HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-28, Page 7.1.6!..11•1°_ FRIDAY, MAX 28, 1880. • ea; whose trade mark, has for yeaxa been a red flag with the word t Bread, Tb C111:4iir and Tho New Bennett, inwhite letters across the Way, has Ve- ..A foolish lime maiden, bought a foolish little. eently been' obliged to change the red bonnet, , for blue, in order to save Iii a pktrenage. With a ribbon and a feather and a bit of lace * There are lots of people who mix their religion with business, but forget to stir it up well, The business invari ably rises to the top as a result. The president of a Philadelphia street railroad gives, as an excuse for discon- inning night trips, the reason that tak- ing teams in and out of the stable would .disturb the slumber of the other horses. mien it ; Andthat the other maidens of the little towu might know it, She thought she'd go to meeting the tint Sunday past tershow it - But though the little bonnet was peace larger than a dime, ° The getting of it settled preyed to be a work of time ; '-So *ben 'twat) fairly tied, all the bells had stopped their ringing, Tlur--Wesleyan Missionary Society of And when dm game to the meeting, sure Ireland are hesitating about accepting enough, the folks were singing. - the goof $4,6,000 offered them by ;Tohn 1.. i So this foolish little maiden stood and waited Wilson, A 'wealthy manufacturer, be, 1 at the door, . cause he made his money in the whiskey Andshe shook her ruffles out behind, and linsiness. smoothed -them -down before. - • ....".tliallelelahl hallelujah -I" -sang the choir While a .Southern military company above her head. was in camp recently near Augusta, Ga., "Hardly knew you r bardly knew you ,., • were one of the privates ilia& more than his the words she thought they said. • expenses by opening" a barber Shop, • This made. the little. maiden feel So ''-f.reiy, where he advertised 'a shave and a hard very cross, " • lionoa-egg for, ten cents.' : • That she ,gave her littli moutli..a twist. her little head a toss . The virtue (41 Carbolic Acid for , nealia" ; - r . • cleansing and purifying is well lenoWn .; bu For she thonaht the very hymn they sang, SlinS from the many mocles of applying it, the pub, all about- iter_b_onafilt - lials..oncertain..how hest to use it. To meet With the ribbon, and the teather, ana thebtf• lq' that want, McGregor et. Pars Carbolic Cora() • of lace upon it. is prepared, and may be used with confidence. Do not be anisled,. Take only MCGregni it And she would not wait to listen,to6the, rat Varlce's Carbolic cerate, Sold- at Ccanbe's • Mon or the prayer,. Drug- Store. But pattered down the silent street. and. bur. A little Scotch'. -boy, on being•reseued road up the stair, . • • r•------Till-she-reached- her little bureau, and in a by a bystander from ti 'Now York dock bandbox on it, '• ... . into which • he had fallen, expressed Had hidden safe from critic's eye, her foolish heartfelt g,ratitude, saiing :- -c I'iri so • little bonnet. '. . . olad ycitt.got• me opt.. What a likin' I . . . . . . Whickproves, my little maidens, that each ' of you will find," - . • In every Sabbath dervice hilt an -eche of your. And the silly little healthat's lilted with .silly little airs ' *•• .'. • ' . - Will never get a „blessing ' from !sermon •Or from prayers. • * • Precept am' Exftmple. • ' • • , • Examples must o liana in land with '' precepts, if yo expect mon Wilma our' 'advice. -Few persons .are gifted with such discrimination that they can Sep- arate the preaCher fieni his serthon. It is in vain for him to pay, AO as I:tell you, and not as I do,' for deeds are more ,...- influential °Vetthe average man than words.' Ari anecdote associated with an English infssionary and 4:Iliac:all chief brings out feebleness of words when not backed up by deeds... •• The Maori of New Zealand liayebeen physically and deinoralizect in character by drink. The missionaries went among.„ them .and :subdued: their ...savageness. The way, thus opened was • soon travelled by the Whiskey -trader. .•The-uppetite-fordrinktwas-deatedi4ral- ' though the missionaries fought ft.---thq: • lost the' battle. . '• • • • , They fought at a great disadvantage, fora majority of themwere not, them- ' • selves total abstainers, and the' Maori could not distinguish between. the use - ,t. and the abuse of drink:* • •Tokoi, a Maori chief, was brave, tree, honest, but he could not resist rum.. He, was the intimate friend of the English missionary, who -many titneel.was•grieved, by finding the chief drunk.: . ••-••• 'Tokoi' he said to .hirn,at last, lovC you much, you. good•man. :Don't drink ,firewater. If yon dO, %Tol will Jose, pro, perty, you Will lose yeur. eliareioter,eyou, ' will lOsearour health and -in the end your --Nily;TOkoi-csv.atie"11*:.that, yon , your; immortal_ • Tokoi listened, 'went away,- anct Irois moths the- missionary saw nothing of Bpt he was not far off ; he knew THE POPULAR ry Goods liou,se, CPINTI)ESJE$4:0)1Et C4-)R..A.INT313 SITCCidRS: MILLINEllir AT FELL . . •Our fall staff of hands working over -time. Something charming in the latest osle Reo,dy Made Suits N EW YORK & e Which we introduced two weeks'ago are nearly all Sold, and .• . . CH STYLES . to -day we open thesecond consignment. 'We- find that the A. Magnificent assortment (if SILK GAUZES AIGRETESi PLUMES 'LACES ., • FLOWERS, •EIBBON§,___ORNAIVIENTS and TRIMMINGS of OTery.- dee- cription, and of the very 'finest quality to elms° from. Beesley's popular .. -low prices.- does it —'' • . cut and style are right and the, workmanship excellent, while prides place them within the reach of all persons, 14v,ho require a suit of any land. " • A Fairly Good -Suit, first-class cut, $6. •- A Good.serviceable -Tweed Suit, Nice colors, $7 A Dandy Suit, fit to be worn onyour wedding -day for -$10:- • . A FULL- ANi)-CaNIPLIT11.: WORSTED & TWEED • Oogings watt have 'free thy- mithei.• if T. he'd been. A. id. STRIPED TROWSERINGS for f '1 1 , department!. • dreened.' • • - • The, opinion. is entertained now by many men of science that the :art' of Making stone for struettiral.- purposes is prehistoric, and that the pyramids were, in fact, built of artificial blocks manu- factured from the surrounding plain; '‘ An immense swarm, of \Oat Seemed to be Atha bugs passeclover Scott town- ship, Ind., on Sunday, going eastward. Thoy-, flew about ten feet from -the theoiceret clothing We have the neatest thing in STIFF HATS, NECKWEAR, LINEN and CELLULOID COL- L.A.RS and CUFFS, and SILK SQUARES. KmlJy 16o. tliroito;11. Our Stock before -Guying, yq111' Outfit, • • • .. eel'.outid streain 200 rods wide, and b , . • were over two hours in •passing. They • made a noise as of a storm • • • , • Georgia planters kill a • good f. many :crtiWP,. and the way of doing:it* thus. described :•--4 (latch Ono -of the, birds, tio itto your body, and .walk through the:field -with yotir gun cocked aiid fin- ger on the trigger, Tho dries of the bird • . - • will cause others of its tribe to ileek . • , 'around you, and they an then be cagily" • the missionary's habit, and was biding his own time fora reply. One . stormy n'tle came home drenched shivering. Af- ter puttiug on dry clothebe-tught- -: Jie would make sure of escaping,..0Old• by drinking a glass...of whiskey -punch. Jnst as 40 had &impounded the • door opened, . and tilertattooed ,fitee of • Tokoi• looked in. . •• • I a .pea itt the. windpipe' which, fitted so -mule BOOTS and SHOES just arrived fur the spring trade. A fresh assatment of WALL 1 ' .. • , ' • • • shot! , , • • ,• 1 was a suffer and know tlie benefit 1 re- ceived from Giles' Liniment Iodide' Am- monia and Giles' .Pills. I would aclyise all chronic sufferers who have failed -to oh. tam re def and beenronource tact -ma, e: .to write' the Doctorc:whe will. without L. 0 y IIMETT LONDESBORO. BEE$LEY'$. Millinery Emporium „ . . Mrs. A, Fischer, {su.c7"} M. Ficher, The Liesit,cling. I beg to announce that I have opened out in the TAILORING • TRADE, where you can rely on getting the latest .goods cut. • in- the latest Styles by MR. M.TISCHER; as Cutter and. Manager. Thanking you all for thopitronage extended to him, hoping to receive the same in the future. Fine. range of goods to choose from.- Cheap for cash, As 1 ani not in a position to do anything else. See our' WORSTED_ Pantings & Scotch TWEEDS ' Hes. A. Fischer,Prop. 111 Fischer itlallat3wer. . 9 • • • 4 ronto • • • .• • 1 YEARS -ESTABLISHED. , ..• " • •.• NEW DRUG STORE]. The on1y iiannfactiirers. of 17.1W • - • • . ."- ••-; .11.032.i"ConaltiCting Steel:. . • 111:111e; g tore in • • ' ••' • • „ . . . • • OFAC.4.;16.0S ourOn... Sire 'et! new styles. of pireproof7 Safes are fitted with. an AIR, CHA.MBER. to -• charge proscribe and give auch instructions u our as will make speedy cute.' The ,Dootor's Two:doors West of the City Book Store, -where svill be found a eomplete assort- prevent dampness to papers. A large assortment of SECOND' HAND SAFES. merit of Fine DRUGS anct CHEMICALS,,also PATENT MEDICINES and f°1 addreskis Rei Q482; N. Ir.. P. 0, Jastns DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. ' All that the:: nay ask for in _these lines. , ' sale at low -prices and on easy terms of payment.. Catalogues On applicnition. 117 !Ind -119 Fieont, treot,..East, • K. Jimin, Lamposa Springs, 'eXcts. Sold by• all clruggists...• .‘ .* • A very . peculiar , accident; resulting fatally, occurred to' Harry, oldest: son of Mr.. *l'ames.EMiot„ of Warwick, a, couple of weesago :ae was Playing in a field • wI&r1i inn a .splin ter -into Ieg,and 1.4t the,fitat from the knowledge of his ;Pare' uta, Tim sore • festered and when ECI3JiS bf this City,With Dr. Stevens: Watford, worn stun mimed it was bund that lodkjaWf had set in),.nd that nOttifio &add be done to save.hia The ' other ..daY,.;.according • to the • • . • • . . ' • . • . . • , - anti „acturers o C)0ItS, 1 LOORIN Gy SID (NG, • lialf of age, who was standing near the ' _ that he has jest receiv.ed a splendid assortment of • • P. eli'angecl f'roin residence to Drug Store. , • A. WORTI-IIN.C4-TON, Clilton. ikbui Qi., Eateiprise, the youngest . . _ • ominiort lanin e ore coopr .& ,gwa :tcirri15'103EtiEtC)W SUCCESSORS : ' child . of • Ale. Dodge, bla.cksmith ' ' STEVENS & .SON. • CLINTON Vtordonville 't boy „-tbout a yea 71117tharikino his numereus customers fortficir Pationarge in the lint, beos to ain o triridr-; kitchen. • stove apparently quite. well,' - • - • • , . • , • • . fell suddenly an the floor and was • . FRAINIES, RicxgTS; „a;., and all kinds of • • .k4-3111AT CF001:38-- • • '".• observed to be gaSpinc• km breath. Iii „• interior and,:Exterior Finishing. LATH'. ancl SHIN,CaiES- kept- - little face became diaorted and after-+- . - • Itco:ifrinsixet LATEST NovELTiEs IN • • • on 11U11-1-.- on -Wellington -SC opposite 'Woollen Milt 'two or three struggling efforts to t breathe he expired. The parents being TWEEDS DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, 41.1BLINS, GING1-1A1)1b, I I • •• PLANS AS:ii-IPECIFICATIONSPREP4 RED. linable To surmise: the 'cause ' of 'the i• E3IBROIDERIES, SHIRTINCS, COTTONA.DES, DT1'018 DENIMS • child's- death', sent Tor Dr,. Robinson, of - • • ; • ' • that) place Wlie upon eXaMillatiolifOillidtt14.14EDS speCialty, ands first-class Tailor whogyarantees -A full supply of .harid ; S. 4104:Noper".S'17. 4. Swaflield. , . PAPER, newest patterns, Little father,isaid he entering, 'don't •exactly in tile passage as to ina.lee'broath- . • , • - • •-s, drink fi re • Water. -If 'you drink , i•rnpo4ale HAS. CRUICKSHANK, • • •• : • - • Aly Stock Of GilOCEItIllti 'is IN•ew and Fresh: 'fry -Our . cent Younk TBA, best • ter, little father,.yen. willjese• your pre • perty, character, and 'yoitr health. Per- haps you will lose life: • Nay, little fa- ther, you will lose -hut that shall not be. Your immortal soul is more pre - than mine. The drink will hurt have also purchased a large qbantity alb° BLUE T'N, TAG BINDING TWIXV :\N'asltnigton thspatch-Pays When the ' Capitol .11nildingwas opened. •to: visitors thin morning it•- , quiet and' nnobtruisive-looking than of about 26 yeara'of eigie .was in. waiting at , the retuticla door,. and. entered with the little value ever offered- to the public. .1.1A11,DWARL. CEOC.I.C.BRY and 0 LASSWABB, a full LAITINE and 011OyN OIL Or maChinery, always on hand, an& everything .usually kept in ifirst*clasa•country store. COAT, OIL 26 cents per gallon. highest maket -price pact in tradelor BOGS, OATS, citc, Come one and all and ,inspect'my • . stock. No trouble to show goods. . • me less than it will hurt you. To save , - • t a•round.of sightseers and made his: way - Best in the market, which I offer at the loidipliossible rate. your soul, 1 will.drink :the • fl..-. d, ow•e' • • - • , thyself,' And he • this clerk retreat the stranger removed , • :710SEPH'. moimow9 every .artiele :of clothing, and a few . I have iidsv on hand one of the Laivest; .Bost and most :Complete Steck% of BOOTS and. SHOES, ever* displayed in Clinton,. and will sell • thorn at the very . V.Xl6."..A, March ,Iti, 1880, • Lowest ossible _a..--.TE.,YouLwant•good-valturnr-Bmits --and S1Tass11-15ifils , and yea will not be disappointed., T arn sti11rnnkng the • - .• . • Celebrated Rand Sewed Boots tnintites later rani ont into the. rotunda • _NEWS NOTES, . ia perfealy nitdire-endifien. . room - Detroit is Valued by: the a4seii3ars -ing•-t'o-thedircular Marble slab that -marks •• • • - • the center cif the rottaida the Man struck $1.33,4,22, 930. no' • • claSsa; attitude and -vowel motionless A now name in Encbind for becilcs.of • t he yen nY-cl readfar sort is 'shinier -shock- hi thei: ,„ as a statue., A mime ' • %ere - ers. g . an to, luip eenian made • n. rush for the 1 merchants teccprevide thoil• lady e s nntle visitor, enveloped his frame in a waterproof cloak and hustled him down into , the basement.' The diaearded wardrobo ' was gatherld together, and the than; after being partially dressed, was turned. over to the police and taken away in the patrol wag,on. Ire made no, explanation of his conduct, but was evi.,4 - with- seats. Mr. Moody :is raising $200,0,00 to start a training school at Chieago, for evangelizing work among the masses, .. An ex•scas captain wlie Call talk in 4-ssix languages,' advertises 1109 YOi-k for a position as theater of a canal boat. Stooks tumble' and go down, . but the lambs bloat for their regularshearing as though they never had. been be- fore. • • • • ••• The work of burying' the wires •of the , telegraph and telepl4t."Ornies •eps, orating in Chicago is •.progresiting With ' marked rapidity, The SaVannah News that the re icon why Southern ' then•• wont' their hair long is to keep 'the' sun front ton-. ning tieek,z, .\n illuitratson •,t the tc-uper A'', the dently insane.• slagsaaa.mr-,reenwirtne•krwr-,- ,Anivir, licteVaials,•--Are yott dis`turbed. . a night and hrokeu of -your rest by. a sick • child suffering rend crying with(fain qt Cutting . Teeth 't If so send at once art get & bottle of • F MUTE ST • . • • "Which are se favorably knoWn to require AO counient. All kinds of custom ,•A•ts a.4`.4 Aka ' - _ ,.• work•promptly attended to; and at reasonable prices, • NEXT' Do011, TO ,TBE 1160X STORE, OLINT03, BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES; - SIDEBOARD.% WXAIRS; Sze., , ANI4 A O'iMERAT. ASSOP.T.N1ENT V8ttY 13EST 111ADT4 FIrRNITVRE AT • nEASO:Nii.M11 PRIM, '1/./..*Yr.••••••••••••••••,..17- • 310 • CIFIXDJEau-sr. " Ntrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ren Teething. Its value incalettlable. It about it It cares 3)ysentery and Blarney& t (111c,..softetts the ()mos, reduces failammation am gives tone and energy to the whole system, , ren teething is pleasant the taste and is the . " Wiuslow's Soothing. ;syrup," for ehild- prencription of one of the oldest; fttul best female illijyieitins stud itur*,eft in Ile Unitstd titates, and t.o. I);t• ellthio.,ists throughout the world. will reitevo-the.poor-littlet-sufferet itnetretlitttely;, :Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no Mistake rtstvlates the Stomach end 'towels Carel% Wind A in oric,. n eaaritin;i• Anarchism 1,11(4: f.;ent:; bola.. lie Imre anti fifind hi til„tt: • qirl" "3 !, • t. ti•:1111. Lif • t 5 'Plat CENT orr tort CAsn". ' • Etai" Tajo:N. iN Exnua.gull Goomi. oil C. Cruickshank, the Boot Ilakero.4 ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCIC, CLINTON ' Chan; e of Business tIllf1R111114$11.411111fillIllltl! • I. The utideraigued begs to notify 4law""a!"12, vicinity that be has the people of Clinton and RUPTUR ED • 'Aught the • . • • • V4j1IA4-L,412-1YME28 -P-06pitted '81teelti ,Tettss 1)ITas Ciired fonr. inontli5... Doctors Wear and I IZecommem umi as t wst :or a c asses. I 1 1 f 11 1 HARNESS BUSINESS formerly .earried oil .18 W. Nevilok • And that he is prepared 01 furnish • • tear/luso Collars, Whips, Tivriks,Nallsosi Buffalo flohesj Blankets. And everything madly. kept' drat•Class Itarnesa filim;, tho :fewest pricey Speora • . , attention is directed tem stock of Lialey, itausrsq, which I will make, a specialty. . , - .. . . .......... . . - rt.-8pArardG imoratartv ATTIM.01110 :. TO. Descriptive Orel:liars on application to. , .. .,- •-• , By riritth attention to bt.thitte81, :tit& vuefolly atiulril•-; ; ti,• w:,t, 1,4. my entI:Iii;41..:vy 1 ho l$ to s , . a..A,m.}4:11$511 It X . (CI( PA.1[33.11:. .. •, - .1116 It a lair PnIto Of pai'ren.lace. MVP ago. n ;.. • ; I.,.. rot I plmalooki,,,,/ ei,owiwit,, IlliiNI F.:4MR THE Kris 11)-011,iiiilTr, Till] 'MARK LT. , , c11101161! AND DRUGGIST, - . CLINTON, ONT.• 1- ....mir..., , • , ' -......1*„.„.....,4,....... ,ki ,..A.'"e .4R ;30: AvIN' 0 •