HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-23, Page 5Around the County..
Messrs. W. Crud tfi. Elitott, of Turuberry, have
Parchaseit AlcLean'tt brickyard, °utile bolltgl-•
ary 'lee between Culreseauil Turuborry,
,Ta nes•Ilenninge, reeve orTurnbcrry , who
isms }leen a stiffe:or of .diabetes for a long; time,
is very low and bee recovery is tloullt ttl.
It is stated that 100,000 .orange trees.
have been planted in 8eutherll California
the past muter.
'.the. Dominion House of Commons will
adjourn for Easter Holidays. on Thursday
and will not meet again till Tuesday of
are. Thos, Wiggins, or tits 5th con, of FXowiek,l next week.
was leading acolt to water it kicked, striking T4Irs. (ioates of
him on the forehead, lcnoekioi; hint senseless , acl;;Vi.11e street, To.
. ronto,,purchased from a drug store,worm'
powder toe' her child two years old.
Soon • after the child took the powder
its tongue swelled, it, Was violently ',ur-
ged, and died in convulsions. Jnvesti-
gati.ou will take place.
cho)gp1nlr•. 4 sig trc0' got lodged in a smaller President MO(losh of ,Preet0n in
due; an to Itis citorts tQ get the trees apart; N. J.
Mr, Walker 1Y1113 struck. by the smelter ° tree
on the shoulder and bead and painfully injured
him. A severe cut extends along the head just
over the brow, and it Is not just yet knn
what the oxJ iyOtnature of the injurys, although
1. it is feared the skull is fractured.
A man who goes by the name of jack Finns-
gau was drunk and disorderly on the street
Arooday* eyoning, at Winghatu, and Was "rad -
by the Chief for the night Tuesday morn.
fug, thinking he had Udell locked up long
enough, he cut seine -shavings .off tho door of
a his deli and set fire tg them, with the intention
we suppose, of burning himself Out, Smokewas seen Issuing. frolu the b1111,0 nk, ant! Aft,
Pettyptece was soon 011 band. Ile found the
door in a blaze and the " bird" nearly sullecat-
ed. Re was taken out, and, after the tare was
extinguished, put into another oelt.
PRZPEILrT OioAi1Gas.-•-11I1'.,'Ge0 Sproat has
sold the farm ou tlto_ 2nil eon, of Tiuikotsinttll
to Mr, Francis Coleman, of Stanley, for 47 Moe:
Yanstone & Sons, of Brussels, have leased their
roller mills to Messrs. Stewart & L o.wlek, of
Durham, Grey • Co., •for two years with the.
10ves of five..
naott epurchased
0acrf atd. beiglot8, MI: n
from Thee. Campbell, fol' $3,000; the farnn.aft
loins his own so that Mr, Scott will now have
240 acres in a bloelc. James Taylor has rented
his farm in Turllherr, ,tnRollt. Weir for a term
of three years. Davin Haugh, has purchased
from Airs. PdelCirdy the north half Opt 131, con.
St Turttberry, for the stun of $2,,200, Air: Geo.
Chesney has rented the t1rn;•of the, late Alex.
,i Walker, in Mullett. Mt Henry Ilusliart, of
Fordwieli, has sold •aut'is planing factory to
Mr. Edwards; of jidii•ardsville.
9'roca Ntsefe J.'Mar itis,. of Colborne, re-
cently ti0t`ehased t thoronghbrod cow and calf
loom -Mr, Washington for. 4140. Air: Bryan
U'liara of the Skit con.. of IdeKillop, sold kis
stallion,'° Young Wellington," to J.D. Stewart,
who takesthe annual to New lora state; the
sum paid was 4123, Air.' has, IIowiet. ot.'+1orris,..
sold two Yat cattle'to'Air.l:tl latsee,eatticl_
dealer, Blyth, -which tipped the beam, at 2000
pounds, ono weighing, 10130 pounds. Air. Thos.
' Russell, •of the TltauteS Road, Usborne, was
offered a few Slays ago 52,001) for his yo'un lie.''
ported hull, his isuportoa aged cow and her
heifer oalf ; the oiler was a twinning one but it
was refused ;' It was made by a Mr. smi).lio on,
behalf of a Northwest itanolting Company • he
had boon looking at n largo nulabnr of anhrilais,
but Karlonly put a prier 'on three beroro.he
reached Mr. Rnssol i , it is certainly a erixtit to
this county Clint thorn •pre owned in it such
worthy animals. • _-_ .
and Yractnrin, Lis skull
While Peter McEwan, sola of John A Mc-
Ewan,. of Morris, was nutting wood tiro axe'
slipped and struck bier on tits lett foot. sever
ing the.e•nrd,. at the large top, and making an
ugly wound.
On'Iuesdo:3; John Robertson, of Goderich,
and his son -le -law, Oliver Walker, wont out to
Alt, Robertson's farm, Colborne, to do some
who,lived for sixteen years la Ireland s,nd
whose sympathies go out to the Ulster Pres-
byterime. believes that. 1Ur. Gladstone's
measure, ofenelike. it inall respects will be
passed sooner or later. In the course of a
very' able letter, he advises his Presbyterian
*lends ;in Ireland to accept the situation
and to fight the battle op tits new ground
they are constrained to occupy, I•Ie can see
no other solution of the complex questions
with which Mr. Gadstone is so courageous,
ly dealing than Homs' Rule. -1 Boycott, who will live as an active
verq in the English language long after he
will be forgcittemas'an Irish land agent,
'ATE 7011
We have opened • out, tiiis week one" case of
PRINTED M118Lfl18d ,Cream,
car LAWNS Wh ter . %'uscan and Bei e - ra
with SAGES to matcg> , . .
One e ,
a Of'
. x t x ar P r T _e.
IaE'4RT110ET'T • . 330924;WC.,
will sell his property at Lough Mask, i V a are sending out a very number
• `
County Mayo, Ireland, at.pu611cauctfonior y mbel of IIATS and BONNETS. .,
day, and remove to England, whets he is A, look will Co11v1nce
appointedagen ..of the Ilia ton Hall estates you that our Millinery is right. 5e ce '
of Lord Waverley, Capt.,Boyeott has bean p I1t:0Or cash,
for many years a patron of the. Irish turf, •
and kept some famous racers, He' was ,
agent for the estates of the Earl of Erne, JOHN . WIS,EMA 11T
in Ireland, and hie harshness ,and cruelty ! a' a+ i1',
helped to precipitate the recent Irish land
war, =Since he was:. boycotted, six years
ago, he had grown as nearly popular as an
Irish landlord could be.
Reports to the American Rural H'onie of
Roohestetr,"frolu all parts of "the country •
indicate that 'Mari% in Michigan, Kansas, .
a good Bart of Illinois and some parts of
Indiana was very 'unfavorable for winter
wheat; because 'unprotected -from' frost.
In. Dakota the ground is very d'ry, and
many are now seeding oats' in the place of
Spring wheat; fearing to take 'chances on
wheat.. Stock -raising will be increased al-
so,, as the e:tpenso•of ,wheat growing is too
great. In Nebraska the spring. lias been
wet and 'unfavorable ' I3eavy •raims have
set things back in Illinois and west of Mis-r
semi.. In Oregon the sarin wboat ais
The (.foderich 5ie Int says 1`hc.WupIo.voen of ,.recluoed, owing to low, prices. a p -
.. Crap lyros-
t11e big will hero owned by Oedema. Flutelu •. p ` Mots in the South are air. Pacifie Coast'
son. wore notified on Saturday last that after
r.ta,lnorsnw this stall ywould be. reduced one•half 'reports are favorable. Generallyspeaking
and that those remaining would only De em tbore is a reduced asreage aver the 'entire
winter. wheat .belt "'compared with 1885,
though the condition of the drops are bet=
for than'at the same .time last year.
A Quebec telegram says :----What "seems
to have' been a;wholesale Market for in-
veiging yOimg innocent girls lies. 'Come to,
the notice of 'the authorities 'It •seems
that• a number :of disreputable h uses
also sairi t0 2tave something folia With. lTic' h1 `-seCtt`ent ent foj ChicitigtY,(jn kirk et_
move : 1u fact it 1s said that tL0 mill is almost York, Boston and American cities.; whose y++ sOi
p1 white elephant on the hands of the ewnnrc
•-..r once and ingratiate themselves with outi
' FA ATO l.I women' whom they. induce to go to the
ployod half time. Among those who expect to
be discharged are four ,or five .married: 11100,
who, with their faml)fos,Lwili be forced to re.
move from • town., Wo tiricletstand, that the
ItIessrs. Ogilvie will'give employment to some
.of those men in 'then, Montreal mills. One of
' the cruses that has f
t sot cell the mill to'cut down
its' expellees is the fact that stteng ',alters":
flour, whioh is made from Manitoba wheat, eau.
not 3m make hero to advantage •• The Arm has
90,000 biishels of loeal wheat stored in Godoricll..
The feet tltaltthe mill has now to pry taxes le
Es#a# J.. I30I?CENS.
°Niers soy, that there's rnil)ioh$ in it. duty 1t isto put on a respectable appear-
- ' '" United States, and,' when.. there', • draly
them into. a lite of infamy.:.:The agents'
Rev.' aim Jones -leas bear engai ed to here comprise both women;d
ttsuime.- 11001: p'rd f""'t reir'tra'tr'e`istt been carr
ie until the `24th.. arming extent, sometimes, as many:'as-1O
Mrs. Ada H. Kepley ran against her bus-, and 12 females being . shipped' "i..t ; one
/. band fol school trustee' at Effingham,. and, .week: The prices .paid. theseagouts are
defeated him by twelve majority. • . . in accordance with the looks of the girl
Alexander, 'youngest song of llenlc varying from $20 to $200, . A. groat nurii.-
. ber of these. inveiged. aro young French-
Rodgers, of Colchester, fell out of.it win- •Ca.nadian girls. This week no less than
'dow and lighted on_the stump nfa'ta'ee, .15 .were shipped. Time Daily Telegraph
fracturing his skull. . to=,nyight stays :•.--" 'The .police and govern-
At the Welland Assizes. a verdiet was lent' authorities, as' yell as the clergy,
given against a soedswan who hadamld• -•are,huliling . a conference.to•day over the
'plaintiff.seed Which turned out tri be of a abduction of. two. young .women to Chi -
worthless kind. .. . .cage by ai'female who intencls'to dispose
•Itey. J. Ilenson.iianiilton; of Now.Yorle 'of'tllem fair iginioral purposes. The poor
illustrates hi$ sermons by nietias of rt hlackr : girls left by the G. 'l;' • 12.. • on . Monday
board at the rear of the.:pulpit ..''Ile is night',. and 'every attempt has `been
. drawiuo largo audiences. , made to arrest the culprit within the
Ilavi(1_Thom son Tiibei'u olio- htts Canadian lines' The :American oonsul.
presented the sonT_Liunty oe 1 cite, has ,in 11-07.156e-tieConsulted, Anil an important
letter 'has been drafted for the British.
the .Dominiun Els of Comm for the ecttiqul .rt-•Waslrr-n ton.'
past years, .dit;flaE lith residence, on tiuu- g z is t on t onel
y Chicago house alone vithui a Year hast p
. ';I'he Ontario UOUrt (if AP Peal llal gi,.rCf r ;, .
a judgment confirrmng: the ,judginii t of - rhn Ottawa .free then saylitinienta y
Chancellor Boyd in favor.' of Ontario's hist.his • never anbefnda e the )ai'liameerro .
right to the timber,' minerals, aIId soil in against a OVern a int. so r. ' us as these' ageing! ,i government; so us ns
or .
Deputy, ,Sheri If Williams, tt'hi, eras badly .Indian affairs in Manitoba and the . North:.
buten by the -strikers while guarding 'ivest territories l)y the Oppesitran laijt
1an . men; and g:
ue 110 an a-
brought: against • the' a inistrttion of
Ir Mountain 'Railway •Proi,crt5•, . at ..night. The charges were so serious and '
for 8./"00 for Jay Gould. .pJressjol)' will ' be.. felt in the country. A
° ,•.,' •" } 1ush' oY '
Sunday night of r3erkely','treet Methodist 'CanaclinA's nbselc.whenl ii earns as proven
Little Rork, A,rk., rtns received a `ciietiue so well, 'sustained that a most painftll im'-
Mayor Tlowland oceup)od 'the 1pulpit shRme must Inotint to eycry
Church, 'Ioronte,. and preached an ear; 'hy rtrr'•' C.ftmeron','. of ur "ti, last night;:.'
nest discourse on i' The'Love. of'God to_ :from, 6111cial .doouuients ti ' ubl}sliecl.
Man." 'rha..chuicli twits packed':; the st€ttelneuts,.that''the gr asfFimizloraJity •
has been practicedrby w its ag'ents'of the.'
present government in .the Northwest tern'
.An Ottawa eorrespolldeat hltr'S : ritorleS, and that at soma points fifty per
Sit' John lltaedonalcl's continued•.` ab- cent .of the mounted ;police were at one
sence from ,his I'arliainentar' :dtit}es' .}s 'time stricken With..a most revoltln r and
causing the Tories to speculate upon the loa.thsolne' personal disea due to imtnor-
subject, of the future leadership of their 'ttlity• and licentiousness, • It was shown
party. A Nova Scotia Me'tnber iupport- that 0140 governtnent appointee iinverted
ing the (l4.vernment, said este)•da-that troth_ 1'.nglancl, kept .it whole harem . at'
within three weeks.Sir :Charles' Tupper tail}an girls find. )volneli to rnr'f .1t s e
' l're ltbst ° a fi 1 y i.
would be out here and installed its' I retry 1 nod .that Indian girls'. Iti'lla t1'err
'ler. There is no doubt that Lv_i,t'11131)01S'ova trained in the- -: Cliristiatl' missioti teh'oo1:6
Scotift rPories•tiie wish is father to.the were purchased. 7t'•-•lustful.izhilii']n n`<t '
thought but their Ontario "e ), r.. • c . mess ranging Item ten. to twenty a rr
),>P r)(', linvc fi fi tlti' t1n11 •r 's'•
never had...Miueh faith i 1 the 'ir e'eh, :after the iris 'h (l ass
1 c kl) ,l ..Ctsnl. i?. a l e( ( be •illld
' . .til'...,) •..t ••y
missioner. a)1cI''•vietv'tha'Tros , t'ctf ills e)ifitieilce•of'f1)escitaol, .LIIel,hlhstlau ,
accession to the leadership with hoick al- . .lnlssiona'rie, ComPlain that their Work for'.
arm ' Conserwativiit frem_ _nt I gnocj is Aral set} by the;ie q :
U aria_ iusinL -r y ._._ 4OCttltell. .. .-
that Si,' John will remain .n_. i "'°•' • - ''-•- .." -. _•._-
oiYl)nnjl at Y„
the party (1a• 1ofi as. hie health tip per- •%.,' 1 U MAlrli:? 7r , •
Y >y
-Mil.-- He 14!11 leave for lir}t15}} Columbia-e----((.trleCto-il evor) 'PInn'stiay • afternoon )
is iloon_as• tits session is over, whorrc he . 5 'Thursday, April 2r; 188ie.
,will remain south 'time. ° • r ,... Wheat, Celli ' • ,70 •'i i a a 80.,
Winnipeg, April 19 ••- case at present•, White anti red - 0 77` a 0 SO
1 iioforii the equity, side• of the Court of C7Ata,. 0 `211 a a 31 .
lateen's Bench here has made a-numberof harle:7, : r <] GO a ti 011
Interesting facts puh1i property. The `` las, O f ` a 5"
facts chiefly concern Mr,Hugh J, ltiacdon' ouiry prr' bbl. .
ald, son of the Dominion Premier and Mr. t'otatces, 0 ,iti a a 40
Stewart Tuppor, son of Sir Charles•..Tuppor. ',ggs . ' 11 00 it (1.1(r
, Documents put it't evidence show that they Pork-
have been *carryingo °' v
)n i r,
a wholesale ale' t .
e Indo i ' "
• nay, ,• t3 Oo a 8 aq
timber limits,'salt 'sprints and coat lands, 1 Sheep pelts . 0 50 ' a 0 715
obtaining thein .from the (,oyernment L.atnbskis, - 0 6t ',a 0 80
under the names of third ,patties, really b ('lover, per buitl,. - • r'On a • C;i
through their influenon ter wliiell ftp each ,_ t.*..,
case they have rccei:rt"tl large interests, . It °
r11so appears that' they k '' (4
. pl ) y tl cc`tvo , 1(1f.(100.1 L • a 'V j>v t C> .
annually from the Lund IJepartlii`ent of tht' ;
of filo ('ni1)hilinn Piu t'r l i 1c I_r n •t rhe a,ibsr'1'',r r'''
... ....1 t_ ..Jt_lllty fat, work I. . rhe. rl, c lista flit. ,e'rdlr,.r,t)(,J.•11n)•iFll rt
which is full;] petforfu0rl by ;Ide : ritr: 1,- 1 off' iu)ac)rtoir ,Stitt C/r(riri' t (, t'.: _"1111117`] -
2011 a year. I t .ai,lli'31rs that . Tim pl)er • re- f .LiT.7 ,1 LAN WJ/Js'.f 7' tirtiY 110,' per !110110.,
eelvoa :Ii),(lt)i) far ptlttilt;;•'hronob a3'oMMl SSl•.10•.21•r r,linlh, Also, maul 4RA-
t rnn,','olitol fief 1rt' hi•t fah i,1.t e 11'Ithister i,..717,;()%1 1VJIJ i1 : '7,tis "1`x11 IR all,f'ree
of R ulwfl•ll at (ititttllt, Li!deu cel hog all ' f,'n5Y told end$ and r)tthrcl',lmil Tomb.1
coln,l I0 Ii lrt in the' paritter5hip All 11. 11tl° 1.'111//iN,t,el„ VT),S'rirl.POii 7t' ' 1
"'-i4 catrt'ir,• R ge(,tl d'-ttl. (:f local t'(•n)illt'^.rt. Y
i.or.:g,,tv,tt. .. Ir. 1` S..''i'n+1o,r+rrtitir.
aisles being filled with people standing, its
Alga the "vestibule. '
On Friday morning' Mrs.. George' Ste -1
wart, of Arkona, aged.90 years;wasdis-
covered in a dying condition,' having out
her throat with 'a razor: She lingered' for
24 hours, insensible most of the time. No
definite reason is' assigned .for the act.
AxpEocoAy-,, APRIL L6.
e- -w
S-Ynce +OT
AN 'an
-floating 11Ui:I, FOR SI'11ViC]• --Till: UNDER -
sateen keeps for service on his farm, cast half of
lot 10, IIuron road, Go'derich township,. an oxeollont•
sfioa'r BORN BULL, of iirst-class pedigree, Terms
Si, with Privilege of return( ne f necessary.,-ICEPPLE
ELL •Pelt 4EItVIgi ' A TIIoiteico rl'1tBD
Shorthorn bull of good pedigree will bo kept for
Servlco euelo.t.i1, •IIurog !toad, Goderich township, IIe
til SO: ME is registered in'•tho llritisb. Amerlean •Herdt Book, and
•- • is con'sl(lored.an excellent bull for,his ago, •Terms for
avadr. sows, $2,{tithprivilege of.rettrrningif» ecessary,
ng} + 1 payeble first. of January next. Thoroughbred cows
'U11 X01 S al 10110 wltl.be charged 85• •l'II(0. ft. COOK.. •
' C . - :SPRING • 188
. 6
• . 'For stts cTOCK: FOB, SALE.•,-$ V4 •RAL 11BeD OF (1001) •
- '.17 :Polled' Aberdeen Cattle,'' among' which are two
•'The \Veli-iirpd lmfiorfed Ciydepila.IO young bulls, three cows in calf, and four' heifers, all
YO1 registered or eligible therefor, in good condition; also .
NG..H.ONEST' J1 M',. •'twco-splendid grade 'heifeiv two':n1111t: 00t3S; several
Will stand for mires this'sensed, as follnks: MOSDAy, Leicester and Shropshire cries...11oasonable pricer.-
batt, 25th will leave his own stable, 1at J9 con. hi, Mullett, `JAMES I!Iel'AICLA.NL; lot 30, con. 4., Stanley,_ or to'
sad.,pl'AC edit w.:_tlie_t3tlt0ancesstmS tlin¢}o_titt -10th-anu,,. Minton P'.0......,_.....
0 ;Trill Ffanditoa'n for noon; then by way brlith m ins:don --
:Alto,.Tle,l ton . )La uea's •fur the niRhy.- r Uff' DAT, Hill AM 2II. FOR .SALE.,-=TFIE.'SuThSCItIBgit OPF0RS,
ec °o to 1i. illcli •iene; fur noon, then ta.hts 0: Mahle for ,
ihrnigbt, W1WZ.,ismint,.w•in1;,aaeedbytrayof'siderond forsale -.his:splendid farm of 100' acres, being' lot
t0lt.. OfcGn¢an'0 Sast Watialttlsh, Por •nom,;.: lnen t,( 'LTV:. 4'l; 3nih' eon.; 'of Tuekersmkfi.' tided UOW story and
tlialku'h fallen hicnndary, fit, the a.igght. - 7fltfRSD'y, half frame house, 2 acres Splendid orchard, .'geed
will prace•ed to J. Mills' West. Satvanooh, for nape ; tliee to buildingsS5; acres: free from s44ttitps, 15. nems nt.fa'h
lintel Duo ammo for the ar
If t
Of O
odt t it
0 oto
n n t
1 f1 r
N non; nil nen
r t to w
I\l•C{ Ca
under drained, i dr me
d ices spring 1 on 11
or the night. the Min and haS
kht hef'DapA7 will ay mor to ills mtn'atable, wells Close to churches -and sehuols similes good'
Ind remain till the fallowing Monday morning the town 01 Cllnten' G from Seaforth.. 1V 'h o
714x. route, win be confined durlog, the season, health and , , 1 be ld on ,J_,
tteathei ermittrn r For particulars see h reasonable -terms. MIMI McDO: Af,b . on the ` ''1-
pp g ills. 1 , 1' ]
, A, 1101V 30,N, m,nm lIIOWNON-BRei Soo roprioter.: .pfl1ises, or Clinton 11. 0:' - Q ,' la
e 8th nth a .c .1.0: . ve e
A•111•14Aetl0 --1• + -
IS . ;.• i _ %A7llLitNQL•'• EXAM] a•
tr CeTcTirai7etl I1np.e letl Cl 409 rile tu7 fttr n7tntsswn toiio Y>i ho ALL •LT-7-y-1-C eft' 77y p
d, y _}} , t gr be i.ii ,,,,,gl,c 1i11,Vlte 41w.1 WD.1ii13 VV iLL.L .A7. y
Pp hcld'iu Scaforth, Clinton anti tyingham., on iifoSUAv; tiXG 3 all.
R ID '[ ,.. O F AVON Termer and Wi'smnseiv; the. et1, 0th and t th days of /.
{ g• July next commencing at 1 o'clock P.M,, on Monday. Pij/ . O u
1Cili stlind 1'or mares this season,' :is follows: • `All _ 1, ? Y ,'
, ra t iGNDAY eandldates who intend to nrttc aro required tc, prices: -
'1r$ t, 20th, will leave.bis own ntnhl5,,2ad }}+0as:asston,[tf send tledr.nantes and address, not toter "than the 1st ,
Stanley, and proceed to Jas, Crieh'n I uck5tamit1lTror boon • of 'fn :
then nerassto Owen F1ynn's, Cali, 4, Iluliett torr vs night, i, too either of.'tho Turnbufollowll,
1) J. G. ClintonH; •W. E0.
. s
rp$SDA'7, will proceed west to 0,, rinse /l,l then'to [1'. A Soaforth; •Jas. Forubuil, 13 A. non ,•VV.1:, ,
lhirhom Mice -o -ft none; thon ar11 T3a11.14-sr. flus the night. (,L(U-c , l Cllr-' tnghatn•; or .to...010 ti 1g' 3 ,1,1 ' , ' • •
yy 1), jet, IIALLOCu•, 1. I', , hOrtbIlgroli.
1r'L(DNK 3D,lI wilt proceed by Cryo' of '11n1i'a Bridge
Calhornr, Gr nennlllel,11otc1 for noun ; then by way of the'. ' ,•
new ,n to kung's' Ifetei,• Ilohnearille,: for thn id bt. - .. ,, • -„ ;
TIIfRSU. ,will proceed a t,. :
1 e 1 1 the' Rand to ec .
i Rea .t t
tiC n g
lin t:tit,n
r hour. . ^
to m r. t11rn to 1 corer lithvn
tdw f r uui,li;'
then w
11 h
,e h r r ' wr[ p.
SO nu.rssimr riodrrie11 N . 71 . (/
towceed t tri o . S
"1')rl ,Yna's, for the Fright. ' T tTDAY. will prncegd tn•Th[is. OD'
WI' lf111.$1111.
,'nom,, then to 1Vitlit+m Wises for the .night,"-. :y. .
A E'A)Ill,l:. TO11'1''1'It/)l'ltLa'l"-.. - - _• ..
SAl1 RDAs, 11111 pra.ceil ht the ICuRenhary Mouse, Clinton, n
:fornoipn;then tobisiiwnstol4e. odreins in1111tbefcil)nrt•in• t' : " :" - 1 ,/
{lnnddyn,urnfua. 1'ntloriani l;t^''vntyoof•a. tpticrofsale,cotttnlueilin•
"*. µW• RICES TO R
JII pp !r rliiYf
1 s route sill be ciintinned dnrlt a tb. •r s health t f a certain inert eoc widish will. be •od • id'
• r •a nn, inn t p a1n }, ,' produced.
at the thud
rr nthrt p«ru»ttlug. Vet further p:utu:ul,a, vru• rottU,1,1});y,.. of asks, !hero wast be Worth). fah"'salo; hy. pnblir ttttc•
d.,r, I[bAlJiJr[lIN 1VyJi S., M4 ;At UN,
IY,nu, ,•r• Propyir•tors,
tion, at the 4:omlucreint :Relit, in the'1'olvn
of irlillt..y,, u Ma•ritvttay, half) Nth Clay Uf
_ ;i1111,y', 155(3. in 1 oolee . to the forenoim the fol-
-: • ', lowing property, namely
.Circ •tiupartrd.'Cfl'dgsd,,30 t tntiiou. 1 t , Sr it oly :='Cosbon of
of'tld ti lot
• nuruber roue,, in the first concession of :lie said town-
:. -:-L
2 / -• . - + 1f•ijipof'Ytnnle and t
l 1+ i t, village. a of numbof l
1 .1..L1.L..1 of the''lt1sg uI lit 1 ii 'i B fb u ,
l pl,c f n vie 1) .l turn Asi sex
Nn, ;1G n'nl mood ow pre inglrnt(1,cut ofatni•k fills xr„ whish ln'thu,deetT tbercof, envie by d.tSq[v AFiYiilCNfi\
son. meg, )1s.1i01mrs : albIlluA1; April 214 -will lets 'lits o s n i to 1.1z n[ le )tnLnln,llcarfng(tato the fifth Clay of April,
n11r,.Lundrxhora, 4(14,1 •1414.53 norttr, t„ IJlyth, h'
, 3111lso p A.U. 'hitt; ta.dcserdictl,, as fronting en, the London
nmol .Int 115011, 111111 G, irntitll•Ctfa Ilnt'r1, It1.g- n10,. ftrt' tin, lih:ftl' 101(1 ),o011 g 'the fourth
311,13(. 1 fi180A} soil ee0 e -x - _ quarter of Ctrl acct' ppco,
31311 44111111 by wa' al SIllllhl.uo to lithe Wheeler's Cor1110 1, 1) (e 1p r,ni t1i soutiliat/tv.
t!i. a st co ne she Itl(tiiah of ow Ial)n,
g ltn Velle e s far noon. north from'tlib sontlt•Crist earner cif rife snit, km:n:da p.
1)1,11 u,i SV tnthe-llllAettl,patmi4,. rbc,,,,,,Ynanr.',:$414.)0n, ,.. _ .._ i
ih,1, t0 win, lti•rrl),)3''d, !nt I3, rya, I:. of n111et(, For thr Gf-$tlrtley, -aTd't r Cala ltq' red Rthnennui•eltCil t r titre
nt,ht, tVLI)lvlSallA)°; tclU proerr.l ttrnt nlnug eon 1•L and ,',nod of tn3 ho'the snnto'n1orC'oi' Ices, 1 hnrc ry crest•
1;t b, t11c uratrf road, then South to Loticleshnro, to his.mttr i'ed' on , tlfin properly a 1'raiue 'Dwelling read 5toro'
uMh1e, wino he ;011'remain for the light. Tlfl'llsnAY - which aro.at treacut ln•a fair state of
v:' t, r rr
d r r ort ! '
In h t n
can. 1.
1 n t 1•• '
1 then s
lin tt .T • Ah a --n
t o use h d is lowit I u
t r t ti
n 0 e C
,.+ t lit
t inti
1,, ,
4. ei
tVilstn' -d
dot vY '
,,f 1 i
1, 1 t • '
111 niPl' ,
Jt+ 11 , v
. Ihrl w • t ,
i ist the 1311. n 'thirtytlli•co and eight hundred and thirty-fmir; of the
itinr, (1,11, roitih to IYm. Iiatl'a forthe nf,7Gf. l"ftfDA9',rvtll a1lid tOwtl of 01111ton tiltunt on thello'rtlt side of clary
jrfipi i'1!il`amttiraltm{t itr^isttn;• I,{ai'^te:utsr,;.-n:•pmt-it: tbrtr enNt -•Street, t•hnttrining '`together- by--mime:unto:nent' one
to torOlilerfel Road to Thoe,i(1na11 Noah to (-dist(; o,n'sn,thee
eier was!
noi1, 5 recti and titlrtysovon porches and fonntrmtlta of a '
perch f.
NIA tb hind
,.ten, db'tho r
tb r t nh n• • p seine no
p ul Y
[ G U & Cor less.
C owl . 1
1 r o Chri . h, r'a rn Phar •' 1
d n r oto no
na111i to con. sand 0 to Allen T(arnhanr'a, int 11, hnn,'o, illy this property a Irrbntc Dwelling 11;x20 with a tramp
the night SATURDAY, proceed north to too. 10nnd and bnek nclilitfon 1.Sx1101-and also n. frame _stable
Il th•'
,0 .a y . u, wiat 11101111(111 roncesa11ln in Lnndeehur t, when 1 n 18X24, •
4 OQ a fie ei1i 13315810 1111 the fotlawlng M0nd111' TIAs Fume ' 'TER111H- Ten per down' on da i f saleand tl
, ( the
will be rnhtiuurd,rutinl1,, U 014(310011, 1en1llt tuwtathrr .r• 1la13.00C 111 000 monUt tlicrfaftOr, The eonditious'of
ruining, T. 1'1111.41,, Prop; 1.11,111.11, (froom. sale Will: be made known on tiid.daq of '81110. Vol*
0 14 a b' 15 , further parttenlar8 applyto II. hale, Y:sgr C. A, ilartt,
•!rlili iliPORTED 1llcpi1013RL•ri) .h'T,V•1iEl+riAi,1.; i 1:oiieRnrr. Clitttoat,.octd nce.tmtlelsigned
1IAN$114(1 Si SCOTT,
Aticttomer, Vendor's Solicitors,
Will stand for mires ibis 018)011 an 111115w); 111021DA'1•, ,
A13n01.20, he will tent( 1118'o01 Match'. Itattrnliery Mouse,' ' -
Union, and preened by way of the lfurnn Spoil to Jntn,
11aIe's, lhdkdt,+fornnontheaty wtnv nt Ahn,( to the 2nd
ennnrvslnn of Willett, 'to (illbert ,1183°43, tar the night.
1 Jtt'
'MTh 3 . will n•oreed north niutr s 0 s ■ A
F n t, l Chris. Ilnln l for I .
been : then north 1 n'i'hns.11M0a1i n. Iluprtt, for th( 'night i •
W111/10111413.1 I', will proceed 1111tbywey or f,nndeshore n11.
.4 \.`r $2,10 T'T:1.1 r.;\C'f.-
dime t1) 3 (tray elMad to 115410. nntltrotnbs'a for n0011; then '•
by the Gnu el Road to 010trotporatioiof (;,Intoe, then down
the eta„• t ne to William "tipl:aly's. for the dight. Ill lllt;t" iIll p r .. •tt -., r 1'•
1pA1, mil l;rrrtrtivl to w, StrD=nn) s,lntFlr it, f r'r nnmt; then t 3•,. RD aa '
5 60' a 0, 00 ,a " 4P• ,r ITZ..Ar . JAMES IIOWSI
1. die' , , ll1
my of l.nn,le[rl,ll t. ('131.11,111 5 Seslatt'a, ( 11.114, t 1
t:`n: (rtoh t,n31Shll f•„ 3103.1btht, 1'101 13,11, 33311 Oil ltnrllr ' •
ml 111P 111111 (.51.5. ......,111, and tileh do 311(), A4131811,1 i•onress11nl
to (:. tnvnt•3's for ens ; thrn.tlr !r h 1 v tyi a+'a 4Y Antler-
son's C171.11 -5. then,',' u)111. t'alru'lt (1.1.'1,111's 1)1144.1011 too (Mal,
Tor flu' watt. tiA't'( ROA 1', will pt rt, I /e,Jn1n1'('hurrl`lltg 1).'lih, real 4 .,y wherein in t(Yin Nee s.t charge '
1nrnn,at [than by wn} r I tb 1;[h 1 n r,..vunt to thn Ilnrnn ;
1lr1atl, to h v eau 147)1111 at rhe 111) tnlinry nonce. 'Ibis n,
rnatr will he rn[ntatu T4 t,i, . Vi.• . 1 a i11, Ills 4111 n ,,)1 1 ,
pr•rnifttint' ''l,j1y■•1• ' t( x~ • I y 6y "t1,'r
• k / •tGrr) 1rticr t Rim'l31' U' niA-- '
!., t;r M •'i'fl'lt i(Y 111'(t t 1'
See:0111 PRINTS 15, L L.gX, i 1`i LI.S and "Ulvl,aS (rOUDra at an immense • r
,4CitYC'• '• •'
tion on.whole tl•10 prices. Sante sf'that CANTON ()N 1i ttA.NNFL left. 5e, per yard.
Black and-
Go ai d m
e ID CtJ.() '. S,Iy1 '`U,tt,rlrail(1 1'.,vantno lJ tclas' at ,:.) cants;
worth 4i 1, r111`time al,ovo are at prices that -aro 'houandr to clear thcim Tint. ('ohne
tit) `a TCl Ct ill Ittttrrraili,.
?last 1 * , , , STRAWS;
r.., , ..
0 iw lt.t f • `'
l xt,.,r ti 1
1 i e.isc.. of , f.ItA,tib, in. the i ar lr1tt,yt New 'York tit 1eI;„ iu till
the leadin shades IA fine qIl ' e -
...___ shades c, n u a 1 t.tllty nt 1 ec slay , llol)til11r. lntlr.l ii'ic(lt, rr :
EY' fineryEmporium
1 3,l:AU'l lli'ICENT V'lTT,T3 LINE 10
}'.are closing
g the .balance
arc t: l(35111y }ltllftllCir of our at SOS !
require the room fol`-:Cloots and Shoes.:
Orders taken far Daae"s' OeIehrOd Hand Sewed 'Shoes,
i:t;({S'l't.i' E Irl ,fit ?((•Illi\'(.i`I?r i i'l:lt ('. Ur 1- ron
e T
ItAIN°T .) N .