HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-21, Page 5At the A,prit meeting of Grange No. sea, A4r. W. Weymouth was appoiatodea delegate to the division Orange, to be held at 73russela, on the$th of June. After „ether bneinees had been .transacted, the subject of "Itoot Rais ing"" was introduced by Mr, Jatnes Coning. have, Lir. Rarephrey Heol, speaking on the subject, said he believed root raising was Seed beoaune it provided food for stook and also heaped toclean the land, aa it took a cer- . talo amount of hoeing to keep them in order, which was ae ' good as, plowin, he thought that turnips were better for 'home in the winter than carrots, aa the letter affected the liueys; a few .carrots might bo fed, but not nna y, Mr. John Cuminga stated that be never .tried to fatten stook without mote, es. peoially turnips ; be had only raised a few Wrote and mangoldre, but was eatisfled that if it .paid to raise stock it also paid to raise ,roots ; they should be hoed et the proper time; be thought it best to take clean land for roote and summer -fallow the dirttaland; in his. -opinion -about -tile-20th of -Jana was 'the best time to soW turnipe, and he had never failed in having a good -crop sown about that time. The question being asked whether it was best to manure in the fall' or epri for • roots, Mr. 1-1, Snell said that in his experience he did not see that it made much difference to the crop, except that it was so much labor saved in the spring, Mr. •H, ltadford, Said he had always tried to'plowtwiee in the fall, and did not agree with Mr. Comings in tak• - log a clean field, as he thought it always took „a.,certain.amount of labor to do justice to the roots. Mr. W. Waite then read the following essay, after which the meeting .adjourned : "Mat cren,,(V9i the Farmer POtanee. to take _ , the place of roots, Let us iu the first 'place suppose a farmer has five acres of land. for Trots, which we will, suppose averages 500 bushels to the acre, or a t • total of 2:500 bushels, and, allowing that the farmer is feeding stock twenty-five,weeks in the year, and that the,same man has twenty head of stock ;' now, 2,500:bushels' for .25' weeks would bo au average of 100 bushels per St'ea'k, or a litho eater fourteen bushels per day ; when elided up these' would make about twenty bushels, or about one bushel of Sliced 'roots per day'. Again we will suppose the same man liad sown the land with stn •in: 'stead of roots,. which would tarn out thirty- five bushels to -0o acro, or a ,total of 175 bushels; and again allowing tide to bo fed for twenty-five weeks would be aiaw'averago of seven bushels per week, or abort 'one bushel • per day; when ground and fetl.iwith.the .straw. after cut, this would bo only a mere tanto divided amongst twenty head of Stock. Again it the farmer should ecu bis grain and.ievest, the money in bran, hoe' much bran shntild he : receive for the grain'? We will allow that the same 175 bushels brings • hitr•}l 50- cts, per • bushel,. this would be:$S7.50,..eiid ,•allowini that by taking a quantity .he< receives nine 'tone of bran, and allowing it to -be fed the same twenty-five weeks to the same number, the convicted Grand Trunk ticket agent at of, cattle,( it would _ be about 720 pounds Per Guelph, bas been 'sentenced to. six months' .: weelz,-or a little over 100 lbs, per tray, or five 'imprisonment;,=Tho Governmentt will grant ' pounds, per head earth:day,' • Now, • although , an amnesty to all the. northwest' insurgents. there is,about six limes the amount of water . who did not •commit` cold-bleoded•mnrder,- in the roots that there, ie -in :the " bran, stock The widow of Louis Riel is dying. -•=•William that are fed on roots will do with half the :Dobson,. a wealthy and respected farmer of amount of bay or straw, and there is. no crop Chingaa:oasy•township, blew' the top. of•his. the, farmer ca'n'raise that he can clean bis land head off with a shot gun' at An early hour on and raise a crop at the sarne,,time,,,as, he can Sunday morning;, no cause is assigned for the I with roots. ut he cannot make it as clean act ; be was in• Brampton •on Saturday, and' as with, surfifner fallowing;, but .it. will clean ,returned home in tjte evening hi geed health the land to' a oertain extent and better than.a and spirits. -Annie Degan and James' Doe - great many summerallows get ; while, . on were drowned,, at Cornwall, on Tuesday. -•• .the ether hand, to raise a crop.of grain instead ''Toronto Young Liberals have been asked.. to. of a crop of:roots, the farmer must eitber luso .take part in conventions there for selection of• a' aro to clean his land or •learn the ]'lad in-purliamelLLary eau iiiila aminis ere of I ' a• more, Arty con :tion than it was before ho ,Sto>;mont, Dundas and Glengary, pledge to sowed the dtop, and.'although the root: crop support only men for parliament, wbo are '- - may take the most work, the extra amount of; •sound on temperance principles, -St. Thomas seed end the cost'ol threshing .the.grain.when Now, as for the best mode--of•4'l asurg'roote,.rf" l'In-dlr errbar1-tvirestr dtVnukl tXi in -the fall before -once as early as .possible r•-••s's----tiiir after harvest, and again before. winter comes on -and then give it •a -thorough manuring in the spring, and Plough:it two or three times, and sow in drills, about •thirtyinohea apart, O 1'of •June: the ti. about t o a r 0 ' ] h Inst, held on toe 7t � meeting, , the i1 i � At av g,�- the discussion on "-Root Cultivation" was re - earned: Mi.: George Snell Bahl' he did not see ' that we could fatten stock without •roots,but did. not believe in feeding too lain a tluantity - at once ; was in favor of pulping turnips for - feed abopt half.a-bushel was a good feed for. ,an ordinary animal ; in Iiia opinion mangolds- .. were better for fattening.'cattle than ternrps,. and especially the globe maugolds.. hfr.John Shobbrook:said• that. so fir:'as growing" roots was concerned;-he.-di(t not do. .vcry touch at it.; he would rioter a dirty ficial•tc.a clean' one for crop:of this kind; did not agree: with Mr. H Snell; diet carrots were not good fors borsch; not was he previously' aware that ter• nips were better for mileh cows than marigolds. crop PrOtpects. Oaiicaao, May 137. --The following crop.' summary will be printed in this week's issue of the Farmer's Review : The heavy rains of the pastweek have lessened some- -what the former excellent outlook for spring wheat la Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota, and caused some injury to winter wheat in Wisconsin, Michigan„ Ohio and Indiana,, where in some of the fields it was beginning to head CO. The reports do not indicate, bow - ever, any serious damage as yet. in other respects the outlook for all the grains in all the States and Territories continues excellent. The reports from Michigan. indicate an imprgvement in the wheat outlook within the last two weeks. Third Attempt on the Ornnge4'11le Mag. tnttrato're Life. - i.1RANonvnLL,__014.-, _May_ 18. -Two more dynamite explosions took place hero last night -the one at the office and the 'other• -'at the residence of the police Magi-' strafe, Mr. Monroe, The main street, on Which the Magistrate's office is situated, is 'crowded with people. The office is completely' wrecked.' The house is not so badly wrecked as the office, though this time the cartridge was placed at the front of the house, wracking the parrot. For- tunately no lives. were lost. The indigna- tion of the peoples is very great, as this is the third ettempton Mr. Monroe's'life and property ;;ince the -initiation -of -Scott' Act, Mrs. Hunter, telegraph'agent,whose office is• next to the Police Magistrate, was sleeping alone in her office when the ex piosibti occurred, and foitunately, hdty ever, she sustained no damage, although the furniture in her room was shattered, and the side window broken, OGEDENSED ITiws.-Two girls' 10 high soci- ety at .New York; have eloped .with their father's . coaoliman.-Miss Cohn, Montreal, sho£a leap named Scheyer, for seduction and breach of promise.-RLov. -Jas. Lawsou,' of Cobden, .Renfrew Co., waa seriouslyassaplted: by a "Convicted violatcr,of the. Scott Act.- Toronto ministers aro all goiug to prenoli against the social evil the last Sunday in May; those. in the churches guilty in this respect, should: be hit harder pian those who: are out. Storms in Ohio and Kansas bavo• done tre- mendous damage, and killed many persons."--' Two men in '1'oranto, who -showed their spit. Why with the stroet•car striker`s by keeping• their' waggons in front of the cars, have each been fined 820 •and, costs, and.another $50 and Posts, for thus .obstructing traffic. -Mr, W. Hamilton Merritt, of Torogto,acivii engineer, has been' chosen as the Tory • candidate for 1Ialdimand ; . Mr: Merritt` was • defeated by the late Mr. Thompson, in -18S2. -Ale arlane, flax -mill has'' been .burned down,-Ex-presi• counted would make up for some of the roots, dent alrth'tir is said to be dying, -J, H. Qoodr ,;sell_.1las,senoi'eri.a:.yerduct_of. 251 101 : t) i a _ t e Western Telegraph 'Co.; we would feel; poor atter -a 'verdict: against us like' that. - Six tramps sleeping in a rolling mill, in Penn- sylvania, were blown to ,atoms by the ex- plosion of the 'boiler.• -Hon, Alex. McKenzie will leave for ,England on the 3rd et. June:-- .y a 'o' 'n cotln• l r tenof oritenac and d int Lo i'r n 8YJ g r' , )i' ties, a ti. meetia,,;m 1i..{ugeton, expressed tho Conviction that the.Scott Act isworking well; Beach '&• Hanka row nzLthe'Thames -L: S. Huntington, foiinerly in ho Mackenzie min- istry,: aud. Who exposed the Pacilie Scandal, died at New York,, On 'Wednesday.-b•'ive Petcrboro lhot::l::keepers•' paid: .$50 each fog violation of the Soott get.-J.he residence of -Mr'sSSsliot'j•, at ClandeboyesiWas'burned down by au ineeodiary, Wednesday; he is license inspector. --Lours Weijan, of Toledo, tried to eat 3 dozen 'eggs, on a. wager;' his funeral -took place on Wednesday. • Mr. R. 1V. Keeler, Orient the most enter- prising of Mitchell' merchants ;,"assigned to the' Sheriff,, on Monday. _.'.l '• The -subject for discussion at the next meet ,i' ing is, "If.the production of alarm will not BORN' •y • raise enough to put the Enron in good working MANNING.-.inClintan,••ou the l7tlianst,, the order, that is, to fere, ..draie, put up nem- ' wife of Mr. A. H. Manning, of a.daugltter sary buildings, get machinery for' worlting, ' HOLLAND:- In r"iellett,• Ruron Road, on -the Mid d -provide the house and family-with"tlre: -10th nst.,.the-wife of i'. Jas•Holland o a -son: necessaries .and,' luxuries of'tlxe present day; • . •BAER. -In Colborne, . on the ,16th inst., thor which Shell Wait for the accumulation of tr tfeof bfr. Ii. I3ser,.of 1t son. n 'tm:st'IIItt EB .Tiimontte:0,0nthe lith mei. money, the lamaattendance ;or'the .house and family. tlio wifti fI EXi'. ,Totip Dlaewhirtei, fOTIIICi'ly` ot. A largtl' att0udaiico,is requested Iv., tlri9'�'Clinton., of mama: - rneetiiig •1 E 3OI.N EQDGEN5. We have opened out this week one case of • ;1 1 L..i�, l l S and �d �l White,i�Rll���� NJ � � � Tuscan and Beige grounds with LACES to match, :One*ease of American PRINTS,: _splendid value. ILLIN�F��' vErs4arracENT. W e are senc1in: out a very large number of HATS an BONNETS. Y d NNETS. A look will convince you that our Milliner y is right. 5 per cent off' for cash_, JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Esta�k0J, IiOL�CE�TS. , 4 BIG PTJRCHASE -�= LADIES • mn- 0 A ave31:103Erria01.1 rac COs, • just purchased .over ''200" LADIES'and. I - .�N 1LI��.�E11`T' S HATS. The Newest Shapes at a• reduction of 40 per `cent. off regular prices. g They nowo fr extraordinary . Bar air C They e e�tr�r y.. Bargains �►omeand see them.. : • P.1\IPETtri 'aloe r ACE Ct?RT T hompson's leg Estate. Aleicy.I • SUNDRIES. •'CLINTOI�, ONT. (�t C1OD GENERAL SERVANT. WANTED IM- i gg hilt MMEDIAT,ELY. Apply to MRS.'D. A. FORRI;S- 1 R tat ,rands ill be glad 10 deal rwlth parties estlrncing of Realel TEE, P•rincess street. - ' t to dispose ell Terms, two percent on all amounts up to 0N0 �1s(TA1c 1 eI31%71`AKY`f I t1DS t9N . "�^' .Ntform-.sanders percent•-oar;1n andSrtchai rti4 re 000 - ,— No charge made for adrertinitg; and no charge whatever nu sri Farm soabray, interest iii per Sent. Payale° less a enie or. transfer ds effected. I have uow the following' ; yearly. Apply to 0,5,,1IARTT aolimtor, Clinton:.tn1. : w�..•-•.`•1�..� r • Collector Caven, elf•Stratford, and 0111- - cer 111-'.cer N icbol,of Walkerton, arrested Anthony 1CIehan,,• and bad him sentenced to :pay a penalty of .$S00,' anal go to jail for one anent!), for working an - illicit still in thic. towkehtp of Cdrop.,. • .De ut. •"-Deo a Election.,.. • While driving out of Mitchell, on- Wed p nesday, Dr. Hurlburt Was overtaken, near •• TO the Electors of Clinton. T� the Presbyterian buryiu; grounds, by a r 1] hereby given that rho first sitting of the Court of • r rRob- r 1.1ert •f,NMEN -A the request b l •btrl 4 00 a 4.5a,. Revlsion, for tho township of Iluilett• in the County runaway team belonginf, to Mr. \i m. Lnnit.s Aar tr , 10sol1, . of 1 ullarton. ' The wheels • were of 'a' large 'number -of the ratepayers of request ' 0 2., a 0 moo" of tlurou, for A. 11,.1880, for Revising. the Asa°5viilent bed from his buggy, noel, the vehicle too, 1 offer myself for the position of Deputy. 0 1G `a, 0 if i; 11 o n n ti sw1' lit i e tit y tniseli adIlh odor Etre 1 wren 6oyrt146 .: it i0 g upset, but beyond, this no other damage NOP. ,variant by the .resignatiee of 4Vm. was done, Coats ,• •an(lif`elected will do my best to re- . b a cl.,a. ltresetlt yell faits .. a 4 ''ot '"°1r71fc a `TTIftvnf,CR, is Pik. -V arrYoutigtAa=farfnr�ltawCoMlantLtoayii . f; '(�i�1i1r'H i. at�r�I,�--. fit;.----- •(..H o- ,0 20 ship,near Welland was married a few Ma r.10, ISS6.• - peen Pelts • - -• :0 5Q.,ci -0 7:i days ago, and on 11Ionc1ay last. genie ,cerin' Y 4..-.....— ' oblb skint!, • - • •4.00 a . 0 'SO menroceeded'to the house of his father, I n DIAD. lVAL1:INir11AWtt to Clinton, `ou the lent trait, Jantes walklnslt'tn,•agett' 81 years and' 0 ino,iths. ' OSBORNN -=•In Clinton, on talc; lith In it., :Sarah Catharine.: wife of•Mr,,C.Osborne., aged sa years and 6 mouths;' • properties for sale i - - Lot 14, •Luke Road east, Colborne 100' acres, 45 created, and under pasture, 20 acres slashed and eau easily be cleared, DEMOCRAT WAt,OON FOR SAL1 , WITII• balance of b11511 light. wilt be middle*. Pole and Shafts; in splendid. order and will 160: acres, good land, 21;,.rulles from, noaeamonnt, Cobh. be sold cheap.-SOI1:N`RIDOUT, Clintbn• . • 50 acres under cultivation,, shall Louse. Price $10 an aero. ° West half lot 28, 204CM)of Edat.Wawabnsh, 110 acres, . ' ir O ares cleared, gl e good bush,18 acres fall vheat'M(:ETO. LOAN 'ON .FARaI 'PROPERTY,- aipt ,gcreekhd]ntr tr ugb the farm, bank barn 40140 two Private and Company! Funds.,Lowest interest", acres oorchard, one mild from Auburn. Price $15,000. also on approved notes for short iiate5 , C.A.ItpItTT;' At torney,-Clintoii. •' •r 1m , lIf $1200 or `51500 down; balance to snit pnrebnser. Lot 006, 1 5 of an acre, au Huron St:', situated on the east - .sidoofMr,ItillouL's•reNblence, will fenced,' Price, $200, to suit purchaser.. - Splendid building let for pale, opposite the Oommercial Hotel, 40,feet'frontby 60 toot deep. I tied' reasonable, • 70 Acres..•all cleared, large. frame -Darr nearly nein, good Frame ' llouse,, 2 good wells, good springi, creek 'running throe h the premises 1.4 acrea•orclrard,5 miles Rem Clinton and 100 from Seaforth,. $3,060. 14, acres fall 'wheat, part cash long credit for part 'withreasonale interest.. Atli Stanley. Township, 111 700-emr-he-carried Mr 10 years' at U,',; percent, OR SALE.—LOT AND, II011SE ON '1111.1 P. -mon .Terms easy. Apply to lir. Pair, at the Mill, or to ,JANIx1NO;44• s OOT'r,. DISSOLUTWON.'—NURPFry BROS., OF IIULLETT, who -Mayo been carrying on the business of tfiresh. ors and farmers, have dissolved partnership by,.nlu- tual consent, li ' KESS AND 21A.NTLE• 1,1kIUNG :IN ALL ITS nc D branches done b ' Illtsa. SL'AA� bl0ohi4' at residence y Ontario St., opposite the Presbyterian Lienee. Ladles cntr -t° 1g� her 1r lr ,ainetits'of-lib .dederi tlo"il rho rely on go5ting'ontlze satisfaction. T UMBER.. FOR SALR:—• IlEtir-OC1C Ar1I LI`Irlm L umber Edr'sale, and will bo cut to or• dor for any llerson,sending ,in their order he" ftilathaSdtlx-ef.ilia,.--JAs.••3Y_ALLI St; -00.• •. '. 0oderich'townsliip, Bayfield I': (1 FARIL FOR SALE. -PART OP LOT 20, QN :T1ID 14th con: of the township of Idullett,-r.o raining about 46 acres. Tomas to, suit purohn er..: Appply to • CAMERON, lIOLT& CAMERON,IJarristtrs, Godericlt. •WARM FOR. SALE THAN VERY VATIC- L' w0Ls. far'rii. composed of 'lots 24 and 30; eon. 8 Hullott, 800 acres, of this 150 acres are •Cleared, the balance good hardivootl bush. .Bclring •ehprd oft acres. Ordinary dwelling Reuse ; good frame ,barn at#d outbuildings.. Farm IA -W011 watered, and situated ' about 8dnliles'ficmthe To(vnoyfClinton. . Terms easy. Atrply,to er,'McTAGGART, Hinton, tf D ORTABLJ5 SAW ifILTr FOR �SAI.I DHE' -undersigned offer for sae a half or Whole in- terest in their. Portable Steam;Saw Mill. The boiler. is 50 ho iso-powor,,englno 85, and the, saw at elonefr„ Al in -:complete running order; only- ha n yin use about three months; doing • a splendid business; Satisfactory reasons for selling, , Cost over 61500;" will boso11'L tabargain.'PERDU' .0 DONALD$ON; Clinton I.0. • pro TOW, Ts•the s pot to -buy cheap: DRY. GOODS'. To Ftp tse..• at rock bottom prices. To get ai, unequal-: ML�.LIIVERY q - eel variety in DRESS GOODS at the'lowest possible • figures,' and to have them,n�a,do up in the `Nobbiest:Styles.' I t`B. - II VI , j, C-1 - ---'` - — URIIA I T3Lia FOR, I,R bl. —.THE7— "' _ , . D Subscriber iceeps, for•aerviCe; ow Lot 77, ' ''e? 711# da -fox• . he ci,I)tci,(�j i�,11Ei: -- Maitland. Concession Godoriclt Township, a - • Thoroughbred. Shorthorn Bull, of'7irat•class :pedigree. • Terms, 61 at time of servicer with Ilia privilege of returning Jr necessary. ALEX. -D014.154-•lt; HOLIIIJ I,•A,t(•-a7T. •Also-somogno`(L •Silring Wheat for. sale.. i . LIi;TON Cb11.RT OP ILEVISIOY. , NOTICl ;t5 C f1INTON. 21ARKI I a. . Clierebygivon'thatthe first meeting of tltaCourt of • • • Rovleion for the Munk:11)01 yof (lie Town of Clinton; (correcteni d every Thursday afternoon;) : ' Will bo hold in the Council Chamber, in the said town; ,, oil TIIIIRSDAY, 3IAY 2?Tnr, 1800, at$ o'Slock p,m., of i JAxersda .,, ,, 1asr- , , {� • yr Y , which all utiles interested me• to take`ugtlCe. rho `r P rp� t' , h'•�• S ir( C n�to Whitt, fall - e0 77 &• 0 SQ AsseNsnicntlloll.ma be seen at 'the Clerk's oilico at he: � `+� `" a"' . O `�! . -White anti tied J • r ' . 0 77 a'' 0 'S0. nil convenient elIko hours for rho ucxt fonrtecutbrys: •Oats . • 0.2ti a 0 30 Dated'tlils istday '0f Nay, 1886. f3arleJ> +l' � - (0)• fid a 0 Gli l:'caa • • - O' 5 a '0' 5u' • ti LLETT' eouivi Or',,REVISIoN.-NQTICIi 18 Viotti., per ..• r :Potatoes, • Butter,, .;.,.'-• • Melts, . or_, a vllingo of Londoshoro, in the sold township, on WED: li' 50 a 0 00 NESDAY tho26t day A A i t;ar,rlo mi TO the Electors of Clinton, i Clover, per bush. '7 00 a,. . 7 53 `tTANl,E1 COVEN or ttt%'ts1oy. NottUl: Is 17 hereby given that the ntst meeting of the Conr1 of Itorislonh for the municipality of the' township of; Stanley, will be bold In the Town 11n11, Varna; on Walter Young, where the newly -wedded s It AY, to ' Oth,1880, at f0 o'clock, :t. rn.; of ATU D i 12 avis been• ----.tea► • ..1"rr biEN .- zi pair were ate in to cliarivarr them. reeeeated byImy ne`lgbbors5 and townsmen to ! • noniron) Hive Stook DtarkCt. which all parties' to crested 550 to take 1(0(11°, The .: pp' g,, Assessment 11611 may bo scan at the Want's onleo s . While the-uproar'was in progress a window allow myself to be nominated for. the vacant. -- business 110015 till, that ziatc. Dated bis ,111 day of the contents of a shotgun Y 1 y g supply MAl was rained and office of De utyl'teeve, and being. largely in- � There was a iron large su I of butchers' , 7880. GEC, r11EtvAitt, clerk• into the crowd,' hitting three' of the tended in our :town. welfare, 7 have allowed cattle on the Markets on Monday, and as the Aitbt l Ott Sett ,--T111'I FARM ON TIE HUD- 12 ftTli n ,... •�' mone beingseverely wounded, myself to be placed in'nomination els a Candi- cattle shippers'were not buying; prices- were. -L"oit Road, lots() and 7, Cloderich township, con - fired yours men Y Y,y#stin of 144 acres, 1a offered for sato 00 reasonable 1 1+ ii`teeil griffins of Alto. 2 shot wad found in• date /or the abov'eebft'ice as' DeptztyIteeve. t lower,,with only one or •two salsa, made at g . • myour votes. As a• large eyet 50 peril), while pretty good boasts copld terns, Aboutl20.af,res elearod and in good state of his sand f{rgln, Bed Ifo lain a some: therefore e0lartt v s . g n r ;, Rough steers cultivation'; bntanco �roAd, hardn•ai d, good trema gritidal dontlitibn.. It is ,alleged that number of you have to earn your living by begot at from 4., to 4,e per lb, houaa, t 1,;geiierathuildfugs, tont,oftvater,blur i g what e } , ' orchard ;11• miles from the rising town of Olino, Walter You g tired. thn chili; and he has the sweat el your brow,you cannot be. ex• and fat cows sold at 4c td 4 a afros Thanislt , tfroms •b• earl ra a Particulars he ohnehart is o remise at ' :m01 M1 tl 9mayt on til ineludingmi k s e i s l n3 , e Ir promises, 'o meetin too pp pthe ninatl n , l not I peete(l to atter(bit been arreated. k you now #o ternember that " England 3e.to 4e per lb, Calves are plentiful rand addressing,1Ai11E5 PEJIUI'i ,'canton e, (1 cheap ; sheep are still scarce, and the few m �j� fillet are offered. are nearly all of 'indifferent W Kiln w B ItO "JOU quality, yet the prices aro pretty bleb, or , about so per ., a reif, now 1 aline seven established for monumental and SHOES. :Passengers on the Chicago ant. Alton . expects every titan, to do hie duty.":, Please train, which arrived at Chicago, oil Thurs• remember that oil voting day, 1 have now a day night, had a retnari able experience few wards, to sag as'tomy polities in'munici= and yearlings as lot , Call 1 a cyclone, At-I'nntiao', Ili,, a statin pal matters, theywill consisnifi doing justice b t " r lb b t ally g imposes that we recd say very little, blit n0 rather with yto all parts and ,parties of the town.. The would bring Ca .fiat lb'. Spring lambs •are �et 011 aesthetes sneak for tis,' Please rail 51101o1• , cloud was seen gathering in the avant and Same in spending money for improvements plentiful, and generally sell. at from. f>2.50 to bowing, vin in' a northeast dlrectiOn. AS the % d. . i each ' fat sn lector Iambs lvouid brio 5fx Jtntatnsvrl.,ac,,lne M,18.., ' movingY do not believe in a penny wise and pour $ , . I g bill• Cv, is Blains, sot remember ne rcar64.d i.e.!!(Alt SAGA:+ --LOT NO. 8 AND PART OF LOT NO On the storm kept eorrt`sn r nearer lie of each. Hogs. aro plentiful' rices easier, train Sped 1 � foolish olio •, "T -think that the ditches g 1 p �+rve yon +r feathuonial in tarot nlrthe mannanQQut rte liar• f,+Rust si,lo'of t•{ceoiin;Kt,rztnrl Gnt,y-8 anti _0, A,i r 1„ �p y +.1 a - r' -1 ar( t manned from nit until Ibhad been properly teal 1t iv now ,1 i .1 14 . 'Cl#ntol .14lth sma l franl0 Hansa 41'1,10 1 g rs l�otati to elle streets arc not kept 'as clean us they ought or from u.; to ii, d per Ili, , ..1110 parse t i e y__, p y ane . t r 1, � , i., . d'-', •veru r•Yrrapn;• Kiat preas(irelnniatinglbntaf•' harrtand soft water. 1'or larticltlars• applytnMAarN- ever urinate and the '1Oa0011 e_ 'wtrtak,• LL1 iz 'were hem,*.dllase 1 .l •,it . Amoy s1(lOvvall:s t0'. hs reLLV aetiPe, aiid aeVer4), ti.mCrlCarii)uy01s tercloN ins Srttnn ,re ,,ft l,101 0nr mntlnmantnarom91011' ,. 1. realize that they - _e ........ .. ....;X t0 lie. finny wotticl it wale,. nrtt y e i , p , , u, , • e • fled nun• 1NG.& S,(,OTT, Barristers, Milton, the engine linin into t ou were tiro wa e,. roiewerl to arm aro rn the arty, oat th(y oatnplaiilr plat tCly hrrrtr.yrrapprrtdaelU>y6fatl tilt IVrf.r# spptla _ O11ol1o. ilttf7t its 1 1 tvnll. I) Idle #hatFry°rrfrnstwIllnotin,nreit tor it. We l being brought to the eft 'for e beit V " r 1,- horses are I� Mill - minion Ii re y 4 t •1 fT( 7Il int 'find ',•.•,' r nut our i'eN o e, uabt 1 ar(<'tlraorlinr'alnrrervtlmpwearrtt.nnl `1I JLi,:I~1At!II Iii [Ri I'll, tb11 rltorin strnek'thn tc 1, ell, ti held I liellrl ,t .nrrytn� Y i r a 110 011 d 1 b , , Y t� then ' 1)Clritr t<IC 1Asttvdatthcrewaro.rl;bay•lnlnpuerpinnaUrrm{,mm�rut,lrrrlonidrrrthhlylu+rrhpsr liOrrit bris l li i' litllnerit laws l bald that it' is #Iitt••r 'to tadrti au ufi,nl• sale. tl 1 tht+ nil \null fu,lvi: >.l(1 >~ , . � ' ` our filero 'to tl a 1\hitolhrunrc, tFatako.urrattt,lencnrw, lir rrrommrndin ht L!nit A 4tl fen„ , lipped t1 l 01(114• alb Ir. 1', Strut r," e''"" �'i \t,'nun' n Jilarkatn th rr �i r w .+• J I r i ' tint ,. LhPV eoyt ,•'t .l•i1,,,0, 'm' hn L ratted t 6 1 .. ,. • , . 1,u tits Jn+:rndi•r« to i.,u•, h,• :,• i ,,lani,rllt ah++ntd average of ,111.110 ea8h; I lip 1,1'!s'fs r:tl,lfet1 ,.,10(ar-er (t'fl1C• irr t4'. St, t:11'( 1`•, ,'" 1• n. ,1livi.1F frorn se;'t to 8417,1 eact', 1, ti.l, tr.li[',, r; . ' .1 : --_, r� ` �l�eii"3).aI<t=3FF�T'P�l�%✓:J�F�HI��FI«El"L ' ..LR,1 J .V G o JJ S. K T 1 A.i. Is OL S. L P��CE COS _ S We a o closing the balance of our rT.El 'i '1(S' at COST, 'cl;s require the 'room for Boots and Shoes. Orders -taken for Deck's Celebrated Hand Sewed Shoes. '(j 'r 'r T A` � ?+ ../j ,,1,, F? C rx. ,L,t.T�7t,J 11] i\ FN iii 14.�CIIANGI., . - c'?. I I:Il .G..-ol Oz, ,As . w 7i0R 8L r50N CLAN' triCoN. v K 6c . q 11 •'of iir, n . hi Ot�1 s�A• bolo•� quantity 1 al for a n ) ales, Lath, fine and Hemlock Lumber,, etc., cheaper ti.an ever. Ali partial needing anything in this lire, wilt save money by 6,#111(1tt4, Also aro., 1 yn1,A r.f•t1i(tt ilr'.•,rlitr. ',l. .111117on, 1:4Pil(•NO, 114•rirh,nd• lu'rnr<':,•;r(Fin•.•,rl'.{l, Oven sterns' at,d t11e'lletf'l Were unroofed, der twie4' than tine Malde. Justice withont „. g (1°t5 `i2r1 fiver.. }'4,ttl•Y t'cspeetftilly, nazi and l:t.i.t1 lir:'irl( lttilir_tt„ 11t y , , destroycd. 1:0,ler thr wadi; ,.c tilt ;atm,;atm,.. \V. (', • w 1,.\l.l',1;,. tart' llu•T childrenn•ero buried, may '3,11.•- °. • i3O • o- "1Al(bt Mt SALE. 1'111: sr115t111IL1•:lt 0rcl•'l:tts is Int sit t 0 s.h ht 1 t Z for sale its ,u 1 farm IO afro 0 4•l, Nod eau.,,t r.f Tilrkc •sniltll. Gond new story marl,' half frime 1101150, t,' hares splendid orchard, goon .r i acres i a. .;r foe v'1 ., f.r, lfal >n idrh P arras ft r , tt nl 1 a ( ti , e , r. , C pt• A tri v 11 !rim whole and r Dolt cult tat: n a t o wheat. # i 11 t 1r 1 ender draltit'rl, live sural;; nit thn farnt4,tut has goat WON, (Ipso to churches anti schools: J:r hlil(nafroitt 61,0 town of Clinton, 5. from Hoafortlr, ',Viiibo sold on reasonable trrrn 111'011 atert1N•:tLT1, ion the 9