HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-28, Page 6.•• , • , FRIDAY, MAY 28, MO. The Doctor Woo Rislat-The littlny was Hungry'. A Boston phyrdeian was called ,out QP a sound slumber the other night, to an - ewer the telephone. 1 ' Hello what is it V he asked, little pleased at the idea of leavinghis cone- , fortable bed. , 'Baby is crying, doctor; what shall dor carne across the wires, 'Oh ! perhaps it's a. pin,' suggested the doctor, recognizing the voice .of a young mother, one of his patients'. 'No,' was the Fru sure it Cal:A bo that.' 'Perhaps be has the colic,' returned the (looter, with wellatimnlated. tude: No; I do not thinkso,' replied the anxious mother ; he doesn't act that *ay.'' 'Then'perhaps he's hungry,' said the doctor, as a last resort. 'Oh 1 I'll see;' mune across the wire; • and then all was still.. The doctor went back to bed, end was soon asleep again. About half an hour afterwards he -was again awakened by the violent ringing alas tellYplitaie bellee-qiunping--oat..of- •Led and ',hieing the receiver to his ear, bewas cheered by the following mes- sage:— , You were Agile., doctor ; baby was h negry."--I3oston Globe, ' _ • 14, . . • , Hissed for Ibis Ilirtawgry. A POLICEMAN'S REWARD rot ,s'Avtu A ToT.M0 LIFE. .A n incident that is decidedly worthy , of mite, .oecuireci -the other day at - the Brooklyn • terminus of the great.- bridge connecting :that city., with New ..YOrk.. Lihie Strubel, wh� is fl years 'old; was • 'erossing the street in • company with her • aunt • A passing truck . frightened the child and she -broke away from the grasp . Of her relative and run• headlong into.a team of .horses attached . to A Flushing avenue. car. •The coneuisien.threW-•her • to the grourid,:•-and to the few who wit, messed the accident,- it seethed cti;though, the child's death was inevitable: Oilleer Charles Daly, of the ,bridge 'police, Who, was -on dtity at that entrance, .. -however, • seeing • the clanger that menaced- the child, sprang fertvard: 'and litetally • grasped the little' girl:from ander • the. hoi ses' feet, thus saving her from .. awful •death. LittlO .Lillielyas conveyed •••' to the • bridge etatien",'7• where it 'Was as- certainedthet. a scratched nose was her only injury. :When the .mud had been washed . from the:. infant's. 'clothes. she Alleged. around .11110, stretching.cme her askedthe burly,-policttinan 'to kiss herr A. mutual sing -It vas given end. -the incident endeclin srni1es•• • Left TO !Met HOW A' YOUNG LADY SAYED• A SOLID I PM'S LIFE AND WON A HUSBAND. • Congressman Steneeof •Kentuckisays a Washington letter writeri ;who walks about the house up and down the ave -t aue on crutches—having lost a leg in the Confederate service—is • expecting his wife to arrive here 'shortly .from ter Kentucky home. 1The story of Stone's marriage Fs' a"strange and interesting • one, and proVes again there Ate' as in- terestiag incidenta in real life as ai'e told in story books. Stone was' a confeder- -ate soldier, ;and at the battle in Cynthi- ana Kentuckyoyas badly weun'ded; As • be 'fell his hat went one way •arl his • musket another, and be tonna hiniself unable to move to regain either. It was A Loup 13E' et, SECRET SERVICE DETECTIVE'. About the time the war cloaed coup terfeiter known as George Roberts,alias Tricky George,' returned to this coun- try from England, where he had been for two years or more, It was suspect- ed that he had just put in his time across the water engravinft bank -note • plates and when word reacad, the Treas- ury Bureau that lie bad landed in New York, there was a flutter of excitement, the officials fearing that he would flood the country with counterfeits before ho could be run down. While he was an old counterfeiter, i was only suspected There eturbe-n' o Interference between the Balance and Barrel. that he would have, brought back new plate's. Therefore,in order to arrest him, we must have a stronger case than mere suspicion., I was given the case and furnished with the necessary papers to THIS IS THE. COLTJMBIJST' All farmers to come into town and buy what you want, it 'wilt WATCHpay you if it is a silk hat, get it at you can't get it of a peddlar • You will see V the engraving that the Main Spring is comple ely , cover- ed„ making it more dusg proof than any other. The Regnlator is double the length of others, making it very easy to regulate. arrest him for smugglieg. Whether he• • had or was not being guilty of this of. ' Come in and see them before you buy any other. • • fence was none of my business. It was curious that while six or eight of us knew the man by reputation 1101i13 of us know him personally. It _was hard Work to find anybody who had, and the description we finally obtained, would. / • • • apply to a thousand different 'wen ex- gers of the right .band bad been cut fin----12BCDIEL "C797;40.-----00.4AN211-1S • e poitit.—The-first two Ile was said to be a small, slim man,• • Vira.tchina:ker, Jeweller and Engraver, Clinton. • • off, by some accident, at the first joint. having an intelligent face, and being a perfect gentlernanin speech and manner. We knew that ballad landed in -.New York, but nothing beyond that informa- tion was furnished us. 1 was instructed to search for and find him. • The first move after teaching Nov York, was to take•in every hotel. •In this I had assistance from local detee, tives. Wo could, not find that anybody to shit Roberta! description was stopping HIGHEST GRADES, "NEWEST STYLES, !BEST- QUALITY at any of the publio houses, high or low, • • .. • • • Wo could not come across hiin at any p it 1, ,Eg ,r0 st, IT Tim pm A":»cs TANEit csr,..B...;y•fix'schl. • of the cafes, nor did he frequent any of the theatres or gambling houses. In the course Of ntIcave spotted fifty different men bearing his general des- cription, but in every case the fingers on the •right hand proved to -be whole. One day after I had become discouraged, a young ' man was arrested for having passed a counterfeit five dollar bill on the clerk at French's had- 'MS bill was from an old plate, but.we pumped the prisoner in a vigorous manner for information concerning Roberts, and he finally admitted 'that he knewhim. By and by ho acknowledged thethe badseen him Within a week, but nforedie.could not tell. He believed that Roberts was getting ready. to go west, but whether he had new ple-les with him lid could alatze.a...__Thapeisaaae_seemerl hones .hie statements, and wo concluded that. Roberts either dame beak without plates or that he did -not confide in the prisoner. • My chief came over from Washington, and it Wile decided that I Should aci to Mr. S. E. Ktlit, of Winalester,ky,,, 1830--SEMI-CENTENNIAT,J=1880. • I HAyE.„A COMPLETE STOCK OP. • 4 Jewellory, Silferware, Spectacles, Knives, Forks, ?gods Hiolus, • • • AN ELEGANT LINE OF OES • c, For Ladies',Gents' and Children's 1Vear. •CHAS. CARILINE, COMBE BLOCK. CLINTON ,A. lot of boys in ,Nicholasville, Ky. . played cit hangina the other day, induced Walter: 81tirk, aged 12, to bo . hanged. Ile stuck his head in the noose and a boy kicked a barrel out from under him and then.bis conipanioW tan away and loft Walter kicking in the air. • He was cut down by padilhg men, hut was ... • , • • • • CARROTS, TURNIPS,' BUCKWHEAT • • . and WESTERN: .CIOR-IST. MANGOLDS, 4 .kincts, 25c. per. lb,. unconscious for several hours, •• BaoNzre Kixo PdrATOES, 40e. per lb: tiler of the late A. T. Stewart. is ce rag change for OAT Aq Iowa ilewspaper says that a bra:, •WAN'TED,. A lot .Ot OATS in Pe- ,. MEAL, '1? lh, to the hush. picker.at Cherelree, in tha-t;State.. CAKE $2.50 PER CWT. The snapktng, 'a dog at het legs, 9 • -no-bite2-waS inflietedy-se-frigh CLINTON. °nod a little ctrl New- I-Iaven•the Jamlea sT.ELP., other daythat she became ill, effusion SIVE' '90 PEit.• CENT before Morning: • •: •• . ' • • % .•--7"-• Chidago, and no6.'someene watch New while, digging a ;ostrhole struck a cop:, • . -. , • vzaa ni 11F` York. 1.1eft' one night*, the Erie,and per box '' ethitaining a n3isor's bericel bed no chance to Jecik'inx. felloW-passen-: hoard, amounting te $1,238, and it is . . • ' GORE DISTRICT FIREIINS 'CO "ors over until wo bad left Buffalo text • surmised that Ienight ha's' temporarily ,. 'ocualleteq-both OD Cash and efaitiaii'utus, of blood to the heacl ensued, andshe clied . morning. There_were_aliont ,a.:_dezen Of ceased to -be tr Knightof labor, us in the sleeper; and •amongthe men I ADUI wIRNOCK, ESQ.,. - •.- VieePresident Single mon and drummers. One of them T Y THE!. •• R. 0.14rnoNo, ESQ., - - • Managing, Director. • picked' Out three Wh6n1 set down. a's • . • - -777' hON. Jag. Yo010.3. M. P;P., was a small; slim *man haeing reffular CLIN. 'TON NEW:, ..bikA •. ' ORE: 0 tektites, dark' eYes, handsome teeth and. good clothes: ' go was What'. tho bus .. • PO R would call a dandy,but he...had ' , tism about hini... lie had a seat by '• .i _,. hitheelf, and he evidently liedho interest RA.1.1;WAY ., •about two hours when • one ofthe .clrum- • . - in anyoneelse. We had -been iragel, eitaxo Ta " . • L'Z'n 4-Traihs leay.e-Clin itigrs..,:suggestecl:•a••gathce•of-eitehre. The ':.'''. Goine,East, sliiii Man fell in with the ideant once,and' : 1•25.aan. exRregui 1, Was aikedio make the fourth'hand et 1,05 p.m. Mixed ' - ' .4:Mg, the table, It was'only as we Sat ilown. ' • • ana,t,i, vmap.a..,,e itA/LWAy. . . that, I noticed .the hands' of the slim then', .... Going North.- . a scorching summer clay, and he was' ail' -.1 I cam ' o near yelling right out. • 'The ; 9.55 a.m. express - • 8.03 a.m. express obliged to en that hot hillside ex- first two fingolu, on the right hand had , 7.00 p.m: -express Enters upon its FIFVETH YEAR. much PRINTING: stronger and wort!) I:Test/terms than at any previous period having $218,896 of Assets • and pratieally NO LIABILITY except a Re: • • • iniurande Reserve of,430,000. There are $20e. TX4E . CARD. 009 deposited 'witlrthe Ontario .Government; ----- - ' . ' • and. ever .,$90,000 held in' Mortgages, Deben- ton aS followel--.,-, • Illtfirs and CAsh ' iiiiined-artily available • to . • LINN. 11A LTAVA*57.. ' ' • ...' ' ' ' rrleet limo§ 6.0i1V, West. ' ' Mut:tiall'oliey:hordoPP iil 11.4.6 "Cr: bre" sere .: ' ' • - EABY. CARRIAGES juit arrived, atest Styles, veizy Cheap. • 1 . . ... 1.30.00 7311...n/123. •''theriixNeald " ,If./.0,, pf,ap„oOnt.,,,tvi,t1.1 undoubted.Rliehiltk: :., ' .. ; : . . . • • . • . ' . , . • . D:10 P.M- :exPr9s8 or ta .1 on,31 Rinou'r. Agent, Clinton TRUNKS &.VALISES bY the hundred Cheap:: . / ,,•__. ____ - ...,,,,ii,,,paracieare aprly to limn OrgiCI CA LT • • if you. want cheap Croceriee, why sure eta you, ;live, go 'to S• PALLISER and CO., CASH FOR EGGS. . , • „ • • A.1\1"0 -T38.. Having leased the premises now occupied by us, for another term of 7 years. We are prepared to give.the BEST.BARGAINS passible. We have on hand a large and • and well selected stock of • GROCERIES CANNED GOODS - EXTRACTS / • • •FRUITS and SPICES, WARRANTED •NOTHING BETTER THE IgArtKET, ALSO ' LACKINTTBROOMS, 13tUSHES, .BASKETS, BISCTITS, UON-ElecTIO'2,le ,..„ ' . ERy; CHINA, CROCKERY ANA GLASSWARE.. - • • We have the• largest stook in town, Combine quality with prioe and the cannot • under sold. . • A. ANGUS, • CLiTTON Great•Inducement. . • I.; e, .. IA • .. . . ". Having bought C. J. Tuthill's 4took of CHINA, .- CROCER' a -CrazisSIATARE •. 4t a discount,. 'will sell at Wholesale Prices until all is cleaned out. • . . . .' t. FtxE AteoaTicea'r OP J. S. Krim's, ov cnicAco •FINE::TOILET SOAP: ... FLEESILNUN Jr, pus 'YET, formerly kept by Tuthill & Co..always on 'mail a• • - ' JOHN. CUNINGHAME1 GROCER, ClaitiTON. --T.' --V-, loOR .PROPLE.- • Cheap Cheap• GROCERIES and , Cheap PIR.OVISIONS. , Having.a. large stook of Salt on hand, • orders will. be filled at the loWest 'prices ' evee offered in Clinton, as the Sale worlts: will be sold when arrangements are completed. Mill buy and'sell TIMOTFTY and CLOVER- SEED. A lot ef .- •• SALT SACKS afid, :GRAIN BAGS -for Sale. •• LARgE BARS OF N P FOR PItIE • DOLLAR., : JOHN -Me GA-RITA . - :CLINTON. C170 WIL4' ARE NOW OPENING ONE:OFTHE LARGEST STOOKS OF •• • • . • • , - 'BOOTS and SHOES' at Itemarliably' Low -Prices. , RNESS1-- TEAM -HARNESS $24.. • SINGLE .HARNESS $10. . High land RINE and CEDAR SHINGLES at Lowest Prices. Going South. • EN oNLyAallsticiitt,ei?yeretiranitii . 4.13 m. express rict-w-rirene[]Ei_:Ar.:4, Clinton. posed to the intense boat Of the biasing been "ent Off at the first jeint. I had no • sttn,.unable even.to4vetect-Ifis face .eX- more donbt froth that moment `Trickx .JA,31ES- TFLOMPSOIN cept by throwing bis,arin across biz eyes. George' was f•iglrb- there-befoto nla-,•an ENT Fon' • • His life bloodwas tepidly running awaY, fact, rny partner. I forced myself to be • • • and he became weaker. and kvealier, and cool and appear careless, but I made stech , DOMINION, STEAM SNIP LINE,. soon was unable te speak 'eti7 blazin sun which fell on his- b ad and move poor playing that the trio were disgusted • 0 witb nie: By and. by as it camo.thy iurn foe was adding untold suffering, in his to deal). 'an& after each one luid got his enfeebled sondition. • Aifor1110 fight he • five cards, I laid mine down -and said was left with the dead and clyi!,*, for it ( Qentleman, juok•bao was eepposed not:Ilya more lain about to play a lone hand. George than a few minutes or hoUrS. After -the troops,bacL withtira,wri, some -of th&peo-: ple living in the vicinity • of the battic-: field passed over it, relieving tho nodes - sides of the wounded so far _as possible. As -they passed near whore Stone .]ay suffering in the hot sun, finable to speak, a young lady in the party noticed hit,. • ansLthfLsnfrnring..fhe...suriZnUlst-pvoduc if he were still oonscieue: 'Telling het ..compenions .sho believed lie • was still alive, ribe •procured the ramrods from four mfiskets lying near by, end stickin„a them in the „ground near hie head, fest- ened over the top; a. scsy.f, from • ler shoulders, to break the, ray,s of tho sun* When the wounded were gathered from ' the field it was found that Stone' 'was' still liVinct, and ho was sent to the hos'. • 1,noat ittoa•T Ats0 • • cure fork* or fail- • . mg manhood, ner. • vousness,weaknoss, lack of vigor, strength and de-, ' - velopment, caused by indiscretions, atcessesi, etc,. ' Benefits-in-tt day:. curesitwally within a month. NO deception'nor quaek . Positive proofs. full description, hundreds o testimonials, with letter of advice mailed ,plain, sealed. envelopes, free. , Erie Medical Co., Buftalo, N. Y. • . • _v. . . • •• • ' • le NortlfGertnauLloydS.S.Co.. •• • Proui NEW YORK.. Thele are the best !ince cresifiag'-this Atlantic. Noted for ::,ipeed, Safety • •• • • • and. Comfort,'• . • AS low rats as any other. lines., Bo sore Roberts, T have a warrant for your ar- •• end see me before purchasing tickets,: reek'. .• e .1 was looking him in the eyes. JAS. THOMPSON, .0r0:Tex; . p owD first flushed up, then turned White, and • • then he tried to langh aalio replied ' • . WILSONi. • THE COOK'S BEST.FRIEND • You scorn to be.very absent-minded this Mcirnine Here is the Warrant;'' I':said as llitaltthope.you on want a scene • before thesepeople..: The warrant. is for smuggling. I shall have td take you off the train at Ashtabula. • •• . never tried the first Word of bluff. He was simply astoukled; sea for' the conductor, arranged to have the 1,Aig, gage put e'1 and aa we rettehedAshtaa r GENERAL ,DEALER IN TINWARE, Sm. Nyth- , -eirox-stREET;"or:INT itoluiths.; :gall kinds' promptly. attended to at reahoti- , able rates. A trial solicited, , ••••• ••• ROLLE FLO AT $2,10 PER -CWT. • .; beta there wore people in the Oar' who; ER.A.N by TON * OWT or clicl not knovv that an -aerest had been • • JAlttES FERGUSON • v • ' Ilaying removed his business to the premises formerly knoWn as THE MOUNTOASTLE MILL, would thank Itil okt patrons far past favors, and is Ina -bettor posi- tiott thatitver to promptly fill all order4 entrusted to • IP) hint. STOCK OF 000D •PILIIPS ON HAND. - Ordered work a specialty. Wells dug. and ecnitplated, on -short notice: All work guaranteed. Pride -Aronson • able. Gams BY NAM. PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. , • ., ' • i'• reiMES RGUSOX, 13LYTII. have se'cured. 20 half 'chest's 'Of veryline 00et. • YOUNG ...Eiysoxi TEA. . which we will sell for month at.45Cts. by the caddie. • This - '• • is the best value over offered in this county. Don% ' • " fail to go 'a caddie before it is all solcl: • • • We have opened a full stock of. . • , I AND, .aWAY•DOW,r FOlt • '• * TI -TF,• :XMAS TRADE. ) •• , . , .,. . . , . ,. .. . We give 11b. Mixed •Candies for 10. 11b. Sticks • 1 lb.. Bullseyes 10c. 11b.. Taffy Chi.inkS 100.. THER CAXD1ES EQUALLY AS LOW: e•• „ • -ORANGES AND I,XIVIONg• 25 OTS. P.ER DOZEN. • HEM) QUARTERS:POE, OYSTERS.—As'I •get My Oysters direct frem Baltimore;y6u - can depend on getting Fresh Stock. • OYSTERS SERVEDBY THE DISH • FINEST or TOBACCOES, CIGARS, CIGAR. HOLDERS, TOBA000 • • POUG-1.• -Aaleofetlee-voryebesqualitY, .7.046.,ANDERSOlsT, NEX'r GIZAND,UNTON Cia'ZITT ON • . • made. Roberts had a trunk. and tt al•ge AT 00ers, PER CWT., :• . tween life and death bat he finally tali°(1 of dour different 'blink rakes. They were Delivered any wherein town' free ef °beige IVIachines 041. There was a long struggle be- lise and in the trunk f fetind the pla ' • . • • and slowly regained Ins strength, after new not a s iee ltila in b llecl from the amputation of his right leg. The thet;). I -Ie attempted° ee pn no 'defence, and' --- re id t f thetoand i ; i dm all s en s o wil v 0.13 ty .- - was sent th prison fel' six or seven, yeat S. NES'. JOIIN RANSON. they could for the suffer ra in the hospi- tal, sending them food and delicacies and often visiting them. One day, after he Wilmt S't'r 31)1i im. 4 ""ee ''t 1"er ' 11 Ti I . badsufficient strenetlf to eamak., • - •— Dingialed?" ACM. HARROW and notice those who visitegthe hospital Well there is inuab to be amid. 'rho ques- he saw ameng. the 'visitors the young lady who had probably saved his life % er int MSS, w len le ay telpless and speechless on the battlefield. 'When op- portunity offered, he spoke to her of the Occurrence, and- thanked hot for her kindness. The acquaintance thus begun ripened into 10V-, and she is now- his wife, • .-• tion being asked of the baequeter at elle aver. age heaeding home, calls tuerominiseenees of elose contiauity to, the handl and beefsteak t roe eats south thdreof, Ho, of course will pass, Unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his _trunk. should timid lie any suffering, the °Rode of an indulgenee itt mob sinuous faro, eso MeGregorei Speedy Care, a surce and effectual remedy for DySpOpsia, Constipation and all affectiont of the stomach and liver. Sethi by IT. Combo. Trial bettlee free. Vival.-111•• ••, • . •• 1111 .1*A S. "CA1t11V11.14ItT, of Iltillett has been ap- pointett. ngent for tint County 'of Huron, for,tho abet o narrow. it will tut and 'turn the round from 'S to 4 no its t cep, an s 514(0 o t le very rest Ma or a It also takes the place of both gang.plow And sonftler, and doer 0NVOlfORLW0p11. , Any ptraon wishing to nee the Harrow' wurk, may by addressing tho undomigned, and ho will be pleased: 010 take it any plate and work it,,on any kind of soil. THIS ITA11110W is atlittlired to be tho most labor- saving farm linpiement over :lianatitre& . 'JAS., CARTWRIGHT, Lontro$boro 14,E PA I RE D • The followhig tostnnonials, rocmod.by Ma, Jamas VANSiettlit, speak for themselves: I retired my sewing maeldne about font monthe AM and am hot its well pleased with the work of It se the day I re, sewed lt trout the hands 6( 411, repatrer. 5.•DAVTS. • 1 receired my sewing maefilmi about ,lx mantle MO, and was fortunate to get it repaired, and 1etts surprised fo see the excellent work It done, for It Wan lam tr over four years aud condemned. Una frilly, W. (fs SHEPPIIARD. • 1 heft to acknowledge the receipt 01' my los lost treasure, um &Jong Machine, whie repaired.1 am Iilgbly pleased with it and retmayon my 10n• rete thanks, for it works splendid. ALEX. ileaLREGOIL The Setvipg Mat:bine 1 got reptdred about, six months ago proves to be in heel rasped a aimerior jolt, a large number of people daring the Aft Mfinths have ealled nt our 18116tIn4 establishment and are aurnrismi nt 114 teOr1lt41t work, Mb; just as advert:vol. LACE:ION B110S, Peal& having work in thin line, can have it attend- ed to on leat,Inir ordort at FLOODYS groat, or at reoldowe,1,,-tt to ell Prenbyterien Church .1.1,14P.S VAIOR'ittLT Clinton. -New. Valentia Raisins, Extra Selected 1Talentia. • Raisins,Black BasketRaisins, Seedless ' Raisins, Sultana BaiSUIS. NPASi, CURRANTS, 'NEW SHELLED ALMONDS, NEW IiIIMaN, ORANGE A.ND CITRON PEEL.s. GOOD MIXED CANDT • CTS, enc ..Mnspee our ock. • os. Cooper 4,Sit:Sona,, 0 t.