HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 2law:m.17J; is„fAy 7, 1.886.' I 14014,.`a3 S rETHEART
1 nay, bustal - reetry hope. I had wait
taisetw / may tove isay fathe,r, may etessealeed withintbathour. I no lougeX
aront imam man vs
twelves' shield.. tar
•ray being Sank into the grape
, ed her when the world frowned. with a return O the, old graceful with lier, there to find the only Test it
DolOrea l" cries 1\1188 ISIOIOne elasticity that WEIB one of laer many hem over ItXioWe einceeeuntil to-cloy!
Again his bend mate Dolores's, and
rests there.
"1 foend that at the Yery last she
had telegraphed to hee, sister -not so
much in fear of death as to beet some
woman ebe loved near her during the
hour 'either comiug, trial, To me she
sent no message, dreading loot she
•PhOuld do me injury with the cbudish
• eta man by drawing me from him when
he most needed me, s She knew that no
earthly consideration woula have held
MO from her then, had I oniy known ! "
• ale veice bream, and. it is some me,
meets before he can proceed.
" She was gone from me -dead!
IT t in was left! A child had been
r eee aortal Keep sin r ietteleoutt. r
lewe otailli keep our he) hood ,
Through all our later year;
Thee Uhl isimae alight jet ayi
And Mayday go a sleighing.
A mew life thrills our manhood,.
And songs efface our teas;
• f we could keep our boyittant
er lattice,' he says, with difficulty.
ca" were what' tile (14wItri--"*'1-"-What strange tale are you. telline her?.
And pleasure were ite son,
Our hearts would kiss its fingers, A father.? 1? Nay, through your own
• lips I condemn you I have no deugh.
Delighted wean it liegere
To touch us what the clew i$
Opr happy fetes have egun ;
If care Note what the,dew
And pleasure were it's sue.'
dieing hetes she onid have passed by charms, oho meeea ewif.tiy amens the
'and forcibly detaining her,
"Have yon
; forgotten all 2
' Mr. Mildmay, pale as death, advances.
a sopor two, and raises his haud as
thou h to command a. hearing,
Through all our later yeats,
11 WO could take our ,
feswers drink eau rain, •
The sunlight viand In.• hrightet,
The shadows short awl Isgetera
.A.nd night, could never borrow
A faimied future pain ;
If WO COuiti take oily 0011 Ow
• As tlotiers itrialt.alte rain,
If me could nee teverses ,
As tender wheat:file snow,
The cold would he delieleue• „
And glen tug both thsteims pro:mils.;
tar. She died wleen-a-
° " She lived!" interrupts Mistialaturin CHATTER XXXVI.
t . 1, There is an astenished patise. Do-
' I sternly. "She stands before you now;
i but 1 adjure you, for your sou s sake, to lores, glarang involuntarily at her
keep bach from ber;aa break all cowl"' lover, blushes warmly. As for Bouverie•
I tioebetween you l Think of her mother ho laughs aloud. t
I -think !" "Dolores Boaverie I" he says address',
i a HAve mercy I" says Dolorea, with ieg atee, eigama,ye "Not gait° yet, 1)14
' VIOft but passim:tate entreaty, marking certainly as NAM 44 ever we can manage
ho vv the old lilan's head has fallen for- it in
wird on his hands at the mention of " IgQ-at this present momenta"' re.
room and throws herself into her fattier%
ernia. Tel:Aorta he embraces her.
• Ala," she says presently, raising heX
head end smiliang thiough her soft dewy
eyes, "now I am no louger Dolores
Lorne -1 an Dolores adildraay."
"No" returns her father gravely -e
Dolores Voeverie!"
1 the dead. • turns the old mail quietly. "My name
• " Didhe show Mercy 2" demands 31/i" is Boaverie. I have reason to , think,
the geutle pleader. "And are yen thoi 04
'Biel -regarding 'Dick-, reflectively --
that in you I see &nephew." - • .
altiterin. turning, almost fiercely. upon
1 one to crave. 'parclOn for phial ? I tell • •"t am amid yoU err a. litge thore,•,*
'W /IWO Willie{ tkting lova,velsee I ou you should rather curse hiln," cries says Diele. " The only uncle I ever
To Malty our it ear trtiiiliPs WOW i j she Yehementlyass" that man wile stand* liad; fell ()Vet a mamma in Switzerland,
- • -
If ea coati use reverses ..t, there uow cowering before you -the and. was never heard of after."
AS tender wheat die ettaw, traitor Who destroyed the one who loved "You hear of hire now," says Mr.
• If life" wait u but our playa were and trusted him I Curse: hira, girl -I mammy, ,
. a ." The fall from that -erect-
.4a d eve, beasts mace ue young, desire you!" pica was but a, poor Affair when all is
" Oh, no, no, no 1" says Delores/ allud" .told, ye% it served My puapose. It
Tho pleyarsund Motet be riugiug ,
With happy N. oices singiug . ... deriag oontodsively. . • I helped me t� bury myself out of sight of
etaxablaatt:ItIsrialai:,;. i.1,11",..3V8atotlogg; ur`o'uThhiembwitoteurleastecturooseligyhotui;gopulodrs.ilsatys I a, worm that had grown eistaatotai to
me. Weten. I picked myself off the
If life ware Waste ow playk, were • the elderawe:omen, ' carried° awaY by a ledge of the rock upon which ancist pro-
• ' %Vern Welts field; as, "entrg,
If uoCiii welt: t irt• "Morn img,
„Awl e veiling f k 1,ir us. de, u ,
Our walk woulti•De plisti
‘Vithaalt a gloomy fast titite
And nbt task Sett ta:Grilirig
- energy u'eritrawu ;
If 110011 were like the
_ And‘oventodfreth tie d nA
If ago eouldsinooth ite'Wt
• With everlasting yeah,
The east.forever flushing
With daylight's happy bitieltiug,
A uttliugering ;earliest twinkles. •
From out the azure's truth;
If age norchl soothe its wrinkles
With everlasting youth. •
If death came on as sleep did
The grave Were full of dreatuiligs.
Of 'Sunrise, and 'its gleamtngs .
Acring goldeud_e_ca,•ilid
Beneath the dawn of day ;
If death catne on as- sleep did
Behind ner boyhood's. play,'
paesioil grown stroeg and irrepressible i videntially I had !allele, an man y
• by. the suppression of many years. ,1 1,,,,i ,a;
.gui,,es ,,,,,,,,, ..,..sappeared, no drilibt ip the
• " Yotir inetther beattined body and soul; fulrcertainty of. having been fteaent at
and now you he •teould. rum to. Call to my death, a deterrained to be Ilemd. front
minal'all he has done for you -be, your 'that day forwaiel ad far as my people
father 1 Hes he not killed for yen! all were -conceaned. I took another -name
chance of love and hope and joy? --the name. you kuow me bye -and for
Truly a-Nvith a scotnitil laugh-" ho eighteen years I Iftve lived a horiait's
has beer, -your beat filmed i Show bun•
, creasing horror; "but "call let Heaven's' done that yoa sbould so blot yourself
vengeance on Wm, WO ' Ito 6360'0 from their remembrance ?" asks •the
'yomig Manaivith some veheinence. • '
mercy--noner cries slth?-avith-in-•,, But, sir, ateatisee My --your people
• One stroke of lightning icceutly killed
slaw mu1e, which adozen cenaldrivets had .
• been poen ing for half a' lifetime.' The
• triumphs o 1.riCity are :ctiough;.to..set
the whole world aging.. • , , .
',Jean/ma" says Delores, fallingapon
ber knees and covering her face with
her hands. "}Io is mylathek" . •
a You had a taotlair too," Miss Mate-.
• " They Nveke part of an unhappy past
-a peat from wbiola I ha.ve never been
able te. dissever Myself. But for ray
unole's whina; that would have driven
rin remiuds her, in a low tone full of ' me into nuteriage with a woman I els-
concentratedsbitternese. " az her blight", . itaame'oe paiji of being ditinherited, I
ed memory _nothing to -yell ? AM 1 ,could have opeely marrted this child's
alone to be the one to. remember her 1 mother e_atayiete his bane upon . Do.
and her wrongs tide day a"' .
. ... lorea's shoulder, Who is gazing into his
• Sho draws.. back from the Itueelmg atace •avitla Nvide expectant eyes. "The
title would by la* corae to me in course
of time; . but very little of the property
was. entailed, and what theiti was of it
would be cif alma nee to me in the keep-.
ct .1.1 g
born, they said; but a strange lady had
talon it away with. her, and luul lefterio,
asItIress behind, also name, no sign by
which a clue to her dwelling -place mlabt .
be sliscovered. But that she was Eng-
lish was beyond all doubt. All that had
happened then became -clear to mo. - I
loft France, and sought -you 1"
laeke he turns his eyes fully peon
nisi al aterin, who Was sitting motion
leas, acercehreathieg, With deals -beet
head. •
. "You," centinueda lie, his voice sink-
ing alemst to A WhiSpDt, " rebated to see
'With my heart freshly torn and
bleeding from my late creel, incurable
1w wast,Uedn, oytosuodtroobvon, ter repulsed
i'llrsoeuid ; yIourortutir ocx41. , r_lw AppLE.Ton_orrtci_AT imsiDimal
again and again, always 'to receive t 0 ii00Outariostraot,Clinton,eppcisitetizollugligaz
ammo imperturbable reply. I demanded ,
news of ray child, of that last frail link le. 13;Yre:Se':u:aol:Ne htYt78:0u:laRtle:SSIO'N! Ea.. 'CON-
tbat Still laound me to tee sweet saint -0-11-VE Y.a NOSS, and Issuer of Marriage Lleensen
Nvbb hoji Board so far abotaa me. A ateult4sLt,i,..; tyitlon,,31,ioailitt:oet:it residenee•
, earner ta,
the 'chilela was dead! Wbat then was 1. I rr-----la... PROMS/FOOT, CYIE'Ntill't."41-IlIN.GIN;E.-ft.,
cold abrupt mestia.ge came to me, 'saying ' tat
left t� rate? I breke off -all eenueatiod 1 re 0 is and Dom' mon Litud Stirveyori
with this ciiiiittry and went 'abroad. 4 Arellitt;etvi•juctilibraturhtenittn, V01#.0114 Reece,
courted deethin many Et form, if I
"Who shall blame me if there. 1 i ellu!":,„' vm.....arrroti _Itivamizvirr.eTt,s,
sought thus to obtain oblivionfrom the I DI, ' Y Block, two doors east Of, liodgeus' e -n,
griefs that ea,ch hour seemed to make turatturgeuru:it'ar-eet, mato.. (mho. hours, 8 aaii, t.0 °van.
if R. WHITT, TEAcuE it oir MUSIC. P.t1P114
AIL attended at theirown resideneeilf tabessary, Re*,
iidenee, -Sohn; Robertson's b.:iron Street, Clinton.
Rice's new method taught 'if desirell.
„.114,sioNso coating a large aniotiut of a, leas and C01.4
peity Yantis tor investibent, upon goal tame 40(1. IOW
interest. ' Stion, Jarristeia, klitiotte
girl, as though. resigning her, and raisas.
. her eyes to heaven. s ' ;
• " Ali 'do not forsake ine, !"
cries Dolores` pitifully. '.My heaet is
torn hi -twain 1 He has been very oa incr up of the old - name. He, the late
alaonet, was my guardian as well as
to meeand scie-see -pointing'. to Mr.
•Milamay--",how pale lie looka and how my. made, and .1 was his rpm:L=3a
desparing!" heir." , - •
e Who chila ?" asks. Mr. Mad?. He paused, as though overcome by
may, iti a, hollow voice, indicating 'same vacate recollections.. ' •
Whilet.adr..Wm.Patteasou, ofleatesval •
e, • Doloree. . • • • a "Go oti says Miss Idaturin nee-
- was enhitebing his team trom the .plow a.
few days since, one of the euitnals kicked ,
him in the stomach, killing him almost in,-
' etantly. The a Bossed was overs76 years
. Of age and•highly .esteereed in, the eagle.
'borhotid. a •
, . t t is a ration nay time lug in
temple, ,Toronto, Thursdaynighta some of
the women converta tore the feather's from
their hats and threw them ateay. Si nie
- of the rn.enalso.throw their pipes and to,
baeco away. The greriteet excitemeat ere:
railed. • • • ' - . ••
.4 %vernal, atie acetate:eel in, an,Englisah
aourt to sit nionths' hard labor aa a togne
and a vagabond, her Maine being that sale
e was in the: habit of carrying tt tealedend•
addressed . envelope in her hand, and sto•
itching from .passers. -by, n penny to,huy a
postage* stamp. ,. ., .
. . , . .
' . A young Wife • iit•-1?orthand,..,-.P3.):-Waa.. -:-....indicating D_Oloielit by • au. almost • 1131-_.
• told by her brother that her • husband Perceptible gesture-" weeeta etieatiaa a
'gambled: She .couldiet believe ita and. te - eaint frensheaven 1 7 I lieedisatlem her
coilvince her the brothel! Moat her, areas.. I had. am thblight that .1. wronged her,
' ed in a suit of hie clothin to a walla r ' and her child so, ikiettie•vably as'yee say -
house, where •the saw ter les an, •ese
.3400. ' Then she made hetselakiaewa fled
• marched' her aitonisherahusisend boinehe
°attic arms- .-. ,_ , • .
Al. the asicieblyef. the WothetiatForeige
Missionary Society. of, elle Presbateriae
. .
Church, the Secretary read ' A letter from
Missiones in japan, Vhie,h 80ttl. forth -
the absetute anecessity ef •atrong treaty
• stipulations fra! the protection of'aiiissibit
arios in China. Chinese oetregee-in this
• country, the letter .aoutinuess .have ceased
the greatest 'indignation .in •China, .and if
they are continued if is hotel at tell what.
, the result Will ae, . • . -
_ _ sA„ y_aung marrietteady.. aelie me add i a to
the country hem a city home considered
lceegina bans a pleasant • and profitable
dear- ste-aberbecameenurre ' absorbed in.
the ptirseit her enteeeiesto inereased, and
• "hens" mad.o a favorite sttbject - ofher
thoughts and' coneersation. -1)uring • erfe
• of herateiteated deecriptioits et . suceeepa a
- f riena a inquired : "Are. your bent ...good.
hens?' " Oh, yes," she replied in a dea
lighted tone, "they haven't laid. a badhg
yet." • . ,
Tho infaut stai of Ma Wni.' Crone, 4th
- line, Saints ta: essilip was instantly killed
the utter te suing. The father was driein
a %wen acrnse aplowed fie d With a „s'ee
. deal drawn 'behind, when th s horses „end -
deal v hecame. Trialiteadd-sain _ran, ' ale...
•. r. rone Milarler-buy.urgilisaltetit ' th
time, and be was thrown valientle f irward,
sell' • r behindebeetersee, the. child Witte
heatify an the gamed, killing itiustantly.
• Several of Ws children wore iit the wagon
at the time, but eses.ped uninjured. '
The alleged estatattgtaf ° • " at•
• an orgatazatiefl. lo beat! j
' teatarit Eleetorel Ansi:ale , yahi mama
bar of which most bind 'himself to vote for
uo candidate for tivie, Provincial or Do-
nninimi honire 'who is .not , it votestant,.
' has caused considerable .coniment in that
city, • Tho proctiedines of • the body .itte
kept (pilot, but it is aaicl to have Consider
• able tritenberthip attesay. The. eity 1St
• abont evenly divided between Catholies
And Protestants. - " • .
Prof. Bell', thatneeetor of the telephone;
was ono of the witnesses before* the • Teti.
Electric Invest-la:Lenge Oemmittee, at
, . . .
"ours," returns Ins atteersarY 1c1 a- -comity. . a , ..
• ': "You told me she 'Nvasaleett" eays . teals peessed upon me thiamarriage
Mr: .Mildmate a sudden- sbarp' coleur with an arrogant heiress; until, to avoid•
tinging' bis features. "You svmr° it' hietinmertunaties, I left my. house; and,
How am I to believe teet 110W 2" . - knapsack at My imela° 'wandeteda MO
"To save her from you a lied! Don't the Northern, ceentieta My Ibie of
. ' Ir-I-shrinktfronrdi ie. a v u e el !" ex- Painting drove me ever, onward -to the
. cleinied she eagerly.. 't Be. assured'ree ' bold rocky poets that border Scotland.
: thee that I eellOey in it. Ewouldlaave per- To• °settee' father frcen, him and his
jured,myeelfatany time -and thought it 'plan, and to plaeteit,out of hia 'soviet to
ta good'deed, if by 'acing so a coula have eekeecute me With letteyis on the same
sa.vedtliat angel therel from .the ton- aietasteful eubaed, I changed tua name
anima ion of your presence. . E .would an rave e eveiew ere throughathe
d f 11 'a . ' ' h •
' t' ' t- •
gladly. have laid, ,her in her tneoceat towris atelerallages under an assumed
- grave rather Allan resign her ,to `3'curt cognomen. So trAyelling, I found her-
cara-eyciu• wile _destroyed her Mallet"! a my fate la 'Cf• that I need say no Mere:
• : :''' Hear Die 14 SityS-Xr.• MiltiPlaY, 051', I loved: her, and she laved rad, We• '.
haffferivera Neith 'as. Certain dignity it eared notIcincatieetmencee. • Yeti Could.
, his bearing, though -his lies aro ttemb- .
. :. not briag: eiyablfaltogether to distegard
' ling and his face as . ;ashen ' gtays e I
..-.8-: the • cbence• Of gnarling an' 1111'16a:italic°
' • crec ati foal it °Hine a• . ilea Mother 'e thatinight enable inc to eiect to the Wee
„maie1sadeaed. ell those luxuries that .go
so far t� sweeten life. I ' coafided in
•lidi ; 1 told leer all; .I deactiaed to -hat
thelinitr rtarrOW•mindecli obstinate old
• _man alseerva,e Se Jt force itio into a
I did When-tail:lauded het o conseut. to detested:bondage. ,. She consented to y
a -et private niattriege." ., a : . .' • . : with iite, to alienate e private may-
" Marriage !" t , : a • . • ,,* riage, to giyci: herselaan 'effeet as abSo•..
. :The word breetalrom Dolores with a , lutele , to ine as any' lover's gold conla
lenidetey. IreffiratIlieught is. for atter:. f eesiro,, 1.- rowiteded her. with. ell I
lover. .. Sae runs to -him, straight map thasea_the uagruagine. devotion of my
'his arms, ad nestles there, . tant ler ail „ale& ho,,,,,,, Th, those happy ay,,, er
moment ataa. she doubt. the blessed i• As tbougli lost . ha recollection of :a
Traine leave. Olintai as. fol lows :- -
onaso 'MINX Ita !WAY.
easing East. tieing West.
7.25 a.m. exprese 10.0,aan. misted
1.05 p,m. mixed • 3.00 pais. mixed
4.30 p,m: blind_ I 9.15 pan. fixeren
„aassenra st,Tatietuata iteireeetv. ••
Ocaugatorth. ' • Goieg South,
0.55 n.ai, exprese 8.03 e.m. express
7.00 p:m. exeresti • 4.13 p.m. express
graitOOtoual ao4 oilier QtaVtifi.
ifarristers Solicitors
ONYklYANCElt4 0.
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba.
urnon tsf4x:r pool?, TO NEW ERA, CLINTON,
M 1. I FIIIVA•nr Pups, 0, ' - °aloe
oyer.i. Jackson's store, Albert Street
al undersigned at the Library RoomS, Smith's
'Sleek, 30 JAMES SCOTT.
sums ongood mortgage securkty, moderate
ate of interest. ft. RALN, Winton,
1-% DOWSLEY., M. D., M. B. 0. ENGLAND
1, Physician, iiurgeon, ate. Office and Nesidence
next Arelson's Bank, niarket square, Clinton..
11011104$ 11;)#,, PAW
IS NOW 114ADY TO nuo.civ.g pura,t.4.
15.E.N311141LiEtt NUPS.ERY
TU LAW= wMen 1140.1 A SPECIUTY
esse.abote ornamental roes and Shrobber'y willboaeld
tatititive‘.ZoleegUrtio.pitrieleit sat:Itde utitwonseeymb•ayntp.luorgettaziotrehgerole..
Orders bg Malt irfil be _promptly. attended Co
JOHN ST' E4WchAfrRe8T8',. Benmilto.o .
. Reel tepee, opposite the Temeemaea Han)
more keen.? 'Vainly endeavoured to
gain tho peace only. to be known- by
those Wilt, have deliberately renounced.
the werldThr.separating theinsetvee .
from. et., 'Of all who had. once known
Me, to Mrs. Edgetiortli alone I gave ray.
confideuee, and in her I was not nus-
taken...ehe has been it true. and legal
• friond'from that hour until now."
1.1e &lakes speaking, as though half
nneoesciouslyeaed sits gazing' absently
into Spaae, with • Deletes's hand still
held tightly between both • his- own.
jiss aVlaturus, vrith the tears running
down her cheeks; risme front her chair
• and goes up:to him.•
"'I have indeed misjudged 'you," she
confesses brokenly; " I hAve wronged
her tee, ray. innocent :girle evert when
she -lay dead within my arms I wronged
her! But her gentle spirit has forgiven
me lona' eye this. For your ferglaeneas,
air; I dare not ask!" '
" Youitept the child from me," he cries„
in great agitation ; in that theught
lies the deepest sting! All these. years
. you. have robbed me: of what would
have nieseit to me life indeed -the pos-
session of a treasnie stieli as this! '
Softlyecaressing y, e ays is, an
upon Dolores's sunny head as it lies
epee his breast. But at *his tolich-or
10 it aahts Naorda ?--this girl starts into
life. aa• .• •
• • " You meat not blame-Lallie," she
*says .vehemently "no un'End thine
solovnenifogaish is the safest
must be said to her -remember that !CI f,jancWolanss extractiton of teeth. Charges
and best system yet dis-
$1.ie 'shrinks in part from aim, and •Loicierrate
LIO fT'SIBLOCE,' over Etre% egio '
holds out her hands to kiss Material, to I Step, lIuron
Street, Clinton.. ' •
her who has been her life's mother; and
"Whci eau neveeneelabtasupplented in the
fitst place in her affectiona. ' •'
" She kept ftom the the 'ouly aunaltine
that could alieve• gladdened trtr• sad
hears," says ...air.. :Alilaniary-eor rather_
.alt Mallard. Boueeric elan a stern tone-
" that' is ybariaf - • '
Am laso much' to: be.blaineda ",de. •
mends Mise Maturin Paseimiately step.
tatigha,olt a little and speeldeg •aa one-
nught wisp' is addressing: an insegimity
audience; a jury whp is to ,decido npon
her ' life or 'death. •," What coulds1
think? : „ •
.-7aNd Mao alusar-bIaind you, Lallie,".
exclaims the. girl softly, leaving her
father's mistime to ren to Miss Maturin
• and flingher.arms lovingly around herea-
atiai one, whilst I amPteseutaaa
It Was sech a cruel Mistake," eaya
Miss alaturin, sobbingabut holding the
pretty slielit f erre eagerly teller beep*
--"•crael to mo as well as to hoe I
Sir Richard. . "When I foiled thy sister
H Nelon cf.4
.-1--reatoopart waritofvieteriauttiversit*,Teronto,f or
rowdy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yorli
.Coroner tor the ()panty o f atiroiallaytle13,0tit.
STEAM 'ENS.111ES, 0.01-LERS,
11.-.POWELL, naltuisTElti SOLICITOR;
Notary P.ublie, etc. 011i Ssaaties..13toeurAt-
near S'ranar, ChisroN. Toronto.agents, .Messrs. me-
Carthy, Osier, Hoskin `,S; Cfrselintot,-, Private funds to
oan it lowest rates of iaterest. •
sielansandStirgeons,Ont. °Pinot & UESIDIDZICY the
honseformerlyeeetipied by Dr, Reeve, Albert street
• .Terontothriversity; member of theCollegeolPhy
Clinton. •
$50,000 To LOAN at 6 Der Cot
Why pay others 8, 9 aod 44) per cent,
when you can get Moneyfrom usat 6 per c.
TERMS made te Bait borrower, regarding.• •
payment end period of loan.
, Apply to.
FARR.A.N rxisDATA.,,
loccinehOuriLioestiate of the Coll.:meet Physician-
d,nrgeons 01 Lower Canada,end 9081ncialtifeen,
Mate and. Coronorf or th e County o Minton Dfflecand
residonco,-The building former) °coupled by Mr'
ThWaites, Rulon street. .• •
.Clintonaan.10,1811, • • •
• - Incorporated by Act of Parliament, istio.
• • 'CAPITAL, • - 0,000,06a. ,
ne and.Reading Rooms, Perrin block, down
Stairs. About 1,709 vo trines in tlie.Library and
all the Lending Newspapers and Periodicals of
the day on -the table • Membership ticket ffo. per
., and • trout I to
9 p In. Applications for inemnershap reeived
by the3Aerarlan in in tbe room.• '••
a"... ..,7grimarE.,.
Mold the exclusive right for the count' Inc the,Murd
process or administering chemidally pure Nitrogen
truth. --Now the ;may give horse o
him sane •easti. 'el sans 0:Troche ; -tow slic
may have 'aua libia him as her own for
ever and for et-er • • .•••
alow--what is this? 'Whet am
to understand 2" Mr. Mildrciay is • stens-
ineritig-feebly. Then all at mice the
truth nestles, aceoas his maid, an a „he
.colouts deeply es as girl might, analeenst
' his wide surprised weapon Miss. Ma
tithe "Can it be, madam," he asks; itt
a trembling toes :of 'keenest reproach,
that you have sowronged in thou,ght
h 1 tie creatuee now leing. in hex,
• ti1.110 when youthful ecstasy and etyma
rapture atone filled his days,- the oia
man eeases saeaking and gazeas with
'rapt oyes upon the faded sgaracii out -
aide. • • • •
• "Well, fether ?" says Dolot•es; touch-
ingbis shouldengeaday. eactseeempek.
Jing his teturn to earth. • ,
"Yes, Ereest murmurs
hoe with the Iong-ataten. sigh pf one
newly awakened from a pleasant trances
yen, irtyChild, were about VS
be born, yout. - mother grew delicate.
She pined'a little, and at last I,auggest-
grave '1' All thought of hiaaatilattforeot, •
ten• .igsitie„ vvys Miss Ala
. •
burin, ifrar'brolten , • ••
0(1,Chailge to her., he grasped Itt the
ttiotight, and tvent with ine willingly' to
Villagenr-lbcista•ny. ,Harday was
'voice, "if yen can prove to me that Istbero when I receivea lettet front
have wroegetaber, shall feel that no our faithful servant, Mrs. ladgetverth,
punithineet is heavy enotigh for em to then a young girl and my Nvtf.e's
Iscat t but I alien .1cnciva also that you telling use et my uncle's approaching
hate Made nie the hamtiosit beitiet upet\ teoate, Dees agawaaging te me letters •clo-
170a all ahswOr lic utloCks• drOavers:-----e How could logo'? Your mother a-
neavhim and in silence leteds. a folded. ttirotigu bo has adareasedhanself
tspepeette her -aa pa.petetelleated aael sent
edetyarateabut 'unmistakably a teat,:
riage-coTtiTecite. Eharlasaar-io alaateatted,
:her oyes are so aim with tears, that sl.
can bo be sure only -Of so match. AU as
• blirred and indistinct.. •
" '1'hore was a jnarritigo' then ?"
claitinslIonverie with strong excitement,
tassatin 'haticl upon Mr.
taatatibilal". a •
"What is there to say 2" asks the 'old
bewildered. We iwereenutrried
-yes: 'That paper there will tpli yon
so. It we my fault solely that we hid
• the marriage. Theta were, teasants-s
• Werldly reaseim-then, thab suggested
• the neceasity for concealment, l• wish
now with all thy seal:that snob reason
• had not, foetid weight with tad; but she
Was in lie tviseto blame."
" IS it true ?• Carl it • be true; after
all these yenta ? gasps Misei Niabatin
iteouslar: Oleesall these Miserable
etiedi I".• fl striae.; Ma ptesance histodaide.
• dyintarenae, dead--theretvias- upon her
: hand no weddieg-ring.• Like a Bath ed
thalterable trath it came to me that
tvhat• had dreaded all aloniwasstrina-
Ali, what torrible•hours that false belief
has given:me 1 • As I haveradready..aaid,
I Wronged her, and for My fAult I have
'been justly punialied. 13e maacif al to
ate aow, I tickle& Yee!" ahe niureaurs
gently, thiaking with better remain-
* branco upon her. lifelong grief, apoieher
many lost hears, whenhappineas might
have beeti aossibleste her but for this
slur uttien hot clarlieg's birth.
" The riegl, • It must have beeu stolen
thee trete. her poise hand. " sage Sir
'Upheld, ith pale lips. "Dat "-, tutning
a, ale to Bliss Maturin-11 had -tithe tio
I. • •
, .
-AND EM Ai:.
Albert Stit.flii1.11ocker Store
<trio: 4
• r. Weeezearax enostea;*tioneral Manager;,'
-IViegrgiAl...1'......, ...., . 1 'Wel-tt:
_Notes discounted, Collations. macle, Drajls
, issued, Sterling era AmeriCan excirtage
bought and sold at lowest .
. interest 0 e per cent allowed on deposits.
' .° • 'lec.A.urrerenavli ',5ratitee.ts." .‘ , ....
• !Sonar advanced to farmers on their oirn notes With .
',.urity. • .
.ne or more-endersep. No mortse.ge require:I:lists; '
R. C. IgtEW bit Manager,
- •
-January lits •
. ,
J. D LE.C.,01VI•B
,atch and Clot a et,
. ,
• Where. lie lteepe sele.ot assortnienfei
• . -
which we will sell at rectimaatile rates.
• •
itepairing• Of every de'scrii3tioti
tended to. and all were warranted.' ,
, . .
•• After the severest teat ae the late fair iti.
Clintdn, it was universe y. ac witted that
ape. rzegeor AND EASY ACTION, REACTS":
EXCELSIOR. was a wey ahead of ot 1-
-e-ea:and-detainee be-thespeentler-instru-
.ment ef..the day. 'nee, along With the fact
that a epeCial prize was awarded it, certain'.
ly speaks .voln m es fol. the lustre to an teased
parties putchushig the • Excip.,-
siOn be fot:o .any ingeelse where. •
GEO. la OAKES;alatorratsreie
Factbry three.clooks' west 'of M laY's Panne
• • Slues, Rattenbuty St., Clinton.
. . . . .
Dolores -a" comptelmaamg how su ;
foreq,beisohrj_torstitt.tAvoletweek14. power..10-solto0112_14L,yan noes_
his child '
" Believing Nvliat I then believed,
thought- a total; aeparation from -nal
things connected with her unholy birth
the oats thing to be desired. ' took her:
said Would be a mother to lier, in
placo of that poor lost one. To her," eoitaS taseele
ie al Materiel flown out het hands asaiensesseessonsisinwrionsowsemeaseaselaara
desire to be . with hot and my fear of think thet....assfather had sorrieriaht in
losing all that I haa. striven so hoed to
easel; ereoti ale to go to England smd
present Myselt to toy dyitig uncle. aalao
had never felt • better -she deolarea
Mitnestly-thati slto itoW felt, and why
ahOuld we risk losing all for the sake of
a mere covvardly fear ?. Anataby, be-
am had all along persaaded herself it
Would be a boy -would suffer mote than
saithea of us if disinheritance word to fol-
low oti my reftiaM to 'visit the•ola man's
attic -bed. - • ,
"1 Wont, to find my undo lying sick,
nigh unto death, alit fully alive as to
his affairs. , .secattea to lied pleasure
in my preseiscet and from day to day
lopt Imo. near bun, OeCtipied With aw
papers, alpine, my Ildele to this and
condemning that, and act oin• weara
settle 'waiting The deys grew into
Wicket and at last there came a time
when tlao letfere•ftotri my wife grew
fewer, itaul thee ceased altogether.
"A sjenso of hervous horror oyercetee
maao some wiltl 'excuse to ma
M101001114 loft Eneacaul again to soot(
the town in nrittany Mutt. contained. for
Waghington,The other day,- el , yeats 1 But even how I fear to believe
soy, it will he remen/hefed, niarrieda deaf -e-". •'A shiver passe e weer her, and
and dtarth lady, niel he told tee committee • then a morntreatfel look gleams in het
• dark eyes. She tures away from them
that Ito linel at 0111011 foat,li
ability that ho had hended her over the
whole of hie stock itr the namortely extol)!
onc The Vain° of the OM* beta by
Mrs. 13e11, lie said, VIM tOt1 MintOO dialers.
This ia a great deal of money to makeetus
"aseaatatfilatittatatine Itattalraseentlyelmenaternad •
to..accomit fer the sisort • of ton
-years.' • •
she seems to have forgo en
presence.• Sho-elaspa ber hands with• ct
fervid gesture. 11 She is sai,eal" sic
murmurs broken1P. "1y childt, TilY boo' me all that Made hie worth having.
• a
loved I°, • a ,• Alas, it no Tenger coatatinea it 1 a ex.
•: 1)010treer ereePinglatatet0- llOts-140.4. ATI itiVOI ., to... find uty..house.!_teft._40sAlate..-t.t-17::;3'ott(i'AleliZho .40.ff.1-VP.10118)-Z, ‘10, 1
liana timialy around her neck. unto Inc She -my wife•-.-1,VaS dead-,•- , . ,. • - 4, -
"Dear Italie," She whispers softly,.. . .• ' ,•Tc. be •aolitinttee
•. ' a 8 , , • 4
.! ' •tbil.,
st TE -11,111
0 1, t NT!) S'
Ltm-sfrx, weutit-irlirnefAurv:
D V' it I IL
. •
glue. su es enteue. laAVFNG JUST'COMPLET ED
1- and furnished hienow Planing Mill with machin-
ery of the latest. improVed patterns, is now prepared
to•attendto all orders iri his line in the Most prolate ,
and satisfaetory.menner, and at 'reasonable rates. Ile
Wotild 'also, return thanks to all who patronized the
Old firm before they. were burned mit, and now :being .
in a bettergpositton to. eXeento orders expeditiously,
feels consdent he can give satisfaction to all. '
• FACTCRY-A Or the .Gra'nd Trzoi.is.
ray, Clinton, • • ,
• , ' THOITAs 7gt,40.;;Xzin.
s Ian
towards Delude, "I leave lett) say if I
have fulfilled My truss 1"
1aLelga!" cries the intairaLl
trying to area-CrEarhu iss drum
WaVOS her back. •
"Nay,, satisfy laira I do ane justice t°
she excleanas, her seeice vibrating with
°Motion. ,•
1" u ra the id tenderly.
• Thou the turns te bier a e
f r " it is
enough," the says fervently, " toetell
you that in all the years have spent
with her 'have never once remembered
that lavas motherless." • -
".! Y081 she bas indeed been a mother
to youtachila,". interppstss Bouveria
-Marta •slightly' as the
young Man t3pealtS. 'Perhaps he bits for,
ItisIten exisencel new, le:Waver' he
. '
n1.4 ZIT T II' •
Before buying, get our Spocial*PrXees for
Balls, Marbles, Lacrosse Sticks
Express tiaggonsiDoil Carriage%
CROttliTla BASE Itsalala AtiO
CX1/01.07 DS.
. DiSPEpaill OR . ttibIGESIloN,7
W$11 thoroughly cure you; • They
do not dripe or purgev but act
acid ilivhenever osed
• ff:•0 •Considered _pried.
TheY bbVt5-7--
• •provep
• • VirAtX, MAPS
THE r1AUGES 5211 1111ST IN USE. •
REATE,..ST •-•
05 THE. AGE.
To oil sufferers frost, Indigeetion.
' Disordered StOmach.
us° them Mid ha volleys& frOM
• lout...misery. 00 POW in a box,
2So. per box, 5 bOxos Si
Beware of Counterfeits and lave Imitetiore.
•Genuine tvraeptat tatty elite, with signa-
ture on every Ivo:, Free trial paeltage
these Celebrated letta tient • to any 511:ea
on 'receipt or a 3 cult., a6p,
ONO. 7813a
,un epkemot-
-111eAarlalt BLOGiale1300ESTORIaa etteetifitio -7 • :"To
• ,
' • Vat. MANTON