HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 8•� longing to Mr. Jos, ,Allauson died, on
CLINT�TON NEW '-c . Thursday night; cause unknown. Geo.
1886. Ellaby left here last week for Dakota.
FRIDAY MAX 14►. Two set of bills for the sale of the A¢ri-
"N U'p I C.:K*
lir. Appleton bas returned and
resumed eve Practice of hie pro,.
fe$siOft. .
Clintons April 13tlii, 1880,
Dr. 11IcDois1Ag1I. of Toronto, will be iu Golfe-
rich, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ,next 20th
Mt and tend ince., au4'maybe hr ate nsul add Eared et s old
oflice,on ell diseases ox the T ,
gown gppio.
RIBS FRACTUnED.—One day last week
Mrs. W. Dayis met with rather a painful
accident ; she was engaged in taking down
some window blinds, when she fell against
a 'door, breaking several ribs. Although
she is well up in years, she is doing as well
as could be expected. "
Temperance convention will be held in
the town hall, Clinton; 'on Friday, May
28th, commencing at 10 o'clock, a.- m.
Every temperance worker in the county
is cordially invited td be present; as mat-
ters of importance are likely to be dis-
cussed there should be a large attendance
from all parts of the county. ,
• PROPERTY CHANGE.—The property be-
longing to. the estate of the late IL B.
Evans, was put up•by auction; here, on
Saturday last, and both lots disposed of.
A quarter acre lot in Ki pelf, with stall
store thereon, . was sold to :Mr,., Fames.
Moore, of Kippen, for $200. Lots 888.884,
Mary St., Clinton, were sold -to Mr. John
Ridout, for $895. In both cases the price
was better than the vendor's anticipated.
'• day afternoon -a littleiboy•named Upshall,
met with an accident which may yet prove
serious.. He was with some parties who
• were out shooting, and .had strayed away
from them, and when one' of the number
shot at a •c'hipmonk, a number of shot
;glanced and struck Upshall, several enter-
ing his bowels. He is" under medical,
treatment, and if: inflammation does'not
set in, may soon be all right, .'a . •
' THE CEMETERY,—For a week past seve-
ral men have been at work, in : the. silent:
city of the dead," ,puttingthe walks, etc.,
in order,' and giving the ,place a•neater
appearance 'by straightening up monu-
ments, etc. If trees were planted along,
the new. walk to the cemetery, in the
course of a very short time a• nice avenue
would be formed, and a visit. to' the ceme-
tery would not: be accompanied with the
inconvenience of walking :beneath a boil-
ing.sun. ' We understand that Mr.. -Webb
has resigned his position as caretaker of
the cemetery,' and parties wishing work
done there should notify Mr. Paisley.,
U'NFORTIINATE.-•-• A 'few months since
Mr. Malcom, •of Scotland, Ont.- (who is
married to' Miss Vira Foster, sister of Mr.
Horace' Foster) bad the misfortune to be
par ia_ y . urns, ou • is s ore an we
ing was re -built, new furniture purchased;
and • they had .just got comfortably settled
again, when• one night last week they had
the misfortune to• be entirely burned out,
losing everything, and• barely: �escaping
with their lives. On both •occasion's the
wire originated outside of their own pre-
mises, The:loss will be a -heavy-one-for-
Mr. Malcom, because, through; some tech-
nicality, it is feared he.will not get any
insurance. -
SARNIA 1'B.' PERDUE.—A short time
before this• case was tailed at the Stratford
assizes on Thursday last, a settlement was
.effected between the parties., In, effect
' the Sarnia Company are bound to replace'
the objectionable; parts of the , separator
which was the cause of the suit, including
the cylinder, a'iid'put it in first -Class 'run-.
ning;order by the 15th of June. When so
repaired and completed the company ac-
cept;$300 in•lieu•of the original price of
$400,an the.defendantgets'
c • ura rounds pasturage -were" issue
last week, because on one the printer had
made the mistake of :a .month. One day
last week, Mr, Walter Coats, of Teeswater,
(formerly of Clinton) and another person,
caught, in 2k hours, the large number of
177 trout ; next time Walt. has such good
luck he should remember that there is a
hungry editor down here who can eat fish.
Mr. G. E. Crawford has bought a nice
driver from Messrs. Jones dL Finni gi, it...
is from Accidental, Mr. Jos. Cha"blers;.
late of Clinton, although only a resident
of Paris for one week, is already a mem-
ber of the town band. A team belonging.
to .Mr, McVittie, Hulled, upset the rig to
which they were attached, at the station,
on Saturday, and getting detached there-
from, galloped up town but were soon
captured without doing any damage.
Messrs. McDonald and iGlew leave here
this week -for California, where they pur-
pose trying their 'fortunes, Mr. George
Hinchley, who represents Farran, Mac-
pherson '& Hovey, returned on -Saturday
from an extended trip east; he says that
from Toronto to Guelph spring work is
behind what it is here, and the fall wheat
is so poor that a lot of it will lig plowed
up; Huron farmers are evidently well off..
Mrs, Forrester and Mrs.Aileens, the form-
er, from Mitchell the latter from Orange-
ville, mother and mother-in-law respect-
ively, of Mr. D. A. Forrester, who have
been spending; a short time here, have re-
turned home. Mr. John Smith, whohas
been travelling in the interest of Mr.
Chris. Dickson, andwent as for north. as
Wiarton, says. that nowhere did become
across sr town making as substantial pro-
gress as the town of Clinton. • Wilson's
egg teams have taken about twenty-five
hundred dozen eggs out of this town every
week,'for three weeks ppast. The show
Mround pasturage was sold'on Staurday. to
essrs. Paisley and W. Young, for the
sum or $48 for the'season—$2 less than
last year. Mr. Robert Philips, of this
place,celebrated bis 84th birthday, on
Saturday; notwithstanding.his age, he is
still . quite active, and there are very few
who have a clearer intellect than he. One
day last week a "certain man was leaving
-town- without the .formality of paying his
debts, and; was driving .his cow away, -when
a certain 'grocer caught up with them; and
placedanattachment upon the animal;
the fellow's landlord came also, and set-
tling the grocer's claim, drove the cow back
to town, and holds possession of it.. Miss,
Flo. Goodrich leaves this•week on a three
months', pleasure- trip, and Miss. Maggie
Washington also takes a vacation visiting
relatives and friends I4Tr; M. C. Came -
rep, . salesman with Mr: S. Davis, returns
to.his home next week, .his place here be-
ing taken by Mr. Rowlands, a former ein-
ployee. Mr W. Downs is laid••, pp with
inflammation of the bowels. Mr. John
Fitzsimons; of East Nissouri', who .•died
lastweek,,was one of the eat'ly settlers of
that township, and is highly spoken of by.
both the London papers referring to; his
death; be was a brother of Mr. Samuel
Fitzsimons,. 7ofthis town, and the eldest
one of the tamely, being "81° years of age ;
his is the ` first ea • in • „ y,
whom, . there :are. several • brothers and
•sisters. Mrs: Chas Mason; of town, who
has been :.under medical treatment for.
some time, is now in a fair way of recov-
ery. 'Miss Alice Smith liafi been laid up
With erysipelas in the. bead, •but. is getting,
better. Mr. Thos. Fetterman, formerlyof
Cl i n ton,.but' who-has•lately-.been.farming
in McKillop: againtakes tip his residence.
in this vicinity, as' he and his, wife. will
keep house for Mr. C. Carter; foreman of
the Ransford farm ;,. Mr. Carter and Mrs.
Palterman are brother- and sister. On
two occasions recently ladies• have lost
watches in town, ,and have failed to. get
them. again they must have' been found
and it is discreditable that the • finders
have.. not been. honest enough to return.
them. to the rightful owners. On Tues-
.dayMr. George Miller, (son of Jas. Mil-
ler, formerly of town, "astonished the
natives" by drivinebaldpg round with a pretty
d three years child of Mr. Jas...Howe died with youngestonies, The cup
, _time..tor his.payrpents . - This.agreement,- "on Tuesd'av Eat:p've, ie neeit child
regularly signed by the counsel :or. both of 1VIr, Geo. Cottle died yesterday and
parties, was made a judgment •-o - court.,' 'will be buried on Saturday afternoon. Mr
Jaroes.Scott and wife returned from their
wedding tour on Tuesday;.and have set-
tled dorm to the stern realities of the
married state.. The date for holding the
Court of Revision has been changed. to
the 27th 'of bay:,,, ,it, is,sald there will...be--
considerable work for the Court to trans-
act.' At the recent examinations of the
Ontario Agriculural College; Mr. .W. R.
'Bishop, of Brussels, was one. of those who
passed their examination, in all subjects.
A meeting of the Ontario Creameries'
Association , wasw..held....st_: Tnrnnto,.Jast.
week, when Mr. John• Hanna; of'Seaforth,
This ,suit ;has been an exceedingly expen-
sive piece. of litigation; 'the witnessfees
paid out by the .plaintiff alone being over
$200. .
TieATE. -Mr. Scott, we 'uilderatand ' has
'tends •his resignation:ot the position of
Police Magistrate 'of Huron: He was, un-
' der the impression When he' accepted the
office that all cases,. could be heard' in
Clinton, but. he, has been advised, that casds.
. must be heard in op .• near -the::locality
- ---•-where the=•offences--•were-eommitted•... l: -
change has also been made in the law at
the last session of the Ontario House which,
would ,preoent :either Mr. Scott or his
partner being. engaged.. professionally in
any criminal matter whatever. Such being
the state of affairs, in: order to attend to
the duties of the office,. Ur. Scott would
have been:compelled' to give up.his pro-
fession, he has, therefore, tendered his
resignation- to the Government,' ..
B —
iniEFs Mr Baird, of Baird's ono y
• Co., now playing here, : was called to. his
Home, in Toronto,' on Monday, by the.
death of one of his'chirldren, Last week
Of.Wall Paper and, •$orders, from •
to $1 A R
�ttsa �
01110111 ra�rn�s,
Much superior in, fish and more elegantin design than last
year, and also .much 'cheaper. Save,money by purchasing head..
I am Agent - for the `• ,811aa ..Line of Royal
Mail.. •Steam,ehipe..
:: DRESS :: C000S
We have; some `entirely rigs materials in that department,
Suitable. for sulnller wear...
:: ,
a a Departmen•�
We still keep to the front, a_:.consignnlent'of ORNAMENTS
and FRINGES ' ,dust in.
eats Furnishing�
Fioc �Cora4cd Iliodow Sba�es and rollers Cheap.
was chosen President; the' province was,
, divided up into districts, division NO, 10
being •HEast, west. and Southuron North
and South, Bruce, North and South Grey
and Mr. Geo. Browning, Formosa, form-
erly of Lo ndesboro creamery, chosen . di-
rector of this' division. • We are informed.
that Mr. Jobn McQueen, formerly'. of.
Stanley, but•who is notv'residin g at Cress,
well, Mieh., where he has been keeping
store, wasrecently burned out, narrowly
escaping with his life. Mr. Franc Jones
returns to Dakota this week; his, bro-
ther William, and R. Cochrane purp3se
•esers.'Doherty-&-Co.-:,•received•cable-s-g+nngwitlihiim. The eldesttsom-'of-Ur:
ram :front their- representative at- the John O. Elliott, of the Bayfield" Road,
Colonial Exhibition, saying that one of who has been on the sick list, 'within-
their organs had been in some way injured; flammation of the bowels, is in a fair way
• no particulars were -furnished. and the of 'recovery. Mr. ‘'J. ' Onninghalne has
company are therefore unaware of the ex-. been re -awarded the contract for carrying
tent of the injury, but it presumed that the mails beiveen the Post Office anal
the damage, occurred in transit, although . Clinton station, for the next four yeaers;
all the instruments were very carefully there were three tenders for the position.
packed. Mr. and Mrs. Hatamidl, of Sea- Mr. NV Jackson is away this week, at
forth, spent a couple of days this week Toronto, sorting up his stock ; this is the
with their ; daughter, Mrs, James -Steep. • third -trip -he has made there this season,
Mr. John toles made a visit last week to Mr, Cox,. of Detroit, is purchasing a car
friends in Lambton county he also took load of horses here, Mr. R. Fitzsimons,
a run over to see some of the ninny Hu. butcher, is experiencing a boycott because
ronites who are located in Michig an, and of his recent vote at .the council board, on
reports them as doing well. A Glrey cor- the wide and beer resolution. The Do -
respondent says:•• -•Callander Eros., 'Tar- herty Band serenaded Mr. James Scott,
riage makers; of Clinton, have sold some Rattenbury St.. on Wednesday evening.
.five or aix top buggies, to persons in this On.Wednesday a lady purchased a large
township, this -spring. Mr. H. Ross, of E, bill of goods at a certain store; remarking
Wawanoslf, recently sold a good horse to while making her purchases, that the.
Mr. M.MeTag art. 11Ir, Marcey,late of St, clerks all seemed new to her ; when she
° Marys, is the latest addition to the resi- came to pay for the articles sbefound she
dent staff of the Organ Factory; he has wasn't in the store she intended to pur-.
rented Mrs. Duncan's house, on High St, abase in "at all, but she took the goods
L . Mr', Franc ,Jones offered
Reeve ?iicllLlrc.le has orec.ed a very nice all the same.
by 11r. J. Scott. IIL,. +i Davis is 7su
addiirg a- verandah to his house; Mr. 11,
Stevens is the builder Mill. ion*ell has
joined fief husband hire, A horse be.
on'Wedriesday, but it'ivas .bid ill, Miss
Noble, mantle maker at .T, Robertson's;
*IS called home, this week; by the death
other father, at Godericll.
c' i n,is.'A �ni r o.
Clinton, - : Ont.
And.a Big Strike in Prices a -the
have� R�ek-B�ttor:,.:.
..i•,odsare al :• .. ES•lt.
Cluj o the F`INV
MIyNU"FACT-URE and.00 r Stocl
mos .Nobby...-
Call and inspect • our stock before purchasing elsewhere:
0 Oyu
-.. , ' Y
We persistently ersistently calling atte•u ion.'every week to 'ow. 'iin
mouse .stock of
and. CAPS.,
And to more: particularly ca1l the attention of the public to our
,We are commencing a series of Special Sales, every Saturday,
at which we will offer odds at most woiid rfu` • s.ins. • For
a good many years people have 'been humbugged by bombastic
.•ar ertising4il-1 it. flan reached a point -that--few people• will—be—
il 'be lieve any advertisement .they see in newspapers. We are de-
termined that so far as we are concerned, we will make' this
space eagerly looked for every •week, and 'people -who will take
the trouble to call, will see that: every _-line of goods whichwe
offer at our Saturday_s.a v 1L,_b tremendous iargains We ,
mend that they shall .cause a sensation, and what we have to
say in these columns every week Will be stoutly carried out to
the letter. Therefore, on Saturday next ;will offer they follow-.
lob wonderful lbarg alas
50 Boys STRAW HATS at -10c. Worth 35c.
3 doz. WIIUTE SHIRTS -at 69o. worth $1.10
10 Ready de S -at $4 worth 0.
�r Via• COATS �
10 04(1 NESTS at 50o.. worth *2.
to -' VZ OTHI " S, OLIN)TON. -d.-
• rliiiree boors West of Dickson's book Store
�uil,..ifr 'J'fr