HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 4gcw gUtvtrtiOtiixtuto. columbo. watobea—R-.W. Coat, Advertieing-Jackeort Bros. eard---Dr. MoDoough. Wittocb Lost -New Etta Offioe. Disselatioo-no„.thy Bros. Henget for este or rent -A. Dodsworth. Hullett Court of Revision-Jaso Braithwaite. Stanley Court a Revizion-Geo. Stewart, Whie 'Bronze ---W, M. Giffin. • Guild -St. PriureThurch. Lincolnshire Tom -H. J, Hilibe. Fire Werke-111re. Broderiek. Clinton kwMu. MAN!" 14, 1886. TOE Finance Committee of the Town of Guelph, has voted $1.50G ot the town funds for the purpose of enforcmg the Scott Aot. This is the kind of "moral support" that is necessary to make the Actu auecees. If Total° will set the law at defiance, there. should.be a way of reaching them other than by, the use of private funds. .••• Confedenition quebec and Ontario . Provinces started on an Opal footing. To -day Ontario has a large surplus in the kaieL meeting momptly all necessary improvements, while Quebec has a debt of e8,815;430. The fact that a Li- ' eial-Govern-meirthas*-beetOirepowerAn X(Igar's Citarges. * „When pArliament era assembled, Mr Edgar made seam& charges agidnet Sohn White and McKenzie Bowen, for being parties to a speculation in the Prince Albert Colonization COMpany, and these charges were referred to a COMMit- teo, -Those who read the published pro- ceedings ot that committee' know perfectly LOC AL CHURCH CHIMES !held last week, Red were well attended. On there are advantagee here, there are draw- . the following day the Board. met for the beeke else; one of these is the non-obsery- Mr. James Young has been re•eugeged es transaction of its businese, . The financial mace of the Sabbath, and there are others Sexton et Itattenbury atreet church. condition of the meat WAS Viand good. it that I could. name M'. Smith le on his A social will he held, at tbe Ontario street, Methodist Parsogege, tnis (Pridat ) eyening. The new Captain of the Salvation ArraY, Blies opaokrono, took aer puce hare on sok 'heavy drainage on the congregation, aria a • arday.- ` ' slight deorease ni membership. The spititual *smitten, and. numbers attending Divine ser- ' Mre. 0. khipley entertained the choir of and I it x 'a f the t vice were highly satisfeetoryi. A unanimous Ontario street Methodiet, oburch last aims. w 8 was e presse or e re urn evening "' . of Rev. Mr. Citawell for if, third year, but in , stone of the new view of having a ortanimous and pernial 'trod. well that on every substantial point the The leying of the corner Presbyterian Church Hensall, will take place teflon to the Pullartou circuit, witla superior on tbe 24bh Mat. it' expected every claim will be met, thorigh 1 way home, ,the missionary income le somewhat behind, Through removals, deaths, ete., there is a A MAD lar'rgn•-•Ily au act passed b BORN MILLER. -In Stni coM inn the Otli Inst., the wife of Mr. W. :Willer, of Se 40.411,ter• - SCOTT, -In Clinton. on the llth inst., the wife of Xraui Sooti, (woollen in111,) of a son. Goderich township, on the; 7th inst., the wife of No W.:R. Jervis, of a the Ontario Government in the year ------WAYFISLII-In Clinten, on the totli . e charges were clearliproven. The matter tame up againi" an Tuesday, before the Privileges and Electhins committee, when Mr. Edgar finished Making an admirable Nei the eIn ininoriaciOg the DiStriot Meeting to be address. He 'showed clearly h Id. at Seaforsh next week, the date was facts given in evidence that every charge etated as the lOth. It should be thelEith. made by him against Messrs. White, We understand that Mr, Mark O. BuMball entera at enCe into !nission work in connection JaMieson and Bowel' had been tulip Sub- • The adjourned quarterly raeeting of the Roltdesvillngearterly hoard, will take place on Monday evening, at 6 o'cloek. with the Presbyterian Church, being located stantiated. Mr. Edgar's argument was so for the enteinee iu the Sangeen district. vt . conclusive tbat Whenhogot through, none Rev. D, Rogers, who, it was expected uld of.the Conservatives had 11 word Le say, • take the pastorate of Blyth Methodist climb; Mr. McCarthy, wholiad a nut and dried wia rentain another y,ear as' palter' of Ailsa report in his pocket exonerating the ac- Craig circuit, by the invitation of the official cued members, was *shamed to present" board' . . it after hearing Mr. Edgar's sumniary of Mr. R. D, Bayley preached in North street the evidence, and Mr; Bowen; who has Methodist church, Goderich, on SundaYi Bev. been all. along very chirpy, loeited very Mr. Campbell being at Henson. Rev. Mr. Serious. He seems, at last, to have realized Expert and Oampliell otahatige pulpits next his .position, Before Mr. Edgar had eon- Sunday' chided, he was interrupted by that worthy The death is Linnet:owed at Brantford of representative ()Mhos gentleman's party, ' Rev', Win' 134", aged 7L Years.' ThonBed• ME -Sohn White who broke -out -into- wai_o? a termer ineident of Dungannon, and officiifel as a -minister of the Presbyterian stortn of abuse spinet Mr. Edgar, calling , Ontario nearly all that titne, o Con- servative oue in Quebec, is all the explan- ation necessary of the difference in the finances of the two Provinces. , ' TUB Government of l•Itibe Scotia, by a vote of 15 to 6, has passed a resolution in favor of seceding from., t4 Confederation, on the general ground that the Province. is in a worse condition than when it en- tered the Confederntion. The belief was' expressed when the Motion was unaer dis- cussion, that the Province Would 'he in a better condition in -every way if standing alone, and they Will petition .th,e Imperial Government for power to withdraW from the Confederation. " ' XIIE London Advertiser wants im ex- pression of Opinion as to the uaefulnese of • , the Senate. It has no usefulness.whatever. It is a relic of former days., that Should • have rio place in our public iestitntions. It is an out-and-out useless concern'. Re- form it, and the principle ,of its existence • remains practically the satne. .The hest • thing to do ie to wipe it out•of existence altogether, and this oriinion is „shared by • many Conservatives up liere,". as wet' as Liberals, church for many years. hint such namea liar," " skunk an • • , • We believe thutthe.Misthelditts ot_Seafortli a roweltr...tir •adyantagee for the edecation of children, the invitatiou was respectfully declined, The inerabers and friends on thie circuit will be left with regret by the miniater, end the very best wishes for their happiness and plosperity. 111r. Blake protested agattist:sucla brutal ow n ,.. e oeund, to beconse their pastor fer the and insolent interruptions. •next year, and. he has oonsented, subject to Mr. Thome White was indecent enough the action of the Stationing Committee: : to ittenipt a justification of [hie, name- , _ . _•_ ,. •._„_. . •• imes spea s a• A letter to the Hamilton T tr f sake's conduct, and Mr. Mulock expressed vorably of the work beiug done in Japan'alis- astonishment that 4 Minister of the Crown Pion fields by •Missea Oitrtmell and Sperieer, Isheuld so degrade his •pcistiien Ms to defend .two missionaries 4of_the :Methodist church. ruffianiana. • • The latter is a sister of Mrs. J. C. Detlor,, of • Mr:Robertsono of Hamilton, (Coniserva-L -ceato-h-7---- - •-•,---:. five) said that Min White'e language was By tile published list of the homer men it disgraceful, and that he might- to know Victoria University examinations we see that that he was •only injuring hie case *by 'his Messrs A K 13irks and M. C. It'umball both conduct, • ' • •from this neighbernood; :pass in the ;oilier The Chairrartia, Mr. Grirouard, (Censer.. class, with honors, in almost. every branch Of vative„) said..that White' 'ougnt to ccincluiat study, -. ,• • •• •• •• • .• , • • hiniself tettefrbet he. lioped it Would not .t Bev, John Gray, the Popular pastor,. of the be necessary for any member to tifevis a • Baptist church, preached to a large audience vote of Censure upon him. - 'at his base line appoietment, on Sunday af- • ,JOhn White then left. the room. • terriood.lsee, where be has a strong cause, As nobody seemed °inclined to reply to administering. the"rite of baptitin to ten catu Mr. Edgar, hil.r.- Davies 'sithmitted a *aft didates at the clean of the. servio.e. 4'. .. • . report, .setting forth -the facts as proven • Among the young Methodist ministers t� iu the eyidence . showing substantiallythat be ordained this year, (having put in his' four Mr. Edgar ha.a' proven • his charges', and years' probOion) is Mr. Carson, of Guelph, • moved its adoption... At the request of late of Goderich, and. the cereniony.of ordina• Mr. McCarthy it was ordered -that this re, . • .port be printed for the information of the members, end' the coininittee. adjeurned •until Friday., '..• . •' Mistia WouthoOf POWDBRIX, a the Rnights 6f Labor, has justjsenecl a mani- . festoto the laboring cliisiseS, that contains as Much sotind sense and. go • od advtceris any- .,. thing laeflote addressed officially to thine? i; 1,1"elttoPcIriTt . Inersien 18 0110 of.;:ihneist raertt popular beneath him: He eniphetically denountseo 'clitireh,ri native of Ashfield township, in this . county, and for one year was the young man strikes, the boycott; and other similar niii;, Exarett.-The fourth • quarterly official meeting of the Main street Methodiet Chtirch, was held on the evening pftiorathinstv The 'stewards repotted the minister's salary 06- vided for M full. The other tuonneetional funds of the church Were shown to he largely in excess of for•pier years. Mr. Southoott was appointed lay nelegate to the district meeting to.be held in London on the 10th und 2Qth. A resolution of sympathy to Bev. Mr. Mk - son, and fatally, in their seveve. afftictionotes unanimously paned, by the board, to which the Rev. gentleman made a suitable reply. SBOORTIf MeiTUOMST Cromon,—The lowing resolution was passed unanimously by the Quarterly Official Board of the Seafortla Methodist oburch "Moved by A,. Armitage, seconded by Wm. M, Gray, and •reeolved, that whereas the Rev: Janne Broley lute deelined the unanimous invitation tendered to him at thaXehtizary.meeting of thia hoard, we ceunot permit him to retire from the pas. torate of this church without assuring him all pigs must be moved outside of the cor- ite of sir. W, s. swasteld, of a daughter. [Willed 'aeration or kept at least seventy feet away. from any house, dwelling or otreet. Even it they are over seventy feet away front the prohibited places, the pens must be cleaned at least once a day. We fear that the provision in a dead letter in this town. Persons interested should paste this oa their hog pens and obey it. •WHITE SWAM WINS_ THE SUIT, -,.The libel case of the White Bronze Company vs. Chris. Bounaell, which occupied the attention of the Elgin Assize Court for three days was concluded on • Thursday evening, when a verdict wassreturned for the plaintiffs for $100 daniagee, with costs of suit, The costa will, no doubt, amount to a, large sum, The CaSfl was a. hardly AlAt,t,,bP 4-111U-4(1. 40S0-1,1rees.. have characterized his -minisforiarlahors 10 5eafertehave been appreciated by the con. gregation, end assurieg him 'of our most eirv: cere cod hearty wishes for hie --fitture useful- ness in the Master's service. Aud. further, that we have vabied moat highly the zeal and kindly efforts which Mrs, Broley has always rnanifested in promoting the interests and welfare of the church, and we earnestly trust that the family may long be spared, and that they will •in the future Make and retain friends such as tliey havemade here." Du- . • • ring Mr. Braley s pastorate here the °opera. gation nos more than dotibl6d, the accent= to the membership hes been large, the collec- tions have iiiarly doubled, t h/e liabilities have been decreased', and thryChurch is in , a good spiribial state, • Mr..; Bioley says he leaves •with the most kindly' feelings to all in cofl. nection with the chinch ; and We believe the Seaforth Suia voicee the public sentiraeot.in the lotlowing paragraph :-'!We understand the Rev, J. Broley has resigned his 'pastoral • charge. in this place. • We regret that he is -leaving./He has been a very useful men and. a faithful preacher,. He is ono of the Meet eloquent and earnest preachers helenging• .the Methodist church-to•datq • He leaves many tion will scarcely be over, before he passes through_the matrimoiial ordeal. The lady .0mids behind bini, amongst all denomineo in the 0850 15 a resident of Guelph, and we 'Code' - • believe the Wedding. tour embracee ri trip to • the 'old -country. • • - At-Inc:last regular Meeting of the,Official Boarddif the Nev; Briguton Methodist/church the financial report Was so satisfactory that the 13oerd`presented• the pastor, Rev. R. J. Treleaven, viith the stun Of $100. [Mr: Tre- fought one by the eounsel 'tides. The ease Wor lo because Megan.. Cooper a senting respectively the bronze interest, have h public discuesions on th •oBaidorait. • MR. GLiDSTONS, on Monday night, • — moved the second reading -of his. Home • Rule Bill, in a speech 'Of considerable length. Several alterations have been • made in the bill,aince its first intrciduetion, but it is exceedingly aittfirel if it will pass even in its present .form. It wee an., • tichiated that hill speech would,. be the • means of healing the differences in On, Li- beral party, brit this has not been accom. ' • plished. Even' if the bill is defeated for the present, we venture to say that public • opinion b,e so influenced by' its intro-. • duction that in a coiriparatiVely short time, possibly a couple of years, a sit:Oiler rams are will• he introduced and Corded:•I • • ' WEEN Mr.--Catneren, in his•Hrucelle and W-inghain speeches, charged rietnb of parliament with being applicants timber lirnits,.-the Copservative paper sorted that his statements. were wi foundation, and he dare not make • t thods• adopted by laborers to accomn , • their &rids, asserting that' by such.means more injury thangood is done the cause of la .or. 'He advises them to take thinUs.. cool y, believing that •in time their claims wil receiVe proper recognitiat without a re rs' for is - t tout /them on the floor of parliament. • Well, ir has the stump,.. on the floor of parlianaeth; and excepting m one or two instaoces • here a mistake in date was merlesuppe ted- his charges by blue-bookTniotEE7 .,..n factors, it was agreed to apply te•the Gen - that -in Vie rlieellted-terrltritte4' et:."0.'nibtivro--oralrAnttettlialy for leave icrlicense. . A •oall was_ presented- from Drucefield •' the Dominion Government ha sold 175 congregation,' largely signed; in . favor of i ' —061iiiiiii-ten. `I'liey went upo , the Pro!. MreSirepson-,-frena-Knex:-Cellegetea- limits since the depision.,91 t_ e. ..,,Ledisal ,.. 'yin:tied domain and dealt With. 't as though hearing commissioners;it was moved that It were Dominion property. , teralli,they the °all be sustained and. transmitted to • tried to steal that Which be °nod tr.' On. 'Mr. Simpson. • As some doubt was enter- • tario, and parcel it out am ng their sup- tained whether he had. colnplied With a porters. If putdia eeptime t'Itad not be- regulation Of last Assembly requiring freak come calloused, the renal ty .of the Gov.: each student. six Months' labor in the eminent and its supports s would not 'be Minion field, after completion a the era., *Aerated for any time;; )Sub a good Many nary course, exCepting when a correspond - of the people are laeconit g ass demoraliked ing period had been put in Tduring the as the Government, an Eiee no wrontin winter months of the course, an amend - actions of this kind. • Meet ayes. offered to hold the call in abey, reiterated about every statement ni de on 'Additional Local:Aiwa, • MAir PLOWDus.-%here o. frost on -Friday night,:suffieient to form ice, but wErhave not learned that any. .1m,rra was • done to fruit or crops:. • One .,week trona next Monday will be a holiday -May 24. - Farmers complain -that they 'are getting too much rain,now.. The.northern lights were visible on.. Saturday evening. Al. had rained nearly air last week; ngaged on both al•interest here d repro- arble and white a good many ouestton. ThEATRICAI.-The It. H. Baird Come- dy • Company has been playing to good houses, in the Town Ball, here every evening this -week, On Monday evening they presented "Lost in London" as a substitute-forCast -Adrift on aecount of the absence of Mr. Baird. On Tuesday Ten nights,ln a Barroom, and on Wednes- •conipitnyJa.R... good one, and their plays are full ot humor and patinae,. and as their prices are within the reach .of everybody they. •have crowded houses: Mr. -R. H. Baird, who was called away to Toronto, on Mein - day, DO account of the death of his young- est child, will appear for the first. date here on Thursciry evening..•• . • 8avrt1Y after.) of Ur, A. 0.7Pattison, G. T. R., of a daughter. MARRIED BELL-DIOX.--A.t the residenceof the bride's father, Bay, on the 12th Met., by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. B. B. Bell, of Stanley, to Mita Liazie, secend daughter °fair. T. pIoJr. 1,Errie-rfaitina.-At the • residence of the I" bride's muther. Clinton, on the lith inst., by the Rev. ft. E. 8. Rupert, X, A., Mr.litiehardLettie, of Wenn>, to Sarah, daughter of Mrs. Maniner. THOMPSON-B1IIRWAREL-*-On the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Bev. N. B. Burwash, uncle of the bride. Mr. Robt. Thompson of West Wawanosh, to Sarah, eldest daughter of' Mr. John Burwash, of Kincardine, • DIED. SLY.-InBullett, on the 7th inst., Robert Sly, aged 81-Year8 and Di days. • McLEAN.-In Tuckerstnith, on the 8th inst., Janet Bell, wife of Mr. James McLean, sr,, Aged 65 years, 2 months and 1.6 days. ROWL--In Clinton, on the l'ith inst.:, Wilfred W:, only eon of Mr. Jas. IfOwe, aged 1 year and 7 mouths, COTTLE.-In Clinton, on the 13th inst., George Lewis, son of Ur. Geo. Cottle, aged 5 months. • . PATTISON.-In 01114011$ on the 11th inst., the wife • LAST CALL, • All parties indebted to T. Jack - soil, either by Note or Book ac- count, arc r equeSted to settle not. la,ter than May 5th, if they :tvisit'L' to avoid costs. T. JACKSON. Rustottaxions:111r, John Callender, who has efficiently filled the position of Clerk of thisPtowu for several ',ears, has tendered his realgriation, becausb business ,engagettients, take him away from town. The resignation has been anticipated for some tiinti, and several names were men- tioned as•likely applicapts for the position, those of Mr. DT. Robson,' and. W. Coats being the; most prominent. In 'Order to bean applicant, Ittr. Coats has tendered hi resiguetion as Deputy -Reeve,. and the committee on officers and thetiatalarles„ at ineeting on' 1 Tuesday,. pight, considered his application. Of course_ the pesition of I?eputyReeve being 'vacant neceisitates a new electiciu, that is provided the coun- cil (tempts his, resignation, and •varioui ruiners are afloat as to who will be candi- dates •fot the office, but there' is.a great neat of.vaguepess• in the runiors. It was inperted 'first . of 'all •that. Mt. Manning 'would resin and run,, but we have his authority for saying that under no °fretful, standee will he be a. -candidate at th present time ;its also rumored that either • Mesars-Chiciley,"Searle, Cooper, Men- zies W. Cooper,- Corbett and Forrester will be. nominated, bat we are net aware that any one of those have been consulted in -the matter. A ' called for last (Thursday) evening, to collo • eider the.. resignations, and transact other business; e pretty lively Meeting raay.be anticipated. ,..The retirement of 11.1r2 Nana from the neputy-reeveship, has given rise to considerable comment, not altogether of a. ccnnplimentary nature: Of course everyono is at liberty. to do as they like in a matter of thfs,,kind,lant-it is our private opinion that it would -have Veen more 'ru-• dent to have' filled out his 'term of o If Dr ms--' (son of Mrs; J. Wil - lianas) is home .,irr a few days,'prior to his ordination as a minister of the Presbyterian Church. He haedinithed 'his College' term with honors, and on the 2,5.th inst. will be dr. dallied at Barite: when he will at once Max •on his dutiesat Port Carling, to which place he has been assigned for two years. Wo are ort to means -that have certainly not Ellie that thelbest wishes ot his many old friends here accompany him. b nefitted the cense of labor. • - • nureia • rresniteot. • Huron Preebytery. met at Londesboro en Teesplay, May 11th, ;at half peit ten, the Moderator in the: Chair: •Thera tvais a Jets. attendance .both of Ministers and elders. • • •• • • Mr: Duncan Buchanan,, Knot College student, applied to preabyteryto he recom•-• mended for. the first year in Theology. • In Vie* of the fact thatAIX.13uctianin,though not having pent the Mit tirne'rCquired for the literary pourer) of Study, hadyet passed • with an excepttonally high standing' all the • required' examinations withlone eXception it was agreed to ask the Assembly to re oominend him for entrance into theology, with the understatidingthat the remaining subjeets ,of the literary course be also taken ere he .finish; Mr. John Young, .Colborne, 'graduate �f • Queen's Oolinge, Kingston', applied•te be taken ,..on• trtal. for helms°, Aft r hitt and biding -all Among -Ahem was proposed, change 'i'artier's appointment, 'Nekeistititn. .' The people"of this appoint. ment-naturallY. theyhave been knocked from pillar to post long amough„ oa. are sat, _ Med to remain as they are -it part of Onto.- ria-afreet circuit. They first et all belonged t� goderich eironit, 'when MethOdisin and the county of Huron were both in their infancy ; then they became part cif Hohnesville Omit, thenpart of Olinten,• then part of Loges - hero, then fitially settled Aown-ithere they are, and the people ria 1,60 object tobeing moved. afound. any re. • The people of North street .:Methodist' church, Goderich, are making a strong effort' t'o get Rev. .R. Turk,,of ffinektiow, as their pastor for next year: He isdeserVedly popu- lar a minister, hiit,he just erected a'new churelpat Lucknow last year, and as it is not: fair for Min to let. the burden fall oil other' shoulders,. the conference will likely' desire Islin to remain iraucknoW, for lila third year, in' order to meet •the Contingencies of the ease. , . on Saturday the streets prOli nton were as dusty as naulstuntner. TJIB CURLING ASSOCIATION:=The an- nual tneeting ihe Clinton curling and Skating Rink Association, was held on •Monday trvening, when Messrs. Potrester, W. Jackson; Tisdall, G. MeToggiirt and •G. E. Pay; Were elected direetars, the two last nanziedlakint, the place of M. Mc- Taggart rind T. Cooper, respectively. The An adjourned. Meeting of the vestry of SL.' PaullS church ivas held on Monday evening, wlien Treasdrer's books were. Eiudital and fonnd: satisfactOry. It was decided to ;do away with all special cffilections •Of _the year, And to -1M due grand Cellection for thd three there bpif no. less than thirteen last year; • -funds Usually Contriblitea td, *viz.; lc diocesan lands ; 2, objects beyond the borders of. the deese ; 3, 'fund for promoting christiaffity amongst jewi.• • . . Reference was recently madein;these col - mane to several proposed-cligiages.M the cir- cuits of some of the Methodist ohnielies of • lance rmtil advice Was •received front -the _ ....,.....]----.A.ustrono•nothe-presentesession-uf-pur.1" • • ' ment hire developed a tremendous amount of 'raacality and ,corrnptioa in public life, we fear -Ana the parties thereto will :not moot with the- cendenitiation theidactiode- seavo. • Why Because in many cases the Pranahise Act, amost outrageoui piece of legislation; be tnabitnilated to pre- • vent it, Grip anticipates this in his last issue, by a cattoop/representing the Re — --Aging Barrister ,objeeting to Grit names and putting on /Tories,. and clinches it by • the followinistatement "All over thC country the Revising Bar•• rister is "getting in his fine work," en be-. haIf of his party In so far as he is loop- ing off Grit names tied putting on Tory ones, he is fnlfilling the mad of his creation. Tim miffing barrister who ecte with e sin. gle eye to justice, truth told right -And there aro no doubt •a few Of this kind amongst the numbor-ist, to the oXtent of his power, defeating the purpose of the Act, whieh was to leisure tho 'retention of power to the present Government, l'itot ,8,0$ The sole ptrpose the Iiiros701,, and thn iiatroducer of it might just ai well haVO saved hinaself the trouble -of inventing the little fiction ,about " eniformitY in the franchise," became nobody believed, it then and everybody laughs now When it is mentioned." ; repeipts for the year were -$544.82, and *the expenSes $107.86. Messrs, W.'Coats No one can questien his fitness forthe and 0:E. Pay audited the aecounts and position ef town clerk, and • if appointed • found them correct. A dividend •Of •ten -thereto, we believe he will do-•justiOe and per. cent tvits •declared. and • $25 carried .give satisfaction -0 all Parties. • gautrtiompito. ETUP.1 rr-Tits Rangy win) Picicsn UP • wili,L,On the street, a Ladies' Sliver Hunting OaseWateli, a:lil;isicaov.e further trouble brratrrning it to this offiee ykisSOLTJTION,-MTAPHY BROS„ OF 'nurmErs, k ..5.1 who have' been 'carrying on the business of thresh- " Ors and farmers, have dissolved partnership by Mu- tual consent. 31 , . • u OUSE AND 'LOT FOR SALE OR .TO BENT.--• 4-1- That conveniently sltuatedCattage and lots on , Vietoria•St, ' House contains 7 rooms, good wood shed , with harti.and soft water. There are three lots. in the property, with a number of fruit teal will be soft • 'or rentee cheap. „Also, for sale, slot; on Isaac Streat,,, • ' oppusito the residenee of the undersigned. Apply to A. DODSSYDItTli, Clinton. .ee. TafuLLETT COUBT OF ItEVASION.-NOTWE 15 hereby given that the first sitnag of nio Court of, Revision, for the township' of Hallett, tlio COuntY of Huron,. for A. D. 1886, for monsing the Assessment / Roll of said township for said year, and hearing ap. pealt against roll, wit be held Ot Bell's, Hotel in' the, village el Londeshoro, in the said township,:bn WEB?: NBSDAY,tho' 26th darof MAY,1886,at o clock e,M. , .• ; JAS, BRAITHWAITg, Clerk. .8T.A.Na00URT Ov REVISION..,NOTICE IS. hereby given that the lust Meeting of the Coiot of Revision, for the municipality of • the,township et Stanley, will he held ih.the Town Ilall;• Varna, on * SATURDAY, MAY 20th,188e, ale o'qlock, a,. m., of which all parties 'interested are to take' notice. . TIM Assessment Boll may be seen .at the Clerk's °Mee at •-• business lhours till that date. • Dated this 7th day of ; MAY, 1886.' GEO. STEWART, Clerk. . WRITE, :- . • BRONZE:. Ilas ni.nv Income so well, established for monumental- • ' purposes that we need say very little, but NVO rather . - __- let out customers speak for -us. Please real the fol- lowing. - ' • • • .... " - • ,!, •,...------ . .liormasvitte, July 5141803. • - Ma. W. iw., GIFFIN; .Sule-lt,ou remember we -refined to . ' give on a testbnonial in -favor of the monument . we Tim. ,' • &tied frokyou until it had been properly,t6ded. • It itnlOW • •r-a-yearsagewe-take-great-eleasn .stating.thaf 9f... .ter close inspection,' we consider our onument as complete bravery respectas when first pnt np We feel satisfied now that:severe frost 1011 not injure:it, or heat discolor it: We , • are better pleased :with our barge every tinieWe see it, allII• , 1 515 N0011555 another raounip,eut, .e Would certainly purchase White Bronze. We take great Insure in recommendinglt • ' 15 the public.. T. lilimari, Teacher.W. !dunce, Blacksmith ' ' Pirtierintenditg to p'urchase a monumeut should.' call on or -write to W. M. GIFFIN., .01inton, or ',IAMB 8 GAUAG.HER, ao!lorlch. over to next year:. 'Tlfe.,,directors Will • ' • shortly tlietaind elect•Preeldent and Sec- retary. •. • ARBOR DAY: -,-There were. not a great nutny trees set out here Off Friday, for the slinple -reason that: the different parts of • • " OUR LETTER'BOX • • The 15E10 En), dobs not eau itself sesponstataa deas expressed under this headinr,, . •• • AUDACITY. AND INPUDENCE, r. PAlivs 'AIIENVER'fAINPIENT MUSIC t BEADINGS Will be given: in ST: PAUL'S CIIUROIT •- SC:110c% IOUS!, motioAy', MIT t-o4OloOk0.41.. In aid of St.ary'i•Oltu'relt, llirden, n. A OM IiSION, 15 . . . . • the town are well supplied with young • treeS. The day was welt kept, hewever, at the schools, half a lautidred trees beitig .set out on the Mgh School property. . At the Public School,' a large plot of ground was fixed.up for flower beds,' each teach- er being. allotted a spa,, ad it being - their duty to look atter it; almost flie.en- tire trontrof the school premises is now divided off. into beautifulbeds, radiii;nt with, fiowers;and in alfew yeors, if attended to -as carefully as air pady• has beed;• under the direction of the Principal, AD. •Lough, will be a beautiful plat of school .grounth- • - It-. is'. already a ,credit -to_ the town, and ta baa a part i1 . malt•;- Attention)sdioted to. the advertisement of a mu lea and literary entertainment by St. 's.Guild, on next Monday evening,- ' is Catertairenent is hi aid of St, Mary' "Ohnrolt,Virdete Man, 11 maybe mentioned Gdflersl.ABb5mbY •its 'regular meeting and respected, Mr, and Mrs. joshn anct fit- Oab moutire—Ther-was-voted-elowerand-4 rally, are Innen anterestediirtlreretErfrelt:Tire- the cell sustained and tratismitted, several following ladlei end gentlemen have kindly ineinhere recording their dissent on account consented to assist in the musical part of the of the above doubt. Previstonalv arrange- prograrnmet-Mrs. R.. Ransford, Missed M. mnts were made for induction in-eriata of Jtickson Giffin, I<endall,•Rebertson, S.Grigg, acceptance. • • ' • The report, Of • the delegatiori appointed to visit Berne congregation wart: ,given in. 'After a long diecifision it Was agreed to posEporie turthefeaction until next meetieg of Presbytery, and conned all "eoncerned to pray to rthe greitt, Head of the church,, that in his providence he may 6Pen up the, way to a- satiefaotory, .sOlufion pf present difficulties. The report of the Committee on Statis- tics was received,and ordered to bellprinted and distributed to the families of the dif- ferent oongregatiotaa.. ' The report of the convener of the Home lYliseiOn Committee was also received, 1VIr. Prite'harcl, the retiring converier, thanked for his Etervizeis, and. Mr. Musgrave appoint: • ect Conveoet for the ensuing year. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Goderich on the Beemid Tuesday of July, at IA a.m. Slime the ineeetleg of Preebytery it has been learnedtha Mr. Sit -lotion haft accepted the call, ..The 1oduction will take plate out Tuesday, Juno 1st, Mr, Forreet, Mod- eietor, to preach and.presido, IVIr. McLean to addreea tho minister, and Mr. Musgrave the people. Hattie Baseball, and Messrs, Brewer, JaekeontSibley, j, Coats; H. 13, Combo- Mr. •Pilohor will give cui organ solo, ,J1.eiidings Will be given' by 1Vb a, Tilos, Pair •Mires C. Mountcastle,Miss Nettie Combo; and Mr Male • tternotusx dILTBilLY SelltVXOLT., , • 1.1ENSALft SouTR.-:-ThO Quarterly Official Board, meeting of the Hensall cireeit, was held at Benoit% rin the lOth Mat, Mat- terspertaining to the intirre working of the circuit Were lengthily disoussed,, in a enristiaa apirit, The ()anemic:mid claims have been well sustained during the year ; the niisSionb ary collections 'show large increaee over the previous year. The pastor; Bev. J. Ball, was cordially and heartilu invited to remploa for a third year, leg R what it. is. . • • WILAT Tam PEOPLE ARTI That the celebration here on 241h int, is going to bpjt success. That the broken planks lathe, sidewalks Armand town ate being attended to. Thatot big effortshould be model° establish a regular market day here,. ; That it will soon be necessary te. water :the streets in . town, • That the News-Reeord as using the stereotype - lutes it so often denounced. That our merchants are tasty and'attractive window —dressers. That the NtrrEltg. ig • Ilaertee. -The gnarterly services of tho Methodist churohes on this merit were Ina at Bethel, on the, 2nd inst., the sermon by Ilev. 'Mr. Gee, end the love4cast4 both being eiMACMS of tipintual 'power And, profit. The offitial meeting, on Monday, was attended by repregentatioes from all the appointmroots ; the financial returns slow a slight deficieticy, vthich it is expected will be Pied° up, so that elear beletice scoot may ho presentod to the Diatrict meeting. Of the money due Varna $250 it on hand, Aeneas' 'Met) ea Mel' OW Mil.- -The CIO Sr. twig meeting services of this church were To the Editor of the- Nep . Sin, -In looking over the proceedings of ur city fathers, found • an here Whieli re. inded me very intich of • the. nelebrate& anifesto issued by the three tailors of Tooley reet„. commencing ea' follows "We, the soplo or England, etc?' The language is et"the same, but the audacity and itupodence. re. equal to that of the tilos. The _ Audacity monsiets....atitlietr-makinga. tateniant which is not true, namely, that hp Scott Aet is a' fade+ in all the counties; here it has ibeen earried: No dotibt their • eiiired 'that it- Were true.maker them titter qesy gine that the arstmeettneet tbe Court of GLINTPN COURT ot% UEVISION.-•NOTIC1I "18 . wsla an untruthful stategaisnt. I ask -these Revision corthemaiiicipauto of the Town ce erniS'e *ialeYbeweinsee °fall:111T: sc'if Clinton, °brie say titiyk MA 26v16 tawill bpjieIcl in the CouncIi tkle t-61"alle:ifteekd. f '73 of their fellow eitieeris said, bY their • Assessment May be seen at the Clerk's (Ace at • all convenient office hours for the next fourteCntlays. Dated this isttlay of May, me. • •/OHM call:A.0M, Ole*: TIIROTJGH TIOKET§ 'moil_ to ,any point .in', -- MANITOBA 'OR. DAKOTA, - ID ID et n• a • 11 Folt SALE. -LOT. AND 1101.7SE ON MILL STe, . ",Tornis easy:- 'Apply to :MI. Fair, at MA•IllsiING !it SCOTT; , • , ••• . .‘ Alcf MANTLE 3IAKING IN' ALL IT; • lie:done by alms SI.TeAN :none at residence'. ' Ontarid St; pposite the Presbyterian 3tanse: .Ladree- ontrustiog her with. garments of any- description mar • rely on gettir. entire ,satisfaction. • • . . T ;tT5fMER FOR SA.M3...;-11EMLOCIt AND.• . • -LA Sint 1,umber for and will be mit to caa• ' or•Tor any person:sending in,their--order triee the 20th of May, J'As. WALLIS, ist eon" •-- floderich'towiashiP, •BaYileld P. 0_ • • • V h o votes, that it was desirable td have it. Tim' ditnnot deny that oorTtoten has been much quieter since the AO came into operation, notwithstanding the efforts et the McCarthy Mt M destroy it. •• t know and have seen those whose craving desire for dritik masters and urges them to have it 15y any means;rilipping into the whis• heyhd4enst,s,7teo dour the divine:sere of the noxious drug will Supply thent„.-while their 11 Weal paper Latiaty. That dipped zalltielactotactulocizoiLthan_lies in ttioliks4bercrare a few. like the three- iiiiria.phtiti-orcenfeti trillimitscal • , Tooley St',.tas ilor , to say iiTatect, " e, •That Clinteis a good plea fcir retired people of Clinton,' having ascertained; by our n ' 'farmers to settle down in. That our n rior knowledge, that the Se tt Mt has ehnrches and schoOls, pastors and teaehers, tepcon,e alailure ih all theconntfee in Which are the beat in , the count'. . 1 That Mr. it has been carried, we therefore' earnestly re.' Pliinarner'e libit' honso will soon be cona- guest yeti, the Conurione of Canada, and the" eeted. • That Clinton is. making more Old Ladies of the Senate, to allow the sale ;the „around. That the Baird ComedyJo. is ar ' Now, eir, these men:might know that John ateriat progress thdrt any Other plaee of light (should be high) ttisiiien, aces:ins:, Inteeeo ro. talented -tirPe, andbas drawn big hoeses. 1.. and UcCarthy,,with Old. Daniee, tried their' handa at tido work ' NCPTES 4 ittlim ae'LlVeillsn'6"--Ittr' 31‘5* alreadY, but they fell into the harols of tke stnith, of this town, .is at present on o. ;grata, Tyrant," and he mauled theta exceed. • trip 'to California, and in a letter to his ingly, as he luta still done. Itrow, a word to •wife, front Riverside, he makes the tolloW- the elector's of Clinton who voted for the fug remarks -" This is a beautifill place Scott Act; come out like met, at the next Of 4,000 inhabitants, but living very dear.; election, atict terieh theta fellewe, Wheprestune it is a fine sight to gee oranges and Denims 16 talk for the Whole people, a leseort which growingion the trees, and they are to be they will not forgot, A rivrarAvna• Seen here by the thousande of bushels. • row° ether commuefoatfoaa of a similar The weather is warm in the day but tool nature aro onavoidably eeowiled out.) as Well as in other places. For 1500 miles there is some. of the poorest land in the world, arid also some of the most beauti- ful, so there are the two. eXtrerries. The trowels of people that collie to thie State every day is, something tertihle, but the largest part of them be badly sold ; they are huntitig for work. and there is none for thein, and they havo probably no , money to,go beak. where they came from. Thenthere are,large numbers or wealthy people who come hero solely for pleasure, • 'lets Of money While nightThere are iekpeople Iterajust - • Oar 1,11% Ov BAINVa. •• • ,(33. it friend.) • We parted With hini at the door, lie full of young life's bloom, Net thinking when he Went away : 'That he would die le soon. • 110 spoke nbont ills 1lb:enure ,_ M1081)00411 .frons tho ride, Not thinking as he said ad i on , • • IL) semi Would cress the 'Ude. • ...........- Of whom we're new bereft. ' Bid be, in God's Wif10 PrON'illeVICC, • 1 J., .144.00131Z We., brought thromfb Maitland's uatcfl cold Tel erre anti ginrenri rt,t. • •' • • G e.0`en a Ali- ST AT lONAlt . . NOrthwest Transportation Company . Steamers leaving Goderich Wedneadey and • satureay mornings. Advice received when ()Very steamer leaveti Sarnia' 00 passengers can . receive Word at vitt hotte steamers leave Gado. nich, arid avoid any unnecessary delay there, For foliparticinaris ripply to . WM, J101(SON, CLINTON, AGENT: . . ALL ,PAPE I3EST VALUE IN TOW,N. Beale nubbor Bort!, Bel.its. Ait leloodeo. " Ontri' Matt for btu SAID 0