HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-23, Page 6FRIDAY, 4YBIL 23,, 18S6.
A(Cyclone's Work.
The TcanieLm TOTAL or rATAIrrxEs '
nova= i ac1t1:4SI o.
St. Cloud, DIinn:, April 15. --When', the
relief trains from St. Paul and Minnea-
polis reached hero last evening, physicians.
who came to "the aid of cyclone sufferers
made a. hurried survey of the work they
had to perforin, Twenty-eight wounded
persons had been carried to St. Ben(diot a.
Hospital, and men, women and children
lay in broken, shapes, bathed in their own
blood,, their faces blackened and grimy,
arms and •legs broken, scalps
orn and bo-
dies, lacerated, the on
, At_ gine
which had been converted into a tempo-
- riiiiinorgije, i%tss ili-lnore dreadful picture
was tobe seen, Eighteen lifeless bodies
were stretched on the floor in two rows,
while moving aulong.the dead, scanning
their faces and wearing apparel by the
feeble light of lanterns, were many citizens
searching for friends or' relatiives-ainong
the disfigured, and in many cases almost
uurecognizabloiutassroa the floor. The
loss liy cyolone in St. Clona is estimated
between' $125,00,0 and $150,000:
A1vPr7L SEQUEL TO A, wain iso,
A report comes from Rice's Station,
about twelve miles ofl', that a house, in
which a wedding was in progress was strubk
by the cyclone aad twenty porsone' killed:.
The report is not verified, but it is certain
there was considerable.,life lost at Rice's.
.. At Sauk Rapids every business house in,
the town wile destroyed . by yesterday's
Cyclone, Only the pity Hotel remains in-
tact. At the present time -twenty-two
dead bodies have been recovered from the
ruins, anda large number of people are
injured. Thetotal loss of property is pilot.
less than $300,000; without a dv11a'r of
cyclone insurance, ,- '
ExIRA, Iowa, .` April ,1.5.-7-A cyclone
striie1rDura and the country -south -of here
yesterday at 4 o'clock, wrecking the house
of Wm. Bentner, end ,the school' house
near him. • The storm then took a south-
easterly direction and wtecked.the houses'
of Milt Donnell, Mr. Reynolds, Virginia.
Smith, Jas. Patterson, and Nicholas Mar=
tin. •Only one: pe
• COLNOIL Blare.
cyclone' 'struck. tis
on injured.
' Iowa,':' April 15.---A
town.. Fifty !louses
were blown down •
BIG LAKE,: Minn:, April 10 Drs..
Highsbyand lralver,aaf Minneapolis, jest
from St. Clo:ld, state that other bodies are
being recovered hourly from the debris,
and being brought in from the country in
the track of the tornado. Twelve injured
people have been brought in, several of
whom will -die.. Fourpersons died of their
wounds since morning. At a church' east
of Rice's Station thirteen instead of ten of
the wedding party' were killed, including
the ofdiciatiig minister:
Bitters Not Burglars.
' 1\Iary,' said a husband, as they were
about retiring, ' Mary, I think'I hear
burglars trying to break in. I will go.
down stairs and investigate.'
' No, John, you needn't go.'
' Oh, but, Mary, I must
'John, now 1 say you needn't go.
The other night, when you thought you
heard burglars and.went down stairs,
you didn't find any, did you ?
Well, that was because you didn't
look for burglars?
Yes, I did.'
' No you didn't, John. Yon didn't
know 1 sneaked down stairs atter you:
I sawyouso into• the sitting room,, opera ,... ___ _- --
desk, take out i1 lattlo b`faak1ot-t1a' posttto`n a� sales lady 7xny tltne. Mr, Endyinto a high with
put it to your lips and take a hearty The roan wile alt smiles when he left i gfever, every
the court room, There was a complete symptom of blood poisoning. The
metamorphosis in his appearance when flesh where the cat had made the
he returned to, the court roam Saturday. ,'sat'atch mortified to the ,bone•,1 and
e d sit 1 and born r' while his Mr. Enda lingered in agony and violent
:He looked c tt(g, },
wife was all snipes. spasms until death relieved' lllm. He
Well, I. was all wreng,•: edge,' be leavas a wife'and .child.
sail. ' A..man has it much easier' tunas
Tried to do his Wite'rs Work.
"It's all •right for a woman to talk,"
Markus Meyer said at Essex market ,A
weeks ago, when be was arrested for
abandoning his wife. " All she has to
do is to dress the .children, do the cook-
ing, and her work for the day is over.
Then she can sit down and read a novel,
A man llas•to work like a slave' alt day.
1 wish I was a woman.'
' Why, he's talking like a lunatic,''
said his wife. ' I'll tell you what I'll
do,' she continued. ' 31 it's, so easy to
manage a household, why, I'll work to
support the family.' .
But- you may not get- any work,'
anxiouslytaaid the husband.
' O yes,' said the wife; ' I can get a
Killed by a Co 'Scratch.
• Reading, . Pe,, ap','1 12. -Frank
Endy,.. aged twentyniueta a strong and
temperate man, in. the enjoyment of ex-
cellent health, bas. just died a terrible
death,the result of a scratch frim a cat.
Ile removed froni'his homain thiscityjtb
the oountry,and returned tollthe house of
his father-in-law for two cats that bad
been left behind. While be was put-
ting them- into a: box bile of the cats
.scratched the back of his hand and
wrist. The following day the hand be
„gat to swell, the wound inflictedrby'the
cat causing great inflammation, and the
awaiting extended; up the arm to the
breast. Poudflesh formed in the wool
and the inflammation .betaine so great
and the pain se -excruciating as -to -throw -
swig, John, there was whiskey in that
.bottle, No doubt, John, you were very
drydr ,•but your trick won't work to -night.,
you aro aftet, not blii•glars;'"
'late ilariner"s "xi:lnowiaara Reg.
• Yes, that 'ere dog' belongs -to ono,. T.
s'pose,'. replied the farmer at tlie',.tuar,
ket'yesterday, when rallied in regard to
an ung;tinly cur which , was lying under
bis waggon, '
.' Ts it any good•?' . :n
'Not the least bit: I'v�o tried. to give
gin} -away, and I've tried to drive him
ofl',.but it's no good,' • • .
Why don't you loco lt'itu aero in
town ?' . . ••
'('I've tried it•in vain. •L' emme tell ye
what i did in September. Y brought
that cur' up hero with me, and I got on
the street. car -.and lode: around 'for' half
a day. Away up on Jefferson avenue
he got into a row:with_sotuo other -OW
and lost the car, ':and I went home feel-
ing that he was; done for. Next inorn-
o •s t paint
' with myb n
ing I weut'iit it }. y and i
ed the front fence and the' horse so lie
wouldn't know the place if he carne
along.'",.I tied'up a .calf in the "front
yard, cut dewn all` the weeds and ''se
changed the general look. -of things that
my .lieighb'ors .djdn't hardly dare come
in. On the `third,slay we saw hini cons,
ing ,clown -the road froth town and• every-
body got inside. ' .I 'e came up; lcoked
around ,in great. astonishment," and his
tail dropped as . if ;sonlehody had tied a
brick to it. . Ili his bones he felt that it
was tale old place .,sit tato painted.up
sorter paralyzed hint Io sht.down to
think hover, .and all at once he came
over -the fenceand.' began to' gauTbol.
around es. if tickled t4 death lie had
to something and it was no use
trying oily ion ,ei; -to 'fool'lrifn' •
St Sauk Ripitrir 'l are already -dead -and.'
the''list will be swelled to'40. •'Dr.,Ameel
• of Mipneapolisf who is on duty at . St.,
()loud, told 1)r.' '.ualver that at react 30
'-deaths will result from.the visitation. there.
SKIDMoRE,.' MO:, April .15:-A• fearful'
eye one passe • over, ,nroo owna,lip, r o.
down .count last evening, -destroying
dwellings ' •b> .county,
outhouses and killing
• thousands of dollars' worth of stock. Three
persons were killed and many injured.
• • BURLINGTON, MO.,.April 15.-A desti•tl'e-
tive cyclone passed over 'Burlington last.
evening,• The. railway station, was blown
to atoms and great 'damage,• done in the
town and surrounding country. ''Two boys
were 'killed/and many other persons seri:,
ously injured. • '
ArenxSoi ,, gen., April 15.-•A :heavy
rain storm. swept over.the• north westerii
"part' of the State_ lea last . night; prostrat-
ing telegraph :poles and doing considerable.
damage tp houses and,farm property.'.,
DasMoixES, ' Iowa,.' April 15:-.-1teports
from yesterday's tornado '•in •Western Ip•tva.
ahoiw•that thwatnrrns:ranged from Taylor
county north to Perctnt, county • Four
persous•are reported killed and 'about .2(i
—seriaiisly- injured,. -Froto-40-to-70, d4al1--• sore; Utit axe's' a man grown.';
ings,are demolialied, and large damage was 5 r So's' BM. IIe's,as'big as anybody;
done barns, stock and'trees.
Anton/v.,Tex,,• April'15:-=A cyclone of
great 'velocity; and destructiveness passed'
• o tion of this.
(Wise) county last night about 10 o'clock.
The storm moved in a north-etasterly:direc-
tion, sweep ngg eveiythipg before it, . Thus
' far over a' dozen ?persons are known' to
have been seriouslyiujured. •• ,
a woman.'
' How' -did you like being a house- j In regard to beauty a • photograph tells
maid ?' Justice `Duffy inquired. • '. - - . n(ithing beyond form of face; An Ameri-
' l:t's to 1 h woi k•'ucl«o I don't want
; can physician, explaining his wife's anti -
an :of it again. It's cooki.ng,serubbing, pathy to the camera, said: '(Her Features
Y aro not regular, and she to ies• a• timid
,washing, ironing I bad to -clo, and the • picture. trier beauty' rests in. her deep
ohildreu didn't lot .me have a moments • liquid eyes,'coral lips, rich auburn. hair,
ltalnotograplts Oi'ten »Noelltiv(.
,peace. Do. you see that.bald spot on the
'top. of my head'G That was caused by
weeks of worry.. I gave up.the contest
on the first night, but my wife wouldn't
change with ole tintd the week was out
And then she said I must come' before'
your honor and • colifesa.tht' I was
wrong.' ' -
` Yon haven't told the judge yet how
-many novels yoi, .read --cls ing_the_1v�lek'
the Wife said, smilingly,...-
' Not one: How. could I ? The child-
ren would tear the book from my hand.
If I touched ono Of them they, would,
drive me fralatic.• with their screams. •A
woman's, lot is a hard one. after sill,: jndge`
man has it ranch easier.'
�- `aI sec -wed a position ii a Grand St.
store,' the Wife said, ' and at 6. att-night
my work Was' done. .Theri 1 would take
my mother or sister. to a'theatre,.'leay
itig''Iny husband horde to 'mind tale
and lovely complexion, qualms* precisely
which a camera cannot reflect. • On the
other band, ,a lady dull of eye and -faded
of hair may. snake a capital photo graph if
she has a straight. nose and a tolerably'.
rgosed outline of features, witlrQut. the least
expression." -Leisure Hour.
itoyaliSl* IrearuiII• to'Lallior,
Prince Ludwig, of Bittenburg, who, •
like tho Prussian prince?) -has been taught -
a handicraft; was lately initiated into.,the
mysteries of. printing. Havingmestered
the basiness he taught it'to„his wife, and
tbe'princelypair have just set up'in type,
and printed a bookof. pages,. entitled'
"M-yjourney to Bulgaria.". The author
of this little volume-, which is intended
only fcor private Circulation, is the Count-
ess Maria, of Erbtloh Schoenburg, Prince
Alexander's sister.' The Knights of Labor
would hardly. approve of Prince and'Prin-.
cess Ludwig's cempetition, but they could
find little 'fault with the.printing.—From
•10111'Ions„4301CO �OiJ. '•.�...,.•+,...i
A.11 farmers tog conlo•illto tows- and buy what you want, it will
pay you if it is a silk flat, get it at --you can't get it "oi' a peddlar
If you want cheapCrocsries w h --suns as
o to
g -.
S:.. PAL L SER and CO,.
. . _ .�NCa-"CTS.,
Having leased the premises note occupied by,us,+for another term of 7 years, \Ve are
prepared to give the BEST BARGAXNS possible, We have on'hand a. large and
and well selected stock of -
oi 'EC'TIOI\r -
We.lt'li e the 'largest stock in town. Combine" quality with price and we cannot
A. • NG•t1Si cizaTTON
children. Last night when I .'brought t'late-London letter,
Lina• my.week's 'wages he said if I did We are constantiy.receiying• te'stimony.that'
hot keepdie money and let him (lo the'
11ESn �Q�,' Catarrh
ilk rr� Clore iiYvurtilttt; ts esti
supporting again „he would -leave ...the authorized to ,refund the money if it fails to
house an T• would never see hini 'again; give. sttisfaction. What can he more fair., and
but I would net consent until he cane
need yon suffer any longer!.. .
before yoiu•,'honor and confer§ed his er-
What did he discover:' .
Why, there had 'heels three seines of
g ass out. o tie 'garret win ea•: or,Dver•
two years..and tvti:d forgot to pu't..'eln in.
As soon as ho raised his' eyes' ind saw.
that winder lie lnow�ed: the house .be-
longod. to me,. end's dozen o'> yev.best
lawyers couldn't have made hire believe
TIael �Boonteraitg'..n Myth.
11 III
Ttteanders,e... d rots opened an 'gene) Doo the '.loo , t' 11.,
Mr, L'iirn'l1m says .th:at''lre alalia waited
e .Est
ate, and '•Ill bs ,clad to deal with parties having !doper.
v hulispme or. Torula, two pet cent 'on all amounts tip u,
Mv,0110. on boomerang 'throw•el s. 'Y'. t�,lunn, '
reat Inducemeo
Having bought . J. Tuthill s Steck of
CiflIXA,. ' C•tROCSERT.. & C�LAtSS'�1CWA1i.E
At a'disconnf Will sell at. Whole le Prices until all is cleaned out.
+ former]. 1{e3:.b. Tuthill cC Go. alwa "s on hand'
I'Lb,E�Il11>>1, tC GO S: YEAST; Y 1 � Y .y.. -e.,
h OR T.F1. ;''PEOaPL
cap, SA'L ' t::hea * c oCERizS a
Cheap PE,ovt SIO S...:
after Sic tirvt ;h1nU(i \
'II ,- ^ _ 'L r;n et�r;k•t1f Salt ran hand; ' orders 1t•i1l.lac; fi Iecl 'at' the lodes
f. ., r Ili a e• .'
� :• reser me s x
c . .N: i•ks will li sold when A e•
1� �f%l�e<l in (,Ilutou as ti'e salt ..o a ..,
cons pleteli. Will buy. mild sell TIMOTHY and. 'cr ovER. SLED. A .lot of.
SALT 'S;YGIi.S rani'! GRAIN : RAGS flit sot e.
011 and .one pet ventml.aara,.nntn
t z n a,tr, r l lir A� 111 t '1'..!p!';.ti
•lave.• leiant'xi , t ,luted k. a )as 1nlen', e e t •11s. a,. - o
h.;s a sole or transfer is WA:aril: r .have now.,•the follon•mg
Sura• l '''•'11'h0.• 114,0 a weall011 .shade of a hxoptortlesfor•sal, —
` Lot I,I, lake 'Road east, Colborne,, Inc &root 41 neared
Jerit Stich. that they flare'', v,. with' 11'0n- :'and under paatute, 2tl screw slaslied and eon ensih I,' lenre1
1 lance or sown agar. a ai be sohlehenp.
derful' ,ki1i hitt ng'tlie lrey, lnerr4iigly, Iseheres, pad null, 21 -*i miles from' Bneves 4piint, Dni eta.
' O ” l . so nares tinder cultivation, mall house. rre3m $i10• al4 Ael•e.
t11U. 1)041nca1'a11 'returning,.
e f 1tsulf to 1\:est half lot. 2a, 2ud•eeit of East Watranoih 110 acre•',
the in ''1YSmen? ' 1 '1
fall Kt the 'feet of t
I'd t 1 l 7.)(Sgs is I had t g- fro it•Londot to the, 'rtes 'nf o}cl'o'd -one pule from Avimr4. l race SttoGirO.
all'yo ,. c
_;,a,_.._ writes,. il:lo. That the 'accotmtS oro wo
siloet 111 B1du4t .. Ye i e 1 ,•
flO Etres ek 'lad, l'a'me Knoll 4441411 awes of 1n4 •A teat,
siring c -eek 141144K 1hrnaah the,farm, JOS'harp 40x1.0, two'
C S. ! 011 and 'moved 7111"tai . o'. aC all - rl' ell .,.�• i ryllrbi or.$+15on down lialanentn sniepnrelta td
, g , '
It t 1t' 011
n ' f els anct.d
t �'ol et vials of Dto S
0 0 ,
th. 1 itleS,,; :b ' : he Loot AVG, i•¢ of an :trip- ail lhrrinl St., aitrr tied r n (roe east
. d , ne well fenced. 1 race, ,dna, to"
n r a(r.-lutser.
�. .t 1 bntldlns, l .t 1
thirds' lies and the reulainin r th 'd 4 it i t olou op n e;• the C,, 1, re,nl
Flo W Bill x't TilE Eire. , Motel. in t, t r nt by bn et .leo p hue; r nennabir.
\Tebbe 'you're 'seen my. bey . Bill,
hanging monad here?' queried'a farmer
of the policeman at the Central i\Tarket
yeste_rdny. 'Re's' a common. .looking
Schap, a little bow -backed,' rind• has i'od.
mittens, a blue comforter .,snit a'scared
look.' .
' 1: saw such ut • chap .shout a :lagtli
"-e.. .
A 'Gruel• Crime.
At Vienna a Ohne, has 'cometo light
horrible erioilgh in the facts, which.• are.
admitted.; but infinitely :more • terrible
tie ...
in - the, 'suggested.... possibil3. s. Hers:
Szerceny„ a high official of a' Hun-
. garian ail'vyay,, has beenarrested in
connection with the death of hi$ daugh-
ter Irma,a charming .girl not ; quite 16
years of -age. ': This girl.! ived.. vetty tut
happily .with her stepmother, who Was
of a tyrannical disposition andfrequent-,
ly piinishe"lc her with -great severity,/ kitchen windowe. We haven't got the
house failsly - clear of smoke and ashes
yet, while the charge of shot•blew'the
whole back of the.stove out,'_
' What did the boy
• 'He was. lying on his back on the
floor when :1 of soe Water and put
Sart the con 'gra tmion m alis" :hair and
eyebrows and goatee, rind then I led
-MLA to tire-beekadoot tultl< boyo -hi ri l
-lift which ._ litahithaoiaer...A.aneavalrift six
but.he don't know. nuthin'; 'The oager
morning he got •up to'st'art;the fire, and
cotlie•to look around,. he`.couldn't •find
match in the house. 'It's half's' anile to
the nearest naybur's, and what did that
smart son of mine do ? He .ptitthe"
kindling.' into .the .Cook .stove, 'tacked
some paper under it and them'got down
the shotgttn:to trya brilliant experiment.
Hethought the flames of the lo'
would set the kindlings going and save
him a tramp. aa •
' And didn't it?'
- VVh •the long-legged-.,.., ignoramus .
never -stopped to see' if the -gun wasn't
already loaded, when, as a matter of foot,.
'she hada 'big -charge of_ pow der and a
handful of buckshot. already. down.
When that gun wenet off the report riz
everybody out 'of bed. in .a twinkling,.
and away. Went all the glace in 'this
After a recent quarrel Mme. Szerceny
. locked the. girl up in, a' rdotii by herself,,
and Notwithstanding that,•hes--•sereams
'were heard liy'the• snesiants • hone after
hotilr fawn about nodi'of one day 'until
early of tho „morning: of tale; next, they
wereTfoThidalearattiaintter tad at t v-tiat
was the :matter. 'When theories coos,-
ce,s-'..ed the• stepwatlier olien'ecl, tha'daor:.and...
the • girl.sats -fennd dead,- with her fe'1-
tures horribly distorted, and ON family feet high 1 guess 1 was a little too
lihysicianr WitrWa -dalleil its, TltylY ZiI1tb hasty. �'1 iearr'c fie arose-`t`ortoWn, and
was caused by • poisoning phosphorus. .. I thought I'd -bunt ' hiim,up and soft of
Mine. Szerceny says the girl must' have' apologize.' ;.
committed siticido.; but .the more gene• At that moment Bill carpo around a
rally prf .vailinig, °opi-nion is that thepoi- corner of the butcher market, and the
son wag administered by the stepmother, father lield'out his band and said
The continuous ser'eams for :close on 17 '1i11, ,yen are the biggest fool. in the
pouts, ,show the terrible torture' the State of Miclligan,,hut you can come
vvretclied victim of a stepmothers hate book borne just,tli(i'same.' ,
must have endured. The toren, has ore-: •
(l jo you want No ?' ,
ated a refound sensation, as the family i �,t , , =you don't know ''muff to 1 lI BUJ l \`fix
l S. ittn m t o1111C O that slave opened out ill tall. .'t
'loved in the very best social circles,
istt't worth twinging .Away. ..The been :JAS. '1`EI(131P.SON, CLn rov
- Arian! '•la ,a flet, • and•
talo" nattt'o Austt.1-
llill2'savages ' fling it at game- in:lasing
about as often as flitting .ttfirl' at.. will
i'eti41fl if itstri a"ea •nothing,: to smiles
where near the.startilig point, i)u.t with r •••relliilti'm IA CIS. 'i3OV
nn sort of certainty.' Mr uiau search- • .r r.
g ' and witnessed the feats ;:
eta.' tholoil„hly <i ; . �.t t
- ' . rid;but they ECU
of the best experts tobe.toli -, S . �IgOR�II
1 z �'.o:
aiilounthd't4 nothing:in' articular.. 'rhe • • • ••
o p
fanous' l,00iueiaug; is liractitilly i
myth.' .
S ,tjl' ''tiii v'5 •.
)rioes •
+ . N :: P . SO_U'.. FOIL ONE DOLLAR
F•;11'.‘`,.. LAI;.GE_- BARS' OI'
OEN .`tt'L;r
- - ' muenisa!wa arsuxa .: 417- :cr,usri --lento - - -
C : I1E NOW OPENING UNE ()1,' THHE\ L!,RCxES'i'''STOe.KS 01"..':"'
BOOTS and SHOES. :at Remarkably Low- 'rices.
TEAM•,a, NESS` $24.'
•1. Vh:ll\ IetliElTRA 'M. TO i PG1\TS. inquire
!'skull; Carc'oi•1[ls SVtpfelh;' •t.' JV p r(ha•lni, tuikete;
' \ OSON-
'. A inns called about' six weeks ago;' 1 Estate t (" t
:said' the pawn -keeper,,` and lauding Inc
T t i "tles, vel: cheap.
B1BI. C,..�.i.v�t:T�1Cx�S just fl,l.ri\�l;cl,. ,latest: � y , .y 1
the hundred, Cheap.
R�iI�� � �T.�I�LSES bY ,
Tle .et, l:rut; sign .cul .I{,1 s Otte .gall , ..1) ,di;
a watch worth itt'.lehst ant 0, asked me �{ aOtor 1
to let hini 225, cent . upon :it: - I looked
` '.1 t
at -flim in surprise, and then hastily ran
Blyth ''Pump
over our -lists cif stolen watches. It •was:
I would'
Mentioned `there: � 1
give•him far more than `15 cents tlpotl
the watch." He said he, :wafted. no moria
and noticing may surprise, he said to pale,
4 To:niglit I `accompany some-, friends• -to -
the' theatre. I:know from 'previous ex•
parience` that I Will. become intoxicated,
and I: will either lose o':, sell• my. watch,
Inow.leave it safe in your hands, 're-
re -
caving for it .25 tents, •',:Co=morrow
morning I will pay yon 28 cents' and
get;it back.' •
•` Well, sir, reghlai•ly every week,. or'
every two weeks,that man, visits; me and
loaves his ivntclain. myI'Itzlitdel'-
phia Newsy • -
benefit Y was a' slitt'orer and know the ben
received from Giles' Liniment Iodide Ain-
menta and Cites' Pills. l�v0utrllitivise-ala
chronic sufferers who have failed to obtain.
eel lnf_a11d 'been pronoiinced incurable ' to
write tho doctor, , who will without 'Charge
prescribe and'give ---•stick-.in.strurtinns'.$8
hill make speedy cures. The doctor's ad-
deo 2. I'1 I' 0. Jes
a 9'p' -411k7.' i✓r iii
erg ,
by all druggists.
r los ormerlSt
ifavlpg rernovetl h1, business to the pre f
known. as VIE MOl xTOASTLE 1EILf., 'Mild thank
all old patrons for past.fat'ois,'aad is 10 a {tter revs-'
,tion thatr ever to promptly fill all ordersent usted to
Ordered work :t•ypeeialty: 'welts dug And complebtled
e �'- P
ri esreaa9a,
'aitttliortnntlCB-'-All'icork-guar;ant o C
able. (Moms 111' ifAJt I'aomelJl' ATTENDED 'r0.
SeNvins2 iEac txne
The f�rilowhi • testltlioniala, •rceelved by 11n. J nE:S
v1 SI 11Zt, speak for themselves:
reeeli ed any sawinginsnl)ne abotitfour tnonthsl:520. and
z )y
nm sat as well lenses . with the work of'tt as the day I re•
cetved,it from the hands of the nepatrer. S.DAVIS..
.r reedited/by sewing machine shoot six months' `ago,
was fortunate to get it repaired, and' was surpaleed;a see,ihe
excgltent d•ork it, done, for it atm -laid hlQover font years and
eomlemnett . Tours truly, • W. 0.: SnEPPIIABD.
1 her 11 arkuo Clodini the receipt of. toy long hist we've,
thc sew York Singer Sewrng Machine, which I htve-jast' of
rcpahe1.'Toon7ilgisly-'lens tTwkh-ttiaml-retern;t'ntwtry-stin•-
etre thanks, for it works splendui; ,ALL•'y.•MroOalsuOR.
The Sewing lttnehtnc I got repaired Mont six months aka
proves to be. 1n every respect'' superior 1111, a large number
of people Miring the six months Lave enlTed at mit filtering
establishment and aro surprised at its esrellent 'work; it is
j�sbasad+ertrrvd ,:T.tOIiSfIs1_BItSLS..:w,:.•�._ .._.
FriYdes guying swat-in-thi,r lhle ^°tean-inise-it-attend•--
• ed to 011 leaving orders at FLOODY'S' ; rens, or at
residence, nex+�to old Presbyierian Church .
JA.MMF•S b ANSICKEft,,Gilnt.olr.
Mrs; A l Pisc1er,
eadiogr . ` �✓ ]I 111111 (?31 �.
rr d it's a wonder ort palest . � :C).ailll
cllaw,bum, an Y r, t1 Cl1lY.Te _ on oettlllf the latew5t yrOoC�S''' CLIC
;. been bot by. cats since. you. deft :1101116, _�.�'ti' DE, where yO
7lvsllepsia, and hal tried ono ttnnc+nftet an an and price a 1.10'w cook stove.'
11`117'l(''Cl` Thanking you 111! f()1 the Patronage
edit.. re•Cntnmenrlo(11v.tit 1111t little o1 no effect -r
t , *' am:not 111 tL position to do
r en and enol With _1. Alt(xregor d' hail;e.',v Carbolic t eratc is iii-
to' C'llOO i[T front. fall 1 �� C)1 cash, 1, u ltl p V ry y TWEEDS. y y
Berra a dnraa.aThU1111tttat 4, . r, ,,1G•o11111 hurls halt7tht:tuu (.'4101 s •, ,. , ) t era ,�,,tili('ll i.\\1,1.114.
rrantirlrnw( r. r.trnrnetkrl it t.t Ttr7 nn,'of,.'lf nit tate v:lhldll,t. for , (r (Aso, 1 r 4r r f ro p,
r' 1vy., v tri:.. 'rid in- • llln'nl,' St alol anti I' estcr:l, al _a bealim, anal anythill,.,, (As Soo it Nr ().l S lex° .) `l•1tin r,
, 'r t • (• tit f
. a l i
rr ane
l,',t til. ova' ,u
( is .. t,.cl
aro , l) tut nnl n.en trrntblcd with Ulf iu talar and mind the'team while I 1113 • the ,iateSt ;Styles by MX ,1\I -I• ISCH , ` s
r tonic -yc trs my wife. has 1 , r . '-' '. ' .
C.ti.tC 11%[c(l to him,
1tev, .1. (;. I'xtllfs, Dutton, certifies r• " l o ,.
, •' ,i t,� •. '' � -tar('. :�' i.11� 'range of rroocls
hopin 1 o receive the Sa11le in the fitly g e ,b
t� r
till vlyisrad to live Ale(xregor's $picr•ely (Aryls
1,1101. :pisco trind the first bottle. I have nr1'
valuably-to„htnu' for l,itr•r(',Mili,tuit,'Inrlr, lntrlfyln:, tt,'tui., ., to,)t (�* rq�
g' 1i"1Ti lZIa11I.V't"otripl.t t.'.. lasll!e•t;i V' t:})lr'. with .tlirr tt i1, 4ltt''•1, latlt,fl••, 1 .. .. ..vo '�{' ,(lt �� �x Vkt i�
8'1 "1'4
7 - 1)1.1'fI .... th . Ifs Jjl O
11'.1 ';t'. .
fro lir, v rrtrrl. 1, vr? '(nrly '�l'C(irt. 'oar,(• 1 (r� ' H li. ��..p14 i'. �� , 1,9 a
;+,Ar} l;y .l. 1'T. ( grtl,, , a R r -9a t _..
IN and. CEDAR, SHINGLES' at Lowed,^'Prides:,'
. . 'A`WIr!c-noc it a, Cl ntv►ix.
Wer g. ave 11b. Ni
xed_ Candies for 10c. 1h1b. Sticks
11b.Bullse es:10c:' 1 lb, Taffy Chunks.10c
L''A:.TDE8'• eon -():Y .TE1' S, -As 1 get ray, 'Oysters direct from Baltimore, you
can depend on getting Fresh :Stock. •
F'•I.ti•.>,c Srue:i •41•' T073AC E , CIGARS, HOLDERS, TOBACCO .
POLL ., ,
inc1.' All of the very best,. quality to be had. A call solicited.
1C.`t;L.Cxi'1A rI% L'r1I01r G?. NTON
What? the quality oic the Grog
the low prioom at which they
- • are , ecld at
BF-zRM Aiv�s�
He has
on hand a select stock of GLASSWARIi AND CHINA GOODS
just the things youwant, and at prices to suit.. GREAT' BARGAINS IN CHINA
A •• PEA SETis,, 1e ANC l: LA11ZPS,. &e•., tF.c..
Also. a choice •!fi✓ of F1t1t;, aid General GI OCERIES
fresh and cheap.: •