HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-30, Page 1VOL.21,. Mt. as .SreestssseLs° teamum% In mimeo 1letv Nurtiotmento. • LAST CALL, •••••,•4••• • All parties indebted to T. Jack- son, either by Noteor Book ac- count, are requested fp settle not later than May tith, if they wish to avoid costs. T. JACKSON.' 1,1 OY WANTED. -.10 LEARN TAILORING AND niake iltimsclf generally useful. M, FISCHER, ClintOn, •M°Ag agnit:?gieTsititilLVATE FJJNDS' ON e per cent. Payable" Carly. Apply to C.A. HART,T,.Sollettor, Clinton Int "WATCH LOST. -SOMEWHERE IN .TOWN, ON vy Saturday evening, a small open faced Ladies' Silver Watch, with Silver Chain attached. Finder will be 'suitably rewarded on returning it to the New EnA Office. . • rILINTON CURLING AND STATING RINK %.1',7 • COMFANY..-The Annual General )feeting of the hare Holders of the above company for the reception of the Ammal Reports,. the election of Directors, and other husinesS, will be held on atom:v.v, the' totb day of May, 1886, at 8 0'010014 p. in,, In •the Council Chamber. A. II. MANNING, Secy., D. A. •FOR. RESTER, Pros, ' TOWN HALL, CLINTON, •• FOR, ONE' WEEK, RLII.,11aird!_s_fA1iefly Co. In .4 choice Repertoire or mime% opening on • MONDAY, 101,11 of MAY. ' With ..the Beautiful emotiouelliDratna, • .Cast Adrif.t Or a • F.ather's.:Garse HANG- ,E-4/1•'--Isbillf NIGHTLY. ADMISSION I Oc• Reserved Seats 20e, ay. Dickson's Bookstore. THE • CLINTON ,RACES. MONDAY, MAY 24,rn, 1880, , FirSt green trot. Furse $100.. Opento horses .'thatiavenever wen public money, owned in Huron. Milo liditS; 5,,to harness.. Plitt horse, 880; .2n0 . $25; 3ril $15. Second ince, colt trot. Purse $75. Open • to Frovinee bred -coifs 4 ).rs.-old or under-. Mile heats, in 5 to harness. • First horse, *45; 2nd $20; hal $10. • , Third race, 2,30 trot.' raise 8175. Open to horses that never beat 230: Mile heats, best 3 in.5 to harness, First $100; 2nd $50;.3rd .$20, . , .Rctss AND REattl..ATION8,--triider National "Associd- - Hon Euler. Entrance "fee.10 per cent „dtptirie.:, 4:to, enter and 3 to start or no race. Entiles sealed are • volopes with fee inelbsed, and. lodged with. -secretary • . before 10 Ilan., hlay 24. The cotrimittee may postpone - 011, or any . of the races, in the event of unfavorable J6 Ewan Lir.:ER. BRWs.-Mrs. Heddle is slowly re- covering from a severe Moos. Mr. Mae - del is on the mead. Mrs. Connel'e little boy George, is very ill. Wild night last Friday night, thunder and lightning tics , ity%re through seeding. Mr. Amos Fisher lost a two year old colt valued at $125, died on Sunday. The Benmiller Mebtal Culture Society last Thursday evening de- bated the question, "Resolved,that woman is roan's equal, physically and mentally;" the chairman reserved hist -decision as it is intended to discuss the subject another night; the society meets once in two weeks. Mr. Beachler, proprietor Of the falls reserve, gave some of men 'the g. b., because they 'would not work on Good Friday;. the boys do not seem to feel very bad asver leaving as they did not think much of the place. Air. N. Modish has the contract of furnishing the rock ehn for the Benmiller bridge, Our nur- sery -man, Mr. Stewart, is doing a good business in trees this spring. Mrs. Char- lesworth, of Clinton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. :Ts Milier. lylsiss.„Rsst-1.Alorrish is -Tis arivea4'w,--r-t„ 11.-loolii.rather lone- some. Busines.s ,is booming with our merchant, judging from the boxes of eggs be .ships .every week. • s.s. castrow, ' companied by rain; cooler weather th week. A. few of the farmers in this vicin School, ENTERTA' TwdExT, -The teaeli- ers andssehtiliFs of S. S. No, 1 Colborne, held their annual -entertainment on the afternoon of Friday,' the Nth inst. It proved a grand success, far ahead of. the most sanguith) expectations. it COM - 'Reined 4 8 o'clock in the .afternoon, and at that hour all the seating i•ooni 'was taken up. Large nunibere arrived after the commencement but had -to.stand, and some could not "even gain admittance. _There was betweeen 100 and 125 visitors who with the scholars,ewelled the number to nearly a0Cr.' The prograinme consisted of solos, duets, quartettes, dialogues. kins clergarden. and 'calisthenic songs and , in- stromental male, readings, recitations and charade,and was a yery lengthy.one. It7oecupied from 3 o'clock till 7, o'clock, and even then several pieces had to be struck off to bring. it to a timely close. Mr.T. Sallows'kindly lent Ilia organ for the occasion; and Mr. P. Sallow,e, his violin. .Notwithstanding the large nuni- • ber present all appeared highly pleased • 1,7v.eaytINSTON, 'Pres., N.' ROBSON; sms. judging by their smiles ADP approbation. • • • Mt. R. Gra an Ils-Unfray,,,ar.e.tian. The• ACME HARROW teachers. 'Arr. Potter .:was appointed chairman • and filled that .Position very ., creditably. •[This section 'is to be con- • JAS. CARTWRIGHT,. of Mullett ha.' been ttO. ••'pointed agent for the County of Huron; for the above' Harrow. It will cut•and turn .the groundlivin 2' to 4 . • • , • • • material. . • It 'also takes the Mimeo/ both mins nem and soldier; • and•does excellent Vert:, ' , , • Any person wishing to see the Ha'irow' limy, b ddressing the •uhdersigned, and will be pleased • to ta it any place and work• it. on any kind' vf sell. . . • , . THIS II OW admitted to be the, mtr,f, labor. seVing farm lin ment ever manufactured., • . • JAS. OAR GOT; •,Lon.desboro.,. /7.100D GE.NEILAT, SERVA.NT . WED AT ONCE' '.Apply to MRS, 8. WILSON, R ' enbury St,. . •NUASE • GIRL- W.ANTED.'••-• WAGES PElt month. Apply toliRS. BliEWER, Molso'ns : ik, • . (LI OOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED XJI NtEDIATELIC. Apply to MRS. p; A. '.ortREs- • TER Princess !ftreet.• • ' •• ,•••. ' • 'EllIOCRAT 'WAGGON FOR. • SATX„ WITH Pole akd Shafts; in splendid order and will ' •TX/ANTED.:- A. COLIPLE OF OREAlt GATH- . . • '•V' EstsitS; 'boys er men, of good nmfar.eliarter,ile;•': 'are.wanted at onee, for the season. *WM.' • HERBISON; Goderielt township. " • riAUTION.---TIIE, PUBLIC •'ARE. HEREBY • netified 'that •the undersigned will:mit be responsikle for any debts contracted in his name :svithout his writren order. W. MARTIN, :Lon- ratulated en securing...the-services:et, kt efficient' a • teacher as Gray; and we venture to Say that at the end ef his term tales -reaped -and -esteem 4.1. which • beheld, will hardly know' eny. honk Like most Teckeremith boys', whatever he doesLi done w.e11.--Ed;NEw EttA,' . '24TANLEI. - NE*/ BARN. -Mr. Jas. Forrest elected the frame of his barn last week; the framers are going on with the work . and expect to•have the building completed in a fevv days.- . , PAssonasiA.-A very interesting diaplay of scriptural 'views, -took place in the school -house of Section No. 7 teat Timms- - clay evening. .Quito a• number, eonsisfing iefly of school children, were preserits an were mechplea,Sed with what they -saw. . • tiring the thunderstorm On Ernie night On t. e art Iine ning. • 'The consisting ,of quite an,,.. and some stockswere in s • ' Itititits.-:-A certain family additi the and -con, is causing conSidera. CoMment. The, chief topicasif_enkeersas parte' thegood crop prospects. 'People look for the. NEws ERA as anxiously as they do their meals -both are 'good food. • HORSE NOTL'8,---BIL'A. Thompsois; of the Bayfield Road, has diapesed of. .iiis CLINTON, ON1,., 147RID.A.Y, APRIL 30, 18$6. TUCKRItrsitUTII.• BRIRFS.—A member of our more ener getic farmers finjshed seeding last week A. blade of grass a foot long was picke by your correspondent on the 23rd inst. now let us hear the oldest inhabitant's,' early spring story. If the settlers in th backwoods of Hullett and Goderich town ships are done telling big tree stories, w would like to hear what kind of weathe they are having and whether the apri d. for the ensuing quarter, on Monday las • V 1 HoularritoznIss . .1..100004.*, [If hANcusseeett. TEXPERANoE.--The • following ofil were duly :elected for Maitland Tem cers. ple, P. E. 'Alunro,-. W.GT, ; Mary Etlin e W.V.S.; Edward Downs, W,S.; Li .Stalker, F. SecY.; Wm. Downs, Tre ey, zzie as.; aid, e Henry Ilyslop, Marshal; A. T, McDon ✓ LG.; John Eaty, O.G. g BatErs.-Mr., Duncan Gordon, AL who live out at the front are alwaye glad e., medical gentleman ought to do well in 1 ' midst, he-eomes wellrecommended. A e Francis Stalker is at present visit friends in the neighborhood of Galt,, A Peter B. Wallace, who has carried o boot .and shoe shop in this village fo few years pest, sold his house and shop Mr, S Caldwell, and his business a stock to Messrs. Alely and Tindle,who tend- carrying it on in future. They still arriving, the population of the villa is increasing, the last consignment a, . . birds have arrived back there or not, We to hear how things are progressing th new settlements. A wicked inrlividua from an adjoining eounty asserts that th people of Huron pey know 'something about raising big horses and manufactur- ing salt, but'they do not know any more about enforeing the Scott Act than a goose knows about geometry, RATHER. Astrrsrsia,-A discussion that has caused some amusement has been oing on in the Seaforth 'Expositor for he past tWo or three weeks.. A peddler eft a box of tea at.the house of Mr. John Thorp during his absence. Mr. Thorp, wrote a letter to the Expositor telling the peddler to take away his tea as it was no good. The peddler took the tea away but •replied to Mr. Thorp% letter in very bad Englith, calling him sotne rather tough paintsc- The s peddler also went through the-townshipand got, filintiiber of welt - known men to sign a -paper stating that .he was an agent for a reliable firm and sold a good a,rticlo „of tea. This, too, was _published in the Ekpesitor in the•form of an -advertisement. Butjust here is where thejoke came in. The tritest 'ease men who have been engaged. in this dispute about tee, espeaially a number of those • who signed the peddler's paper, -have neve t been known as judges of temperance drinks,. It is stated positively that one ot two of thein never drink tea, it •alLif a has hung out his shingle in this vill last Monday; We' have no doubt bu D., age t a our Ire, leg Ir. n a r a to nd in- ar as ny.stronger-lignid can be obtahied. • sonnitstsst 11.0wris.11J P •BRIEFS:77-M' . 401in Weir, of th41.5t1i con.; haS for a feW days beers unable.to do Much on account of sone internal dieease troubling him. The weather being mild and warm the small school thildree of S. S. No., ..11, are turning out well. ,Mr. Win. Connell, of the Iltn. had a. horse' lard up by sickness last week; op aceount 'ofthe warmth of the weather. • The sale at Mr. Geo. Green's, Bayfield line, last riday, was well attended, and thetstock Id at good figures ; _Mr. Hamilton, of yth, condueted. the sale,. the death. of es-Ho.vsserstsadaughter-preverS ti itehatging his duties as auctioneer. If y one has a wish to see one Of, if not' tile sb B1 -en finest field of fall wheat, in this or the -nextstwo townsliips-,they have-only2,to go as far as the farm Of Air. P. • McDougall, jr., .of the cut line,7th Con. Goderichtownshi we aye ear many say it can't be beat this year. If rumbur is Eight "Sarripson'' will not be round the• hills is eeason expected, but tbat a gentle an by "th 'name •ssf W. '.14‘. O. has imported a very heaVy draught horse of same Color and Similiar build to him to take hie.place; ['ruder thie article you Goderichlownehip correspondent begs to.inforin yeu that he has no wish to report lies, Aud 11' this is untrue it is the work of it man of high. standing in your midst who should be brought to time for misleadingsan honest well meaning reporter.] We are sorry to have to report the serious illness of Mr, a:7wpm', seri of Al is A. McPhail,cif the cat line 7th 'con .witb. an . Rlicass Ofl the leg, , it 'having .at pun time been thought likely to 'prove fatal as it is • 'et • recelvect y r ladle, one. of our vile merthants, The Presbyteilan Sabha School was opened last Sabbath s the lenda'nee was not, very large. •Meat the villagers spent ,Good Friday in t very refreshing sport of fishing. An e tertainment was held here on Tuesd night under the auspices Odle Method Church, Addresses Were. delliered severe rev. gentleman on England, Ir land and Scotland; a, large 'crowd w present. s Cull% has got,his supply logs floated dovn the river. • _ EntroATioxaas-s- The following are t marks obtained by the. .pupils U.,S. No. 5; Hallett and East -Weavanosh du ing the month of April :'-'-Senior 4 class-,--ffennie Hablark, 305 s Janet Dob 862; Wesley Farrow, 348S; AIriggie Kin 346; William Caswell, 251.; Susan Wa per, 226; Wm. Yottet,Int, 214; Nell talker, 184,..ow‘Senior 3rd• Straegelen, Annie ,,Helwig, Sarah Thie Senior, 2nd class -Alfred Wetheral 284 Emma Dobie, 272; Lovy Straughan, 257 Jesse Caswell, 244; George Lawlor, 19 Edward -AI -tile, 161. Juoior 2nd dass Annie Ferguson, 253; John Habkirk, 25 Dora Errattsa33 Wils6n, 223; Jo Quigley, ald_s Ilatoid Beadle, 195. Th trustees ot It.. No.. 5, Iiullett an East Wawanosh are adding to the appear once et the school premises by levellin the grounds, and erecting it new fence This school, svaa painted last surnme and.will soon present the appearance o 'ene-rrEttre sel proper' les 1 the county. • ge th at - of he ay ist. by. e - as of he S. thr- ie a 1, 1; 0; s. • • '. E. • •--IsssrEcTro-N.-Inspect'oe Torn viaite Ger school on Wedeesdey, and after ex yonEiticii. • • - - COLBORNE. . MARRLAGE.-At six o'clock, on Sat- BarEre.-Mrs, M. Vanstone has been day Morning, the long -looked -for took called to Goderich to attend to her sister, place. Rev, Mr, Jolsnmon united ireholy Mrs. Thos, Baker, who is at present very wedlock two of our well-known resider* ill. Mr. Ps Young, who has been laid up ers--Mrs. Cattle and Mr. F. Smeatb with inflammation of the lungs is eld t They left fer Toronto on the 7 o'clock be around again The many frieuda of train, Saturday, , and have not since re- Mr. Thomas Morrish will be sorry to hear turned, , that he is laid up with inflammation of TILE THREE Liwus.-Ffuron LodgeNo. lungs, and Mrs. AL is also laid up witlt 62, 1. G. O. F., will attend divine service congestion of the brain, .Quarterly tneet- neXt Sunday mOrning. The brethren in.- will be held at Bethel next Sunday at will meet at 10:15, and march from the 106,30 o'clock, theresivill ibe .preaching at -- hall to Knox -chord, -where the Rev: G. Zion in tlte evening, the business meeting F. Salton will preach the annual- sermon, will be held at Beumiller the following Visiting brethren are cordially inyited.- Monday. Newssoe IRAer ,c, Record. 0 young wen of North St. BitilionviusiD. church gave a social en Good0Friday . DEATH. -Mrs. Henry Bagler, of Bruce- '. evening, in the basement of the ehurch. field, sister of Mrs. E. Perdue, passed After. refre.shreents, a good nrogramme away on VVednesday evening last. it was was given in the body Of the church, dur. a very sudden oall to Iser, as, on the Stab- ing which the Rev. J. R. Turk, Of Luck- bath before she was as well as•usuali Hav- noW, gave his lecture en "The leaders of ing overexerted herself, however, on that the nineteenth century." It was well re- day, walking up to see her sister, she pro- ceived; everybody appearing .delighted voked an attack of. heart disease, from with the free, eloquent apeeek of the.lec.-- wb,i-Cli she-did'not rally. She was burled tams Mr. Barnaby was ehairman. Pro- in Baird's cemetery, on Friclay,k. -ceetissabout $39. D BirgIerWarrVlifenlier of the -mama-iv— DEATIL-Mr, avid Allorroi''y died about church, Brueefield. Her husband has the threeo'clock, on Alonday afternoon. His 'sympathy . of the community in his sore death has been looked for for weeks. He bereavement, diedof consimetitien; at• the .age Of 02 . • • ----- --.----.."---- - years:AtittlIni6lithiT-11-6-has heels sick - - • ' -, fer sit long time, and since Novembeislast Baten's.-Mrs. Perdue ,is fsh,w recover - has not' been out of the house. The-fune- ing from her attack of inflammation of the ral• took place on 'Wednesday afternoon, lungs.. Some of our faroiers•are already and was not largely .attended, owing to through .seeding, ' and several others will .the' fact that though an old settler, his finish this week. . Pall Wheat looks .prore- almost forgotten anstingst the men of his long -residence abroad caused. hint to be isingthis spring, and the growth is sur- prising for tbie tiros of the year, younger' days. 110 was a member of the ENTERTAINAtENT,-TIle• Easter enter - Methodist church, and died in triumphant taint-I:lent in'confiection with the Method. - 'hope ()fa better -home. , Mrs. Morrow is. a ,ist.S. Ss, on -Monday, was a -success.... The sister to Mrs. 0, Blake, of Gorlerich, and. -hbule was filled, • and a very. interesting ' , . Mrs. John Smith, of Clinton. . ' • • .programme Was oflerecl, „mostly by the. ' Siort,r,'LinEltats,--sA. greet number 'of 0- RIns-c, and recites' kindly' 'disposed persons . have availed tions: Readings were given by the Rev. children; consisting r : gthae6md,seblyvensivoi•nfthael'itotrepohretlupntitoythoef ncleoeianyg. 1Mr.,Snaith„ Messrs'. Dielit and Me. John-. ston, Mir school teacher; and short ad - and deep]; embarrassed. church at Gode- dresses by Messrs. Wanlass, sr, and Mills, • rich. Only about $200 are now wanted' and. Re*, Mr:. Smith.. 'Mr. W, Keys. thiss to - cbmpletethe $1,800 'required to save efficient superintendent' of the school oc- the Victoria- Street' Church: - Who will copied the chair. • throiv.in anothersmite ici this good.Cauee ? : DEPhisvirv..-00 Friday last a nuin- . , . . Rev. G, Fe Sal' or. Mr. .j. H. Edwards ber of boys ' from Bayfield visited -our of Goderich, will gladly receivestint,flerss Village.; : for ' ..the purpose' of ',playing tber sums. The ,following are the "'alit a.sfileedlY game of baseball with .our • . sums received silica laitlist was publisTed: Varna' yautha. The result was a bad beat M. C Carn'Oron $10. km Farrow, q10. F to oth-bort whichnrider the. drew:484m- Scirdan, $5•i Gaderich Foreaters,ftat 'es, -.was thought -Very litile-aboutrialleed- Cameron, k$5; Philip Holt, $5 Mrs. Bruce, they richly ,deserved it if they knew be-,, • $5; Mrs. 0,.Blake,',6A.,"A friend," $5; Mrs,. forehand of the class ofsyouths they were ' Allan, $5; Thomas McKerizie, $4; Daniel bringing to the yillage.s. It is safe to say, • kir on', :Ss:, W. R.' Lough,s(Chn ton) .$2-;-- that- a more simptomising batch- of -boys' --•- d Rri R. Sallows;.$ 2; Charlee Blake, $2; D. socially, and naotally,, has neVer visited - - J. Naitel; $2.; P. Pridhain $0 • • and tw. . - , , . t. .. • ; is %plied theY 'neas r esma ersums. !. • p gives double % never again 'return. ' Their. profanity was .• , e iv he -gives .quickly..," ' '. ' 's . ' • : of so Shocking as • thataeter that, the. par. Y PERsoSIAL.Miss Carrie Haleretarned ents of some of oiir ,bovs would ressidlow nesday. morning. ...Miss LiZzie:Gibson left from her winter visit to.Detreit, on Wed. themito finish the game Thersremecl per- . fectiv at borne around .qui.' village hotel, . on' the Lhilted 'Empire. for the'northwest;'. where they dotibtlesA ,found plenty of soft on Wednesday noon; she intends keeping stuff (?j, and cigars,: etc., - and having house for her brother.- Mes. Dam Geedon, loitered around an .hoer ortwo. they Set ..' was away for three Or four days, selecting 0 fr for home, !lolling like a let otnianiac,s,.• . furniture to'fill the spacioils.rooma of Mr.,, ' , tancic Stileath s new,house. • The.genial .: ' NEWS 'MARS.. face and 'rotund body of Mr. -David Fisher - • 18 again Seen on the,square.- L. 0. Ca.me-' Mr. Geo. D. 'Bewley, M.PP:,110,reactv-'. . •,_ • • ton, M. P., was in teWn ii,..'few daye teat ering from •a•sersousillness.,•.... - - week; he 'left for Ottawa on .1fenday noon, . The Remingtene,,the4ainoniigtin mav,,.. Mr:. W-„'-iNt. Gray,. of Seatertli, W88 . iri the • : .fietu•reth'end. ineehinIsahave faile.d. • cirehlar."eity last -Monday. last:.$4,1/,'or, ' " • ' • • don is taring . NITs7131ait'S tape' in the. The Demlnion Governinent have Ordered .. central school, dining theJatters-illne,SS,• fta; investiAgi" 'lil-ta:the:'1‘1'6n-ti'°a141•6*04: `ET-ciiiiiiireti; E.Sq, 'Berrister," feels' good; : .liatiailton Con nelf, haii'declined iii..make . over, the • cases presented before Police eight hours* day's, work, for the 04 em. - Magistrate Scott, at Clintbii, last. week, •Mies 1?ahiline:Hillier, who' has beeti.dan-. ' Thos.. Davidson, Of Sarnia toWnship,.aged • geronsly 1 11,of inflammation of' th a.lungs, 1.0, waskiched bY'a horse Fritley* and ,..in - is slowly . recovering. • Rev. Pr,. U.re has stantly Snell. He was plowing and the gone-awaY for atm tnoinhs'.rest. ..tearnran awaY. '' •• . ' ., . . , . • &mei' :A:$f.i SPXCx. -L• Men : continnes • 'Mr.: H. Sandfield. Macclo.nald ',eldest . . , . . . .. e. II 0 • •preeSed ..pleased; standing. of.- the schbol. eviden 'the right Juanita the.riglplace... . . • • • FORESTERS -The following is a list of the officers of Court Selweod, No. 87, O. 0, F., for the ensuing term :,--Tlfoinas 'Murch, O. Samuel. Sturdy, V..C. R., Edward Levis, Ries Jas, W. 'Plitpps F•S :Chas. W. Williams, Trefie., johli Treivar- tha, Chap. -t, Wm Johnston; S. Ws George •Lavis; J. W. Albert lieleteed, ,./3„ Wm Statile B Accrawre.--Arr: Elias Better,---wlii I pruning a tree a few days age, let the knife slip, cutting his ems severely. He is _slowly reparering. _ J. , -L Cour tico was:iis the net of cenveYing a box lined with zinc intuit wrioon,.helacirated his arns severely • with a. piece ' of the broken zinc ; he now uses only -one arhr: . DEAii.D„---sioseph Miller, ( ndigen t, ) betiet known as Ducky Joe" died seam - what suddenly on Monday evening last. After partaking of his supper -as usual, he began to. vomit, arid -Afterwards Stagger, When he -resorted to the bed. He became insensi e, an r s ort- ly after, without a groan or struggle:died. He lately lived at Mrs. G'Taham's. '•BasitEs.. --It is reported that T.C. Pick - rd and wife will probably' take -a trip;to egland this summer. Mrs. W. G. Wella, f Mitchell, is. visiting , here. Cattle hould-beskept-off-the railroad s how te do -repair * the 'fences: The quarterly ervicettrareffrItction with the Methodist lurch take place next Sabbath.. • We • p.leased to learn that at the repent xa at-Victseria University, Mt. . s, ofthis place, passed his ex-- mination 'th honors. Master Will irks paid hi arental roof a pleasant sit on Easter, urniug, again' to his idles in London on I nday. Rev. IL. egear did not return fro he examinine e.venson% bait the doctor says Ire -will not be. at all . as. struck with light- able -to work this harvest; it will not be a vith - it contents, great treat for him nct every youn.g. fel- unt of *grain IoW's fingers ereitchirig- to get- to' work i. t timecou- harvest weather. It' must have neer.' a . . queer sale' at it 'certain farm on the 7th on con. Goderieh township laet-Pridasyls tlie next day a young tnan Was wandering all• nd hunting for reen cow." Alr. g, o e •con., ost it rood • . , • • MIA,FtllI 'WANTED TO BUY.." --A• FARM' ova, • • -L. or 50'aeres hear Olintimi, Briteefieldor Varna ' Aliply either to J. Thompson peronally or the NEw ERA. • State price, quality of .soll" anti. improvements. • JAMES THOMPSON, Clinton: • 'WARM FOR SALE. .- THAT VERY 1,AL-11- imported Clydesdale stalrion,Earl,Moray, ..12 AEU farid compdsed of lots 29 and 30, con, 0, to MT. D. McDonaldsof Kineardine at a • [dance good hardwood -bush, Bearing orchard of -3 - -•- r ' •Hilliest, 200 acres., of this 150 acrea are__eleared,the-BOOd fiat,. e7--41 -1).. Rdiess-s61--. the' 2nd acres. Ordinary dwelling house; good frame barn con., hal, purcharrsed. from Mr. G.and aLltbuIldjn Nott • es. erre is well watered, and situated London roadat matched team of two year ithotit 51mileshotn the Town of Clinton. Terms easy. ." , APPly to M, hieTAGGART, Clinton, tf oldcolts, paying for them the stun of Old: Country Tickets. Ticke• ts issued te all. pOinCS.,111' ENGLAND, IRELAND mid' SeilTLAIID The accommodation is superior .to all others, and rates no higher. Choice of three differ. e.h.Llistas4roni--Xew . • ••.Quebee. . / AccrosNx.—.4Mrs, Joseph Poster was 'riding trod. Varna, it few days ago, she net with what might have been a very serious accident.. It appears that while coining down a hill some part ofthe har- ness broke, causing the horse to take fright; the buggy was upset and the oc. cupants thrown out. . Mrs. Foster got off whims few bruises and a sprained arm. ' THE LATE AccusEps-L-The NEW ERA WAS incorrect last week in stating,' that • both' the •bodies of Mrs I3aines alid 'Miss Clegg, the victims of the •recent drowning -a. egidents-h, bece foetid. Only on'eythat- irf "Mr'S-Baines had been fotind at that time, but the body of' Miss Clegg; was ro- covered on Sunday last, about a Toile south of. Wingham, .ersnearlY len miles from where the niisfdttntle occurred. Was somewhat deeomposed, from having been in the 'water so long,. 'and looked very unnatural. From the time the affair happened, until the hotly was found, willing hands were Constantly grappling the river, and the intense suspense of not finding the body for so long, 'swig terrible etrain to Mies Clegg's relatives; It is said that Mrs. Clegg hardly ate or slept during all Ole tinse, and tlae accident has- been such a heavy blow to her, that she is_nefuly_broken-heatted.-- A repoirthat Miss Clegg rulTIVIr. Baines sure engaged to be married, is incorrect, at least so your correspondent is informed, on tip- WM; SACKSON CL.INTON, 'AGENT. aper WALL Paper • have just received. a fine assorted stook • of WALL -PAPER, of the most modern • Patterns. We sell cheaper than the cheap- est. Gall and inspect our sarliplea. Cour G-ood rreablg Are. the whole talk.of the cenntry. Don't • feil to get &Caddie, The hest value you ever -gets p .y good authority, The remains were interred on Monday, the funeral being one of the largest evee seen in this section of country, The sympathy shoWn g Mr the efilicted friends cannot be esti- M mated. . FLOQD.Nts • atioessms's Rs). STnus • rr mare o of Godenc for the old,so Monday next. arevails in this .part o and, wh011arbeen at mat School; at Toronto., is ho days, icheering.theThearts-of- - circle and others also; Charlie ,look after ben* away -for so long.. The me in this Section, both fall and spring, look well for so early a period of the season. Mostly everybody eau fletter thensselves with the satisfaction, if it •ie satisfactien,. of having a. good cold. • Mr. John Holmes has lately returned from the Northvs st aftersdispbsing .his live stock; likes Ontario fully as well now. Weir got his knee cut by a circular saw, b 1onday last. Mr, Thos. Trick, ownship, takes his departure leaving on Saturday or teat deal of sickness 's season., . Me. C. ding the Nor - f astesv dim:te- en oard for Sabbath; Mr. J. str..sChtirchifi ok his appoiOttnent in the evening, arid stranria_heresgots-throuei their -seed' 6% ter ' 1 con., has the best looking piece of fall wheat athund these parts. at Wallace's, on Monday. • 4 tO ' . • II V 1.1.ETTt, ' RiliA;e=4.11t7=4 oh n-JefFerroro---at-li and con..., lately receiVed a. letter from lawyer in England,. informing him that by.the death of an uncles he --Was Sole -heir tetra estate there; this. will. cause John to ge to "Held Hinglamt," Whith he con- templates doing goon; WiSh Otir young friend long life to enjoy his fortanessand we Worie 'it will,be 'our turn next; it dame very 'near us that time, Miss Hannah Monk, • who has been keeping house for AIr, McConnel, on the 18th con., has res turned to her home ea the 3.d con" and Miss M. J. Monk has . gone to see their sister, Mrs. Hays, who time in the Vicinity of Palmerstoo, and probably somebody's brother.) Writ Thomas Noble, eldest son of Miss Garret Noble, who has been laid up with inflamination of the bowels, has taken a turn for the better. MissTillie Cook, daughter of Aire. Cook, is seriouely ill -with congestion of the lungs. Mr, J.. W'alkinshaw, let the and con,, was• pre - Arita by his better belt With a daughter One day last week, and Jim' didn't smole it smile worth it cent, when he knew it was a girl. Mrs, Geo. VVestacott, who Imo been visiting her daughter at Parkhill, returned' home this week. Mr. "rhos, Robinsoo, of Harlocls, died la,st week, r years ;. he wee it member of.?.?the ethodist church, untharried. Mrs. Brig - am, lath ems, hae been for sonic time. r. J. Ca hick' preached at Zion. At: •aet sveek. Ric mrdson of the lith BL V Til. -BatErb.---Mrs. Young and Miter Willie,. of Pernbinks•art, visiting- itt-My les Young. Mrs'. McLennan, of Stratford, was the guest of Mrs. Dr, Sloan thte Week. Mrs. N. I:1, "Young, Mies Edie and Master Hertie Spent their Easter in Seaforth, Reeve Kelly is improving the appearance of his reeidende by erecting a very neat fence in front. 'There is a movement On foot to hold games and sports in general here on the 24th of May; aa Blyth ,has not had a celebration for some time we hope to announce an excel- lent programme next week, Will Shane returned from Detroit on IVIonday, Mr. Hector B lie paid a visit home at Easter; he succeeded in passing his internee- diate law eitemipation: .with hbnors,- Mr, R. Henderson, formerly principal of the Public School, is visiting in town this week and looks well after his exarnina- tion ; he is to be statiened at Angus on the Nosthern railroad, Quite a large number' attended the" feneral of Ar• Clegg on ALI/1day, rit Suashinc. ,4:latet sr very ill nt, frirPAent, hut we hope she merspAl'y teciver, . o n an• e MaCclonald,. ice is still on the lake a smote should se- who was recently stricken with apoplexy, cure it now while.it is cheap. Mr. Seeger died on Satueclay at Cornwall, • declined the governnaent position recently Mr, F. Winthrop of Linden, returned to • offered him.. 'The American steamer Cru- the city.from Florida on Moodily; , after a seder neatly stuck at th entrance of the lengehenedsssejoern there and' says' he-- - :- _-haiberSonday afternoon. The town band greatly prefers Ontario to thesslineysseesth— did good work 60 Good Friday '; they took „ in -quite a little towards the band funds- in every respect.. , The Geehrieh Thespians (atkatetiksoasidas, -:eairss--Challee, &striker of Janies Cole, tic club)•appeared in the Victoria Hall St, Thomas recovered $4,000 damage's from last night (Thursday) in Gilbert hi 'Sulli- the Grand Trunk Railroad for tho death van's play, pygaialiea and Galatea._ of her husband, who was killed at Belleville Miss Jessie Conthoni, the celebrated "the time ,- ,elocutionist, is to appear in Victoria hall; The Grand Trunk Railway, Company has on Friday, May 14, op behalf of the,High settled the Claire orlir. Fred Sanders,' a. . solooi 'Literary Society. Three matches Sts Thorrias,for damges for loss of w ifo and were decided on the commons on Good child by the accident at the St. Thema Friday -a' base -ball match between the Pair Gropinis crossing of the IS' 'sks., P. S. seniors and juniors, the juniors, whining Railway. The amount received is under- bjt 9' runs; a shooting match between Stood to be $2,000. - GoderiCh and Clinton, the fernier winning Sir Alexander Campbell, Postmaster - by four bids; and a cricket Match bo s General, aied-teader. of the Senate, is vensolloserl-bY-theSsasseeitient- „i` .,---TMIlelt_lisitesivilLatitsksa.elialistess • • eschrbratsdraii-otrelr atibseebrtre yj :..resident the former. winningby 40 „runs:- ''he Rev. Jas. Broley, of eaforth, apnrealichademinin vaVest:f6Totthirreala,SrtarrQee:nt church and Lord's ,suppery rthe'Reci. Calvert will preach, in the Same S oroing. ev G. F. Salton pre fL4.-44.0-47'mons in Seale h ng'aTetding; on Sunday ,of scene in England. He willleave on 22ndllay. It is not expected thistly) Will - resume his office on his tetntu; and several Cabinet changes may restilt,from his resig- nation • special from Fort Pierre, says ea ex, emu coneectuonbe of an order issued by the Interior Departm- ent orderingall merchants and residents off • the Fort Pierre reservation within 30 day. sEasaistitisa.EL. TarriEs.-The neW houses of 1VIteers. This will involve a loss 'of 8500,000. Th e'. Hsettlors held Meetings,.andfriesolyed not to. Hill and Ball, on the base line, are well inove except at'the point of the' bayorih. under' way; and are being rapidly pushed Marshall tooth, son of Gcs.,..,1 sseetit of ahead now that the weather is so favor- the Sabiation Army, is nowirsToroetolnks able; they will be it decided itprove- ing part in the demonafration thdro. Ile mentjust to this section of the line. Mr. has just returned from Australia, where - Draper,who'brought the Whitehead farms the organization now numbers some 70,000 . has moved thereto,and with the assistance In Canada, Although established only about .hotisheisr-.0: psorpiLili engeged Pnttingsin three and a•half .years, they have he, accommodation In their barracks for 60,- ' 000 soldiers. • • -- • ,The great northern area Odd; Big Bear and three of his head Men, all,elf whom - have been io the penitentiary, at Stony' Afountain, Manitoba,nearly a yettisfot their aets in connectionwith theitiel rebellion expected: Several person went' from have been set at liberty and ordered beets here to search the river fur the bodies lost te their motley. Big 130nt's he 0101 la ir•• at I nshine, and also LO tWO AMOY', reenv..rehly broken, ti6 is vet y thin 10 Nervicea hotirilt‘" r )un•l 'fere bas teases it'esh, hem ie forill. was in tre.e.; rielsety • 1.4 OND ES110 RO • qearterly meetin Sacra- mental services areatinountecl to e held in the Methodist church here, on abbatls 'tett, at JO o'clock; a large attendanee ia 'm 61 ore ss..s t:i inetiee, • . ,