HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-30, Page 2•44,- 4:10. . N ,....*.."4404412•4•4141WS•Mi!“16,4109.1.0.10 . - incw.am$ .6-i,• 4.V.1,1114:A. UT Mr."MlidnaiYI" veto= .shos .41, slip.. pug het heed ioto bis, he coutlucte eeress be laWn, and thrbitgli the _ tiny garden to whore a ,glass door -stands. ' that .gives accoss to Mr. INIiiciatty'S stilly. Two stouosteps lead tip • to thi9. door. "Keep a little babied. me," She with pets, with G pretty balf-raiSchieveas • Smile; and then, opening dm glass cloor„ she Eiteps lightly into the room, • . At her entrance a old inau-4 be lip. , pears to Dick-Lrises from his seat and - advances to greet her, with the gentle ' smile Of weicoine upon lila lip; ha t1. Ways has for her. • • . "1 have come to bring you each news. . •hs,shoednews-reahy 'great BOWS !" saysDOIOre$, with ohariumg excitement in ' Tokio and manner. She throws out. her • hands a little. ". Dick has thine," she . says." Dick!" She is evidently of the ' opinion that "Dielth is 0,.. person of. , world-wide renown. 66 Ile haefourid me ..• out. He is liere-see,"--as Bouverio . .. coines slowly •ieto view, smiling also. "This is Dick," It is with ..nticouceal- ; eil pride she thus iutrodeees hisos- , ". Coate iu, Dick ; you may .e0.1110 (mite • in. Oh, dear, dear Mr..S.V.ildipess .o,ront you glad ?" . She threWs her arms retool .. 'Mx. Mildmay's nook as she says this and , gives hint a warm hug in- her great . joy. "Sono OLIO" from your .014.1 home? - This is indeed a happyoceo,4iou," says' Mr. Mildmay gently, though perils/is ho does not look altogether eh happy as lie .could wish. Is his little lila of passage to be so soon borne away from his glance • as he turns it full on- Mu yeti°. " I hid. you welcome, sir, althottgli- our little . rorsre friiiiditTertirchira'otrrnISIV-Kel . - loving hauil-.4 has omitted to tell me. aught of you excopt yoor eltriStisois name. • . s - .q Ily other suisee...i.C.Thaev_saYS__ Dick with a courteous .bow.: ..•., . But the wash -has scareely p tssed ' his. lips when achauge- comes over Mr, • . Mildmay. Ho Omits tie if liur, and a - leaden hue covers. Ids face, -• He trios to, : say something,.bet :fails ; and then all. - 6.t once Dolores feels him grow heavy '. as he leans agaiust her. - He shudders, . and, but that • Bonyerie- vatelfee him as , he as wtlys torn's): Wee Id. fait inert1.t. to the ground. ' - . • os.• • • , • - . werniest geeture; but Bouverie declines • them, It is not so bad a clue ssi that . to notice it. which eeparates us," says ttdae, raising " Se, ss 1" says the old man thought. : her lustrous eyes to Isis, all Joeavy with fully. Lie holds out his baud. to Dolores. : sudden tears; but still it keeps them "Come hero," he eaYs gently. ' apf,rt ; and' Woulirier it if I could." •She obeys him, and, kneeling dowo I - 'What -IT *a -obstacle- my '.1"(3'w' by his side, lays her chee'k against his 1 . asks he softly, taking lierlaud in both shotilder m one of the pretty catessing , • fashions that belong to her. i "INIoney, They have none, and I Edgeworth in a whispered coneultation I i want to give it to them- Lallio, if you tell her of it, will give them the few . Bouverie, turning aside, ougagesqdrs, about the postal arrangemelits in this t hendrods they require, for my sake." part of the couutry. - . i " You. shalftellber yourself, and you "So you take up the threitd of your shall take the money yourself, too, te life again?" says Mr, Mildmay, loying Mrs. lturuet's daughter." his hand upon Dolores's shoulder. f' This " Oh, no, I shall not be in a position young man -you will return with to ? You will go back to your people? I ehall be agaiu bereft," There is in hiEtvoice the most mournful intonation. "Yeti were like her," he goes on musingly -O. "all my heart wait out to you. If my 1 little daughter had lived, she could not have been dearer to me; and DOW I lose you too. I shall not see you again. I -ant too old to push ray way Onee more into the Onfriendly world, and you an expression of inclescrihable molest- eholy steals over his face-whyou will forgot," he mnrinurs, with sad prophecy. "No, uo; my more than father !" whispers the girl tremulously. "Do not I, ins misju ge me. g r 1 love as yours. Woutd be impossible. lily se- cret is as yet unknown to you; but, be- is in reahty far from feeling. hero me, this coming of tay friend has There is a pause; and thourl not altered my determination to Sopa- As for that," says she, in a low tene Ohild-cluld-da,rling 1" she mur- rote myself. from -from those who are and with averted face, I suppose in 1 to nte the dearest upon earth." i; some ono of the far-olf year§ you will niers brokenly. , She holds out her arms, and in a Her voice falters ; but her spirit, as moisientlhas folded Doloreswithin them. th ough her dear eyes is - • .. 'nothing to .416. with that family, 44, 4wonts t 'IL\ PATE, XXX.V. To ooze with unseeing eyes upon a sun.smitteg landscape through a half. , opened window has been Doloros's sole occupation for the last fifteen minutes. To those waiting. in fearful "expectancy for- What May 'bring them certain joys time drags in slothful style. How many times has she glanced at the aged clock that stands upright in the hall, as if defying its very sell? to do st 1 have separated myse How often has its stolid face assured her trent you all. I shall never go hem° that sixty seconds run to every minute, and not ono ? Its incorruptibility preys aortin. " As yell Will about that, darling, upon bus Home, after all, is only where those are Not even Bouverie is liere to whisper whom we love Wo can go away corafost„ and convinee her that she is not gether, you and. 1. I have some money, impatient. He went a good hour ago - you know "-emiling-4' and we will see 014 what an interminable houttls_-taithe if we cannot cheat starvation svith it nearest rallwayostation to meet' Miss Marurin and bring her hither. But has when you are my 'wife." Not that -word, Diclo-aOY vfkie2 she come Will she? He might have word but that ! I shall • uever be your brought a thougaind aunts here by this, thpe ! Even as this extraordinary wife ! Do not mistake me • about this," ' • ., ' - ileetion occurs to her a swift step in 66 What a little tyrant I Would you, the hall may be heard, Dolores, paling, then"conderan Me to the miseries of an. leaves her place at the window asnd ad - eternal bachelorhood ?" demands he. -va,nces inwartls..s The door. is throsvn lightly, with an assumption of gaiety he open hurriedly; sem° one enters. Yes, it .is Lallie--but how strange, how. altered! She is white as death itself and is trembling in every limb. hardly remota er e tliougflt day. You, will marry somebody who will not be me." A heavy 'sigh brooks from her, "Whyshould you not?", she . says. " Slone tlay, when all this Will be regaiqed-bY yoilisT -very -old ItetTer .yori will perlaaps hive and be loved, by .80M0 sweet woman, and let her be to • yen wha,t I can never be." s Her voice fails her; but hravely she conquers the momentary °maims that bas arisen out ofher heart's agony, and •gently raithe ber face to Ins. • • " One thing, Dick," she says • brokeo. ly ono thing, •remember- she -she will hot lot° you more faithfully thao I soe r • steadfast in its sad remniciation, It a supremo moment -her lost trea- " You will stay here then ?" adks hesure hasheen re aimed " That' woold be impossible; • I lutist leave you,. it only to hide myself agaiii - from those who wonia Hook to pershade me to retern home, to their own detri. r-meet-Mow hard -it -is -to- exsilaiu, ham -a . pored as I am by. fear of cli,recivery r". cries she,' with a Sudden burs: of sorrow - f u l i it patio nee. , . "1 have told yon 1 would nal Seek to invite into your history," murmurs Mr, ClIAPTE11 "Ab, *have _eels vem_ivron ! I hatte-dnife *Thier-ifilka not ----r see now 1" sobs Dolores, clinging to her. Oh the blessedness of having that kind bosom near her once again to be the• recipient of her griefs! All last night she had lain awake, preparing herself for the reproaches, the upbraid- hms that at last she has comesto feel are alone her e.to ;and now-S-nowt1 •" Not ah red -not a Word, my darling!" -- 11.16NEWING AND NEW LoANS.-TEIE UNDEit xaciitnian (mann a large amount .4 pxhste end Com pany Funds for Imestinent, upon 400d 0,:rtw, aud low Interest. MANAINU 41:, th.'011:, Jorristtos, Sitiott's Mock RAILWAY `,IVI.I.,....:1 CARD Trains leave Olin ten as filow,s :- GRAND TIO:XX RAILWAY. , Going East. tieing West. 7.25 0,411. express 10.0 a.m. mixed 1.05 p.ni. uused . 3 L0 p.m, mixed 4.30 pan. mixed 9.15 p,in. eXpreSEI GREAT WSSTI,RN i3AiLw4X4 - 1 Groins Noith. Going south. 9.06 a.111.. express 8.08 tem, exptess 7.9.9 p.m. esptess _ 4.1.3 lisp. express_ . grot.C$$ional and' 'oiltgr QIilvd$. ANISTIN G souvir Barristers, '_i).tieitor,.9, L Commtssioners for °Mari r flu(1 klankoba. ONIfICE'NEXT MOB TO NEW ERA;" CLINTON, BOUGHT' MONEY 1:2.,T.I.T.Zwfi,101ituT, 081eC3 ever J. Jackson's store, Albert Street . - . . " , fAitRIAGE LICENSES, -APPLY TO TETE - ILL undersigned at the Library Booms, Smith's Sleek. 30 . JAMES SOOTT. 101Npl? (,)11 SMALL o ag e it , moderate ate of interest. #. HALE, oliuton. DEL DOWSLEY, M.D., M.11.0. ENOLAND Physician, Surgeon, eta, Office and residence next Molson's Hank, market squaro, Clinton. - 11. APPI4ETON.-OFFICE- kT RESIDENCE Lon Ontario street,Olinton,opposite the English nurch, Entrauee by side gate. , YLES YOUNO, COMMISSIONER. CON- .1.1verASeen, aud,Issuer of Marriage Licenses o tztttrinstrov-,1) ilipe=tottl.residentwrcortretrOt Kin r. and Queen (greet*, 13137th 11 11. PROUDPOOT, OrVrr. ENGINEER, Provincial and Doldnion Land Surveyor, -Architeet . and Draughtsman, l'ERRM MOCK, Clitit011 • ("kit, REF:VB.-OFFICE ItA'ITENBURY .1/ Merray Block, two. doors east of, Hodgens, en - lance. Residenee, opposite the Womperanee Hall, !Dairen Street, Olin tort. Office hems, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, Lori s Maturin the tears running Al us. 'WHITT, TEACHER QF MUSIC. PUPILS dense John, Boberteon's, finron Street, Clinton.. Mildmay somewhat wistfully..• But 131153 do ' down. her eheeks. " I will not 'have' ;7 - attended at their own rosidence,if neCessary. Re- alm's HOW 111.9010a. t (Welt if desired, . . ro..i.5-4.z323183,...,,..aitAorAim '1;11IE_IIED1 nxt-Dtaitmentof Victoria.University,Torento,fot merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries New York • "Yes, yes.: "s1 have decided," inter. • Here he would Iwo spoken; but she yeti Mouse yourself in any way. Oh, to 3 . mot's- slio.feverishly. e 1 senceenfide in' checks him., • ' , think of all you. have euffered, my poor she I _hale pretty otsera you. yoti shall .know all svhets--when '.1 know what you „would say, ' • • I he is • done at/alit aud I' shall -be left rutirmuis ; "hut it is useless. . YOt V1- Such sweet coudonement of her fault, 1 d , • alone . . have thought x a over' • J. lenow The touch of. utter desolation iu her ,,that in time you may forget. But "- e es as sho says this roses. to 'the old piteously, breaking down a, it will not be • for a long time, Will 'it, Dick ?" . " I hope not," says Bouverie steadily, "as it will only be when death over-. • . . takes me." - • "In spite ot herself, her face changes. at this passionate answer. ; happier 7,tr. Midmav is ' still 'only loot con man's heart. . • " seious. Mrs. tdgeworth, bending over "Poor child!" he whispers faintly. - him, is applyin-g some anoststons of her . He leans badkin his 'chair, and again own decocting to his =oath and ' nose; ,tbe aShen, hue overspreads his face. By Dolores is holding his •hand and gazing an 'effort he rouses hirnself, and; mo- ' at him with the keenest auxiety in. her 'tioning to Delores to rise to her feet, ' lovely eyes., Bouverie, it a little clis.' turns to Bouverie. . ' ' time, is also 'watching •hiru,"witha facia "1 fear' I. must ilik yoixtb eieuse nie, 'gleara illumines it, and her hand trem. nated intentness he doesv-not dieguieo ohs for this evening," he says in an ess , bles within his. even from himself. WItaiiitiliittothist.s.shausted tole, but with. geode dignity'. "Yoe must tell Lathe everything," old man resembles 2 • ILS,A10,7*61:1!, ...04, ,-...f.,,I-le(*a geed deal shaken, that -little she Says presently ;:" and, when we are Dolores, has discovered in 1Y.ty. Mildmay .ivii4e6*,.ttfibk df a Moment sinee has so again separated; be good to her Yes,_ , a remarkable likettess to some parkin =Strung iiiiisthatl am afraid ..scannot • yoti Must be the ono to tell het all:" - or persons unknoWn. : in 'mien minietet to. Yeur comfert to. • " You; darling ---not me. To confess,• "What eaused•the faint, miss 2 What night. But I leave you in 'able,•hands." the troth to you, I made ' Mrs. Edge- . happened -to him?" asks Mrs. Edgeworth'. .IIe smiles kindly, with a gesture iif-the 'worth promise to send a telegram to •. hand towards Delores. h Our little friend Miss • Maturiu an hoer ago ; that will •speli. 'generous forgetfulness of all the Corona r fo r the County 0 f Huron,flayfielco Et' t . nml lastouTiln)1 iie eihsocuitr,s ii Ina. slovlsiui which r etc p i elNrIci es s t a NK 11" l'ilell:'Betri' tAtillit,IssiTtEn171.'s' 'ss°Sregril!! voile- litr.411.iiiiirtfitigit • ment sob, she throws baek. her head and 1 eartty„esiols ire Dolores's heart:, . Withsa low Init el a i. ,B ivate]finals to :4;111.7.6 ,600rtnilitioi :Igen its, Mossrk.11c, • oan at lowest rates of interresf. dazes into • Miss Maturin's • oyes with althost a tragic meaning in her owe. . l',R.`0T-OINLItni".; m.B.,GRADUATE • " Have you nothing else to sii,y,' Film 1,:tinr.serstroonfertoslilDernoct: 1.2z. says-'-" no ans.ory word? Until' -saw. , sielansaxudSurgetoenre,oi Dick yesterdays I never thought- howl hausstohserisossusisa by Dr. Reeve, Albert street • you and he would have to endure as Well --e9:-.1T-c-5, • __ ' • MISS DIEFIEW MUSIC TgAoHER, • of Dolores, in a low tone-- .. . "tdoolsknow-I haven't -the faintest -ill . entertain you,": he says •gentlys japes!' returnsDoloreithdeep distress: " doubtlesi you and she have! much to'• • " Ifeserarre-therestestbiesdeer-te-gre i 5:61 . after to ion and s • ,... .5 ils kindly as resttal:.,,,,-1- brought in. my. trying a parting." ts friend, and- ;Hon': Was it, Dick 2" •:. He touches the girl's 'hand affection- . -turning :to Bouverie. " I•think I had Moly, and 0:mug with ratich apparent , [ barely time' to introduce- you -to Wm - diffieulty, rises from his chair. lIelooks . when he fainted-olfr '..._,. .;. old and enfeebled, Bouverie, going has • " Ay, sof" says the housekeeper -cosi"... tily to his sides draws his ' haaul through. ously. She has taken hardly any notice . his arm, and loads hid]. tqtlidstoor. .. of Dick Up to this; but new she regards • ' " I thaolt yeussir," says MroMildnia-y„ him S•aith open scrutiny: coorteouily ln some little odd way it • hlYout. name; 511? "'she it'Sks nhietly, • new becomes apparent to all present , with. to utmeststrespeci. 'that he avoids uSing Bouverie'S name .6 Bouverie," Says' Melt, "'wheo; addressing him. ." I have indeed • on her. • '. ' 'become an old man "he says with. asigh • She turns her head abrUptly. side, --;h older than I should be," _ • itietending to busy _herself with her. . At the door he' denies to'. , stand -stili patient, brit •not before Beaverie bas. • end regards Dick long and eartiestly uotieed the .dullo:ed that has flamed tato "Not a feature, not a' feature!" lie • her eheelts and the . trembling of 'her , mutters to himself ; Sad then; I i ps. Your face is. unfamiltir. Sir see no intuit regret that thy. nude' is my likeness -L. -none, though ilannied I Might game," he says caltnlysetill watching. ',"liave traced ,s.onie suiall •resemblatice: her, "if, as I must believe, it 'has, bn.717-What-•-T-f'. tinestion is plainly boyar. • the coils° of Your mister's illness. ' •' ing upon bie bps: but he suppresses it. o -The nametseertainly is. known to • Oblootighs eneughl'Ile eays hurriedly. him," returns Mrs. Edgeworth, iti,a eon; 'rut, tut, tut . What foolish thoughts ' strained tone. In forn.im dayshe was we-have:I .TO-ntooty, perhaps to:nior- •---;wah eonnet/ted-Wittritr"inTsoine -way, row f" • , ' • . • es • BouVerie with old:world ' days. But doubtless, sir, there ere many ,courtesy, and, taking the housekeeper's elyout nanse,-so many that we ueed atm, quits the room. ,withher, thuS ipso- , not cquiieet- yorx With those who -whose • log the lovers -alone. lives were once mixed up With Mr:Mild- , The long, long conversatiou. that en- , f • sues, e w en oh• 't hwxi • bring `her 'here tb-motrow, don't doubt." • • •• • • o" Ali 1" She fluelte's Warmly, andaher Phrtims•uport-hiS ; then-thessva4m 'colour elides, and a deathly Pallor takes its, place. • ; • • • Bouverie Watcheshei anxiously. Has his intelligenee been too much for her • Shp raises .her head presently, and a deep sigh escapes her. • • • "To see her so soon l" she whispers faintly ; but he Can see thin; the light eta great content 'is Making her face 1,11 may s. • •-• Ifer hesitationsisapparent, That she evensthestirstsigne.Of weitra. ISrre. found-a-clitliettgysitrprenetsseing-her-Ildgenterth tettrrns tfOlthoin,_ acietapas::: ' . . toasters name is felt by both 1)iek and Med by a " neat -handed Pbyllis" bear- as I. I at to save you freta further 'eNn. WORTHINGTON, PHYS/CrAN, SURGEON evil ; bet 1 ooly hurt and gtieVed 'alritest. IJottootiallour,Lieentiateof the CouogeotPhysielan• and Sttrgeons of Lower Canada ,and Proviucialtiden, to dmeaytiliftel!e 'hicwherevfc'erbweetnemseiliiis'ILs gerivily tist o' and Coronorfor theCountyofilmon. Offiesand wideintrt:nbagitirder.i.orlFerl; occupied by ?Jr kit Still -ah, *hat is it I must do now `.?" ith fresh- burst, of des air. olinton,?anhabossi. . IS NOW EBADY BECEIVg .1)Uniias mosiLLnit ERTIT ANI) ORNA.MENI'AL TREES, NOR, - 'WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH ANp ASTBACHANesPINE, TIM LATTER or WIIICII wn MAKE A SVECIALTY criee sho,p . . ' " Oh,•uth rasT ebila whispers..m.iss IXNTON MECIIANICS' INTITUTE, LIBR Drawing the girl down beside her., she presses- the- little 'Soft shiny bead against her bosom and .seeks to seethe her With tenderest word, •• ' Roesinsvaith-/Phis-veice of her Wh from her earlieet. infancy has, ministered to lief wants brings bake kithe wounded sent of. Dolores. Growifig calther pre- sently, she gives Miss. Matuiin a 'con- deused account of her flight, her illness, and the Unspeakable kin • deese of Mr. -• • • • '" I must thank him I" exclaims 'Miss A.laturin, rising hurriedly from hes seat thebkoken voice theses. • • Maturin, leading her ,to a couch.• LARGE. STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and. shrubbery will be stold at very low vrieee, and those %muting ,snything in this 'connection will save money by purchasing Imre. Orders by Nail will be promptly cittended to Address, • • ..101IR STEWART, Reniniller H. Nelson cfc Co., • BERLIN. • MANUFACTIllEIA, OF STEAM ENGINES, .1301.1.E1q, •AND GENERA.L AlACHINERY. ORDERS -;-.BROMIPTLY -;- FILLED • $50,000 To LOAll at 6 par Cent: : when you can get money from us at per c. TERMS made to snit borrower, regarding ; payment and perioil Apply to FARRAN TISDALL, BANKERS, °LINTON: THE ..110LSONS':.J3A.NKL,..•7 „ . Incorporated by Act of l'ailiament,•1865. •• CAPITAL, - $2000,000. . • •••• Rpm) OFFICE, " . • THOMAS WORKMAN,. ' J. H. MOLSON . . . . -Vice-Pres, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discountecl,'• Collectiona .macle, • Draf4 • issued, Sterlhirj and American eze3mnge bought and sold at 'cleat • CUiretti rates. Interest at 4 pal' Cei`it 'allowed on deposits. • xrai.Qyadvaned to Willem on their ovin notes with me or more endoehers: No morta'age required Al ' - . • ' H. BREW4It Manager,, Januory 1.83 lintett 1 CARY antrneadma.Rourus,,Perrin block, down T, BIbD•LEC liel -•-,•-•-- 0 B stairs: About 1,700 vo.umes in the Libeary and 4,J - all the'Leading Newspapers and 'Periodioals 01 the daY on the. table. Membersbin ticket $1 per; annum. 'Open from 2 to s.p.m., and ,from 7 to o p in.. Applications' for meinuerslisp reeved by the Librarian. in in the room. -• • • Watch and Clock Maker, .1 •.• • . . . • - • -... suelitOtoNDENTIf517,• Hold:the exclusive tight -for tbe aoulity forme Hurd process of administering chemically pnre Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest and best system- yet'dis. covered for the. pairdel extraetion.of teeth. 'Charges Moderate, ,Satisfactioh guaranteed. Dynes, .E1.4- 4,10TT'S -BLOCK, over Rance's: Tailor. Shop, Huron Street, Clinton. • ••" So he .PrePerea• for n" se°1(111-)g,".' he ' " °onto with mg then," says Dolores, S6 I warn , • Sisinst too; '` I long to Make you knqwu sayg, with affected fis‘litiiess, you in thno that she will bung you to will. , • "-God bless him Wherever. he •goes 1" to bitn-my friend -my preserver'!" • ' • :yetis senses, though I failed., and theiv'yott svliat a little sinner -You have ' murmurs Miss. Maturie, in a low leek 1 full•ef intense feeling: • • , . „been. :Do yot thiuk she -will .thuntens . . doMmeg in t� a life of single 'iN7retelfaci: as it . Sho,tightens her hand upon the girl's, lies levinglY Within hers,:and fol. • &nee ••oilrliard.:hearted.' Scheme of. con- . nesS 2" ••-; -• - • . '. lews her across the tiny hall to Mr. Ail, do tiot make tiiings400: hard for -.Nlildmay's.studyi 'Here it war lie- had ' me !".. she eutteats onoutofeily. • •-", Loot . rectAved nytiverie.. betestoo he is des.; tis talk of that no more ;: believe:me, J. tinedto meet Dolores's aunt.' ' ' .. shall never be nearer to yOu tInm T an With .au eager step Miss MatUrin to-daY." ' • ' . '. crosses -the threshold -'with. an eager . . A I. -ANps EMBALMER, Albert -St. Red Rocket Store . . She letki her oyes oieet his in sorrow- •tearful smile she goes ferward to greet • fill ea,rhestaiess, • audso marks the her darling's friend. Ho is sitting in • s'a &rain at lawt-he-ha8-101111a- it irtil?"'' his -Listed -chair os -she and D'Olorefisenter 1 51 • . (la teit-e.yes-me • • • oiarobrrii Tilt* ram B itwv.r,oupptioN • , . Where he keeps it seloot assortment Of ' WATCHES, CLOCKS, AIEWFLLERV,' SILVER. WARE ' •• Which we will self at reasonable • this her tortnred heart knows yet Eiso• There is a, smothered. ejaculation front other pang, s• somewhere, end then the pleasant smile. • • • sdie says, beetling towards •dies front Miss•Maturin's face, the light • liiiii ab uot look like that Even it. • from her eyei. She looks as though • no caut be to yeti what you will, still she had heel). suddenly touched. into do not dens, to yott Abet I feel •it `startrblehtossorile invisible- hand -as she _ most sWeet 44,1d blessed thing to have. After -the severest test at the late. fair in • 0 I in ton , t Was nuiversally acletittect that l'BRFECT ANLILIAtt417. ,AKI_JJAVirkAlat, 'AND SWEETNESS. OP TONE, the EXPELSIOR was away ahead 'of. all ails' eissantladestinecl to be the,Popelas josstre. • Ment eithe day. This, along with the fact-, that a sPecialprize was awarded it, certain ly speaks volumes forthe instru Tents, and parties ruirahasingsshonld see the Exch- . Sun.. hetet° biasing eldhawiltsive,' • ' GEO. I'. OAKES., Pitortuiree. _ Factory thiewdootsmost of Molley's Ptimp Step, Rattenhtiry StsoClinton, • ..; a. stands there • motionless, or gaze im., -Doleres. . ' _ ing a ea -equip ,.„e. a . you near ine 0.5 you, now are. In • all • . • moVably fixed upon Mr. Mildrnay .with Askessito600ng-isettliresescee le -be- a the- barreo bours_sthat be hefore us,, . a.horszer. mit hideseribahle. • o'' ptly t , he1 the 'tion to Me fatal barrier to further lovo-drosins;Boo- we „shall at least hayo his one 'tii-ie AS for Mr. :AIildmay,,froni the inthis'init o I wish," she begins nod then breaks Mildmay, who has now sullicientlk re- yerie; with a sigh, conies. back to the ineinbei." . • his glance. Met her a terrible change coVored from. his uneoisseiousness to be present, an'd'shakes himself clear of the' ' To Make lier any rejoioder Jestatheti Able to rthoguise thode around him; ight,lappy, but alas, too fragile .bands "wawa th lihnlinpongible; .yet sothethinh Ics if instinctitely-his n,lance• wan- that:hope bits been Wiittoilie tolled hi --------------------- -ie Wol: have sad Tiirtliari o lac pen os i , ' dors to Ilotiverie, . • , ' : • . . . Dick, ' ads's:tieing to him. and speakinri inovod as toiceussot fetdre ho had ever hied biscoits. puts au end to sentimental able. . . • - -: , ."\Irs ltdrewottli, reappearing at this ' ' had passed or .him. . watching heir with a strained half unbelieVing air, bis lace blabehed, .his hands trembling. whole appearance there is•a curn I fear I have dis6.7essed. you," says s where ISeleass's slight .-shadeWy.-figure nsoment with tray holdiug•win• e ous,tionse of fear, vague. but unnustaX• . regretfully, '` Pefhaps-it 'will be botte; pictuaed to a st:It before the • bligltt Phrases. . You!'" '4 3'4 Miss ItIathrin at last. for me ' • deseentled npon then) and that •cruel She conies' itt With quite a hale bustle Her voice is not loud, .there is no • " No no ; I loss yoa will •stoy where bolt haft fallen fronsOut the blue of taxis : and in a few mitittes has put the lovets, violent pasSion it This tp.dged. t itl rest slam hter. sin oeb in a whisper the one word falls you are," shys lir. Mildraay, tightly MI I • lives to blast theis fondest desires, to rou w 1. g g from her, yet it thrilLs thrisigh all tho PHOTOGRAPHEE 2 1. f terPretiuLsbis meaning. . " Yoe, have . Mrs.Edgewortlisstauding respectfully, , administered. hor wino, and biscnits, sho At iessssayss --TIVIledith's now severed -the hurtled retifsti-of-some- into thinnest slitehs); and presses the• 1, the..dungeou hisstairs, where she tucks affriglitedly,..as though to denrand her 'lost memories --all helped to opset me ; dainty hot cakes of her own maltieg upen '1401' safely intother bod, • iti spite ef all attention. • :• • 'dem) me lie 111-teiii:7-'1V-sudilenalhougyit' sontsettitstheirsteasandsoaiwesethestow,14..takea ea itive the younser and weaker room. , , -the' remeiniiienee or' seine olir-tine euts-the deliratehhatif of -Wows -au he routo and my heat is perhaps riot altogothet the pleasont-voiced youug man who has Pretosts• ' Very timidly she leys"ber hand upon shestroug as 111 once -was; . I am to -day, in SO Short a time made n'' -inroad upon "I'm not goitig to have you laid upon' her arni ; hut for the first time 'in all her an older man sir, than I she -Ufa -1;61r, dnytroulr'heitrts---- sa. huads attain for any one -no, not if - ilfe---and the laslo-Miss Matutin repul-• Beiivtem-is'irbotit tosspealritgainbitt There is toe, aniotigt ,all,lies, lifill-dKoine again'!" she says ses her; he checks him. ' Virtiies, • an inwerd setatte Idf SyinPatlit. .Stotnly,•beatieg Op the pillOws..ter if-ithhossoLtastott,trtheMrsslivin,essondet-t act .of Punishing. - " Wake MO early," toga thncaptive' Repairing of every description proniptly tended to, and all work warraoted. BIDDLBOOKBB- • Oijnt�uN�y, 18S2. , „ (:).1,11N'1"01V PLANING MILL DRY -11.11.41111 SUBSCRIBER, ITANINO JUST COMPLETED .L • and furnished his new Planing Mill with•machin- • • ery of the 'IateStimprovecl patterns; is- nowpreparod to attend to all orders in his line in thinnest prompt and satisfactory trim-iiier, and at reasonable rates. He Stv-ould-ilon-riattro thanks to all who 'patronized the rin before they Weie burned-onbrand-new-b0141., in a better, position to execute orders expeditious1v4 feels confident he can give satisfaction to . . . 'FACTOR ecir the Grand Troth •Rai; to. ay,. Clinton. .• • • THOMAS'bIeNtINZIVE-. . • . • • " I beg you will stay with Us toanieht, that compelif this worthy woman th has.. were Dolores's own self she was in. -the • nialfe roof sho asks, in a'voice no onesA and aslong as you female in the neigh- would recognise as bers,, so harsh 18 It, h• Aloe& Mrs. Edgentotbh will get yen and filledssvith so condensed a hatted- -- to room -oh? th the boosts. s theamtred. of a, 'lifetime. You have tea over het duties at the teatable. She refrains from lingering; she entsatiany snsal-usual, but useless-serviees short. She, hi a yvotds.heltis-the Imre te Chat, renevved solitude wheie one a memory born of her by -gone days assures. Mr they can be entirely happy. • ' , • " There is one thing yoo, can dis„ for me," says -Dolores, sonsevvhere, in the fond desultory talk that follows on Mr.' Adgewottles second ditiappearance. hYou remember that Woman we Were , -Speakiitg of just noti, into whose cottage I went on my way here ---the Woman who directed you to this cettage 2 Mrs. Burnet I think you said lier name was 2" Yes-.1.11rs. Burnet." - ." Well, she'was kinder to me than I can say, and I should like to do her a kindness in toturis. She has a daughter who boons emtenne, and by whom she is beloved ; but they cannot marry be- cause of an obstacio that stattild.between • feeblY.' : . .•, - "If I hear of yoloir, getting' oat frbm 'between these liheets.1111 ten o'cl'Ick rtiorrovv, Pll inoiv the -reason Wh3r," re. torts gaoler fiercely. , . * , "Which I've always said It, awl stiolt itf" flays uts. Edgeworth to herself later on, when she has bidden Dick too •goOd night, with a respectful courtesy, �A'the threshold of his door, "ttliat there's nothing like having young people in a house ; and, of all sorts, give MC lovers 1" Sho whiles a geoia,1 " But Bouverie, Boo - vale 2" She pondets a while, etanding still in tlie middle of the paSSitge, can- dlestick in hand. " she says presently, as though relieved, "he's not like the oia baronet in any ono feeture -.--that's certain. Let's hope he has gob ... • CLINTON• *LIIPE-SIZE WORK SP.ItiTALTy. • keeper. • • eaten of his bread 1 Dia iestinet, tell , "Gertainly, sir,, if • the gentleman vvill nothiog, stirl ? Speak 1" not objeet to.potting up with some trill- 4 fallible what?" asks DolOres faintly. inomii,en lances. The heath ie "" Oh, Dick,. come here 1" -as Bouverie walke into the teem. ,through the glass • says Mrs. -Edgewatths....withs_lowered &tee. ' doer opening into the gatden. "There " I only hoPe You Will ghire yourself no _is something wroile," says Dolores a trouble oa my account," says Diclt little Wildly.. 6. 1 'do oot maderstand pleasantly, IiI thank you verysinuch, who -who -a*" She 'senses, a,nd points M. Mildinciy, sad "-with it 'hurried - bteethlessly to Mr, Mildmay. "Who ,ydu to know that 1 Shall be happier here • 6,' Year father t"answers Miss Maturin is this 2" A glance at his little love -e" should ltke • than anywhere in the world." ' itt a cold measured tate, . That is well," • says Kr. Mildraay. " I had haidly time to tifiderStand irtrieh, but I think 1)olotes said you. were a frierid ot hers ?"-with a keen but ex. besotted look at the young man, " Olore•thast that," returns 1)14olt, stish ling, "1 am her eillaneedihuthand 1" " Ne, net Melt." Says tho girl, with a , okts:. 40. 4 Bouverie places his arm, round the helf-sinking girt. But in a moraertt she raijies from her weakness, arid rushes ;forward as though to throw herself into Mr. Mildtaay's arms. All is fiirgotten- ,the shame, the disgrace of her birth ; lobo remembers only that her father istands before her, that she has foond • ' To oentIntied mot,EltAl 'nxixIt N' 4136e--srralta-lsSe Before. baying; gob our Spee.ial prideli for Bans, Marbles, Lacrosse Sticks, Express Viaggons,Doll Carriages. CROQUET, BASE BALL AND • eltICK4Er (40 )1,n. - VirAtt, MAPS TH14.1 LARGEST aril BEST Iti VSE. • !MAYER. 13LOOK: 110QICSTORIL ' W:114 COOPER, CLINTON .WHY-'1•OfF.EO1FRO-Mt..- eadaghe JIYSPEPSIA.011..11IDIPESTION; WHEN WEST'S LIVER piLLS .L100111 ?boil:We:ay cure,. You. They do not ;Opo Forrso,-frast. sinhs• :wad v,iNotiovor ::foti • • 7o. corisidtrod price,. • priirbsi 4-0 'lko....the • 1 •pR_EATEST • I NG .• • To all sufferers 'from indigebidoot, Disordered Stomach. • TREY ARE AN ABSOLUTE. ARD , CURE , •, • Use :thews end 60 relifreod froSei • your inlsery;' 30 Pills in a. box, 2ESe. per Des, $ Oozed fetid POR SALE' BY ALL OROCISTS AND • 4E4LESS'IN MEDICINES • Beware of CounCerfeits find %Ise "Imitation.i. Ctukintte(i)noc.0N:c7.4) 1 11;(dO131i hu :v., ..1;,rcrio 11.1e i til? 1%;.ai - • theSt` elebrauti Pills sent to rtnY on receipt a p. 3 ecta stamp. Jzto. triE.67' 34 rim. ' PacPnb. fil AND 8;e " l'..TREET EA !Fro. OP •