HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-21, Page 1a • "se t,ty eto. TERMS -414Q For Annum In advance LAST cA.LL. AU parties indebted to T. Jaelee •Sons either by Note or Book nee count, are reqneetetl to settle not later than 'May 5th, er they wish to It You]. cots. few gtivertioniteiliti, • (1_00D GENERAL SERVANT WANTED AT ONCE kJi Apply to MRS, W. NOOSE, Princess St. 41 A PPRENTIOES 'WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, TO •learn Dressmaking, MISS M. TREWARTIIA, Albert street, Clintokt• NTOTICE.-TIIS commie OF THE •CORPOR- A -I or the County of Ifuron will meet in the court Rooni, in tbo Town of Goderick on TUESDAY, it of JUNE next. All accounts against the corpor. ;tion must he sent in before the second day of meeting.1 PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. ' Sin HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL. - THE UNDER- SIGNED offers for sale that conveniently situated House and Lot on Albert ;a treet. ' The 'how consists of 6 good sized rooms, good barn and a number of Fruit treez on the preinises., Will be sold on reason- able terms. MRS. JESSIE SMITH, Clinton. TITANTED.-40' TO 75 ACRES OF LAND SUIT - TV ABLE for a Poor How; within a inile of the lim- its of the towns. of Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Winghatkor tho villages of Exeter, Blyth and Brussels, or any 'other place in tho County, „Within ft mile of. a station. Offers stating price per acre'w111 be ,roceived by the undersigned until the 3rd a J.un'e. /;1.9xt. P. ADAMSON, .County Clerk. Mk... • , eeTRA-sr ssfEtr. STRAYEb FROM 'TOE premises of the subscriber, nth. eon., Gude- - . ' rich foyrnship, TWO EWES with a piece out. .of.the.ir left ears, 1 with two lambs and the woolpulled from under her,neck. Any .person giving such information which will lead to their • • recovery will be suitably rewarded. CAESaR PERDUE.. t i • 11 7 TA OUSE AND LOT Fort SALE OR TO RENT...2. , That conveniently situated Cottage and 3 lots on Vitoria St. Rouse contains7 rooms, good wood shed, with hard and soft water. • There are three lots in the property, with a umber of fruit'treos ; will bp sold or ranted cheap. Also, for sale, a lot on Isaac Street, opposite the residence of the tliniersigned. Apply to _A-DODS WORTa, Clinton ,.,• . AUCTION- SALE • ,.--o o-- - - Household •Funkiture,:, The thiddisigned 'being Atbout; to ictvo toyil will Offer ter sale ey roue Auction, on • SATURDAY, MY 290), :.).1,411.44,138:a3BN.p. • t't. All his nouseintild Furniture,' consisting .ot• nErosTEADS, BBREAUS, TABLES, on AIRS, sTOvBs, dee. ered The sthole win no sold 'with ont reserve, as .nronrietor does hot. wish to c• move it. Sale tit 1 pan.. Penis cash. ' Furniture Duly be seen. any tune before sale. . . . JAS. HOWSON,. • (0.,BIBUL, Me • Auet. , •• • Prop. 14151:WI/GU „TICKETS Issued: to any point in • 1V14141TOBA • OR .DAKOTA, - VIA Northwest Transportation Company Steamer ri leaving Goderich on Wednesday and saiurday eno, mugs. Advice received tviien every steamer loaves Sarnia so passengers can i•eceive word at what.hour steamers leave Godo-; •rfich, and avoid any unnecessary delay there, Par full particulars Apply to WM. JACKSON CLINTON.' AGENT.. REDUCTIONBIG Crockory, (flasswarclo. The undersigned • having purehaaed th° steek of Mr. Geo, • Sharman, wilL clear • • out, the stock of t CHINA, CROCKERY & Glasswam er.;--N • • AT LESS TILAS • • „.• • Wholesale. Pti6s. • must he run out it) ten deyee Don't to give oe a • We cazo OA :y011 ' prime to suit you. CLINTON, ONT., VTRID.A.Y, MAY 21, 1886. .7 9 SWAM -4E19 BRIEF80—The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Mr. Ross' church Bfucefieltie- on Sabbath last. Mrs. A. Fraser and Mrs. Dass, of Eilsa Craig, aro the guests ofMr. D. Rose, of the 2nd con, 1IF.771ifuliter, of the, -London Road, had the misfortune to lose revelriable cow re- cently purchased from Mr. A. Innis ; the cause of death was a cancer on the jaw.. DEATH—The wife .of Mr. Johnson, of the Goshen line, who has been in poor „health for some time, died on Tuesday last. She was the third daughter of Mr. John Peck, and is the fourth member of the fatuity that has died from consumption .She was quite young, and had only been married a couple Of years, and her un- timely death is a sad blow to her husband, who has the sympathy of, all. Her re- mains were interred in Bayfield Centetery on Thnrsday. She was a sister-inslaw of Mrs. Robt, Welsh, Clinton, 'and sister of Mrs. Peter Cele, Bayfield line, Goderich township, Bt.OGLETZ: • Buiersee-Mr, and Mrs. Bedford, of the 14th cone -are both -now considered out of • danger, and will soon be Well, The wife of Mr. Geo.- Cuningham, sr., is in poor heelth. Quite a large number of building improvements, are going on in all parts of the township. Stainnei DEAme—The tewnsitip of Hullett lost a promising young man very suddenly, on Thursdase night last, in the death -of Mr. W. Little, son of Mr. Fran- cis Little, of the 12th con. Deceasedwas travelling with, a stallion end had.reached •the house of Mr. John Riley, one ofhis •stcipping'places, when he was taken with -violent pains in the bowels. Medical aid was at once called in, but every effort to give him relief was of no aVail, end after 6 hours' .of iotemse suffering, he passed away. HO was 26 years of age,erind. Ii funeral was largely attended. -3 BL YTEL. . • • 13e1n1s.--Mr. Fs Sperling and daugh ter spent a few days in Blyth this week. Messrs: N. H., Robert and Myles Young, and their wives spent few days yisitfpg friends 'at Lakelet this Week. Miss E. Metcalf, of Mitchell; is visititig her broth.. • .did greapdeal of harm' in. this section, ieirsitijithinsgwaeegak,osuaasce,The frostuienyiaSuadenday,y:itaght: and plants in general. • Wien, TEE Bove ARE SAYING before the 24th, and see how it tallies with what they say after it-iseever: .-e-New-boysedanite give . J. S; leo Much start on me--Frecl,• I am not going to have . a piece In that race—Dale. That the Editor is reported to be doing his riding in the country, eo , tin) boys can t .ceteh. his timebut we are t -off iiini::".'nflf:77.•13:1C-seocips thebig medatif be does not get a header.", That Will and Bob are good fitters if they do go op the railroad, now boys we know all about it and you just might- as well -do it above beards- That the. boysfrom the .country will make it hot for ell Comers. That Bob Taylor will take the stone with- out a doubt That "Gift;" and C: T. have heenefitting en the lawn for the big. man's race; now ski your betting, for ." Money" and not "law" tells in this race. That which ever township wins the " tug of war," they will have to pull for it.. That evrybody is going to Blyth on the '24th; as it is the beet programme in the county. . LAIIOKNOW. RftrEi's.-4hore was a heavy -frost last Sunday might, which was severeenough to freezcethe water in vessels outside. Tee Ito. 'G. Turk delivered a lecture erititled "the leaders of the nineteenthcentury," in the, Methodist church, last Thursday • -OVetring, to an appreciative audience; the teeturses was well_delivered. The Literary' Society in connection with the .public schoolgave an excellent,programme, last Friday afternoon; .we wetuld like • to see :more orate' residents- of the.. village pa- tronize these entertainments, The Rev. VII. Cameron", of Knox 'Church, preached his farewell sermon to a large corigrega.; tion, last_Sabbath morning; many of the .0.12gregatimixontaleep1y_tauclied Zwith the minister's farewell words; the con- gregation presented th'e :Rev. gentleman with tome heautifitliriesents this week. The farmers are though seeding in this vicinity; andare busily ongeged with put- tini in theirroots the spring erop,s look- • se,„,Lswel ; elm w.he'at.i not seem to makesuch headway as Was apected a few weeks ago.- : JIELGIIAVE, • . J3itij..ts --41r 1? McIino has put tip a yernie • eethetht_heing ' re custemers ; it WaS pailited by Billter&laslakell Exc ttlitttt,kvo E. FLOODYs .Gtoespit Alen STATIC/4Bit ' of Summerhill, visiting h a r e t h ei ubrlungs, is•shsnlh, e, !izae::nnyt!dds eittgliusic. ghinei oir e -o BE f , BRign.4-411r. , MB: neon fined to the house for severaledays with sore•foot, Miss Libby Or, hte ofMr. Isaac Fisher, has o y with e inflammation ,,of g b w ''N mending. Mrs. I. V. F r d James Manning is visiting bit sister, Mrs 'McConnell, this week ; he, is just recover It% front it severe illness, .11(testereHer, smahnellaftedelrmrettareitif; spent a few dale tinder the parental roof this week. -- Mr. Maedel is able to walk artnind a little this week.. Mra. Cherldeworth left last week te joie her husband in ;Winnipeg. Some of the boys were seen driving along at a lively rate on Wednesday morning; when asked what was their hurry, the re- ply • was, " mothieg mud, only Ed. Y'ourig-,-" te Talialltirt PL..0.11-1104, he's going to-h-Omftrried ;'' the bride was Miss Mary Fisher, daughter of air. Seth Fish- er ;113e coma/m.1y was performed by Rev. S. 13, Kraft ; may stiteess and ha ppitiees a tt end t hem, allffe, Mr. G. Bretz, who is now engaged painting and lettering the verandah in front of A. , Taylor's fine general store, whieh will add to its already dity appearance. J. Adair, Wm. Xing, and several otheryoung inen . ; leave this week for a trip to the Old (logo. , try, as they are engaged to look atter fat bRipseliinned there by Mr. OnVen- • ' seYeet'e ettegfortli. Mrs. John Bell 'and her sister' Miss Henry, left here Tilet day aw ek. Mr, Wm. Stanley is renovating comeortNn Sep Aeoremer.—While three men em. pleyect by Mr. N. Morrish were being timber int Friday, for the Benmiller broidge, a limb fellefrom. the top Of a tree; striking; Mr. John 'enn, 'tutting hi a faoe •aud hurting hire inwardly, He lingered • untiISunday morning, when death ended his sufferinge, His remains were interred in the Dungannon cemetery an the follow- lux:Monday, BittaFs.--111iss "Caroline Hebei' barite. same(' her :studies at Stratford, • Fad wheat isnot looking so *ell as the semen predicted some, time ago. Mr. W.• B, Forster will soon have a good part of Goderich . township fenced as well as the road allowanecrin Colborne. Rev, John' arkbana left on Monday, to attend the district rneeting at Seaforth.11Vs_e,„„Ckeelere_ Walter has putchased the divolling house next to. the Temperance Hall, from lYfr,T. Gledhill. •The following persons started lest week for the porthweit: Messrs.S W Stevens, Jabez Oke, and Mrs. Jeasie,Gled: hill. • Mrs. A. Stevens and on Lewis, left last week for the Sault, tospend a few weeka with her daughter, Mree Campegne. The No. 2 sohcol children intend having a picnic in Mr. J, McGibbon's grove, on the 24t1 inst. ' • . • • BrINOBAM. •BrO.---Those pest intereetets in salt have hadqesite a Smile on their •coun- teeances the .last-feir-dajtKirifel-neettotibt ' they have .good reasons for feeling some- what jubilant, as a very good bed of salt_ has been secured, having bored through 35 feet of solidealt reek), after going dome 1159 feet. The next thing all are waiting for, is assurance frorn the C.P.R, authori- ties that the ,branch road will come .in, and from the Government, that the fifteen thousand dollars per mile' (as has been promised •by Mr. Farrow, M.P.,) Would be forthcoming., as soon as salt was found. AV:Ingham is just ready to boom, in fact is booming. • The foundationaor another furniture factory Is being lai(L A com- pany has been formed, end have secured exemption from. taxes and a bonus of *200. towards the new factory. ' There is censiderable talk of a large foundey start- ing up, if the necessary: exeinption and bonus can be got fram our council, but there seems to be a difference of opinion amongst the citizens, about this bonus bueiness Berurs.—Me, Geo; McKilthene(who has boughteaddinteeds building quite a hand. semis residence, in Toronto,) in. town • • • tiPehise-lensitleie-heree-haviordS cided beeome it resident of that eity, and Wingham loses one grits most enter- prising.citizens in the person of Mr, Me, Kibbon, RS ho has done a greht deal to build mp Wingham. • C. T. Scott's • old' banking house is being oveehateted, and will be converted into it dwellingupstairs, 'With shop beneath ; Mrs. • McLean and :Mrs. Anderson, having bought the pro- perty, are . making • the improvements. Mr. Vin. Cornynewho sustained severe injuries, by falling from the balcony at, e, queen's hotel, some few.weeks ago, is th .eonsiderably. better, being Able to .be up; at one time slight hopes were'enteetained, of his recovery, •-. Legge. Ireland, son of - Mr. Isaac:Irelandedied last Sabbath even- ingeafter an illness -of abeut it year. . Mr. Marshall, at one .time miller in Mitten, Price & Carr% Mille now recated in Port Huron,is 'visiting -friends here. The Sale vatfon Army continue to hold Perth .every evening, although their procession is not large; three generally, sometitaes form the procession,but they are PlUelrY,. and keep on ; they no doubt realize that with two 'editors like -.Fletity and Gal- braith, there e a heap of wickedness" here. . No talk of our. streets being wa- tered yet: s000 be time to be up and at it. • . • _ • liOliMESVILL a. - foesterBinrie.see-Follss wondered what brou lit. the buggies from Colborne in Such': -este on Sunday Morning last; well, it was nothing naore ,or less than that the old Baer had another cub; he didn't worth a cent when he learned that it :was only another boy. Mr. A. Wittirigham has returned from Manitoba; he said it was snowing at PortArthur when he left it -last week, there were no Signs- Of leaves on the times: Mr. s A. K irks returned froni'Cobourg last week; he looks quite • robust considering the amentit of studying to which he has late- ly been subjected; it is surmised that he siete agstiT,Thyloyedirliarveging, itt•fie was seen visiting .a. neighboring farmer's residence, not Many hours after his arriVaL Miss Enticknap from Oxford Co. is visiting her grandfather, Mr. En-. ticinap, of this place.. Mr. Yates, our arneee-maker, , Lai remoierth-01111 on.; there is now a food opening for it shoe. maker, A daughter of Mr, Wm. John. sten accidentally . swallowed a pin the other day; there have boen no serious re- sults se fir as we are aware. • Mr. Wm. urch is still ges, indisPosed as to be tul- le te attend to his usual avocation.— r. D. D. Birks s on the sick listthis dr. The" crops look splendid in this dim All our resident ministers were ay On district meetingbusiness thiS ith we se to visit their' sister, Mrs. John Wightmen, we formerly of' Belgrave, in Essex county,— Mr. Ira Barkley left on Tuesday morning for London, Where be has secured a good situation in Scandrett Sone' large gro- cery establishment; may sticeeSs and prosperity attend him. A. Taylor is bound to sell his Share Of nice goods, as his etreektrWerassorted, and he has pasted the fence with printer's ink, whieb Velps N to make business a success.• Inc •••.- . • . ea litANIMERTEtt, lineers,—P, B. Wellness removed to Goderich on Tuesday. The Episcopalians have organized it Sundry School here bit Which WO commetieed hist Sunday. 'On ist ,ifuesday last Ve„.0,e_D_enatade wee united elti in the holy bonds of matrimony with one liu of Illy th's fairest daughter% Mr. John an Washitieston ex -pacts to leave for the Oid the Country in a few &ye ; ho will 'trine Jar ,stor me with him. ' ' hee s. 33y replacing the old roof by a new One and building a stone foundation Under it, Mr, T. C. Pickard has improkeed tholook of hie grounds by building a nice picket fade. Mr. Edward Levis mak- ing considerable improvements on hie hollSe and grounds; some say Ed. is pre- paring the cage for the bird. Mr. Elias tter wears quite a genial, seine on the rease in his family. Of ft fine young tighter this Week. • Bitt CEPIELD. 13/21EPS.-11r, ' Higgins, of this place, t now pursuing his studies for the min- ry, at jilontreal, promised a very eloe ent sermon, on -Saturday lest. Mr. gh lifcCartney eorritrienced bit butter d dem factory. on Monday morning re is every indication of his doing- ft go business and first class work, aslie eectired the eervieee• er an A 1 Witter maker for the season. Moses Dickson". iciest son of Wse , Dickson, hotel keeper this place, meet with a 'painful accident by a kick from a horse he was bringing in from pasture; he is doing as well as could be •expected. John Murdock, Dr, Elliott and R. McLeod, left for the old codistry, Tuesdaylast.; McLeod and Mur- dock Intend being back _about h.aying time, but the Dr. will remain foe Home *the lenger, - • VARNA. From an occasional correspondent. ' Snow" Geramems. — The Stanley aud Goderich toWnship Agricultural Societiee have purchased grounds. from Mr. W. 117 Woods, Bayfield, and hive let the con- tract for fencing to T. J. Marks. Asmeet- ing of the directors will take place at ens early date, to make arrangements for the erection of a suitable building, to be ready for the fall show. Ruete.wet---00 Friday evening, ES the stage was coming from Seaforth, and with- in a mile of hire, it stopped to Jet a lady off, and when starting, the horse gave a sudden jerk, breaking. the whiffletree and getting clear of the stage. It !eh the oc- cupants on the road and came to Varna, Where he was caught,. No damege,*more than breaking the svhiffletreee 'and two tugs, was done. BROKE ITS ezet.—One deKelast-week Jilre-Cook;-hoteleireetreiclutd Mr. John Turner's horses, drawing trees, and Went with a stone boat for them, accompanied -by 'Messrs, Duncan' and Gordon. Mr. Cook had two srnall boys upon it, und left to secure the trees, 'lot tying the homes, when theyran away, and one got its leg broke. It is supposed the stone boat struck it. It was a serious loss; Re they were t matched team, and Mr.Turner states he would rather lose3200. 13ellive.---Mtss jessie Wanless has start- ed weaving,- in the handing lately occu- pied by Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. D• Carnp-, bell, from Walton, is viSitirig friends here. Rev. Mr. Denby exchanged pulpits with the Presbyterian , minister froth- Chisel - burst, last Sunday. Rev. llIeStnith spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Seaforth, at- tending the Goderich District Meeting of' the Methodist ehurch, Messrs. Robinson and Purdy, earriage-makers, are very busy with repairs and new work, of which they are turning Out a good deal this mumbler. An old gentleman by the name of MeFit-' gland; hap been a guest at the Varna hotel for some three ,weeksleast ; he ia a'dentist b rof the City , of' Hamilton, but is taking a - smack of country life; he has pert:opted' several operations in his line, and is stillOfi hand to serve such itt maY favor him with a call. - • ser- TUCKER:51111TH. U:NrcaruNATE.-LtROberf Lawson had e valuable 'horse by getting entangled in aewire fence,,on Saturday, on the farm of Mrs. Johnse of Tockersmith. 041y it few weeks ago he had a $150 to, buggy smashed to -pieces by runaway. • 'He is 'a young man in: the employ:Of Mee Jelins and had all his earnings: Mid•savings • in. this horse and. buggy., . Exiereessecnoer.e--In reference to a para- graph that appeared last week under this heading, about . e wordy ,dispote he Lite basement of Turner's church, •we are in - termed that our correeporident Made more out •of -the• circumstance than there' was really any occasion for, as there was only a misunderstanding aneong . a couple of the membera about a trifling •mattereand no high' words were usid whatever, nor was aey ill -feeling distilayed „Cotracm.—Cluncil met on' thee 14bh 'init.. All the jobs advertised were tendered for and let, at. tile following prices :74.4 -ravelling: - L. Murphy, Seaforth to Egmondyille, 50 egrds @$2.08 per aord ; mill road, west of Egm'ohicl.' ville,'3Acorthilt) $2:334 AiPpen road, eon :3 and 4,1T.R.S., 15 cords @ $2•89West from ggmoudville, con. 2, 20 cords (a An 59. Me.' Cartney &McKenzie; milt road near McLean't.: 15 cords Ce $2:15.; milLrdad, hearBrueoleid, 15 eorditi@ $2,10. AnguisKennedy. on Kip:. gen road, eons. 5 and a, 35 cords ,d .§3.24.; cons, 7 endS., 15 @ $2.90 ; cons. 0 and IO, 15 (g.:.$1,94 ; CAA& 3 and 4, 1..R;$,, .11e "Ce U.99 ; cons. and 2; •15 @ $3F24,; op con. L. R. S.; '2Q rods ® $1.69 -per rod; 2dwaed. .Irigranemn Hansen road, eons. 1 and 2, 20 cords :@ $1.24 per cord ; 'con. 3; 10 °eras @ . 51,24. John itinpeGrantori,' east to eon 2, 15 cords $3 per cord. Adhere Forbes, nt Harpnrhe4; 20 cords @ $2 15 fir cordT ' E. Fairbairn, lots 10 and con. 2/10 cords @ r;oo; lots' 10 and 11, con. 3; 12 rode @, $1,22 per rod,'. Seattle] 1110Geoch, lot 9, con. 2; MILS., 30 reds ® $L30 per rod. • Boger Pepper, grading lot 25, con. 2,24o per yard; gravelling let .25, eon. 2; 10 reds @ $2 per rod • gravelling lot 25, Jim" '4, 25 rods di ,132-728-,-per-troth—a e atm trn, grave ling lot 3e•con. 4, 40 rode @ $1;44 per rod. Wra r, Huditon, gravelling lot 2, Oen: 0, 30 reds (Se' 0.49. A. McKinnon, lot 17, don. -4 b.lt.S•f• 40 rods @ 94O.• per rod ;. ditching, lot 17, Coll. 4, 45.rOds, @, 18c, per rchl, Win. Dalrymple', ditching, lot 9; con. 8, 50 to& (d/ MC: a rod ; building hridge, lot 1, con. io, tr.R.s., $47, t Wm. Angus, building ;bridge, lot 5, 'Con: 40. $65.. • Jaime Sparks, grading lot 35:80, con. 40 red @ 40e, per rod. Council adjourned to nieet at ' Aire, Knox's( hotel, Islatpurhey; on the 261h inst., at 10 a.m., as a Court of Re- vision, and at 1 o'cdock p,tn„ "tor the transact. t' tion of ordinary husinese. 1Ver. McCommtre Clerk. ,s LOBO BSBO RO Bitierm..—Dr. Young and Mr. John Mason leave, in a -couple of weeks on a t trip to the old country; during the ab- sence of the Dis his practice will be at-, tended to by Dr. Woods, .of Mitchell, formerly of Londesboro. ReV, Mr. Bro. e ley, of Seaforth, is announced to preach P here twice on, next Sabbath, as he and ..1) Mr. tough exchringe,ptilpits. Mrs Sas. Manning, who has been seriously, ill for several dive, is still very low, but hopes are entertained alter recovery. Mr. W. Weymouth has been siek for several days, but better; Mr. John Whyte, late pf Mitchell,hae taken charge of the creamery lilr. Geo. Newton je pueting up it new house here ; George tenet antieiprdo, greet 1 things in the future, The Nifty F.UA t alisaye onx!ondylool“.,.: for here. ROBERT HOLMES Pubtiolier. „.• ..ti SA FO IMO . . • - f istrates are constables. John Merge!), the Asses iteoreness—Little Elle, youngest t newly -appointed Division Court Clerk, daughter of Dr. Snaith, met with a rather has opened his °ince in the hour° lately . palatal accident last Sunday; she was out purchased from the Rev. N. Pretterson.;_ walking with her mother and- by some we wish Morgan success. Our assessment . aneans fell from the sidewalk and received rolls are in the hands of the clerk -e -court a fractured arm. _ of revision, ,Tune 7th. We are informed •11.11RE1) rus ENT -Sun -m-011 MOD. that several new voters are added under tIlt last Mr..A.lotel Scott, Me, an enoployee the new Franchise Act; 'lone of our three on the planing mill of Messrs. Broadfoot. clergymen haye availed themselves of the do Box, had the misfortune to get sonee privilege of beinglissessed for income, in small pieees of broken glags in one of his order to be able to vote, and help the re. . eyes, whiele has, caused a. good deal of venue; this duty we think they • sholild pain and will probably insure the eight, perforn, now that it is so easy e they use for a time at least: ' s • the roads as much as most men, why not PULPIT Exogeasoks.,-. A general pul- ay most taxes—good pit ettehange took place here last Siinday. . poorest men who P help the poor to keep them up—it is the. le the morning the Presbyterian pulpit men are required hi elect geed rulers. • was taken by Rev. J,Broley, of the Metho- dist church ; the.Rev. J. McCoy, of Eg- morisivillesepreached-hr the Meting' LtRNOOlf. church; and ln the Egrnondville church, FOOT BALY..—" The Rangers." are now • discoursed the Rey. P.. Musgrove, • of practicing weekly,and on their practice McKillop, evening, Rev, Mr. Broley ' et nights are often Joined by the boys from Egmondville, Mr. McCoy, of the Presby. the 6t1, and also by some from the Fore. tenon church here, and Mr. Musgrove at dyce club. There is some talk of a match ebb Methodist. The Rev, A. D. McDonald, between the ." Rangers" and the ----s Of ,pastor of he Presbyterian chureh, we ure. Fordyce being played before long. The derstand, was in Clinton. " Rangers".will be sure to hold their own ; stable John Lee, of Beaforth, arrived in 'A CoNSTABLF"Sorm." . ' --Chief Con, A. Bretz, Belgrave, iswSeededyi.r;g fi.expected ' PitosPkarIvE.--A. bSat.rbTerhnematnasedeRnowTinaensddays,trionngs,eawrehhc)olfada week bee passect-Thesownerref thriliiiiii to cense oir on the 9th con. ere anothee__ isetclearsahettihne:-seakf°4tptd7hificeh.dhieselolavder96-na iiYolunsgetionntiwioth and a straight line between it certain the 'brick house on the lost one in Hannnoed,s East End bars the 9th have noticed a well -beaten path .. ber shop, and went•down there to beshav- across their '•fields, madeby the passing' - . • et hd (s. and re -pasting ofe biped of nocturnal hab- . bilanrbetrheiumdiddesnt"lyeftetthheeinshbeeVendg tphenotee he it.-, and were beginning to Sigh for the • wanted- sothething,in the back rem", and prospects of then" crops, •but their faces retired. Lee waited till lie saw through .appear -entirely 'changed since . tit ey have the garioe; then rose sadly. from the leaf is to be chair/ learned .that at last a(g)neiti wiped the lather from his fate, ail(' walk- turned over. and there- will be no moro, , - ed out into the, street, "it sadder though needof a path. ' - . • . e a iviser roan.", ' RIEFS.--2,; r. and Mrs. McLaughlin 'Sine years HOuesesLaet Monday even- - . . of Hullett, paid 'it visit to their daughter; ' ing &large number of clerks and salesmen Ed: ,Wightiman, Met week. An un - the Commericia 'hotel, andibrineu them- ' °loot Mr W. johnston from Elgin Co., ' selves into an " early closing aasociation," spent e,leiv days .with his relatives herd last week. ' The inentle'ers of the Literary • and Mr. J. E. Kent, Secretary. Several. Mr..' J. IT. Pyper was ° chosen President • . society intend having a pic-nic as soon as the 'busy season is. over. Mr, R. Reilty ' lest a ' valuable 'mare and foal somatinae ago. The young:roan from over the river,• . who makes. more than weekly visits to the • Oth, has traded off hie grey horse,thinking , no doubt, that it lied travelled thcreida • • road often enough; the new one is already • • ' 11 k' S ' - ' ' ' • we. - nown.. everal from, this viointtye will take in . the sports at Clinton on the r 24th; it few talk. of going to Blyth. Ar- ter---asaior s .. • • s, n Monday, a crowd °tune over to enjoy...4 .' • few kicks* the root ball; sons& eef theni is es. went. away livening; and in .consequence • :* were not very favorably . impreseed with thegame...'Our Marnoch musiciane. flue nished the greater part of themimie at en entertainment in Fierdyee public school on Friday ; an iMpOrtarit.part of the dra-• 'natio peeforreenee. was also given by resi- dents of.thia vicinity. Ott ing to the very , wet evening tbe entertainment. was not *ell 'attended., but allpresent were well pleased with the prograrente. " soesolutions were passed, • ofiti df them be: ing that they petition their entployers.for Shorter hours, 1. e. request them to close their respective places of business, in the - evening at six instead of seven. o'clock ai at present, on and. after the first day 'Of June next. •We hope, as is expected, that the prayer of the boys willbe granted them, when the petition is circulated this week, . xesrumase-eMr. P. 1). Phillips; of Pert Hirrop,' lectured in. the here, lest Monday evening, on " "Law, Labor .and Liberty," or in other words " The Knights of Labor ;" there Was f. a large attendance ; Dr. Campbell. occupied the chair; we understand that at.the Close of the meeting it branch of the order Was started here, with a very fair membership to begin with; Mr. Sohn R. Clarke, the bootblack orator, who. has become a. fav- orite here, will, no doubt, when he re- turns to •Seaforth soon repeat his mas- terpiece, •" To and Fro in London ;" it is by request that he tombs to .give• this lec- ture. _W. W. Buchanan, of Hamul- t�u, grand secretary of the Royal Tem- lers of Temperance, will visit Seaforth, on Tuesday; June 8th, and address a public Meeting -1M' Royal • Templerisin, at the close of which he will hold council of instruction, for this benefit of the members of the council 'of that order here. • Biturse-.Every evening at the coiner of Meiket street, be seen Profilason, talking phrenology to sretall and rather mixed.' audiences. Mr. Arthirr Trott; of the Savage Gospel Band, is this week pay- ing it visit to his old home. Our.lacrosse boys visited Bright on Wetineeday °fleet week, endplayed. a friendly ntatch with re.4AltristriiT. • . -13fteees.—Mr. Campbell,-.I.P.S, visited our School laskweek, and highly pleas- ed with the eonclition the same. :Poet - ball is all the rage in this neighborhood, and it is' not an unecimmon thing to hear- even the' old men and young lasses calling. • out `c 'rah for football.' The 2411 Promises . -.to.b1e-it big day in-Pereepouet ; football, ' croquet, and many .tithietic games will be indulgeo in. Mrs.. Gordon mado ishort v•isit to fribuds Ripley last week. Mr; John Clarke lost a valuable cpw Sate'''. 'day morning; be eartno much Wet elo.lrer, • vrhich bloatecrljer, panting death. Itepre- sentatives from* the creamery and cliee4o each uhaLgett:ingirw.aames4aubn.. t hese last Monday night; it was quite exciting bids resulted in' fnetory.kield a Fleeting in the rlyange• the elute of that.place, w pernittted the ball Would have.been famed* htir:,17°t; rhe-tsiiidrLaduf ftrheotn-817.Dre3rroft-Plirs?-111Tri'it4--:- ' .1for the deciding'game, and we are sure ra where he had been attending it bro. . Ouri4eyelVoul 8.V.0_. Wen. it. The lerrWho-Was Very ill. Mr, Torn Ginn arth Comedy Company' played the " Two • has finished the stone foundation of E.W. Dans"' or " Comedy , of BI riders," in Card - a fun Richard% new house ;E.W. will doubtless re% Hall hero lest Thursday, to house. A Western League hese ball have an okeellenkhnilding; when finished, match pleyed on the recreation On Monday last, while Mr. Morass:no WAS gr611148 bere last Wedeesday,' Stratford. coming lionie froni Lueknow, his !mese toOk fright,: and readies% desperate 'attempt vs. Seaforth, which resulted in a •victory to run array, although in a perilous cep.' for the former. elreE,'Il. Hollis delight- to Mr. Morrison stuck te the buggges- ed a., Kincardine. audience with ehOme Of his vets' funniest songs,•last Monday even- arid bring on to the lines, keeping tho. l• horse Straight on the road, and rut -mitre . a5ngiadlig'e°anetlitelleltair6y11. wheitsh.btelleen-Y.(lArglanCfeAce straight for hoind, which hp managed. ' • ' to da; wo understand that Z1D SWAMIS STOCK SOLP.--,,The stock -in -trade and t9 wdll emelt rip: • BOUSPJELK! • • datmige was done, 4U:to:Leh all Ives.° pret- effects (it'd.; J. 'Reeddickeof Bruesels, were sold by auction at•the rooms • Of W. Als -....___„seettell.k.U.Weii-ftiowesestee-e- Meore--&-ecirriziair ?gr Tuesday after- , ,Annort DVo---Arbor.day WO rt. 'day which noon. 1VIreNelson Beeper was the.pure' _Will not soon bo forgotten by Ike- pupils of ' chaser, and he paid 89 cents on the dollar. S.S. No. 2, aoclerich toweShip. On that The value of the stock was $1,102.47. The memorable morn might have been seen about estate was •in pretty good shape to bring isocrbtoybil,taepapgyeeethoihtlarke: Dwaretioillithgth:lipeinrriwinaitys to•j; ' so high a figure.: •• . ...„ * SwAitti Wnesknes..—Colletor CaVati of the day, •• They Mime each pileWith o some necessary far .tho day'A .vork, fromes, alisesisIkenloa jitidp.,lry e.;.,1,100Let. e..tecittri,.:brl..t,itiraatstso...t;_d, wheelbarrow down to A nail, After the woik found in Morris On Tuesday. <.I.'he appa- made araid ''ff' Illicit . whiskey still aerinteuse er, eery seldom is 0140 being assigned to 01116'0W., they Want at it in qh enthusiasra as WnS shown by them.. work :done with ratus WAS found'in working Order, but at Twenty.eight trees, maples and cedars, wire e he tinnier writing, the "mootishiner" had planted, two flower beds made and finwere not been tried. This is the third illicit planted in them, and the school house and till captured by Mr, Cayen in this neighs grounds cleaned up tidily. The new School - • borhood, in a shrift time; in both the .Act provides that a (lay, the first Friday in other cases the offenders were fined $300 .May, is to be observed every year in all the each and iniprisonmeet in jail ; that is schools in the Provine,?, f,eit the purism) of he Only way •to stop it. , planting treesetice winch le a very zoo', pro- vieion, as the ehildren taking part in the work ' miltpligLft, —7 " 'themselves, aro inclined to bo interested in ,.. 4,......... — t.t............ t. '• • ' the fruits of their labor, and aro not apt to Bargysl—Mr. Gray, government engin. destroy the trees or undo anything that has or, visited our port last week; he is to been done, It also has a mord noble) tendency, • . ut bur harbor on first-class order, it being that of milting in the bowls of love all the Y all Odds tile best on the east shore of children eenneeted with the selleel " as 1110Y Xsake Iltiroti ; this is the place for the C. hews (something; of tommon interest' to thorn . . to join t 6 take from London, and all to talk about, they thus become a7 one! also from Wingham, by Clinton. ' We. famil3". And in gter IVO 5ffffot to then; Will have two hien in our boroUgh, the one be th"eti°1111411e° 4;16" "AY' " rich and the Other poor. The days of Inueliolkpersatyoolld rolotirdes"t•iy OtrohVetIttsotllourgaY; neer being (Mimeo(' on Titeeday` while filing a new skill' on Piekard'e pond, ---,i.e., .„-... rmraeles are apparently not•yet oyer ; Dr, . ttxxtrut. tanbury cured -a boy the ether' day thk . Dyererite -A lawyer bete castes very . hat our‘ Iieyfield •roinf,ihatt' st":"•,ei'reeht he lie iitie able te ervini out, lint is Ilni like. nere honeet : rnsit.e• fa '.1 1 httrh. thes to.ie. ly fr, ti,tompt fi,. ,,inn imni; ()v." jimin, -vtok