HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 31111
VADAT, MAY 14, 1880..
• Around. the County.
T. V, Sanders, of Wroxer, bad two
of his ribs broken by a kick trona a
Mr. A. Howsou, of Teeswater, has
moved into Wroxeter, and entered into
pertnership with Mr. A, poodwin, in
the flour milk
Mr, AteLeoll, proprietor of the Bay-
field saw mill, was fined $20 and -costs
last week for letting A little saw dust
the river.
At Wingham, last week, Tipling
Bros,' mare, 'Diamond, dropped a foal
which turned the scalett 155i pounds.
The colt was sired by imported Garnet.
A young son of Mr, Samuel Little -
;johns, of -Bxeter, while • playing in t is
father's yard on Tuesday, drank some
lye, and was for. seine time in a danger -
ons condition. , •
We are sorry to learn that •Mr.
. -Thomas Wigginst of the 9tb co% of
liowick, who *dyed Vory bad ltia
from a horse abent",five,weeks ago, is in nrn vicinity is owned by Mr, John from the man who can beet her. Tim
Very precari4u's condition, Rinn, • Thie animal, for, which- ='-5ir- (117,•,, 'yeilr-slie had two lambs,. 2nd yeer
The residence of Mr, Roberti Morri- Rum paid in tho neighborhood of $200, three lambs, and the lust two years four
•turns the beam at 1,350 lbs., and is not Iambs each year. One of her first lambs
.on, of the 4th concession of Usborne
$ two 'years olcl until the latter part of has had three lambs every year since she
was destroyed by fire on Thursday, with joy,
commenced bleeding. • .
farmed and manufactured brick for some
fifteen years, (hie bricit yard being the
first in this Section), ,A.t thie stage of
life Mr. Mitchell -retired, ping to Dash-
wood, Where be resided until the .tleath
sammons canal.
Brussels' population is this year 1,247,
the assessment is lower` than last year,
and people are wondering how it is.
Mr. john.B, Henderson, of the Hur-
on road, Teckersiniih, has a ewe which,
gave birth toss lamblon the lat
and auttin tri another on the llth of th
0 .
amo mon
0 Messrs, Duncan & Co., of lifitehell, parades, picnics and baseball games
Mornington, 2 cows and 2 eteere, the
average- weight of seek beaet being
1,255 lbe. One cow weighed 1,860 11"
and one ateer 2,220 lbs. The cettle
were ell grades.
The Stratford city council have just
paid out the sum of $150 to Joseph
Shall:flan, for sheep killed by dogs.
A. great number of colts are dying tail
Fullerton township. Mr. Josiah Skin -I
ner lost one from his imported Cistc14-41
dale Mare, and, being art entire, the loss
ie placed at $1000.
perly done, it was taken off again about
one and a half inches above the elbow.
The amount/ of capital. invested in
Cenadian $450,082,509.
Utarles Reid, a Tortitenian, killed
WOMB', uh Prides*, in aa attempt to
mu der his NV fe,
Mr. Bake has accepted an invitation
to speak at a Liberal picnics to be held'
at Beaverton, on June 22nd.
%he town of Grana Verb, Dak.., pro.
Irebits the sale of meats, milk and neWil-
• Ipapers on Sundey, but permits military
The ACIUE• 0/MR0W • . • la T, •
CLJRThtET loth Ammo*.
10, of Hallett haa been 4to.
rb14134 ROM Sur the Caunty of Huron, or the Mao t
n e groued from 2 to 4
inches deep, and Is made ot the wry beat material.
It also takes The place' of both gang plea • and rytilIler,
and does excellent wark.
4ny person wishing to see Oaf ViarrOW WUrit; auui
by addressing the undersigned, and he will he,pleased
so Mite It any place anti- work ft on :my bitni of soil,
THIS HARROW la admitted to fie the meet labor-
saving Amu Implement ever iaanufactur,l.
JAS. CARTWRIGHT; Londeshoro.
Two yourik men of East Wawanceh, on account of the continued ill health of ..
I A Winniper, despatch says : Dr. Me -
by the name of Wm, Currie and George Mr. R. A. Duncan, have 'loaded to re- Donald, of AlTrinedosa, committed sta.
Ternit, cut twenty cords of short wood tire from business, and close 'their aide by throwing himself into a slough. TUaNIFS' /113CKW19'llir
and one, cord of long wood out ef one store about the first of September, -
eltn tree this spring. tried to end his life with a
aIts and Mrs. Seidel}, who left Se -
air, Thos. Stacey, of the Union Hotel, bringville, about two yeare ago, were -
Farquhar, died very suddenly on Satur- among the sufferers in •the Minnesota Mr, -A•ritlrew -Sherman, a Well-km:0mi
day morning, having been sick Only a oyelene of WO Weelte- ago. Their house ws, killed on Friday, by an exiatftion
farmer, of Thurlow, litisliegs county,
few. days. His remains were- interred and blacksmith ehop were swept away.. of dynamite, It is not known how the
in the Exeter cemetery, Sunday after',
Ur, James Gowan, living on the town accident occurred, as deceased was alone
ifne of Elansherd and Fullerton, has a at the time. Whensfoundshe was dead,
One of the best entire colts in Rims ewe so prolifie that he ;would like to hear the middle pertion of his hotly being
--nearly all Re contettta—NosjasurViges• --Mrs-Vines-on; the seeowl-concession estrldiet'Draper teachatrin
The fire originated in the stovepipe.
One night last week a marebelonging
to Mr. Thoma Walker of the 5th con,
of Stanley, has sold the old homestead
farm to igessrs. Jas. and Win. Collins,
who -have, talten poseession of it, Mr.
setTsassekesgaseaselsirthsstoestaisertataestIse, i-MvesseV-ine,eliess-pterelutitedssthis-esSisliar
'Unfortunately the mare was tied up at farm on the Satible line. This ferm
the time; and they WI died during the contains 75 ores, and has been pm -chaos
night., ed for, $2,,750. Ite was- asvery cheep
Jatues Hennings, reeve of Turnlierry, place, and Mr. Vine hits:last a very, good
deceased, ljesqueathed $290 to the Meth; bargain. •
ttat thO - A- familiar- forth in the history of
anielint ,.be. eX"''61.0(1"tii6fi " phstils
., pianded-in-biilcling.a nesi,glia. 94:inSid.f Xtinn,. who 'lived in alittle 'shanty on
of ten yeavs. - . es. " • • sbighthons stieet. He was found dead
. Mr. W. -R. Tinier, of Brimfield, pur- in is bed on Menday mornin., by the
chased a few days ago, in Detroit, a fine boy Who has lighted his'fires cfnring the
thisee year old roadster stallion. His past winter. The old man was one of
color is bay, stand§ 15i banap high, has those.who receive a pittance film the
a fine rangy appeazance, andie A fast town pear fund, but . he did the best his
and showy stepper. • 7 . strength woeld 'allow to supplement
The quarterly board of the Henfryn charity; with earnings from his little
Methodist church has invited Rev. W. g,arden. Through the efforts- of several
J. Brandon badit for . another year, '.by cit42ena Rho have frequently aseiated,
a Unenimous, vote: ,Mr,', Brandon has hit" in life; le': was .4:liv.-e° 4 dec6". ill --
had 4 very suceeesful years and church terment onTuesday. ..
and .Sunday -school -work. has gone on We reeret to anne.unce the: death of
,.. e
•in a MORt StitiSidet017, Manlier. • .
.. . - one- of licKillop's Most eateenied and
'The following inthe total of the town-, reSpected citizens in the person of John
ship. of Stephen A 88e§sraent roll :---Iteal sten Rinn„ son of Mr. Jas. •Itinn, Lead -
'property $1,777,418, Incoine, $800, bury', Deceased was 4:young man of
personal property, $36,325, dogs, 46-3,; ProMiSe, having lately married, and in
horses, 1,111, hogsS 809, ebeep,1,984, farming mattera Seas pros_pei ous. He
cattle, 1,779, population,' 4034, deaths, Ives of a genial -nature and good-hearted.
,51,7 blithe, 015, EMITS of fall wheat, . almest to a fault. He bad heen ill bat:
• ' Last Sanday . kfternOon, 'Peter...A:lc- a short tune of ,inflitsmnistion, - when
Arthur, lot 9, -con. -6„ -Greys died -at th death ended his career, a.nd being_of a
adVanced ago of '.80. He -had a pithily- religions' turn. Of Mind "met his death
.the.Mitchell public school, was sum -
Mimed home to the de:. th bed of a bro-
ther, a medical man, who died rather
year ago; tewife wfe led some few months
afterwards,' and-pow.-he--has-alio bean
removed by the 'sickle of death. The
epee is indeed a sad (me, and the friends
must feel it keenly. . .
• A:frightful accident, whereby an old
ana.lighly esteetuedeettler of Fullerton
township met his death, Occurred on the
afternoon of Tuesday last. ' 1,1r, Wm:
-.Cornish, of the 13th on., "Svassassistieg
-at -a barn -raising on 'the. forth of Mr.
Richard Haines, it little south of Fel--
larten Corners, When the 'pur-
loin. plate a post gave wayeand fell to
the' 'ground, striking. Mr, Cornish be-
hind the ear andon the slioulcler; which
at -suited in his deeth. He only lived
four -hours , afterwarde, during which
time he was nneonseious, unless' for a
mement, _win -1i he asked what wasthe
inattee and requested to be taken 'home..
A Monckton entrespondent of the
Mitchell Advocate thits refers to.a niins
ister who was forzeorlY statioaed at
LOndestioro :—The Rev. •Wir. Hatnil ten,
ef Milverton, preached a very impres-
sive.sermon in the al. cherch the;
villaga,_suisseaussaust to a large -au=
(hence. He Chose for the•subjeet of /tie
remarks, Whet Shell it Profit a man
though' he gain .the whole- world . arid
lose his own ,To say that the rev.itiF.
clteistian patience and hope. He gentlettimi handled the subject. Well is
was a mernher of tlit; Orange Order, .and--...-41ardiy doing justice te ' his. remarks;
wes.btf ied with °tinge honors.
tie stroke a OW days before: his death'.
The funeral took pl'ace' en luesda• y
, afternoon.. He ware:bora in the Co: of
Gslersgazry; :and has alWayS lived in
Canada.- :
.Mr Roberti:Oil> Of Wingli*," eel-
dently walked into.a -satin trennan's
tannery on Monday ramming. There
was about ' five feet of.vritter in thievati
at the time, but as there was also- a
*quantity of :leather in it; he; did'. not go
, to the bottom. A Seeking weethe only.
result. •
Little Rey Harrison, eldest son of J.
C. Harrison, a'the Palitee reller rink,'
Goderich, brpke• his 'sem above ttseht,
bow, at their private: residence on Fri;..
dayssznorning last. The Hale boy wasiignts, in fore- end. is a great practical'
trying tei reach:up sto Something whisfs joker, had been isnietly watehine Mr'
standing on a baby carriage, the Wheels
of which got in motion, caesthg him to'
The Ottawa Journal has the fellow -
lag :--The other day ,a leughable ecene
took • place,en, the flair of the Houee of
CoMmons which furnished much amose-
ment to members of the Press
who unnoticed took it ill in; I:f
peari that the meniber from: Weak
Huion is vett, fond of taffy. Yester-
day he. paid it :visit to 1VIrts. Butterbun's
candy Stand and laid in a steak for the
day. Having Stowed. careftilly in hie
dealche etiddenly. bethought himself of
sioniething lie had forgottenamd hurried°
ont of the Ho -Ise. Mr. Trois, . who do-.
On Tuesday htteriMon; viThile a num-
. • .
her Of section men on the reilwey:were
•riding on a jigger, which was going ata
• good rate of speed,. nem' Winghatn,
Becket, who -hates just OV,er tlig'" railway
, bridge, and who was eittiegin the front
_of the car, fell eft, and -the car passed
' oyer him about the .centre -of his bod
ribs and. iejuri
his spine to a cosiderable *tent. .
• Inoue last issue Nve gave the particu
hits pf' the accident which bad Wm
-Corny* on ThurscleysLwhilessespresse.
in erecting a,balcony in front ofsth
Queen's hotel, Wingham, hilt at the tim
it waeSlitlicult to ascertain the precis
nature of his injuries. Slime the tied
dent Mr: (*Jerilyn has remaintid in an
undOnseienS. state mOsts of the time, the
result of concuasion Of the brain, and
the attending physician has grave -doubts
of his recovety.'•
CI:uneven, and as soon as'tlia latter went
but; he quiptly..went.• t . the'• deals end
ConfisCated• the. taffy. With his usuol
liberality . distributed It to •ali.the
mernbera, in the vicittitys When. Mr;
Caineron caine, back 'he sat for' some
tittle .1;01tring. , nye!, some pepersTvehrsti
•su ply he thought cf In§ concealed
iweitte • .Nudging .Mr.-- PaterSons of
Brant, 'besasked hire- ifhe ;Would have
seine; and getting ' an eilirniative re ly'
-ho-dived--into---dthlt.-Soon his *taco
.bIank-anmeeteent,s.:The•paeke'grs might •
ao.be there and must .be, he thought,
and again he put •his head into the desk
• On Monday evening one of Etete*r's
most respected citizens passed away, in
HTffeliti, re ct
late I.Vm. Hamlin, aged 78 years WIC) 7
months. Cause of death. was paralysios
as on Thursday seorrning She was seized
• with a severe stroke. It appears., that
• about 8 o'clock she left the house to do
the milking, and. while there received
the iirrike as -above stated, and when
,• discovered was almost dead, being items
tnpeonecious State, from which she never
recovered suffielently to speak. '
I Mr. John WI:Rebell, of Dashw6o,d, died
en Wednesday morning; at his ,re.a.
denee, at the age -ef IS• years. Some
years ago M. Mitchell had a paralytio
Stroke, and since thew lias been nimble
to do ;any work;. but for the peat Mx
months, was unable to feed. or dress, hint
elf. Ho wag born in Devonshire, Eng.
land, in 1818 . came to this country
• when 18 years Id, Settled; on the farm
now owned by:Mr. Thos. Rowe, ft SI100
distance sotithof Exotee, this vieinity
then beteg all !Midi.' Aftee laboring
for fifteen years 'in clearing and Other -
*wise irnproving the farm, he removed to
the fith concessibli of StePlien, where he
Paterson, rind the other members who
lutdalready made away with their share,
were fairly bursting their •sides With
soppressed laughter. While My. Cem-
eron was in'the midst of histierch, the
House was...moved into Com tnitte of sup-
ply. The applause whieh greeted Mr:
Laurier, -ea he rose, drew Off attention,
and it is doubtful irMr. Camtron has
• • s •
• An sufferera frem that terrible torrmint,
neuralgia, can be trta.de happy in one moment
by, a single uppltcation of FlUid LightninP
briskly rubbed on painful pinta, and withoet
treing:any'disgtisting medicine day Itftcr day
witbOut any result. Mod Lightning able
cures 48 effootually Toothache, Lumbago-,
atheumatism, Beaclaehe, and is only 25 cents
per bottle. at Combs's Drug Store..
• ••••••,•••••••
'St, Marys has a population of 5,400,
an. increase of 92 over 1885, aud the as
nasal value of property thereie
515. - - • •• '
A boy named B. W. Scoville escaped
from lu Miss Macpherson's home, at Strat-
ford, some time a,,,,e,and atter wandcrIna
about for some 6rne, hired oith Mr.
john Weiss, of South Easthope. at $6
per month. tie Etole his employer's
watch and decamped, but was caught ins
\Downie by Mr. Tubb), and placed in-
s ,
Last week ,Mt', •Jatnes 1106d, the well
torn to pieees,,
MANGOLD% 4 kinds, 25n. per It
nnoxzE Anio, POTATOES, 40c. per lb.
WANTED, - A ,let of ° OAT$ in ex
change for OATMEAL, 13 lb. to the bush.
-OIL- CAKE, $2.50 PER CWT.
lawayeeciost aaiirlaast sertee'eistriee le. the ram
, .
Weak Back, Eala..415d Joints, Pit *violin,
Rbetimatient,' fienralata, Diphtheria,
tSeititica. '-ir ref/Walla 1/terek
i el:UyileavitiulrLeedilky"tee8r4e.lieve Pal Oi; 1
Mods, no matter of hoi) long standing') ll stoat-re/1f gni.
1 1=70rtlCiktelZ:cbt tr,111:,(:'fitellr 44e-Tilkin'.41eiZe,Isit
sweet t will not sod.
Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. Is the only Linimeet &
- Isdhunuratton ot the fildtleYs, nright.11
Djs ,
the world possessiug alterative powers. Can be taken fa
ternally; cures (ramps and cone, Disraeli and Dysentey.
Sold by all Druggions, 'rritti Dottie,- 230.
writu DS. owes box 3,483 MY. J4. 0,, who win Oro
• ' stark° on ell dIseaseS•
or Beware of unscrupulous dealers mid counterfeits: Tho .
1 4110BaomilVe7eipmnpiiRM9evnEveor empe.41124CDoRrki
genuine Mania museblown In the:Elpipsmanzd.—ftscosirmetaloureof. tEne.
liable and effective, purely vegetable, Por the cure of ti.,lt
&elites of the litomach, Liver, Bowel, &a. Sold by sit
druggists ot 25e. per box.
The Dominion Senate has passed Mr .
Charlton's .Bill making seduction, undei
certain cundi.sions, a criminal offence.
It .is now believed that the Bill will be
Made law before Parliament rises, Mr.
Charlton lliterfound thlitytersiatnt effor-t-
tells. 'When be first brought in the
measure it met with much opposition.
Copp'S Foundry; corner of Young
Bay streets, rstarting
the nickel plating roorn. Its caus
a. mystery as no-one was working in
room. The firemen had hard work
save the main building, but managed to •
• WDE-
f in s. WILSON,
e is
dti Theleisa is estimated at' $1.0,0
full • inaurbc1,
- A. langhable scene was witnessed
posite Wilkins' barber • shop, Lond
.Friday afternoon. A customer was
ing sheied in the stole, in .the ortho
folders wheelie suddenly rat, his $
rushed out into the' Street with
. „ ,
lather still en his face, Lind. the towel . - .
i sing bellied him, a•nd gave -chase to a ,; . 'AT 1300.8- PER 6WT ,
horse end -waggon,: whiole he had left 1 * ..
standing outside the doors He succeed- i Delivered any ettieroiti town free iir charge
ed in his object, .but the eroWt1 had a i. - • . '.' ' • : ' • • ' - ••• '
. . .
Mantitaturei. 'and Proprietor fertile be, Save Mau ;
• Dog in use. Agent,for the! sale and a iic ti
rS'-furnishiiralid- applied an .
Hailers. Engines. and all'itinda or ase.
eltinery repaired ti; and
In a eatittinetorp nitanner.
imp °Inmate manufactured and -repaired. Steam
and W,ater Pipes furnished and put position. Dry
ne eparing et all hinds promptly attended to at rOti$011- KUM titted up on application. Charges moderate,
vvf able rat A , .
• ' .77
be -
T $2.10 PER OVT;
the • BRA by by TON arr., . moves Dandruff,
stops the.
geed laugh at him' all the .sturio... •
The wife of John •Denseies 219 Che
nut street, Toronto,,died Thu vsday aft
home under !nest • distressing elm
,seinees, . Mre. • Demele had treen wa
. •
clothessand contracted blood pois
ing through_ as:smell etit: in one•Orl
fingers., The' rioiScined finger and • t
adjoining one Were taken'Soff, but. t
attending physician wes,..howevee„, n
able to save her. Hee. DeceasoF1, lav
one chart, having 'burietlianotheisonly
couple. of weeks ago,• - •• .,. •
: Eueiness on the' Great Western Divi.
un,. pf aid Grand Trunk iS•impeded . by
'37;1 FLOWERS .and :Tomato.: Planta
en' I • - *
ter 1, • A.P. BRODERICK'S,
he Will alive e few days, a large .stock to
11; '• at leet "from. Cotne 'ands see them..
" P/NE APPLES,. xrisv ORANGES and
a •LEMONS, NEW c.`,ANDiErt.1
TRY OUR 85c,... TEA. •
'Choice Brands:of droAas and, Toisat'wozs.
CH0.1041 BUT;l'ER anti EGGS; fr.4 2i.E'D.
. For whicb thelligliest:eash price is paid
The subjects ot.thce. nnmortalitY of the an 'extensive land slide, which took
soill and the future state were taken up placo: early Friday, morning, near Dun-.
and .00nsiderecl,at some length; the rev. .da. An elsorrubus tnatia 'of earth from •
gentleman preying Irem scripture -and- the in °entail -rimer Dandas crashed doSvn,
• . . . . . .
doctrine of annihtlation, ,and if there graph Wires, for a distance of aboiii 400
• nature the--sittets senselessness -• of the eevering the: railway hitt* and tele-
. .
werv any in the congregation who held_ yards; ' butting the track under earth
views of infidelity, the speaker's forcible from fifty tesSseventY feet deep. A•track*
scattered them to the:winds. :St the large . staft of men have been put to
and coargunients should have. is being built arOund the earth, and a
close of . his itddiese he gave. a. pointed work cleating off the '.debiis. : It is ex-.
and eerne.st appeal fp the- :un •
converted. pected the. work will talte:severat claVS.
int!eresting iiiid edifyiiin..; • . Referrieg to: the letelloodsin Kansas,
. e
. '
The diseoussnthroughout ' was pointed, . • '
a Fort Svott•telegitun.says:es-AbOut oriel
Web:Zak Leath's, darn, brOke-,- and an .11.rn-'
. .
...).TEWS . sersense body a water ,..nniting. With •the
already swollen brook rushed -dawn the
An lowa..;scientist. Calls attention. to valley:: A house, occupied bp -Sarah
..tlitfaCt.that thiS is theYeer for .there-'
Brown, wielew, 'as StatekslsY.
torn et: the: seyenteenle•ar-lenuat. .: stream,
lents and swept; 100 ydrilf1;-'40Wri the
where it lodged Amon.' trees, '
An Indian who itas arrived at 'Wood Mrs. •Browi'i and fool of. •lie.,r ;hilclren
Mountain states that the 'Yankton Siouc Were inib. The water rose ' rapidly .'
.aro threateninglo-iiinTand have inyit*RIT e'fO'tih'd--Sess-tee-e-ilept,L.,Of...2..eeveral feet
Sitting Bidl to jOintheni. --..- '. The niothersheldSherssix 'months cid in-
. . • a
s sk• wan of Baltimore deivesfourbories flint in 'her arms -above the water,
tandem, the wheeler .being trenieiidoue. ains hele older chilclven' to Care foe them-- uc
ly big, tlie fleet of 'pc:elevate size, --then "'serveS. Sh6,,sudettirlynotioed that 'het ei
• . . •
. • •
.. .
• 4.111t.8. IIROD..1:1. UWIC. -
'.; Satiesos, neeers, Ilunos S'PRIAVE.: '(ILINT,ON.
..t,:-. . . • , . ,
•Pienii Notice Tit4..ANNOUNC.EmENT
.elLiiiiNPERSIatont TIARflOYf:.
, Is in the market to •poinnete ;with:U.11y
! Dlictuitid Barrow Made. •
Strittigites-to be finished tiP lor limit
sprin5„ isnot Material. for.400 set of
. . ... •
I.• ..
• • .
....a.. • . .
''...... .4 :
)0,f. II air r 040VS
' ' T6 a 1M0.9. t' eir'e. Awits:::. .'• • •.'
....... .
. . , . • _____.......
rzeitsiquisteniqing an: the. 'olipositiou .by 'those-
ispeisially interested, I will eon to, aby Man who
May come before theist orqllip nary, 1880, a sef
of HarreWa cottlpieto,'Ior the 81110,11_11 Pfr $),---
aid moro than that, will warrant tile to no
year. This offer is „simply'to show iip sortie of
the attiOments madeabout my patent .h rrows
a false and •• nualcading. 'Ask .11on Switzer 18
What I' gay abetit my Harrows isnot right. HIS-
4t1SvVert When aelrod fel' a tanning/Mal, was "z
%ill: iri my..n anus to_Ltuything you write itisoptII n era ratent narrow,. Cabnat-by taik It
artusbe_a4kirsw,atelio.losegeire114Volp,. i.v;a0c•itipi-faaodtsiloorr.l>f 41,1,1?"
lugs, the Siriplors A bort _may, anti -_satn rs
Viotti I hitke,,ty4.41. Enquire of thOtiff mon.
' - _ ..,,,, . DALIANDBR;,Clinton:_::_
-,,.—:. " '• . . , ---
so t
a•sirtall one, arv•Vtlie leader ti.pony.- five-year-old boy.-vras drowning, and in 't)
"attell'Ptin.j.-13:-xv°-hirn the.intlet-aliP17 --
open a bow foiled a sac adherin to th ped from -------. s rid wee d
. - g e.
The remain-
' o wile
ribs, which contained an iron paiLeaf beibre aid could rea'ell it.
sessasaisnsisse,,eigsA,,vhs,s.asiressndssrlde.s" , *,of the_family-were teicuert,'
img a sound canto from the cow like a:" We are 'told, on good authority that
child's rattle.. • - •' '''. .. s this is Mr. (Redstone's method of pre-
peaki g of:extravagance- iii-dresa,! paring his speeciiiis •—Ile keeps a box.
wripes •n; eorresporident, 'the• most, ex- into •whieli ,he isin the habit of throw-
peesively dressed man I ever sawswae trig cuttings from newspaper, and other
ae stfrigat chief on the gols1 coast: Hie inemerand--------------
-eain i I
---thie2):Isitffirtiogeilanecriodgesnt_tirienttpitimazinelie._=ooniL efilre-Pwr._Ittet:Wr:fatrwhitrill2rg. 1:41;e11::
stse nee Peet, he amnesia their t
'rives had annointed WM thoroughly subjeet in hand. • The morning of the
withspalm oil, and then peesdered hire day preceding any great oration he g,oes
from /cad to feet vvith geld dust. • through box and picks oat his. notes
lo Steattnihip ". Wyoming on• orc r tIp011 a ergo s iee, rot
. s pat a
April 29th -the steamer' Collided' With a uses Iheni as the pests -upon which the
'ergo whale,'hilling tilt animal, shut ire speech itself is to be bung. Then he
filleting no injury on the vesSel, which imagines himself toube acteaily speaking
Ares stopped while the oflicers'made an .e-eomposos his oration, in fact, in his
-examination on ber how. head. After he is satisfied With it, be
disuliesee the subject from his mind,
'W. re' aa''rethefeo 6f Itinea.i*414 bee and ocenPies himself until he hour for
• a mare Which will be twen st-threeyetire apeaeingedenes. in reading a news! His
Win June, and for the first time is a'
dein, the foal beiag sired by Grey War- memory' ,is so -great•that,his previously
coniposed sentences come back to him
Her. The mare is well known rourid
hereybrivingbeen owned byethe late Vit. witim" -eff°r*L ';'''''''" .
Avery, south line, from a foal until that '..,.....,....--.1.,.......-....-............._ ,
gentleman's death: The unbind is still . ' ch°16114 Preventaffite. •
sound. in every wispect; and has teetheis . In odor to Withstand cliateritut gull liko
good as atlY ten-year old. •
.•pteper action of the stomach are required
epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the
Miss nelwood, of Dudon, had an UM- To insiira that end, in the °he p sf,...
petition perforthed" recentiv. 'Phi Fi is available luld Orin& plan manner uaseaSleararce)at
the iifth time 8110 has been a or a Speedy Care for Dyspepsia° and Imptift;
un er•the blood. There is no parer, sater or more ro
itifhiell'ee of chloroform. In the tit -at liable remedy in existence for indigestion,
place she had her arm btoken and it was Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc, Ask Valieirdiabbss
not propetly set, and had to be rebroken, 'hot or any persee who has used lf•
Then it was put up in plaster pixels, It J. rt C°n/1)°•* Trial batia gtv°11 le°e'
alive:11.s that wastoo hard, and prevented The recent cyclone in the"West, • ha?
the eireulation of blood, so* that instead einjuled Kate*" PeeP16 ""he•t' atla4 116
known cattle -blip -es perelmsed folosheast, suhiting l.egen to deety, awl it lied consequencie, ea a pl!per -from there to
of beevee troth Mr. .Taseph Aikine, of aulladrif f$ tin tot br`hig Pro • • Esnass this pester' OS- 1 • t;in
eerie,. terms cyeleno u
IEIN1 'Ohl A quick, permanent,
Cure torfest or 1' all-
absolutelY certain
-Ws' tuauhood, lier-
vottinessovealtaeag, lack ot vigor, atrengthautdio..,
velePrdent, caused by Indiscretions excesses, ete.
Benefits in adayt euvs usually. within a month.
bto deception nor quackery- . Positive proofs, full .
descriation;hundreds of testlinOnfals, with letter
oVadvice'hiailed in plain, sealed enact:Tee, tree.
Erie Dedical Co., Buffalo, N. '4
' Ow'
s. FANS, *- '
• liBta-A,BRAO, Bre.
40111181tS AND itql`AILIAIS OR -
AisinnicArr cLooxs,
.S.t01.411- STA= AGENTSEOlt PARK,
'ilt LIIIPB--*"."eerf4"`ttErtt'llttli't
evetexectlentroterea ett
from falling out
increases its
growth, and•will
As a hair dies.
sing, it haie.no
• Prepared by -
Harkness &Co,
London, Ont.
Said by all Druggisti,
and Patent eipt
. Dealers
For sale hy the GRAND 'RAPIDS& INDIAN!).
R. R. CO. • Sugarnaple the principal timber.
Advantages: Railroads already builtoluntr-r-
ous torand cities, one of the healthiest parts •
of the United States, purest water, good markets,
fine frit, good roads, scholiast churches, large .
agricultural population, best building material at
low figures, good.soil, low prices, easy terms ,
perfect title. For books; maps; charts, mai all
additional informotiop, address • '
. •
.1.anti Commissioner Grantiitapids
BIM Homo Tarz-
• Grosso Isle, .
All stock 'selected.
from the get -of. sirea•
a,nd dams of •ehtah-
ri I sabge .tor o plu, et acti znani1
French and American Stud 'Bookg We have a,
very large number of imported 'and grade 0817
liens and brOOd mares on hand. Prices reason
tiCso_arre;pAolundrieffincevSeetiroicii4,tedx.1-:::nd .terharge.
• illustrated eatalogu,e free by mail- Address.
Cabinet _Parlor
• •
olo tut
itho auliacriber keeps the 'lineal:
AIwa'yti on hand. Panorale furnished at
the shortest sib tlee ati&lbweet Prices._
'•.71,t1.1 PLAct;'
. Orrosrrn Totv.ss HALL,.
. . .
. •
L •
7-1,-Dintr, and IiiveAtinent 'y
vag fivoapag;), 4s• 416itey 'Pam
Seenr;!,9 l',64a.qt ltates of Alava.
MoitTGAGus . if ROB' A SE1)
0, 4 and per Oen(, Interest Aittne,,J, ct •
' Apo#;te, neeordIng to. anzonnt •
owl (has bp,
• L'zilort.irvinonTot.
. Dasians
004eri8i3 Aitutt * Pah 1' ••