HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-28, Page 2'fli,C1C•S, SWEETHEaRT 1 ,„ c intros:a. . She pales very isereeptibly beneeth his steady look, but her gaze refuoes to pleatant plesio. It b.o41 very wellatosiam- -ac 444 eYea leek at him. ea- ahulie the world; but a coffin is ea odioue ber C°1°1111e8B face with a strange 1)/1.6 • thin whoa ma comes to twak of unVatying light thst spethape even A little oontemptuous, . "A jeot prolenged is but a poor thing," she says, with a flickering omile that has no mirth in it. "There I agree with you ; though I confess I cannot see where the jest comes in here. I have your word, the word that gave you to me, and intend to keep you to it, whether you will or whether you won't." Then his whole manner changes; an inexpressible tenderness alters and characterises it. "You did not mean what you said,?" he asks -very gently, almost beseechingly. NO answer coming to him, he lays his hands with a certain suddenness upon her ohoulders, and turns her slight figure to where the moonbeams can fall 'upon it.. _ ' Sneak!" he says, with a 'closer scrutiny. It is possible that Inhis tnxiety he. may have given her a gentle shake. She does not resent it, but her eyes fill with tears. e aat" • "Ab" sari Vyner, "even though you. refusito accept me, still I tell you you are mine1 will give you up -to no man op earth !" He leans a little forward; still with his hands upon her shoulders, as if keeping her in custody. "-Now I woUld weep lying in mine," pro. 'testi he, A )10110W tone. What is life without love? A mockery, a delusion, and a mime," "Are you going to tell me Wild is the matter with you ?" demands Mrs. We, raps, just one little note -of sharpness in her Boit voice. Who shall blame her? 'You will feel any amount better if you wffl just get it off your mind, whatever it is. "I've toldyou. It's Audrey !" says the woeful knight, sighing deeply. took your advice and. proposed to her again. It was tho 'seventh tiine 1 I said to myself, 4 This -is the myritio number; new I shall succeed -soon I shall ;call my love my own!' With high hope and a beating heart I approached her foot- stool. I knelt to her. - feet -I poured out all my soul, I laid bare my. innermostihoughts. Sheiheatd me ; she listened -yeas to the very end ; and then He pauseS, as though •overpowerd eby his feelings. "Well ?"-cagerlfa' • "She sort of toia to: got ontta" winds ug Sir alliicksy, somewhat insetii- ciently; and with a dolorous snifile ; "she would none of me ! She wouldn't hear of me as a•husband at any price 1 ain going to kiss my wife 1" .he says, She wouldn't so Inueli as leek at toe." with determination. klere he falls a-weepina. Audrey, laying five little Outspread that erroametererale-raratellugerssieon-his chestrpresses him from sa_ _ myminalignenttse--"--1-taboinin- cah.19 of Yon. _lialren't Yee en.lr Self-tes her. Her face is ashen white, her lips are quivering. "Anth1xat-isityerir1si. whispers, in a voice so changed by tremulous agitation as to- be a breath rather than a voice. „ "That I love you," replies Vyner spect - "Not a particle," declares' he, 'still ' -trying noisily. "Why shoold,I 2 What good would it do me S All my .hope are 'dear departeds' ; there's nothing- left to •um. I'd as soon iso dead• eernestly ; "you must havo known it, alive." and that you love mo too, though nofi. " Or sooner perhaps," sugeste she, perhaps So deeply as I love ,yon ; still with e, suspicion of a. smile, speedily dare to believe 1 am better iu your eyes checked. . " But why give in at only a than any other man." seventh repulse? -Try it again." "She wouldn'tstandiaoshe aeantudi - as told inc so. 'Even as I knelt before her that last time, she said, coldly as a beautiful sorceress, tlf ever You • even hint at this -hateful noneense again, turn yen mit of the house.' Plateful' .whispers a little wildly, and berets into ]?Ie encircles lier with his items v.ud draws_her taviardslaim, she unresistieg. There id long pause, fraught eittla, many thoughtaa - and then She lays lier head" upon his breast. . "At last-aat last I am happy 1". she -that was the word that she used to- . Pcssiefl el teem. wards niy devoted affection, I give- you • „ my honour 1" says Sir Chieksy, ` • CHAPTER Xla. a - ning to.weep afresh. "Now what d'yo call that 2". lialf an hour has gone by, giving time to a vo7 stricken young man to Steal away and lose himself; but not his in- dignaot :mieery, atacingst the laurels and the rhodtidendrons in the. shrubbery, and still Audrey and Vyner are standing in a very lovet-like attitude, forgetful of time, forgetful of everything but them- eelfee,When 4 sudden rustle of draperies, alaint footfall, rouses them from their •tairY-dres,ca end warns them of impen- ding danger. -• • a . With a sense of guilt they iitart hasti- ly apart and glabOe• in' the direction of the coining sound. t . And now espeetty daintibaclads- form - et "Barbarity," decides Mrs. Wemyss promptly, who is however 'consumed. 'with a desire for laughter. "I wonder you don't abuse her like a. pickpocket. Oh, what a senseless girl/ to be blind to such charms as yours." "Couldn't you say a word for me-?" ' entreats Sir Chicks,* neiseeably, taking her hand and pressing it convulsively. " Do, do 1" He is gazing -up at her in the . misty moonlight; his eyes' swim- -- ming with grief. His fiogers have play- ed such havoc with his head by this time that helooks foe all the world like ' the fretful °reit .in, as he Standfl, ini- • 'How silver -sweet souudlovers' tongues.hy night, . • Like softest music to attending ears - . bretithellisaWcTrayst,"-lialfateafety'sa' • valve to her suppressed rairth,halflitti - .the hope of,gaining ttme._ " Deer Sit.- Chicksy,you know I am always ' Your • friend. I will do what I ono." This is hardly hypocrisy on. her -Part,. • as she hes indeed many a time and -oft . • dropped , hints- about She Chicken's wealth and 'position to the irtesponmye. • ' "Al, but whit will .you do ?'' de. maids homixiously, who is perhaps . half such a fool as he looks. Whilst Mrs. Womysit hesitates as to what. proper answer she shall make. to this pertinent question, 'the: sound of an, advancing feotstep comes to her . ---TrAnother time you mast discuss•thie ' matter with me," she breathes .confidere . tially, gathering up her long train, as though to emphasise the' fact that de. • parture from the spot on which they stead is imperativesa" another. time, • and soon. then--- Somebody is • coming," she says quickly -s" you hear? . This spot is growing too popularised for • confidences. Adieu, then until fortune , favottrs us again!" • • She glides awayfrom himaand is soon lost to -sight amongst the encircling foli- age. Sir Chicksy .is about to Pillow her eaansple and disappear mealier ireetion, when a solitary figure stepping ut upon the baleony attracts Ins at- teotion. . It is Audrey! 'Apple hing the iron • , e a :Upon them and gazes down upon 'the , semi -darkness below, where Mr. N.lynera" is Walktng up and down smoking a cigar. " Mr. Vyner !" calls she softly. . ' Hearing her, 'quer comes to a stalids still beneath the balcony, and looks 'op at her, cigar in hood. " Here -catch!" she Bays, lowering; 'to him a -beautiful arm white-asasnoW which gleams in. the moonlight and, has 6 little hand at the end 'of it holding is----somethinglightly_olenched. . " Are you going to throw rati seine- "thited" asks he carelessly. " If so, I eould not see it, • "Join your hands, then, Alia had •them out; yeti will our* see this." get';" That's where ,your intellect fails . yea. I can soe nothing. It is iqtritt3 an Egyptian darkness down here. Are yea going to make Me el present? if you think it is my birthday," sitys MraVy. ner slowly and with an honourable .effoia, "I feel it only hefted to let you .nowthat my natal clay is hot novordt tomes with the snow and the sleet ; if you are bent oh giving me MAO. thing handsotae,lwhy, dein° donet and do it I" Slowly, dainbily, AUdiey descends the stone steps to !meet him, awaitingsher upon thcegrass beheath, ' " 'rake it 1" says, extending her hand to him .palm upperraost, on 'which his ring is lying. • "Why, that is yours 1' daye he. A vehement gesture, expteasive of anger, escapee.ner. "Take it 1" elm Miens again, with an impatimmo that is almost fierce. e can't indeed," realm; he calmly, flinging hie cigar far from "It ie. ertito Gni; of the question. Why, it is hardly an hoer ago Bike yen aepepted not only it, hut me 1 foot- ads Will bare i0.1t1Cp its bah," ;!1 rails that 13 d th bl h 1 oun ea y ee ns sloe/a-It erayss of that they areimmediately aivare-her some- what bizarre)* eceturae rendering. her very conspicuous, upon the gravelled „pathway -a__ • a. "it might have • been worse,!' -says . Vyner, • pteising -Audrey's head -reassu- ringly. . • • That Iters. Wetuyss has seen them is .gionaikat,...by the very way in which she Com% to a. stand -still and wavers open- : ly as to whether she shall or shall not Swoop dowo upon them. • She . makes etep 'towards ahem, then 'panties, and :fluidly -like all those who hesitate - she, is lost; and, turning away froni thera, commences •ahasty retreat. • . . • : " Let us intercept her," whispers Vyner;•and, still holiiingAuilrefs hand, he hurries after the depaating figure of their hostese• . . "As you. witnessed the fi 1 t' might have done .us the honour to Wait. for the lest," he. says 'reproachfully, they come up With her.. : "But how then?" demands Mrs. Weinyss, fliuging out her -hands and laughing gaily. a 'lento:Mid 12 You see I had forgotten to ask the bishop to It, where the adoriug begins, and will wind op by limn% each ether Very, -veryrvery much!" Would •they ?" questio▪ ns Bruno. "Then I wish with all my heart that you hated me very, ve7, very raucla.' " "There is something in the air, isn't there," asks 'les, 'Wemyss reflectively, ignoriog his remark-" something msg. natio that suggests love? At leastcute might reasonably eimpose, o, as every- body seems to be proposing marriage to everybody eIse to -night, I wish some- body would ask me to marry him. I feel a little out in the cold." You needn't.. On an average, think 1 have been propesieg to you morning, noon, and night for the past six months," "Well, but you haven't- to -night," says Mr. Weiness carefully. "The night is very far from being spent yet, and such an accusation shall not be oast in my teeth. I'll do it now mein, or diet Would you prefer a de- claration standing'or kneeling ?" You have so often done it both ways that--" ' "That it must be •easy to decide• ." " No, difficult, -If there were only a third way, it might cootain a charm. But one gfows weary -7" "Of saying Ne?'-aquickly, "Say Yes ' then for a change." Oh, impossible Pa -laughing, blush- ing, ancl 'warding off her lover as he draws closer to her by holding up to him two pretty pink palms eittended. 4.4 IL_ "I said 'Yes' note, I should always think it -was I hadaproposecl to you. And, be- sides,You should marry some pretty lit- tle gir1 ever go much younger than you.. s forrarrablandlidar's s - 4' You are all the world to hie, at all evente ; don't make it a wilderness to oins" A moment elapses in which he heti defied the resisting hands and drawn her to hie heart. 44, Say you will m " i marry e, Cis,desires he, n e some- what masterful tone. "1 shall pay you off for thie Teter ona' wbispers she, with .a soft laugh. "Jit, if you Will have it so, why, thenayes --..0-Youamean its?-asks-Brunortighteu- ing his grasp.. . ."1 moan thael havebeen most slimness fully coerced," returns she, mullieg. " But e What, darling?" s " I litu glad of.the coercion 1" t;T n Drowsy night grows on the world, the heavvis become more fairhy reason of the increase of their starry gems, tho earth beneath is full (if the ref:lei of their glory. -*Under the -rays of the great moon, Dick and. his soul's desire ar� pacin,g to and fro upen a secleded pathway hedged in by flowering myrtles and the scented botighs of pale walnet- trees. . • . • Dolores; with tread threwu beck against her love's breast; is musing: thoughtfully on niany happy things that are, ono:any sorrowful thinge that.yet have been; but'no grief dwells upon her gentle face, no shadow dims its bright- ness. Tho purity. of her soft lips and' e • es is utimarred b canIirrino care. ' 11 At this raerey retort they all tangle • "1 knetv how it would be," says Mrs. aWemysespresently,alookingsawholeAael- itines of .congratulatien at them both. "1 could have told you all aboutsit months age. lam so -glad alit-114qt e.' She kisses Audrey with whew warmth; and Audrey kisses her back again with an abandon she would•have been -of a -week ago. ' • " It wasn't Bruno, after allayou see !V • • sa s Vyner mischievouely, ." It was II" So • see, Well, I'la delighted-- thOugh what I'm to say to that melan- choly -Sir Chielmy, after the enenurage. tient I have given him only this very eight, I don't know." Then sheSmiles again, and points towards the gardens beyond. "Ib is too early t� waste time on outsiders," oho says, regarding the lavers with oympathetio eyes. " Pon't -tardenpyollivill find a seat there somewhere, and a very Marvel of a ninon ribtin madly anion at anlarefitelllitg" They are not Slow to take her hitt ; and seakcely liar they disappeared when Bruno conies upon the scene from behind a preteetive hedge. " To whom were - you. talking ?" asks he,. drawing near. I heard nclices asI came along on a Wild-goose chase .fer you which has lasted for a mortal hour. Havel driven rby. rival awaye," ' He looks, in spite of- careful self - suppression, very deeidedly inclined to- wards jealousy. . "I was listening to a charmiug confi- dence," says Mks. Weinyss gaily, Who is 1 too anxious to reveal her news to stay to indulge in toquetry ; Audrey and Anthony Vyner hive been With me; add -guess-----" " You saved them from annihilating each other like the Rilkentay cats"; is that it e" " Wrong, (,:t Thetsites 1 On the con- trary, they came to me as cooirig doves inight come, to tell me that they are engaged to be married 1" " What ? thought they hated ettah other.'" "there are so many Itieclo of hatred, You will reneember perhatei that eits trentes Moot ; that, if -one hetes a persott very, . very, very much, why, in tutui they will get .tio the other on oi • ope 8 er -gues - ope an -the kaTinilv edge �f a great love that with fair face and sweet -has stolen into her m inost heart and made an everlasting lodging there. : • • „ ----])ick-is her-owns-againalier-Jonesher, dearest heart ! His dare will be aa girdle round her always. She will be his, to have and to • hokl for ever, to guard, to cherish, to keep hack front her -the :very winds of heaven,. lest they smite her tee severely. . A glad smile full of beauty overspreads hes face her thoughts wander into regioos replete with -joy. No me• mory 'abet late -misery stirs her soul. Ad trouble is forgotten, all unquiet re. collectiono are laid•in their sullen grave: Who remeinbers the 'rile/MI when the morning dawns? Past griefslrow dim 'When 'present ;joys abetted., , • A long „sweetsigh escapes her, a sigh of the ver deepest conteot. She raises het oyes to leer lover; only to -lira his gaze riveted upon in the clear lan- guorous xneonlight. Of, whet =elfin thinking, darling? Of inc 2" ask e he, in .a low tone. • " For once, no," confesses Dolores, smiling. and rubbing her Cheek softly against.' his. " Of dome one "far -less dear, yeti who still has a claim upon ren, affection. I Was, thinking of ItIrS. Bur-, • oet." • " A11.7fliab good Woiewal . " was receding to ray mina bow she toeked this morning when I gave' her' the moneY that will enable. her daaghter to. leave 4.ervice and marry the man she loves. Such a heavenly -de- light ehowed ifselt upon herireda7atialia Joy, such gratitude. It was:alraost too amtielntaftentede me cry." , • Tears are standing -within her lov- ing eyes, but•there is a, mile upon her. lips. • - " Ale"..cries she " I era so happy my - says presently, regarding ;her with a• most thankful criticism, " You. feel better 2" -with lover -like anaiety. "1 am altogether well," xeturnii she, smiling ; "body and soul are free from pain. -Peace alone belongs to me. You need not be frightened about me any longer, Dick "-raising her beesitifut- laughing eyes to his. "Only yesterday Mre. :Edgeworth told me she hoped I should not grow to robust, as stoutness was a terrible fault in a young lady." They botbalaugh. . "Dear old thing !" says Dolores. I ata so glad oho IS still papa's house- keeper. She' told me she was a little uneasy at first when the great change was made, lest she should not be con- sidered grand enough' for the situa- tion. But I soon set her mind at rest about that.," ' - -you would have everybody's mind at rest if you ha,d your wsy," says Dick caressingly. "Do you remember haw I , used in, the old days to compare yell to a -white violet'?" • akedagla "1 temeniber," " I was wrong, I think; have "- looking at her very tenderly-" a better comparison for . you now. You are more like as spring daisy -so fair, so white, so delicate, with such a heare of gold!" . She glances up. at him with 'parted lips and eyes alight with- love: Hie arms tighten, round her slender form; his eyes meet hers. • l'hierfitiabontatlidiiitlieldittifigladdir glides on, and through the idle trees a weeiogJoreene scamettsquicklyanelityieg with heasurinyltairand kissing bei per- fect mouth. 9rhe air is full of mystic sounds ; . frem the forest helow the sad belling of a straying deer mai be heard; and to the lovers there conies across the dew-beepangled sward, the voice of one calling-- • "Dolores, . Delores ! Como . in my. darling !". It is. the voice Of Mise Maturin, Mid it reachos. them fraught with ,fond love -and keenest eirkiety, "Ys, yes ; NVO mud go. in indeed I" -says Delon*. e Aapityatecti" she sighs, with a•lingeaing glance cast into the dirk - sweetness of the a,utume , night. : a Good ni,e,ht to you, doer eters 1" 'she r cries., with. n little childish wave of' her slender fingers towards the 'heavens. "A fair geed night to all- this lov.ely world 1" • • ' Still for moment she •liugera, smi- ling a soft adieu, then slips her hand: within her lover's. arm, mad goes with him acrais the flowering grasses. , • Thal's What:mode: 111.1m Feet so Rad, • yo, reuterabar coinintaliome lastnight mid Aasking nio to throw .3rOil an assorted la- of•key -heles out. of the. _:wrndowitlja_sae taaantstmars an. stoat y enough -to get yotir latchkey i d 1' • Yes, a41.,, 'AO de yetatememlier this night. be- fore how `you risked me to comeadewis steh6 at'qiS --CiCough fog •yent-to step en - ° • Yes, dear.' . An tlit, nigh, hsaina, that how you tried to j limp in to the' lied. as it. Passed your eicle •Of the roone!' • • a Yes dear.' , . • ' "' ' And •• nothe gli t. W Y-dit 'carefully' explaieed to me that:- tio mom WttS;illt,OxitiCitod Rs' long. as 'leo geoid lien clown w thee holding Ott; and'. then a fa. tempted in'en,e, to . on a lanPoial . , . Yele• sleets' ' • • • • . :• . delta -do yea rue! test that pm' have come home' sober btit t wo nights in the past Week :1' • • , • . • • • Rave la deat 1! . • . That's all.; and Yeti might tete, as- , • heeled el yeursolt, too. 'Me idea th girypt,"/ Tnurado- eveillbg, June Pith, chthlren'e reativataindle buseenan- opus concert. • lairtiee living at a dIstalice • my secure re* Served seats by applmatIonili 4.1111fg,Inclosina. tbe neeessary funds in Caell,P ortlftt, draft to theilfou. Sect etary, Joh u Earls, 14 Ade- laide Street East Toronto, from whom official Programmes, wit}, Wan el tile tall, May also be obtained. The prtoes have been placed within the reach Of all, being for season ticket (reserved Seat on ground. floor) to all (four) concerts, $5 ; season tieket (reserved seat in gallery), to alt mato etainertS.46.30 ; single ticket, reserve neat on ground. floore each concertPI.50 ; Single ticket, reservee seat la gallery, wish concert, *2.00; single admission to each concert, $1.00. Appli- cations by letter should indicate whether seats are wished on ground door or in gallery, and, should bemado early to ensure good seats. M&NNING & scow Barristers, bo tiertors, . VONVeratmene a. Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba. OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO NE MA., CLINTON. MUNtYiLlf4F•ini.l."'(§utttuT,uo'itilcv. oyes store, Albert Street, VrARRIAGE LICSNSES.--APPLY TO THE IVA undersigned -at, the Library ltc,ome; Smith's . • JAMES SCOTT, VigiNEY TO LEND IN LAUGH Olt SMALL .01 sures on good mortgage security, moderate ate ot interest. IL HALE, Clinton. nET. Dowsrxx, M. D., M.R. 0.8. ENGLAND JI-• Physician, Surgeon, etc, Office and residence nekt stetson's Bane, market square, Clinton; APPLETON.-OFFICE,-AT RESIDENCE Ontario street,Clinton,oppositetheF.nglish D'oi; httrah. Entrance by tilde gate: _ • proviticpilltlaitrit?D°ooiTT.InfoVnitallig4.114=7';,- cAllionhtiotne,et DrEttightsui. pkiuriN BLoon.., uilEvE.-0101I0E ItA.TTEN31JRY ST.- I-, Murray Meek, two doors east of, Ilodgens' en trance. Resi,tenee, opposite the Temperance Hall, puron Street, canton. Ornoe hours, a.m. to .m. • kr RS, WHITT, TRAOHER OF MUSIC, PUPILS ILL a t teml e4 at their own residence, if neeassary. R e- .eidpnee, John Robertson's, fauren Street, Clinton. *Rice's new Method taught If desired. sTANourr, aRADUATE OF TEE maoi aacar,Derattratintoraidoelattnivorsity,Toronto,tor morly of the Hospitals and. Dispensaries, New York Coronerf or the County of Union 4.1_aylieldiOn 1.41R,ANK It. POWELL, BARRISTER.; SOLICITOR, 13 Notary Public, ote. °dim, SEARLE'S Ittops; AL- DsRr Srassr, CLINTON. Toronto agents, Messrs. Mc- Carthy, Osier, floskin& Crechnim. Private funds to oan at lowest rates of interest. tv. wit/exams, B. A., M:13., GRADUATE OF IA•Taccuto Udiversity; member of theCollegeof Pity sielansand Surgeon's, Out. OvFICE EssinexcE the house formerlyoocupied by Dr. TOM, Albert street (Minton. • TAIL WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SIIIIGEO,I 1/Ac cO nalieur, Li a en tiafe of the Ooll gee f Physician. and Sargeona of LowerCauada and ProvincialLicen, Mate and Coronorfor e Oona t'yo Mare m. Ofilceand sesidence,--The building f ornierl3 o ec4led by Mr Thwaltes, Huron Street. C Linton, Jin.10,1871. "CILINTO MECHANICS' INTITTJTE, LIBE Anr and Reading Rooms, Perrin block, down stairs. About 1,700 vommes in' the Library and all the :Leading N'ewsPapers and Periodicals of the day on the table. Membership ticket $1 Per. annum. Open from 2 to 6 p.tu., and from 7 to p in. Applicatiens menmershsp recivect by the lAbrarilan in Ili the room. • UNION- SHAVING PARLOR AVIN, HAIR C_LIT_Mamwtx 'POOING-ilone very-fie4t and- to -sot • JOHN - liANQUARSON,RioolF• • •• • - MISS IDEPEVV MUSIC -TEACHER is NOW tilaana TO StECRIVE Puriae. , uslitur.,gn NURSERY. PETIT Aso ORNAMEN'I'.AL TB.EES, NOIt• WAT SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, TUE LATTER or WHICH we MAIM A SPECIALTY LARGE. STOOK ON. HAND The above ornamental trees and. shrubbery will he sold at yery low prices, and those wanting anything in this cooncetion win save money by purchasing. here. 'Orders by Nati will be2n•ompau attencled to Address,. . • JOHN STEWART, BonmIllor H. Nelson & Co., BERLIN. natrumerunorts STEAM ENGINE -S, BOILERS, AND CENTRAL MACHINERY.' a • ORDERS • PROMPTLY -:- FILLED -$50,00010-LOAN at 6 per-Uftt Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and -10 per cent, 0 when Vie can get money from us at 0 per 0, TERMS made to snit borrowar, re,garditig . payment and period of tome • .. • Apply to • ]ARRAN &T1S.DALL, , •' • BANXERS; CLINTON: •• .111.0LSONb DA.N K. Incorporated 1.),.• Ae_t of. Parliament, 18•15. • CAPITAL,' --- .$2,000;000. , ' HUAI) OFFICES'. MONYAEAL.. ' • jeolielnA.S.111toeultIottalASI,.... .. . ,ProsIdent. 'WOLFERSTAN THOMAS', Ocecirlaleifarielasier. ' ' Notes cliscountect,--•,Oollgtions eiadeaDiefts issued, Sterlinl and American Ocirtge .. bought and oold al lowest ' - • cztrrent rates. - Ititerk at 4, per Cent allowed on deposits, - 7: tr,---1:7R7WSI: manager', . , Money adVanced to farmers on their own initqs with -lieor mbre endorsers. No mortgage required as se. • : .'-i? 3 ---- las: elieten • • L• er, V ItGEON DENTIST. , fold the exclusive right for the.colintY for the Hurd process of -administering chemically pure. Nitrogen monoxide, wl lett is the safest and best system yet dis- covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Chargas moderato,' satisfaction guaranteed. • OFFICE, • EL- LIOTT'S. BLOCK, over Ilanco's Tailor Shop, Huron 'Street; Clinton. • ' IA -I A. BENNg.trrr,, UNDERTAKEI4 AND*MISALMER, AlberfSt., Rod -Ricker Store 11111.111111111111111111111111 mataof puts- ege-a-but; -Jobe, why are . • • • you c7ings Theresthere, dear, didn't' ,iv-isliilt 0 mean to be too severe. -after all., yea accs . - - - did 'Come home sober two nights.' • ' , . _ I eo - whet fee . • A lel' than tiii? IlieCtin(r atIjuiii•iied. self that 1 wetficlaitat were possi essee alftrue lovtee happy alio 1- And that poor inotherni glance of joy .is a' thing never to be forgotten. Yes "-with a little sigh of intensest satisfaction-" 1 aye certainly succeedettards making t til 1 1 t de,* t" ssucti kelt twee- - not count with you ? you not made me happy. 21! . alfe receives his mustier, not 'in welds, but in a tender deed. , • "1 neaer „think you --you ate my- self," Flo whispers presently. " Aed, besides., in such a matter as this we, are quits: I contd. giVe 'you itiO tar; ger abate of bliss than you have given me." • " Beloeed, does no cruel inennity- of thelsid past torment you UONV ?'"' asks he, regarding her with fond auxious eyes. " YOU feel nothing ?" "Nothingt".. retinue she .d.keimily. Her anus steal round his neck, she lays her head upon his breast, and for a while is very silent,. Then--" I feel only this," she says e,t last, as though she has been revolvmg his question in her niind--" that I Rth. with you ttow, and be so for ever, and that am at rest, and very, very thankful." There is os pause for a long while; but they, standing thus together, feeling the beating of eaels other's lionate, take u6 heed of the 'maid flight of time. She is in hie arms, the one thing precious to him, a, possession before -which all the eboicept glories of tho V; oriel ITU. s " You are growing Strougea-your old pretty colontem coming back to you," he erne one r y g o- 3 • Toronto's Great Musical Festival. • • erisaazar SICAL .E,VENT• 711 CAbiAl/A—s coagoiess -UP MUSICAL Nornararrue-ooso .etteoree SINGERS 111 01,114. cROUIrS,..1,00 SELEarEn nicsiccANs nt mat oncerne. .• ANt) A. ' so:PrtB5tisisrliti • . • • 1.11.011{1.:8 1.203 enti.nitEN,' • ' On Jane 15, lti, 17, tho Cit,v of Torontowill Ada the rauksOf „taose cities Which have shoWn themselves dentros 'of art, culture, and enter. A•Monster Musical .kcstival Will be acid daring thoee (lass, •coustsomeof one 'matinee and throe oVening concerts. Itja_asving 'to tho energy cif Mr, P. IL Torrington, fqr many years' toldtictor of the Toronto Philharmonic Seclety,` mitsIcalsmt has hem, organized. Att Attsdelittion lots been formed oLreproseiitative eitizenS of Toronto, of Which ItIr. George Good.: eithantleitorary. PresidentTM iv:4.41=01-11m liciiner.yrestdont:Messw..faines.11..lionstoed,, J. Herbert Mason, anti 'Philip Jacobi, Viee- President's BD". 'James steam •"rreasurer and John Vaos, tionorary Secretark. The ',public 'spirit and energy ef these gentleman has re - ted le 0, guano, too fond of V23,060 being rattled-- 0nd in the arrangement of programmes which haVo not been excelled in any or thelarge cities 011.11iiitiUmitititteetiliset:41WitteriT o* t the (Ialecloniarling Club on lintual street has been ,rented for the . Atter the severest testatt the:late fait in i Clinton it • tide 11 von elutroda awe EASk ATION; BEAVTY oF ANT) $assaar=assetestessnaal EI-CELSTOR was- away ahead of all oth- ers, and destined to be the -popular irfttru- ment of the day. This; along with the fact that a special prize was awarded it, certain-, ly speaks vole ines for the instruments, ancl partieotpurchasing should see the Rem- STOR before buying elsewhere. :Festival Concerts, which will be given by a 01101-08 01 a thOusand -voices, seleeted from oVer• ' tAtellre litindred hppliaants, Askisted bjpu ehestra of one 1iULoUd initsielatiVsoleCtat 'Canada mid otinittastatem, wane atone or t conem ts a chorus of.. twelve hundred children, Selected from the Pattie and Separate Schools 'will be the chief attraction.These 01401-418(1(1liaVe•been in aotive and entlnislastic rellearsal tor the past four Menthe, and have reached a degree of efficiency *Wait ittigu"s well for the artistie siteeesti of the Festival. Tbe tirra,V of solo talent is ito less inipoalrig. Contracts have 1)99141)141(10 with Ilratilein TAM Lehmann, soprano of the Cottrt, (meta, nerne, •nseeally ; etas is, Aline Osgood, of 1'h1ladel- .010.m. Mid Mrs. Gertrude Lather. of Buffalo, hunks who staxtd in the front rank otatatotio sopranos in America : MISS Agnes ,IItinlingtom ot Now -York, the ideal contralto of America ; 5tr, Alliert• L. Ring, Nent Yorkolio faverito• tenor Mr, Max Heinrich. baritone, et' the Tama dere ThomuS concerts; end Mt'. D. M. IlabCock, 1110 greatest basso iit America, • In addition to three meta:ova vocalists, the following instrument:311sta foremost in thetr Poiptctive ilepfirttneitts,. hare hem' engaged : Herr Otto Benito:. lloston, pianist : Mute, goat, 1,111110 01141 tert oil, 111144)1.8t6 Fred - ‘.1•10 omr, New York, °mills( ; nit,t Iron II"nry Jtivoln,en, tho crlobrated T h. nimeerts will rinbrart.: Ttlomlity (V0l1 4419 Jate13, Clottimil's golval Kier, d 'MUM*, g .4 Vita"( oath or 4.1 1»i. Wedues•Itty after, non Julie 10111, slival Matitice, roldSisling of Vomit 11,41 11,,,Itt110e ectit,tu.., WethwAlinar nvon, .11;:'. GEO. F. OARES, Paerraterons ,b'aetory three doors weat Of,Mulloy's Nun) Shop, Rettentoiry St.,_c_linton • . • , , • • Watch and Clock- Maker, . J -EW „ELLER, , -OP POSiVE Til -E -RIA INKJET, CIANTON . Where he keeps a select assortment of 't - • WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWRLLERT, . SILVER - \Thigh we'.. will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of ever); tleserlptIon proutptly tended to, and all work warranted.. J. BIEDI,ECOMBE. Clinton ,Nov• 1882. • " • CI LAINT`.VOTsT • . PLANING I roue suneonnina HAVING JUST COMPLETED • 1 and furnished lila new. Planing Mill with mutate- • ery of tho latest hnproved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all orders in his -lino in tho mostproMpt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. Ho would -also rettnn thanks to all who patronized the - • older= before they, were burned out, and now being in a better position to execute orders exposlitiousIV, • feelseenfidenthe ean-give-satiefaetionteHtli. '.F.:ACPORY--:-.ZVertr the" arcaul „Timnk:Rail it'aih THOMAS. McKENZTE. • " • SUFFER FROM Ig eadahe . DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, . 'WHEN WEST'S LIVER PILLS —Will .aflioronghly-eure: Thoy- IOTOG-Reic-WEE d° pot gripe or purge, but act Oicci 'itif hi II OVe r paled ; • ire C.CorfalderOti. price. VOSr1.1-BilGLLNTON E.ki.12111 Wolta. A seeenalay. • . , loos. • They have . ' proven to bo tho .GREATE.ST. • - .1 • - • • • • BLESS! NG -. OF THE Ap5... To AD sufferers from ktsfl&oatlenj ' • " EllsOrdored . • THEY ARE.:AN ABSOLUTE AHD, ,PRfECT CURE udo them arid be l'elleved freat • your Misery. ap Pille 10 a b.eaor 'ra 210; perlroxs boxers for $1, I<MMF.,MIR# MAROS 11386--SPRINC-1.13E36 .buyng, get -oar tpecialotiriees Balls, Marbles, Lacrosse Stleks, Express Waggens,HollOairiages. cRorwvyr, 14; BALT, , C1110 KET (1'L)')-. • 174KA MAPS THE LAItalEaT niel BEST IS ' BEAVER BLOW:. BOOR:STORE, • wit, comae:, %antis . 7 FOR SALE Dr ALL DRUOCISTS ALT - DCALERS 101 Alatellf(73 • . . - Ilse OA 11Z+ ' is Lion% • Vi 1.1 1 t1 14011; 11,139.., vtilh : , ' . ale,t! rt`',0)1•d . 1441 reeelte • . ••, • " .'• ..r ,T3, „i '