HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-23, Page 4A NNOTTNOEM 14 NT !
Ni;w. AND Giene. Call at the Nov
Bee OftWO 14114 KW eamplee of the latest deelgus
in Colors. Mr busioess anuouncenteuts. Some-
thing, entirely new, Very Uttotetivo, and Jest
what is wanted tor " up," anuou»coneul 8.
CIRetILATioee - The New Ines has the
largeet eiroulation ef any Paper Iv Huron, ex.
uniting one iu Settforth. Oar Subscription lista
aro openfol the inspection of 1141.1-tla01.S, at
an time*.
.4.1/VERTIS.ERs wet oblige by Minding in
copy of "changes', as early as possible. Im-
portant advertisemente, small, received up t o
Thursday noon.
DPCAL P,PEMS--WO are glad to revolve it ell
times from auy source, items of local interest.
•olese Poet Offlese•
. .
The bushwes tritesaeted iu •the Aletlee OXlivr
1 Ilnd 'Saving liaitic departilient of the eaferth.
pont .ollice from the 1st to the tith 01.401.
emoituted to eti2,p70.11. This is pretty gime
fer one weelee business, We uiso eotice by the•
1 Postemster Gene rase need Viet, for the fiscal.
year matt, g June, 3,883, • the Money orders i8-
sued frOnt the three prioexpal offieee in this
county: Goderieh, 1.441 orders, amountiog to
. gee 11" . Seaforth .1,041 pram,arnountiug. to
$27,701', aud Chatee, Re -orders,. amortuttne to
e1e,040, A better wait:aims of the business of
a town couldnot be glyen than that afforded by
the plat office Of art( issued, aud it will be seen
that in this respeet, ea iu al :Meas. Seaforth
stands at the head of the county. We have
pleasure in,,direeting the attention ef our cs-
teoned, hut wniewliat airy goutemporary; the
Clinton New Era, to this fate, and eels lain to
explain lelw it is that his ambitious and boastful
" elachatir in .doulde dist:minted "by both'9e-
forth and. Groderieb. We Amuse for a1.17
tecaforth Zepositor.
1101Vee HOLMES;
NEW Cileteli.
Dog lost -Jas: Far,
Notice -Thos. Trick.
Lticks70,11-T, J„
Caution -Win Martin.. -
Roller flour-.)fra. Rayeutt.
Dog loste-debewsEite Ofliec•;-- -
The thaw -G. E. Pay 45.Co.'
Shirt Manley -Jackson Tires..
Waggon for Stile-7.,Thlin Aldan.
'Farm wanted-Jas,'Tlionipson.
-Ault for service -Alex, liatiottr. •
:Servant wanted -Mrs. Porrestei
'Yeting honest Jim -Howson -Bros. .. • .
Pride of Aveo-;--Innes & McLaughlin.
New .goeds-Estate of John Hedgens.
Cream 'gatherers wauted--.-W.. Herbison• ,
14.74tuf. ta;
setetegaG eiestriate.
eeteitex axo renoneen.
ustittIthel•priog show ot the Sreptetat
tual 17shorue linineli Agricultural Society
was a eimplete sueettss. Notw Mist:Indies
the .deplorable state of the roads the num.-
.on a less pleasant day. There Was a
.splendia show, tile sight •in the heavy •
draught ling being over well worth•wit-
nessitik. There were fourteen aifinien-
irnals .ever • stood ie. a show ring in
Canada at: one time,. and it is net often
. that so much money,represented: tn horse
ber of _entries and the ournberof sped:ours flesh covets s'et .stnalla space of ground.
at..teast equalled those of any previous The ether classes, however, were seine-
yeae. The competition .espeeially in the what deficient. In bulls there were sev-
imported. aged Clydesdale Class, was very eel xery fine .aniinals,•but the. col:aped-
keee. In this .class there were. seven. tion was not so keen as in some former
.enteies„ ail really first-elass anintak. To years, The • society this. year tried a new
give thoee who were not present an idea departure in respect La theirjudgea. They.
Of the value of these berset we have only selected one expert for eaeli elass.. and
to fitate that •the'borse that was offered the left the whole. to him,. By this 'Beans the.
3rd prize was sold. on the grotintifor $2500 work . was got through with a good deal
cash, and in less .thau half an hour the then if there had been three, but tue sat -
purchasers (Mesers. Ilertori and Mason; isfaction given vas tot" any better then
Were offered $1.20.0 on their bargain._ The is usually the MO.. We do not think the
following is the. prize list :- principle is a. good one, It is .plecing tee
Much to thetudgment of one Man. It is.
rheig. :etc judgesrlt1Yecl:fseee tbs are psiollitnatteld°".o3utt and
laterite are discovered:, whiettwouldescape
..j,he attention of ene judge no matter hew
skilled or coteibientious. he might be, and
in this way a moro- accurate and correct
• . • .
The exp,lanation.is as simpletts" (• 41m -imported, Heavy Draught, emu"
8 1/08inCS, Tlie amount ur;L'-'9111.):1)41
u, L.11enter. Per heroll
:11.,1 Rea 1 )‘'. 1,10 k. kv 11,1,e1. a post
cliiilg_av.„og.‘,'0. Our coteni.- has taVen the aleifkil ,,;g
9. aMnjo
il assumed ni al r 11
of money orders issued at :my office is no ,ilsi,.41:11..,ittr.,.3.100:rb,..4p.,..irwo.s‘Avreieltr4
criterion whatever of the business trans- riltirTaislfeTeoLe.i 11.; aola..nteAs,a,A. neeeott. Car -
acted in a place, •but it shows that:the
business men of one town lattice more 'e iltaTt(;', n.-
telrrrev : Sod, "X:Into
i mittanoes by pe8tqlfice orVel than they Id; ..laerft.IV's.rbi!tr' : ",
4.ftes.-2-40(14, isV?e's"i'lle';-"Iroctet:. i e l'iset : 2
bosinceS =hand others of one place‘inalte la,c,eir`Terr `1141.v Es 1.'y',...°11';!it..1 "dr' imoll
Two -yr: n'Ids, ist,..liel, " Tho:
1 bybank'drafts, or in.other Words that the
use of the banking facilities their town 1-te6III: 2ce,(1(1"c't '
oxIbe year
, Proud Duke," WalterOke, ciiinir this,
1st, "Lord Ctesterficld," JoloPitoywOod ; 2nd, "Ceas-
possess, while the othera do not.. So far r," mos. ,,Follarton fflehard
as the post office order Systeni goes, that Demi:lee.
decision is obtained. The following is
the lieleof-successfeleeompetitors
nonses. Imported Heavy Dra31glits-14
entries -18, Thos. DielcsOn's Mark Laddie; 2nd
Chas: Mason's MeAlpine; lird. R. 3, Turner's
Farmers' glory. Thtee.year old5z-7C-11-10,S0n's •
Me( 'annoy. Two-year Sir
Agricallauati-orcieneral Purpose, any
age -7 °tame John- Livingstone's Young
Eneland'e Glory; 'Wm. Hargan's Soot-
land'Farewell, . Roadster, any age,16 hands
and under-1e3t, Me G reg o r & Mei ntosh's Fulton;
Serviee in St. Paure 1.1mM) •te-day,
Good Friday, at 11 tent. v..414.1).11).
• A meeting a the W.0 T.C. will be held,
at the house a my. Dere:tell, .next Toe'.
day, at 3 p.m.
. Mra. T. Fair arid fre.. Duff repreaented
the Mission Society a Willis Church, at the.
annual meeting in London,: thia week.
On Sundey afternoon next, Ite.Y. Or!' F.
•• Salton will preach a eerinen to the Odds
fellows, in their hall, here, to co.mmence
at 30,
is the explanation in a nutshell,The • •wiNIIAM. . \end, John wards Mohawk Chief. Carriage,
G '
figures , Milian& nd over--Thes. Berry's Pear-
quoted by our cotcm., if given " The spring she w otile N oil ii - Wos to rti
*without explanation, as they are, c.e..
ertainly 1 : A m: :
1...e'air Sieaf,on tvasleld on thei r grounds • n`ggitise.Lake3d. Durham— 2 entries - 1st, A.
f \ anY agoa' :
place onelown- in an apparent dieadvan- in ttriugleem, on Wednesday, April -14. Mundell; ewe Wm. Coopey's Prince of Hazel-
od, t yeas old-Rouert Charter' Roving
loge, but it. does hot require inuelt ex- It is sate. to say that. never before was
, • 'Hunter. Year old -2 entries--4st A. Eleoat's
-planation to set them right.' On the line there sneli a number Of horses' competing, Grand Duke of i Avingstone Fifth; 2nd, -Joint
ItIcintosn's Pod Prince
• FiliDAy, 41,RIL 23, I ' between Brussels and Seatorth and Hensall 4odi orsd fine a 4,,,ioty, •A largo crowd
• THERE has been'very tittle indeed going.
on at parliament (further tban•the investi-.
getion of ecittirlals) its the Honey lies
. bUSitieSS thIS while Clinton only
voese ism "8'eetland Yet " Cotteral. irpo ••• •
adjourned nntil after Easter.
. has a limited territory that is net aCcom- Pour entries- ist, Lamely' ..vo'nee. Retotrprisseee.;
- --eeeeseere- • mediae(' by noel • a saving:piano or -money .2 lid, 'Woley ultme),. Pond or Carriage—five
We congratelate praer_Depeeereeut. utile , .businem of
licaforth, on his apneintluent to.the •posi- any post office is a safe gti hie- of the tO CalTIC for' moue -year old 'stallion.
int for, best hone on the ground. nos, Destovv•,
tionef. Divisipp• Court Clerk, •In the place
of the late L.' Meyer; Ho will entileerh
most efficient officer, and the 'Government
could not have appOltited a more -euiteble
man. . •
'TUE Senate .has again adjourned Jot' a
couple weeka. No institution in"publie
'life has fallen so low in general estimation
as has this worthless clamber, and there is
hardly one pain in every, twenty-0dt
Or Tory -who would care a rap if the
. whole CODOOTti was abolished, `
eehortly after the-Ploua9. opened oti
day afternoon, Sir John Macdonald., who
- -has-been-a Mamie -teem theHonaestoreeey oral
weeks through severe ,illnesa, entered. the
Chamber and toofr .his iteat iinidat 'great
• applause froth the members of the House
'the members rising, elapping hands. and
igheeriegvigorctuely for gentle time.
.-tiot generally known bethe.public, require .-" Toon Clerk, •Groy, ; lind, John •Brown s• 'Baron
• . . • . . - to be und -Thore," Groy ; 2rd; Jas. Spicr's "Lagoa *Chief," MorT
• • • se- •
aud beaforth,, (from both of whtehy acc of spectators were present. 1 lie prize list
. .
stages run to Seafortle), there is neither if is as follows
ID011ey Order office or saving bank depart-
-, Imported IleaVy Draughts eight marks
Ment,' and people between these points sea, Jas. Anderson,
Will ••naturally go to Seaforth to de. any Timeref,
business ot it place; maces the mecum-
stancee of both are. taken • into • ttee(iiint,
There is an immense., i.in.ottlit-e•t-busifteSs
done at Clinton office in the.- shape • of
• Intiriman. .
• Durham -four entries. :1st, Samuel
Blank. "Robin Grey"; ,Pcter -Fowler, "Young
Ilero." Durham bulls, undertwo yeark-three entries
ist, Henry Deacon "Pri»ce of WIllewriale"; 205, G.
" transier" matter -which does irot-add to is.,(-thero,,,,e,,,,ie':ueseci`ie,e1V-0141),a).1,a1,1,S4(31,Netbwir'ille.
the general volume of husineee done; but ..“ • , '' " '"• "! , .'" , , ' 9 .
which, if. estireated iu the same eatyLv ite2,,,,,,_ • • : -.---ea-erteerteauel. . -
iitlier"Winess dettcar"ett leirTh,-9-iiTI firth et thre ,,e Lee ee,„s eucceseful sliewe over
. .
Gederieh,' would • give Clinton eredie for . held in liritssels, -10 connection with the
doing nearly, as muck postal business as East Huron Agticultural 8ociety,was held
the two plecee put together. There is an on Friday. The day was fine, the roads
average • Of. thirty-five and lortye Wigs of deotl, the attendance large •and . the . ex-
Mait matter.. handled at. thas:othee
much of it 'made tip here,. of -course a,.feW
of the -bags.:. unopened,: 'but whiph .do
not appear the returu ,of business for
this office. Now our eoteniewill °easily see
that if this wee. eredited. to Clinton office.
in.the usual way, that the. gross -returns
-would be Much. larger.' 'We have gone
hibit of horses -something excellent and
almost impeasible to 'beat. .• There were
40.entire horses 'on theground,. mint Of
them. splendid animals. Two sets of
judges,, one ler heavy • and •the• other her
light horses; were present and the weak
.was very satisfaetory done. The shoivsof
bulls' was sinall, but the mein:nits exhibited
..into...thissematterjust eweeeeterredsdateeseafteregfeetly-lilffifell-eby
stockmen. The tello3vieg is the priz
list:- • • ' ,
lionsst..-1Mporind DeltUy Draught"-Vsentries, Utt,
Tho(. DleltaelV8 "Mints ;-.2ncl, J. J.
Parishld l'Seotland's Farewell," MoKillop ; .11rd, Peter
bicEwen's.`!' Rankin. Boy," McKillop. linder_3 years'
ontried,.1st, McDonald, Michael & .WhItefield's
that the figures aneuellygiven.of business
done at this office, do. nOt represent any-
thing like the real annual biesitiess done.
Figures aro 'not supposed to lie; but in
the way, of postal statistics they are Very
misleading, because. certain eiremnstance.s
investigating the Beatty,Wondworth rail-
way scandal, at. Ottawa. It indicates
disgracefully denaoralizing state of affairs
• when there 'eXiete anY necessity for in-
• vestigations of Ole kind, and stiggests the.
inference that the country bits fallen into
the hands of a lot of plunderers, who. LD:0
iniadiaii lhaoy Draught, aged-ls encrtes•-:-ist,,
figUre8 in their proper pOsitioe: •Thos. Calder's!!Young *Prince of Wales," Grey; 2nil
' - • Geo. Tait'S "Scotland Yet," Morris, Under 11 years
••••••0 • entrles-1S(. Duncan • McLaughlin's fr.; "Young
s gCeefT Ap'r al..a.arreilltes.
PrIll-c-e. Of -Wales," Grey ; 3rd, John strilloy's Yoeeg.
. , Enterprise,"../iforris. General Purpose,aged:-.2 entries.
Slade & McNeil's " Highland' Chie,f," Grey
yeirs-,41 entrie, 1.st, Wan FlagAn a Young hoefland,8 • 'soft maple • will. I would iiuggest to shine
0n Monday last Mr. J. I'. • Fisher, ief -ist John •Iirowit'ie" Tow.' Contest,' •Gray ; 2nd
Auburn, appeared before Mr. Scott, Police'
Magistrate, to. answer to two Charges'. of
vicilatiOn of the Seott 'Act; -laid ,,against
hire by 'Inspector Yates, These being
• the first Sciltt Apt Cates that had come
booed to maltee,eei nitich :dr as before Mr: Seott, be prefaced the proceed -
possible. • • , ings ivith edit.° retagrke. uuponthe
----01•1"0"-- • •7. =act of his office.'He. sai that.
IT is a sign of an advance sentimeut •aieletee.b.0,140,exprosed and n,.
to find, se many public gatherings that aro tertaitied..by. not few'. thion'el„, -Katt •the
being held -On the cold -re • tonnty, that such .611C:esIs' thone toWatr
. • • •• W IQ 1 o fta, .egeeettplioin e were, mace
'I'hisi Blake • hetet:let was ,the first -large
, net so mu,..c..les..). tasffea'f, and determine eases
affair to be conducted:hi this manner, abet_ _as to he _ponytail:Me, but etteh ' was 4).
,. .. .
this was followed byonein ,Pettli; if -WO DUB en impressions the eppointmenta
• • eing intended to prevent the elefeat and
- niistake-neti and the bangnets 'of' the
. delay of justice; aridio far as be was -eon-
h' h h t '
all en strict
ronto arid Haroilton Young •cernecl, he proposed -to the best of his
ability to mete out the strictest justice to
cia,tions, held this wee
all parties, and clefendonta .appehring
temperance pri
before him might feel assured •that they
would not be robbed of any of those secur-
ities With \di -WIC -the British constitution
has hedged. around the property rights
and.porsons of citfzens of the realm. The
'elief was also held that it wriesright, not
only te throW Obstacles in the way of the
due administration. of the law,- but that
parties would not hesitate to make lige tif
threats of violence and actual' violence
against the officials ibtrusted with that
duty. This countrywde looking forwerd
confidently to a great futere„ atul he vote;
tended that theiMpe -Of shell i fatnie lay?l was the organizing of. a, new township in,
largely in a bold, yigorObs and deeisiVe1"116nour new Country, and .petting in new offi-
admemetration of such laws as the citizens ,11)•0otsid.5-e.k" :de
T. 1001,01$ 11;11dt W''11;-(1111'...i*cerei Itis in Mackinaw county, aliclAgan,
of the country may Me, for the time being, 41°114 11 in4h:P" : d' 4'4111'115 nniel 41- and we called it Marqeette township. We
. to be fot its in oral ancl Material ad vadtage, '• soleeir errneee,• -• did intend to have it Gioclerich townehiP,
Teeieleoronto NOM, 011 Saturday, pub -
purported to be a valedictory
address of SieJohn Alacdonaa," who
was made to say diet he was retiring frau.
• public life, On Monday' the News came
eut, and said the whole thing was false,
but, atteMpted to justify it e publication,
on the ground that public opinicin needed`
• to. be aroused to the dangers that threaten-
• 'tirthe.eatiarY, anctit toele this Met,hed ef
doing it. There ;is no questien.,but. tliat
poialie sentiment needs to be aroused, but
this was by no Means a proper method of
doing .it. Monti= in any way, in the
"end deicees its.teffc fIrpose,
• AN esca.sional •Censervative_papet has. a
twinge conscience over the rascality that
has been eipoeed ceticerning ‘,triembers of
' that• party, but We aro. afraid'. ttiet, they
will Got over that by .tfie. time. an (deletion
coulee retina, and .fight teeth tie Ctlail for
ibeerce-r'erretr they detiOuwas -110W. At
any rate we will give thein credit for what
little henesty they do• display! • The
lowing Pitragreph is front the Mitchell Ads
vacate :
"Wo 0011005 1100 cydlo eyes -wit
of at Conservative contemporarica who
are alitniiug Mr. Edgar for. prefetringecer-
tein cliaxges aggitat Mr, Bowell and Mr.
White. If, they are -guilty they should•he'
driven from, public life, and if innocent,
as we-holipve they are,. there ahouldhe 00
objection CO-,4111:Yrabgriroilitiny. of their
• acts in emmeettoo with the ecandel, If
their hands aro 'clean they will come Out
all right, if not, theta Jet theca suffer the
• censcquenees." •
And on the same toihject the Hamilton
tz.eeetator says • . • .
"Aa to tbe euttoin of, reembera of Pars
liatnent interesting theutselvea cornett.
nicia hich get greets: or bonuses. feein the
government, it is free to say thetthesteltele
t hinte la brid,"
Now, to show their sincerity, these Pa
pets should follow' tido up end eipose with,
the Libtrr,I3 eome more t‘f the orrtiptieb.
• of ear preeeteteelministretion.
TuDGE3,-1Icaey Horses rRoberes,9,Elora,'
G. EcIdington, Woodstoeir.Bulls, B. Kirb$',
sPne,daltle. • . . •
The hoer(' of examinersfor the Guelph
eonferenee of the Methodist church, is in
session at Stratford this week, for the
purpose, of examinatingc indidates end
probationers for the ministry. The board
is composed' of the following ministers :-
President of Conference; W. C. Hender-
son, M. A.; J. B. Aylswortb, L. L. Ds, J.
Scott, M. A,;.4. M. Phillips. It. D.; Jas.
Gray ; IV. Griffin, p, D ; E. Howell,
.A.,; E. A, Chown, B. D.; E. S. Rupert;
M, A.; J. W. Hotlines; T. M. Campbell;
S. C. Edwards, IL I), 22 candidates in
the Guelspit Conference bawl- travelled
from one to four years -eight of these
have been .attending eollege during the
year ancl-vvill be examined•there. In ad,
-dition to the young men to be examined
at Stratford who have been in the pastor-
al work, there will be an examination on
the preliminary course, of any who are
about to enter' the ministry within the
Winds of the Ottelph Conference,
Teetheeleatiire artheefeeintonSearieree-• -•
Ste,-Tn planting shade trees hi the
past it was amistake to plant poplars, soft
maple, wilow's, balm of Gilead.find dm.
ia ale°. a mistake to plant too close to-
gether, and not to set ie a regular line. If.
the first litnba are not about eight feet,
high the heads are liable to, bp broken off e•
•f low 'you bare -to Iritu-yearlfter year,. to
'raise them up, so as to allow the sidewalk.
to dry. ,11: would suggest that ffirest trees
of the followieg Rindsbe planted hard
maple, basswood and ether close growing
-trees ; no soft maple, ea there; areenanahers
..on the street ; they eovtir forty:feet across,
and O. they. etand about nine foot from
the street line; they extend spine ten feet
into priveto property,. ad it takes any
amount -Of trimming to keep them back
from UM houses.. The la.orse chestnut is a
good shade. tree, but they have to be got
LOCAL NEWS...:. • •
_In answer to a -cprelition asked by Dt.
Landerkin, in the House, the other day,
we are glad to see that •the sovernment
intend to take some action in reference ro
a standard, weight or eize for stilt barrels.
AS was pointed out, in these columns ft Calif ,PLI. ter I; IDs e08 GY r ti 1 al li t 8buol 4 'my° ,r 1 Itv)tt eft t=ti.lslt,swizieti
short time ago, the Public; and especially .
rageously ewindleti by buying barrels. qf
t h e farming . e o n3 in it n i kir, hias been 'out- Itsnhufei teal:4)14,a titiooteirnv ar?1,8 :Ow:Li e.a.;ritiato:yel7Y eiim"Igitywing n'sgu et" :
salt that. were not bends, and the Covern- tueleimb r_wAttilR,beellanetaotvutt according to lay:r
,tillueifelittiela.,nnot l.e_gis.letle .Totiethe, matter to.o.
'LITERARY •SCrIET's'.-Al ft; Eth.roit,+ wo inert°. them toleall aild settle their =manta
v all parties indebted to him tlan8tTlfo)
'Wishing to do justite, to both divisiens of eeruore tillie mot b
the -High Sehool Literary Society, 1 bee. t141;Ititg my rn and arr. EI en ni ugll'ilviiiii- "
for the Old C untr3f1.7'T1113011.LtUneit
statenient, the final meeting Was superior 7,bn:terror
bfall"cititta-to an yprevintia-one,--- The -pro,
leave to correct the reportees one-sideil - r 84'16 at il,(,)iig.:Ireit v"\iiiphyRotw30;;e4:::::liti'
debts col, traeted in 11;3 -Innen; 1)° r°811"8"
•grammes were of different; character, the atettco‘doilelt township, m_areh..latti, 18.,':iti,..
One before final terinetance, was intended
to give pleasureand amusereent-to-the,ati:
dienee, which it did as was evident from lial 'Nor otTaB:rpr:vOod Te'outes-for :Alert:. -i;t7t.- - int4:1'
Fein e leo :we c2p112.:(11„41 r P;ese..-""P}1 Y'' '
-the animation; 'enthusiasni end many en- attoArRnses,Feoinintso41.5„....-IRT ore".Low 113..,.:AR:aT,1.
cores. The final • was composed of selec- ,-„,. • . m • .
tions of more literary; value which are less *or'. 044t4i1caoct:.. o.e„tkermtorship Qf Mika, Oontaiilln.;
appreciated by those who are ever poring et) ,„„,
'OLT& CsAb'AititN,Barripters,Goderieh., '
purchaser, Appky to
over literary works. -I do not say One `--J-P-'11-","
meeting was superior..or inferior to thee, cievuTiox.-TIIR PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOW -
gtzr *lvirtionneuto.
Apply to MSS, N. 'WILSON, itattenbary St.
Clisfl MEL WANTED 'WAGES, $e.:
al Mouth. Apply to MBS.BREWElt,
yiApply G. Milt!. T. JACKSON, High Street
TEit,'gt;f1IT,;t.04'eUTY 10 mit' D. 4i,
.A-1Pole and shafts: in splendid order lied wilt
be sold elioop. JOu$ altieGter, Clinton.
F..1 eters Tilis is a tremendous bargain Write
or cattier particula.s, NEW ERA OFFICE, 'mem;
young children, Apply by letter to 470 Park Aveaue,
I London, Ont, German preferred, to take care of
.18-4 year old„ 13rown OtirlY. Aurelio returning '
it to this mum or telling' of its-whereaboata,wili
be suitably rewarded. 1
v Eases, boys or naep, of good moral charms -
ter, are wanted at onee, teethe seeson. WAS.
HERmsoar, Goderich townslup.
%...1 notified,' that the undersigned will not he
responsible for any deb ta contracted in hitrzianie
without his written order. MARTIN, Lon-
desbore . ,• •
-Ill or JO acres near Clinton, Brtleeitold or Varna
Apply either to T. Thompson personally or tho
IS'iLw Dna. State price, ,ntiality of soil and
imprOVements. JAMES THOMPSON, Clinton.
• leyuraTaer BULL FOR. ART:vier, - THE
-.kJ subscriber keeps for service. on Lot 77,
Maitland Concession Goderich Township. it
Thorough -bred 00d -bore 131111, of first class .
pedigree. Terms, 51 at time. of service, with. the
privilege of' returning. if necestatry. ALEX.
BADOUR, HOLMESVILLE. Also seine geed
Spring Wheat for sqle.
other, as . eomparisons are odiolaseebut• VIED, that the undersigned (Val not be responsible
any debts contracted mills oarae, without his writ, ,
from the nursery- The best and cheapest state feet< placing the' mattesrebefore the fa.aittliurity. • EDVir '
ARD SIBBEN, Hallett.
ay-1-cisgetegoodetreereisefer 4lfttrireted for .readers-ase•they---oceur trulyT - — , • -
the--numbeneand -kinds they ' Want te the. FA?R Y.
chairman of the Street Cemmittee ; he can LITERARY OCIETV.-T•he final meet -
get oecee one to get.'what.is required, fora ink of thP High School 'Liteiary Society:
few cents morethan you%oan, but they „Merle' place on Wednesday afternoon, the
will be, finer Irma, and it will. better tehan president, W, Roes pecupying the chair,
waiting till Arhor day' for parties e -bring when the Editors of' the Brie -a -Bin,
them in. -Do not _plant an oser- than namely, Misses Metall' and Snell and
ertes essre.o Agnew) submitted
qiiarter sere, . e you • want to plant the journal to the society. • As this was
thick, encl.:pi every one; then pet theta something new in tile Style 'of the Pro -
eight et. Trees should be planted in gramme, all were anitious to be present to
•e and a protection put around them. see' itsucceed or fatA It was composed
Hard riniPle will not grow' in h loW spot, of catitriblitione of a personal serio-comic
humorous nature, as'avell as many detain
with popular topics, al1.7heing well com-
posed. The reading lasted .for over two
hours, but. the •. interest was kept up
throughout, the best of attention and
order prevailing. Great credit •1s dim the
editors ferthe •very neat way they wrote
off the pieces. - The Manner in, wh ich. they
read theme was also very commendable,
Davis; •Cranbroe- ,•
Bras- aged ,Dinhatn, lot 1,lnt,“Lord•Lovell," 1,119 north. .SOR10 Plie;11.118'4111'Own out tlit and showed 'eareful pteptu•ation. :At the
Rua. theleeeyeeelsest, FelluSen'g idemoto 61-f.,;':Govni,nra 'antroeointeends the close of, the meeting. the .teachers Made
erleo,” Grov; tamonp, '!Lord SalisburyPlaerc; Grey.erornamentation of school erohnds, amid very apprepriate .remarka With', regard to
AreD00.--Ereary horses DillIS-S.-
berry f John Weir, Seaforth ;. and J: Salter. Goderieh. 'riot' the. Amine apply to church. grounds, ell its Merl te,expressing themselves egreeably
reehe-norsos .Neeer. A V°"r "nd- overetho-cotentrye-Alew-treessimd shrubs; -surpiteed- to-efincl-theit,r-irigleesteexpee
Y'ls1'0'."'SQ't9rtit; wouldialto off the bare onneartipeo el the tins exceelled'; a very. hearty Vote of
• ' cheich.• • Parties in pruhipg should not thanks \yes., given them, ;toyed, by. .M.r.
cut Off:targoeumbe and leave part, stickeng 'MeLeett, seConded by hireTuilibh11. • At
rarewelli, Mehillop '; 2.nd, . Donald !Tglill" .ratepayers; if .you want to improve- the
streets; cut doeSisthe, Teeters, • Willows,
elms that overhang the sidewalk?, even if
'on, prioate Prtlperty, • and 'thin out •your
maples • on the street, they have' been too
,elose planted.; scene will;tell they veant
them fu shade, oven -On' the north eide ;•I
have told 'there the sinv,don't pass around
"Young Enterprise krey ; 3rd; .
Welcome," Roads , aged -1 cutrios-lst,
Geo. Whitely's413,arluil eafortli; 2nd, T.'0. °biter's
"Kentucky Star,' vth • Itril •Collinson. & ScOtt's.
"Baron Ilethse d," Listowell. Undor 2 years -2 en,
tries-,-btv•Setewart's " Young RidgeWood," Wroxetcr ;
1.ndr•-.3leFadden's "Alexes." Grey ; lirdt namet„$
Magician.„?. Cranbrooli:-Carria,,,o aged. -.-3 • entries- -
let, ' Spier's "Prince Donglas," 3Iorris.; 5.1111, 41111,ng
ston's Wawanosh ; Tuck's "Gen.
• Theelegricultund society's eariagi eliew
at Belerave•Ittst Thursday was fair y.. we/I
.atteer. ed ;' the number of horses shoWn was.
ir(afair proportion witish what have- been.
seen, at ether elm thiS spring, the heavy
draughts, of'•ecialrie, liredomitiating.. The 1
prizo list is asSollow •
nOasst.Lueaxy Dniught; 'Hellen; .
y Lail" lind; Jas, Anderson'i, "Warrior" ;' ard,• 0 D FRIENDS PROSPERING.
' out three rhefoor inchfrein the plink, .the dose it was agreed by the Society that
as it wdt (11.9. k"X9k te4hif.trenk, leaving e. •the__Briera-Brac be bound and the.editors
bad place; cut oldie and paint. Trustieg • were entrusted to look after it. .A. vote
those hints may be 'useful to some -One, of *thanks moved by • D. Birki, se -
remain, yours,• ' W. O. SEARLE. • conded by W. Manning was extended
Rotert Miwiln, "Gallant's Model." enerai purpose,
lot, T. Calder, "Young erheee et wides';'; 2ncl,. Jan
8tean, "Young- Freptionf'; ard, ildward Laundy.
"Filterprise." Bad and Carriage,- lst, tAnsIng,.
"Heir itt law" ateuarvie $4' Aliskitrinions. Beau. ,
cora" e 3rd, Dhoti LivingatoOe, "Young
Bost Ilene, any. age or class, Diploma, 3 i'Sprong,
Gay Ead.' . •
.13rbts.-Therou.gh-Bred, two years and over,
'Barbour. "Duke ofblaplo Ridge; 2nilljohn 1,Vbeeler,
Under two yearS„ Ist, IL Deacon,' 'TIM/co
;of Willowdale; find, frobtadeClowan, "Captain Jim."
B t ,tif • 1 m or °lass Joint Barbour,. "Deli, of
• •
• •Meecierseeiv, Apyil 12, 1880.•
./..edeee y' -Vinton. ;Pin gra,
to ehe president . for . servios to.
•'the • society. The reading • was
spored pith. a 'few 'nautical- selections Well
-rendered, the meeting adjourned after the
sinning of the , national, anthem. • All
give spaco ins yuur paper for an incident sceiseel alt et it hasebeen
tbat has °courted oue township; Which "
will perhaps he'd some interest atad plea-.
aura to•somo of our Canadian friends. It .
• The f'Seett 4ket" has hean , contested a
second time iteSt.: john, the chief city of
Notv Brunswick., °nth° firstoccasion the
vote was a tie ; this there is a majority of
• seventy-seven agaitist. it. `The adjoining
eity of Portland has; ho•wever, passed the
Set, 1114 WO hope the County of -St, John
and Surely Canada was not tli-a place We The 8prine. 'show of the 801.1111 t seine_ means it was not poseible,
thought it it anarchy and misrule eould • Agrieulturat"Society, held'at DrIve-e--- aecenfit •of the officers beingt • wi pass •o.•
from Goderieh townshin, Ontario, and be.
biddefiance to law end order; it was hoped
that every honet, loyal citizen would,inr
thointerests of the common goo.d,)end as-
eisteece to Chi) -officers in the administta- 7
tion,of this,law as they did with, regard to-;
Other lase; He , tufther •said 'that.. the
Ceurt for the !marine ef 80011'eases being
a -often cotitt the pu lie. could tiot he ex -
chided, but he reminded all who attended,
whether for pas tti ine- o o lb eew i se,- that -it
was a -court, and as eueh entitled to all
'due respect, and he warned- all those who
might think differently, that lie would
exereise all the power with which licewes
invested by virtue' of tile (Mee to' main-
• taintlia,clignityeLthellreirt- °
. Mr. Campion' appeared for Mr. Piaber,,
andstated that he wetild place no obstacle
in fway of justice being done, so far
as was consistent'with• the interests of his,
clients. • .
The examination w13rtl
as then oeeeid
with'Mr, Yates conducting the prosecu-
tion personally ; number of witneaies
were.estamined in both cases, but sonic of
them, reqtdred as witnesses being absent,
tbe etioninatien was postponed.
On ToesdaY several cages against resi-
dents of Goderich, came up. and a portion
ot the morning was ocetipied in the ex,
=illation. In the afternoon, in order to
set et rest doubts which had arisen as to
field ea' Wednesiley. .-The-rifeather was
Warm, the sun blazing down, all aftern Oen.
There, was n-fitirattenditece• of Spectators,
and competitien was keen, especially in
the aged heavydreughte.• in which there
Were hillr t cell • e i !rho ioilooingis
the prize lit,zt. • ' -
big. well known there, I thought I would '
:send this item down to'bo printed. You
Will be surprised to learn tba‘'althotigh it
'1811 new ebuntry there is about es much
, stir 'Ott &ioot1on day here as 10 Canada.
Oursupervisor is Mr. 'Wm.1,Vise, formerly
lloestie-Alled 11 etthelit eternise:, .1;'; matte's •
. .
lst, Colt La noni i & Dov'-. Ma jor ; :Ma, 0 11015011.8
:Dracut phi,: t -aril, Colaulutitti-.& DAIWA- -Itoter.._
Draught Stallions. foaled in IsS 1-1 entries- Ist .
CIitts. Mason's Alellarttiny ; 5811, Thos. DI iodide's .
Letthen 5%'I 10(111 ; 1011, Rob t. MeMertile's Scottish
Chief. Draught tstallioris foaled in 1884-2 Om
trimt--lst 1 tumuli Mutter's Sir William; Midi'
Gi 'ChIeKtty's Doeuhlot Chief. A god Ai111o111.
term and canadtaii nraughtstalitone-2 On tilted
-1st, John Livingstone's Eriglaiid's Glory; '211a,
seatineetettlienseites.aenitig weatitigtom-eAgrie
cultural or Cantallaii Draught Stallion.foltled. in
1884, Thal, MeKttyys Young Hero,. Carriage
8tallions-2 ontries-ist, Those Derry% roar -
naught Chief; led, Wimeritiatle 'Royal Revenge,
Roadsters- e entries-ist, George WhitelYye
citeliale; ilud, MeGregor & Meintosit's Fulton.
-"Iltiht.8.-AgedDlirliain-C, en trics-'1.8t, .1511108
-Nett% Benton 1 21:111. Seim Kitchen'a 'Favorite;
Jird, W. u. etundell's Timene . Calved after
Sent..200. 1883L-3 entries-. 1st, Robert Charters'
Robing Hunter; 2110, T. II- COolt's Loterenco ;
3111, WM, Cliammtn's King Geortie, Calved.
atter :sem 20t1t, 1884, ist, A, Eleoat a ICirle. Liv
illgton stratmelon; gOd. Hooter 11,01(04 Prince of
Steele ; tird, John McKay & Son's II11191tle Duke.
JuDost -Heavy Ilersea--Wm. Graham, ea,
Marys • W, Grainger lIttllett1 Jas. Hatulford,
Centralia. Light donee -De. Raton, ereGin-
vray; Jos, etestley, citatou, Dols MoLitrim,
ettehert Leonel:aiming L'oniliilioto1 is,
gitrth, reeve, .
sit tleneril
his beibg properly sworn inIr. Seott de- . ' • '
clined to aet until the thattcr could be iriu, Spring. lehow under the ateepicee of
looked into and 'settled, which we:under- .the Tuekersm :Branch Agricultural
ataint has now bean ante: •Society was held in. Seaforth on Tuesday,
The weather was tininlv delightftfl,'
'The iiret throngh train for Britieli Col-
, acst ie W14 101, ".1.0111"fnr. nt" eWee
re 8)
fr fae tht (if II10111
110H01o1, n1.0AOltlienx, nitIitielkt blinazpirei tvLeele, k, toht its eyseidae
t eit n
the House o Commons on • 3, .f
mobiewillivieseotetreelun eithobuytthomhav,1700 Day, mainedhereat 4 elae • 4(reeta
of Canade, spn Of alr;Win'.Wise, lath con.
Godelich township ; Me. Win, Rutledge.:
aTso from Troilerich township, justice of
the peece, he being a brother of Mr. Hall
Rutledge, 4th 'ern]. Goderiele
Mr, ,folni see of Mr. Prank Hil-
Reeter!ii 11111k.tewilship_adostable,
my. Wm, Rutledge, else •holding ,c4lice as,
road- overseer, "The &hoe officers being
strangFre, Add net from that pert of Cana-
da, it jasuselese for mo to mention them.
I will ust say that Otte winter has been
very pleasant; Spring having commenced
le good Shape, just now the Snow . going.
away very dicely without very big needs,
1. think, by the accounts from -Canada, our
spring ,will es° as early as yours. The
Marlfets hero are: Wheat,76cts„ bushel,
uata, GO eta. ; pegs. 60 eta. ; barley, from
45 totO ote.; 13ntter, 25 ets, per 11).4 eggli's
18 cte, pet doz.; hay, 810 per ton; potatoes,
• 80 cos, per bushel. l'hanking you for this
eepets,.2in yoev paper, Yonrs.tettly,.
Ass- OLD SifflailailiElt,
(A. iOni "Na.tlee's supply of
Meth:4," will appear next WM* )
lystillfox froth eel',
- ,
141811—Ill ,elI,ltOli, on tee tem g
RAVee, 111e \Oil' of
11-1 10,13. Keep of a 'sop, , •
• GII.L.- • On the Arailland (1)11., Godyi 01 town-
ship, on the lird inst.,. tie. wife of 51r. Chas; Grwrill, of
a daughter. ' . • • . • • , •
• I n Bei grave t 12 mat .•
, • •
tile wife et Ale.t.StOW.art, 11ed01,110epan,12 11.5011.
esa.w.:_enecteiraseceeeistheasitatts t-theavifo_
-or Pee. 08000 .Law, 00 a daughter, • •
X.1 'MINING several rooms suitable for a small family,
just south of the residence' •of Mr: Jas. Hearn. • Geod,
garden and everything convenient. Rent myderate.
It. HAYWOOD,,011nton, *1.1
DRIITED tQ Us will phiase,pay ardount into Mr, J.
Wiseman, manager Hodgens estate • before tee first of
y, atter that .98e, all acciatilisavilLim-p
Court -for collection. C. J..TUTHILL & CO, • .
"E1011 85L14 -LOT NO, 5 AND PART OF LOT No.s
X 4, ‘-'est sided Victoria St., and Lots 28 and 29,- en
James St., Clinton, with small frame house; stable,
hard and soft water. Poeparticulars: apply to MANN:
INC & SCOTT, earristers, Cliutow- •
hranches clone by film SusAti Meeks atvesidence
Ontario St. opposite the Presbyterian Manse. ladies .
entrusting' fier t,1011 garret nts of' any description may
rely on getting entire.liedisfactioe.
LI large frame house'on• Ruttenbury St., formerly ,
occupied by Mr. W.Dolierty, offerdd for sale or to,
rent on reasonable terms. It contains plenty of mein,
with hard and soft water, and is a very desittible rest- .
(lenge. Terms' on appliestion •-to JOUI; TAYLOR,
Spencer. St, ClInten. - - -• '
'for sale his house and lot on Maple Street. The
lot One-enarterotan_acreaniLtlin_linusnimnta
four rooms and large kitchen. • Srmaidid•fruittrees on
the phie° Good well. Only live minntes' Walk from
the eentre•pf the town, 41111 be sold -cheap, Apply
'f,„1.11EHNOIlift,l; tTlf, ?AMEBIC ETC....--TITE WE -
L) edea has-for.sale a7epantity. of first:plass Shin-
s, Ltith,Tine andileniloole Lumber, etc., cheaper • • •
than ever. All parties .needing anything in this tine, • 1
will -ave tothiey by calling on us. Also a No. 1 yoke •
of Oxen,. five years old.. JOHN SPRUNG, Maitland .'
Bleek, Hallett. • . ,•••
aims farm composed of lots 20 and 30, con. 8,
Hullett, 200 acres, ef,this-150 acres are cleared, 111(1•
balance good' hardwood hush. Bearing orchard ot, 3
acres. Ordini-Thri-hvelling• house ; good •franfe barn -
and outbuildings. Farm is well watered, andsituated
About mile, hem the ToWn of Clinton. '.11'e0ro.±; easy.
'Apply to,M, MeTAGGART, Clhiton , • '. •'
171,4:101 0011 SAT.E..-THE FARM ON THE litlit-- •
-Road, 1010 -and 7, noderich township, eon- . •
slating 00144 MVOS, 10 Qifered for sale ou reasonable •
.terms, Abolit121) acres cleared 0.1311111. ginal-,State of,
cultivation ; ballitree good hardwood, good frame '••
house, «‚re., general buildings, 'plenty, of Water, bearing
.oreharcr; 1 miles from the rising town. of . Clinton, • •
Particulars may be obtained on the protases, .1'r
1(ddrotOig30f88.-PEIRDITE, Cilitfon V(1., •
OM 'Country Tickets.,
itsital to all points fir '
ift.....accoui.oaatiott. Lt.:411)6th) t. 'EC! others,
end rates 00 higher: Choice of three differ.
cnt lines from New York, And :(11, 1510111.,
II 'Mb ERSON-1,1 on t 0 0 .1111111;,1„; ..t•
• reHsideernee of Mr. Wm, ittje, morris,1,1the Rev. J. Nc..
et, ltbbert Irooitepon„ 1.144, WtiVINQQ•lt, t,lV11, NOMNI L.
L'itticof 1tpri1:4-
ITOWSON;-, th Centel,, on the 221111 Inst.
Hannah, daughter of Mr, James- Howson, nod
28 years. • Funeral, (o -day•, (Friday) at pan,
CLEGG.:-Drowntsd 111 the River, Maitland, on
the 1511i inst., Maggie, eldest clang -liter of Mr.
30501dt Clegg, cattle-bilYer, townpitip of Maria.
Aged 17 years, ,
' 11A INES.-Torowned in the River 'Maitland, en
the loth wit., 'Efenry. Ball168, book-Iteepor for
Uinta Rogerson, Sunshine, aged 23 years,
'i4TEWART,-In Grey township, on the 14th
Met. Margaret, Wife of 'Alex, Stotturt, aged 84
years. •,
--$Aelleesteseta Gree, oti_the met Mate Mar-
garet, Wife Of, Jahn tiample, tared 51 years.
:Salo ItOirlSier. • •.
Fitt PAY: A1,121123 Parra Steolt,„ &M,Of
(I. Green, lot 17, BoYlleld 0011-. 0 oil ericli town-
ship. j.11owson. want, 1,1:84'frar old P(ireherun
141100111a3. Vottgitt by private fialC.)
• SATIT1tOkY, A ItItitt IlettSehold
hare 00 Mrit. .P. (Morita -42(01t, at regal -lice,
Victoria etreet, Clinton. 3. Itowson, 111100,
SATURDAY, MAY So. -Mortgage sale. of Ititat
retate, 111 (11101011, at the Commercial Hotel,
J. I toween, mud. Manning. & Scott, Vendor's
, ;-.(niettei
L Paper.
• A.14.1 Paper
r hoe just, received a fine asserted stock
al WALL PAPER., 01 8110 moat modern
Patterns. We aell eheaper, than the cheap-
. est. Call arid inepeet our sqmples.
r eS3LS;
0 kitkit. "
Are 'the %bele talk of the countey. Dein't
fail to get it Veddie. The he;.,t value yeti
ever got. • • 7, -
• ,Onocieli 1:•,i,t3 STATIONft