• •.. - *r--• - .. ,. _TAting Nellie a nd_Necessar..y7rill in_capitals., 'ale-ma/es -andLeff-usiva41-thanks;....nr..w.heii.thay Wine- . .,..!` .1 on i sr. • 4 .a.4'..L.L.Clint • all_ diri` '!' 411 Wele-Blieconeratillate-yeu-ifeatee-likeee-Ila=L----1-V !--- - y -a .•ittott-that- ' - • • - ------ ..- •••THO4AS-AlcitEN-ZIE., ,.._-___ - . _ But .the fates are. unegard, aed . .... ... .._ cup_brinis overeivhileanother'S is•exiipty. To this dortenate young, man ' love ilea ,eeee given as,.. -well ruf.the profession .. Which .he ' desired, and a measure of .suceds Mid Mee- tation-love, which so oftenis kept by fOr.• time for consolation cup, aid bestowed upon ' those let° have lost the race and, been over- ' thrown and trampled on in the arena, .and . have got 'neither laurels nor • prarSe, •ntir any back again for the Mali. tinie,--forthere•ara some known.in'hospital- wardewho. spend -as much. of their.E.Bves as therpossibly can -in these comfortable . places. . But lie :One ever saw a sister laugh eicept Hugh; and the ef- feet On' the ward was incongruous, as- If a cardinal should dance a hornpipe. era bishop. Portia= a breakdown..-Somo of the babies felt Wilke' a note- out of harmony, and began• . . . the preliminary .cough, which, as. every pare.' ,Thatteige414'3 But Tought to have been:Aoki. by seine Of . tor' • •••• .. .„, , , .. _ „ • - •theMthat you were hi the field. ...Edon.% like "I didn't ,say •anything had happened, e , -being kept in the dark."‚ mil , • • . . „ . • -.:- • ': .... • d ..I wish d'" I was dead • • • • . • . ' "There his, been .110 keeping -in tbe dark,. :••"Is that all you.have cinne to tell me /7 . ' because I only cattle into the field, As you ' Not (pita,rve•cethe to .tell you- ohs • call, it,- fouldays ago," ; . .. • Calista; I'm the ',nrostmiserabla.. tinlueicy ' '''Well• -•when Are you going to get mare . beggar -in the World!" .' • . •• . . " ,. . . rie.di" • '. ', ' . .: • . • - ' ,' • • •. '.'What is It Dtek?• Have you .clorie any.- e Dick looked 03 11 a doubt might be raised thing foolishr • - ' • . ' .• • • - • ' •-,.- . as to -ibis assertion. "I've -I've-" Se stopped, • because he 1100 VIIIIFECT AN' • • " , ‘ . , D. EASY AerIoN, ..11EAUTY OP MUSH, Are SWEET'seESS oF „yoNTP the' . e .. ,,,, . b EXCEL IOR was Away ahead. of all oth- . . . ers, And-clostinad to be the popalar imam- molt of the day.... Thie, along with the fact that it. special prize was awarded it, certain- , ly speaks velurnes for the instriiments,snd partiespurchasipg shotild see .. the Exam-. . !Holt before buyine elsewhere ..... :•••• ••• • • •-• • • ° • • • ` . .11; ' WHY DYSPEPSIA SUFFER • ,.. FROM. a a.daghe • . • • OR INDIGESTION, • , wreath of victery, noe any. golden •apples, ' Yet this young fellow • had .actually end already obtained the ,gife of love-thougb . he was as Yet no more tban live and twenty-, ill addition to his Other -gifts, graces, and . prizes. Perhaps it does not seem a very de. famine remembere• heralds 'the midnight' bawl and ty(promenade about the bedroom. Calista, perhaps, received. the cough as A werning; the laugh did not occur again, and, besides, to 06 steeet.e. sister, .evei-ything Mud be eiloWed• Therefore the cough prelitninary . , „ . . • • "I don't. know. ,.Perhaps we may limit) te (Wight Calistet'e clog eyes 'gazing steadilyie ' wait some rime. • I must find out:first, what his, and ie seethed as if • he changed his put - • invinother..wili . be able to do for me, •. I po.se. . "I didn't • know," he shiclela confte ' haven't -seen, ber.yet same our engagernenbe .. ship,. "that -ft -would reallyhappon motel this , .. . . , and X' don't know how she will. like' Norah. Morning. Now I find it must.," ' ' , . What is the' matter, Dieki You look pretty .- "What will happen?" • .;.. . , . • . . • , • . - GEO. :44;' 'OAKES, •PeoPitimin: . . , ". .Factory three doers west of MultoY's PurbP ' ' • Shop, Rattoribury St ' °nit 1 ' - • . , .,. , 1 • 0 1. . . • . , „ . . , '• •. _ • '• ' ' T•S WES ' , Will - thoroughly .. . ... , . • WHEN. .. , t . 1.1. .IVER•PI .8 . •• Cure "you. . :They '. 1 great thtng t be resident medieril officer in . a children s hospital. ' But if you .happen to , le ft.veting man ..whollY. deV.Oted. to your- - Irorets101; tuld-le " Yea 10011 'filreatrY in • gOsitl tr-seuiong,aira4f,- u have- was not repeated, and none' of the. babfea really -began to ory.,. . • -• ' :• ' ,' . . .." . . . . "His lordship vrar present" . Hugh re- Peate6; "We had .1) pipe tegetlier. He Sat in hiarobes and his' coronet of. course which • bad this Morning? 'If you weren't such . a • •"Yoll •ii -ill remember my-. worcia,whealt" -steady lila I should. say you had been drink- comes bite -will you? • I came to wain you ing-mid keeping late hottre:. . • - • • • - "Well; Dickeitanyehleg is to happen, and Pia MOViidge was at mod Mites. a Young 1 am not to knoW what itis, I see neruse 111 : 'warning , PITOTOGPALPFIEP ' .1- ,. . .• • • er 'VS , A. .1.,,i• • o' . • . do: net gripe or purge,. but, Oat • . mildly,'.and whetteier need 'Aro consider d • price- ' . !I • . • - - - --., - Alma. They have _zottntersiati faith in yOurse iiiid-a-firm e feteiu your become. m extreme. ye -especially. when he lan.of.410,un_y_ara,s0,40m44 ma% rimment he looked as if sunshine have et•arn. yu ecause . we . • . .- - , , -4 11, * . .. . rAmitie-40;-..bei.lb own pore, and if, further; you see great possibilities in the.position foe stadyand in • , knowledge, then you under-. ,easo ofGREATEST I stand that to be re.sident medical officer in has the pipe iu his mouth. Yet I doubtif he ..is happ!er, His • face 'expressed some sinxiette as if. hWase undertairt abotrt• his feet in those dizzy heights, and would like . wofild no place iii his 'countenance at • all; . his fade stand that it is all her own fault.", , . . at ete • - *was pile, and his' hair ' black • aud straighlf hese •own fatilti" . . „, - . will his eyes were black mle set back in his heed: "Whew shoutd it be but &rah's!. 1"Itt he had a short mustache; his mouth 'talking about her, ain't I? Very well, then. . , 'OLDTtog .t; • . • LIPE•SIZE wona A SpECIALTY. . , • ' . ' . the Children's Hospital ab Shadwell niarbo a v_ery great thingladeod. When Ads reeidetit =dime had. comeaded bis rotted and finished the Work 'which has ' to ante 'down ',again find be ' a • commoner , once more. Perliaps , be thleiN, that'when beheading begins again, viSOMints will have early turn.", 0 - . was set .ancl hard; he never laughed except in the - Let her inelerstaint that it IS her own fault!' • priznitiVe-and primeval manner of• laughing; What has .oraii. done? , namely, when Anybody suffered sorne.griee- .' "She's deceivad me.. That's what she's e - I've offered myself a dozen tithes • , • 1170 ZNT I'S T.,: ,'' --- COATS IlLOCIe ' . . . • BLESS] NO • . • • every day to be begun 'again, he stood tor a moment at a windovi looking out MTh 'tile .an . . "Poor deal' father!". • • : , . "The bees§ pieta 'remains. on the doer un-. and ous elisfortnne, or whet,: he was able to say (Rat • . • . . d'utmultmet a very disagreeable • thing; hie Thin was 'ghettos refused me. Told Inc there Wilt no- -C„.7"7=1,'"M••••=i'mn Th,„..,. and •hard. Ile dossed. body eta that she cared for; saicl she didn't 11,....- ' OF. THE. AGE • 4 , • „ silent street WOW. It 1.14,been raining, and chaliged-4he Olin 11.Orelfau,,•11.-- B. -and square was quietly • ....ael...V.J -G° ..Q..10. even- for his aga•with almost ostentatious want to get married; said that last weekt-----er . . , To all sufferers' fretts Inalligestioni • . • ,tbe paseinente were Wet, bp.t. the sun was': brigfit again, and there wero light clouds, chasing across the sky. I'Fithiti. and withettt everything was very quiet, ' - . ' . The eyes of the young Man, As lie stood at the window, had a far-off look. - "You look tired, HUgh," saki the sister, These two were net 'Waller . and sister, They were 7 not even, so far .: as_ they knew, coedits. Nor had they known each other from infancy. Yet they addressed, each other by their Chriseine Prima To bo sure Calista waS; professionally,. the . universal. sister. But Hugh was eertaitaly not the tad - --- - -versal-brother-alii4 singulatityrq„,„ therelf.is the red, lanap 'with' the night bell just as usual.: The boy, I believe, .. runs about With•the basket find the betties as be- 'fore; the medicines are still Made up by his lordship's illustrious fIngera; and he remains what the- people unfeelingly call a Common , Walter, , Not even a carriage a cairn:la • 1, upon it, • . • • ••• - • "Oh, it seems too abstird if that is all that is tteconle of it • . • "Her ledyship worelibr court dress -the Wok silk -one -yen know it," • . , "I know 4t, . But, Hugh, dorat langli. It is a Very trying thing•for her." • - lauelnure ,at, h_pr, -Witt& MEP quietness,. inn frock coat . buttonlid closely, and then I bear she's engaged" • - • • WARDED MODERATE,' . . dark trousers:aud tall•hat.-filiere was about "Very well. You are not going to take - .nLINTON'.. hini something which proclaimed coutempt reveage upon her, areyou, Dick., Tat week" • ' . be mean, indeed." - of thashoes; mh "Noteven e It isn'irreven e And et • • - . - "You arb such.a staid- and serious ohm» , r g • • g • Y . PS ears e spitiN a Imo Its all her own fault, at v r appe . . . c r, • teh e 'e h lie '' - 14641-110-11 a te ”"eontintied the resident; "that it met %.".1 . - "You• • lc storiess this morniii • • be drink and late hours, Cot no pain anr cue very y g, where, have you? Is it some worry.?" Dick,, and very gloomy. Well, if ' yen have • . , ., nothing mor•e , , .y. s .. . . . 'What should I be worried about, I Thould do say, had oti not better be ' Before buying get our special prides for like to knoWl" he replied, almost savagely. getting hack homei It is tWelves oe.10,ek al: , Bans M bl' ' I.' Sticks, , ar es, • Lacrosse - "MIA say, Dick. :Shortness. of temper toady." . -..-. perhapa It is like shortness of breath, dif- "&You con tell her if anything happens 's . • - - • • - • he repeated, "that you know all along it VAS . 1 . ficult to cure, but it can. bo antedated . , Ate ' txpress Waggons Doll Carriages . you going.to stay and have serhe early din- • coining, and that it is all her own fault." CROQUET, BASE . lim,r, . .-,_ .., .. • . "Ito, You arel;winto than gloomy . Disordered Stomach .' . . • THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE . . . ' e 1 U50 thGtin end be relieved front . your Misery. 30 Nile in a box, . 25a. per box r 5 boxes for $1- , . FeR SALE DT ALL . DRUGGISTS • AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES , • licwarc of Counterfeits and hest Imitations. (imam in Blue 'simile given ries to surniiseenal gossipin the vvard, --Ohla • infoelned me after Supper thatelifferettces tits ---neli-mritlt,iner ,, „ , .Diclk. , "No; ' -this arr Maier -I -Huff mum. • 7 -Km wrapped only with but for the fact that the babfestook no more notice Of it that if it had toyer occurred at all -it is a .Waf With babies, TIM sister Wet plain sister te All the wOrla. and therefOre to Hugh Aquila she was sister as well; but . . rank Mad bo respeeted•eand that all Matti' I Menial engagementl made before Thai sae' .1 denten Would haVe to betteensicleraw ••' ' "Oh, Hugh!' ' • ' '"ITnele Joseph chimed in here, lsutwo'ra . . . I Must go home; lify father expeeti niortanr-Snoti :me . auvjg, me at half -past one.' Sunday dinner entente • to yeti nO lodger." . Is al cheerful as a meal in ti sepulchre among ' He turned. and flung himself from the .. • WALL NEAPS . • the beam hut I must g� Ilew dims Norah mom. 1 use thii word which %%MO have VIM LARGEST all A BEST IN USE, like' tho grand succession 'and the family pleased him most, because ha desired to fling , itorotkar . , . . himself. The people who fling themselves ' IIKAY Ell -MOCK BOOKSTORE. • CM' Mt roNlIt(rlIn ) ' . . • IVM., eNDOPInl. PIIMINI'M . 1 mu on ,IThr-ba,,,, Via.; telitilseeirlanetift these Celebrated Pills sent to tiny adirzsi on receipt of A ,; cent stamp, ' • %IMO, O. VIIEST ti,. CO. •„,...i.,s PaciPaISV ifiLlri 41 \ L...., o!vbrtiii titi , .ttern (WA .0.