HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 2,••••*.ZZ.,1 •,"1: es •
in the art of -deception deserve!,
- 4 AII.•WAT TX11414 CARO
a public recognition." STrains leave Clinton, es f ilowsi--
eolifyee, I liseie te.day reenieed me 'Teil!perhape s," return.; elm, bes4. " Ah" says Liely Berrerie,
By an emolent uplifting of her 'brews Oheno, no I" ertelems Miss Meturin
oassin "%usu. Stws.v.
" fsha ',never he quite _happy until I elle gives Miss Maturin Understand puliriadplier-ba,nds ae though to warfi )(!ectaili4aug :NOW IMater TC?
Gehl& Bast.
the other, " She kneW nothing. We . 4.30 iera. Mixed V -151f.
. roue a eo o s susp one of. ' 71:Seig Ilre7,41; p.m, Buie
p' " 1111:1 ming Wall t t " th t the reposing each aubjece to off 1 her elf th di is
- yeses his worde va,thely, teotigh ah. f.13 You 10, raY own Possessl g ,
. en Dick: when eendry loveraike pro- herris ahnoat an insu t.
• Only a ciasighter, hut a nephobw t" tame shylitly.
4 it 11 him dead. It as the care ne express BE.NM1LiJER NURSERY
tient Of POZZled. "it es all so coitus.
ing,"'lle says, breaking dff with a curie eeadiugs have beekgenes tisfetigh. . -
MB lalagh, bUt pang perceptible, feel now always as if I dare hardly tette changes sumo last I saw you'. We nave et a meet merciful peoeuienceeesehe
g, Te twee that yoas_yee shoehe bo De. my eyes off you, lest I should lose eon diseovered• leer father," goes me MISR never fails us, in our need-etbat drove
M t in °with a, painful effort. She her into his erns. I entreat you not to
force father 1."
Miss Inaturlis, erho laas been scarcely
' listening, turns now to tho elder mate
"If you are Rushard 13ouverie, sho " Do You lloPe 1 shall ruu awl/ from
- says slowly, as though follewing out a ..X9u then 2" asks she, Pinolliog Ina ear-
izain of troubleisome thought, "why, Are you counting upon that as a sure
then YOU ere, the ewer son; to you -the way est getting rid. of nee? Don't.
beronotoy ep"gee.eyna aro etr Rich, Thero isn't a choice for yoe there. 1
and 1" ithell stay with you just as lene as you
"I wish I could live for ern." sr.ye
luny. 1,11qt I have elven tip the world;
ler baYe (Sell /A013Y Welt abelieved
twain, Even •when you are my .
I know I ellen never let you out of my woula have liked to eay more, but word's wrong her sot She is a very angel of
tail her, she grows almost dumb ••• goodness; decfsption is unknown te her,
the presence of thia cold haughty Tho discovery of her father was almoat
woman, as she thinks on what the dis- a miracle."
closure of her secret will mean to her. ." Miracles nowadttya ate somewhat
s. really fail to see why I should be Seth of fashion," says Lady Bollverie,
eipeeted to take an interest in the ens- with a, cold smile,
WWI of that very,disreputable person, etehat may be; bub I beg you to lis.
says leady Bouverie, with ioy distinct- terto what have 1.iew to tellyou about
Desk. "It makee a difference," begins Miss 1)°,1'°Areliss."apare me!" exclaims she inso.
lently, ramose her head and. drawing.
back. a, little, sei though imploring Miss
Maturin not to subject her to a c,ertain
boredom. " have already listened to
so many detail% of the-gr-eremarkable
leistory of your niece's life that must
really beg you to keep anything turther
from me. You must net think ree
tilde. I assure you I feel myself quite
, unequal to the comprehending of any
moles horrors. ant far from. strong.
SuCh coarse allusiona to the vices of the
ewer -classes are -very distressing."
I fear you will have to listen Vo
" So it might be," vetuxue area» live*"
it la no imager anything to me'' and why
should I disturb °teem ? Atitle hail
long duce ceased. to have auy attrac.
tiontfer me."
"But, now-,-nOw thatyou have a
daughter," cries Miss Maturin eagerly :
--0 your chilassurely is- -worthy-- of aU
thought! You must rouse,- assert your.
elf, and give yourself to the world
vein paidev your right name, if•nnly •
for 'hal; sake -hers 1 Come forth, ltell
your--from--yonssobsourity--it is you
duty -and lift the cloud that hangs
foyer b•er young life 1 YOU 1411Eit claim
you; title, you home, ymir position."
Dolores turns upon her a glance of,
agonised reproach. As for Diok, he bite
been stneding. °quite apart, his bond
lowered. Perhaps ho alone ha S quite
understood What a torsi* change this
news has suede to him. 'ro41 hoiug
heir to's larse prosferty he ha e suddenly
, d,windled into verY Poor Young man
_ • iticleee, 'without. ; vepeoteseion, wit/mute&
• hope Of ever riiing out of au -unenviable
, •-•••••.•-•FuedionritYsuud With
.a titlath&b,
.,all liarroisnoi.iie",Willevbr.' tang'ita .
Millstopa. reenO ' hie et,nd she,
• his cousip,Will be heir% the sismiey and
isStates-very-Iittle 'of either is7eatt-
tailed-withouts which the title -will be
ebut •em idle vesint 1 And of the 'bible
• even•pan-he -be -euro? uncle' risky
merry aerrain; Why should he, not ? Anti
,..- .
""'' ''s e-ees - - Maturin.
"-A sorry one;" interrupts Lady Bon -
CHAPTER )(XXVII. cede, " So far as .1 can judge about
. .
"A leiter font thatswomor at Grey- thatethe appearance on the scene of fie
lauds," sneore Lady Bouverie, throwing disgraceful a nevelt would be but an -
the missive in question, with a contenap. other shame to -hang round the neck of
tuous glance, to her younger son, • that unfortunate girl your niece."
" She has returned then ?"-'' So it " Ile will not shame her," says Miss
such an unpleasant affair, I ehould soy
. ..•
, .
seems." • • Maturinein a low rice, her eyes on the
e Aoy news of—" IA runs his eyes grbund,
lightly over the paper. "'To go to • I rnevelY," says Lady Bouverie,
Greylancls as soon as you can coneroitee eelegiecenryovinion "-indifferently shrug-
ently manage'-odd-relt 2 hope she ging lser shoulders, "1 did not expect
hasnot got to coramunicate td you the you to tbinkeivith me. Of ,ceurse it is me whether you will or no, says
hUrch. Entrance by side gate.
news of that poor child's death." disagreeable mixing oneself up with a wee Mamie coldly. ." Her father •
GREAT WR8TERN /../.11LANY4.71.
Goieg North, Going South.
9.55 a.1n. express -s8.03 ans.-express.
7.00 p:m. express 4.13 %in. eitpress
troftegional and ;Alm Orb.
,1.6.1411TIND it SCOTT
arristers, Solicitors,
, ..---LIONVEYAN0Eltf o.
COmnussioners far Ontarit and naatteet.
over .1. Jackson's store, Albert Strest '
undersigned at the hibrar,T. Booms, smith's
Block. '80 JAME5 SCOTT,
Avs. sums on good mortgage. security, moderate
steel' interest. It, RALE, Olinton. „. •
Physician, Surgeon eto. Odic% and residence
next Molson's Dank, mo:riret sq,pare, Clinton,
Doe Ontario street,Clinton,qppositethe English
-PRTITsiainD„liNAIIENTAL T111418, NOlts
eitz reeerert oewnion we MAKE A SPEOIlirirt
b,ope she has," returns hts mother low,affiter of this kind, even in the most
coldly ; though...eller to me ?" Whitt delicate way ; hut, when You Peegsed4u "Of him I will not herd!" . exclaims 11 B. RAquiprooT, . (MIL ENGINEER,
• Proviucial anti Do *Onion LautPSurveyor
have Ito do with, the livine or dying of such want of advice, I felt 'it nay uty to Lady Bouverie, bitieg her lip and grow.
Qu Dick's account." • it." She half rises from her seat. "Any- , not submit to insult. • I confess I was
Murray Bleak, two doors east of, 1694g00184
bourn:ion," returns she icily. " has ineffable impertinence: iehly deckled upon acceding to your
,ee-ts• •-eJalencel Mesita Temperanee
to those whom it would. be a disgrace 00 I have said there evill be no shame - 1, Nevertheless the, teeth' must. be ,
Areutteet end DraUXIASUlan, PElanth swore
waive a peint tvz0 sea 10 you. have ing white with indignation. I shall cienon, •
her disreputable relatives,?
f•f Richard atel I have no ietereets in thing else?" she asks, in a tone of not prepared for ineoleace when, fool- • •DR. REEVE.-OPPICE RATTENIujoy en-
ohosou to xeeemme ms and joiu himself 6to,, moment,,, says miss Maturin. wish to see -me here te-daY." - Huron tZeot, Clint° n. Office honr,s,•8 S.M. 60 6040.
attended at t eir ovvn rosiden co,if necessary, Ito-
' choieq.". • I 'r eat it now. Many things have , nfoxba: 00 fleas it now, advise
• • Veseeew method taught if • desired. • •
0 0
YOU sidenee, Jobn Robertson's, tinrou Street Clinton
e 'When a inan' is in love," begins Brus
oven to know. , •°Let him abide by his attached to, her. through her -father. teld to yeti " salrs ..11fieS •I‘ItAturin un• BS' whITTilfklAORER OF Perms
dome US light --beyond and above every- -- „.. , •
_thine the _fact that- •PRY- sister was- „ ,She would -shave said-naore, but that
married -to the man who loved bor.
Dolores is honourably born." . •
"Yes ?" saes Lady Bouverie, .a
pplite tone Of one svlso .inexpseisibly
bored. She is still standing,. as thmigh
13°I•ores-Deleros nieuQh"" his glance from- his mother. But -ANA eager to grasp a d:ecent chance of taking,
• haat.- Poor as he is, they could not be a tench Of atagsw.s" that -is not the sub% *her departnie. • " Well ?'' '
erne' enough. to take her 'train hire now, ject iti hand." . The word is a question. The Manner
to'loolt -fox a higher allianee ,to "No. • You Will go to Gkeylssuls'r ,repudio,tes the word altisgether, and gives
her sweetness and hes'etT might 'well " Why should 1 ? What air iniperti- Miss Itlaturin to understaud that she
at this. inetant the door is thrown
epee; and Dick, with Dolores, entees the
rPOTa• • .
• "1 hese told; your nioth.er
' but the very _last, 'Dick," cries Miss'
Mieturiu, With vehement Cm:Alen... "But
she will not hear nie. , Speak to her,
" Mother," exclaims. Bouverie, • ad.
vancing towards hat, " forth° last time
I entreat you to receive Polords.as yoss
•daugh ter." ;
" And for the last time, as L bope,"-
• re-burr:LS she bitterly, "1 refuse 1" •
".1. tell you -I. vrarn you you will re.
pent it for over if you now persist in
your decision," says' Bouverie sternly.
"1 give you one more chance ; I again
ask you to. listen to her, pleading anO
The aboye ornstneotal trees and shrubber.y will be sold r**
at very low prices, and those wanting anything ia
thie connection will save money by purchasing here.
ne, eTmouev, essOusses, Cr !FRE..1.1tD1.•
why end where-fares.sisould se- J-JoA.T.De partineut of VictoriaUnirersity,Toronto,for
member that he-- swiss Of th0 aospitals and Disperissries, New:York'
Ceram r f or the Comity of Huron, Oaydeld,0 rkt
"1 remember nothing, except that be
has elected to epee his lot with people
who have wilfully withdrawn his ante
. entitle hois. to take her from his very hopes sincerely she will net answer it.
• ,• semis 1 . , • • • •
Dick," seys a soft little voice--
. ." Dick, -look at nee t" She :steals he
slender fingers into his, and compels
hips to return her tentlet glance: "Dear
father," she says, addressing 'Sir Rich-
•ard over her shoelder, if you get all;
.what is :ter become of Diolt ?"
e,Yourhueband will be "my son," re -
terns lie sententiously,
- ?"
ardly so supreme anensolence as Wou ment between them. • 7,
be her attenapting to force an entrance "Why Should sanction it?" • "Ab, madam!" tournsurs Dolores,
"And -and Lady Boucerie
nonce, bee summoning me to her pre-
sence." She rises, ite though involun-
tarily, to her feet, and her fingers close
with a remarkable clench upon a fel& of
her gown. She stand's thuS 'oblong into
space for a moment °rim, and then
humour changes', tret:fter all;".shesays
redectively,• "Ithink I , shall go. Her
asking me to •visit, her at • Greylands is
• But Miss Maturin declines to -notice her
" she repeats firmly, "as
things areesow ettialltered, aa Deletes is
prceved to be of birth honest as your
own, 1 base asked'yon to come here, to
know if yeti will -not take pity upon her'
and your son, and so:tette:as en engage.
here into my ownwhouse. ' Adventuress Becalm° of theirs love," •• says. Mies : drawing near to her, her soft eyes, Suf.
• • • • th' 1rn1v. • • that she is, has ehe tired,, thee; ofthy Maturin, iha trembling tone. ' • fused with tears, fixed longingly Upee
" " Ye -g-184 „Ott 'on-?....Isshe-un
r IT -m11.0 1:1#-Xnatly-de.Olatela4-3t-4-413e.,71!OrMcr-eeleS8-4eatiare'S-,-bfgere-419"`
' "'Onein-thiS CaSis- in bound to go to tbe:: *noWstliat theslit is-delid?" • • ''.. Boliverie, • ie•a- low • meskW eered• tone. Her appeal is almost a sighit lOW.i.
. . •• •
. - .
wall, Who is fitter to be eenktlieee than •-' "Her deittlila a mere supposition 0117' ' "e'en.' to dreamof such, a suedessfals oli:laid ; -but het 'glanceie elogeenee
she' 2" • .. ' - s, : ' • ' 'mY part,". says Bruno quickly?. ii; !shade 'ending to your ficanilal ! To give con- _itself. ' ' ' • '
"Ab., poseLady Beith„ee r ,
crossing Ine !see, _ , sent.tothe marriage of 'nly rieoe _with°. a. .. •,, I still refuse r say S Lady Bouverie., Dolores, a strs,ngegniver • jn her voice., But Lady Doeverie is not attending '
h geld. "
she suffer?" AII rentem.bra,nee f, her' :" Yes shall go "Oho says " if -only
late unhappiness' and .the cafiee of it , to let lsor know how.thoroughly rap -
seems obliterated from her mind.; she i)ort I ain With her nts,noeuvres.", •
.easi ice •only ' Dick's mother iii direst I, If anything.iiits happened to- Dn.
trouble, torn from the high posibioh that lathe, it Will ho a death blow to ' her,".
. bas beemmore to her than life and its *": seys DriuMerisiug rpm his seat in some
affections, She groWs 'sorely distress= "1 implore you to be gentle
ed, her eyes run, over- 'Suddenly Orth '1 with her •
bright het tears. . • , • Lally Boavaree shuts up her efan with
" Surelyalmeity-ee
ner faileth 1" inure eieioue Melo Click,' anti lets 'C. curious
niers Miss ' tiaterin ; and elten aloud-- smile'widen her lips for a Moment.:
" Come hero to rues -you' most sweet an. "Abd now too,' goes • on Bouvorie
,e gel 1" sho odes, holding out her 11VMS to novv-when Dick.muit be
Dolores. • " How could any evil dwell in: in such sore grief, if my stiribiSe Feet()
the same place. with yen Por yohr eoreecteewill be the timOo regain his af,
dear Soho, then, we i11 give that cold!' foction; A little kindly word,- a' ward of
hearted Women one more chane of re- , Sympathy' drePped vilma the head is
deeming heeself-from the elearge,of utter eveseuried, does more good than—" •
heartlessness ; enough now. -You "Is it a prescription 7" asks his mo-
sso Overstrung, my darling, bran hese Oki, with a little cruel laugh.: .. "*My
discoveries, and so is your father at dear Brniso, you, should have been . an
another time We Will decide upon the .open-air preacher; •But, eveaif you. do
•, measures to bo pnrAilecl; but;for te-daY, mean to coach for that lofty position, I
no snore: Dick, take her into, the fresh. mint beg -that at leant you will be good"
' air for a little while:it anoush aot to praetisayour- maideu-of-'•
e . e• * *.e. * e s, ... forts atgoody-gecely eloquenefeepon Me.
- But Dick, 'When lie has taken her Spare me at least that.
there, is still very "sad and silent. - :Per '
a little while Else wittoheshim furtively,
•,. and then- • . s , • .
: "Are Ssou softy I have supplanted
yen 2" she asks, slier s'Oiee vibrating
. - , .
with gentle •iigitation. .
" I am sorry that I have now nothing
to offer yen." ,
• " Oh, Dick; are you going, to..tell nee 'came. heir to 6 cousiderable .property on
then that your love is 'UO longer mine ?" . the death ef a distant:Conon Rhumb as
he eutered' upcin ,his' twenty-second
•' asks sho, With a carefel pretence at .. a . , . .• ... .•
' 'belief in her (MC accusation.. year. ,
- ' "Not that -never that 1 B'Ll't ece14- ee"eira. °II iiltagnie I "nt'th Yjth l*ek
, . thing le etrechanged ; -you-We, alhel-- eu°1 e" amends his mother ati Hy.
h Mr " ' , " T.3' derstand me now onee To'r •
• have done With him, I tie longerregard
him as a son. ., P'toinsius earliest infancy
he was antagoniatie to Me -now he is
insufferable' teeettya she, With a sudden
change a tom that' is full of a comae
tutted and most bitter dislike, ••
" Still he is your son -your Child." :
rl whose Damocles been a by-Wat in
hoodsw. hOtrits-intlised bee ,
holdup to eiintem t by the entire. cosine
tys. whose father soubtless.sesa.. mete of.
-euch•ebectire: oeighe that you :shrank- .. refuSe.tee,oknowledge youony longer -as
from aSsookting het Wathhins :and held . sea.. dificatd'you• 1" • She pauses'.
him aloof 'until •.81rotonaPPinena'..0.111P911s-. 'Ste .1e6k at.: him With - flashing
"led you to produce like, sf- only saye. •• "GO," . she 'contiiines,l.insa, stifled tone,
'adages- disgrace! • N61 ' „Rather .first
. wo.uld I see inyeonswithie his:graver' '.
. Listen madatii..---s's • ...• .
• "I .not Yon • May- .dajole him;
into marrying her -that . I 'cannot pro --
vent, Yen have beon, so Iasi. so success.;
• fulin rendering, "aim' niadatifol to bi
"spatmitS that I 'cep well.; believe • your
.• genius,. for intrigue enable' you 'to
• parry .hirof• that 'stop .fatther My-
conseet O.. this most ":iniquitous match
• yonsliall never bevel" . • . • • .
'You distinctly deolinathee, to he-.
' friend your eon in this. mattes 2" asks
. disdainfully waving the girl beck froth
her, are Plough fearing .contammation
from her gentle touch. "Nay,'more,"
'she oedema; suddenly, facing Diek--" I
J.: Notary Public, etc, 051 :a, SEARLE S BLOCK, Ai,
muftis Suss's; Cr.ifiroN. Toronto agents, Messrs. Me-
Ogthy, Osier, Hoskin & Crechnan. Private fmids -to
.0an at- lowest rates of interest.
"rid conned yourself. with these .peo-
'. ple who are. without shame they are
Without merit!" , •
The young Ine.P, turning .whiter. With -
anger, steps bask from her and invelun--
teeny places his arrii. ,round the shrinks,
loss roses of Dolores. Indignalion ren-
ders hien -Ile .appeals to Miss
Maturin with his .eyiss, By *an adroit
suoveinent she intercepts' Lady Bou-
.'verie's advent° te-tlio door. ;,,
•." Since all entreaty: has fened," she
Sayssin a low tope, "hear 'the worst.'
Doloree's father i•s—"' , •
'Miss Maturin calmly; who has given no ' hesitates. -Some stuldenensolson,
aeknowledgment Of the insult offered cheeks her, utterances -and,. before she.
, her save the erowth Of a suddeiaepaller 6an recover herself the ,matt who has
that has Algoma frera•.'eheek. • brow. ' been 'walking ' and downs upon the
hefer.o.This, toe- latel ny-Scortsitlesentera-sthesrooes
()leniency, -even at tbe inoinent, :parts the leers curtains_ with both hande
. would be accepted, evould lestoeo••the • and steels Motionless,, looking hicedls-
usion Lady Botiverie. .
• Richard !" • A sharp cry comc's from
her Richard Bouverie 1", The
wet& die from her,. a ghostly pallor
overspreads her face, sheelings, to the'
Orders by Maie bepramptly attended to -
JOHN OTEWART, &moaner /'
H. Nelson .80 Co.,
sloiansand Surgeons, Ont. ()orlon & BESIDENOF 6110
410000 60610130) ooc.9110 d by Or: Reeve, Albsrt.,:ltVS.et
Clinton. .
ren. worterreeoerre, rat SidIkig, SURQUON
LlMeonehour,Limustiateof hire Oollege Physielen.
au S oration Of LdVier(hin it,au d rov int la Liam ,
Thwaites, Ruron street.. . . •
neanini3odet:Cco:r onilnelo bar !lie: ti84.7tillanetzefoquvuint ye rolf311.0-no zel:p s,0ffbira42id
sToronto University; member of theCollegeof Phy
AItY atill Reading' Roans, Perrin blotkolown
stairs. About,1,700 VO MO(081O tlyi Library- and
ali.the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals of
the day on the teal° Membership ticket id POT
littrOlt-0. 0.
p m.A
, nidieatiOne, for ••nietenersiii4P,reciYed
03' t4,eLlbrarjttn fn. i4thc.rOonL. • • :
BEli,LIN. „
- •
I •
011 I.
— .
• . • • •
S HAIR, CUTTING . A.NO .511241-
• .poolerG dope very neat' and, to suit
• • • • • every person. • • - • '•
1014N .I'ARQVAISSONS, Rioelss
"I was Only suggesting to you pso- former relations-existiog between you,"
per line of conduct," says Bruno coldly, AS though asshadow• his fallen • upon
Iic spetarm 1.10‘V without an attemPt . at. kir, Lady Benvoris becoMes aware.that
the :conciliatory stannet• Of amen:Milt . the Silent) iipte Outiliilgs upon the bal.'
S'Vegue affection for her, ' cony gas here come to -a stand -still near
led with. a:sense of duty, has held him.
true to hos sip to till's. There has
hoeu no dependence upon Inst,.'as he be-
• .
• •
'..• , .00u6nuosi DErsTrew.', •
usia tee exciegive right for the county for irso fiord
process ;of edrainistenng chemically ' pure . Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest and best system Yet dis-
covered for the painless ex,traction of teeth. Charge
Moderate Aatisfoction mittranteed: env SI,
LIOTT'S, AILOON, OVOT Rande's•Tailoi• Shop, iruron
Strset, 0,1inton. ---. . .
seseeeerest. s. •
Albert St,LHed Hocker.Store
_ .
• eesetseeeist,s-; ' ' StriSCRIBER, TIAVING /UST CCOIPLETBa • •
•and fitrhisheil his new Planing AIM with =chin- •
Why .pay ethers '1, 8, OSand 10 -per -cent, • 1
when you'efte-get mouey from us at p per c; • '
reral •
41)14 ia
Payment and period :of loan;.4-
TERMS inede tessuit berrewer, regarding,. • ..•
rflfl HOLSON6.- BANK'''. • '
- -
Ineerpon+cd by Ket of Parliament:1858. •
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000.. .
1-1E'AD 0016E, .ISIONT1,3,EAL.
• T NAS NORICUM President, • •
J. It. MOLSON •. • •
WOLFERSTAN TIUDIAS, Cleneral.Manager...
• liZotes discounted, Collections made, Drafts •
issued, Sterling and .Anlerican. excisnge • .•
• bought and' sold at lowest ' • . • '
• current • rates. - • .
• Interest per cant ailioWed• on depoirits.
• • . • : FA. 13,1V1 IGUS
iftne,or teekirerrclorsers,7-FO-Mmt,y.,4,ttremitretraisfr, :
Idoney advanced to,farmers on tlipir,osen notes with!
r• II. C. IlliZNVL.,it 'Manager?, : •
; 'January 18S .-1•• •• • • Clistbk '
. _ ...„
J.. BIISDLEC-0-11—BE • -h
:•• •• . • • .
.. • • • •
• : '7 'JEWELLER, &C.', • , •
orposegare ET, ijLiiiiON
..7Arhero ho;.yeePs a Seleet,assortroeu, of'
. • : : w ni'es will sell at resionsb,feyates.;• '
Uspairing of cwory • deseripti,oiri promptly '
tended to, iind all Volli warranted. • t _ •
- • • , • • JeDIDALECONDE. •
-Cauton,Nov.1882.. ' • ••
• - • .• • : jz•
PLANING. :mill:, •
— • ery of UM latest improved' patterns, is now prepared .
, to attend to -all orders in his line in the most prompt .•
0 a• wndisatisfsaetroory and at reasoonspbleorates. . .
old,finn,bdore they were burned out, and. ACM being. • .
et id rd o turn thank to all wh atr nized tl '
thee open. window. Is. he -listening 7.. nearest chair as if for support. It ie . . , (0 ' • . /de . gi i f ti, t ' 811 '
c,.,,.,... RiCliard, after all? . The evil slie-Vihbliits • cencluded Aliss naturin'S , '
a Welt I can't.- see it, in that light," .
exclaims she, with. sadden sprightlineee.
" was always en heiress, Dick, and.
yoh had always stifle in perspective.
caret see, then, hew things tem. sp• ter:
eibly changed as vie would make those
says Dick gloomily: "it Seatafi her.
ribly selfish of me to temp jou now° to
an engagement that' catinot benefit you
o you are not hoping ince! ony such weak thing as water. •Cease
" eitipty title Of aoceunt," "And 'e blood is thiaker-than water,,'
into= ts she contemptouelY " that
is what you would quote to nee. So it
is! Ibis eapable of holding there -hatred,
more accumulated contempt than
ib -any way." *
' -Xoureen1410-dite-oarrlos t,thefiesteteueleofeopen.etigerondetreumph
.• Ine a botterMoSktiOn-ta.c.xecute orders exPe it bus y, •
• • . ritaxo.R,Y,-.Weaa. the Grand Trunk Rail. .!
spiyit within rises high at the .tliotigh pnech-ands-cleclared aloud .Doleres's ' „kw, ointon. • ------------------• •
" Yes, it is I," says Richard. Bon- Clinton, was universally admitted that - TWOMAS Itie•ENZtE, "
If ho is- there, let him take her auswer.-. .pa,rentage. . After the severest test at the late fair
Itt " That story---abouts--SWitserland, or masa, Asti 5WRETNESS Tome the -- 1
" I thiek you mistake this ••affeer,
eto says, with:a Slight sraPe full of cosi-
teisptuons seem.. "I aro 'surely•not the
one to take the initiative it.
rabollinus.son-suele yow -have made
_Stiebe,rd--shoidd,he erteght to crawl to
. my kneps"-peinting to her feet with
fingers troniulons with passion-" before
woulil grant him pardon 1- And, as to°
the clemency you speak' of, Why should
, I so 'wrong him as to how it ?' I con-
--sids a marriage with the girl you call
. veriei. ' .ron-surouir.ct sirs) EASY ACTION, BE,AATTir
then, Wa$ foig.1113a-'-it WIR3 11 Mere' EXCELSIOR wee •awily ----------------- oth- . • se •• • --
fereee these words frorri between^ her ment of the day. This, along With the fact
eceerrie, As wild% ',difficulty eche eterandeleatined_tiebeethe_populeteeetr.0• - - tit_ 2.
white HO., • that a special prize wastiWarded it, certain,
• 1 1
Yos, ' returns be again, She loolce . ly speaks•volumes for the inetruments;
ee haggard, se utterly 'diecomfited that parties p'urchasing stinted ems the' .EXejlt- OYOPEPOIA OR INDICESTION • • •.
he fusee empessible to add o her due . • Num before !Myles iIsewhere. ' . ,
mass to reproach her in any wa
Something in the silence in he loete GEO, F. OAKES; Buonsisros.
•mato Ihope have made reYaelf quite ' 'arrogant spirit and rousesett to fury., Factory threatloore West of Melloy's PumP
• " Quite clear," says Mists Materine esture, aileturns gaze full upon hoe • •
your -niece would be the rum of any. • ered faces around her, totiehes her -
clear?" • Throv.rine• up heiehead with a haughty Shop, Ilattenbury St Clinton.
" Do 'you know 'whet the world is say. on;
• , •
ing of your niece," goes on Lady Bow . • • Se,". sho easei,' With a low emitting
-wen°, turning upon her adversary:with langhs 00 you have smelted yourself,. I • '
' "1 thelight perhape 'you /tight din eveight withit. Let him. &leg to the she•has as yet shown -e of a girl -who
feel yosrself bound to----" woman who, With the aid . of a , pretty 'wet bola enough to quit the shelter of
.0 iso, m the leak boutid. I f1;free basehorn 'face, enticed 'hisn'from 1;
1•11;a1- "her home end. wander -alone unguarded
legiatice to his mother e, elle makes a ;through the streets of London? 'Have
as air!" says Mise lemtverie, blowing a towards the hell, and then ,von. hoard ?
little daiety his from • the tips of het movement Truly her bad bloed is
fingers to Iktiefi Maturite who appears cheeks herself, 44 OYder the carriage I" t/
' 'straying itself,"
fon a moment ti,t an open window e,nd sheeiteyaperereptimily, as though., long: 1
. " Tlaore is no bad biota," begins ItlisS
then caniehee, • • . , ing to drive hitnfrora lmi presence on ?Maturin f ' ' tl bet tle
. am y; • e angry weman
exclaims Pay PretOxt,'will not listen tribes.
fr You doe% mean to tell me,"• - '
Dick, turning upon her fiercely, "that "'Bless; my stars, what a voleano she -ii ei Fina eonsolation in nothing is yeti
you mean to three' me evernow 2" is 1" mutters Bruno, with a deeP hwatth I willl" she SONS with a short laugh.
' . Deteree breaks into a bier heartfelt
ryof relief as he quits the room,. • 1 it Bub,toll.'
, i• pray roe, has she eatisilecl
As Lay BOITVerio, Otters the morning. 'you as to where and -how she spout het
"Aix, Dicie yon were eoeer meant to, room at Gteylandseltlitii Maturila risee 'time from the hour she left you' lietil
tread the boarde," cries she saucily ; to reeeive her. In doing so She happens
•g, your acting is not up to the mark at to pull one of the lace curtain tt of the
• ll about your upper Window a little aside, BO that
all 1 Why, you forgot a
pa,rt when the trite° moment arrived 1 Lady BOul'orie'a slue* oYee sudaettlY
gonfess that, in spite of all yout became awam of th° Pregenee of 4 'man
Now ng, you. Illa.ila give me who is Walking, with selertin tread and
silly pretending,
tip for the world,' ' slow, nil and ft-wn' upon the balcony
° 5.Not for a thousand woelds I" return- outside. The curtain has fallen back
into its
Melt, laughing ; and after that there is nsualiolds before she has gained
suf9.c1ont knowledge bf the iiguto to
never any fittbher mention 'made- Of a
deiiro to, resign her te any Wanclering know if ib be friend or foo. But of .0no
duke or reigning prince ‚who, teeming ,thInig_ishe Odillfee berself-it is not
t way, tufty chance to be enraptured """-""`" .
14 YOUVISh to -speak to ints e" eho saye
by bet churns. Ilut, jest before they
her the slightest and most distant saki.
other topio riltogetlser.
sliglit mention is made of au. to, Miss Maturin, when she has made
" think we olight.to get inarriedsttas
with 'pets a besintplike air, lores."
!she * those to be .diseovered again /
I A month IS it 10g titan. •
eA month it glance fall 4sY.pon liss M
atorna ; these
1 London, with no otsiole neane 01 -at rests. 4ue easee-
pretsurae, no
IsuPPort-deeent 2:S°9448 -is an imPon* ether drasnatie, noinY31.:to Make 'P' else
-1, vogently leugther period to spend ineoe• says, With dsupereiliithe mile, "I have.
loam, perhaps your kind peenstesioe to re-
, . e
/1 't May Veli'ireg ' foigive you 1" steY4 tire 2'.• .
I Miss Maturin very slowly anti very eel.' 4 04.3:lady Bouverie, 40 not kave CS like
; aunty. "As yeb1 cantiot. In the evon. , ilia!" 'exeltilets Doloree, etas:tires for -
I ing Of •the day. My poor child left "my Ivaia with' heeds tightly blasted lied
e-e-Theeinin-of-Yeerefeenilvewi, 11
touch you: . The world Will deem you
cle"vIteiry1" werld is here. 1" returns the
youngman, a tone as haughty as her
-own, taking Doloreeee band in his. '"1
de nob fear its Ceraiet. And, as for that
other world of which you speak, froth it
too I (ear nothing. It knows. liciw
loved and soughtsDolores when eorrow•
was her only portion aa dearly tte I love
and seek het new, whet! olood roots
upon her life!" .
" congratisletis yeti! " stye hie
mother, with a bitter smile. She look
steadily routti upon them all tail her
Ilsome---ariveamto exile) by your taunts ° soft ayes full of toars. " Consi et, I lies!
-she founsi a regimes:19,0o beteath her
" fin 1 [ Then she 'mew ,of his ex. Istetiee, epite of all WO have boon as
;carefully tautshb oontrary 1
illtiqt compliment het tipon her dirt°.
father's roof,"
8001111A 0, e cau," says Bettye/21o, " Yee -.about isiocess.ahont Doi . •
, imam poWers. To beim young, yet ef
seeeli you. Als can nothing be done
If 1 eoule only think of soroothingthat
would have 'power to Make you Ibve
me 1" •
" As for . you, Richara," says Lady
Bouvesio, turret% tabor brother.in•law
We be continual
• (3caw.rog.
tare -size weee A seeicierifY:
COATS Moos: ,•
. aurkerssiwnistmossimassiwilis'
, • WARM • MODEEkIE. ,
1121130;3SP zsz-LIsse
Before hnying, get our special prioss for
• filarileso Lacrosse Sticks'
CitOQUET, BAS8 '.11AT.T, AN*
• Eipress ViaggenstOill Carriages. 1
WALL 211.14...PS
lizAVgn, Dr,,ocx. noQxsTonx, . • Si. 4
WM. triom, et.t4vos 11 AND .wr"S. ell, ON°
WIII 4horoughty cute you. They
do not gripe cur purge, hut aC
atiiktlyi gee wheeevor
"Y6 gairigeme,d-prinic
[ono? • They.,ha0)
• proven the.
OF THE' AGE • ---
To air bufferere fiern fluilgettlon$ . • .
"Disordered Stemeoh. s'e • •
use them ails! isilltssed from
your roloory. 30 Pilla le 81130X*
1.0o. nee box, 0 boacoe for Sk
„ :SALE. fit 41.1„, bfit1061578 4N0
D.S.:11,LEAS 111 , •
sspooscsi ss,s, 1;,1.".•
• M
th, . ,1 1
".• !!1"10