HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 1VOL 2i rtta. air ' Thittee-si.50 Pr Anima in, eavance GoztEnicn. A thick mist lay ou the lake all day o • 11's Wednesday. ' - The lire engine was at work for some tim last Saturday evening,opposite,Crabb's block is visiting Cobourg and T routo this week, as is also Sallowii, our ph • to ra kiss J. Con'tharie elocutionist, appears for the High School Literary Society, next Fri. day, in Victoria Hall. Last week an "at home," in ,the hem Of Mrs. Crane; and under the ammices of St. George's Ladies' Aid Society, was well at, tended and highly successful. On Wednesday • evening, the Revel Mr* Calvert gave a lecture in Knox church, en. titled 'The Air we Breathe."„ A good attee• Janco listened with deep interest.' Mrasaisd Miss Downing and Miss H. Price • left for a few months' ramble on English soil, Tuesday morning, A 'great number of per. sena" friends saw them eff at'the railway station. . Mason, of Toronto, a phrenologist Was dis. coursing on the square, with a buggy for a ' platform, and a crowd of 'setall boys for an andienesson Tuesday mating, Delft know whethershe is making it -pay. •' The following additional sums for the re. ditetion of the church debt, are thankfelly knowledged by , the trustees of the Victoria Street church: -Mrs. S. Stokes, V; A. ifs Eeek;$5; Ce. A. Nairn; $2; W. Tichbourne; $23. Ralat. tkaletitee.$5;,.,Arehe Dixon; • Hutchison,- $5; John. Netts', 8611r., $2. ' At the rapier meeting Of the Gederich lodge, No. A C. O. R., the following,' Maoris •. • iiere-appointed:Chief flinger, Alois. Sat -in& • • Saunders; Vice 0.11., W. Pritham eTin. See., There Sneyd; Rec. Sec.,'W.MeOreath; Treas., • C. Crab's.; Sep. Woodward, Jini: Sproul; Jun. W., 11. Elba; Sen. Beadle, J. Martin; Jun., B., Jas. -Steward. This • lodge : is in a' very flourishing condition. At the late Conference examinations of the• Probationers of the Methodist Church held in• • Stratford, the Gocterich District young men certainy swept the honorsbeyoud the reach of all others, for whitest' took first,elass seie tificates, the &et and second places were se- cured he" -Rev. G. F. Salton, of Goderioli, and Rev. A. McKibben, Oi Renaud, with •86 and 85 per cent., reepeetiveles • The 1v Jeo. 11. Carson; of Guelph. foimerly of Coderich, took • the third place with84 per cent. , The United Empire arrived ori Sendai morning, with,28,000 bushels of tvheat, which was unloaded on Moadae morning, after eon •siderahle trbublo. it aPPOttlithat the' heat • s•eioirld the 'quay 'eltieet enough 'to a:1- . law the , leg of the: cies/aide to enter :the aft. ..;hatebsSisest.hestaltapierecieniandecithats(on-aces „Fount of -the greeter (iistance-sthey--had-t chute' the wheat) they should be paid 25'ets. versinsterhs-st-a-deef 20Cts:•"This was...finally a• reed to b • 1 ire_heLac, ring no aore wheat to'Gciderich. , ctopmeti ea Towivetuus, e Pitouno.-As hale and hearty a coup as can be found in the township, age CO 1 e sidered, is Mr. W. Oolclough and wife, . the Wtcon„ who have passed the allott o. , time of " three score years and ten," b apparently have a ." ietz!e. of life," that wi not expire for some time n yet., Dun their lengthened residence in this towi ship, twelve children blessed their unio of which "eleven are still living. The grandchildren number somewhere in th neighborhoodo f seventy-five, and the have about a dozen great grandchildre so that there is not much liklihood of the The members of the,Vintoria street Metho- dist elinroh-held- .ay t e banement.ef-their chureh, last Friday evening. Nearly every member• was preient, and a post enjoyable time spent. ,Duringehe even- ing the pastor read the rules bf the society, • and, presented • a •14i.ef linanciak. staternent,. ;and alio a fild 'statement ati to Merabershlp., 78.members were: returned at the conimence. went of the .year, seventeen. hive removed fronl town, three were dropped, and sixty- three have been, received, a :net increase of 43. •After. Supper the following. resolution • was lased unanimously That we the menabers of Victoria street kethedist clAirch, place on record our high appreciation of the label's of 'the Rev. Mr: Salton,. daring thp -present Conference year. • He has in every- thing been true to the spiritual welfare of MA people, arid tlse hest bsteresta of opr churpb; • and his efforts bave been* signally owned and s bleesed!by our common Master. In him, 08 ea spiritual leader, as a odor and as & eial wollre'r expresii the -most Unbounded confidence Juni 'affection, and • We 'heartily .hope the Conference will grant isho reeuest of • our quarterly official boltrd, by returinnd him • for thaensuing colderence year. Signe31;„11 - --behalf of llid.tetal-Membership, j.11. Edward, ••Truntee r1V. SWaffield, Rec. Steward. -s • CLINTON ONT FRIDAY, MAY 14,1886. le I • Swat Orr' 1:4411EALINL,12-EMVvr.'W: Murphy, of is- lot 18; 13th con:Hutton, has disposed of i of his farm, 100 acres, to his brother. Walter, ed who at once takes possession. Tao bro- ut thers have dissolved partnership, and Mr,' 11 W. Murphy purposes•going west, as. scion g I as he can get away., -I . DELTa.-,,aullett township lost an old n, arid respected resident, on Friday last, by ir the death of Mr. Robt. Sly, of the Huron e Road, (a short distance from town) after a Y short illness. Deceased lint lived there e• for thirty years, leading a uiet Indus- trtons life. He had a great deal of afflic- tion, ' losing .three. sons by consumption, and his wife dying several years ago. He was 81 years of akil, 'a meznber of the Episcopal church, though he hai-not'heen 014 to attend' much lately, and leaves but race .dying out for some time to come. No Womma Ire wets Paorie.--Sothe people were very much surprised last week to see such a chaegelaMrelohn...Proctor,of the 13th cop. of Goderioh township; know, ing hun to be in poor health caused the to wonder "whit had effected the sudde cure, he was noticed moat every day a lively as,a two•year-old, his hat on th hack of his head, and his face all one bi smile. But on learning Of the arrival of charming yeung'claeghter, on the third in Stant,has set the thing all right; es it is th first and a daisy too, no wonder Joh ensiles. May "the little blossom" lir long and oft cause Mr. P. to wear his ver becoming smile. • , • m one son. His funeral, on Saturday after - n noon, was largely•attendeel. . 5 NOTES PR= AsSEsSUENT Rotas -The e fallowing particulars, from the assessors' g roll for this, township, will be of interest. a to our readers: Number of acres -cleared, - 37,579 72-100; acres 'of woodland, 9,701 e 52-100; acres of .swamp, 5984 -75-100; n acres non-resident, 179 38-100; total acres, e 53;445 87-100. Value of real prepesty, Y reaidents$2,199,857; value.of real property, non-resident, $2,600; Oita' Value real pro- s• perty, 2,202,.157; value er personal pro- perty, $154,200; total value of real apdper- sonal .property, $2,358,657. Persons be- : tween and 60,years of age. 673 • between BereFs.-Mrs, Wrn. Connell, of th 14th, is atpresent suffering here en attack of erysipelas: Mister Ernest Hurivorth . who was lately working with Mr. Whitely of the 16th con., has tak'en, eituatiOn in 'Abe -Gegen Factory, Clinton, A short timeago Mr, Wra. Connell had some oats stolen, onmewl et- whiCh he locked his granary door, but a hi* nights ago some ;parties- -again entered -hie" barn arid -Par- took rather freely ef his grain ; it is tinie • suoh work should be stopped: Mr. E. Rumball has put nstietv reef on his !seine and also one: on bis barn.' ..Mr. Hibbs' splendid stallion, Young : Lincolnshire TOinehass this year nineteen coke on the 161h con: Mr. J. Yeo, 'of the cut lioe 9th con., carne very near meeting with a seri- ous accident on Cantelen's hill, the early part of last tveek';• the breeching' strap broke arid let the . buggy S run , onto the mare, forcing her off the road., We believe • it was Mr. J. Young's team that ran aWhY, at Porters Hill, the other day ; we were not thete to see, but judging ;from .the •:arnount ef yelling that eyrie:clone. We should ; say it waa pretty liclyaflkir. Mr. 3. Sturdy, ,Tth concesitiori, is putting' up a' -wire;:,renCer-aiont-the road ront • of , e eas ern tp :t e•-'eonces- mon. Thefts is a•gotel eharicestothad•here for a lazy man to make a fine liVin4if ant oo lazy to waik abit, the pound is pretty handy and the roads thick with _tes_ sh •nel-shorsess7thone' every case they are not put on the road by the owner; Mr. J. Yee has for instance been put 10 a good deal of trouble and loss of time by a neighbor, this last week ; is not the poloist the prefer place to take cattlo. that break into your premises, it cariesseyer be lawful to break the mw by turning clittle•intothe road. We have heard, Some people talk Of large hen's eggs but •weleve in ,our possession the shell of • one some four inches long and over 7 in circinnferenhe; it was -nearly three times, as heavy as an ordinary egg; we -obtained it few the pur- pose of measuring, dm, fient Mrs. J. Mg - Dougall, en.whose farm the hen that tatted t resides. Mews. P; McDeugall'and•L.. Packwood &hire to church; last Sunday,. it ,s111r.-'Jte Gardner's . patent cart. Jeans tirling is going to the Sault St. Marie. Niles M. Morgan. is going to. SoethamP- on. , T. M. Elliott es expected hoirie frem -Dakota. ' 'Messes', John McCartney and P. CaMplon, of this township, .pur- 'pose taking a•trip to &MOS Columbia in as,et:MPle-of'-weeks-s,they-go-fpr-thS'expies.8- purtiose Of seeing the country, :and decid- nig_ for themselves as to its advantages. Mr. Ws ...T.Yeos after several days' hunting after Dino head of • cattle, has redoyered glens . • • • , 6 and 16, •666;, betWeen .7 end 13 97--; -eye 16 and Under 21, 226; Population, 3,03 cattle, 6,495; sheep, 2,453;. hogs, 1,963 'horses, 1:683; dere, 295; bitches, 9; acre of orchard, 1,131; Acres 5-,434 .Comesim-Ameetirig of the oouncil of Rid lett was held at Londesboro on the ist inst wALICERTIVIllv. BEIEPS.-Mr. Thomas Gibbs attended to the wants. of his dwelling last week by erecting a new Verandah. Mr. John Mur- dock, our social saw -miller, had axeneral rejoicing last Sunday over the birth of,a son; conversation has dropped to zero on the lumber question since the event. Still they come ; the last arrival being con- signed to the care of Mr. Win. Jackson only a daughter this time, , •tastaivio Ben to itne INCORILECT.-It has been reported that John G. Medd had quit the agency busi- ness for the Watson Mfg. Co. a•nd gone farming, but such is not the case, for he is still at the business and was only away from home for,s--few--days--to-Elma-on business. Parties should be careful not to circulate. such false reports against any person. BarErs.-The work at the' bridge is progressing favorably this spring; we have not an old woman bossing the job now. Quite a number of the Forestees went to lganchester last Sunday, to the animal sermon to the Foresters there.- Thematerial for the Foresters hall has commenced to arrives Mr. T: J. Bell is home frem Kansas, and reports times very dull there. • • Ouiinette's peddling waggon is raking jathe hen, fruie, at a teteible rate ,--esom,etineesetweSloadit 'per, ',.-1:Sur village is possessedser `e .lot of the hest' business places to bo -found in any lace four times Itesize. - The new rule: mader by - the counal 'lithe • this village in for ; nearly double the number of days' statute ; labor that it • has formerly • had. The 113Cil-has2alsa deckled that the • has to keep the east road in repeie to Vie has been ill for several days; he is seek- ing medical advice. Mr. Calbick, sr., carries his hand in a Sling ; he caught a cold in a wound on it. The fruit trees are well laden with blossom. Rev V. Birks was on a visit tolLondon this week. Rev. r. Legear hats returned from his fisher -4n tour with a good ceteh. Mrs 6.11, right is visiting at Kr, Knox's, 'Miss Elsie Pickard is visiting in Mitchell. • WTEST WAwANOSH. Cousat.-Counoil maxi May lst, After routine business a few chenges were made in pathmasters' list as prepared at lest meeting. The assessor's roll was accepted. •, The aasessor was requested, to meet the as- _ season_ of adjoining townships ,with -ifeti',51 equalizing the different union school libations in the municipality. the clerk to pre. pare acreage, ato., of the different sections. Mrs Welles, to whom grant was given at last meeting of council, having broken her leg, an additional grant of $25 was given' to Mr: Gordon for her. The clerk was instructed to notify Jelin O. Wilson to remove tree tope, etc, from the big drain. Messrs. Habkirk and asked co on transientt ad ing. The pjbup past year don of Joh . limit of the corporation: they .candecide All the nsepebere prefsent ; minutes of kirmer meeting 'confirmed, Bylaw 13. of .1885, di. riding the township into road divisions, .as revised, adopted for 1886. The reeve te'see Mr, Sohn' Torrance, owner of Jot 6,. con. 13, respecting a fence on S. R: 4 6, con...13,•and• Maar a Wire .fence he built, if necessary. $400 was granted for repairing roads and bridges through the township for the present . en. orses ft? Dakota for the seasen: f Wiltiara Habkirk has gone to St: Helens to assist in the general store,In that vil-, lage. George Tindall has torn. down his old, shop and is building a new sboe,shop, • t 31. Gordon, who • lately graduated • at the Termite Selabbl of Medicine; hag ;co-' c , be removed. to,,the stand that. P., 1K • lace siocupies. • Rev. Mi. IVIcCosh, of .Wie • ham., • preachecl-to-the--PorreY here. on Sunday liset. Mr. Caldwell ha •tire ased h b a ace. TYodal ariellfalley have started a hoot and shoe shop, Mr. Saanzet Mar - hall started lately en a trip to England: A•base-ball club has•been organized h and is now practising. .The fall WhJ.e has everes,appeareoestar being, &first class .erop. in .this eitinity. There was tiers vice in the 'German chinch' here lastsSabs. enee, , , men was con ned io the houseanost of- • year; via) $80 In each of the five road divi sicins, to be expended ender the direction the respective committees ; the treeeurer. to pay said abounts myths orders ef the said re speetive couneillorte By-laws No. 8, 7, §, 9 10 nn# ii; 1.88d.,•to.he primed in pareptile fortn, 600, copies,: The. following, accounts to be pank.Rotyraili.k Hutchinson, .p-:32, for assessment notices ..eteees paelebysA Lataniuseess, afit kereseseeindieentesand' t- :nose foieplank. ar1- *rued' to meet in Londesboro, -On May 26th, being the day for Court of .Reeieton • - • Jae. BriATTANITATTE al8i1C BinErs.-The pupils. of &betel Section,: . .--caseistecfr: e rus ees, made a good use of Arbor day ,in nig rees and fixing up the school greunds... The Sabbath School at the brick church; base line, Was opened for the summerlast Sun- day; .theeswas a 'very. geed attendance; A yoUng. home belotiging to Mr. Floody -ran away last tinday morning', damaging the. buggy te some extern.; 'fortunately it stopped 'before goinglar; n6 person was in the rig at the time., .11.1rs, Richard Bedford, of the 14th con., is Very ill with', inflammetion: Miteoit is:recovering. •Mrs. John' Shobbrook, Rich: Brund- son and'Mrs: C. Bainbridge, all of the 10th eon. and Who •have, Wen on the sick• list, are now . able to be 'around again. . Mr, Gilbert'Mair*fineitovitig 'Very materially the 'farm aini premises he recentlY bonghtr he has a 'field of fall wheat that is already high enough to mow. A resitlent-of the 3rd eon: Was made'. sepremply happy this week, by a present from his wife; the other sei-..WOuld 'have made him still happier, Mr. 'Littte, son pi Ar. Little, of the 12th _O9_11.„ za 'vier SVerts.illesandsgrave'sfeaeseities entertained or his recOyery. • • - • . aoLitoliNE. le • PensoNAL,-,Mrs. Carroll and .11liss Polly Nett, Goderich, were•the guests of their brother and sister, Mr, aridllire. Wm Feagan,Jr., thn viteek.. • See/Gore-The atientladce at 13enneiller school is, now larger thab ever' before; iliere being an average of 90, and its.high as 98-bebertnere one day last. week. Mr. Tons, or Eieter, P. S. ,I.;• visited the. :School, -last Monday,, and. pronounced himself "well Pleased." • • - THE Sreir.-The. eldest daughter and Second son of Mr. nos: Cousins are NA laid up with typhoid fever; and but little hopes are .entertained. Of the. sini'is recov- ery. • The nitticY friends or Mr. Robt.Kerr, • sr., will be sorry to hear that is laid tip with inflammation of•the hinge este gettie u n d as they like, but the villege will riot do it. The clink of the .quoit might he heard last Saturday night for the first tinie this season -La -Shan. to the front. ' , • InAric E.EsmEtt. •.• BuiErse•--John Sturdy started for Mus- koka, Monday morning of last. week. Henry Beadle and James DOW have taken ate his. practice here ;•at present his cil to impose license rs1of over June meet. keepei,i3 who served,for the reappointed, with the exurb% 'mike% whose place Ru h Morten was appointed. • An additional .peandkeeper, viz., Samuel. SAO,: Wee' also eppoieted..."A committee eoesistipg of tbe reeves steten ty- reeve and, eterk . was appointed' to let, sob of •cutting GriereeeSs ditch. on MOndayeMay, filets at 10 km-. --Thd following amounts Were ordered to be paid Yonng, culvert and nails, P.12 • W. Stewart, Limber, $1.73 ; Jamee.Stnith, reifclway to NV.'Smith's $10 i-Thos.:-.Beglevi-dittoATO ;7 tfordon, for Mrs. Welsh; 825; Wm. 1Vatsmi, keep of James Barron, $394. Council adjourned to meet as Court of Revision, Saturday, May 29tb, at 10 o'clock a.m. K. MILLER: t'p Clerk. ' .4' • ; KIP PEN , • • ' Attitaraoe,-A pleasant event teokplace- at the residence of T. Dick, Hay, on Wed- nesday helix the inarriages of his second daughter, IVIiss: Lizzie, to R. B. Bell, of ,Stanley. Rev. ; Acheson, of RiPnenz performed the eerensorly. The happy coupie left by the 4,40 train for Chicago,; IVO wish them. (stater happinesii ' ' • Buiers.-Aiss. Forsyth, ofEgmondville; is visiting her Cousin, Miss Robb, of Tuck.. erninith, filr$. Edgar, cif Cressweli, Mich: .• a formerresident here, is atepsege in g-fri endsiii-ind a ro und-ffg7-village- , • • . 13, S. Murray, of the Express. uo., paid An official visit to the .express effice here On . evening ; he exfiessed himielf highly pleased ivith husinesi in general Disaersce-"•"-0-tes-Sairi-air ay. morning last, the tate Mrs. jai; McLean, sr.,' passed to that hotn-e freen. which no ,traveller ever returns. She was the eldest daughter of ofKippen milli; andwiis one of the -first settlers in' Tuckersthith. Iletitiastfell she had Mews enjoyed the hest of health, but Since' "then • had, been gradually, failing, and for the pest three tha e, me; her disease baffling medicatekill. A husband and five sons rimarn" her lone'. ffiee.iseitisElehettesh.citel,-butLwill-shartly-L 1:1,31301tNE, SAD. ACcIDENT.-On Friday last an acci- dent, which Might have resulted in iustan- taneous death, ancl which. may yet prove fatal, occurred in LTillerne at the farm of Air. Andrew Hunkint It appears,one Of ' the horses Was very skits, and while the team was being unhitched the sick animal wanted to•lie down. , To preVent thin,. T. • Huiskin, son ofsltir. John Hinikin, rushed • up.behind nee frighten it; whereupoia the beast kicked him in • the face; knocking. • ensarly all his teeth.lout and mashing his jaws in a • frightfiil meneer, as well as othertaise woUbding, his face.. He • was 'picked up unconscious, and taken to, the house, where the „broken bones, were eat, s At present he is lying in a bad State, being unable to.eat, or speak. The horse, which had an attack of in flam leaden, died shortly afterwards. •• se OD* • „ • : EXETER. BRIEFS. -A tamp exploded ip the resi- dence o Mr, W. P. Parsons lain week, • breakir g the lamp.to pieces,. but doing ho' other -damage. 'Frem all repettelt,lathe - intentitwet nate° who -ere -dm ing arrangemehts for the °Minty 'Orange celebration to be held hereon the 12th of ...lays -to -make it a suceisai, , it fir probate' r------ • there will be an immense crowd in town . . ay. eps are being token by our • - village council to proVent the Selvation , Army frem heating their dfums and shigs --ing on our streets. -• •Accinems-un Tuesciay afternoon Mr. Dickson rnet with an accident which might have been very serious, and in tad •" might have resulted fatally. It appears that a table winds usually stood under a chandelier, had been .ineved and it chair • put in. its placp. On this Mr. Diciison had been'aitting, and upon rising struck his • head with considerable force against the ehandelfer; Wilding an Ugly wound, from which the blood flowed. profusely. AS it was, he was badly stunned, but had his head struck with a little more force or in a more dangerous place, the eecident would probably have proved fatal. Although being in it weak state, he rallied aufficiently to sit with the qotaterly board, which • =vowel at the pareon tee in the evening. • -Exeter Times. SCHOor.,..-•:-The felleitting is the stand- ing oftle pupils of S, S. 'No. 4, Tucker- sinith," for` the mentli of April. Fourth class sr. -Joseph Crich, Frank Plewes, Herbert Walters. Fourth class jr.---Eve- lena Nett, Hannah Crich, Annie Johns. Third class-Gifford'Crich, Charles Lay- ton, Clare Plewes., Second' class -Wesley Nott, Willie White, Johnnie Layton. : • 13niEFs.- ac :Townsend, Este, with 1.7 his wife and f milt+, started ' for Algoma, last .week, . 1r, Wm,. Murray, of Har• purhey, also started for the same place at the same time, taking his family 'with h IS g p i yeare no Oubt hut that im,. 'They took. the boat at Wiarton and it will go hard with him; his son John is , sailed for .Port Findlay., Mi. Murray and also prostrated with the saine complafra. Mr. Townsend bOth have purchased lead IIIIS, ThOs. Mo'rfieb,. who has •been. sick in Algeate. and ars greatly ple,ased With • for home tibae;11‘ new' on the mend; 'We the country. • . . • • hope' to soon see hine -around. again, also A Loss.-!-Gn Saturday trier i last, Mrs. Thos.' Morriah, who reeeived a blow Mr. E. Turner lost a splendid .nutre oti the liettd last fan; tedin whieh cause 'fby inflimmatioli ; it WU, valu sat' over • .....U.P.Oss _Mr -Turner 'feta -sheen' unfortunate 1 a • a • • e • , . CrOmtcf.-Our are prepari . a Mauna for the:races on the 24th, whi premises to be very interesting.. The e tor took a "header" off his machine, la week,. the result thin he hassnot he, seen on it eines Irhe does nest to.oleout will be of practice for the corning ma bones . broken,„se the d'oetor so AnnOn PAY. -Arbor Day was observ at Blyth Public School by plan rng,a a mimbor 'of' fiewbe beds and trees. ited 'conning the Scheel grounds:, Teache • and pupils working hard all 'day. Bly school jgrounds will soon. be .one °tithe jiest-inalie_cfEmIkr=4Quitemz,nuralki"'ii our citizens are planting' shade trees in front of their residence. It is e pity our Council does not devote mote attentiort to tree planting::•• s •se •' -- .MtcifArne4sievsauTtrrEss-The annuals Meeting of the litiytb llechanieW Institute was held last FridaY, evenings'When the, following officers were elected. for the en- suing years -Pres., 11. McQuarrie ; Vide Pres., Rev. A McLean; Treas., D. B. Mc- Kinnon ; See.; J.' W. 'Shaw; dire Meese...A, Murdock, Q. kansilton, NI: Young, N.. H. Young,. F. Metcalf, and A. Latirence. The institute is in a very flourishing state having A balance on hand after having added $150 %yeah of new books.. ; 13arEtte.---De:As lotirepttia, a short se e 'short visit .1sOine, pn Monday; he pur- poses going to Gernsatiy about ten days •for the Purpose of taking a higher degree in his Profession, 04.sports put in smile s rig an have suceeeded in catch - hg She will be greatly missed by the suit- e'? rounding community. . The Tonere' toots (11; Was Wet, the number that followed her place on MplidaY; and although the day ,eh' remains to Egmondville cemetery•showed ,ne theenteeinin which -she -was held. ce.• • • Y8. ed . ezetronenrit. A' b f C1' t • e A Sumer.- num or o in on young •gentlemeia aict Seaforth . in good' style .last - Sunday, but was rather: mean .of the little th fellers who Made a "mish" and vrhile walking past the hotel at which they had poi up,,, abouesteimetescsauld=mbJesist-F-IWsmalli-v-f 'good things for tea, quietly /stepped, 'off and. 'into OM house leaving • the young lady; no doubt, feelins that her corafkiny • was not appreciated'. ITtici knows but whal. he might have had the illeasure of partilitig of the evening meal wieh hie:new girl had he escort- ed her to the parental. [iate. • . Brirees:-Mr.-jossfliggine, son of the tato j. Higgins, of Brunefield, (se:Meted the pulpit, ofihe Presbyterita ohereh last Sand*, even. ing; Mr, reiggins is•a yet:mg inan of ability, hnd.gave Ern expellent diaceinse -Which was much appreciated by all who heard it. Mr. Edwaed Carswell, the "CanadiensGaugh,', was thSguest of Mr. D., Watson While in town this week. . Last Menday afternoon, as two men, were drivihgea rigs utsiterain street; and when opposite the . Sun oleos one of the back wheels of the buggy mete off leeting -theM.suddenly and not in any way_ very gently, down into themiddlo Of the road ; fortunatelysno serious damage was done, Mr;.J. A. latmean paid asilying isit. to Buf- falo and Rochester lait week. • . • Rusrawayet-We do not know et anything that will minim more eithitement instown in the day tirne:than a rtinawo.y,such aCthe ono Which occurred about noonrast Tuesday, when o ttaM of horsee tittaeh'ed•ts a demote* sen ebb full length of Mai u St. et it good deal fast- er rate of :speed than probably they would have done hest:their shim been behind them. ---wiim—"biought to -a -sudden -stand -still a moment by runinng into a telephone pole at the Royal hotel coiner; one af the horses was •thrown don on'the eidewalic while the other broke loose from waggon and harness, sound. ing corner fin, a short distame, who it Was eaugtit. The weggon will need a geed :deaf of repairing, • We did net learn to wham the teem .belonged, • ing some very fine trent, DrSloan being to the fore with a 17 inchone. The an- nual zneeting of Winghatn circnit of the 'Methodist church will be held, in "Blyth, 'next Wednesday and Thuesdays Don't forget the 21th celebration, at Bletle • jtom. an decasional corrospondant, . s e has hasteottgestien en theshrainrdesses PettTiets-s-Wts aresegledsiosevelemett osimprovasvery fits . own men o t stamp of Mesefs. Moffett • WAWANOSit, •• • • ' • : • and Forsyth. 'Mr. Vt4n, prams/1.°nd has re-erneeLshisestore, and'ehas-a-etoek 'of 6 .eare4cessalso 'neo his horses ran against a wire fence''aiicl cut ite foie leg to the bone. atakitagetteek - . .. s goensthartlie-li-orlie Wisest been fit to isee sinee settle ,loss of'flie second , azzitaal just „at a- timewhen its services are. needed 'puts him to miieliincerivenienee. A Qtrgivit'?Wh t 11 h is about in the baseinent orTurner's church elmtess9undayssafter class meeting •Whil the sinners -Up above wens trying to coin nese their minds so as to get as nine gond as possible from Air; Rupert's sermon the church fathers tvere,engaged in a very tOify. quarrel,' completely -taking -away their minds. from serious thoughts. I will take a whole sdries of reviVainaeeting to undo the mischief thin this exhibition of wrath has dont to-eiff Wityvvard minds, If each of these professors, in lowliness o mind, would esteeni others' 'better thee himself, these item:died fir Scenes would not oceu f . BA Y.FIE • .„ 01A:oz.-Mr: Jelin ".,Iforgail, of this hasheen appointed clerk of Inc Seven Division Court,aeo. IV. Connor, reamed. Iris 'goods thereinse.emccepetellini, -Th.e Bititis.-jarcies 'Quinn ands ft. 'st.rin- time for holdharthe Sunday achnol iktrong have ersgared for the'sununer to , work abearil the city Of Montrhak plying e , sr., who was dangerously sick some ,• months ago, is new in Comparatively e good health. The boys and girls of S. S. - No. 10 p.urpose -holding a picnic on the h 24th, Me. Wm, Dobie, jr., well known , for his labors in maple -sugar making*, made this year 50 gallons of maple intdas- see ; tapped" 240 trees butlost a conticis t erable quantite of sap through his inabilso, e it to procure kettles to boil it in Much between 'S rnia :and Duluth: Bir. J,' connection with the Episcopal and Pres- byterian churches, has been chanked froin theafternpon-to the morning ; the altera- tion has been made to suit the farming community. Thespringweather, beside 'bringing out •the• "spring sports," has also brought out a large number of young school ,children, who are fitted for only the lowest division of the public 011°01; the strain, dn the teacher or that. room, who has in the neighborhood o180 pupil's, is too great to be borne during the -sum- mer months; either a "re -distribution of o the syrup he, shipped to, the Eastern t e pupas sheuld take place, Or the trus- markets. Messrs, j. Williatns and, J. s provide, for a, time, an assis- tant, ° f Sohnson have taken efteb a boy, brought fro& the Home, London, Eng. Mr. GilesJenkins has lost 8everal young ealves straying away from his farm. Mr, janies • Potter is movingetborot again after a slight indispositioe. The Myth creek, ,oncefarnatis faits epeeklect tiout, hes had rt • , . • number of 'fishers tryieg to tempt its ge, the shortly t this doubtleqs cause hay to speekle beauties,. but on the averts tt sxit • king is thmost suecessful ofishers. weigh 200 thi, to the ton. Mr; W. Murelt„ . notatitsvira...a. Burirs.-1Iir, Geo. Calbiek lost a vrdu- able mare and foal, a feet days ego. :Air. !T.- Mui -eh lost another valuable COW, on that weigh. scales will be set.. UP here, Sunday last. There is strong robab lit • . , "nAnomno."-mr. uaiyara CarsWell, Who is kiiowis as the giCanadien Gongh," gave his famous lecture' on "Langbing,"- Cardno's hall, on Monday evening last, and was one of the most interesting, entarteining and mirth. proveklag addresses that has been delivered here for a very long time. All who did not heatit'(and there %Tree good many who did not) mimed a great intellectual treat, The audience was smelt, probably owing to it being a very wet evening, also se Many miter: tainin:ehts taking piece here jutrii6W7--Xs advertised, Mr; Carswell painted to perfeetion the man who always laughs, . the can who never g the man who laughs when there is eonsething to laugh at, dtc. • On rising to speak, he said that people would 'weeder what kind of a leciure could be given on such O 804ot as ',Laughing," and he wanted to show that there eould-be, and yet havea good meta current. rui:ining ell through it, which hs and cause SOF110 of the people prompt to eaysit thoni gsotl Vstering the?. Wren. • 13,00 forcoi,EtEs Ibtabilsber, 00114g1AVE. Bniers.-Fariners are busy finishing their spring seeding and will soon have their potatoes All planted; such an early spring with gotd growth is not remem, bered bv the oldest settlers. Two young gents, one Ingham, were fishing itt ee Wawanosh, on Sunday hst Jamas G.'Stewart,our popular hlackemitb,. has put a new front on his slzop,and has - " had it painted and beautifully lettere(' by G. Bretz, it making a.good. sign ; we now can boaster the two nicest and best black- smith shops in :the county... There are quite a number ef evil diposeti boys and. Men in our village and neighborheod, who delight in destroying other_psopicea-pro-- perty, and no person is found out or pun-• ished. for their depreciations ; we want night watehman,„a good constable and a lock up; if a few were brought before a J. P. and, fined; the people's property won't], be, safer; VA , SIPANLJECI 13RIEF. --Miss E. Butchart has returned after a six weeks'. eejourn in. tke Forest City, and is welcomed back to the line, where her cheerful countenance and win- ning smilehaVe been greatly reissedsee Seeding -operations have been• somewhat prolcingedoling to the showery weather, but crops are•looking well and the pro- , speets are fora bountiful harvest. f.`IVIto, can'Miss Ms E. Cowan's charming pest , be ?" _is the query 01 Oh boyeon the 2rid that'e where we've got the drop on the boys, but it is a piece of information we do not propose to pot_ ----- III-W-e"...essillsay is, she is front the city., _ Mr. "Chita. Avery. of the London, and, has bought:from Mr. A. lanes a fine thorough, bred hull calf; it is only; three months old. For the petit few days the ,Brueefield ; doctors have been •attending .Mrs. Mar- shall, of the Parr Lin ; her sickness is eatised by bleedhig , of the lungs.. Lately Mr. Consitts' health hen much improved ; we wiela it may continue. • • : vARNA. • `•IttPRovEmENTS.-:-Somewhat ext.ensive : improvements have.. been inade in our ' • public schoolgrounds since -the visit of the Pe S. Inspector. The 'grenade have been - fenced, and two rows o1. trees heye been planted id the fronts bale, tow having bonix planted erethe other three. sides: ..„„LesesonnesseiteZ,-41aeltioirCiverif-thaTos Office- Stere, turned over a clems$25 hill the ' ether day, in a:deal on herse•fleshishaving. • "bionght--the-anitutthrfirw-r---veeks ago from • Mr.._lohn Gibson of-thd 2nd con.,-StailleY,..7- • • for $105 and sold_iteeme$130-c M. ha's since bought another horse front Mr. Gibson, a lively looking animist too, but of connote we must suppress the figures lest we raight injure the prospects of sales' which would not he neighborly's. The same e madireows, how tO keep a good store, and how to beg lionsee to advantame, berfidessa good deal eliss ' •' .• • FAREWELL. -'-A large 'Meeting of 3 re:: ligiouts scheracter WW1 held on Sabbath evening 'last, in: Mr, Andrew Reid's barn, Goshen Lino. The .occasion of the meets • ing was to tender a farewell,te the Massie. , • Palmer, who bait° since moved away to • the Sault. The exeiciseit • conaieted •rof sieging, ichrietian and• prayer., • and. the meeting is said to bait° . been a most 'interesting • anelpowerful one. Oa Monday evening .; following ,their: Meads anrprised them by making them tlie reci- 'Aetna of amnia very handsomeehiblee, . _an indication of the high esteem in which .• iliey'-are held. We hopethat ere this they have reached the:end of their joutney,and et - that theyanaysfied-as muclisfeteemnegiget. theirs-nece7aeqiiiiintinee as they , have 'en- joyed on the Goshen:- • * , •. BIM CEPLEtif • • DEATE.r-Ilre ave.:sort:3; to he; Palled lo", chronicle thiliveek the ,sietelea7Rtid peCted.death of Mrs; Jimes.Reiniet, Of the. , • 5tli cob- Tuclierimith, . which sevent took .' place Rhein noon Tuesdatt, Mrs. Bs% has been, a widow for apivards of ten yeare,_. deriog which tiine she: has been very faith- ful. in bringing up hei fansity,rnost of whom , .were quite'young 'when-the,fathet'*as rd- molied, Saturday bait sh'e was taken s siCkt witkpleureeimetimonik:' tinned to get !Nome in spite Of -every effort to.eneck the disease...nhaik,atid‘a.fatally. • The .fitriailY, all of- whom feet their leen 'very keenlyeshaye the sympathy of thsentire '.neighboithood; Mrs. Renatt was, a meni-- her of the Methodist church in Brucefield, and died in hope of a better life abov.e. She was interred in the BaYfield cemetery • on 'Ilhureday. • ' "iftamitfaLaq. Bareis.-r-We are pleasedsto learn that Mr. Thos, Morrish has takentte cluitige for the better; and hopes. of hie recovery are .onterito_thitinsiehcl: oNnIsre., Milaevedtegl riles segaarinsSranoiapso, Mts. R Morrish hassteturned home from Putman ; has a' different mile on hid female*. We. understand that Mr- Phrainer intends to Overhaul • the grist mill and put in some new machinery, but, „ he has not decided whether he will more it up 'from the edge of the river or fix it lip where it stands. Mrs Sedate Gledhill leaves this week for Manitoba,. on a vilsit to her daughter, Mrs. A. B, Potter, .Mt, Chad. Walters .has" -purchased from Mr,• Thos. Gledhill, the house beside thb tenv potence hall, and vsill fluty() it to his fartn. The new inspector, Mr. Tom visited Om' liehoel on Monday; he expreeses hinsself as being *ell pleased with tlrestilitinier it which the (wheel is condiicted, and also with the work beihg done in broth depart - 'Monte t the average ettendance last week Was 05. Rey. Mr, Steele will deliver a teettire in the. Methodist church hero on ths evening of the 20th inst.,. under the anspiceti ofehe Benmiller Mental Culture ; the subject' VP be Recent Discoveries in Anatole Lands ;" don't fail to attend as you:will mit s it treat if you stay away. .orere,gmlarentg ?veil nut be ahaid qr ..endinglo4 »ouittord, items. Pm voilt. ,inveltrit .