HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 7• t FEIIDAY, MAY. 7, 1886 . T'.1.,+`WS NOTES:" Toronto store clerks .are agitating for a.'weekly half holiday. laughed and said; "'when I tell; you. you'll be rotted, I stun you won't be long: I did not know how many forms he wished me to assume ; however,, I was glad be •did not call me flat' e ••Grout destitution prevails among the• lie Ma. Ailed A I utoAy with fled massa° poor an 'the 'lately inundated districts 1 a You say this man, is a scoundrel 1' • of Montreal, Ur. D. H. Williams, of London, has been appointed inspector under the Scott .Act for est Middlesex, Paris does. not Appear to prosper: un- der. protection. During the past .year heli population has' been reduced by 200,000 people; and there are 47,500 flats at present unlet, At West Lorne, on Thursday, Fred 1rlarr had itis band almost severed from the wrist while at, work in Greer's saw- mill. Idle, other hand was taken off in a threshing. machine some years •ago. The United States President is as good as married already, .notwithstand- ing his indignation and protestations. -The papers and some of the relatives of the young lady leave settled tlie'business- for him. An ingenious notion has been ptit in practice in the new circus in Paris. The Johnson sisters perform aquatio. feats in a swimming bath lit by electricity •from .below, the theatre 'other wise being• en- tirely dttrkenocE:'---' An astonishing tisk story'. comes from the topics;.. tn wit, that a ship: which 'hada hole knookeil in her side was saved from sinking by n large fish that came alongside and,,,was sucked in- to the aperture by the.rush of Water and stuck there.. s • An Elk' Carden, \1'. -1'a., telegram 'saga :=:Tho suffering.' 'and destitution. among the coal miners in, this and. George's Creek region is 'becoming ter-' rible. Hundred's of famil'o, are withont• theiso monecst • neceSsuvies .of life,- wo,` • Men cThsparr,ing' and half sta ved "child- • ren aro crying from hunger • . The. model husband has. been.found • at Reading", Pit..,. -a t.tLhis; name of ` 'stock. He -'scrip. his wire to Europe, and • -kept lier in luxury until slie rail away with another' man. Then be arranged" with. her for a divorce that she mi:;ht• _ • Marry her new love, and, din bidding her "'"goiicUliye; told her. whon.,she wanted a true friend to let 'hint know. • . The revenue from intoxicating liquors- in Britain and Ireland has decreased by one-fdurth in the Twit decade. How. can it be otherwise 'when:` there , are' millions of children. enlisted in the•Z3and of Hopo.'attached to the' 'Christian 'Sun-• stay schools of Britain-antz'.Ireland, 'who: grow up biased towards teetetail snh; A. few years ago all Britisii children, were taught-te-1-rink-bear-at- ' do, ,judge,. and I want the word to mean all it was builtrto carry too,' ' What bus he done that makes you: think sal' • *'.te'ne't WIey, si¢eetJerusalem,jndge, he's done everything but pay his honest debts.' ‘You'll have to be a little more ex- plicit than that. What nae be done to lose your good will l' 'Done 1 Why, .consarn it all, judge, he's Made fain of tee behind my back, because 1 was born cross-eyed, and what is. more„ judge;, he cut round that gal of mine, looking sweet at her, and talking soft sodder, tillshe gets it inher head hy. was on the marry, an' what does she do but go an' fool four dollars on a bon- net that was darn nigh: as putty as any dog T ever saw, and all for the sake of main' herself more attract:in' to hiw; as you might say, and just as she'd gone to all that expense, and' wasted enough.' to keep a man of my temperit habits in liquor most •a month, instid of being on the pint of poppin' as both her and her mother had built on, what do,you think the crooked -nose toss thief up an done, judge ' I give Weep, Unwind a little more.'' ' Well, sir,. what does the' fish -livered of•sootirin' do but whirl right: round an' marry a hussy with freckle's and red •hair,. with not mor'n half the good looks of my gal, judge, Who hadn't,' laid out a cent on leis account or even lost a wink df sleep_spoonin' with bine, there's my gal with nothin' but a broken; heart and a bonnet theles less in the fashion, every tinea the sun sets, to show•for the time she'feoled•away onJiim. Is it any won- der my' earslook thin, judge? I can stand up under. any tribulation that'. comes in a regular way as long as there's a drop in the jug, but I tell you, Sage, this; thing of being blistered when yon was expectin' a poultice,•makes me howl an' I can't.; help it to save. me gizzard. ' If I should:drop a., few tears: incourt I hope nobody won't laugh at the weakness of a sufferin' man Who. has shaved with • a dull razor`. time: an'• again 'without fiincbin.' - . "Weep and 'pass' o1=; the coiut is, hungry.',, Nortltwe. t. Neanda,. TLIL rani 'RAI ITY AND GENERAL IMISGOdq ' MENT.PROV'J.I) int THE MISSIONARIES. fter ,,,,iying•'altchte evei lit to•what_ In Canada, efhere theStely tion Ai•my was sai'd'in reply to Sii' Iiector•and "D►,' rognmenced".ui�ork three ,years and ti half Fei•gucon, as' well as to the'•denials of • age, t a "_. . '' • , a i • . ._. _ Qr.'.atSt9'Y,4—a-n#1. ;.Ofl1'v'.e^ iii• :500 efficees: Of -these rleeFs 4 frbtvi'-'-foT 'd t o e levo• that the -charges of act been raised' ill Canada '' Vivre is an teal sta vation,.;of the supply, in itnpro- . average attendance of 20,000 at' the .'7; • per rood, and e£ the immorality: said.to o'clock Sunday ;laming knee drill. The' ' he promoted'' by the Caovei rirlieiit. em War Civ has a :circulation, .of ` 32,000 ployee,�, are sustained by ample evidence weekly,. a'n.1 the'I.ittle Seldier; a•n organ that haS not been'..disproved. • • 7 1, ••• for little ehildren, a crrculaion.Of 1 W..he?n the Pet'. John Mepeega11 stated` 4i0t•1'.. There is set ting••ltccorrnnlocla'tioq that the. promises inane to the Indians in. Canada lin ;70,000 Of t•ho Working .have been broken,...., and ;that they. people: • ..• have Green + badly treated'by Indian, Fro t it. \S tsbington 1c tea 7iidne vents --when he speliks of:'':the'shuime= , Baskin tells • nae that though Brigha r fief and irninera•1 lives of ntan�? of the'em-: Young left over 71,000,000, his child ployees,' and asks for.'•enlployeds of the` ren are fast going throngll'It. Many of. Indian Department:who• will,' be true tho girls have net tg►•necl out well, and their coirtitl t; if not•tlrerr God,who •ia ate iii pliintoit nosh' of-tlie'chililret have `refrain from +lieen-tiousness-blasphemy; T1, -,E POPULAR GOOdS 1-10;USell Lt wrws I3.4R:o, These Rea:dy Made Sits Which we introduced two weeks -ago are -nearly all sold, aux today we open the second consignment, We find that the cut and style are right and 'the workmanship excellent, while prices place teem within the reach of all persons who require' • a suit of any kind. a ° A. Fairly Good Suit -first -Class cut, $5. A Good serviceable Tweed Suit,, Nice colors, $7 A Dandy Suit, -.fit to be worn on your wedding day for' $10, A, FULL ^ AN.T1 OeF. PLETF. -LINE QF WOISTBD& T , 4 Ooating Alice ' STRIPED TRO W SERINGS • for. the ordered clothing • •department: b We have tile• ' rte • to ' a st wits.. °ln STIFF , �ATS`� NECKWEAR, .LINEN • and. CELLULOID COL-" LARS- and CUF> S, and SILK •SQt AR S Kindly Iook through,our stock -before buying your:otitfit. °minion Playing Mil 1 CoopejP � � Swaffieid. SUCCESSORS' TO H. STEVENS & SON- • CLINTON.. manufacturers Of SAsIr, Dopes, BLINDS, FLOORING-, SIDING,, CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, -PICKETS, &C., and all kinds of Interior and. Exterior' Finishings. LATH and SA_ 'LE on, hand, Mill on Wellington IN&' s kept _ g on St., opposite Woollen Mill. PLANS lrin SPECIFICATIONS, _ ..... . I'REPA RED. ►�. S.: Cooper, •GIIEAT-DISCOUNT -SALE B'00'3 e °AN? ST=OPS. AT' t7 iJ- r " SHA:.NI^Ks In order, to reduce nay large stock t' a room for Spring Eau: Sutra -net Goods, 1 xri give a • DISCOUNT OF 10 -PER. CENT On all Cash: Sales, until the.l5th of April. Now is •you,r' time• to get BOOTS and' SHOES' AT and BELOW COST.- Be sure to call -and get the Best Bargain's in Foot wear' that can be got anywhere Itemember 10.•percent,of£ for caste; ... .Tib:' 1 .r.: y.. r. .n. e � ..i:.1w u.. ... • .. � � -. . a n :. C �:;Cruicskshan'k tile' :.B'oo t 'Maki*. ALBERT STREET,. BRICK. BLOCK, CLINTON AN. . ELEGANT LINE: ` OF. LON DESBORO.. • Fel• 14:idles', Gents' •and, Child ren's l elltr:' HIGHEST•GRADES,'NEwEST STYLES, BEST QUALITY ' PRff('sr TO SLIT THE t111NS. __ - 'g(0$ 'PAi(1;N I\ EXc'r'C.>NOE, CHAS. •.CAR'LIN. BE. BLOCK:: CLINTON The- eiindei•signed has just opened at:: Tew:Drug Store in Jaeirson's New. B10e1r. Iiur rnt'Street; Two•doors West of the City Book Store' where will be' found a. Complete assort- ment of Fine DRUGS and C$E112ICALS, also- PATENT MEDICINES and DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES..• Alt that the. ,ublicnma-ask for in. these' lines.. We have secured. 20 .half chests of • ver fine :.GOct •P: S;--Otliceghangec nom iesl.zeia ■nig $Ger;. WORT I - GT ..; :L 1 o , .�I N O C� n. n ■, 10' '1-1 : 10ZC!r71r'-,R^C'w'----;. tat thane>tug his numerous.custolners.for tleir_liberal,patronage in the hast, begs to announce the ability . of.their father. I curd.cross drnnkonnesS -and laziness;•' ho�cleset:ves - :th_at-ha'has.just•receavecla eplendki assort°lnent aL: ya. i• . • a curiousfuct in connection w ith-BT%bai r • :Young the ether ;clay, And �1 th�aka�t��i�s that Lhis_childiVecLacOl iinthe_S.atLL"heat tre when it waas.first started • The t1or- inons are not. prowl. of..this, and when asked Mr. Caine about. It. on}i'dlay.lie evaded• answering the -question .Timm}• Closeout,, barkeeper.' at 'tire ' Three Graces,' Gory Canon, .Ariziorra,, • has a tame rattlesnake whictli.:esbibits a Tema rkal.lo amount 'of saggcity, Jiiirny • - keeps ' Tootsy;' as be calls his pet, in'a whiskey bottle behind the bar, and whenever ti man who, hae had too roucli enters and .,„deneatrcleja- tleinl," thee barkeeper paces thesnake's bettie,;on the counter.' `Tuotsy'• knows his cue, and immediately rises flout the bottle. •and rattles li nlarin. He also rattles: the inebriate, with at once swears.'ofT. -the:thanks 'Enid 'support° of .every.4rue4 patriot without regard to party ;interests'. :ire quite: confident that Mr. 111c' 1 Murrill would not.leavo made the state' meets contained in lids letters and inbis intern iews.witb tlte•I\lail's coir*esponclent''. unless he :;vas filly convinced of their actual truth. It is not • fair to 1111 1\Ic- Dougtt•t1 to say that. 40: declined to sub-, stantiate thechargeshe had made, en being asked tochose.. It certainly was tier 'h•is business to_'tinct lvitnesses and .bm'ing thermforwarc1 •-to.'prove.pubrcl.y What lie bad stated. Wiiy'sheu]d he be compelled to .p.ubllcly fight: the enibitt terve-=.ttansoresSors whose iniquities he Iia • deuo(ineed ? It ris. t e bad that. a .manly: and .unpartisan condemnation' of" t drsgradofnl .state- of things should sit- enro•for ii• wan; clisparag:<enerit and"d s•. credit instead of, the •approral his Con- duct duct desvcs -Christian •GuaRlr to ' .- • Thursday morning ' «Tosepb Uhler; a fanner, 70 years of ago residing in the town . of Caledonia, •Wisconsin, and re.. ported to he worth • $00,000,, shot his wife through ttierbody, inflicting a mor- tal wotincl 'Tutt tragedy •occur°rc tl -at the home: of her soar. •Tho• murderer 'their proceeded- , to his' ciwi 1tin'io,. and shot himself fhroiigla the"hr •t(1 d i g in s(t fitly -r nisi `u1 it l Leal' his wife, • in .1'884, but they lived unhappily togetll- err and e•fewweeks-ago=she-commence s- prb ceedings .fou .divorce 'on tine grottnd. of cruel tinct inhuman treatrlent, and asked for' alimony, This fact is sup-, posed to have led to the tragedy. •I'no Many Worms. • T / • ' sic a we u•i se ora:lnonth at: 45cts. by. the•51b caddie. This • s to est va t e ever offered in.this cotnty.7 Don't Q fail •to; go •i 'caddie before. it is all .sold. • • ,Wo ha' n'opened .a full:stool. of• • New Valenta Raisins, A. Extra Selected Valentia, Raisins Block Basket:Raisins -Seedless: : Raisins; .Sultana: Raisins. `NEW CURRANTS. .NEW:.SHELLED' ;t11IONDS '...NEW E • • • 'Amax, �' ORA .G.E .AND CITRON, PEEL... 2lbs..:G'OOD .MINE:1J :CANDY . ; _ _ •• . DOR 2ur:Ts. Call and:Inspxect our Stock, sP2Rai C a-Ootps T116 D(tevil i► A4ichin nen. Doteald, a. staunch Highlander, was .at a frTstl,vi..meet'tng where, in a gushing seech, 1t'cicrgymixu proposed the -toast :' ' l,he:Caaelic L;enbuage''' Donald during the peeell stoked millet -4 and slunk to _ z .rice-oleos-A-7freond;, v11ir 'cuapreserlt, ?.dnE�d U, ,� .... ._4, + ` '�,`l,"x .: $l0�`' ..� and noticed it, met hint next day and • • NEXT '.DOOR < •TO 'fi•IE' CI'TI' BOOK- sTdI E; • C•LIJ<TTON. would have thought that at ;I�lgTda let', aii(3 sliest Aitt oiietae yoit, .BEDROOM -SETS O3V!`..SETS, 'PARLOR ►.SETS, LOUNGES Donald,Iwouacl' have been proud fit what • • SIDEBOARDSCJ A1R & ^ the minister said. 'Didn't be butter f ! you up enough, about the ,Gaelic _ inn- Ain • A G1 NERAL .A8$oltTbr1NT or rte vrnY BEAT' •MAI)X.:1?..URNITUItE'1' •AT. gunge? Ou, ay, be said iti dcal main y ' Es, • than he need nae dune. Didtfa lie•say • ' •?(,�Itr.AC EL LD -, ` that Adam and. Eve spoke.. Gaelic, and Many, funny stoties. lave-brift'told.of.x.thaatt4:44010 WAS _•the lam age spoken lb. ,ate momm. the difficulties encountered by, French. men in' trying to Blaster the English .language. • Here is quite aneva one : A. • 1+renclimatr. ; .C1.1tmbois, in conversation' with Mr. Brown,. an .Englishmen, says : am going tie leave my hotel. I '(paid my bill yesterday, and I. said to 'the land- lord, Do I owo yon"hnything else?' Ile -said,'Yoet are hintere•i:*'1i'lrabkstrarige,' said T, ' I lived so long 1 never -know 1 was square before.' Then as :1 was o ingaw'ay he' shook nue by the stand say. tuff ' 1 beim you'll be tented soon'' I • • ;CorRlst.1'ct rnE.e,.1T4sT N.O91L9'iES IN . • TWEEDS, ...DRESS` 'G 0 -EMBROIDERIES, TWEEDS a specialty,'. and made l3O.OfiS and .SHOES ODS, PRINTS MUSLINS, TG1i M, :LACES; SHIT '1`INGS, COTTONADEiS; DU6KS d, DENIMS • a first-class' Tailor who•guarantees •a fit. A; full supply of haeicl;, just 'arrived, for -the spring trade. A fresh .assortment of WALL j BAP1gLL;,-newest patterns. os. Cooper'- INTON My• Stock• of. GROCERIES New nd•Fresh:. 'Try .00 cent'ioun fii`e ., a ry g IIydA.it....t,J,aAe..l?4s.G. • value evei'.offered, to.the publio: HARDWARE, CROGi';ERY end GLASSWARE, a .full supply. LARD/Ng and CROWN OIL for anachinery, always -'on hand,. and everything ., usually kept in a first•class country store. GOAL OIL 20 cents per gallon. Highest market - price panl'in'tradiefor' RUT'TER, EGGS, •OATS, -„kc. "^Come one and all olid; inspect tn�y. stock. No,ti•ouble to •show goods, .. ,• • • • solve alss purobasad a largo quantity rd the BLUE -TIN TAG i3I r -DIN(. TWIN1.1 Bost'in.:the market which dotter :at the lowest possible•rate •'•' • • l c1nJ A, Iviarcli 3tii isso REST j.'aradise ?' -' Yes, but that would: not worry you'; that; was to prove how an- elent it was.' 'Ay, bat that's just what gar tl errs be -sae vexed, for if Adam and• Eve spoke•Gaclie in Paradise; the doevil, daa yeti no see,, must havo'itaeeil a. ITie- 1tuln7ntir.' •e: . Years of experience _ and successful trial have ' proved MoGre rer eC larks• Carbolic Cerate Elio must complete and satisfactory compound for healing Old Sores, i'esterinf;s, Uleers,Outs Wounds, Barns, lomat Bites or Pelona, and. for,•kesping oat the cold and to c]eanwe or pre- ilaicl ' .I thoileglst o " 1 a[d tt sc. tuCrF: ' *,cutpined firth, sirrttTrine g n.►; li cay; • Tnsist n y' u > t4 t5 1 ' err "'Ravin lvacliregor & fail. tx Carbolio • T w you leas re l wilt bo rotinrl,' T -Ta. � e Z~. QW ..... _...... ...... .... . . . ..... _ .Cer•at ._a�tl<ar, aa_lz _.d4,.HsCa:arbr« ,r .... _.,:._.. .l i" s.alpinr -C t AS; •'OLI PIi +'S . rr pared pec i Fl• as tur�ecl: •iz' four �-xnan�Ils:,. Dc,cte s,•�`•cl�,1L .:�•lrlci them thein as the best fol all' classesv.,: Descriptive Circulars on ayplicatio.n to.. r J11 � " R �+I r C41-Ja„.E3 444l ST AND nitu9GIST, • f:LIN'CON, ON']`. o• • sort .'lti►:� • P.EI) _che$ter OR I. baro also: -on suints a. large stock' of TABLE'and.. ,TIAND LA:MP,S in every variety: HARDWARE and TINWARE_. "A rltr; 4 Sstricle;of 000.1tING and P.1I:LO1.i, STO17E5.. Agent' for the GU'RoW dr; 'FtAI11Iir5;.POIfNTON 14'cr11 TACE tll1rll1L11 tl Cl (1.11 r tit1•11 he•+audereigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and viciaitytliat he has bought the' "H It$ESS BUSINESS .fes rrly carrion o liy 'G 1 Newton,: .A:nd,that he• is preparers to turn}sir , • • ry . Hare. "s�.Collars WJil s, T.,,xunks, VaLises :.•B.uffala BehestBlankets.:. :. . And. overythin{t, tisn;llly sunt an •a' frut-eiaee''llarness Stapp,, at the 'lowest )rices. S`- ecia s. p erten 'Qu Err iirti;tttttr+,to tliyAtoel;;.oELxtt.mT. I4 tt\l .t whfail 1 wt1l In it "a ec ... 4� �. a ... a e a p salts+, 1111PAIRYti 4 PR,OMPTL " ,IA.1`T.Et1TDIM TO. By stria attention to business, and careTn ly studying the wants of nay customers,I hope bo insista fair share of patronage. Utve me a gall before purchasingolaswlmepo. • . ' ' REMBIlEt f '1`.}t1 STA ID -OPPOSITE `1'n 1tAni{ET, •