HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 3F�- Yn. ... .. _. _.-. ._. ---..•....mss" FRIDAY, MAY 7, 188G.' Around the County.. It is propa'sed to.erectv"a.ne..w Episco- pal church at Wingham. Mr. Robt. Spicer, of Exeter, kris graft- ed 500 fruit trees this spring, C. J. Miller, has rented his farm, lot 1 and 2, con. 1, to Wm Patton,of Turn berry. Mr. Alex. Barron, jr., of McKillop, has purchased a 100 acre farm in Grey, from Mr. Fulton, for the sum of $8,200. On Tuesday morning as Mrs, Paul, of Whitechurch, was coming down stairs. she accidently slipped, fell, and broke her arra. Mr. W. C. Carters, of Hensel!, has made airassignment in trust to Mr. J. t C. Clausen, of that village, for the bene- fit of his creditors. badly shaken up, andit i3 feared the he has received internal injuries. On. Friday last Air. ,, R. William factory, Gerrie, had a narrow esdai from being destroyed by fire, the ha caught fire from the smoke stack but i was discovere I and put out before anR serious harm .was clone. The Winnipeg Free Press., of the. 2nc April, says that Mr,Rolat. Lang, of CalLake; and formerly of Rodgeerville, it this. 'county, has sown about 400 sorer of wheatthis spring. We hope he will reap 21 bushels"(aer acre of No. 1 hard, Mr, Angus McKenzie, son of Donald McKenzie, of Culross, died very sudden - y of inflammation in. Manitoba a few days ago. His brother Robert started for Manitoba, but only got as far as \V ingharn, who he was also taken with he same disease, and had to return ono, Mr. Christopher Muldoon, of the 13th , con. McKillop, has purchased the 50 acre farm opposite his own, from Mr. A. Barron, jr., for the sum of $2,800, 'thos. Maunders, of Ethel, has pur- chased the handsome Canadian -bred horse 'French Lion,' from Wm. Barrie, i f Morris, and Wm. Hyden of .Gerrie. It is reportede'Brussels Caledonian games will be held at a much earlier date than last year, and in this'way better weather will probably be in- sured. . . Mr. John McMillan, of Hullett, has sold an imported stallion to Mr. Wm. Pinkney, of Seafortb, for $900. He is coming three, and is n very superior animal. Mr. 'WVnr. Drummond, general grocer, of Blyth, has succeeded in making a set- tlement satisfactory to his creditors and himself, and has again iesumed his form- er. business. Chas. Mitchell, of Morris, who was taken to Goderich a short time ago for being of unsound mind, is getting all right again. Ile was not sent to Lon- don, as the asylum was full. . ,lames Smilie and wife and Thos. Mc- Laughlin, all of gray) left Brussels for the Old Country. Mr. McLaughlin intends bringing back a number. of fit, lies and perhaps a f'eu horses with bin. .Mr. P. Curtain,. of Adare, left last Monday, for. Scotland, for the purpose of importing a number of Clydesdale horses., M•. C. has been in the busine,s for several years and las been' exceed-. ''ingly fortunate. Some body the other night left a jad- ed horse in the barnyard of J. 0.• Ste= wart, Colborne. It -was found dead in the mornrl. - . o re the storek. The Stewarts, of course, pati to bury th dead horse. • Last Thursday while a young son -of Mr.'Jas.- Hamman, Exeter, was trim- ming an apple tree, • be fell from . the branches to the ground, a distance of ' ;about 12 feet, dislocating his shoulder and otherwise seriously injuring sclf. - The body of the deceased James Bird of Crunbrook, who disappeared -save weeks since, was found on Friday 'of List' - week, ins ditch ori the .farin of Peter fobertson,• lot 9, con. 9, Gray.. An inquest was held in Oranbrook at which it was concluded that the deceased, Jas. • llird, carne to bis d:eath.l?y accidental drowning. The remains of the deceaspd were interred in the Brussels cemetery on Sunday last.___._ __ A. stallion race for horses owned in the counties of Huron, Perth and •Bruce will be trotted at Seaforth, on Septem- ber 3rd. The following. ownets• have made the second payinent for • their re- spective horses : J. Campbell, Magician; GQorge Whitely„ c.Jarlisfe; 'E. Living- stone, ivia stone, Mountain Eagle ; • J. Ward, M -o? kawk Chief ; ASmith, Goderich Chief and R. Thompson,-Golddust:`. The oiadination class for the Metho- dist Conference for 1886, will consist of feur members, three of whom Messrs. Salton; Carson and West, have all been stationed in Goderich, Mr. Burton, the fourth member, is the young elan . now at Bet vie. Salton ]ed in his year at the conference examination with 87 per, cent: --Carson was well up with over 85 per cent. • Rev. J. Ross, at Pi esbytery meeting held at Brussels, last Tuesday, declined' the call to Scarboro. His congregation seem pleased over the result -and should shew their pleasure by increasing his, salary to the figure offered .in Searbore' astthey should .remember—that-if-.irs-ia- worth $1,0G0• to the people of Scarboro he should be worth tho same amount to Brussels and should be paid it. • The Gtnad-ian Presbyterian of last week pays : ' Among the names of those proposed for the Moderatorsliip-of,,the General Assembly, is that of the Rev. A. D. McDonald, of Seaforth, formerly Ilk of Clinton. Mr. McDonald a few years ago was Moderator of the Synod of'Lon- ,..don and Hamilton, and'earned a good degree as presiding officer. Huron Pres- bytery, of which he is a member, nomi- nated him for the Moderatorship of the General Assembly. Last Wednesday afternoon while"'Wm Cornyn was employed in erecting a bal- cony in the front of the Queen's hotel, Wingham, the slender scaffold on which he was -standing gave way, precipitating Irim head -first to the ,sidowalk below, a ,distant° of about twelve feet, M" ('ornyn was struck on the head and "with great force and was knocked uisen. z;ible. In a short tine he regained con. SOionsness, when it was found that al- though n;, bones were broken, he was Geot;gc3 Sedler, of " gbaor, had his aw broken by a ' wild' ball while play - ng base ball on the park last Friday. George was at the bat, and the pitcher sent in a f•liot one''which took haul square on the jaw, with the result as stated. The'injury is not a serious .one, and George will be .all right again short- ly. Mr. Andrew Montgomery,; of Wing - ham came near losing a valuable horse. a few days ago. He was. harrowing, when in'turning the horses around he turned too, short; the harrows, .tipping up and atrikino `the horse on the hip, which frightenedr it; causing it to at- tempt to -rim -away. The horse;jumped, but only to fall over on'its side on. the teeth of the barrow, which 11aci ;been. -up turned. For a time it was thought best to shoot it, but is now improving, al though ix•wili not be ;able.te work this summer. Last Thursday Iris:pector'Cavan,. of Stratfprd, and Constable Scot•t,' of B'rus- eels,. made -a raid on the• house of Geo. Barber, in Howick towtiship;near.Ford. wicb, aa�dLarrestetl Barber for having':an illicit still on "his' premises. -Jas, Burt was also 'arrested for being a partner in the affair,' A nlash.•tiib anil'mush were foundin the .cellar. Sonie 6f1- gallons of liquor ,had :been Manufrtctured and sold The-- charr;es wee- withdrawn against Barber, and be', told that the ha'htnce of the manufacturing apparatus }vas stored in the' garretiover the kit- chen, where it was found.by e officers on • 'Wednesday night. • Burt; ••,at first: pleaded'oat•guilty .bat afterwards .vitlr� drew the plexi. .He•was fined 500.ntul' two'nionths im.prisonwent in' the•Coun- 'ty jail.. Constable Hicks' took hint to Gocterieli on Tbursda ., • A tweeting for the purpose .cf organi- zing a Good Templars' ledge, was held. in the . temperance` hall, 'Kinbti•tn,, oil Wednesday econi ig There was i fair attendance of the people.of the. (re and vicinity. A deputution.,froni T: con Lodge, Seaforth, • was present <„ gave a very pleasant liteuary en Lainment, at the con, fusion of. "whi� Mr. Pyper,1' oclge 'Deputy; assisted b}, others, ,initiated fifteen iced 'members .!1-}=--ua�cl-.del-y-for-mad th:o--ledge;-•�he--Yollbgt' ing officers we're installed : Geo ''Brown,, W. C -T.; Jas 'Iji�tichleyi'W, S.; James' Sutherland, W.11I.;; R Snell, W.D.M:.; J Hull,. W. F. S.;- Geo.' Stanley, W: S.;; Mt Lindsay,. P. \V...:C T.James Stanley, Chaplain.;':Miss'Scholes, `W.V. • T.; Miss Stevenson,'.• W.L::U; J."tlinrh, ley, W. O. G and lei: Hinehley, Bodge Deputy. 1Vednesday is the'• night of meeting, ' •-Daniel')aansoiir, of ;E:xtter,. who. bail for months past .given signs'c f insanity, was -lust week :removed to 'thea, asylum,• itt'Loudon,-in charge, o€i4lessi•s Bissett and Thomas. "He was taken•.down And g 'placed in safe keepingwithout any difli=: -eulty, although he 'vealdered•why.these. men. took so Much interest in 'him. . He -is`now'doing well,. and there rs:a possi;-• bility that in time'lie tray recover. from Ms insanity. TMs. Irian Ransom came from the townsliip,, of Stephen to .Exe- ter, about two orthree'months ago, hav- ing .lost his farm throtrgk mismanage» ment. He engaged in the peddlingof washing maphines'i ;and ,,wringers. At first signs of insanity were slight, but day by day he became worse, until :he began to beat his wife, and give lectures on religious topics;'. Becoming at last an intolerable nuisan'ce,• lie was ...removed.' The losing of his property may have had something to do with bringing; hie' to his present unfortunate condition, but those who .have .known • him. -tor yeifrs, say ho was always a: little'' peculiar.; , 1%ainfig In Happenings, There is now being manufactured tore. an article for. instantly removing. pain of any acute external nature, and it certainly is the moat perfect. cure ter Neuralgia, Feddaolie Tonthoohe and the like thatba."eyer been tried. itis carrell Plaid Lightning hum the rapid manner in which it acts, and. i4' maim. faetnred lay Meategor'et 'Parke. Sold in' (Minton by Combe, druggist. PERTH NEWS, E. Sydney Snaith, revising officer for South Perth. has.been appointed revis- ing officer for the North 'Riding of the county, in place of J. ' Grayson Smith, Esq., w,ho shortly retires for Etiag1itnd for a number of yearY. - On Friday last a; vagrant._eow_tnade. a savage Attack on two little children of Mr. I rris, in the Smith" ward, St. Malys, and were it not that the attack wris noticed by Thos. Raper, who :was working near by, the 'brute would have seriously injured, if not tailed the chil- rot). Mr. \•Vera. Pierre, on retiring from the tnanngrtnent of the A bion betel; Strut-