HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-04, Page 1TERMS -41.40 Per Lnnu'1L whence I "VO2kQ. 23 CLINTON, ONT. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1886 mAYRIE1.4.0- ButErs.--Your correspondent was in lb, error last week in stating that .there was - an insurance on tne house of Mr. Esson, burned down.; thew was no insurance on. In it. Mr. Essou is attending council, Mr. Gee and Mr. Rutledge,the conference, sit Goderich. Bi usiness s quiet just now. Crops book wI1.. - BCIIIIONDVILLE• • BEIEVS.-It is reported that two of Seafortn's most enterprising busioess men contemplate 'erecting a new grist mill, 011 the site of the one that ,was burned at Eg- mondyille, last fall ; it is to be hoped that the rinnor is correct, as a mill-atEgenonds ville would be a great convenience to the farmers'. Mr. David Charlesworth, who was miller in the Egaiondville mills, prior to the fire, has secured a Situation near, Brantford. James Ryle, of the firm of Kyle & Mustard, and family, intend re. mewing to Florida.' si.IPPEN 13aIRES.,--3Iis. R. Hunt returned home on Thursday evening, last week. Mrs. Johnston and daughter, of St. Louis, ac- , - companied her; Mrs. Johnston will spend some time with 'friends „ here. Mr. R. ' Bell, sr., has been confined to the house for some time, but we are pleased toliear he is improving a little, Mr. Ale-. Moffat moved his family to Clinton, on Friday of last sneak; we are sorry to Isie people leavingrour village, but hope to see Mr. M. back in a few months. On. Sabbath last Rev....T 11. Simpeotis of 13rucefield, exchanged pulpits inith Rey. S. Acheson, of this place; both sermons were .very im- pressive and were acceptably listened to by 'aro congregations; A number of our • young people attepded the induction so- cial held, at Brucefield, on- Triesday even-, ing. • EAST IVA31 ANOsH. Bninns.--Mr. Magill, sr., .on Thursday of last ween was taken with a fainting fit, falling twice in the barnyard, but he was able in time to reach the house; it is be- lieved that he had an attaCk 'of paralysis on the )eft side, but we are glad to say be is recovering his strengthand sensibility. The property, ones the possession of Mr. Adam Horton, advertised for sole in Blyth, was put up at auction on Monday, but was not sold, bids for it not being high enough; it was in the legal. charge of Manning.& Scott. The pi erne at Hoover's (Methodist) ehurc13 and Sabbath School will be held on Wednesday, .th'e 23rd inst ; this picnic has•always been Well attended, and will doubtless on this. occaiton mains tain its good name. -- igAILNOC411 RETtntstnn.--Mr, Wm. Bone, wholeft' here in the spring on e tour through the States; returned on Monday. He was not Very fitverably impressed with Some . of the places visited;and will doubtless think all the more of Canada now. , • COLT STAKED. -J! Lovett's celt had the misfortune to run against something sharp and received abet:le:0in the breasts - - It is pastplieg at Mr. Reilly's and Jack. has many a walk, to attend to, it, but at - though it is, nearly a mile We 'think he might attend to it and return in less time than he takes sometimes; -But perhaps the colt is worse than -We imagine:' Eh?' BRIEFs.-Mrs. Little and Missyyfesoi • Puslinch. spent a :ineek7aYniiiig relatives here. Miss Bretz has _gone On a visit .to Puslinch. Miss Jackson, of Clinton, was present at the wedding.of Mies Agnew, last week. Sevenal, of the Clinton High , Scheol.hoys were rusticating ;On the -9th' last week. Mr. Bone sports a new top buggy. There were two late weddings in this vicinity, last week, and another couple are said to have gone to London and there - committed the deed; this is pretty grfod 4 for one-week but -a •calm-alwaysauceeeds- a storm. Miss Ann Lovett, of Summer - bill, is -visiting her sister Mrs. Geo, Tyner• , - EL VTR. Blianns.n-Mr. Myles .kciabg *ill preach • in the .Methodist'elautclnon Sunday mem- • ingirext, and Mr. Jones -in the evening; Rev. Mr:Fisher being absent at Con ferende. On Saturday Rev. Mr. Stewart, of .Clin- ton, conducted the services in the Presbn- • terian church, preparatory to the onsmun- ion services on Sunday ; his discoorse was especially fine, being listened to by the congregation %WI -Apt attention. Rev: Mr. Musgrave,. of Winthrop, preached on Sunday evening and Monday morning: - Messrs. Archie Taylor ahrl -John •Moser have beep impenviogstneir places of biisi- nese by a coat anoint, which much has_ proves the appearance. , Meesis.-Ini•ed ' Tanner and J. B. Kelly took a trip to Watford this weeirrtartheir titcyntetirtOr report the roads, good. . Me, A. Murdock has removed his place of btainess to the opposite side of the streeninTook'sbloek," where he will devote his whole attention to manufactured work, for which he has world wide fame, as he now makes for eustomers in Manitoba, 'United States and many parts of Canada,,aiso•Clintoti. Mr, Wm. Spooner, blacksmith, has changed his place ofbusiness to the. snop near the bridge, vrhere he will attend to the wants • ot farmers and others. Mrs. Meiklejonn, of Harristotnand Miss Maggie Forsyth, of, _Detrnits-aressates-present-visiting-their in mother Mrs. Forsyth, who is very ill. A. Murdock paid Iowan, London and Hens - all a visit this week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Kraeling was largely attended, on Tuesday. Reeve 'Kelly and Lawyer Elliott are attending County Council, this 'week. A delegation attended a temper- ance meeting, ot.Seaforth, on Wednesday. . Master Willie Long had the misfortune to fall and break:his arm this week, Miss Mary Jane Ooloten left for Stratford, on Monday. What about organizing these clubs talked of? base ball, bicycle and lawn tennis. The pupils of Blyth Public Schon' intend giving an entertninteeet on the last Wedfiesdny in jun° ; it will con- sist of club swinging, drill, calisthenics, (etennet and lawn tennis, on theasr ands) lase a literary progtatritne afterWite s. , • • • - ,1 ROBERT 1101,Siins • PU wisher. STAINILEI •iiBLLETT, ButIOEFIELD. . , • Covitr en Boylston ano Colincar,..-The court I met on Saturday at 14 a.ro,, for the revision et ,...STR.A.1q GE BIRD. -A. bittern was killed l 13ritErs.---Mrs,Mcinavish and Mrs Hugh noNonsnono. , . L. O. L. -The semi-annual meeting- of CaUnou.--Rev. , W. M. Bielby will the Soutii Huron empty Loyal Orange the 8th con. of Elellett, a few days Si▪ nicron left Beudefieln for Kansas, on preach in the Methodist church her, Lodge will be held in the Orange hall, the assessment roll, The Wowing (Menges On were Towle in the roil :-Win. Sharp, jr. was since; it measured three feet from,heak 'to morning and evening, on Sunday next, Clinton, on Wednesday, 9th inst., fOrthe We nesday laat. If Mrs. McTavish likes put on as tenant tor lot 15.Dunca'n me- fbot ahd the. mime distance across its the 'country, she will purchase. hind,and and at Kinburn, ats2.80P. In'. ......_.... ' transaction of business. A full attendance ;Ewen% aog- aria A. M. Campbell's :lox -were ', - - - • - • • - - move tbe family get; mrs. shapseaae. is requested. Mr. E, k loody, who attend - craned frOm the roll, the dogs hart:ft:titled since wi ngs. This bird is a rarity in these parts, companies; her on the trip for the benefit . . the call of the reeve, The eounsli met at 2 P.M. b n, . s -111r, Bic n, WES per- Toronto, returned yesteiday. kts..----.....-TvflpvAuwvgAaNn,v 0 assessed. •The court then adleurned to meet at altheugh occasienal ones have been seen , ern the -meeting of the Grend Isci.nze, at of her health. Mrs, Thomas Munro for- • w sit .- members an present. Alinures 9f mivions e..111, . tnerly of the mill read, but now of Michi-• chased the premises. and affects of the St. meeting read and signed. The pliovillg 1"t1",,r 013W,VAny. -We are sorry to announce were passedt-Tiia,t alas, niley oe coneetoi „. . an, has been on a visit to her sister -in- Justn J'OTTIMrs..-TOwn Council .next e oea • . th of Miss Sarah s.A.nn fourth • ' , . law, Mrs John Munro, for a few Agusttne store, from the oretlitbre 'of Mr, for thisThat the township engineer be to sessions of the -peace, Are held at Goderich, weens; Peter Carney. We believe ne intends to Monday night. County court and general Paid eso for sniveying and engineering. That :daughter of Mr, John Mason, of the gravel she is. greatly pleased with their new carry on the businees here. W. Erwin be paid 86.60 for repairing plow brok- • - ' On Tuesdo.y-ments-Will the citreta-ker of • iu ouivert ; non, caroiee esvso for graveir sona after an illness of attont siic. weeks, With en (Ming roadwork; Relit. Todd, ea for putting .roitd, wl?ich occurred on Monday laat, home ; she left for home on Monday last. 1. . pottnrzfers itibL. ' - the town hall plense_brush clown 14e coh7 Tough, $70, salary as assessor for 1886 ; that $2.,0 softening of the brain. She • was nearly . - le • . . he seem on the boundary betv eenBayileldam4 webs, The big round .stones that -are put - 13 eare•of rine and, although her suffer- . 11 t' • ScisocM.-The falowing is the ieport of the stauley..provided Baythild grant a no less stun; .. 3, . . • standing et the -pupils of the Porter's 'Hill tin • the streets with gravel, should lie. that T. J. Marks impala Is as funeraLexpenses ins were iniense, they were borne with absent last Sabbath hilinPUIPin Was-sn134 BstrEnZ---The Rev. Mr. Pritchard was school for the month of 1VtaY ..---Fourth elcu'is- broken ; they are Alreply kpooked from. , ist, Tillie McCartney. ;_, .20,. Hattle....Pithard i -of Jelin Johnston, who -died In inemdirbnet caireepuemr: calm an.-dpeit6eTtir resig-riattort try the vi.„. 4. side to side by every Wheel that hits them. awes, That the- following s3rd, Minnie Jervis. Senior third. --1st„ Moue tioned to the several rads throughout the vine will. She became a member . of plied. by 'Rev. John 'Young, of Colborne. Shade trees that Are being , mit in two by' township this year ; eon. 2 & 3, Sloe ; con.4 & 6, Pickard ; 2n4L.Reid Torrauce -; 3rd, FreciPick. Loudest:sore Methodist church about three The new firM of Tindle & Maley, shoe - John Cantelon ; 3rd, Bensork Cox. Secetul ord. ..Tunior' third -14k_ Albert • Jervis.; 2nd, rubbing against tile: biiifeSi• shOUld be months before her illness, and died per makers of this village, have 'completed looked after.. • is, $13Cl, eon. 12 34 13, $130; Bauble nub, .$150 ; . _ _ . _ _ e. to Goshen. $40 ; ' easheo, to Bronson. $40; Bron - Centro nue from Earr.to.Babytoe, see ; Babylon' fectly happy in her -Saviolir.. Her fun and taken possession of their new ehop. classs-tet, John PCIX ; ?ad, Eierbert ackX ; 3rd• ENTERPRISE.=Our toWnsman;Mr, Jac,, . sou to sauhle, SID; Carme's sideroad. sae; our- ral on Tuesday was very largely attended, Mr. James 'Young Was busily engaged, Freddie Elliott. Senior Part, 11 . -Lottie Hil- logic,. Xuphetnia.Coi. Juniorsleartsilevid Miller„Who is known as a pod machinist .7— rie0s-indereake 10; .Logan's shieroad, sae; ma- a touching feature of the oc_cant.i.:1?eitigf -McCartney, Jane Marthall, Mania Torrance, last Niteekt_puttingaliew...fencaleng-the- and Manufacturer of agricultural iraple- • Sharp's sicleline,,$20 ; metiveeu's sideline, tie ; Greger's sideroadr-SiA,.---tuuest-sglellue, 414J. the presence at tier grave of a number 0 front •of his lot and the orange hall, - pa kug a well in his machine Boyce's. side (Inc. $20; J3aird,s, sideline, sis: me- . . the 'first death to strike for Nebraska. _. Jos...Young ond. " elegt.rain CoQin, Leland Wigle„NVelling- went& has. just shop, and is potting up a tank for street her Senday school associates who. sang Wro. Hagy hainleft the -villager -he intends ton COLT Nair% sideline, so; Reynold Bead,•$see ; south several pieces. This is- _ watering purposes It will 110 10 feet high, - bounclary,emo, prenidea Miy_grants a dice sum. that has coltrred-in-Mr-,--Mason's -fantilY, hisgang110.*i-dOininonead-work in ' the . ,-... .. the same width across, and Will hold nearly. The course! then adjournea to meet again on Additional Local News, . . . for about twenty years and the sympathy country. Doctor Gordon. is mo -nig into 300 barrels of water,--:' He intends to raise aunts 70, at 2 pin._Gto..,S_7:tuvr,s.iireacrli. „ of all his friends is extended to them. , hirnew.office, Mr. Pentland, of -Dungan- DEPAnTstENTAL EXAMINATIONS -Sun e the witer with hisWindmill, and the tank SaL tiENL. l3RIEPS.--Mr. John Leach's .cup . of non, is new engaged with J. P. Bron-I he tee and July, --se follovving will' write for ia hign enough to 'run the watering.cart, :... hapniness overflowed last.week, -when no was informed that another blossom had ar- proning;a new sidewalk has been laid from paces second and third class certificates at the oamed :,-Clinton-‘-.S.econds, 13:; beneath it, and 111 11 up • it once Tie is (Too ism for hist wook,) . blacksniitio. Our village is copstantln I'm. flrann&,,-sThe pulpite.of Redgerville getting $76: Mr thc. vieon's watering,' and Ohniellourst-congregations were sap,- rived, to share bis paternal affections• It the front street to the furniture shops, It seconds aed thirds,. 9, thirds, 50 ; special, which deektiot. begin to pay him for his . plied on Sebbatle !est Week, with much is said that the friends of Mr. Jas. Rey, seemed that one ot. our young mechanics "I ;• -cominercial diplotha, 5.3 78 candidates troubleslinehe...expects.that he Will be res • accepsan e to the people, by Rev. A. H.' 4. e e , . 'wide of the 4th cou s. purpese bringing is going to start a new butcher shop in in . all. Seaforth-Seconds, 13 ; seconds nouped in tbe long • run, Another plan Drurpm. Hensiill shews less signs than him out as a Candidate for council, at the town - as .be received a large- shipme t and third,e, .9; third& 55-77. • for street waterinn will come before the • ever otstanding etillthis. year in the way next election; he is well qualified, for the fresh meat lately. • • ' THE Onorp.--sFall wheat is looking council, next week; the proposition is to of building; already a .large number .of position, end there is no reason why he • . well, and will Soon be heading but. The. have a tank on the 'square, lay pipes along . buildings, both • pablie and private rest- should.nnt'.reeeine. 0, seat'at the boarder- • • , Hot‘jukopii,in. . leek. of ram 'is beginning to tell on the the main street, and *Qin the 'tank water l'fr. Grey,of the LIth con.; intends putting spring 'whent,whieh.on high lend, is turns the streets by. hydrants. deuces, are in course of erection:, and the up a fin.e bank barn' this summer. miss • 'Mut o. eV George RichardSoo, of deg yellow, and'Making no growth. Oths , preparations being made in•other loti, as Honsn.NoTra.L-Inir. W. Bowden,. of the . Hattie E. Barkwell has taken a trip to, Listewel, who was. the guest of' Rev. 'W. , er grame are doing very well, •Grrass has I' yet vacant, indicate :that n)ore are to fol- • • Lake Shore Rend, lest w.eelc," eold,:a year- • - . . ... .., • . we:wish her' a' pleasant time .and safe re reit to *hilt her brother and friends, Birks, preached no SandaY last,• with great. acceptance. 'fh-e' many :friends of I 4inn.heavy drankhe colt for the. eum of low, - • . ,, the village, theresbetng °nothing:in. the • ed a, bicycle ' froln Mr: T. Dnle of Blyth. she is recovering trorn ner late illness. It a. quirt. r it -truer ' • ..• - .-Ys... plenchtl-dinntinritorse.•07--ittis-11.7 ails- • • 0 T d ' mit groin's lately as well as .Wire Ontici pitted Mrs. D. Baer will be gtad to lettrn that . - s but will, neverthelessbe a fair crop, ... " SootAn.n-libe 24th pi -sed Off quietly in • torn. Mr. J. Rice, teacher,- hae'perch•as- . ' ' • . 4250. Hee: W.. W. Spading has 'sold his wily of public celebration'diiring the tiny. .Mr,..A.dain Elliott hist three young 'cattle' is! expected that Bee. .W..' lis Moss, Of morni st a lot Of mernbered the -Oen n- l ford, for Inc seta of $175. '-Mr. :John .Lucknowy will preach in the Methodist ty • Council, on their way to ,Goderich, AI In the evehing a social was held in the 'some time ago, and after searching, nevet. Elliott, (son ofReeve.Elliott.), or (+oder- •- Presbyteriae Manse, ..loy. the Ladies'. .A.i'd al day's, he has Only :found two of the/410.7" Church, on- Sunday night,' Parties who hateh .of. initiiaters, botind for the same 1 rich toWnship,, goes nem this planewith. ' of the Church: About siwen.: e'clock,the SCHOOL ltnnpreT..-T131 t% 1110 the one in the habit of ivriting filthylangoap place, and a negro minstrel trounes were O car load.of horse's, to Dakotas this week.. . people conimenced gatheting, and. soon standing of pupils of No .. -7, H.ullett, ter oil the station ,walls hhd better stop, as assembled on the platform or Olititort stat- 'rte. Sobart ph ipped on WednesditY, a ear . not 'far from two hundred ,were dispersing the month .Of May. -.The inarks.are based:- the.-ninliorittes are determined to punish ion, all waitingfor a. train. It ..wo as eit- load ef breediug mares: tonost of . thein. ther l e f dfeI, very . themselves thotighotit the nerious rooms on AttendanCei conduct and. proficiency; such actions. • After 'a heavy freight train uhusuain ukturoifrent eleinente were in .life. .. ' . superier • and hik priced anis. and havinn their inner wnritif amply at- Fourth, Olas&-Aggie Scott 447, Senior- had passed here the either day, a•couple of ... . . , .. . ' '. ' - ' • :- I -trials, -as the foLowing will show .-A tiarn . . . tended to by the you.'ng peciple of the on- ,3rd class, Liiiie. Brown 346, It -Scott 307, narties who were waiting for it Pan up the i101 ID B1 IILI AIRED. -I hat portion 1 ofroan mares, bought front a man near gregatioii.. After- a short interval filled W Murphy.301,*F Little 269, k 'Riddell . setnophor& and when the train stoppedof the eidewalk leading to - Stapleton; ' Dungannon, itt $500 fbne bought rim A. • • Up by social intercourse or amusement,- aS and H . Bryant, 2e2, , A Laundy 239, E for them, a short nistatide fromthe eta-. ' Whichis inside the corporation, should' T. .11•1cDOnald, Hunett, at 225 f . one of -• choke might dietate, Mr, Sutneriend wits Murphy 228., Ade, Brynnt 172, . Juniiir----tions tney.had- not the goodness to walk be repaired. qt 0a60, as it is. in anything Cite,. . Cantelon, Goderich township, at -calten to thechair; and an interestingpro- third .elass.--Loillsa Little 249;• Amelia' dewn, to get on.:. but -Waited for; it to, back . but it safe Condition. The walk, particu $226 'jone.of E. Tighe, Elul 1 e tt, $188' f. •grainme -of music, reading etc.. w.as ren-: Little.248, F Shobbrook ,241„ M Men'ittie 'up for thein ; when •trainthen . are its ire. larly citi Sundays, is tee pleasant a. elle tO One oeD. MalnenziesBeucefield, $166, and .dered. • A pleasing feature of the eveping. 240, 'N. Bell 234, '%l Mille -1.'232, Katie. Lft- . .comitiodatingas they are it is the least `..lie ignored, and aeseffort should be ,macle, a 2,yr-old eiitire Glanatlian• colt' 'of . Mr: wai the rendering of Kindergarten songs, tie 227, R Kelly -188, Hilda Nelson.178, the nublic cen do; to ehow essimilar 'spirit, to keep the entire streteh oe sidewalk in, Youghill,'Huron Read, for $336.• by some of the. Village' childnen, under the J Scott 146, - G Brunsdon 114. Sewed ' " . •' .- - . s' • . ' Nottint 'Hunox TEA.Citints' Assocni-: 'able guidance of their teacher Miss Mins: class.--GsCuming.246.Arberta-ShebbrOok.' .• • .:. ,:- '., • : s EA 001V111. , . . . • -, Elss•r liffieir F..tivarnits! IsteTnewrn,-- Tio,-.1.,-Theregulin'ann.uel meeting ofthe..: ,• • ......-...--- . . ., . s__„....:___.... - '', . • ... : . good tenaii. • • ,:. .... -every respect , satisfactory ' to , all. . fhb :raY; The iodial Was brought., tO a close .-235; •Jamets.CaldWell.- - • - •'; ' ' - , • ‘• ' • ' • • about half.Past ten, ii..rul:sseetned to be in , -. vARN:10. 1.,ene grocer-in-toisol,-the-eallytolosing move--e-lau 1117w48 P0qt•--tEe-b4llte rCeei-ved-a-r • W.O:N7 '.1' (.4.014.A.—On aecount of'the *dines>, ,• Through the kindness -of Mr.. Kerr, of' proceeds amounted to more than twenty, font dollars. • • TUCKERSaliTII. Somt STATISTICS. -Total acreage, 40,- 800; Cleared, 34,731; population, • 3,010; between 21 and -GO, 543; children 6 to 16, 759, 7 to 18, 336, 16 to 21, 325 ; cattle, 5,- 088; sheep. 2,229; hogs, 737; horses, -4484-clogs,4164-no-of acres in fall wheat 8,735;. no. of days statute labor, 3,229; assessed values -real property; $2:059,170,, personal property; $168,400, total $2,227 - . 0 BRIEFS. -Mr. Robert Peacock, of the London read, near Granton, contemplates buildieg a new residence this summer; the Material is on the -ground, and work .will he comMenced immediately. Mr. •Themes Fowler has raised up his: barn; , for the 'purpose of putting atone stables underneath. It will not be many years before cattle, in.this, part of the country, will •. all Jpe :comfortably housed in .warin stables, during -the winter, for feral -ware realizingthat open sheds and, straw statics 'cle• not afford the shelter necessary for %tock; since the woods have been tut away. Miss Cousins left on Tuesday, on a`vialt-to-frientle--n-t-Wit-nghtun and °Wird:7 We congratulate our esteemed. friend, W. B. Broadfoot, on bis entry into the ranks of the benedicts, and trust that, lie May realize the, - fullest, anticipations of :his henes, and that-his--enly-trettbles-in-elife- may be 'little ones." Tommismint COurr • RiwtsioX Coumm.-Tho court of revision met on the 25th May. there was only one appeal, that of James Lamdsborough, which after examination and parties being heard, was reduced from $2,800 to $5.600,and theroll as so amended was dimity pass- ed as the reviSed assessment for 1880. The ebunell met at 2 o'clock p. m., for the transac- tion of ordinary business, Ithen the clerk Was instructed to notify pathmaeter W. 5. Mundell, to °spina the statute labor of lots Sand 003011,8, on the side line between said lots, and that t110 BUM of $20 be granted to assist opening said road. &moo McGee was appointed pathinaster in Egmondville, in place of David sproat, and Wip.Qum I 110g le placeof„Andrew-•Storey.--Ten -Toads Of gravel Were allowed to be applied on Bayfield and Church streets. between eentro street and the and eon.• The assessor was 444atiS3Ationgli-alt of 13-ansiraler-°ary al"thi"s assassoaer"folrnietil. ngs. Voi_11:1).7 .01i adjourned to meet again at ties mil of the reeve. w. isfasorinell, clerk. BRIEIF,-We have been well supplied with eetertaininente in the town hal 1 Lately .nis less than nine evenings' entertain- ments within. a month ; coiincil funds will besonsewhrit increased thereby. -Rev. Mr. Keeferdis to give one of his popular lec- tures on Temperance, on Thursday,* the 3rd inst., under the gliSpieeS Of the W. 0. T.U. Three delegates from hero ittended the Scott Act convention in Clinton, on Friday. Some of Our citizens aro talking of taking in the great musical. demonstra- tion in Toronto, . When it Opens. , Our streets are now being watered, and °eery one seems pleased to see it as it was almost impossible to breathe fresh ftir sometimes for the dust. Mr: Rock..ey and family left town last week for their tiOw home on the farm. Scott's old bank is haying quite a different appearapce now, and Will soon be ready for oecttation by the new pro- prietors, Mts. McCance and Mrs. Ander. son. Mr. Campbell, tailor, has his work rooms above S. Gracey's furniture store until he can get sanother shop. Our reeve and deputy -reeve are attending the county cotincil this week, at Goderich. A. Law- rence, of Ii 1,, ryas in town last Saturday; ahd we imps Ile may nave a profitable he reports business lively' in his town. •seario. . . .. .. , meet his been a faillire. He • signed the. re- r Port or the ineetinT of the Farmers' In - Ir ntotT .STI,Lts-,4• respectable 'farmer; ,qn,est ot the clerks, bat when. lie found that a- Stittitd,',/tt-nroxeter, on Ji last, but. on the.Parr line, was a., week ago waited. contain thin who'keeps ice cream rooms and it is too long to use folthis 'issue,: Agreng. upon by. a Man. :desiring • einnlonifient.• Oonfectieriery,mnich was more thenWas ex- , the papers -read were,•eoe, onForestion by Having a• few •posts which he Wished to peeted; did' not sign:, he declared that he i Mr, Gibson,, M.. P. P.; . Wheat . Gahm& by have planted, the job was let. " Upon the would net eleee ins place of business earlier .1 Mr. Streehan,. Grey ; and Grasso, by Mr.. completion of thework the tatbeerentark- . • able request *as made that the farmer --Would allow the stranger to secrete upon his premises a 'whiskey. still, which .wits,Of .course,!.refused,• Very .grove suspicions are. entertained, -however, that 'although refused in the above instance, permission,: has been obtained elsewhereseid, that a good deal of this illicit business,is •going on: It is even leered' that some of' the; products are finding .their way to ehrtem:- perance betel: ••• .. • „ . ,Bninvs.-Faimers,haVe been bheY dur- ing the past. Week ,with their road week, 'and While. I am on thisspoint,Mr, ,Editm,. allow me to 'remark, that if .arty of,your readers .are • fond Of driving,: they cannot find. a bitter road in Huron county, or Z believe, any othercomity„.than the lead- ing road through this village: -Varna . is favored twice .a week regularly with visits from two butchers, two fishment-nd eon baker ;What conveniences movie 'weld be even desired in this'partimilar line. Hos, *Unties have again opened'. e with Mr. Petate.bug, and Pima Green -promises to be in great demand o the best extermina- torof this destructive insect. Judge Toms. visited our village, on .Tuesday last,. for. the purpese of reViSing the Vciteterliat,arid Wriolighr-Ifinert--begif-eWeenerliie some brought a large number' of persons to the place, Rev. A. E. Smith left for Colder- ence early on Wednesday. morning,. and •will not be baeksfor about a week; James Wanless, sr., accompanied .him, having been appointed as member of a delegation to.the County Council in re -Scott Act en- forcement. All lovers Of good laive are 'longing for the day to come when the Canada Teniperanee, Act will have fair play, at the bands Of thctie whose duty if is to arrange for IN enforcement, but erne -by-their dillY:tIallYing-dallying shown only tee plainlythat they hare no Sympathy with tts grelythrsistiecieshae..scome_when_.Elliettsatrs-Kerr is-Visitiii spent a few days with his brother, Thomas ll . -friendsinanliet Illistgreatt-cluda ion o pre ii • ition o 110 re, royer VS visiting • er ( aug ter,. Mrs. W, liquor traffic ought to outweigh All others Molidng. We were visited on Monday -by.- our in the •exerelse of the ,franchise •, Whether towliship:fethers.;•they were around examiniog fen* •political, or • 'municipal, or evea educe. tstcreci tieleader ; ballnieVIgligt orti•l-scieicrree 1.•leetAiriteirs : tional oflieers in our 'county. •Consider- few.) will need some repairs. The timber foal, ing We are tinder . this regime of the Scott thenew bridge is coming in very slowly.- • A Act?, and ours is a teMperance 0) hotel, great number of sheep -have been svaalted-iiiithe being often full. of teams and the bar 1;.{"' daturas:4r Morning. N a had a nice shower of rain on Wednete there me a great many callers, the sheds The river is getting very. seldom empty..... liWioen. Rrnio:id be very glad ta nmant will be given' by the pupils of our of a visit from the inspentor oecitsienally. 'school en -Friday evening i the pregismingewill . •—........ . : . consist of readings, recitations, dialogites, music,. litCd "AtabOr bf sui-ta--;°fanY in the eelt11/0 aa Lin r nder the road safe and con-• . etc. • Our Sunday Se/wolves opened last Sun . , Ingham toming ne b _ ourt had • the lat. pismeedings were onlyPeonteinplated hi the'bvent orefvetereqoau8nrceiltreinesisig to make such reasonable. . o,nd „stated that legal isty morning, htit we need moreyet. An day morning morning for the 'first time this season 317, for 811,832 . W vementior the travelling' ' ' sick for some months past, died 'on Sunday DEATIL-Mrs. Xraeliog, who hire bete it will open every •Sunday morning at • 9.30••••• Mr, Thos. Gledhill sold the lot beside the ' ; for amottnt claimed, ,... , . , • road WAS 110W CI . BASE„ LINE ITEIni..-A8 We seldom 'see. tthlic council repo re Mig carried t to thaenng iteiroantiielv ihtpfhulioeac, ;14fteent• :des loadrtielal , teen, in Blyth cemetery. She was apiece opposite 'aft, iduiei,B4,0.7'4z!?w,I.ugg.1.,'1127: Any nerve from our liner,' thought a few seeisexnenea,:llaaveYsilso spggested for the cioelisidu‘ t'li8 night; ,and was buried.on Tuesday after- nrilerlInonn cong,1%istrie acre to Mr. Pfram- .........• ill 1.....--- TAOS. GOOd 11015 since purchueed the two, Iota from Mr, Gledhill. Business is still rushimo at items - would Themes McI.Iveen has raised ,si, none neW _ _llet be .. out of place -Mr. f the lanronfit t'las purebesing • of a way %%1).z:inn .. r,n1sInalsterel d cOnnecting thiS ' Of Mrs, Cullis; of Myth. • the limo works: Tom is fining his seventh li in. ,. , : 1 barn. Mr D• Tiplady has raised hishOttio the Maiden conce: ' road from a i t ar the 7alaitlanciriverovith . . uesday Oth inst,, at 3 p. 'in, ; nose of the neigh- searive eer, Tiplady and 31r. Jas St 1?owcelln, en Wilalocttleacci ci arta ertcePe s 01011R.trititi. TO Waist:us P Sherlit's sale of buggy And harnesci,bere on Wed- and is otnertnise Improving It,. Mr, F. listening to Mr, tarned foie 'Dakota ; he does notilVin isega:i4,10glatitolit,:mritv,Ilekit Lenneseshanatinel telt up .how board and Nide; reit ?e,eirri weft needed, and to eAtini40.84eleNi'DhAt Bilintras-Mr. Nitholas &Al& hatnre tors arOf in trouble, but the sheriff has no doubt their members to visit toe CN - very faeotalile accounit of the plane, Mr. ler makes Ong the 'tent of their farms which lownensIsedoalng Thn menillern of the e' ellen erx°'' slie. Will soon be around again, Mr. Then Whin; lie IittrifigiiiPaVOIT111,T1Peri"81v. net worth 6 cent, That Lu Smith cOineres tow Nieto y interested--6iiiteMi.titi s road our IS op the sick list, 0111 111 lee/Panted-that tigst.e.ng utet with a illight.acelden one dag liv•lit .I, MEI f „lidtontwnn thii base Iiiie sometimes. And ti t of the' Hayfield lilies- who Iiiiit tezn4,espegal• grant`of oVili-011tIbilinciaie5datliretdii rletning has not gone to Scotland yet for ritIntpgiltcl'ingt Illiitirliii. North Huron Teachers', Association 'will e-beld in 111 er•Cent, ai Sifficroi-,--Brue-sels; on Thursday and Friday,:. 3 une.:19..th And • ' 11th. ' The Executive Corninittee will. submit the &nerving nrogramme,s-P_resis dent's address, 14Ir. 1>. 31. MaireCh ; '"dele, gate's repot, 'Mr. J: C. Lin klateI-; tree. - :surer s. report, Mr. •NY: L: Groves ; draw- :* •- • . 1 AlcMillan, Hullett, • . ling, Mr. ,T.- W. Shaw; arbor day, _Mr. W. . . ai ure. Lexv. -A: man named Hell, of this'place, . whio has shown signs of being afiangerous -- Toole IT V/CP VERSA -Ab t t 'd EsGrotes; education .from a nioral stand- ' , wit), r man near Limerick, in the tewn- 'lunatic, and not Safe to leavo at large, •was taken • to Goderieli gaol by Coostable Dunlop ; Brill) of SfsPhsn' was laid up with a lame on the Queen's birthdey. His helinination. back. A doctor prescribed a Itninient for being that he has wanted.to Marry several of llit back ad a tonic for his stomach, but in tow,. he reversed. the orders of the doctor., and the ingat.prominent. young . ladies The day of his arrest, he drove to a certain young ladies' place Of residisdee, and wishsd for her company for a drive, Lbut on being re-. fined he attempted. suicide. - ' Dam -vs. -Miss Etta Duncan left last Tues- day on a visit, to friends at Wingliaintand• Brantford. The Rev, Jas. Braley and •Mr. W. M. Gray left en Tubiday for Goderich, .to attend the Guelph-confereiree-meeting there. it is expected that a minister frank the conference meeting at oderich this week, will preach in the Methodist church here next sSunday. The Rev. • Mr. Gray of IVindsor,•of; fieiated at the sacramental services in the Plabyterian cliureh last Sunday; he also oc- clipied the -pulpit in the eVening. The Royal Tempters of this place, will give a musical en. tertaininent We, town hall on Tuesday eve- ning_next,in_connection...with retary's visit here, Mr. W. W. Buchanan', who will address thu-mecting on the bene'fits and object of the order. The Rciyal Senigambian Mtostrel Company played: .here on Thursday evening Of Mat' week to a fakaudienee. The watand played on'. the Recreation Grounds last • Friday evening; they intend playing there every' Friday:eveoilig, weather pormitt7 .ing,.during the summer months, lamps etc., are to be erected for their accomodation; the grounds are nicely situated and itis dsplendid place for the people of town to spend an eve- ning once a week. • BOXILTai • applied the tonic to his. baek; and the liniment te his steeled. But for • the tiniely efforts of the doctor, it woult1 have been all the medicine he would have re- quired hereafter: ' • • , Nor -DEAD Yr. -The 'Mitchell Advo- cate saye,iind- we can endorse it :--With a view of securing his customers riyal:ped- lers ho.ve reported that Mr. W. Marten, of Clinton, is .dead. ' We are glad to 'learn tl3at Is not only livingsbut. is as lively ae.a spring chicken, nnd will soon. 'Visit Mitchell and neighboring townships. Those having old rags, etc, should await his Call, for they have known's him, for years as an upright and .honest min, His word can at all times be relied on,and the articles exehanged are of. the. very best Canadian menu actiire. ResTonsetele Or -rsTOLnx DROPEETY. _ -A.botit. two years since a volume �f MA- cauley was taken from the book rack in -Dickson's store, and although search was multi for it high and low, no trace of it could be found. On a couple of occasions the series could. have been sold, but for the fact that is was broken by the abeencp... of this volume. .The other day Mr. Dick- son - was agreeably surprised to find that the book had been restored to its place, and was little the worn of its two years' usage. W. hoever had used it as ft good Maede.1 ikslowly recovering 'judge of literatilre, for it is net 'everybody Mrs. T. Elliott is very ill at present; Mrs 'las, who reads Macauley. Johnston is aLso on the sick list NI Elliott,' -who has been nttendila anlin Totolito-Ulitf, • --Misr:5X ” versity, and who is well known in this section, lowing particulars asi3toMiNthele8g:nt.liTtliTinfe°81:" transacted by he eleven Diinsion Courts. • point; 111r. McKay; orthoepy for en- trance class, Ur.. A. 13arehill connective use of "an," Me. W. E. Groves I disouesion of reading circle; time tables for ungraded schools; Mr "W. G. Duff; subject an-' named, 'Mr. 1V. Steen; et ; election cif officers FARBIVEhr,SLIPPER.----A goOdly nurober of the members of Clinton Lodge, No., 83, I. 0. O. F., attended the •farewell sup- per even, to qoe.of their /number, Mr. G.; L. Diehl,, at the Grand Union hetes:on-. Friday 'evening last.. The. Chaiewas• oc- cupied by Ur, A. H. Mannifig,•-and after: drinking the' nusioniaryloyal toasts, he' proposed " Ocfcliellowthip the World over," ' to which replies were given by Messrs. John' Sniith, Thos. White and J:Robin- son; the first named giving a lot of infor- mation covering a nurnber of years, "Our country" was responded to by Messrs. 1. . rayler and .W. Moore. In introducing the toast, "0ur guest,"the chairmanmade- a 'neat speech; alltidin,g to Mr, Diehl's ; connectiorewitIrtneorder--, his high-inorat Worth, and the fact that he carried away .the hest wishes of the entire, comneenity: Mr. Diehl made a briefresponse. , "Our Ledge" was referred to by Messrs. Wor- .sell, Sharman, S. Smith, Jr.. W. Jones. "Tile ladies!" were honored by Messrs. W.. Mein:owe, Logan, Alcock. and R.W. Coats. "Our town'," by Messrs. Worsell, Mercer, ,l'arnuharson, M. nether. The PteSS'' by the iNTAW,ER.A. representative., Wiesen. Cele and Sones gave songs during the evening,: and 1.ti% • X. ;Smith a: reading, Theaffair was a'vei7 pleasant social gath- ering,,condudted on cold -Water principleS, and broke up at a reasonable hour with ' the singing of the wationAl Anthem. itextfiln-Kriaa::=X6 - of the Graderich triwnshinecuncil held. on 7Sat- urday last at HolmosVille a letter from Mr. Jr. -Baer and othsrs legal proceek Inas against die -.Court InspeU:-- hying in Colhorpe township, was le. tor,hitiIL t 9 , ?vet IP: t°00rift sfscuZefaditm:11-sa transcripts:NeDn.v.e ori It'd's: un $ i t s. eentere, d, ex - amount owiathipto enforce the repaireaclingiertl. l',..mi Holmes amount :Powell was tM the rad, threatening of that part of the NO, of Wits entered where th195rtil a ofeuitors' money paid(!ifoit'oti'dcgbo6n3ttr17,-84t8;2N31,7a59:s9r0a;f;. rde\---':iirauel:senti-11111g'ttra3.'isIs:Cetit°°,1ernsbaspgal°81114 I . reniiinly. elialf nf les elients in the judgment •summonses matted, matter, and w the privilege f d e a emit ex. , e council. Ile point I . c a ' mount extended onsi.bility. which Taecstentlittonlatitielnini ceeded $1,00, l; No. of trials by jUries, 9ctincli tlic ei tne matter of the r pair of ' public' 5; amount $61 ' CIL paid- to Division 'Court juries, roads in the touinshi • gen DivisionCourt ' son has his creamery rnnning in fall blast there, ana .111 AO (10111gtil0 tig was imset and Tomtny, whet. bl the matter ?. •nlr,Herbi. wae foi,feltiagt 1,t1f711tVirlitilinirillaeltIOLX1 that long looked for loed of ponion-why the oeyupente were thr damage e ai none to mew 1)"."' los ,eseallea with Ate own our. Port:mate) , time lir motuipon don fy at air. ,.!wo.portiou of 0111;01;tibt, weather. Yre srhiantgt -:Wr °es' aro thte2t getting wderY 10_8 art _great ienprovements What thO ivotilltublityant.;anoortivol:it,sht,f,a,:v.ileo.rttlinle to maiden sttel; lost young til aax ( t 2Ith •lit towh, wan found tie _ b ohne, dhManehester-Com [We b t 1 y on the rts betwon Clinto ogled oul 0s 0. `1-..) n better mole season to put this road in We aro glad cthe to make kiiveffort tl ' When repaired it *ill I,,ss Sanies Whitely lost o valuable-colt-1ot- tt_iiitil(FirPrigettert'aLVolgasigaittr°111'. aso -as theitsineano- week. Mrs. Win. Butler,. of the 16 cons Glass, to Mg• I•lolresholfirCfnotge,bgrg,'424).' , 110 is to ear from o very villeytivy t' 111 at I it .1 advantage,. to ltoymes.„ •