HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-28, Page 51 N1,+'\3'.I Br. Dia Lewis is dead, . ABoston bank cashier knelt down in 'front ,of a train, and was groundto pieces. A plan has been revealed whereby it was intended to burn and pillage houses funis• a eriminately in. Chicago. ,A telegram soya "Keeley gave a successful exhibition of his motor on Saturday," Keeley scald not do each a thing, because his motor is a fraud. A third attempt has been made to burn out Police. Magistrate Monroe, of Orangeville,this tfine'hia.'office was set on tire, but the mater- ial wad damp, and would not burn. aring a thunderstorm? Mr. Gceo.'hfitoliell, ofEaamosa, lost, six fine 2•year•old cattle, by lightning. The lightning attack & basswood tree, under which they were huddled for she'. ter. A three•yeat.old son of Mr. Balfour,M.P,P. of, Amberaburg, fell from the verandah at his home, the otherafternoon, a distance of leas•. than three •feet, and fractured his right arm at the elbow," _ It is reported from Ottawa that bir. Pope, Minister of Railways and Canals, who bas been in poor condition for some time hack, is aboit to leave. the Government, and that he "will be succeeded by Mr: Colby, member of ` Stanstead, Que. John It: Smith, of Bergen, N. S., who was Treasurer of the Beard of Romestio'tissfona,. of the. Ref )rmed Church of the United States A thrilling railroad accident ootu•red at 1.1 o'clock Friday morning at Pendleton station on the Panhandle road near pinch', IMO, The express train was speeding through the town when to the horror of the engineer and persons along the linea little eighteen months old child crept upon the track. No one could reach.it In time to save ft.In desperation the engineer reversed his engine, but the train could not be stopped in time to save the baby's life. There was only one chance left, and the,engineer went to :the pilot of the engine, and jumping be- fore the engine reached the child. He snatched it from the wheels and jumped from thetrack just as the enginepassed over the spot, going some distance before stopping. Placing the child at a safe dia- tance Eroni the. track Sheridan quickly mounted his engine and came to the city,. He said nothing of his adventure. Pasaen- gere on the train told the story. Deputy -Reeve Election.. To the Electors of Clinton. •LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, --.At the request of a large number of the ratepayers of Olin. ton, I offer myself for the position of Deputy Reeve, vacant by the resignation of Vvm. Coats, and if elected will do my best to re- present yon faithfully, .E. CORBETT. May 240, 1886 • . .._,,._..-until.,dimalests-i dplatilter to the amount ;,-„„,•Tethe ElastorS•••'of-riiinten.---- of $25,000. The money was leis -cid poor in- LADIEa AND GiENTLEAIEN, -- Having been ve'stu-ida,s. Smith is dangerously ill of ery' requested by my neighbs• and townsmen to allow myself to be nominated for the vacant office of Deputy -Reeve, and, being largely in- terested in our town welfare, I have allowed .myself to be ptaoed in nomination as a candi- date for the above office SEI Deputy -Reeve, I therefore solicit your votes. As a large numberof you have to earn your living by'. the sweat of your •brow, you cannot be :ex- pected to attend the nomination meeting, I• ask yon now to remember -that ”:England expecte every man to do his duty:" sPleatie .reineinber that on voting day. I have now a few words to say as to My politics in munici- pal !natters, they will consist in doing justice to all parts and parties of the -town. The same. in spending money for improyemente, -Ido not believe ni a penny-wise and pound- foolish • policy: I think that the ditches of the streets are not•kept_ as clean as they ought. to be. • Many would' have grassy aid'0walks to' walk ui�ppon, wero the water allowed to drain oft. •While I believe in carrying out our by- laws, I hold that it is better to warn an Offen- der twice tlra'ii fine•onto. justice without favor • . Yours respectfully, , -\V. 0. SEARLE. ,flay 20,16SG. - . CLtNTON MAIt.EET,S. (( rrectcd every Thursday ant:Wee: } Tburaday, lay127, 1886 ... Wheat fall, •s • $0'77 ._a 0 80 ''. ,White' and red' ' _ 0..77 e 0 80. Oats," ' • 0 28 ' a 0 30 '• • . It is stated that tits ecent._victims.of the Barley,. 0 50 a- d 66 late,cYelones in the Western States have ap. -peas y 0 55 a 0.55 pealed to the scientists '• for, an investigation. of Flour, per, bbl; p. 4'00. e 4, 50 the matter; The savants, after .much study, Potatoes, • • 0 26 . a 0 25' will probably announce that the occurrence' of Ilutter, 0 15 a 0J.G. devastating storms' is „due to certain atmos. Eggs0 08 . a .0' 10 pheric conditions, etc. - Meanwhile the house. ' poi ii 51f . a - 6 00 ' leas. and homeless will ask hew to avoid these H,„8 00' a 8.00 ---conditions.—When all: is -said -and d • Wool •' 0 17 --a' 0 17, Old stager will probably conclude that a large Sheep:pelts , - 0 50 a 0 75. hole'with:a Convenient slide into it_ is thQ. LnrnbskinF' 0 QO'.' a •0 80; practical solution of the difficulty, and modify •Clover per bush. .7, 00. a 7 5b: sipelas. • A Washington despatch says: 'Mr,Tucker, Chairman of the House judiciary Committee, is the author of the proposed eonstitritional amendment- prohibiting polygamy in the United States, which will be ]tressed at once • in the House. • It is understood to have the ' President''s• approval and leading Senators will support it, It will probably pass both Houses withlittle' opposition,• - �A Washington despa'toli to the-Boatgn jour- nal says A gentleman who is on very in. timate terms with the President, and who onglit to know if, any does, says'that it is true that the President is to be married, but not to Miss Folsom ; that the bi fee -elect is Mrs. Folsom, the mother" o Miss Folsom, a widow of 44, and that the President is very much amused at the current reports, end especially ab the gullibility of the Folsom family in the Country?" 'Is it possible : that. the gossips have -been all the time: on the wrong track? The Detroit .Newsputs the fishery situa tionin the following 'words :—" The diplo- matists having, got fairly to wort; at last,. we may expect to see tbe fisheries snarl unravel- ed, Mr. Blaine could not resist tlio tempta- tion to giveothQ•L'ritish lion's .taira pull. He is one.of tlfe Americans who'Tsnot frighten- ed 11'thsti savage beast growls and shows his teeth.- In the'Meantiine'the Canadian author - 'ides have discovered. their mistake . in the seizure' of the Adams antl`will probably. have . a big bill of damages to pay for their blun- der.' - We have opened. Qut this week one case , o PRINTED MfISLlNv anci LAWNS in White, Cream, Tuscan and Beige grounds with LACES to match, One ease of American PRINTS, ' splendid, value. blow ftp with the country "• • '• By an Act, of last session of the -Ontario Legislature' each connty,iu the Province is entitled• to havo.one student in attendance • • at the Agricultural College without -the ro- • gitiiretnent of any entrande or tuition fee. The'nomidation of a student is. made by. the County, iouncil. The student „meet be a sen of a practical farmer, residing the county; and mast have lived on his pa•• runt's farm at least two years prior to his admission to the College. ' . Applications should be !rade to the Council at itsnest session A terrible. wind 'add rain • Storni passed .over' this (Hendticks) county Indiana, Sun- ' day ....afternoon; doing ; great damage: T(rnt convemu t y Many cattle acrd horsoa were killed' by. fall•' Victoria St-, House contains rooms, good wood shod, ing,trees:.. Hail stones. tali n easuring two; with•tnrd and soft water. Thcro aro three lots ih the property, with. a somber of fruits trees ; 'will be sold inches ifl'diariioter and to the depth trf. si•te ,oriented alienp Also, for sale, a.lot on Isaac Street, ILLINERY rsEPiARTMENT XS BOOZX1C We are sending out .'a•ver large number of HATS• and BONNETS. A look will convince', you that our Millinery ry is•right. 6 per cent oft' for. cash, AFPItENTICES WANTED, IAIMEDIATELY„ .'UO: learn Dressmaking,. *IBS TREWARTIL1, Albert street, Clinton a • - ONEY' TO MOAN -PRIVATE. BUNDS, :ON 111.Farm ' security,. interest' 51 per. cent. Payable yearly. Apply to C.A;'HA1)TT, Solicitor, Clinton: tm JOHN WISEMAN, Manager+ N'OTICE.,-•TIiE. Ot7rt7NCLL QF THE COR1OR+ Prior of the County of Huron will meet in. the Court Room, in the town ot'Oodeneh,, on TUESDAY, 1st of JUNE next tl] aceoudta against the corpor- ation must be sent in before the, second day of meet: ng: PETSE ADAMSON, Cbunty Clerk•.• 2in OUSE AND LOT•_ FOR SALE. — THE ER- • IN]) wimp offers for solo that conveniently situated House and bot, on Albert street. The house consists •of 6 good. sized rooms, good barn and: a„pumber of I, it trees on the premises., Will be sold' on reason- able terms_ MRS.- JESSIE SMITH, Clinton. • yr OUSE AND LOT. FOR SALE Olt TO .RENT.— .1..1: ' t tl situated Cottage and.3 lots ou inches. Manythouses'bad all the windows torn out lay the hail:. The greatest damage' is to --the growing wheat crop, now in full head, and it .wholly destroyed along • the Eqtate J. ' IIOI OE 2 . .' Mai! is ifs. • q. �' S HATS The= LA�i S and PHIL �El�' ' u phased over 200F Dave � est p rc o .. The - Newest Sha es`.at a 'reduction of 40 pera; cent. off regular prices. �1T��res p r :•They now offer extraordinary Bargains Come and see them.. N] ERPt7L ` "'CTalue in LACI QUIRT4INS. opposite the residence, of the •undersigned: Apply to, A. ]]ODSWORTIi, Ciinton.. ��1 t 1 DE'JUGS F0F LUNGS LIVER$ BLOOD. • SrkierroltO, Aug. Sth, i88."++• About three years ago Ywasiaid•up with' bronchitis, and for•six months was unable to do.anyt ung. Fourbottles , Medicine. completely cured me, and my nfirst-rate ever .'i feet T never•fc tbetter, in mylife, FAMILY, GROGE-RS W SPLENDID ASSOETMEN'T' 'OF . opposite OF - OCKE Q :GLASS! PACLFSEF� az.xrrrnsr.: rasinswevaineesti E ' COURT OF REVISION NOTICE IS • OR SALXs.=I;OT 'Amp ��`1t�TANL'I `HOUSE ON mu ST. � A7 hereby'given that, the first meeting otitic Court of Revision, ,for the innnicipality,of the township or Stanley, will 'be held in the• Town Hal] Varna on FTerms saes`, Apply to Mr. Yam, at the Mi11, or, to sterni: • : ou lives were lost so•far as known, 1 ' F u of Dr Jug'e' r[A1vWXNO &SCO , • • several•honses were blown, down: ' Health has bed y 5 ace In O01tAT WAGGON FOR SALE, WITH reports of. damage n growing grains, lby . 1 �Dld • rains coins from ortions of O id Yale arid 'siri silts:in splendid order and will heavy p ht , tawa and Nebraska: Reports frim Dakota arid-]ilitutesota.a8 to-spring-wheat=proipect exe_of_tlio_niost encauraguIgcharacter; .._ln Reports •frout Iowa are very good; from Indiana of a favorable tenor. In Missouri, Kentucky.: and Tennessee wheat is heading•, out. finely, Wheat•proiipocts in Michigan show no.itnprovelneut over former reports. 1y• -II:Ilam,', O.T:R.11ot'ks, Stratford: '' be•sead cheap. - OLIN BIDOUT, Clinton. • Move bought White Brous., and. not one could be to give testimony at the late' trial, at St. Thomas; that. It was either a freta or a humbug.` Notice, it 1a not flit pcop who hare bought these; goods that are complaining 01. these -trains. • Please read 011. Itullett, tiny „ION. 11[a,. W, It. EtaPt....T....._.PSAlt Snt I take plensuro. in DS, forming you'that I in well, pleased With the White Bronze 1.n parte o Kansas and Sotl:thern Illinois,, 'efoummnt Igot from yon last^summer, I felt. aatisted be, the chinch ba and Hessian fiy'`llave done: Irutei1t :ordered 10te Shon�tLi more of hyimnnvXppePanns than ino• ve mag a and in •some sections of Ohio cosilycmarbles-lu the sante cametory. Allow m e also to ea- aame da g ' • • press my. °Oleo tiatlabmtted as to the 'wiener in.ohteh you graasboppers ..IuLv.e. .i,rl j.ttrdct . tile_._ .erapa-conducted the transaction, i and to rr hPou every suacesao- alightly.respectfully A` !umbar of uueidonUs, 'llappenetl' in pdrticsh,t.••,,. g to :rebase a menumeut o iY !d O.tizhlR Clinton nr 1 renin n, yours' nes; Malt •A1vN 11ftARW[Oi:, should entrusting her with garmentsofacy description may TAAIES `Toronto Monday the 24111, among them cation or write , J I I , ONEY-10-1.40, 1�e1:R•M--'1110PERTY. - -Prfvate' and C span Funds. Lowest interest, .Nebraska small grains aro loolcifie well. alio on. approved notes fors ort dates., C.A. IIABT1; .Attorney,' Clinton. " 1m 10 VIABM Pint SALE --PART Or LOT 26, '01,1111E '14th ton. of the township of .Mullett, Containing about '40 acres. •Terms to suit purchaser. ' Apply to, OAMERON, HOLT& CA]i1ERON, Barristers, Godcrich. •�'AISSOLUTION.—MURPIIV BROS., OF I1ULLETP. JJ who hate been.carrying on the business of thresh- ers a'id farmers, hive dissolved, partnership by mu- tuel consent, al • REBS ANT) MANTLE MAKING ' IN ALL'ITS - braneltbs (loo y Mtge .SUSAW goons lit'residence 0 it nth l'rosbytcrinamatism. Ladies CALLAnI1EIi, .o et c i. rely on'getttng eirtire satisfaction:•' being the following; --Tho collapse, of a•• , buildingq being erected on Sackville.street resultedl-in the -fatal iii�i1ri of 0Ti to"slid`!.: _•.:. _ . A. man assisting Prot..hand in setting off •011 Company had a lot of teases .etc. l r -h : North -_West Transportatl C p y firew.orke , , 1 k ..,.. coat tail pocket,. and a•. spark•igriited•thoni - -- s= and htfl tit'tti'ii as . nit -1m bacI; • A=cs, • * ' •,'` , of people le were thrown -on ribrou h the , r, p, YAM: full p p .. CiLIlaU l' cihr, ailt1al to.Viinni �� beinti er ryl sued• b firecrackers. t ! b'f 4i11i.40 beiges, }t y • 440..; 6E 1 DULUxN � � U11IBER FOR SALE.-- IIEMLOOIC AND L film-Lulfler!Or salt, andwin be ea to _er• dor for any. person Bonding In their order .be- fore the 26th. of May. JAB. •WALLL9,, tat Con,, Ooderlch township„Baylielit P.O. • _ ,, A. boy fell oft et -mater coaster at .the island and was badly bunt. A passenger. fell .off T© , + .a, etreot.•cane:t was . run over. A roller •L' h ay's' iT "0ti the. Island ran off the track and Utur. tbmx,iare $9.40 . sent seven persons through a barbed wird A 1;,cftlu D LI.oTA , MANITOBA an ✓f' nta ' n a ' d of fehioe into a Pond. A dumber other Tickets b rail aco'idents Ildppened,. isiterislt COLUstll[it. I y as qusual to all Points at Lowest Rates. . Solon Names, undo, of 1t1r. Wm': 1. eekie,has kit ect iu •this locality at, least 33 years. Ho ,SAS filiODll'SOiti, CLINTON.* is now 80 years of spend flea in a house '4:)p- 4 noafte the Walker Honae..Over 60 yeah ago Is 'f y , ,sl hi parted with his brother William, now 85 tirallf1 al•illi t hurl sWy.. years of age. Wr ,i, ham lies wandered All over ' z'IIr FIltSi' the continua, and foir years Was onlployed by y circus managers. Latterly, however, he has - •,'7,lr �+ilty+., XOis. been living in the great ,Seat° of Nes' v York, Ltittlo or no tidings of each other had been 0f the senon,tutder the auspii'es elf the W1%014nt known, to these brothers during their aepat•a- ' Town Band, to the tion. taxi week,- howevee, John was sur• risen b roaeitiinit a visit from hislong.aep• i CITY' tt1� imANTrckit61 • p Y grated brother. Fanny, 00 years intcrveaing Slade those two he'd clasped bands ! what, changes have involved in that, time 1 The l luetiog of tloed,f twtftbttering bl i,: ,an itig on the brim: of tiro grave; ie said to have been !lost affecting, They aro still engaged. in youthful et erionces and recountingi recall g y 1 1] the incidents of Choir resitectivo lives, as well. THURSDAY IOth of JUKE, i9O6 Wing 100',8 elide mu day Trtioo leaves (Ileum at & 6,t a, in, tare "Lie. 1(0106(,• ing,.the train will lasso' Brantford at 6.30 tr, m. Etc• tursionists wish! 10 remail till next ,day can do Ne • g I}ands est payment of 81 to the agent at .ITrautford 1?Sg rtes, in l 'nifnr,n carried et half the advertfaed adult a SATURDAY, MAY 29th, 1886, at 10'o'cloelc a, m'.;• of which all parties interested are to take notice, The Assessment Moll may be, seen abbthe. Clerk's office at business hours till' that date. Dated this „th• day of NAY., 1858.. GEO. STEWART, Clerk,' . ;- OETABL3r-faAW-brELi T+OIt'-SA1 .--TH-%" ; . . • ._- undersigned offer offer for sale a half' orwhole in, ' -terestiuthair-Portabie-Stearn-Saw ?,tiU .The ' 2�,Y1a( r'E Y'. C�Y>E� ' 11e'7, 171 . boiler i8 30horse-polder. engine 25, and tiro saw at 54 inch. 1.11 in coiliplete•r•unnin order; euly . L t --splendid r a`s1 aborti tired months • dei � p 'inose y �i '_ . _.�' _�.�,r :�� �fi�� � • �� ' lift business; satiefaetervreasons for selling.. Cost over *1800; will be sold at abargalu• PIIRDUD &•DON�ALDSON, Clinton 1' O., . .,o l•� -roww• .21 a. he spot to buyellen.) DRY GOODS. To puurc1I1Lse' Ist p 1 • at reel: bottoin prices. , To get sn'unecl, :la1- 1 LLI•N ERY � ,.,'possible; ariet in GOODS ODS at the 1awest , ed v ., � DRESS Q . have them made in the Nobbiest-'Sty-1es figures, and ,td ��. •;OT ,-6111 OR,9At,E,,, TI E-SUBSY''RIBER-OEV mhS. for sale his house mid lot on ]Maple Street. 10t is ona•gaartor of an acre, and the hough contains nit ,cu4 an iritahe n. splendid dfr f large o p four rooms and g , the pisco. coed well. • .Only siva mhiutoR walk :Apply from r • URHAII1 'BULL 'TOE fiEitt`JCI' .--z• THE Subscriber ]coops for service, .oh Lot 77,. Maitland. Conceseton Godorich Township. e Thoroughbred Short -horn •Btill.r01 firsolass pedigree. Torras,. 1 at time el service, with, privilege of returnlnlL 1f neeessery.:-;ALX. BADOUR, HOLMESVIL, dl, Also scute good; Spring wheat Toi' sale. Thom” son's, it al ':Estate ;A enc. . OLINfiON, U1 0':•-� The auderaignedltns opened an ngeney for the wile of pool" 'Estate and will bo glad to deal wilt parties batting proper. --ty-to-dlnpaia Of. Terma: twh per cent on all. Anounta up to $1000 aid, ono.pursoa o,t ang,amett}t.nfts4, kw.tlret 4$100 ' o :Large made for adrortialug, and no charge tt1itsever nn - leas asale or transferis'eifected. 1 have uaw the following properties for sales— • Lot 14, hake Road east, Colborne 100 acres, 45: elearhd b anti can easily be cleareA I f: ,� lure 20 aerop slashed s r . and undo o q Y uhf V'115 e' aldchea . rr t h 't 1 a ofbtsh lettuce p 180 neves, good nn • an es from nwesmnnn a 6 or sunder cultivation small hone°. Price 40 an nave I SALE OR TO 1tE'NT, r FOB OUS. enn tr st. ea. Matt t o frame bowie bt_ Y > lar f odic Limn tl Ip ha ono ,l1Ati crow of ()reliant, C l offered f or i e or t0 P d , ^ i t k a , 1V.1 Doherty, s g r. , i cli r. esti iCd' b M ° 5 , oa Waned tb snit t r ase a r 1 ail i n b 1200 0 >f y � , m f t e too tB It T� p t '. n. Store, Clinton. �'1 tCas . e e'rea� tio centra of the town. Will be sold cheap. i touch 21rs ll f B t li kola to ALEX. AIORRIS, nlioton, p n C T1ILr' Weak bolt lat•20,2nd Con, or East wawanodh, 110 acres, B0 acres Cleared, balance good b,ish,111 soros of tall wh ,st, i reek rennin through the farm, bank barn 40Y n. two rmer Y spring C g A burst 1'r Ce; 3 0 with ha reasonable waren, t conte ns plenty o t' Lot 006 1.5 of an eons, nu histo! S ., Situated nh the east with hard and soft orator, and is a very desliablo taxi• ide ofAir BidourS residence well termed Pried X200, in donne Te pp Spencer St Clintota, Splendid building tot int sale, °nphosite the commercial' r o -e 9f �itins nit nllpltf'atton'to JOAN TAYLOR,, Btrit nrcliaoer. I(atel, 40 fed lions by 60 feet deep, rico reasonable, �tAliA Ft1R +tLLE. • TiIA)r Val (11, , .l' dant fltrnr eompoecd of tots .,9 and 30, c, n. 5, Hullett,2 6 aures, a balance soots hardwood bush. nearira orchard of 3 n f this150 acres are cloared the A T�i���(J� acres. Ordinary dwetlints house ; go frame barn •' Farm #e well watered, and situated d tl Mi r Apply to St b# TA(1GART OSinton OP b ,. ue e and oa esus ' aboutf,Irlrlloa rnm.tihuTnw•nblClh)ton, 'Terms easy. 0' C i , they may, 'down to the present. 'Think of. 1'nr further nettieulara, see pesters. . it! To be 0eparat: d 60 years and inept' le it yL maims. JOS,.111t'ttet11 , this 1ifs:" • meat ditto Item!, •eta! 1'<M..:'.I.sset, e,rt ! rel ',house, L7 Ihoe olny'gi en that CIO tra •sit ing of ho Gi urr E of Revision, for• the townshipet Iiullett, In. the County • of herbs, for A. 1).'1880, fr Revising. the Aesos,ment Roll Of said townillip tor said year, and leering peals against cell, w 1 he held at Beira hotel in the save of Lbnde'tboro, in the said 'township, on wl:. ho 20th da of MAY,158f,at 1b o`olnok,a:.m. , NES�AY,t Y JAS. IIi1AITIIWAITE, Clerk, • • R, t • TEE HGB- inn SA1.I;:e.:TIIC 1 nn.I ON t 1 w hl c bt b it t nR OriC A lots b anti 7 U J , i p !, ,It S load, elatinga4l•i•.t !cies, id offered tor' splg .an reasonable terms, Abait120 acres Cleared and in good state of tet Household, 1�'u iiituirri The undersigned, being about '16 ;rano town frill, offer for• sale by I.'ubilc•Aueleau, Gu SATUI DA. Ira 11LU 29111, AT ilrS'It 1T17E"r7r, \t'7 LT.IN1ITONST. otr elrold Furniture', consisting of All ST Ii 8 , y Olt fr s ULDSRY7AI5S, BUREAUS, J.'Ai3LI. , 4 All j1� STOVES, tte., ,te, 1116 wItolo will be sold wit, out reserve, as proprietor sloes net tvlslt to y, ti leTermsUa6h, , st at. 1 pm. v i, 11 n o 0 i ) •cant p m nit t' ad Orn o rt woe( a l t� ti 1 Ia a oo h g orchard ;16 miles fromtit Vartleufax, tna.v be obtained on the premicev, by by , .tldfi, 1111(SIVS O fir ti, f.. i011.11I., 47E,di ;,ddr<.:I,Yr,I'AMES 1'I11O)1.l:, c4tntYnrF, rr;• , a t p • hn t va on: 1a nc A , oeoral bull in a qferny of water, heathy i•'tlrhlttlro may 11c' 55011 any '11010 before sale. tinned, e ' g g 'Cd i town of 'Clintutt 11 'tlso r l • A ;1,EAUNIFICENT rULL 1 IAli OV �. r h h✓ .r Tit• . Si.c eiR AT CLOSE PRI0:ESt. • , - it T E i,T1V SSS at COST, 'as e We'are c1o,113 lie balance of of , ,. Shoes. room for Boots is bile ► ire`te U h for'Dark's Celebrated Nand Sewed Shoos. Orders. taken 5 DU 0, atV FOn' 'CASs t. EGDs T I tri its EXCHANGE, wt: FAILOR & s : 11011 SALE;40T.NO. NAND PART OP LOT NO. .L' 4 "volt side et Victoria 5t., and Lots 28 and 20, en James St., Clinton, with email frame house, amble, rarttaird.sONt•mater,-••Fbr-partleularxappl-Y 1 A SCOTT, Barrister*, Clinton. - "tIITNOL'ES, LATH, LUMBER,' 1TC1.—T1tC-S'L'li- af t} t•tl ao Shin - tit ra 1 quantity a uses tt e s t. r.. haslet Y IAflR n Rr Shin- gles, Lath,Pine and Hemlock Lumber, ate„'cheaper g , situ! over. AIi parties needing anything in this lino, will davo money by eatling en OA. A.Tsao-tufo, t yoke -t of Otlon, 'five year+ old. JOIIh' SPSt '' tl, 1t'titiAtt,l T.}leek, Ifnttett. • ( 1 I b'trlt SALE . 'x111.7 StBSC11.1111 1t0bFEtta snits-Alrni-of-100-aeres, sing. 44, Stint eon., e�kpcsmtth, (Good now story' and 'batt eraine house, .J acres splondld orchard,g butldiugsi.8.r mores free fro!] stumps, 15 tero•4fatale wheat. 11110 whole under good atrtt}ration ,and wole under drained, Oro spring on the farm and has goot wells, Close to'churches and schools. � 8. nil esfro* ilotnwn of Clhrtnr„Slrnm Sea4orth. Xl�boaeld kink retsoiGTa -torr!,,, TUTTI do Ili prn,lil'.nc,,,r r",11it,.101 . O'•. , . 4