HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 4ill; LOCAL CHURCH CHIMES
Hey J. W A ,•!itewart,
ur „t M. . P. 11'1,•, jr , hn
ideut of the new ltutarw
,esu elected Pres
post Union.
Tire Captain of the
wife, left uu Tuesday fur
tee cadet hue alae been ti
other field of labor,
Rev, Father \Vaters, of lluderich, has beta
ill for several days, but to uow somewhat
better. His work in Hallett, on Sunday, was
taken by Rev, Father Lotz.
TUB district meeting of the Methodist
y, churobeo within the Goderf)h district, will
be held at Seaforth, on the 10th inst., and
the meeting for Wiogham district will be held
at Blyth, on the 19th and 20th inst.
A change was introducer) in the evening
service of Ontario St. Sletliediet church, ou
• Sunday laat. Instead of tee regular ser•
mon, a spurt expusitiuu of t: I ipture watt given
by Mr. Sparing, and ten :ninute addresses
by two or three of the mew .Ors. The chauge
is nue that may be used to .,.)vantage.
St. I'AIL's (utter. ellepular meeting on
Mouday evening. The followiug was the pro
gramme: --Readieg by Hiss Monetuastle, and
Messrs. Keefer, litrewer, Dartuell and Craig,
solo Mr. Reevee, duet Mieses Kendall and
Gifliu, and Mise S. Greig and Mr. 'fhoe,Jack-
sou, solo Mr. peeves, duet Mr, T. Jackson
and Mr. Christie. There will be a special
entertainment on Monday, May 171h, in aid
of the church which the members of the
Church of 1.uglaud are building at Virden,
M anitoba,
vation Army and
the ole country ;
.•ueferred to some
Methodist Quarterly Services,
GUDERICII, No1.111 Seexter.—Quarterly ser-
vices ou Sunday list. Matters to gaud onu-
ditiou at business meeting. The board pessed
a resolution thankiug the pastor, Rev. T. M.
Campbell, for faithful devotunl to phis work,
and zeal for his Jlaster.
SEAIoitelt.—At the close of the preaching
last Sunday unwiring, the quarterly lovefeast
and sacramental services, were held in the
illcthodfat church, uunducted by the pastor,
and were of special interest ; the attendance
wad very large. The usual quarterly bueiucse
meeting was held on \loudav tvoniii , ellen
the affairs of the ell tire!' were found to be in
a good emitiither, 1 t is gsteerally nederStood
that Rev. 11 r, llroJt v, huving put iu two
years here, will not return for the third year.
Who wi'l be his successor ie not known.
I1olmrsv Hex. ' Quarterly meeting
services of the Methodist churches of Holtnes-
villu Circuit were held on Sunday last, Rev.
'Ale );irks presiding, 'There sus a large at.
tendauce, and a goal feeling prevailed. The
official int etir.g WITS hold un Monday aft or•
noun, all the uppC.intnlelltS being rcplifeented
except Sharon. The tilineelnl returns were
not quite up to expectations, but the defi-
cionny will be reduced by the returns hien
Sharon. 'The board decided to Work the
circuit again with two preachers, Messrs.
Elford and E. Acheson were appointed dele-
gates to the district
Creserux, 1Lvrree it,Y 8ritxt':r.•-There
was a largo congregation present, and over
one hundred persons received the ,sacrantent
in connection with the Quarterly ser•
vices of l,atteubury Stteet Motile list
church, on Suuday last. At the official
meeting held on Tuesday evening, Dr. \Vit-
liams was chosen delegate to the District
Meeting ; Mr. l,u Stevens was granted an
exhorter's license ; a resolution was passed
expressing the Board's appreciation of the
-services of the choir ; the fiaatielei rdtti'rros
were slightly bchiod those of 1aet year, owing
plainly to the calls of the congregation by 1
tcasuu of putting up the new building to the
rete' of the church, The returns ebow au in-
creased membership of 40 or last year.
Loat:eeruuo.—Tho Metheeilet church was i
pwded on Sunday morning, on the occ'::,iou 1
f the quarterly services, and a grecioni i,l
luoncc pervade,) the assembly. Among the 1
large number tele, spoke in the lovefeast were
numbers aha Olid so for the first time. Over 1
two Hundred partook of the sacrament, being
the largest number that over took part in guar• t
forty services in this place. The (Alicia]
meeting 011 Monday was ananinlous, and the
1inanet's for the year in full, all bnt a few j
dollare. \I '. Jas, Beatth waits was(aepoiuted '
to attend the district lneutiug. A very hearty •
and unanimous invitation was extended to '
Rev. J. Hough, to remain for a third Sear.
The increase et membership during the past
year was about one hundred,
Ciel •pox, (,xr,lito Sur ter. -The hied.0 _ t1
terly meeting for tins conference year was,'
held last Sabbath, Rev. Jt r. l,egear,preached
an excellent sermon, and the pastor oiiiciat• i
ed at the racraulunt. .\ deep spiritual feel• S
ing pervaded the entire service, and at the
close an unusual largo number pat took of the
sacrament. On 'Tuesday following the 1)111- 1 t,
tial Board met to transact the, business of tt
the circuit, 1n closing up 1110 business for
the year the board are thankful to the great'
)lead of the schurch that they are able to re- I
port progress. The year justclosing has
been one of the most successful in the history
of this church. The aervicee during the
year have been marked by the Divine lures•
sena', while upwards of forty were converted,
and the congregation and f1naoees largely in-
creased. After allowing for removals anti
deaths, the I'astor reports a net increase
of forty in the membership. During the year
sixty•four joined the church, 20 by letter and
35 on trial. \1r. ,lames Stevens was ap-
pointed delegate to the coming district Meet-
ing. It was unanimously resolved to grant
the Bev. W. \V, Sperling three months leave
of abecnee to visit Europe with a view to re-
cruit his health. Rev. ?Jr. Lcgesr supplying
the pulpit in his absence.
lir• \ u u Len,. Q 1artcrly meatier!, held on
Sunday, Nan a season of relrrshrng from on w
high. Congregation watt very large, all the C'
appointments being well represented. The
sermon of great power and blessing, founded h
on Nev. 14, 13, WW1 a memorial of the, lits tr
Rev. T. Crompton, of Barrio, and Rev, .1.
Edgar, M. 1)., of 'Toronto the lives, unex-
pected remove!, and charaFter of these be•
loved hrethere were, tent of a fell heart, lov-
ingly set forth. The pastor, It,;v. G. \fark-
waded by titled Jeukiris, that tuaswueb ae
aur beluved pastor, Rev. J. S. Metier, has
naw nearly cuwplettd Ins for ee years'term,and
acrordtng to the con'erence rule will soon be
rewoved to souse other field of labor, we, the
Quarterly Boerct of the Blyth eircu(,t, ()heirs
to assure him of the continued oonHlence and
Living regards of the entire circuit. It is
with regret that we contemplate a severance
of the relationship existing so happily be•
tween us, as pastor and people, during his pas-
torate. We trust that his future life and
work may continue to be alike successful
and happy, and we beg to assure him and
Mrs. Fisher that they will always have a
warm place in the affections of the people of
the Blyth Circuit." The board did not ex-
tend an invitation to any other minister to
become Mr. Fisher's successor, but left the
matter entirely in the heeds of the Confer.
The Naw ERA does aur, uuld itself responsiblefe
dery expressed under title heading,
Tr, l/ie Editor of the Rei, Era.
Stu, --As a ratepayer and supporter of the
Scott Act, 1 desire through your columns to
thank those members of the council who
burked the attempt to pass a wine and beer
resolution, at the last meeting of that body.
1 ain't a bettiug man, but if those who sup-
ported the liquor resolution think they
have the public of town with them, no
matter how badly the Scott Act may be work.
ing, 1 am willing to risk the expeusea of an
election, that not one of them dare resign and
make a test issue, You may use my name
as a Cuaraniee that the electiou expenses will
be pawl, if any one resigns and ie reelected
ou this issue. fours respectfully,
A C'i-i' .
- • 0.0--. • —
To, alin' Editor of the Clinton :\'etvEl'a,
OHM: Slit,—In regard to a conversation
thick took place un the street, last Saturday
evening, between Mr. Hall and myself, about
engines and boilers, I would litre to say a few
words. This "keowled tilde" man stated
that he knew more than ail the Perdue family,
and that he coals answer ,•very question nor•
reedy that 1 could put to him, and he could
stick me every time, 1 wish to show howclever he was in answering my questions. 1
asked him what was a horse power of an en-
gine; he said it was what would raise 250 the.
ono foot high per minute. Well this clever
maw was just ;2, 75f1 Iles, wrung ; that was not
010011, was it ? A kenos power is that which
will raise ;13,00o lbs. one tout high por min-
ute. 1 then a4LOd hint if he could toll the
the capacity of n etca,n boiler, and he did not
appear to know what it intend. 1 then asked
him how many superfluous feet of heating
surface did it require to generate steam for a
horse power, and ho just laughed, and made
it appear as if 1 did not know what I was
talking about; just simply becau=e he did not
know there is a rule which has long been in
use, and is still used with very slight varia-
tions, and is as follows :—Square feet of heat.
ing surface per horse power, cylinder boilers,
ti Hue boiler, 12 ; tubular, l,3. Now, this
clever engineer run an ougino for Edward
Perdne last fall, and run it with from 100 to
110 lbs. steam pressure on, and the safety
valve tied down, trod because myself and
some of the farmers say it wasa''t right, he
says we aro fools, and don't know any better.
OneMonday-lir. I1a11-said-be eoulc hrwe ans•
wered my questions all right, but he had
ust forgot. This tnan'e memory was not very
trod, and still he would run an engine, with
over 100 11,e pressure on, and -trust to his
nemory and the damper to prevent it from
'xploding. Any person knows the pressure
ncrenses very fast, wheu at that height; still
1e Rept the safety valve tic) down, I3y the
Iv, I saw iu your last week's issue, of a man
the name of Hall being committed to jail,
be being considered a dangerous fanatic e the
wet time I wee talking to Mr. I fall he showed
very bed disposition, and made Some ugly
hrcata. I remain, yours, WM. 1'Eaut'E.
--•-Q.••*ate --
The assoseablo property of the city of
r,ndon, Ont., is rated at $12,662,000(
.\ Toronto ceiryict has been shot while
ttoriiptiug to escape from ICtuestou Yeni-
et l t i;try.
'Phe truss bodies of t, it infants were
fund in Toronto un Sunday, ono of them .
eating iu the Don river.
The Canadian Pacific car paint Shop in
loutreal was burned Saturdayeeight, and
cveral cars destroyed; loss 815,000.
Merl :Tel VEAL: 01'ro (1Ot E 'ARE INS. Cu,
-Wo have much pleasure in calling attention
, the advertisement of the ('oro District Mu•
sal fire Insurance Company, wheso head
)lice is at Galt. This Company does husi-
uese on boot the C;asl1 and NIntual plans, andhas of late been so snocessful'that its fiftieth
er semi-contennial birthday finds ,it In' the
front rank of Canadian insurance companies.
The fact that on the 31st December Iasi, the
1'ompany practically owed nothing except its
1(o•insurance Reserve, and held Assets -of the
value of $218,890available to meet losses,
over $90,000 of whle t was in cash or its
equivalent, proves it to be as strong financially,
(when their relative business is compared) as
the beat Stock Companies, with every ability
to deal promptly and liberally with sufferers
by lire. The rates of thggge who prefer the
Cash principle are libera'T, and to Mutual.
Policyholders ,they are about 20 per cent.
lees than the customary stock rates, Mr
John Reliant is agent for Clinton and vicinity',
There is good reason for the belief that
hen Mr.Gladstone's ilonia Rule measure
'mei up for a second reading a number of
mondments will bo proposed which will
ave the effect of disarming much of the
pposition now raised against it. Among
other changes will he one providing fur the
attendance of [deli representatives at
\Veatnrinster as heretofore. The National
Liberal Federation of Scotland 'have en -
dm sed the measure and it is likely that
ham, said he felt the barnavarnent keenly, for
both these ministers, hod been his superin
tendonla,llie fernier in lii.nl;ston, the latter in
Toronto, and that ever alone le a -t .bold
them nt the highest 't
unbroken, loving friendship had -b
up for over 30 yearn. The preacher was
deeply moved as ho spoke of these earnest,
faithful and successful servants of God. A
largo number witnePsed for the Master in
the lovefeast, and remembered Him at the
sacramental board, At the huainces meeting
it Was found that increase and prosperity had
attended the year's labors, in every dr -pert-
inent. 'Mr. i\Ierkham intimating that he
sbonl11 not return to the circuit for the third
year, the appointment of his stlr:cossor was
left with the stationing committee -
111 The 'qunrtorly et rvires of the
Jt1ctllrldiat church' were eery iereely nttenlr'd
on Son.lev, and :nnrh inter(+t was token ie
similar action will ho taken next week at
the meeting of the Eug]ia,i Liberal Feder-
ation. It th? bill to paasect'in its amended
is will reach the !Ionise ofekeye'.^3 t
...etreversu; dirt will be thrown out by that
august body, or all meet precedents will be,
departed from. What will follow will
entirely depend on the Premier. tee will
have the option of asking for a dissolution
of the Hoose or of calling an autumn ses-
sion and again passing the measure. In all
probability the first mentioned course will
bo pursued. it will be a red-hot contest.
ItltAllFllii,h. In ilullett, on the and lovt.. tl.o
nit,'11 Alt. Thos. Brimfield, of a son,
011)')16RT (N •_Tn fiorlerieh township, on April :10,
1he orifi' of Mr. Ono, Middleton, of n daughter.
hhA1•l1• UI Summerhill, on the 1st Inst. the
Iheru. 'I h" bn.rrd m,"rfurg 11 ns half) en ere,. „n•• et Mr. 1e licarrnn uta .nn.
day : f o:il ' n r,t Ib" 111,'ruhrr, la1to1 it. '1'111:, MARRIED
•In!r Ihn Ia^f r"1 otin^ , i t' "n,
111:11,t '1 rr r! •r 1 n!, 'lir u�iai frr•� 1'111,1.\1\ \IIitE S. Al !L, rr•id, 0 ..i AI r.
vuI„, , L' i1 Y, i,l, 11 p, 1 1,r I'„r r,•.t Il r, G.•,,, nix
Aly N:1': 1, 0,1 IU fni,l •i� 'l:, 'l,' I r11nf�•11 ' 111.. Lotto, Ah1', :, ..
(un 1-', r \.., 1,! '
! n• I • , I11 I:, „ . nod ur'r h
. ,3 1' ,' •111,: 1..• r I'nher'e Inst DIED.
:1., fire 1,.•, 1 ; �I,- o n4 urlanim r .t\1'I:lee, 1 1 , 1, 10 'I 1 . ,.1 .\nine
lily ) n•' ” �1 I•f t '.1- 1' .un see.
Sln,fifttr r•t!LI, \h' il., o! r'
I ,nh1a„:, �rd ;,1 earl
g, ;nal 7 m,•nt6•