HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-30, Page 51114.
hies to spend, in. this Places there are about 1 Son. Edward -Blake will be entertain- ( .
30,0()4 inhabitants,and it is growingvery fast. ed to a banquet by the Liberal :members
As we ride ent of Los Angeles we run down I gll aha House of Commons and Senate o
through a beautifnl vailex, on our way to f
Colton, very rich and fertile. As we arrive4 Saturday evening next. •- r
at the little town called -Ontario, -we ace a t
very petty place, two•thirds orthe..popnla, Pretty Nellie Dusey, of Grand Rap.,
tion are Canadians. Many places gear Los ids, fell in love with a gambler named
1-Iickoelr, and as she bad $8,000 he mar -
Angeles we see the tirangea and lemons grow.
ing on the trees. Arrive at Colton- att..6,30 p.
in., and change oars.; we had to stay here all
night; it is growing fast, only been started
about four years. "We left next morning at
n'elnnlr 11.1urietta, about 45 miles from.
Colton, on the California Southern Railroad.
Arrived at this little town at 8.30; find it in
a flourishing condition in a beautiful valley
of al$lttt 1,400 acres. We had to walk about
one mile, after leaving the train, to the house
of Mr. Richard Cole, son of Mr. Rich. Cole,
Hullett, and found, them all well. This val-
ley is. about 38 miles from Rtverside, the
• great orange -grove, and about 80 miles from
aandiego. The land is increasing in value
very fast, five acres being sold just before we
arrived, for $100 an acre. We went to' Bee
the hot springs, a few days after we arrived,
and had a batb. These hot Sulphur springs
are very healing, many aiEioted•_with rheu-
matism and pulmonary tronbles go there and DIED..
live for a time. This spring runs out of the
00 of-tire-aountarm,"and in tme titers w211 TTORRAN Xn Godlirich ion Monday.. n_pril
be a very pretty plane there. Wen we left 26• David morrow, formerly of CUntou, aged
home we, carried our provisions with us ;; we
found they were very dear on. the road. In
Utah Territory one old gentleman got out of
the train, and went into a lunch room to get
a cup of cuff. ee, and he had to pay 20 gents -
for it, but after we reached Sacramento' we
could' get a good meal for 25 cents. Sunday
travelled all day, it' did not seem much like
our Canadian Sabbath, people were buying,
and selling 1,, nevertheless, as we journeyed
along, we met with a few good sisters and
brothers in the train, and we were blessed'
while joining with them in 'a: few songs of•
raise to our Lord and Master,. . The first
•,8unday we were in Mnriett3Jt rained all day,
so we had to stay in the house, nevertheless
they have preaching every. other Sunday, in' CLINTON MARKETS.
the;sehool•house, and Sabbath school every (horrectedovory Thursday afternoon,)
Sunday. This is not a very; strong circuit,
yet they get somehelp from the missionaries.' ' Thursday, April 29, 1886.
The air is 'very clear and healthy, all that The only thing moving in the markets
could be de3ired. We have gained every day,
sines we lett home. Now, boys;if-any-of-you just now are_ potatoes, and they are me.;
have money and want land, this is the plane, ing downward: :Last fall 2`t n.as'thou ht,_
come at once, for the land is increasing in
value very fast. We will commence haying owing to the rot, that they tvolald be
in about two weeks; •the Drops look splendid; scarce in the spring, but they have .been.
We aro well satisfied .:with the country -and coming in by the waggon. load during the
climate, so far, but; more so with our trip. last few days, until the market ig'glutted;'
When we left home we paid Mr. Thompson, The price has' dropped to 25 cents a
the ticket agent, $57.35 for our tickets, when bushel, and they do not find ready sale
we reached Colton we received $10 .rebate, even at .this` figure. Other quotations are'
'Making our trip $27.35 to Colton, and $$2.15
from there to 'Marietta, a trip of about 3,300
wiles for $29.50. Wm.. C. BALL,
ried her. After sOendiug her money he
deserted her, She followed him, and
the other day met him on the street in
St. Paul. He roughly repulsed her,.
and she fell .dead at his feet.
WALKINSHA.'v,—In Hullett, t3rd con., on the
lath met.. the wife of M. James Wallttnehav ,
of a daughter, , ,
CO01 .—Ia. Clinton, en the .MU inst., the wife
of Mr.,Tos. Cook, of a daughter.
SCOTT-MEHERS.—At the residence of Mira.
N. Whitely, Clinton, on the 28th inst., by Rev.
W. Craig, 13, D.. dames. Scott, barrister, to Miss
Annie Metiers, both of Clinton.
STEEP—FINCH.—In Clinton,;at the residence
o ifthe bride's father, by Rev. W W. Sporting,
Mr. Steep to Mise Emma Finch, all of Clinton.
62 years, 11 months and la days.
GILL.—In Clinton, on the 28th Inst, Zhomes
Gill, aged 70 years and 11 months. Funeral to-
day (Friday) at 2 p. m,
CANTELON.—In Clinton, on April 28, Nary
Grace Everetta, daughter of Mr. Hy. tJahtelron,
aged ,7 years and 12 days.
KinsmanlCht apple, beloved wife inst.,
Y!, Bice
(sou of Rev. 3, J. Rice, formerly of Clinton) and
daughter:of Rev. John Ohapple, aged 26 years
and 6 months.
Sale. .Register.
SATURDAY, MAY 8,—Mortgage sale Of Real
Estate, in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel,
J. Howson, auct. planning • &'.Scott, Vendor's
A. fire In -Kingston .Gas Works oii;Sat
urday prevented the churches having
eVenin services on Sunday,aa they could
not light up.
Grain was sown a week ago in Mon?r-
magny County, Quebec, an event which,
• it is said, has. not occurredbefore at so
early a date for 40 years.
An old and highly:, respected resident
on the-Hnron and Ashfield :floundary, in
the person pf John McLennan,, passed
away t� his long home on April 24th. .°-
The Hanover hotels tried the ten cents
a glass business for two days.: last week,
but found it wouldn't pay.:: Prices then
merely nominal. ,.
Wheat,. fall, *077 a 0 S0
,White. and rod 0 77. a _0 80
Oats, ' 0 29 • a 0 31.':
Barley, ' - - 0 50 ` a 0..6(i ''.
Peas; .- 0 55 a 0 55.
Flour; per bbl: - • 4 00 A. 4 50,
Potatoes, 0 25 a 0'30 •:
Butter, , 0 14. a 0;16
Ego, 0 09• . a 011.'
Pork; c 5 50 : a 6 00
Hay, ' - - 8-00 a 8,00
Sheep pelts • "0 50 a 0 75 .•
Lamb skins 0'60 a 0 80.
Clover, per {Josh. - 7 00 a r 7' 50 . ,•
, Private and. Company Funds. Lowest interest,
alsoon_approved notes for short dates C,A.'HARTT,.
Attorney, Clinton. * int. 10
•-�'thia.fi.i-a+ . ^ ^ •Stem ,w89 again 14 •ptnlnin�
• adopted. -' : n , ;T about 46 acres. Terns to suit purchaser. • Apply to
one of Sarniaa-busi - CAMERON,HOT,Tr& CAMERON, Barrister$;Goderich.
ness men, accidentally fell into the hold' OTICE TO DEBTORS:-- ALL .•PART1 S IN,
t the propeller United Empire..last Wed- NM iniD to us will please pay amount onto Mr. "J.
t iesda night, and will probably die'of his wiseman,.nlanager Hodgens estate, before the first' If
y g , P y May, as after that date, all accounts will be placed in
-injuries. . ` Court for collection. 0.,J ; TUTHILL &'C0.. •
David Donnelly,- assistant engineer: at REss AND MANTLE MAKING IAT. ALL ITS
Rockwood Asylum, was caught .iii. the' •D branchesdone by Meas Susax Moons atiesidence
machinery Wednesday retaining and re-,OntarioSt.,oppositethe1'resbyterianMldnse. Ladies
ceived fatal injuries. e diftd died short. entrusting her worth garments of aoy description,may•
ly afterwards.- y rely on getting entire satisfaction.
¥orudy Jones,.a notorious negro) who
entered the roam of two respectable young
• ladies at Auburn; Ky., end -tried to ' chlo-
roform them,wasshotto:death,by citizens
on Wednesday night::
Lucknow wants a iiigbsehool establish=
ed in that village, and for *hat, purpose
will agitate for the formatiorf of. a high
school district to hietude thetbwnships or
Huron, Kinloss, Ashfield and, West \Va
• A man nained Gordon, who arrived at.
Toronto, a few days ago from Montreal, to
take the position of foreman of a black-
smith shop, was last Wednesday night.
° found de ' a'room inth-e=lmtel where
he was staying. lie had,been drinking
' heavily, and was supposed to have taken -
dose.of chloroform: •
velem, Dak., telegram—says
heavy rainAelLliere all Sunday; and yes-
-• •oterday •incl ning hanged to hail:, A blit
zard-:prtvliledall day. - T-herois•now on
the !grout d from • two to three inches .of
snow, and it. caniinties 't0' fall, with no
hopes (if an early' abatement.. The snow
has .driftad; a little •in• sgme_placeli;viaut. note
• ' encu to tm e e the travel inguy, man-
.. nen: .1`7o farm teams are in town, hence
business is at a standstill. No •serii)us,
damage 'to crops is •anticipated.
• Mr. Duncan, near S. 5a. No, 17,`Mary-
boyo, lost timely in a singelar.'faabion the
other day. Iiny hacl 'Mien pitched down,
• 'arid the fork was sticking.- it, when the
cows; entered the stable. Qne cow took a.
bit witili the toss of her Jibed and sent the
fork into the air..., The fork' fell en another
cow's' back, piercing her severely., • The
wounded animal rushed mit; breaking the
fork handle but leasing ilia prongs in, hor
back. She Tiled_
` internally' and died ;in a
little while.
'Peter Murray; editor of•:the .Orillitl
imes, la se, 0 e•.11 or 1B1e
Whitby, and. got $10 damages: The
Y �
ground of the libel was a news paragraph
stating that Peter Murray, ofOriliia, had
raised -a dollar "bill to ,lnirke it a ten, and
as the proprietor o£..the Tiitnes, is the only.
Tarsus of that tneemelin Orillia, he sued
for damn o► lsl_,)•�tve•becn:•Peter
Murray, ?41j1YTr'irli"`aii2f although. the'
lobe apologized and corrected its error,
..0'11. While 9?l19 e V Ile lie. t
was got
judgment for 810, he has to pay the costs,
which will amount to about $300. '
Burlington, N. j'., despatch says; Last
Friday evening Miss Ella Hammen, a wel
known belle, appeared -at Bread and High
streets in a t11'Iether Hubbard", drays, She
heard a shoot and saw a dozen men behind
her. She hastened on., but the mob utter-
ed cries and insulting epithets. Sonic
, issiles wore thrown Anel, almost hhsitlo
herself with terror, Mimi Hain tri ell IIrricd,.
into a drug 'store, Thb (Wet of Polieo was
sent for and escorted AiistrkatlllUril to ler
home.' Suit twill he clrtinsenccel, ae;ltii}�t
the perpetrltatrlrs rrf the .iswutdiy net
• Yesterday irurtyl'ri 6013
orbiddie r tint veltrinit of nil bel telt 11•l'ot1io'
I-Cubbards on .the Streets, r•NO'pt and. r ,C. Nrf„t:h ; .1:,,.('i011. n : ll:'•1;.
It to i to '
certain �, r ., tt �•I Wing) ,1 u r t tor cn trtl n, r
•J t
We have opened -out -this, week one case of
. MIJSLINS and LAWNS n• White, -, Cream.
. lX ,~
with LACES to match,
One case. of Ainerjo01 PRINTS
Tuscan and Beige grounds
-splen l value:.
I OM1= O.
We are sending out ,a very large ;Lumber of IIATS and BQNNETS. A look oo
w�1 _.. � nicp.
you that our Millinery is right, 6 per cent off for cash,
Estate J`. 1IODOENS.
JOHN ~ WISEMAN, Manager....,.
Big Purchase : of HOSIERY
and CORDS to Match:
rom the nu• � ac tre� at
a t Y. a Sag' ;' CG • •
IDET'Os A :co.,
' 4 'est side of Victoria St., and Lots 28 and 29, on
James' St. -
, Clinton, with -small framehouse stable;
hard and soft water. yoi• 9artidulatstpply;.toM:A ,N-'
1NG. d: SCOTT, Barristers, 01.intont.
-large frame house on 'ltattonbury St„ forniorly
otonpted'by Mr. W. Doherty, is offered for sale or -to
rent: on reaso a temps. It contains plenty of roonr,
with hard addit water, and is a'very desftable "rest-
donee. Terms' on application• t N TAYLOR,
Spencer St., Clinton.
11 LL for sale. his house and lot onMaple St Set•. The
lot is one-quarter of an acre, and .tlirl ohsp.contains
four rooms and largekitchen, Splendid fruit trees mi •
the place. Good web ;_Only five minutes' walk from
the.contre ofthe towit . --. Vll1 bo•sold cheap -.Apply
t ..ALhs...AtO.RRTS Clinton. , • ••
1,3 scams, has -for sale:'a quantity of first-class Shin-
gles, Lath, Pine and Hemlock Imbiber, etc.,' cheaper
than ever. A11•.parties needing anything iY ,this line,
will save money by caning tin us. Also allo 1 yoke
or Oxon, liveycars old. JOHN: SPRUNG, Maitland
B1eek, Hullett ,' ,
B'�nULL SERVICE. -,-A, THOROUGHBRED, Shorthorn bull oft good pedigree,'will be kept for'•
i1ervice oh lot 8, Huron ltoad,,Godeticll township, IIe
is;registerou in the British American. Herd Rook, and
is considered. an excellent bull for his age. Terms for
'tine sows;` 2; With priiiifigebl r0tnrtitnglffe00sSary,
prifild iir81?'ofJmivarrgreat. 'notoughbred�w
will bo'charged $i, • T}f0$. }i: CO,
Voim $41,11 : -.-,THE FARM .ON' THE
x itoad;. lots G- and 7; . Goderich township, cow;•'
sfstingofd44acres, is.offered for Salo on reasonable.
tarns,• About120 neres.elcafed' antrin good state al -
cultivation ; balance' good hardwood, good frame
'house, &e., general buildings, plenty et water, hearing
orohard''l . miles frons;the rising town of. Clinton,,
Particulars may be obtained On the prernlses, or by
addressing JAIIES 'PERDUE, Clinton P. 0.• .
IJ Polled' Aberdeen Cattle, amen;; Which are two.
yointg bulls, three cows 10 calf, and four•ltetter9, all
registered or -eligible therefor, In good eonditiob3 +ileo
twosplendid' grade heifers, two 10111E cows, several
Lolcester.and Shropstl!irc ewes,. Reasonable' 'prices:—
JAMES ttieFARLANE.; lot 80, soil: 4, StSnley,•or to
Clinton V.O. ' ,
lllIAi'.t' I31ILL 1°011 i iiiitVicit.'--'.L`1tE
'crib£. 1 ep to foe 0IPvtni' . tui"r,pt,J
...i„I Sitb.. K L
Maitland Cetleeasiotl Gotlerich Township, .lt
Thor4dg114)rdd Sltort-horn. )'bill; 'of first class
pedigree. terms, $1 at tine of service, with the
privilege Of returning,_11 ncees1Tlt•y.• ALEX:
13ADOi:R, 1IOLitESVILLE. Also seine good
silting WVheat for sale. '' -
•OTT(;7='1'iti 5i itSCl'£TBI'SIt.'iDEStittgtro_
Irotiff nil �;e,'r Cas indebted to him tfiat'1t
would like them to tallatid settle their accounts
'before the 1"51101 May, as ho purposes leaving
for the 01,1 Country, The business Will he eon -
tinned by my. -son and Mr, W. i- enhiugs,twitil
my retlirf. P)ohr and reed always ou hand,
and for Pale atfow rates. -T will 001 be respons-
ible for debts contracted in My name after this
elate: THOS. TRICK, '
aoderielb t(ii'ns)lip, March 10th. 1850,
rj1AR\I 10011.SALE,n-_.`rItli , St'BSOR1BE1t 0FF1 118
�L tdrsaT1 his splendid farm of 100 acres, being lot
44, 2nd can., of Tuckersinith• Good . nen' story and
halt frame house, 2 tierce spiendid orchard, good
buildings, $5 acres free front stumps, 15 acres id fall
wheat. The whole under good cultivation, UN well
tinder drained, live spring on the farm end has gond
walla. close to.eharohes and schools, ;1, M1100 from
own o Clinton,G frons S forth, f I
the town #ca S �111u sol
t don
reasonable terns. y1t"GTI McUO�"ALI), on the
premises, or Clinton l . O. t,
+J TIaT for ndntlsdionr to tine High School, will be
held in Senfnrth, Clinton mal \Vinghatn, rm itoiuAY,
T I'l so sY and SC'snxlTOnxv, the nth 0eh mut Tth days of
,Tnh nest. c•lnunmrcinx 1t 1 o'cloe: P. NL, ou Umiak'
All candidates ,w•ho intend to write are requh'pd ter
"pad their 115111('9 ttbd :aldtc,s,1(111 hitt'r thbnl the tat
I. i inr f, 1 ' It mt' ('
r t \Tn, tot'ith f t ty P li in:, T. , tlnr.tottr., R,
OTS and SfiOES,
...TN.. STUCK Arr:' 1P
Weare closing the b l n ..t of ._ .- ..T, as ....
� �t ce otzr TRTX1'3�K.S fit �.OS1, . Wo
•reglln�e the 100111 for Boots and Shoes,_
Orders to °en' :dor: Daok's : •I bra',e .
� Ce � a d Hand Sewed Shoes.
a• ..FOR. .GASH.
THE., ROUTES-the'new-bridge to H. Elfol•d's, HLl,uesville, for the night:
THUIISDAI,• will premed by way of tato' Huron road toJtr
- DrIver'sfor noon; then to w'. Cox's, Goderteh township, for
OF SOlrE • •
Po� lilac Stallions
• -1•09-1886 -
The Weil -Bred 'Imported 1Jlyriee(lalo
YOUrt G HONE$�I' JIl6.�,
YFill stand for mates this season, a0 folloars . MONDA'I
Anti,.2611,,.rviU-le chis men stnhle, let i01- ron.12 Itu1l0Yti '
proceed down the 12th concession, then io ,the 10th can„
avin- ronitten'o-for-noon-r-=then-by-way-eftltlecome8sion-
to Thornton Wallace's for the .night. . TUESDAY, .tri11.
proceed to W.T(IcBrlen's for, noon, thee to his own stable for
the night, WEDNESDAY; will proceed by way of sinteroad
te.G. hlcGowau's East awaooah for noon; ,then to Auk.
Stalker's, Iltdiett bonndnty, for tilo night. . THURSDAY, .
,w111 proceed to J. Mills' West Wawanpsll, for noon ; then, to .
.Mnrthl's hotel, Dier "amioo, for the night, • FRIDAY, w111 .
"pp,r�oceed to-JohnMalloa lits for noon; ben to W. Ne etc '
ler the night, SATURDAY, will proceed to lila own stable,
and retnaintilt the following Monday inure' Ag. -
This rout(r$i411.Ile continued duriligthe season, health "anti
weather iermitting. For further partiiu.lam see rphtelliIIs.
0: A. I1(itVSO\, Uroont, . • 11U)VSON BROS., Proprietors.
Tho Splendid Imported heavy-ihinnigit;
GI -AY' ,.f.:.]D.
tSril1.standter mares thio seeker, 05 i,ltsw8: • 111ONDAY.
will leave -las own staltle,.lot 43, coir. 01,1D01utt,and prorecd
to Andrew M1111ni y, ebn, 0, Ca0lborne,for noon; thrn;bv why
of.Fowler's rnrnere, 0lid '4th •con, "awl 1Jn11'a'bridgae. home,
for tine ntgtft. 1'C1'SDAY, will preeced to W.II.I3n11'ry, ir. .
f r Bonn •• then to Rattan] urv'a hotel Clinton for the ui lit••
the night. FRIDAY, will proceed to A. McGuire's ler noon;
then to .1. G. Steep's, con, 7; for the night. SATURDAY,
will proceed Ti way of caneeSSlons 11 and 12, north,. then: to
coed. 13 and 14, to John, Clout:hill's •inr noon ; then to his
ownstabl'e. Titin ronte+rylll be continued during the season,
.health and weather permitting "F'or terms and.lnrther
partleub+rsSee route. bills. • • - .
JOHN" Jt ooje, Groom MOPAn/Ault Ir McEwsr,
-The celebrated jmpoi•tod Clydesdale;
- Will stand -for bin resthissensou, rte filletis: ulte/HU ";
'AAriur, 26511will leave his own stable, 2nd concession of
.,Inuley',-anti..preseddtaZi.s:..Criceli_as Tuckernini th e-for-noeni--
thenacrosstoOtvenFlvun's, crop.4, Hulletti for the nighty
TUESDAY, -w,11 proceA I .rest to the Base Lane, then to T.
McLaughliri's for noon, then to NV.. Ball's, sr., for the sight,
WEDNESDAY, will proceed by way of i3a1Ps Bridge into
Colborne, to Domnillo:, Betel for noon ; then -by why of the
nod bridge to Etiox's Hotel, Ilolineaville, for tie night.
1'H.11tSD.IY, will proceed up.the 11111011 Road to -Robert
McOullagl,'sfor one hour, then to George Edivarnia' fornoon;;
then 00em the GO eeneesamn,'Goderh,lt towanslfip, 0, W.
Tichhnrne A, for. the night, ' 1 RLD'AF: i'1tl yrkeee to Thos..
Welsh's for noon; Hien to Williato.-Wistj'a Su'. tile night,
SATURDAY, RI)AY, )sill proceed to the Itattenhury Hem, Mitten,
for ho on then to Ins own stable, Mud remain'tflLthe following
:Monday morale,,
Tlds route will lis eonti6'sed during the seasdn,' health. and
weather ''ienmttltl(;, .Pur further Ortit'1Ila,a, see mite 1.11.11;
J,, J.31etAUQHLIN, ' INNES tw•McLAUG11LfI,
\tausger:. Preeriet err..
Tile infpel'tett.tilydCNOflIe f3 Ill .
tt No. 2520 w111 stand. for the hitp tvei,ient of stock this sen -
i EDN1:8DAY, w111 pr0ree,thy wn2'trr-1110 gravel mill to ' stnitlo, L111.11 born, 111111 1nnceed north to Myth, to ,tihle.'s,
J 'Y
Doti, IMP:, 418 fo11na9 MONDAY, April 26, will leave his own)
73r11'a lioDEL,JD, doyhnro f,LI n tl�tile„a,-to tlfiortx bate) Ifntrl„f iL_H+it3f.thetl_-t; ,,,;t,dtett;;'rlot'l,satelgrav' fni-t•itir
tire11Rht, , Irlt,l),lY, M111'0001510010000011
for noon ; theft to Fordyce for the night. SA15I AY,. will
. , ' wan a f noon.;
proceed to John WnsLml,tt tt s, West 'Vt.n t a o. it, or
then tit his own Stobie„ ,Hien he will remain 1111 the follow
'tug Mondaymornhtg. This route will Ire rnntinned during
the seasol, health And weather ppertnittilg.- Poe further
imrtlrula0 see route bills. It. T. SPRUNG, Proprietor, •
Thi mporte�i--c sdato-
II15tfii, fur the ti ht. 1`HURSRA will proceed to Belgrtve Welt 11 Emmy, will proceed' east to Wh'eeler's (Formers •
then south by way of bloodline to John Waliace'a for neon;
then south to the Hullett bonudayy, then to Young's Corner,
• to Vis, Ie•'
{lain [,nnmgbnl'S,lot l7t,roe. l2uf}lullatt,l'orthe,
night. \VUDNIi4DAY, will preeeerl west along coil. 12 unit
13 TO rho gravel rend then south to Londe sboro, to hls 8220
stably where he will relnaln•for the night.' THURSDAY,
win proceed north to con. 18 and'IV,_tlicu west to Joseph
Wehstet"s, lot 37, rot, 1'2 for nonny: then west to the Base
Line, thenlronth (0 %Y,n, halls for tliesi ht. FRIDAY, will
pr+,grre soot) lylltyr Iberlln,yp,JA.e..teclnn,-8 and 9, then east
�` .S.A;``!x .rse25,n0011. 0,nfreniwod,
)1101," (1011, and 7 to Chris. Dale's corner, then ,u,,,,,
north to eon, 6 and 0 to Allen Fn•nnhatn'S',.iot 11, eon, 9, for ,
the night. ,SATURDAY, i0:ll.p150eed nerdy to; eon. 10 and
11; thea west along thep rnncessiali to Lpndesboro. where he
will remain tilt the following Monday nu+:nilig1t, This route
will be eontinhed during the season, health and weather turf•
6, for noon. thence totho giawel road, then north to eon. 0, 1 indttnng '1S) 138%1,15, Prep ED. DELL, L, Groote..
then -South to Julu1 Ri1cy's,14(9, far the night. WEDNES • , -- - • - — ----..
DAY till proceed east to Thos, Netlain's, rot 6,.cou. 32, for. TIIL T%ILr(it;TT,U '1IIOItUIIftEf 1 CLYDESDALE
upon , nom to his own 1.tible, w1,500 110 will •remain for the
night, TIIUIt8i)A V; swnl emceed north to Blvth, thence to.
win• Scotts,1017, 0011, p, mortis, for 14000: (boor* mast to
W. P. Seett s, lot ll, con. 0, for the night. FRIDAY, will
proceed north to Edwerd Lit(lefnir's, lot 3. roe, 6, for ti 1101;
then west to Alexander Pato non's, lot 37; eon, 2, Wawa•
nosh, forth° night, SATUIRDAY, will preeee4 to his own'
stable, where 11e will retnnin till the following Mnndny
nnnr11ln4. This route will he continued 'daring the sensnh,
health and weather p0rmltlin4 For lnrther part:eltlrirs see
route bills, ,TnnN i,nrrra, Proprietor-. Mullett.
Will stand for mares this season as follows: , MONDAY,
April 26tH, will leave Ids owe stable int 22, con. 12, 1tullet6,
and proceed n(•est•to Win, Morris', lot 21, con. 10 for neon;
then to the Inv Ilse, td Chao, Lotett's for the night. Ti'EN.
DAY, will proceed south to James Sontheombe's, lot colt. -
The. prices:reached n,'DRY • ODDS
G at
LadiesSensationCo .•
American C . � . rets ,5,0
Tab'le L -IN• "Children's iandkerchiefs 3
SNS; Z5c,
W ite ` •
h COTTONS 7c: `
Ladies handkerchiefs, 8c..
Grey `CO .TONS,.' 3c. Lgies.HDSE;1- ' ' •
ID LOV`E35e.
Z: $ in
• ° PRI TS` 5c ��� a V �� ..�
All other goods equally cheap, bid too numerous to; Inentlori.
_ ' MIN'
L Y . ®® Ca-.
L� ', ERY. �
tins. die aI'tme t none a.11 :toucl "TIS' 111: Prices, ariet of :Shades,. Or
p n c � , Y
Styr of Niuish` •
_ 'r •-- h More.. nton
heG ea s
�' i�- � cii�.
eo e.y buy
imported '!1aavy Oraugh1-Stallion
PR 'D,R q ,F TYNE.
yt•tn,n, i , n .:.,.. r . ca�,.a._,\rri'l`nst
1;'oal4o,4,nit;rare L1111011 ,!Ably. 10t BI. rub :(.-Stanl„y,
hunt proceed by way of e,rnntnn to r.nt. 2, lhtllett, to l(rnry
Freeman's. for norm; them to. IterenLl's. fat' the night,
Tf 1':SD.SY, ;till proceed to if, Dnti's.'1Li.e Lluf,, air noon
then north elm iL0 I tai 1.1ne to '(Vint, BATS. 0- dor the
t l r si1'lCl(005 as. for Yn9t tt1L`t' tvlld'ri Ii 1 I 1 elm
rl*DAA' r ,t.prne r#�atrts0
"a.•••r,-- a. 1ex�$dlj"+ lt{t3::a+,t(:G:21tYL'.tI1.2•tl. t?.4b't1J.t •rte,.,. ..z.«.a .a .s,,,:....r:x:jY. 'ti: ^Sl'>ti'l:T,( il';,"t':xl . "t,. tyul•','A"iit:ro 1, ;ma l Plf ,.rn r tO J.01, M il'Ilu, f•+r torn; ('ta fr' 21
Wrtld■i.11. I,V ,117.1',1 it .
Will slated fur me 000 111(8;0805 as follows: MONDAY,
Amit 20, he will• leave his own stable, Rattenhury 110,151',
Ullnton atilt proeeed by way of the Boron )lead t0 John.
Dale's, il:ullelt, for noon; then by tv • of Alcoa 10 the 40,1
ennerasi6e 01 Mullett, to Gilbert' Iolr'o, for the nigllt,
Tt ESI)AY, will preened mirth nod east, to Ciiri•i, Male's for
tom:. tinnn11 11, to Thos. Moet) s, Hnl1ett, for the slight.
WEDNESDAY, Will u'oeeed Ott In• wiry of L.ndesllnro and
down the Gravid Road to James Soithemnhe's for 00011; then
by the (Travel Road to the 040ppnrntton of(hh,ton then down
the nose Line to TVillfatn'l'iplady's, fur the night. l'110118.
DAY, will proeeed to W, 8te13t1Pn a, 11,111ett, for ancon; then
he way' of Sn!oner11t11 to ('1,'istopLrr Nesbitt's, eon, 19r
(foderieli totvnslep. Gtr the night. I:ItIt1AY, will go north
on the 16th to ['cession. and then down the Stultified 00neesslell
to (. limner's. for noon , then thr00;rh by Wise's to Ander-
0,0,'. - 041400/414,1 Vm, n }} 15, fr., n i 41.n,,. , r 01e.(rTI^t`i^'wnrh!p•.
10e the 11.41(1: NATO{ win prorred (o Jelin ('hurol!ll's
anomie; then by unc'nfthe 1(,tlt coneeasfnn to the Intron
11111 to 11 M t 1i e Rini; - f i
i stn stn ,+ nt tl, ulur Muse. a
route'1111 be moll inn' ,: dor: ,,, (lH *1,111,5, be+lltlt and w weather
''('r'rnfr:�`l+lrt a T+. SP rvfell'Ic
7. 1T. hlyi,, .2 t �.,.t., 2111,1 ,1 ilttOS... Proprietors.
s^c OoltLn W ,
b s t
ul a o�
Strongest; . ,'
They are the S est leas liable to
T t et>� �y(• , .,�
�_ � � g . t,.t+t .
.r...._ r and will run from ,
of order utom 8 to 10 hours �on�y.er.
than anywatch made. When � e `� sit see
themyou will agree they �,re all g ........,�.h: ,�' . a that is claimed,
KEEP'J� •Ucl►t yrs ,troch Cil . 11
- Silverware, -Clocks .Sit . wax et�rell r •
�._. Gt2lc
omF:md. r
''- .+ry ,.�.:.,; r. ..:..:.::_ .n..: - rv•w,..a _.,..*: �..h�_•-.. .x-_,:.�zr..t ..:..-..a'.:.c. ..ru...�m- A...i.....am,•nne.-:,:•:.l:tre,l4 z„-.wi.
1x I e;^ e
alch a � � �cnrelX�r � ,
�, d �n�r�:.v�el���0�l;l�to�l, ... ,