HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-21, Page 4AtialVtiOntItla$,
NotteeasPetet Atianison.
Big recluotion-E, Moody.
Anent:maple-O. L. 'Meta.
Girl Wantea-Mrs. McGee.
goose for sa1-Mr. Smith.
away sneep-Caesar Perdue.
Earm wanted -P. Adatesou.
atepdipg rooney-atteksee Brea
Big purchase -at C. Dater & Co;
Babe carriages, ao.-Chris. Dickson.
Tbe dry goods Enaporitun-Pay as Co.
Two.thiras of your tinue-Banee &Co.
Apprentieee wanted -Min Trewortha.
Cod save the Queen-jno. Roberton.
ant on kw
FItIDAY, MAY -21, 1886.
IT may surprise some of the stiff-neelsed
protectionists to know that netwIthstend-
ing the N,P., Canadians bought during
the last fiscal year, faun tistielletited States,
goods to the vafue of $47,10,e01,., -tette
evitlentay halals, not eucceededin "keeping
(Jimmie for the Canadians" yet. e
Toe New York alderman, charged with
accepting a bribe for his vote, has been
found guiley, end is likely to spend some
time in jail. In Canada legielatoce who
ccept bribes for like porposes, are cl'qs paftictitarly clever, and moral sera
t is so demoralized that it. takes no
sueh scenaalous preceedings.
I'ltavA E circular has been issued by
the' Conserve. lye Union of Ontario, eon -
cern ng the itha
ion 'titers' List,
with tlits very sug
which Liberals thou
notice :-
" .11, -ave the list ,put in 'pi
strong Language from o Cons r
Everyone knows that Senator o'Donos
hue is a Conservative, and that" he wee
t promised a seat in the Calanet by Sir
/John A, Macdonald, in return for evhich
his Influence was .to be used in securing
the Catholic vote for the Conservatives,
Sir John never fulfilled his agreement,
and he got a northing tamp, O'Deno.
hue, one of, his own supporters, on Fri-
day last, such as has not been gieen a
public Man for a long time. Mr. O'Donos
hue evidently believes in calling a spade
by its right name, and he closed his hour's
speech tot these words
"Before long this corrupt Government
will bays to go tit the people, and that
viill be the Jest of thern. They stand .to.
day as a standred old hulk about to be dently are pretty lively here, judging a
the people oiathe platferm, Clintetas the
hub sure." •
There was no special stir to cause these
remaritte, _further thanewhat may be. seen
every,. and almost at all hou rs ea the day,
Additionit -Coca itievis; si-Votted unmarried. all removaTWooza 'era, aandlit Seine -cases even grapa iines1
Ihe May meeting of the Goderieh
member of the Presbyterian church for have been stalted. In a few places only
A djs
Aus Ensisrsoa tety.
the farm. Mr. Walkinshaw bad been ba ve been planted, and rummer housts ••
Ittetriot Meeting.
some years before coining to WO coantry, . I out creased to etty, these things are net
atteo ed to. There as met school in Mor-
i:Us wife survives hint.
riet where a few peas atet i
Moos of seant.
REDUCEIS RATES. -Single fare tickets
will be issued, on Monday next, to any ling mark the Place whet 0 the fence has
been. There is a Nage average taken.
point on the G. T. R. good for that day
dance at this school. but everything aroUnct
only, Return tickets at a feresand-a-third, is in rather a ailapidated state; boards
good from Friday to Tuesday, loclusive,
mence on the 29th hist,
The Saturday excel.. are nailed over one of the winatose, This
' wonders why things are thusly. --Art EX -
will also be issued, being in a. wealthy neighborhood, one
stone to Goderich anti Kincardine COas
TBA.CSEits, .
" Why there ie flve times as much
activity and business Isere on the arrival
of a train, as there is at Goderith," re-
marked a gentleman at Clinton station,
on Monday morning, as the London train
deposited its human freight at the plats
form, where (Site a number were Moving
"This is vatting Unusual," remarked
a bystander; "ft's about as lively as this
down bere all the time."
"Well, it's something %annual for we
to see," seid the other; " it's something
like a city:"
The tram, had namely moved out,
when Mr, S. Snaffle, deputy -reeve of
Tuckersmitie who had just got off the
train said to an acquaintance, " yeu evi-
dashed to .pmces by the storm. A coun-
try like this does not want ft. Government
sustained by ptundea, bribery, charters
selling and every sorts'of corruption; • Ca•-•
-nada will find among her .own sons one to
lead them Who will not lean On 'aeYse.
oret society, who will net buy support or
hold bis followers by interest, but who
•will,do justice to ell -a man, 'a native of
Canada, of an- old, illustrious family ; a
man Canada can speak of without fear
oftrickery or Mean device. Such a day
is tomileg to end one of the most corrupt
of Getteenmente-ooe which. will be known
as thebloediAtInthiietration of Sir John
Macdonald." ', • '
• People should remember that this iun
guage is the uttefance of one of Sir john"s"
supporters -not that of political °tapes
---------aesteeses--- • --
tune wsate.121Owell sentidist.
.Although the evidence sustaiuine Mr, Ed.
gar's charges against Mr. Jelin Whit,
partieipatiou in the bliod share scandal, was
of the cies:rest kind, tlfe Conservetive a;
•jority ea the -Committee has passe'd a white,
waShing report, evidently being determined
to brazen gut the seanlialous affair in the -hob
'of the evidendo to the contrary: The follow,
ing report of the Committee's last meeting,
on Tuesday, is of iptei'ests. showing that at
least two Conservatives were aeleitined to sup.
port the " whitewashi"repore '
Mr. MeCarthy Inoved`that his draft white,.
vashing repeat should be takersas,,,the bests
Dotal/tote -Venous' Jodge
Doyle gives notice that a court "for the
final revision • of the Dominion Voters'
List for the tOwn of Clinton, will be held,
intthe Town Halahere on the 7th of July,
All objections rnust be sent to him before
the 22tid of June.
4 BASE BALL. -A meeting for the resor.
ganizatton of the Dauntless base ball
eels, was held at the Greed Union, on
MOnday evening. The following officers
were elected :-Itreu. Press, L Rattenbury;
Pans., H. ''•Cooper ; Vico Prete, Craib ;
Treas., G. D. Me ragicart ; Sec., J, Tun, -
boll, jr.. A match is in prospect Isetween
this club aria SeafOrth.
Coif eve Council', --The June meeting,
of this body commences at Goderich, on
the 2nd. The' moat important business
that usually" comes up at thin meeting, is
the work of the Equalization Comnaittee,
and the settlement generally takes consid-
erable time. At the Jaenary meeting a
Poor House Committee was appointed, to
report,' at the conanag meetieg. . What has
_been (lone be that coMtnittee we do not
kootta, but it is tet be hoped that they Will
have Some plan to propose whereby it will
not be -necessary mtfch longer to send men
t� i11in this wealthy county, simply beet
cause they happen to be poor. tainease
this was in typq, the committee met here
&Moo Tararna kitszoTrole..--Nontis
to fill the unexpfaial term of Mr. C. J.
nations for the, position of school trustee, Clinton would unprove his or
TAM til, THI.1 TOWN. --If every man in
Tuthill, (who has loft town) for St, ATI never .pertnit en occas on. -to pass
without sayieg something geed or favors
George's Ward, will be held at the clerk's able. of the place, there -would-be no esti.
office, in the town hall, on Tuesday, May Mating the good he could do. We can
2atis; the electien, if necesaary. on Tues'
make no better comparison titan that
day, the 1st of June, at the same plaee. which follows the throwing of good seed
The name of Mr. Cuetis Steveason !omens
tioned to ell the vacancy. , 0,411"etellitliner ;thnetaInV ienl; I lilt' I litilrbl. "07 bile! rt Ilr eenr
HuestinTT A,OsacturirtutaL Somata-- snots ; others will fall by the wayside,
A meeting of the directors of the Hullett never to be rooted: others will fall upon
Agricultural Society was beld,at Spooner's
'hotel, .on• Saturday. It Was deeided to.
hold the -fall show here, on the 24th and,
atith of September, provided these dates
do not 'clash with thoee of any other iso.
ciety, A committee was appointed to
look after tbe prize list. Some improves
enents are to be made to the building,
and the erection of horse and cattle stalls
was discussed, but no decision arrived at.
The direetors are considering the pro-
priety of "attractions,?' but nothing -has
yet been done in, this direetion,
TUB 'VACANT DneuTY.Ritavasttle,--
A depatetion waited upon Mr, Jas. Hearn
the other day, asking that he become a
candidate for tbe vacant depoty-reeveshiP,
but we finderstaad that hp declined to have
anything. to do. with it. Nomination
tekes place in the town hali to day,' at 10
*revision of the Doinins a.m., and, if necessary, the election a week
d the Circular closes limn this date. It is expected that a
tante paragraph, of public meeting will be held to -night,
alto take special when candidates -may be allowed to ai
, thernselyes. The only parties Who are
. aetually in the field aro Messis. W. C.
Searle and E. Corbett, both of whom have
scr shape, a$
upon it the success of the pa2.ti at the eirsu. liana sexperie. see at the council board, and
in g genei,al election, absolutely d ends:" between whein the electors ;may make
, , their choice. ' The letter oa ".Elonor,"
TAB Toronto News urges the 11 eessity alliiding to the latter person, is decidedly:
of the Local Governaleht -adopting Man. Anonymously..., ' • .
too personal, fold cannot go in our eolunane
hood Suffrage as a partial remedy for a litatoN- CluCKET. sAssocraTtox.-On •
confusion that will nebeharily arise by the Tuesday Jest a meeting of tliii leading
different frencliites of the Local and Dos . . , . , ertcketere of tbe county wits held at the
minionsgovelinments. ' The News in this Alias reviewed tbe evidence and Showed yesterday,. and recommended that offers
House for tbe of'
. . ,. o tee committee e report. . ,
Ir. Davies' report simply stated the ,i)e,''rOCeicl vefor a site, arid, an astlyeraRattenbwry
se- forming a County' Assocopurposen. Theie .
instance is -rig -ha and we belieye that at nt therefor appears in this issuea . ' •
they were swain to by different wit- me • were present Messrs. • Melees -risen and
the next meeting Of the Local 'reuse the bile Mr. MacarthY proposed to HostE Aciine.--Mr. Jai. Smithgot Starke; of, the Goderich club.; Messrs.
principle of manhood 'suffrage will be. istort facts, in order to shield one back from his California trip, last Thurss Holmstead and Wilsen; Of the Seatorth
adopted. It would jiayo been better had day evening. He enjoyed it immensely, club; Messrs. Wade and Dennis, of the
I leaders and one elf his 'Tory
evade and
of his politi
legal aspect of t
charge% as made
stantially proVecl.
Mr. 11'10 -Master ma
. Weldon also reviewed the rand speaks m the most 'eulogistic ;manner Brussels gluts; Messrs. Bray and Jackson,
it been introduced dosing the past session,. carte, contending that the 'of the climate there, which hneonsidere of the Clinton club. After discussion, it,
but another . should not pees before it y Mr. Edgar, were, stib-
the givat source of attraetiou. It is a was resolved to form an association, to be
becomes the law. • • :
- tem wonderful fruit .growing• State, apd 111fr. known as the " CountY of Hurth Cricket
himself chiefly to exo soting Mi. Lowell? Smith eaya we don't know What frcit is Association," and the fattening Officers
i3 a speech, sieve i
TILV other daytSenater Fraek Smitb, of leaving John Nabite to take care of himself. here Weal,. . Ile tvou no. a vise w i
Id a d • . o lc -
Toronto, in referriug to the Street- Car Mr. Davies pointed out that many of the ingmen-to gOesthereebeca.Use there are -too
. _ .
statements in Mr. MeCartbsoti. whitewashing ,many of that' class there now, and:the
employees of:Toronto on strike, termed' re t e d*reetly contradicted by sworn only ones who shotild-go are those iti
trict of the fethodist cburch, was held at
Sealortb, orf Tuesday and Wednesday last,
Rev. T. Campbell, diatrict supertntens
dent, officiating. The first business was
the election of a secretary, which resulted
in Rev. A. E. Smith, of Varna, being
chosen, All the ministerial mertibters and
young men on probation on the district,
were present: 'The uthal examination of.
ministerial character waa then. taken up,
all the ministers and prpbationers being
found blameless in life and doettine. The
young men on probation were examined _
on the usual gitestions, hod their answers.'
found satisfactory. The only fourth year
man was Mr. G. la, Salton, who was re-
commended to be received into, full con-
nection and ordained. The remaining
three young men, Messrs, Cobbledick,
Legear anti Birks, were recommended. to
be continued on trial. The yoong men
presented their certificatee, alt first class,
that of Mr. Birks, being with honors.
<There was Be evening session but the
mindsanxiously lisoltinea about for la'eatt- aninisters present were all inviter) tospend
tants anah as ours, and attract them sue. the evening at the residence drat:Smith,
ficiently forthein to cora° and see us, and
settle dowp in our midst. Our town eon- where a pleasant time was spent.
On Wednesday the meeting resumed its
rostra of men of enterprise, cepital and ins business, alt the laymen who were entitled
dustry, bitt there is room for more. Talk to take part in the proceedings, being
Up the town, speak a goodiverd whenever present. The first business taken up was
you can, and good results svill certainly" the reading of Circuit Schedules, which
f°11°w' newspapers °warn d° °lair showed that the district, as a whole, was
share; let the pubitc help. them,
in a Yery' flourishing and peosperous con-
1rIt'Y IT.. -We have trequently advocated dition ; the inereaset1 membership the
change inetiressystemsd connoting taxes district is aboutatartesiftfundreda and the
in the town, but the authorities hates seen finances were all round to be int good.
fit to stick by the old plan. Although no shape. Under the question "what changes
change can be made this year, we are sat- hi etrcuits are recommended," the follow-
iofied a change will be made in time, and ing were made :-Altna appointment, be -
we commend the follotvineaparagreph as longing to Ontario St., Clintou, was trellis
to how they work itan Parts, (a town Of ferred to Seaforth ; Summerhill, on
similar proportions to Clinton), to the Holinesville circuit, was recommended to
eonsideration.of the authorities :-" The be closed.. Other propositiens were made
people pay their own taxes to the town affecting. Hensall north 'and sduth, but
treasurer, in instalments if they choose, -at .th meeting thought it advisable to make
certain 'fixed dates, and to save the salary no change. Resoldtions were passed to
of one officials Here the plan has worksti memorialize tne General Conference to
admirably, and is less troubleeorne than make eouie arrang-ements annissuiog the
the old one. Delinquent taxpayers after missionary eeport at an earlier date ; also
certain date aro handed ever the tender asking it to maken� chaege in the been.
mereies of a collector and made to pay up. &try. of the Guelph deeeeseere. Also,
A„percentage oyer and above the taxation asking' to change the mode of electing
us exactea; which. tis the eerauneratioti re. memeero •to the Annual. Conference, said
ceived by diaconal:tor. The idea Of mak- ple,ction'a, to fake place: at the Meat gear-
ing deling,uents petal:to expenses of eolith- terly Meeting, instead -of at. the District
Wig is a: good One, and acts as an induce- Meeting.. Tee following elections were
ment to prornpt payment." . then made Po the Stationing Commit-
NOTAs Anssol.M.- ColTiST:Y----BT tee, 'Rev. E. S. Rupert, Clinten. TO the
liameteett.:-The 'farmers are done Seed, S. 8. Committee, Rev. Gee, lasyfield. To, •
. .
thy,. • Sheep shearing has commenced. •tlie Missionary Committee,. .51r, et, tte
Fanners will soon be eloing their road McKenzie, Godeniche „ •
work, and Would it not be a gbod idea to The following re'solatitin was .tmanlitiourily
adapted :-Movecl by Rev, E, Rupert, re. ,
clean Up some of the old logs and rotas
of the road. ,Starne farmers, -we are glad -
along the sides. conded by N.V. _Greet that .ielietesie our •
respected District eurstrintentica wtll most
and rubbish that is Strewn
likely be removed from this district at the '
to say only a few, are ie the habit of
triinming their Mchards and Ihrovvleg approachhig Conference, we, the members of
this district meeting now in session, avail Mir- •
the brush ewer -the feud° on the road. selves or the mivilege of aim:tying our brother
Why not see if this is according to law.. of the -great satisfaction he has given as the
A. oodly-number of farterers'have Plowed ptomains? offieer of the district. Itis'therefore
resolved that the thanks 'of meeting are
dee and are hereb3r tendered to the . Rev. T.
M. Campbell for the Courtesy Red Ispidness of •
bis official intercourse with his brethren, atal
he ability with which he has diseharged-the
duties, of MS OfaCO, A.41 we pray that he
inay long be spared 'to servo the: -church of
were elected air the present season . 1.resi- an levelled up that part of the road
denta. E. Et eantatin, Brussels ; ' Viee-Prea, deeeis the ditch ancl this fence, and it Adds
R. :J.- Starke, Geileeith ; Sec.-Treas., -Vs veiy much to the general appeatince of
Jackson, Clinton. ,Ey-laws and conistitua their farms, We. are .suie that none of
Mr. tileCarthyle.motion that-shte teport bee -etessiney to keep • theta : tvhen they get matches for the seasOn art:allied : ,' : . ,
tion " were *ederstea, and the- 'following' thorn repent having done IL We see that
. .a few farniera leave their agricultural int -
testimony taken before the committee..
Made the basis of, the committee's ie orb a;as . ' ' ye that iiniess a. ,.,n 14 24, dedorteh-vs. Brussels, at Brussels, . •*---t--, ..
semch of Pleasure or .health, with plenty
" them "a lot of thieves," trying to rob him
of his property; As many 'of the men are
eanig U Labor, hvy eankn e
his expulsion trent the.Dointhionanlinis:
• try; and as they represent a large -number :
-of votes; in :Toronto particularlyeit is not
st.,eseeseelepakeetteatak tleteyeetternent will soOner
sacrifice Smith than the ?otos of the la. -
boring classes: . .
_ t -.—
W have. received a, letter -frein• lacy.
Mr. Pritchard, concerning.a cos:intuit:tient
.• teen' which appeared in Oot columns a
couple of Weeks' since, He takes excep-
tion to tae sante, on:the ground. that :it
cantailis "ser164slatatements" concerning
himself. If thejletter in auestioe con.
• taineit anything whams.. that; tie :not:
trictla in- accerdance witlafactsoitir col-
umns are open for- it correction of the
. . .
same.. Wo have no desire to do an ileitis -
came n • 0 wo onserva mei 7 Clinton vs. oode tee at Gonench
r , ,
keepa an Bin:ranee nested in his hat, he '
k h • 't S n.d H
limas. Patterson (of Essex) and Desjardins -11
' gain sortie time. Just
Oodedeh vs. Brussels. at Godertell..":
' Mr, Pattersoe, of Essex, protested 'against.' expects to go :aack a eatorth, at Seatorth
Tor the p easo eo t e r cs•ay, Jul ea r h vs. Brussels at at rth.
1 1" f h t 10 t at "7,141,nvs•
-voting with the Liberals ' . will never now NV elkal, la 11 ay. , a
lune 10 Seaterth vs..Goderleh, at.0edertelt; ;
June 21, Brussels vs.:Clinton, at Clinton, ,
the manner in which the majority of, the
comraittee proposed to treat Mr. Edgar by
declaring that,heshadsnetsgoodsgiounds- for.
making his °bargee,'
......Mr..WooAworth (Conservative) also objeet-
ed to -the unfair .wpy hi which -the majority
ef the bornmittee proposed to treat this matter.
. Me. Mills isolated out that the whitewash.
ing report was only carried by tlie vetes of
four Ministers of the Crown who sircirepreseet,
SoTi,.S Ann comsfarre.
The London Daily Rows says the.supisorlera
of Gladstone ought. to;--lse deeply' grateful to
Lord Saltsbnry, :Whose recent -speech has; Ye41.
dpred signal setylee theLiberal party, In:,
stead ofspaisisadiog. the- Liberals to seeede
from their narty,-lie shattered the project of
a coalition with the Consetvatives, pnblicly
insulted SiisHenry Jamess.ancl ()Reidy blotted.
tice to ;Mr: Pritehard, who is: persthally [Oster. to wee . • .
not known to Lusetuid shall LISe Only. toe lhoLondou Standard sAys Gladsie a ,`
n e
glad to publish tile .Oth ea aide Of the affair,
if .dealred • • • .• ,
, QUITO -a lively dismission' assets .alseee.
the immediate disselutiod of Parliament..
'Some of colleneues oppope diasolution on.
aecount of disunion the Liberal patty. •
Col. Ponsoubys the Queen's private secret-
arys visited Mr. Gladstone on Monday. He
,conveyed to the Premier a message. from the
in theerfouse, 'fin VeldnYe-mainlYebelaion Queen tisthe' effect that Her h ajesty was
-7 desirous that. a dissolution of Parliament be
avoided, airshe feared that coarse woald have
a disturhin,g influence upon the. busInese
teretited the country. Mr. Gladstone replied
to the Queen.that she must 'dissolve' Parlia-
ment 10)1(0 the majority. stgainst
Rule Bill be so great as to justifyits opponents
in undertaking the Goeernment with it phew°
ofauceseeding in passing Beth legislation.
MrsJohn IL A. Macdonald, member for
the Edinburgh and St. Andrew's 'Universities,
presented in the'llouse.Of Comma ,On Mori.
day riight a peanut against tbe grantiug of
Home Rule to Ireland, The p.etition was
signed by 106,894 Scotchnion.- It was one
and one smarter miles long, weighed 274 lbs.
ana was borne into the house on the shoulders
of stalwart attendants, .• •
A -last SaturdaY'night'a Loudon cable says e
The Home Rule Rule Dill cannot longer be
deforibed as pearl; miless one of _those
ions Whialitire" never Tmpossilte
m po es en y •cones. is simply deaf
beyond recall. Even members °fettle Gov.
ernmentlio* see no grzttda for hope, The
Irish members are coming, naturally with ex-
treme reluetaige, te the settle View.
Sir Charles Mike, in addressing the London
city Liberals on Monday, urge a them to pre -
Mr. Mills and Sir johneon the, existence
of the Senate in iti present form: The
contention of Ma's was that. it Wae'
not in ethers/ witli'public sentiment, and
should be modelled on a different basis.
Sir John argued that the Senate tails •a
British institution, .similar to ' the Tiowie
of Lords, and becaese Of this; be tvould
advocate its retention. • A couple of mem-
bers argued fever of ite entiee abolie
Cleo; in Which We lielieve they are tame
in harmony with Ptiblic sentiment than
either Mr. Mills or Sir 3olina'btitt when
the letter called for a vote, hie supporters,
exceptiog the itielelectateete, vostatteateajo
e, Clintonii" ;Ss: &aterrt(r,
Hunt returned, on Wednesday, 1:1114.1n:0
rrOM.Ihe -Aug-,-1-eraeatorth vs,-Seaforili. '
is Bnasials, at GodorisI,
HOSsi NOTF.S. -Mr. johii. Masoe, of Aug.u137; sertrl '
Hallett,'" goes to the old coulitriZinsa - ' t •
1ii_ where lest using thern
until .t ey Would. need them again, bet et ai-alebe, iranabanotetaaanoatere-
we Will not find any faolt •With that, for '. -•-s--s-sereses.a.--.•
" RepraOtativg
it is all for:the good of trade, astthe old.
.womin. • eaid When.. she burnt her bream.
Bloevale is' building -a cheeSe. factory . . •
which- ,cost .Orster $2,000; .. Robert
Currie, East Wewanosh, nediatat higham
abrnen, Storment, Ont.
Clinton, was born on thal-2bli of, Nov:, 1834;
• , • .liaS three fat cattle Ojai, will b erd to in the township ef .0sti
The preeisedocality of- his 'hirth•is now. called:
DI son el Charles' C. :
.1Suriatts flouring. and . gKit •
bad also engaged in. farm..
jne• .'indio•lemberieg., ile died in •Aegust.. •
1883., at the age cf. 7. .--}I�.-wits-born, like MS '
aoul atEarrari'si Point, Oliratibjeet was
acated at the public sehool in his nativesilkees
at. the Oornwall.Gramenir, and it High achoot .. •
in Nod' Yorfi State. • He was first 'eniployeds.'
at.seyenteen years of.age, :under Tom S.
• C.E.., on the surveys :of the Grand,.
Trunk Railway, ,and :woe thus engaged•fer'.
'about three 'year % He then .bed: untle.e•
William -Ellis, . on., the. emiathiction of'
the Grand, Trunk Railway at Breteott, where
he haeloherge, as resident engineer, of a dee,
tion; snheequently, when that, section. wac.
eempletecIihe•had:cherge of another section ,
at Mallorytown, West eV,Brockville, on the
Grandleunk,Ilailways After completion of,.
this work, in the fall of 1856, howes empleyea.
under.Ceorge 0, Dixon, chief enghieer cif the. .,
Brockville and Ottawa Railroad,. as. resident
Poginearssin charge Of the construction' of a
sectieh at Carleton Pla:ce.: inyebruary,
parSonege, On Priday_everling, was fairly was_etnployeetby.the firmsof,Wilsons new-,
attended, cOnsidering. theettemendens Tont & (Joe contractors, as engineer, to construct
ltOrni; and another was held. et -the ethle. about one:hundred and twenty...four miles .oe
Pince, On Tuesday* evening, ...whicht was a °aunty gravel reeds, connty of Heide,
mitch Water success. The DehertY Organ andthis enterprise eccupiedebeoh_ettekt_tw mate: .
Band was present oh the lattereveningesa, Patten was one of.thelirst specoiators,iu
Proceeds .altogether We're $21. . 1861, in oil lande, afteethe discovery etf pet. .
ST. FA.UV.S,GtaLD,'-Theentertamment
Virden, Man, ' ' • f -St
gianule .wilaidet-e°7..sue;
• s roloum in the County of Lanibton the precis.
who had: then -discovered tweeds. as -he
ous year,:and by the aid of an, aged AmeriCan;
theught,' of. deodorising the coal .011. or petro
cess in many ways. :The •felltinsing pros teetotal° ethinienced the construction. ot an •
gramme WO filled to the satisfaction .of oiateatiery, There Were threeoii refineries.
every ohe t-sPart. L a -Instrumental trio, built in 1861, and.theie three wont into °per-
attelteon J. Jackson; celata ; ' ation at tbe same. titne. George a. •Jarvis, •
Reading, Mrs, T:',Vair; "Bapteezement 'o.' of Coo:swell, Oitni of the leen Judge Jars -is,)
the bairn ;” Song, Miss Se'Greigt The avas. oor subject's partner this • ventnre, •
heart bowed clown t". Song, Mr. Sibley, ,This was a datioult -undertaking, as the-
marinfacture -of Canadian petroleum was tilaeo.
"The chorietert" Recitationanalse Nettie
in iteinfetecy,' Iiis-NOVe.mber, 1864., thesparne -
Combe, "Fitherman jack;" Song, Mrs, ,
nersabandoned •the oil springs and sold oat.,
annuat ben ' • seesseases.„.
porting hoescs. 111r -John Beacons's horse meeting Of We .nembers of the Cape.
ton. afeeletnics' institute wa5: bold in • • •
couple Of weelts, for tbeaturpese of ims
the Institutesroome; on Thursday evening, :Rev. Mr.' Gee; of ,Bayaeld, exenaages
alontine, tvhich he.is travelling in the
last week, min hi 1 e was.consi e e
d r a•in '
th lath inst „Rev, Ilfr. Craig, President, wit-h1Bsra. SaarilOgo" isundata
aicinity of London, was taken eoite siek
in. the chair. lucre was a 'eery small ata, s Young g
• j e filled L ndeaborou
'S if
aanger, but wo believelt has eittirely tea:
covered, •atul is on its ronte as Ilium, Arr., tendatice of members. . The eitiiene do apponstmeat on Sunday morning.
not take that intetest in the affairs of this Itaiv DJ:Campbell preached in Rat-
Jobart is here buying rip a few good her.
ses, Mr, Clok, of Detroit; took a car. of
hence away from here last week, e they
,Aveye. net high. priced. animals, and ern.;
braced tbe following,:-.--Thtee purchased -
of sa • MeMants, Seafortle, one at $210 one
-of T. Carbertellitliett, Vi.;o6 ; one of J,
Wagoner, Hullette at $16a; and pne of D.
Shanahan, _Elullett, ea:Dania. On Tuesday
Mr. Jas s Reynolds, ot .1Iullett, refuied
$220 for one .of -his maxes, mid, Mr. Youg.
hill; of the Huron' Road, refused $300 foe
it two year old entire colt. Horses are
slightly tower thanehey were a shert time
ago, buLare.still in demand at fair prises..
Tun Methodist ministers of Norwich
district, aro kicking against theaDertfin-
"Ion Franchise Act, and 'expreasetheir ,fit.
dignition in the following reaoultiont
" Whereas,under the Deteatetaa leans. servounity and•prepare for thsteleeti
Meselorley has advised the" .1t.Oici a,b lit:: ',rove a day's aleknese, ile was of ft yell'
chise Act,witla the, eiteeption ()font) dense eral Association to prepare for an.early disso: rettring disposition, never talaug an acts
nearly all Methodist ministere tvorild be latices of Parlimatent. In tbo lobby of the' "iVe part i0 public arena ; he was always
.., qualified to vote, end whereas such clatise garemoes Monday evening the subject of a a Strain& ,Bsiformer, He was very gene-
reepires on0. year's pietions residence in rissolutre of Parliammit was ,in everybody's roils to tile poor, 'and athlete. indeed dia.
a cotistitneney ; and whereas, accordin tips. .Tiee second week ofJuly was montioned anyone seekine Aid turn front his door
to thas law of the Methodiet thurch all
t as the ittsaevhen tategonerel eleetions would without teceiving help, aud many a poor
one.a moat probably be held, traveller fated shelter with bini for the
effective mittistets are required to to
stated rriode ' and wit
. , ereas nearly one- W a a 3 t 1
e nes ity ts• e egrant says t -The support. night, He was very fond Of reading d
, at
erospoo ie , y ecommg more would' often Sit up %tatting till Midnight
third, t at is to say about 600, effeetive f Gladstone are daily b ' . ,
minister* residing' iti the Dominion melte
, h fu that the Home Bute Bfil will be ass ' h
Nine tomb it 61) h• attd even latet, wheo e found something
efteh year, and, t craw in the majority of ed by Parliataeot. to suit him. Of tete years he spent it
eases become alisfratichited, therefore, res Howse of Conamone who had haerto bteete ' rat deal of time in the. study of Mathew
solved, that we humbly. -petition. the Do. opigtod ta the Home Itnle measure have been renry'e Commentaty on, the j3ible, of
mirsion Parliament tO so attend the act coeverted since Satusday, and 11 18 expected
. which he was the owner oftwo tole, aid-
es to remove this disqualificatiott which ifs that other membera van Boat si nly tl *
„ I sige�' twee- . •
ed by Broan's Bible Dictionary. " He
beyond individual cohtrol, elle eeeiee hetion to the Bill. never sued. anyone in court to d
„s i never
Atonal not be trunk' ft disqualification in ---***•••ata"" - . -
• r
OifiTheatia-asalr," James Walkinsbew,
who clied herteeott-Iaridayelast, Ivas-berit-
in the parish of Whiteburn, Lanarkshire,
Scotland, on Deo, 3rd, 1805. Beleg the
oldest of it family of seven, he svaaeoarly
cast upon the world to shift for himself,
Ee nfas married in 1837, to Janet Calder,
wh,o proved a faithful helpmate' to nim,
aud by whom he had two ehilaren, eon
anti tlaughter. Having acquired a little
meaas, by industry end perseverance, and
beteg degrees of eecuriug home• for
bimaelf and lantilY0 he resolved to' emirs
grate to Canada, which Inc did itr 18,50:
institution whieh its importance deserves. I tenintry street chtarch on•Sunday. .
The president presented the report of th'e . .
directors. The•Collowing are some of the Ma A. k". Birks.will stfeach in the Rat-
tenburv St. OhutOh, 'Sunday evening'
feats which were . oontained therein a- s. - • a
. . . , .. . ..... ..
There are at 'present 1704 volumes upon .alea., Mr. 1q01301.utid, ' of 'Searoatbs Pate
the' catalogne; during the past' year there °banged Pal P tsMr. atewart,
I t with -Bev. . C4
have been-, added to the library133 . I ozi Sunday.' . '
mina. There were 109 names entered on . Mr. A. 11. Drnmrn supplied the evening
the membership, rotl during the year. The setviee for Rev. J,Gray„on Sunday last,
total. number of r bdoks and periodicals end was much thought of, by..hie hemers:
issued during the year was . 6173. Tbe The regular meeting of the Ws. C. T. U.
rending. rooneie supplied with 4 illustrift
ed papers, 17 monthlies, .4 reidetyrs, •a., will -beheld at the home of -IVIr. W. S.'
clailiee and a Weeklies. There has been a .. Harland, .next Tuesday afternooia, at three
„pod attendance in thereading roorti dots o'cloek; ' 1 . • •
The social grace at the. Ontario Street
log the Year. The -following officers %vete
elected thr theseneitingyearet-Alex.. Arm
Strong, Ss;;
Ja*II. Cotnbe, Treae.; 3.
Scott, Sane A. Metatenaiee E. 'Keefer, Rey,
Wa. Craig, A; II. Manning, WaCoate, J.
IL' Powell, j. Turnbull,..j. MeGatya, E.
ocliaalarectore. The question el bold
•ing a flower show eonso them daring, the
,summet, was discussed, but no definite -de-
cision was come to, the matter being left
over for the con4iderdtion of the Roard of
Directors. , • • , . .
After a perilous voange of neatly eleven.
weeks, and suffering partial shipwreck,
then going by a cireuitotte route through
the States, wluele almost completely. ex-
padhe settling_in :the vicinity. of Galt sriedtonessavotesolatetosa---Thasapplicatth
was roe ental, motion to Accept it car- IsoftnngsfelrL, "xelJte.ostwri, of ,odh.o ,firsha ert
Ey73 On the f Decembei,
1st o
1864,. he was appoint -
blunted his taleanSt.he finally rea.chest Otta •
TOWN Cod:tem.-A special ineetieg of
the town council : was held-, on taloaday
itigist. The datoof the filet meeting of
the Cottrt of Revision, was ehauged to the
27th islet, The resignation of Mr. John.
Callender aff clerk was accepted. The
real netion of ItIra Coats..as depiity-feeve
tallare orrg55: ettealtir. Coits,.;sfor-s-tho neeition filmy to „ t.d division court clerk et Clinton, Count • oe
edgy 465-- 4t
uro , n ge dopers -an
lett, settling on lot 18 con, 20(1, where Clerk wag read, audit wtotioti placed. that mo n ." Reading Miss Mountcastle1 aMr
0 0 / office he hats since held. •In 1866, lie eerved -
tss councillor in the village of Clinton, arid
he lived just 30 yeare. 'Lertaing the farm he he a i ointetl-thereto.s Itavas nioved Catulle beam:ties a, Mason ," Deet, •Miss
to him only son, ho came td unntem to in amendment y 011741 or. ac 'eon
I P C '11 .I Robertson and Me. Oakes "Ea
Hct en remove to t e towns -np ot
soc. by Councillor Doeterty, that Rob*
son be appOinted Clots. for the balthee of
•the year. This' amendinent waseloat on
the following tote :Is -Yea -Cooper, Do-
i t a• Co • Taeksone-4. Nay-e-Mcs
rney Mo teas. reeve of Chilton for. the ..succeeding six.
yearn'. After Clinten had become incorporats
spend the vemaincler of his deys. He
Coy ;" Reading, Mr. Bale, Seleetion from
0, Holmes ; Sottg,' Aire. Ransford,
aTivickenhaeri 'ferry."
ed ars a eown. he Was mayor for part of a year
watt a num Of exceptionally good eeristi. tcefill an unexpited. term: In November,
tution, and berdl.y. knew:satiate it Wag to 1882, he joined D. F. Macpherson and C. 14,
Full wheat eeteteete eetteeett met et. was :wenn his life. Althouf\t tot dia.'
altirehieettlannino, Mclenzie, HayWood„
Resignation in Municipal 4:0116,01,1s.
Fiti$14110116--5, .tc nether amendment bY - • tee thelldttoi el the London rite Itress,
the satue pfkrties,.that Mt. Thompson be Dean Sin,. -Will you kindly answet the
appointed, was also los .on
Tho motion that Mr; Coete be appointed,
was thth carried on a division, all the
members voting yea, eXeept akessret
berty end, Jackson, It/Was decided that
the Clerk meke his dike in the telVfl, hall,
and that boolo and papers be depositea
there for the accommodetion.of the -rate.
following questions
1. A. is deputsareeve, 13 titOVert that his
t esiguation be accepted. C reeves in amend.
mentethat it be not accepted. such an
amendment in order ?
2, Contioil refuse to accept resiguation.
Coula deputy.reeve under sin% circumstances
beiegally appointed Clerk of Counein
3. st. motion is made appointing te Its Clerk,
payers.. A committee was appointed -to An ainendment is made to appoiat C, w lc
make en inventory of all papers belong- is lost, Is another amendment then in order?
ing to the* totvis. Ufa Jose COPP was Clintoti, May 161, 168,6,A
plaehttC74 the Court of Revision, in plath Attswee.. -I, Cs antenutnett,t is net In order
of the Deputy.Reeve, resigned. It was as it negatiVes the original motimi, 'I At
dcaltlad to have the . clerk's office and nearnnantioctlrobnet waractlititthel bColeirttko„ rdol. Another
be eatti of ameba he tied not tili enemy. ed"ell 61111115crs. 1'1- Istmtilted. . A • • ' /The Pre() Nees is iiieorrdet in stating that
1:11S. la-st ilitlesS was-Ain:at and severe t. lits 1 alasTletteir reateenoss • - in utivIng " t." eammtbe appointed clerk of a uumieipa
took sick., on Wedoesday teeming .fted thp,ugi, tlic country ono is- pletteed to etitineil before his resignation han been accept.
.,, news taste, murk 110 UMW. (.‘pOt),Ive. JO s
aka , tea Friday, ehesay atter 11 otelielt ife flee tile palfN the teachers and trustees 1 h
. „ OG .,y a council: Re can be eppointea to Shen than plea,til at flu' %tot% tele to,t• lat.. %l A
ion, All hie Inothero and sislere recce& nre eakints theist:tut treesteeeni. beautify Ian otlice, but the moment. he is eppeinted he ."1"0 nu"- A '
ed him across, the alltrio. vallea, Hie mei the enemas- arontid Ilia' velabals. ',The ceases' to be a deetay.reave Or ft member of - ' - •
Wailtitistfew. roma..., NV Rh k!in And trill,' ,.telts'il ars are eneourageal In D1,111011 ftnw- I ,,,,iSien, Ph, NI h,,,, EI•1„
.• •
dame asot Took.' as well as- era P°s(l•t°411411°-111411Y tria..n411-4 4411Y -1:1111Y
We do not wouiler et them olnecting to simposed, .Many fields aro badly spotted,
. he obnoxious measure, but it ahoy ivere and in Blatushard,partioulatlys it is doubt.
ful if there wilt be moretthan half acro,
in the babit of generally availing' them.
that le if the whole of the township maybo
themselves of the privilegat of the iran. judged by the" portion through which we
titter ehiereirtne wonal tarty t :ease drone, .afbe' lets lend Reties to nave rasa
weight, • fired nit se,
Hovey, in the Clinton. foundry and agsionitu.
ral impleinent manufactory, tho fired being
known as Parran, Macpherson& Hovey, they
having beeoree eneeessors of Glasgow, Mast
pherson & Co,, established in 1862. In this sa
bnsiness otr eubjeot ie now enisaged, In May,
1883,. he joined J. Tisdall its the bUsinesa
of private 13anking in Clinton, and ia alto stilt
etigaged in private banking. In religion lie
la a member of the Churoh of Tittgland. He "
Married, on the 241h January, 1867, Ellen,
daughter of Dr. ArchibaldeDickenson's Land.
Count's; of Storosortt. The life of Mr. ,
Parraannust be stimulating reading tel
young man with ability and. ambition, for it
Iles been vary fluecessfill one.
A:dil(4. of the Clinton 2Ven, lera.
dtterialbea to renovate the intersw stilly
l'effitle00 450 nOt-being-frworahles tiro ese•of pales,
fOr Ch PO111040F, Imppy in seeoring the tervieel
of "gr. and 'Proctor, CSIt1141VellY LOOWli 114
Ill!'oratorir, This \Novi: is 1,104141,114 CO14 dittplay 4
was sp'eeee,. telt tee . tee, me teams, fetteeS are kept in good 'rnpair, the , the municipal bedv. resignalise er retigt las8nona enema tee. roseate& north