HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-30, Page 8___.-astam;s0•'---asanamma="1"1•1111"6, • OLINTONNEW ERA • =DAT, Ana 80, 1886, NOTICE; Dr, Appleton has returned and resumed theAtruotiee„. of his pro- fession. Clinton; April lath, 1880. `ZOO PAM. A SmAsii.—On Sunday lastrjuit after church, while Mr, James Tremier, of Hill - lett, was hitching up his horse at the resi- dence of his • mother-in-law, it became. frightened by the bridle being pulled off its head as Mr. 'Premier was removing the halter, and it bolted away from him. Be- fore it could be stopped it hadmanaged to break shafts fromthebuggyomash the dashboard, and otherwise injure the . buggy, 4/. • • CoalfifuTED o JAIL.—Last week; Mr. Paisley took an old man named Hall, of Goderich township, to jail,he being con- sidered a dangerous ,,lunatic. The old man 'formerly resided' on the .base line " and is well known, he- being something, over 80 years of age. A few days ago he tried te commit suicide by lying •face downwards in a shallow pool of water on the Huron road, but a couple of women, who observed his actions, prey,ehtecl him accomplishing his object. • Aceingsr,—•A little child, daiighter of Mra. Vantassel, met with a painful isacci- dent on Monday, but how, not'exactly known. Some of the employees of the Dry Goods Palacio were using the cellar - way that opens on, thosidewalk. on Rat. tenbury St., and are usually very cautious when the same is open, but bad on •this occasion just left it . for a moment; when . they returned the child was found at the bottom of the .entrance, uneonscioua; and it is sappesed -that she must have fallen odea backwards, She was quite sick for - some time, but is now.all right again. RAITMAY NorEs.—Mr. Tiffin, supelin- tendent of this division, was over the line on.Friday last. He removecrtvio of the hands at Goderich,- because there is noth; ing foi them to do there. Mr. Thoznpsoo, • operator and clerk here, expects to -be transferred to Parkhill, which is nearer his home ; he will be missed here, -.as be has, made himself. ii"opillifr with all parties'. During the month of Mardi :.the freight collections at Clinton station ameulated-to over $8,000,which very large amount...will_ • give an idea of the business done here. Over forty cars of ship timber and sixty cars' of barley have .been among recent shipments from this place,.' • • • TpAesERs. The Easter holidays' brought • quite 'a numberteacherto "the hub.' : Of course nwetplanation is necessary for the'visit of these of the male persuasion—the explanation will follow in due title. Among those who vide no- • ticed in tbiirn Were ..Miss Lavin, Elgin; • Miss Dickson, Blyth; Miss Morrison, • Lucknow Messrs, %Plummer, . Mar- oc ITtilson Mr. R. D. Bayley occupied a secondary poition. at the wedding, but hope% to take first place in a similar affair ere long. The wife of Mr:Horton, formerly switch. man at the diamond liere, died at Back Rock. on Tuesday; she3tras the mother of Mr. R. Horton, of the Qrgan Factory. The wife of Mr. Win. Jackson has gone to visit friends at Buffalo. • We under. stand that Mr. W. Ross, who has been attending thigigh School for some time, purposes entering the ministry of the Presbyterian church, and for that pur- pose will attend college next fall; be pos- sesses all the elements for making a useful Man in that calling. Mr. Thos. Cooper has commenced work on the foundation of his new brick house, on Albert street, for -which Mr. D. Buchanan has the Wu' tract; it will be a decided. linpiovemeatlt. "," , • that part of the town. Mr. T. Far,got 402%0.4.. • back into the .post office building on . day last, and the generally -expressed opinion " that it's a dancly;" .as. we . enumerated the improvements two weeks since, it is not necessary to again go over • them. A young man named R. Walker, employed at the Organ Factery, ran his hand on'a saw the first-day he was a work, 11/Ir. Albert Parker and wife, of Toronto, the latter a niece of Mr. George Swallow,. were here on their wedding tour; a num- ber of years ago Mr. Parker was a Sunday school scholar near Oshawa, under the tuition of Mr. A, 0. Coartiee, Goderich township. • Mr. George Stanbury, of the London road, lost a fine colt a, few days since. Mr; .A.lex. Walker, of Stanley, is canvassing -'the county of Kent in the in terest of Avery's, patent fence fastener, Mr. Jas. Fair is making considerable, im- provement to his house, and is putting water -pipes' throughout, the water beipg furnished from the mil). It is reported that Mr:. BJ. Turner, of Brucefield, has sold a half -interest in his heavy -draught horse" to.a gentleman from Palmerston. We believe that Mr. Thames Jackson, jr., has disposed of the bicycle advertised in thee columns,To the Diehl boys, of Stanley, both cif whom are teachers. Mr. J. P. • Tisdall spent Good Fridaysisiting friends at Strathroy, and rumor says that as a re,. stilt or his visit a certain lady.there has . ley; biehl, Go'derich township.; .Dithl. Stanley; BirChell, East Wawanosh; Brown; Hill's •Green ; Anderson, Goderich Own - ship; and quite a number of others. They • evidently like to y-isit the hub, and the hub is just aspleased to have them visit it. 'Boni Fiurnr.,,A couple of weeks agO, • through these •columns, a Citizen of Olin- • . ton •called,,attention to. the slovenly ap- pearance of 'Slitohell Streets.- • The item • has borne fruit quicker than expected, as the follOwing frog the '.A.dvocate shows: " The article which we copied from a , Clinton 'paper last week, tominentipg on the appearaii&Kof the streets Of Mitchell, ••, came before the eouncil-oti Tuesday • and the donstable wastlistiectly given . - to understand that •e mus a en more 'closely to his deties,and insist on all .gucla' • .• obstructions as wood, posts, old bUggies„ manure heaps,- boxes, Ste., being at Once •streetS. kr • PA. 0—- EARLY 500 DiffERENT 1(1)DS c"") 0± wape. and pothers, from The Thaw has Set in, •SLIMMER HAS ARRIVED I r4 WE ARE MAKING A GRAND DISPLAY JUST NOW OF SOMI BEAUTIFUL ‘..-summfg..:.1:1=Datss. GOODS • • • MY. WALL _CAPER AND BORDERS CONSIST OF' • consented to make Clinton her home; 22Ib turkey•was displayed at the store of very unustial for this season of the year, pill GI I 11 AP ctiliABia Pal Palliser & Co., on Tuesday 3 sOmething llayor• Williams -has proclaimed,Friday, the Tth of Alay,. as Arbor Day, and we • trust our Citizens will observe it in a be , , • ' „ • . . Much superior in finish and more elegant in design than last coining manner ; if parties wanting trees will notify Mr. Lawrence, of Hnllett. (Londesboro) we understand that he will ycar, and also•Much cheaper, Saye,money by purchasing.here. bring in such trees as are wanted, bat he • • . • •••. . . • will not come unless the trees are ordered' Itattenbury street, which has been serious- ' ' • al beforehand. A child of Mr 1 8: Wilson, . ly ill with scarlet fever, is now out of dan- X 81,32:1. _ A-gorxt for the ..4110.32. Line of laoye.l. 'ger..• 'On Tuesday seventeen head of • . • • liSe.il Stee.m.dhipe. splendid cattle, fed by Mr. James Fair, • were shipped by Mr: Gouinlock, .of Sea- •• • . .. . . . forth, who had purchased them. • Mr. J.' , . • .. ' , • • . - MO ' ccoraid 1Y111(low Slia(los, ad .P0 IOPS 010ap E. Clunis, of Galt, formerly with R.'M. . ' • . . . ' • Racey has been visiting friends in town. . 1.01.•,•••••"'" . ifis reported that' the proprietors of the Mitchell Advocate, in addition to conduct, , ing that paper Nvith their accustomed en-. • We have some entirely new materials in that department, :x: WE Ai,SO. SHOW JUST NOW, MAGNIFICENT LINES, ,FR) I 1\T al Suitable for summer wear. :x. • ' MaHntle. :Department. We still keep to the front; .consignment of ORNAMENTS. and. FRINGES just in., . , • • • . D,,ON'T !FORGET WE KEEP LARGE STOCK OF lb t'S • Furnishing ergy, intend also to undertake the publi- • • • • cation of the Stratford Herald. .a paper • • which at• one time- was the leading Con- '4C 40 ClO seryative paper in Perth; but which has • as .een •a consequentrlOss'of prestige; if the Davis Bros. take hold of it they will again make it a good -paper out:of it, for although they are bad Tories, they are good news- paper ,men. James Fair' adve d for ilciat dog last week and tlie a knowing that itiv—oiirdTeusTeTs'YO itself after the notice became pithlic, ame borne at once. Some of the scholars- in alas Ilelyar's room of the Public SebooI, presented her with a cabinet photo of themselves on Friday. Mr. Bennett,liite of 'Oregon territory, is about to . house . and take- up his residence here. •ltir. 'George Green, of Goderich township, **he . pere eron mareon the scales here •en Monday, and t went 1,540 lbs. • -iiitl-:storm-eri--,Fritlay_evening_todk. the roof off a, shed at Mr. E,..Bair s, Sunday Mr. H. Piiimsteel Was kicked in the face by a .colt; one tooth being knock- ed cleanout ; as a. result his face is mien removed frog the Na favoritism' CrE0. 4.R. PAY & CO, THEDRY GOODS EMPORIUM' OF CLINTON'. • . is to be Shown ' and the by-law must be swollen, but he. was -fortunate in getting, •,, . • strictly •-enforne'd » • . . •- ' .-... off without any more injury. •Mrs. Card.: I no, of Seaforth, visited her daughter here, . -. •• _ - -Seen'. .A.Cr 04iii,11-.-Oii---, TuesdaY in Mrs 'N Mr. Broderick,.this week--,A4armer formation •:NiTtig laid before Police Magis- infprraect us -on Saturday that he bed seen strate Scotkagainst McBride and Peacock, that day full-fiedged young meadowlarks, of Goderich, Who Were charged with Vio- which is fin indication of the forwardness ration of the Scott Act. Mr. Powell, who :ofthe seasen. • 'We notice hy•the reports represented the defeddants,stated,,that_ of law prbceedings at Oagoode Hall; that Mr. Peacock weiilci, retire from the liquor' an effort 18 being made toc4upsetthe.will •• • business entirely, if Mr: Yates would. •of the late Hon, Donald McDonald a per " • • drop all Prosecutions against •him; but sonlknown to many 'four old readersr.he 4 .••••••••60-N/7-••••*••••' ' k • — • • . A SEE Ijit:±77:, •, • this Yates declined to and stated being a former brother7in-law Of Mr, Jos. . - PowelLthini• on--hehal Whitebead-r-and property -holder -4e this pleat guilty, irthe Migii.trate would ex- Mr, Mcbonald, who iillege.:that wes. of Peacock, stated that his client might vicinity ..the appellants are relhe atives-.of ' • • rea • ercis clemency towards him, as he was a not -capable Of properly administering his ., • f. 'stolid the statutory fine, and he was even have .no. fear of any one coetesting our Ma.de to (;iorcler, workmanship and fit guaranteed, We have pleading his case free.. gie worship will after we have paesed hthe ethereal • poor' man, and not in the position to affairs at the time the will was Made. 'We . ui ' statep that this was impossible, ai he had • sphere, for the reason that%there will be Sliit$ si3.up to $34 so we 'ean (rive priCes with the. best. ou throw off all his costs .and make are ever able to leave their heirs are a lot • ' • • . • • • - . no i)tion, but so far as he WAS,concerned nothing.left to fight over ; all that editors • . he penalty, as light as possible, and Mr.of unpaid subscription accounts. Mrs. J "Yates agieeing to thiai. Peacock ,prad Brigham, ot 'Toronto, sliter of 'Mrs, John • . ' and a fine of $50 was imppse to Xilty, of. Illillett,. has gone to Boston, • • • be paid in. a 'Month., In speaking of Mr. where .she expects to remain- for some Peacock's enie,'Mr;•peweli animadverted time. Mr. Stewart, of Betimiller"ntrse __ ---"---1•10116:18Surirectftret tlrat-Mr.-1."ateVa0a-- MI; brought-about-$611=ittretbefurtifni: • • OUR 11/4.1.41FA)C.. TWEED : SIJOIT!NOS , • One of the Most•serviceablelines of goods for. It Spring Suit, is See. -our-Nobby ;116,1ifax TWthe ilalifaTweeds, which makes ft grand' suit for wear and eed Suiting. • comes ‘3.ery. low in price.- We...have their' in • the new 'Ohecks •x , . • • • • • - " continually proseceting peer men, while, flowers hero on•-.1.:,nesdnx..j7-sallr.-.-ot_V.Iiith'• ' • . Suiting.- •t. Canad qr an. Twee. men Who were wealthir e, managed to es, were disposed of before he returnedbonie. •See •our Cobby - cape prosecution. Mr. Yates, ill ,The Clinton Gun. Club in a, Match , With a• id he had some sympathy for mea who Goderich thell invested the hotel busi- 0 last Frib day, were eaten by a teas prior to the passing of the Scott Act. leaves next week to visit his son-in-lawt See our. Nobby Scotch Tweed Suiting. had ir ain score of 4to 36. Mr: Jos, Wheatley, $1%, and_w_ho,by force ef circumstanees,drifted iiW: Grum mett, ef Hepworth, A , , into a violation of the law, buche had no daughter °flirt...EL Cante.on, aged -Mut See ourNobby-Springa- wmpathYM111445gPrd,,19 195e Mr. Pea- 7 leers, died . NVedneadaylafterneon, • coek, ••',Vitiehirrfitted and a yaunger one is so ill that her re-* See our Nobby .Spring Mose of setting the law at defiance. In a paragraph that appeared last week up any 6 barracks forthe express pur- covery is not anticipated. In re erenee to :the ease of Mr. lliferide, Mr. Yates asked about smile graves at the cemetery requirk for ati adiourpment on the ground that • ,niaterial witnesses had purposely absented themselves, and he did --not wish to pro- ceed Until these parties were present. Mr. Powefl wished to have the case Igt on, and' consderable "feeling" was manifestod be, twdea lin and Mr: Yates, until Mr. Stott decided ea an adjournment to the 14th of ing to be filled up, we learn that the sug- gestions of our informant were anticipat. ed, and the work performed before the NSW ERA Wits issued. At Ottawa, on Friday evening last, tbe temperanee peo ple presented Mr. W. Mtudng, of Al- monte, (father of Mr,. A. FL- Mannin, Clinton,) with a silver teaset, in recogni- May.•• nion of his serviees t� 'the temperance We carry one cf the finest seletions jof 'goods) in the county,* and our prices are lower than the lowest, .• • . Buovs.—Ntr, Reagliy, of Dundas, bre, cause, For k week past, Mr. W. 0.•Sarle ther of Ittra..-&S. Iitheri--who-has-bee has been eonflned_to _bed by salt rhettin. Visiting here for several days,. returned in bia feet, and is only now 'able to be lime on Tuesday, The NEW ERA pre. out findipg it eirceedingly difficult and itents itS eongrattilations to Mr. and Mts. painful to walk about. The lecture of, ...Stones Scott, and hopesthat their greatest Bishop Baldwin, announced for Wenes ,anticipatioes Day fn)ly realized the day evenhi, was unavoidably postponed P 1)15 • - ••-• ,• appy-tuple had a quietWdding . early. until this (t riday) veiling. Mr. owell kkootkrime4 in moping, alai lett-unit -vi if. -to friends. In the east; on their return they will take up their residence in the , T thill tmosti In on the Oth a Ilas ,‘, . .. .. st, epresentothe Glitfon,1egal--fraterpityy.. at I3lytli Division Court yesterday, n - filial meeting of Clinton curling Rink jirioam istaly b Mr. u ; • • 1r . .4-.' • . • . . • . . . • - • sbOTclic Tivtrzzr) We show an elegant rangeofthe:above goods, ebniprising • an aigortment. ! 'The‘DpsigtWandVatterns are very prtAtty -11rNcr,.iEl113 RITIrkIINT4:?t.S. • • , We have a tremndousassortment of all the new Cheks, Stripes and. plain goods suitable for Spring and Summer'uit. ings, at very low prices,• • • -- On...AATURDAY.next we will hold.4..6a/9 Of CIIRLS SAiLOR HAIS at prioeS which„will astonish you, Ladies' sbould miss this opportunity: . • • 4' • 04, 0. RANCE & CO., . CLINTON, . • Three Doors West of Dickson's Book Stove •• •1 • • • • • ••'. • ••• •••• •\• • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • .• s'• . . , . 1r • • . . . . . -.......... ......, •• . • •••• • •••• • • •9 - .clurasT' tab '''