HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-30, Page 4. *geIt7 *IV tVii MUM* rs. Additional Local News, 1400Ale CHURCH CHIMES 14t5 all --T. Jacksen. GOOP EltinAle-With the 'exception ". Pauvm 43'r°' vc"'('Y Ineel*"g• - Z•evat--J oho leobertsou. • that service was held in St. Prull's church, Tile Annual Vestry Meeting was welt attend., Gay Lad -RI. Sprung, Good l'riday was observed as a geueral i '1" m""181' ".""g' I"" '"1"11 P.'.0 at e': Clinton ltettes-N. Itobo eou. viaus weatiag, bt'auF reed. el' eceetheeees the • ' • -1i0es wanted -Moses 1?iseher, , Money to lodri-C. A.. Haat. The'Clothiers--jacireon Brisk. • ' ' Watch lost -NEW ERA Office. : . Millinery -J. C. Detlor & Co, Prince of Wales-Jobn Little. . . Pkatiog Riiiir-AAL Manning, Columbue watches -Rob. W. Coats, Workingioareahance-C. C. Renee, Oast Adritt-Baird Comedy Convene. I Pride of Type -McFarlane 056 AlcEwen. courts than "the whole truth and nothing but the truth." That Clinton is kept well te the front by it e newspapere. DEaTfe-The auvouncement ou Weduesday everting, •that Althomas little raw. In the afternoon the splendid fonewsi-t bave thomoit it wise to Ifttalte 0. Gill ilad died, took our' townspeople by holiday iteee. The day 'was fine, but a Rector, ltev. W. era gs IAA o a baed of thesDoherty Organ Comparaye in sibil;:rotaftliyi%!(1% :go 81t4It0 of 1 Ile 5atikb. keret, eurpriee, He had •beta jet his ordinary filo in our now sus& 1144$1.alis'i,'.‘,t;e4t1118(31;:e11)AtA, health a fere days before. and was only ziloery eesit it meets our neees were entertained for hi No fears full uniform, and strengtheued by the rids for seteee taken down sick on Saturday. dition of several new members, took up a na then, and it wart position on the market eeuare, end played, eeulaltdtlit b°eteir elitlreCiiittiiiis rirP°78' itulta ff. nuMber of tunee, Milels to the delight 00 actual werlr going ma In t1;e Ale.teruTfitiletts6t 'anticipated that he wetild se°4 be all of the large number of persons gathered eiTeltierith an modesty, but it X am not Ws- rights but instead of itettiog better he trettieinge:turotlieror ilfalrle etteeeestut. Tee at- graduall sank, to . hear them. It is nrinecessarty 10 flay (51itttoit (Nit FRIDAY, APHIL 30, 1886. • Tieu Loudon Advertiser etates positiVely that the eleetione for the Dominion will be held this summer, and advises. Liberals to -lee-rearlye---0 utefriends-etrouldeverfecte their erganization aod hold theoiselvei in readiness for any etnergeucy, • seeeeee- Is ehe New Bra uswiek Proviecial elec* tioVeoullonday, tee Liberal Gevernment on the whole very good 4. y notwit standing the ef- . that this band is a• splendid One, In7 it has it might he lie tier, ape eel ir. sone Iestfire biro to health, unt'labout „ sit0coreeTellotr8e:Igmvetnegtg the mornieg attend,: seven o'clock on the evening in question, g to always been that, but it is new much bet- venture to re- had no family, but his wile u ' • ter than formerly, and this ha duo largely, Peat leYeelf. attentitgoe at the week eim nines 'to the Untiring attention of " Charlie' 11.131;t8gvtices °t the a°ngVaatiri-nP4'llig T B E111 Alen Coettex Co.-Speakiog of th age nice ags wpre ,p t ree d f••• HIGIA $0110014 BOAnD -A. meeting Pf Week daily servicea tumble and evening. were with which they open here on Mouday. even. Blackstone, the proficiect leader. ferent earth; of tee Parish every week. Great ipaire company), verfoemmoo of oast Adrift': intereetseemefl 10 1)0 taken in thent.• 1111101y the High School Board of trustees was Ptigit sutnleattlonti,inItirkliielk;ii(!* Caf': ing' May "44' tb'e 8" Tht)maa Time says: " There was a crowded audience et the Opera held on Thursday evenine laet, mainly to. i „lave a total ainuilier of elm mainiea nts, 110, and 11-tgis (gut i iIii. 1:01aoillulautilieortigls; ititorti;otsitetaltillt3irtfliiii :. School Iuspector, who had recounnentied consider the report of Air*, Hodgson, Iligh au average attendance at the monthly eeielira• the board to make, if possible, certain in- chewing, ;wart was gladdened at the proveroeuts and addition to the school, ltrOclen1garolug-lebargesti1:1 tlient°017 01 which would entitle it to be raised to the notice that 'are itt4rnotYf leateeriesgesse. 0, eertiegisetelif Dietttoresseenies - -rattier exeeraea last yearpf ourlefeeeeau eon- trIbutiont, notwithstanding the comittereial matte* was thoroughly discussect, , the de II:casette and the neeeesa ry outlay In the Pa members of the board being tumaimonsly rel. 1 would draw your attention to ono er of oPinion that it Would The a decided act. au expression vantag•es to' have the school thus raisedt •?aregiiiirrselekany LJT.-Maiair..„'Rrrif;rit 111 tWo tillnge 011 which I would like and the . following resolution, moved by• towards:the building of the $ee House, in Lou- don. • At present it Is impoesiele for us to 1)0 - Mr 'AlcTa gart, and -see, by Mr, Coats, gin paying tins on ateount of the small remain- ing debt on the whool house. ' 1 should bet_glittl, it•tffe-vh-tirty wontd-fiess a; iftidfittle a lie to Re willing/lose, or etherwise, at 801lie rotate time, to do•sumethieg in ale of the ',Bishop's house. - I hope, too, that we shall be able to devise.sonm 'plan whereby we eau raise the aliment we feet me call devote to Diocesan purposes -tiler more systematic, and less hap.hazzard way than now ()teams. The cituroli warden accounts to he presented willbe found very satiefievory. We oilier upou another tweet year With mach to entourage, end as I speak la appreciation of You personally .and a s• represen t lug all the eon- ' gregatiott for interest in eenechworlc, you via Aglow me, 1(1)0 sure to express the wish that , • . examinant'', tee, -we all wee- more and more forget ourselves and This edit not make ally differenee. eetillseersijurling' 'ink during do all we (10 in the spirit, cf honoring •God, and were passed. . • • ninking.tue. am ch ' a power -lot geed in this • the public-exceptthat elie public will ,- . has beerreustainecl by .20 to 12.; • The was carrte e Psthat , Mr. Menztes be , re - ...b 0 issue's were • largely *etraight D'em- tni-ou—qfesttd-•ro-P-rWr'ali-tcstinia'te °Of the ot • of a new additions to the present echool party lines, and the Dutniniett government building, such. as would meet the present • used its vast power to defeat the Liberals, regalations, and about 28s40 ft. in size, 1. but W08 ignominettely beatea itself. . en and (If le pairing ' the Pee":ent. building, heating the whole ;with a furnace, build- , feit. John city and county the whole $!X• io, e.ereroe gimeasiurn eke ,, two:that tho , . i . 0013SerVatiVe CalldidatE,S were (lett atce. satire be laid before the board at a special meeting as soon as • possible," Accounts of Mr. Simpson, $6, anti also one for use • -7 ' Tile. • •Sehete is 'once.. more iu. session, frather itt "InwunitY.' pay -fur it-es,because, the Seutit,e neVer- pass- • .11-tiBs • es any legislation -that IS Mt any, ?wpm-. -- etence-.--ft-issone-ofstlio abau rdi ties of our est, *Upwards of fifty guer.ts braved the drenching rai ti -storriewh Leger' through • system. that we retain stteh tiseleei, and . tile.eveneng, in,order to be. esept. , An yet an t iiernieusly expeneives tnstiention, admirable progra e • el readings, eeei ta- and deeive 110l, nn atffm honefli from •ife .tiops end music was pees ted,ihe, eeeeial* The Church Wm dons; acesaintibeingwesent- -the residenee ' of Mr, Wre Harland last ed, showed receipts fat...Church purposes $1354, - Fr' ' iday evening, possessed tenueual inters eleoleeteeepeese, esso.91, Diocesar, eis2.00. On . • ynele referred to 11. Combo arid 31.W. Watts, auditors for We present your. The Reeler iippoli.ted W. W. Ferran Ins Cluwch. Wattlett. Jaelt5011 Wag appOlatild )Q0-- 1)105' -Wardee. iffessre•Dr. Worthington and .T. Minster& wore appointed delegates to Synod. Mr: 8. Keefer. was tippolnted vestry...clerk. Votes of thanks were possed to the Church Wardetta for their ()Meted tperformances of the ditties of the Mlle°, and to the choir for their. clicerfet and valuable services; A resolia,tion was:passed in rdferenee toxlieSee House ant; ing the willingness& the congregation te con- tribute towards it wneu they aro ill ikpositiou to six_ ...A committee vas appointed to do-- • *tee tisrbeineby Which tb Dienesan collettions Conld be more syetematically Made. • e reading of a :• bn the Senate alote- we throw away over ,feattere of which wa$ t chapter of scripture by Mist Etn ma Pored, 00,000 annually, .and we' ,challenee anY , * trom .her raieed... bible.. It • surprising „.. one to show Wheein- it ba4 leeete ee''' Wee with what rapidity the trained. fingers rilIlitest -practical valuer elailugr2s4Y,eile. of tins young lady, who bite had the tnis- • ' reffellie ' to lose it er esiglite-carr etritee and last live yer_irs_._ interpret the raised charecters of her ' • This empty: Of -Canada, Or it least soMe hook. The pages are not divided let() columns, but •tbd.lines run .frone edge to edge acrose the 'ogee, which. are about fonrteen uichos broad. With her right haod Miss :Peed geicles the index fingers of•her left hand to the commencement. of each line,' and elieu. that sensitive.finger .glidee acroSs the page and conveys the avoids to he e mime so quickly that she utters.thera almost; ea' rapidly as any one • • portion tif them; have. eyideetly been . . . . ,- iaboriug under a grave delusien. ' They have hitheriebellev,ed that ineta were -tent to patlianient.to look. after the intele4sts of . the countrye and no doubt•expected these ( • men to ho honest•wieh 'the trtists reprised • ' in them. . Btit the representatives apettr. . . • ' , would sneak in • ordlnary conv.ersation. to think they have a perfect right. to hs When .• , : , . • .. • - .. . • When Miss Poad had finishareading the .. • . regartiutogether the interests Ofeheeconi- chapter. selected, the ,5th of St. John, she munity, and should have no other object•was• handed four ------ - elunees which had • been. purchased.. frona' th.e Bible House, in view bat.to speculate in timber hraits, New york, for,her by contrelentiOns. from . colonizatien lands, bogus railway Compa-. the conipany present. She acknewledgts,d • eereteeeeeenerosaete:-thei&posit ierrierfe • ; - s ' in -a -fey well-ehusen; feeling re- peneed, ,marks. The bookeare.very large, three of every way for theie own•p'ersonal them, being- aleout :11: by 18 *Inehes, 'a.nd It is pretty near.time the people end their six 'inches thick,. the'fourth volume beins; . representatives' understood .eacli 'other a the setae inesize, and about four inches , little better, Ot. rather for the hetter. • ., .thielc.- The:matter .contained, in them fa 'the books di Genetis, Egodus, Leviticus, 1st angl 2n1 Samuel, lst and: 2nd Kings, Psalins, ProVerlis and E'eclesiaetes of the' Old Testament, and the latter half' of the New Teitarionte . Delieidue coffee, sands wieli, cakes, etc„ sweet musie, pleasant conversatiodwith the thoughtful attentiore .• Tem Mail takes Mr.: Blake to task, be., cause, it alleges, that the -Liberals have et? policy Mit to butit -up the:seen:dela connect- ed with the government. In stedoing the • Mail virtually .-edmits "'the existence .of. of the genial host and the merry ubicput- , • Scatdals, and :would only tocre_glad:if ous hOste'es,' all: mintribtited to make a • the Liberals WoUld onlY cease expoeing• Most deligetful'eetening e'er all. • ' tietuisattions Unit are a disgrace tre•tibe MOTES AB' ()Ct. Nit... CRAIG. --Tiaere have government.. .LoOk'at Hie revelations af. .isist.been any particularly new develop- ' _the present spesied, thete net erioug•li mente sinhe:our last issee, in the affairs of AIL-Oritig; *cattle *-buyer. • Alm t;Inet.1 !1'°'6"..c1 brother came here to see' in What p 't' eu theee-to mak e.eilOiene,s osi ion ' .at the deMoralieetlota which prevails. The matters stood,. anct expressed ,Ins. firm • convieeion that While his brother„ May have issued some oftthe notes said to be forgeries, he most certainly never weote the sigeatures With which they arb.:eii- doreed, as Mr: Craigwes aevery poor pen- rugeon some is partic- ularly good; this view is borne oteeby others who 1.1)aye seen .some. of the Dace. On the other hand parties affirm that the 'notes were signed eby him. Shortly before nip bubble burst, Mr. traig tried to get Mi.' James ,Young .and Mr. 10 • ,1111. • 1. 1. RetillOSOBtatilfll Caltagallrtbe adniiii"Pa of 'female eehools, on the sante ten:1017ot iwit°11 the advantages etre advantages which were allowed to male rue Tlais is the title of a 1 irge volome Nat pils-a privilege which had previously been ipourskelei ;obi ,_atuouefjli) flees cinuelt1;04,e1 in 00 totrxsui rut tec,4, ,,,Igid:uaregau:La ea :tat) it Ttor, pdtIL se d4irt iunoiteltir loaawa to, bopairi 011 erl:efanool :bp*, etlarlaecti eoa::,oes etniaxt old: tti :toeP. ie • of tbe London, Huron & Bruce ItailiVAY-a. HORATIO successful work, which has added largely. to the prosperity of tbe Striae and rapidly sm. Clinton,ljaberite is a native of the Itnitea proving dietrict through which it passes. States, who Nu been king resident itt Calaadit, 0,49. Reis.% lawyer, bat is chiefly known both countries tie a writer on ementiee oubtecte, Notes of a Trip 10 California The following accouist of hes earlier life. be correspondence of the New 1ril. fore his remeval to Canada, is condensed,With aoine slight alterations, from the sketch e On lefereli 31. we left ()Unto; on the 8 s Dr. Allibette'a "CriticalDietionary of English o'clock train. It was such a dull, foggy 'Ilk ane. American liaison," published. in 1809 :- morning we eould not ma muoli of the gcalll. *silo ISA eon of the distinguished authoress, tete Arrived at London at 10:10, and had Mrs. Sarah Hale, and el tbe late David otir trunks examined there by the American Rale; leading lawYer.of Newport, N, H. • He agent, Left at 11:23 for Windsor, arriving graduated at Harvard 1837, where he was there at 2:1,.5, malting the best time on our journey. Crossed from Windsor to Detroit in 16 minutes (their time was half an hour behind ours). We were very much surprised on arriving at California, to find their. time _ fs, hours and 80 minutes bellied ours. We ehadesevemehoureetosepontlein -Detroit, •se -we• hired a hack and drove all ()wroth° oity view- ing the sights ; we saw the beautiful inonu. merit, which luta been erected to the memory of that good end noble man, Washington, on the market square. We left Detroit at 9,8e p.m. •It viewed nearly all night, We aQ highly dlatiugeished for his aptitude in *fill the Flans° last night, and those who went to see aingontl ,rreatyire,elie•seatpaptoitilunteedi." O,rahsteraedLiaftv,e' evbeeer,ne the aaciaisijaa ul language'. that whilst 'till an audergradeate he was eseeetecl to many emotional aotoes In this city, playing a poet of ehilologist to the Dented Statesexplor- piincipal part -in the play of last eight, but jug expedition, ooenniuded. by Capt. Wi*es. the 3rd and 4th :tete that •his artistic abilities' whilc:Nhore tpoinvHedeahthity,' The result dela learned eineeettgationseeda„ olii-eyes-of the aeries of works which compese so well as !sir. Baird.- 11-9111Shampleved the_part ne _ be found. in vol. vii., 'Ethnography and Phil. opening somies Well, it was not till lie reeoired - Were fully displayed. Mr, Barry Harvey the history of that noble enterprise. Me. gave a very natural and earefully tiotod inter lealeei intelligent labours have elicited warm protation of ' Frank Lawton,' aed. the part of commendation frens highly respectabie author. ities, both at home and abroad." • The dia. Mamie Harvey. Mr. Erwin • ,, was goo . • ' fall to a better Bet. tinguished. English in hia recent work on the 'Natural History. ehilologist; Dr. Latham, , Mabel Ileatlif' could not res than Miss Houeliton, as 'Ferdinand Simlcin. ' d . awl- Varietiee -of Medi/ 'remarks -that Mr. MINoR NOTics.-The recent rains are. Bale'e work aontaine "the greatest mass of worth au indefinite amonnt to this e t e• philologiaaldeta ever accumulated by a siegle Regular meeting of town councirunextY. seeter.ean <Thema/ tot .eciegee give perhaps as Inquirer." • The follqwing lines front the Monday evening, Mr. Geo. Re.ntgen ie good an &vomit of this great work as could looking after the broken planks in the ea conveyed in a brief description ee-"The eideWalks areand town. The length of ,first 225 pages are devoted to othagraphY, the dayS, Or at least the daylight part of or alt. aceonnt of the oustoms, 'align:in and them, are daily increasing; it is daylight civil patty, aud origin ef the natives of the now until oearly luilf-past eighe O'clock,• several countries and islands visited by •the Bev. MOSSI;S_Stntrilug.and. Rupert exchanget1 pulpits on Sunday evening., '• • . . The Quelph COnferenee of the Methodist , Culirch of caeada will hold its session this year in Goderieb, enrly Ila Juno. - • • • ; . . - • • • ' The Quarterly meeting servfees of Ontario*St..; IffethodiSt ceurch, wilt be bold on Sunday next; at the usual hour; Reit. Mr. Searling otneutt- i nee etr. Legeer peoach In tee Morning. _ " to see the boYs." on Friday;,it was nos, priee tlie expeditioti, The,reinelniter 440 pages coin - George Duncan,. of Stratford, droPped up eiced thist 'the boys" teerTs-of the -ether arioas,..,drahleil,etlEci)gy of the same.regions. The 01.14elyeettie are treited ot sex, however, Bills are out announcing, under the, general head of a comparative the prograinine-of races on the Clint -en Driving Parke on the 24th of MaY e $3,50 are 'offered in prises. Mr. W.• Jones is making improvements to his house. Fruit growers sot see that apple 'trees are comered by. insects; they sheuld. be attended to: at pace. Mr. .e. Callender is putting a *tone fdandation tobis house. For the infor• mation of parties who do not know, we and perspicuity"with which the whole is pre- • seated.," After the op pletion of Ole work, .Mr. Hake vlsited Euro e and other portions of the eastern Continent and On bis return was adulated to the bar. He is now engaged n•the aides of his professipu, toceasio omit, finds time to contribute' awesSay on his fevor- ite theme to 'eame reriodioal in this (weary,' . or Great Britain." i TO the foregoing sketch may be added pole . emitted dates and other particulars. Mr, Hale Was born on May 3, 1817, in Newport, N.H., and was etemittee to the bar in Chicago in 1855. He Married . in the previous year, in lersev City, Margaret Pggh; Vangliter of the. late Wm. Pugh, Esq., J. P,, Goderieh tqwnshiP, in. the county of Heron, Canada West. Mr. Page_ was of Euglish birtb, and •was oue of 'lee earliest • settlers in that county, Whore he puiehaseil a considerable tract -�f land. Wearying of the hardships of an einigrant's life, he removed, With. his family, in VW, totbe•United States, where he soon afterwerdselied. In 1856; the 'land Which he hadepurchased 'in Canada _h become valusele by the progreas of s•ettlement, orrived at Butler at 1.20, stayed two emirs .2atias halt_ ohauged oars, arrived at Peru at ' 7,15, and wee -dr agaie in fifteen , After leaving Peru we went through a beat!. tiful section of farming country, in the State of Indiana, broken some theme by small - brooks. In the!, smell towns tbroegh this. State there are some very handsenne dwellings. As we 'enter the State of Illinois we pees : through ene of the finest sections of Country we have seen since we left home,' Arrived itt Decatur, Illinois, at 3 p.m., and changed cars; leaving this station, we Lind tha country .. s very level, and a great plape. for etowieg corn., • • We saw y little fallwbeat, 'Oat thee ,,Was tooled- well. Arrived at St. Louis, at'T p m. 'missing the Bight of 4 beautifel stone grammar of Polynesia followecl-beea- o y• bridge across theeMissiteoppi river, and a -- nesian lexicon. The languages of the Feejee large tunnel there. Thie is ono of the finest Islands:, the leingaroills, Boteunie--Australia, ilepots we sawein out trevele, We•arrived at . and the northwest 'eeast df America, and Briinswiek a16.15 a.re„, and haa to wait for tionie dialects of Batagonia and Southern another train. As we journeyed through the Aftiett eOme next tinier consideration. We State of Missouri, between (4a11atin end -- feel assuied' that a glaiihe at the work will Jamieson, we seven farmer plowiug, the first excite serprise in all at the anemia of inform- this aeasou-the soil is rioh and fertile., A ation collected 'and pleastnre at the s,ystern little 'snow is yet to be seen. In Ialva we '' : fincrthe land a little more rolling, and some places ritize,h; as' we draw neer' Council leafs , • " Wo ren up- the flats of the lieissoeri riverfor " ' • a long way. tlressed the Missouri river, • where was angther tine , iron bridge, built after the:suspension fashion, At Omaha lee' get oue tiokete charged. 'rho trains were all erowded frees bore to esaerimeee to. Sti weed nearly 411 night.. Arrived at rand Island at 6:40 a.m. •Nebralika, although a rerairie. - State; is in a very good state of ceitivelions •The land. at a distance looks very rough ; there are some very large cattle ranches here. - Despite the eold weather and snow the •peo-. ple say they seldom eee so Much snciw at Ode tinte ef the year. Arrived et -Denver jenction at 3.30 a.m.; this jtinction is on the boundary betwee,n Colorado and NebresItat.and as night overtakes its we' enter Wyempagstereetery,,.._ . We crossed the Rooky Mountains . that night. aud did not see Much of them. At tbe break of day (Sunday) we are sidrounded by rocks • and mountains. We pass through Fort Steele, e• eiterementel services of 'Rattenliory St. ehureh "will be held on Sunday morning next. • Fellow- ship meeting in the school room to commence: 0.3018.at tn., and serViee at the usual hour. ' • Tit St. Paul's church on.Sunday nextthe Rev. Canon Blebardson, It. A. eteetor Cronyulfener elitifeh, London, will preach both morning and evening, Mr. Craig takinglhis daties Lox. - don. e • • The officers ot the eleventh) Army left belt Monday morning, to take"partin the opening efetheeeoes-temPleret and VanEgmond left ,on.Saturday for the same .... • WO are requested saythat the assoreetion for aiding the.poor in town ia stilt in existence,. 'and doing its best to relieve the wants otthesc. who are in needy eirculastanees,- or Newell wo are told there aro stilleite number., The,associa- tion aro badly In need of cast off elothing:: and "any'partieShaving such Tor which they halm - ieeeieg th0. eana0 crow_ding into. the room. The eonrt •wasdi.r." use,.will confer -a fa*Or by seesion from 1 o'elocieuntil.late. in tbe even; with Mrs. anrei ldicoliVer Inlablel"Waa f1" on.Sun- log; and, several Of the eases excited oonsid.. day afternoon lag, on the oeeasion 91 especial erable interest. Thebar was represented' by sermon being preatliod byatev F. Salton, 01.1 the -67t11 anniversary of the. organization of the society. Mr. -501)0h took for his text a part of the $th verse of the.ard chapter of let 'Peter,. " brethern," ape •gave au 'Interesting and plessant.discourse Lepecial .refereneo was made to Cie charitableand brotherly prineiples cif the '(*tter . and af brief reeerenee made •to will say that there is a by-law against ball -throwing on the main streets; and if disregarded, Mr. rtisley will be tiederthe :necessity of enforeingits provisions. Mr. James Gallagher,who is this year working in the interest ot the ;White 13ronze Monument Co., clairns tO have sold about $800 worth ofetoek during thefirst mouth he has been at work. lalr. Stolliteber, has rented Mr. A. Meltey's house, corner of Raglan and latttenbury streets, and will at opeQ bring his family here. Mrs. Wm. _Coate isinternitely and exteraelly improv- • • , Lig the appearance of ber house, • • • . . • • • Div,slon Court. • • :The regular sitting of the Divisioft Chun was held here on Monday 'last, judge Toms presiding, The property • committee of the, town. had formed the oonnoil chamber into a • ableeeenereeeetee-aetable-tontrateedVitte asLevithiehaseger-iiiemed-byeatiettt-giSO-Soldeerssein fern 'having been"put in for the use of.the . and, At the'request of the heirs In rig an , Judge, a typieel "Witness bot..havieg been pro, and theUnitee States, Mre,Thile.'assemed cured, Slid a tailieg ereoteie ,to -presseet the the eharge. of it. He:filially took, lig hiseresi• aueienee crowding Men the space required by -denies on the estate, which is new irleletled the • legal representatives.. It was a eeeided : wiffiin.the-hreite 'of -thee-fiperishing stoWe of improvement over the old System, alehoueh• Chilton. -He hies:since: deeetee his tithe- partly it did it ot allon; 46 many speotatoris as usual . to professional pursuits, 'and partly to soien- tifie Investigatiene, chiefly' -.in lengaages aud in that attreetiyeesed'iinportant study of re- cent growth, known' es anthropology, or the "scieece ef Mare" ; In the .cotirse ot these . 'is serprising to thinkeliet .nsen would .try te. • • • inquiries- he hoe:visited various Lidien 'tithes sbeild a railroee in.sitele a plea' ; up one grade ,, - Goderieb, Hartt, boote, aed Powell,. of ulna- in Canada and. the -United States', and has they hatt to put on three engines; we had two • . • .tan. This Westbes Latter's first'appearenee carried ed sn Ottusile correspoiidence.' The nearly :•all the way through the: mountains.. • .',. • in eourt here, and he was uefertnnitte enough • reenits ef his reseaeohes have appeared in the 'Neat Green ltiver 'we go through -a great num- . . • s , .. to lose his, first .and only cases, Better trenseetiens of learned societies and. in ennur her. of stiovishoile, one was 2..".i.rnilSti•:,lotig, in '. • .neet time: , The oases called were as fellows,: septate Pahlieatiens. ; .. The Most itapertaet the Rocky Menntaths. After leitvieg Green Riv . _ • loam of tbe :work ner.ourpladied. thin eisys Tee . volume,, entitles'. elhe. 'er we. herl nienntabis 00 000 side and rocks on oboe- oienatteueury se. Metetellst • ehttreh eeirt: .1101„sinette7ilee-0,,esetelee,-' III eLA:1 A----, Bennett- of the -sole 'an. osetave 'its assistance to the service.% • • . .. 'sued Mr W. •Oentelom • sr., foe goods got by IriqUoie Book Of Ititeeee• 'which appeared ie tile °di-Gregor:cm of the Make leolr. aS if .,they .. : 'Coxattar.--There 818 18 splendid Meiotic° at elieeletter's Wife, after a separation had taken . lege, in the eiLibraey of Aboriginal A.meeican. . were eat with a chisel,. yet we were led to ' • the:town . lien, on•.Monclity -evening, on the -es, pleee between' tbefie___As_ether -accounts con- Literature,"sedited by the dietinguishedSetli- esehave that they have been there SinceAlie . • or °aerieerethodiet church eboir.8''tel ii:.: ItOoted 'in the Bain' 0 way depended An the re- • nelogiete let. De G. Brintou: eePhileeelphia, joisd/step:, :As .we,siraw_ner Graneere the' e ' .0110cm of -the teneentoeveneuneer the.nu e ee programme 1108 renderedenearif are greet in, sult. .ofesthis, case, considerableildefest was The basitt.nf.this Work is a curtous rriantisoript ntr is a little More level,. and a few oet• e . :Fisher, of Innetirdineitmis linable to appear: severe" Illness .1‘1•110: telten.ii01.' 'It. Was shown ',•.) the. one .bend -or rather two roanusoripts-in tim Mohawk, Ale .are te beseen 'here and there, yet the :;: '. • ; .t.hat Me. Cantelort ;tithed his Wife to go and: and Onondaga dialects', relating to the origin, • eoantry is very barren, the cattle:net as 104o.. our last issue; owing tut titularly when' the feet that most of the cheir titre with him • aeHolmeaville ; this she de- laws end ceremonial usages of the Lettuces se canaeirin cattle . Arrived at Evanston 6.40 , . .. • The singing, on the wboter was very good. pars: are very, young, and ineeperleueed in public efinee to do, 'anti he renioied the furniture 0000044.: These . manuseripee,. whose sties town 15 near the botiedare beeWeen.::WY.O.-• •.- :. ' - • slognui; es; taken into aeeount. .The programme froze the house • aecerdinge2to2here_evidenceee.Compositieeedates-trom-thielest-oenteryeewsere :neteg and-rsf.tah: 'blight: •vertakee us ;Mee - ' • ' -week' bavoeseereisetterewentneyesetad it hems . .wae left adtitutee `ancl•she went. and or. dis• eovereed and ttan.sleted by Mr. Hele, whe . Inar4t, j1:tat as we are entering the State of ' • • • sltegether inueleal, and notquite so iong..110w- Liberal. policy ceetaiulf does no6 embraee • a. 1:epetitiefl. of the scandals 'that- have- - have'. marked the exietence 'of the present.gov- , eminent, but they oave it to. the people, of 0 . . ., • funds and resources of the country have • . been shetnefully squitedered. - • • , ,. i . URA nuAlitY the.raeific Railway Co, . are beingeeleased front :their contract with' —the cotinesie*Se-T.11 , trst--gsete-ehe---na. Xiihn Stewart to endorse notes of $1,000 each for hitt* area trese• piilties were on upon which they received the cash and e . the peint of doing so, -bet eotriething in - 'land subsidy althebil le -atilt them; -their tervenied audearevented itud tlfey are ... they demanded Aldine Of thirty millions Of that much better off to -day, Mr: Craig's • ii-ialother has gone to live With her daughter, • dollars' tie entehle- them tb complete their railway.' Itedently-the go:Veroment have , wirese",,7e7-blVefe,HttleleTatje-pant4ire'eslitig agreed to take back the lauds in extin- with friendrentle-rotito. Mr, W. Weir. the heaviest loser by Mr. Craig; helds a guishrnent of that loan, and now it is pro- deed of his farm, but there Is a mortgage, posed` to re:lenge to, the colopany the five with accumulated interest, to he satiefied , inMion dollaes of boode held as security first. The banitd do not load any. It for the proper operation of -the 'railwa.y, has heels chremon report 'during theekreek that, two widows in town were among the , The .company .will then be in' it pesition to sufferers by his departure, butthis, we are • operate the roatteleut it up or throw it up, glad to lear0; orf the. very best- rodheieri ty, on the lien& of the goVernment, ae they is ineorreet. There isrhowever, one lidf think 'ropee.' 'Bat, although they. en,sist aniengulie%.velytertiniTts24nt=1:246112s Is upon getting re neve' - extent of her lose. * jest- before- leaving tins id the country, the syndicate cling me Craig -was engaged in buysisg.ap cattl6. for etiother sbiprnent, and made payments of from11 to .,$10 to the different. parties .from whom, he botight, and of course these . parties are -just so much ahead. At the _..--..._ couutry2......_,,, , instance of one cifehe vi tittle -aTtiFarratif ----e-- has -been-- issuettefer-Mre Graig's-arrestes Some time beforetegoma 'sway, nel bought of Mr. Biddlecenribe a gold tvatcti, but paid-nothioron it. After his `departure, Mr. Biddideroribe tried to get Mrs. Craig to relinguish the watch,lent she chained that she was left pennilesl, and had no- thing dee upon whiehto raise•any money, 'an offer of $10 for it, was refuted at the time, On Tuesday, just prior to her de- parture, Mr. Biddlecombe met her t the station and had the plefieUre of ge flag his watch back Again, dn his alert con- ditions. . ... In ieply. to questions which have beeh asked, and misleading statements which have been made„ the undersigned beg to say that ;William Craig, whose torgerits sonl Other dishonest a e b come to light, has not beat for several years a communicasit in the Presbyterian Messrs, Islalcomsoo, Seeger, and Carepion, of ease they have trouble with thee Indians, , . they being thick' around here. The first mountain we saw was Elk 'Mountain, before, , • we camp to' Fort Steele. •The country around this fort is rough. and -barren, very little grows except sage brush, groseing from one to ten feet high, end is used for firewood. As ' we Imes the town of Rawlings we pase some of the wildest sights we ever laideyes on,. we coald not commencd to describe it to you ; ib eels. eenely all 'rooks, sortie 200 feet high. .It she ever, thevariety, no doubt suited a greatinany.- 'dared ftirnithre to the value of itb,out $(35. has prefand his version with a •fall aceount Ittah, Arrived at Ogden at• 9.40, changed - Tho.rwolPte, after naYitsgexPensesewere some- The Inage, considering the articles pnrolias- of the Iriquois people. Theemitiont historian, ears and. left in half an hour. There was no thing in the vicinity of sso, is to go to: D e G t thi work • "It is e. t b tome next ruorniess, `o-fify on the - wathethepirrehatie ot ewe fertile choir. ad -as luxuries' and not strictly necessaries, r. . She, ays.o p 00971. . • • At the next District meeting of the •Metho- entered a nen-suit, hilos ihicalsep ' egetv.ekiiieets • SseelesA -e4re•etretegggils Slide and t4e.. dist churcues of Goderieh District,. to no heid ROM e. earriaort.-Thisles' a. snit 08 1116 0, "ineetelesee ket6t-Orest, AV,L snortly at Seaforth, we believe an attempt is tO *sinitiliatiire teethe preceding owe and leant. relati egele` 'gees et ar116 . ter lee -a .1. Mg part.'of dike eourney, n could not see, . be made to change the houndatles and nature, . of several of the elrettite, among which will be ed in nonte • ss polies>, such as we heve never lied' of inY either. Wo ,stayed. at Elko about .an • heur,_ . , the following :--Te mite': Ziell • appointment • seteiseesIS:o; Grant. -An SintOrpleiteer 'gait. nation of *this'oentinent." A desoription of 'and bed:grime fun watching the endians gas .• (Taylor's Corner) from leoiroesseino, and attadt Messrs: Grant & Co.; leather manufacturer's,' the "Tutelo Tribe and Language;" published thee around the train begging mono ; the ion appointinefrilifOgOtberjaid-War-8111 of-W-Oodstock,--ficeithed-ludgtrient against -IL eeriginallerenebe Transactiots:of the_kinerUall ttair,.:_was Crowded. With rieh and peer and ,...it re. yap teria Sb;, Goderich ; drop the Slimmer Ortiderieh townshijrclitttfrinffetthrrerttli:Cole's; W.. Mitellell, of BlYth, for goods supPlied, Philosopeieal Society of Philakielphia, iii. eapeed nieey gave them, five •eud. &kit 001118 I- - - - thus leaving_ Ifolniesville and Ebenezer to he hini„, and saved -goods in ehop Occupied by, Mira,. esSaegivee the-Mtereatink add realy oee old wotnatt said she was 11.`1 years old. ' • Woreed by one luaus 1Co taros Ternor's, Tuckers Mitchell. Mrs.IVIitehell laid claire te the romantic history of est:hall tribe .of thrlianse We sew a gooe many after this, at every eta- , e . . veld formerly, raided in -Virginia ,and 'North tion they would gather arOundthe train, As Wete . • • . troivaetda et,t,lailllties,aett ow; atWwtalise‘ypert:oze ti?Ine : . Oarolinae and thence naigrated .northwarcl through Peeasylvania end Now York to 05: nada, where the last surViyors were. foiled by. fire (lid not run very .fere. Wearrieed. at - • Mr, Hale, end, to thesurprise of ethnologists, eltneesoldt-ixtesesieelock; it • ii a pretty ',little - were proved, by their language, to be eine. piece; they have -a beautiful foiletain in freer: libeled with tlfeereeltotas of the far weSt. In of the depot, Sad. everything looks 'neat apc1 .. 1882, Mr. Hale, as,a member of 4 committee tele, Next mernieg we 'filet oars& ves in the . , to their monopoly of the North.west trade; which having such an' injUrietts eftect upon the progress and prosperity.of that lii clotluilifereotiinonCwrititairilLooSnta.esbionroonci mut. OPIOCO teourse ,goods, and interpleader summons ivere there. leftle_leat be made., emit they. are .,..foreeesited teepee the rosestimi of ownership. proposed. Asa matter ofefeet Lee deetiercevitlitea Judgment 'resetired. should have preaching twice a Sundav, or else . 0044 e, Geese/wee...LT:his was ebee0,: the eletiodists there should build It new on the•oredit of the &fondant, Lind charged gregation at one,. . , • ; to bee The plitietiffe elliged that she had rb ' 'ek • saseeseespeos,-reee , enderer s Cr! -et altered there to give MoDonald credit, arid Club beS• been `re -organized for the seas- to charge the:same to h.er, while the defenpe of the Anterioan Assoeiation for the Advance - On and att1 meetieg held last week elect-; claiMed that she bad notified plaintiffs not te ' meet of See:Mace,' which met in that yeer at ',ed the following officers (-Hon.-Pres, J. P. Tiedall, Hon. Vice Pres. Oen, E. ray; Pres, W. Jackaon, Vice Pres., gee. Me - Tag Art Seey, I-1. R. Stanbury, Treas., ,chnrch that Would. ateetaniedate all teeth coe,• tiro for.goods sup.plied, tothne AteDonald, tip - A current ruraor says ,that Su Charles Tupper's MAI:titled: ruts to,' a seat in the Imperial, perliatietft, and if possible. in the Imperial Cabinet, .still retaining his Canadian Cern raissioncrsh p. While there is not..the slightest probabilitY of h is ever getting a place in the Imperial Cabl- net, he might get a seat in the Imperial House of Commons, because he has an un- iimited amount nf that quality termed "cheek," and could very easily so maiptt- late matters as to secure a nomination for some unimportant borough in the old. country. We have no love tor Sir Cluts. Tepper, and look upon hire, as one oldie most unscrupulous and unprincipled poli- ticiene, still,we inoet admit that he has a oortnin few of &meter that mikes him a'power with certain classes of the corn - unity We do mot believe, -however, . that he will make muchoeforct to get 11.10 eleee , puhii. Iifin rnglno,tr toreason that Att,X , STCWAttle Moderator of Session, .---,,, . - --heowill-Auep.t.atiR(Lr.V1IY.L.-1)0. th.t.'5,..s,lacetsfior jAs,TtatNlitr;t, "Clerk 'of Session. of Sir Jelin ,k MeedonaTir, ' - ' - . . , 'give any more Credit her ntone, ap. Montreal,. took pert in esgealeieg the filet plieation of defendant, the ease wag adjourn. meeting of the teatime of *Anthropolopy ea until next.court, in orrice to seeure the that association; and, eoniewhatetemarkably, evidence) of -McDonald. two years.laterrin the sanee' city, he was olio. j. Yolinston, Cei-iiimittee, S. Armour, L. PPling BOttoh-INVas an action to -re. Of the committee of . Aedobiation, fr ns eeener ese , ever. Tipling and Beatty had been in pare whicloseganized the Iirst medtiog of the like Harlarid. • . claimed was ohly $160, yet thegrose otitconse evidence both of the recent rise ana progress tetracling-lon'et'teenedirlierougleabiratut---Recteraretr-thet-worldsren ownedesodiety---sn CROP •PROsPECTs.--Fro`in all of the trades bed ran up in the neighborhood of this branch of seteneo and the position held reports coneeroing tee . , p oats f 1110 ee(fi. severalahunno adefendant,t1ollars, tabi4d, situ:fiat! min tintutjt by Abe futon- g• its iinitivatores A report of the country come the most favorable fall wheat, Ikdid not suffer aity &image was beyond the Jurisdiction of the • court, during the winter end has,nerde, splendid which objeetiou was Sustained by the bourt, --Iprogressesosfar-thiseuneng•. A large Aira-r. eielother case bayou' the same parties was age wee 821 113' 1. t ete„ai, solar eitery to recover value -of a plow; hut it. was ae 000-0 ,,,,,eri,,,31.1&ese.,e set is impossib.le mmarize prospect Of a g are aiso looking t ber;ii ntk l',„.,,,litiv,:-.-INtrottrtt was Ala° noneauttea. taut ease. • tiler of the paet month having brought them well above grotiod. Wilier 1217A PEoPti,,mThat nOteS Of luta ere aivay (Ian below Par earl now. That such delightful weather ag this wits Uever known before so early. That "everybody knew long ago that Craig would emne to this." That 1111411 Scott AO men are becoming it Tittle afraid now Inspectors are appointed That an effort should be made to establish a regu- lar market, day, for the eummer at least. That arrangements should be made to have the street lamps lighted on Sunday even- ings. That Some more (7) none croseings should he built. riThat fewer secular au- nottnaements 'should be made rrom poi its, State of Oelifornia, eirolig the Sierra IS'evada , . Nletintains •,,, here We find:the mountains very . iiigb, sometimes we were up on the aide and eould look tlown !unwire& of /eel, and theft ' tkie /MA through a cut to bird, the Oboe wee,. Thai mountains looltea beautifaeoverything was groove and -no the valleys grain was grow. jug, and many .vineyarcle There were a ' i il-mtdri'rpitiVIcii&ttnatteo----treptr-toir--tinst----;.. ntraintstina, and here arid there an (Well:tied iii . by him on the Blackfoot tribes was rearl at full bloom. It reeled nearly all inorniug, ao taltilarstesivvoescolnoloilkinnogt °glint .61-,ini tt,harie c,,,./1.1.1iattarolortO eoAnsteweet - held in' Abordeeo, in September, 188,), • • , . the last meeting 61 the British Associatioe; noatea storamanto tba lane looke mere. iii riOura f1885), efies-ot the viceeiresidents 'ef es He level an*l20086, under eeltivation; _le...that . . , era America, Association, anct pre.81.4030)T city we had to stay about nine liparel 'tag a its ;Anthropological section. He is a member very nito eityavitleese 01001 inhabitatitis. of manY learhedaocietide besides these already IrgeTidimrtygn, gyrettyhleo8octiik i'litra6.r(Slchei*Trpeene'ph'ifyilocYti • tate of Great Britain, the .A.n can 02611 them 'nearly as fat as you min see mateedes-ineludieg the A.nthropelogioal Insti- seeesty. OE Washington, the reeheyivatila them, -all the money they make they. eend to ' thropologietal genealogical Society,. the. Buffalo Histdrical China; flue have alls their clothes ehippea toefeb. society) de) Ile lies been a irequant can. them, .the peeple of Californias-ere rebelliner ' . Ilistotical Soeiety, the Now Eugland Histotio- tributoe to periecticals in the 'United S t at e rt r . aCe gi ahaUil ri lilaal lgO tettliittowinli.lr rtot al:ktievy1.114r0Itt 111,111e:et rraYyt:got 'aft fieh4Pi llY andetlIn! ' . - .1 wrest in odacational matters. Throtigh nes • live on very little, Sasremento is the capital Great Britain, and Canada, on seientifie and' efforts the Clinten High Sehoel and the , of the State, Beats run ue the levels, Co and past this place • it is it Imv city, erity-g0 feet . literary topics, and has taken. partieular hi, AsSOehltion were eatablishod, and he was for above the leiel' of the toe 1,,, the inter ie tins. * s' limey years chairman or the „Igo .. ciao I ' erablet 5,ac• finds ilfi on the train, again, on ' - Mar way to the tooth of the State, Arrieed -; . Clinton Mechanics' Institute and Library holding these positions he gave much wt,oIrtaotltilric%pveayata°7g.43i01),,eulaeaxntgemdo crittortg. andflntsveIrtes "- " , boatd tied president of the Institute, While oorrespondeuee and interviewe With; the Ontro prisiug the way the treble rim through those th" to once more among the tiottleteine. -11 le sue. tie allthoraws, tina to the Cireulation ef peti- eeeleetaies, sometimes we would be muting Gurney dlfanufacirmnd Co, 1". Reet1,-De• fendant bought- from the ece's agentet binder on the, general conditions of suet( sales, agree- ing to give notes beetles inaeltinsf He subse- quently refused to accept it meethescronnd that et was not tip to the eonditione. Not giving the notes, action WAS brought to re. (met. the amount of vvhat vvould have been the first nate, $15.- The objection( was raised that the oompany could rot sue for a portion of the machine, under the oireurnstances, but must qua fotethe fall atnoutit. judgmeet ro served. ' Cook, Cook v. Coals.--Axt action for digging a well. The ugreement between( the parties was that plaintiffs were to dig et well for de• feittitint aud timke a Mat clam tob, for el per foot; After going down ebnut 10 fed plain-- , la t iere ia sennetunee -a 1 t c too mite 1 semi, an.t.said they eoold go to further, a rowdyism about the middle set the Tght-little Avater accumuleting in the well. The That the' cow byelaw should be riidlY delentlaet ente`nded thet the wetter watt sur- e forced That eons --------1--------------------------- n . stine art plaintitre had net complete Ilmt-thireiA-trgootillestiAnore tisld at -all ' pity th,ratrvant I i l' u.st.tirci., ,rcogipent ivservect . iftoe„ it rimy be mentiCtied, Wag, to -saute Angelos stt 3010 p,m, 'e on . k *2 ill * . , nova te Vet a 01 largely enertesed public . grants' to the high 110., we wnt11.1 run e tellies, 01.838110e :ma come enhanced their' .efileieuey, oue importeut 17 1012001s in these mountains, lentrest one it to the Pam plate, only we Wonla be a Scheele ;toe mechanics, institutes, throughout bac the Province, aud in legislation which ersatly few Mutated feet iligher;there are tie less than Was trashed at Division Conrt week. ed theie agreement', he aecorilitIgly refaSed 10 5051811 01 the le " t tl promoted. by, ee, • _eel e„3 eeriseedateeose - .•• •