HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-23, Page 3e,„ leetPAY, A.PRIL 23, MO. PE 1.3,TH NEWS. The widow of Rev. W. elite De Beeneekellemerly of Stragord, died on --the 4th inst., at Quebec, aged 83 years. • Mr; W. Good, a, former student of the St. Marys collegiate institute, has just graduated at the Philadelphie School of Medicine. On ,Senday morning, M. james H. . Winters' confectionery store. Mitchell, Ae• was oken into and $:15 worth of goods Ferried off. Rev. Henry Hughes,- of Faris, late of 'Stratford, has resigned his pas- torate, to take effeet on June lst, when be purposes, with hisefamily, returning to settle in England. • Tho eeicevations for the new Metho- diet chereh at 'Mitchell, are completed,. - Some tined in May the corner stone will be laid by .Warring Kennedy, Esq., of --Tormator-a-prourinenteleembereofethe • Methodist ehurch. • • A -eerie/us teecident: occurred on the -"Babb term, near :INIitchell on Tuesday •'est. Mr. Casey, the tenant, wes t hreshing clover,„, when a . young man who was helping him, Albert Jeffersoo, got ooci of his feet between the vellers, crushing it to jelly. • ' The case of Guest v. Somers •was tried on Thuesday last before Judge ancLa jury, in the townball, $t• Marys. The plaintiff seed defendant for the vale° or a cow alleged: to have been gored or bunted to death by Cue of his steers. The trial lasted till lath: in the e'veriing,and the jury after ietiring- - brought in a verdict for the defendant. • One day last week a. Man by the nitiee of Forrester Was :•ordered out of the De - minion hotel:, • Stratford, by the . pro- prietor„- When he refu: sad . to De the propiiefot, tried , :to pet him.:out. and Forrester struck him :on the face with , peil and. smashed his upper jaw. Forrester was immediately arreeted and ie•noW awaiting nit•trial,• but he cannot • be tried until the doctor eertifiee 'the • victim to be-met:of clanger, • • , • At a mooting of. the St. Marys town council • on Monday eivenjug, • a' grant Was asked for the collegiate institute, to make the necessary improvement to • obtain the Goveennient grant; A num-. n Ler of the , urged that the school Was, mere- of a burden • than: a ' benefit to tbe•••town. The. council ,re: • • fused to, _undertake the giviog �f the• 1 . • • -,;n to: ebtain the. people'Setlecisiorremillie . • , matter. • NEWS NOTES, • lb . . .• • • • ;The Chinese PopUlation. of 'Victoria, t L., is 2 7•97, ••T Wo hundred • on] of4. • The report of the Dominion :Minister of Agriculture sliows -a falling off in the importations of thoroughbred. stock. e. :Mr. J. 0. Harston, of -Stretfoid, has discovered a certin core for •blackknot i .on plum trees. [The best cure is to cut the tree down.] Jobn Lyons, ex•reere of Dunwiek, was Thursday arrested at Datum, charged with having forged the name of his brother, Thomas Lyons, as endorser for a note ofn$1,100, in the Laflamme -Mail libel case the latter has made- a deposit cevering the judgment and cost. • An appeal will be made at once in the Court of.Appeal of Quebec Province. • " Blood tell,"•• bee adorned Nyith pimples, boils, blotches, is not a particu- larly pleasant sight, and invariably betokens aa impure state of the blood. Dr; Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system from all gross humors, renders the blood pure and cool, aids digestion and gives a healthy appetite, For sale by all druggists in large bottles at 50 cents, And exchange says What is an April fool?' An` Apri,1 feed_iaeleman who puts eumnfer underclothiret in April, under the iMpeession that tbt golden season is ,about to burst on us, because we have hatit*o. or th ee sal. ubrious days.. At the Division Court held in London Friday, a -evell3/4nown citized was sued far a $31 liquor' bill. •The defense. set up. was. that it was for liquor. Judge Elliott -held differently however, on the ground that. the liquor was not consum. ed on.the sellev'e premises. • . . A tean in the coal regions pet a lit- tle dynatle ble-the cook stove to re- move -ers. It remtheta.- oved- It else iemoved three chairs,: one table, the family oat, a: twenty-four hour clock, fonr dollars Worth of. dishes, and. stove.. The feet 'that the man was like- wise remoVed, in semething of a hurry, will :be apt to prevent,his mode of ree' • Moving cliokere becOming, popular... • • . The' Queen will open the Colonial• rge witneeg :Wee - 4 E hibition, • Mr. JaM hu cLurg, of lilext Willi tins, te 4.:*priel,Itty111),:eriiieleweS.PAT.,1;f4e111;i„Qi„11(etenal rota lItmisfortiine hive a leg broken set eglinet the HOD. WM1111 (.111bel ot las manly VOt( a p•ui tho R through I li. slipping or a ohm in cm too. • log, - Between Stratfutal and St. Marys •olk which was 'quoted in those whim a G. T. It. freight tt aim the other night, the other day, Or the Moutreel Witness brakestuan Goo. foody was, woluided I has given expression to opiuinei respect - by a shot fired from a l'evolver by ing Mr. Blake's vote which deserves some tuiseteant beside the track. reproduction. The general attitude of the Montreal Witness and its well-known who has an ingenioes hareess-his ewn Celorodo Springs jail holds a, tramp yiews epen questions ekin to, theJtiJ device -which he could fasten to the, Iveostueo. nelsift,kecitatislyreymaitttlyalrbsiaumill1i. suggestive,l3e 's Itiliackin esti; teat), cittillie titiignill ti,nti:v1,111eiel e end therefore we give than the utmost and fast •esleep. • posside prominence. The Witness It is rePorted that Mrs. Herbert saYs qiiiVer;rwlme busbitlid• was -Inwood to • One eimffirthink from 8 me mopl 's death at a pitcleiu en the M. U. R., at ;I. 4. 1. 04, ieer wet.1 t Went Of Mr. Blaigt there Montrose seine Months since, 1'48 en' was room for •pnly one opinion on the, tered an action against the Company Riol wieetion. Yet the party paptilli on for $5,000 damages. . • either side ofpolitics did noteknow Which Jr. John Fraser, of Lonclou towefsleipe side, to: fake till they knee.; which course sustained the loss of a brood mate, val. government Was going. to take, and then ued at $300, a T -0W 'days iig0, The ani-. they proceeded topraiee en.• blame .e - mal was feeding. when sbtne of the nr- cordingly. The Americail papers were tions went down Oaf windpipe in- almost unanirtiotis in condemning the stead a the peeper channel, and death execution, onil the majority Of opinion, was the result. in Eogland before the gevernment's C!has. Dundas, well-known resident ,eouree wae. ennounced took the stone ••. view, Papers which at first deprecated the execution aftemeards spoke approv- ing y 0f our western vigor and decision and lamented the lack of these in. thei ' own. effete gervernments. There seems, '•thOreffire,t0 hare •been room for honest 'difference of opinion' as to the righteous. nem, wisdom ov expediency et the. exe-• eetien of 'Rich . -Yet, -there are pe • le Whee.do not hesitate tb affirm. that in voting. foe the motion condemniieg the 'execution of Riel, Mr. Blake did so in defiance of hisconscience and every guide to right thinkineewia riglittiving. Such expressiore otepieion• -when tittered bY thoughtful but prejudiced men, mislead and confirm -11m l':Vi'oog opinions of flocks of thenglitless people who are content to On the eastbound 'St. Louie express Thursday' afternoon.: W: R., w RS Ithidle"agpa woman straightenedciee- ' cumstaneep, a'ecompamed by ;a delicate,. •child. ',They were , on their way from Detroit Harrisburg, where. .the hus- band had gone search .of %eerie,' The infant neves suffering front illness, and though attended by • it physician* and other on the. train, in ii short tinie, died .1 A liberal puYse. was subseribedby the • aesengere for the • disconsolate foster.. • . . nether. • • • • • - . . , ir Charles Dilke Cenf .to ho Queen's Proctor,a full and formal denift1,1° fall. the:statements incriminatinr, him • reelueecanfessten -ID e---byLarrs,,GraAr-741-- ord to her htfSband, and id hich, the. • atter obtained a.decree of divorce ; from me Sir .Charles eXpresses. the• .hope • hat. the Prector -Will find cause t� nee . . eyvene and .reepen the case for his (Sir 1 d- • ' • T the ode!, ty While sewloes iesuo---but au indepeutleet j(eirmil lii end there -like the Canellit I'reAbrt • .„ eeseeeio"...eieeT.eetemeretn GILES' • NEW TAILOR sliOP • aLININtiNT labia lumoilla • .e. t iel :4177.1411,11;„ re feta of Ulaneapou., 1rai4diel1 •re ILO It'and CUTTlin ett4r., ••4e. 1,1'4°9 - f .s.eorat years experience, ,!.•tres lath:ref e to the 01: • people of Clinton tool vichtit-,•tliet he countivotati basiaess Ds • of North Dorchesterenear, Putmaoyille, died suddenly the other `day. He had, complained emnewhat in the morning of feeling a smothering. sensation' in • his breast 4brint noon he felt so much better, be. said he would , take A Walk with his grandson and. let_ cowa in; When he fell 'in . the; stable, and ilitine- diately expired, aged 00; • •A*•crank ft; Montana .is proaehing n pew gospel. Ho seyi that Week is the: deViPe color ended one who wears black can . enter". the Kingdom of heaven.- ' Mai k my n words,' he ,eays, any man who• will deliberately evetteblaekelotlies. has a Week soul, and would :rob the x,idew end ..oyphans. Boycott. ell: men and women .who weerblack, .• The Lord accept Allele opinions at second hatId. bath spoken through • rile".,:Seltihr .. Theenen who • centlemo MP. Blake thus A romance of the greet rail w !iy. 411-!0 ' ti'1.0 I 1 f 21 i tf til : :lib p•rigli they .e-ea.y be, are as in the south-western States is thodie7. a ruler busy 'men° wbo have eiridged the covery by elle .eineter of Martin L'ons, questiMa front casual reading. These the Chairthan ' of the 'Executive Board ' pent. do not top to:Consider' •that Mr .• Of the Koighislof 'f,tabonr, of :heti long, Blake '•has binught to the consideretion ost brother., She hadnet. seen or heard of this' euestkin what they will admit t� teem him in thirty-fouie years and be e bayed. •lilei to have been killed in the . eo ono .of the widest,' keenest and best tremed intelleets, that 'lie ' has..etudied war. . The name He frequently mentient- during loeg hears and da:Ye everynserap ad attracted Vet. attention; tied eine recog•• nieed h is . Portea it 'S 'PO) Wind' ih th° bore upon the, ' question' that bo .00-1484 cif evidence) that'll° could get bold of that papere. .. .... , . , • _,......, e._ - - -• • -.-- -••• , 1 et _the, -ev id enee ene -111e • belie -es . •• • • • • , • -7-27-lic,-.ense --biii IS beforeethe Nora jtnlicild ilegision itnd• frem all point's . to co m .eeele a to e •e .114. ).. pi Opoi.,08 to 0501 ish : Calooe - licenses and. fix tin a fee foebotel licenses itE•82,00,Tor shoPlieco7 see- at' •$300, ond for Wheleeale licenses et 8500. , It Also propeses ,theitiliblition .. td so bars; and peovide8 that, in •order to 0 • i. •, y these are wonien.` . • .• t: Wellington, of; it ..0binainrue I _ committed suicide by hanginghireself to it tree byehis shoelace.. • - • •• , . . • :Despitet•kg. hard times, .dritik bill last .1t111.• ‘17;1 two 'dollars pei:. • week for every.' family in, the country. • They are. beg,inniog to: call 'San Jones and 'Sam' Small ‘ChnitleP.C.alnis.' • If it Were. notea little ru cle in gra nmar , they inieliteVereirlled ChUrehhimsesc.... • •••,... • • . • .'1- diminutivo. butglar, only 13years. of .age, was Convicted on. Monday,. of eleven. different eases ef housebreaking in Montreal; sentenceeto five years inthe Reformatory,. .• • • • . •.. • •• A.little boy' named Dewar, .cetchav- lottetown, Le was. found •ire a- •• - stable With .hisbreins kicked •oneleY a • • horse.. • The 'old woman who fount' him •ran to tell a neighbor and dropped •dead with fright:. • Annie Lee 'Wilson, of Memphisitrap; , lied a baby to. her breasb; and.jainped into •the river. In: a pathetic leiter -found on the dead body of the young. , mother,. were these words God, deal as gently with ',an errieg and broken- hearted girl, and her baby as yeti min.!. A %little' three-'eareold daaghter • Thomas Johnston; Melanclaton.; 'while playing it the. barn With twei of her • brothers, got ooe hand :in the gearing: of a' cutting box; and in -childish simpli- eity reaohed ferth the otheiehand .eit, tridate the fingers -that were being crush.. • ed, and both hands. were mangled. . Fanny .Fisher, .of Aylesford; N.' 13., wanted to marry 4., 13. &man,. of the sarue I eine ean knot would not permit aid watched Fanny clesely to Prevent an elopement'. kiss Fisher tobk an airine one day in a car- . riacce MBrenan followed. ineeebeige • Faunyjurnped out of the. carriago,hopped . • into the' beggye and ie , -now Mre. • Bren. r • • • • • A queer •thing oocurred • at Christ 'Church, Louis -i11&, one' day lately. ,A I ittlenh•ild43-or 4 yeameldwatetakerr- • chureh for the first thile by.its mend - neither. The old lady gave . the little ee darling a quarter to chop in theplate :'`• when it Was passed around, but the • child' lied an eye, to husinese, and steadof depositing the money•when thb :box. got Within reach it grabbed *a hand- ful of change. Thegrandmother was • horrified, and ordered the -child to • Pat money baek, but it would no • • ebey., Theo e rottgleand-tumble 'cram-. ble eneued,•end the lit tle. liandliad to be • forced epee, • end the. seretee8 .tlin I -ehttrelt, ' 1 .na feteeseye-elm- • obtain ally ,of license, feeethird s of information, tiponeWhich he will • • • • • • ' • ape e ie. rt. epeeenie inany pe) - I. -a -eaction seer, 'to bring- the °es° bee' • Dilke is preparing • •to • mo.ke pnblic 4,1.1:314:g.b.1,3,14)°eS94 1)Y:.'th.f) iheibber" itt foke a court for re-examihetioe. Sectiail shall be noriesethete Although cii!!ssr ct ali a•x: the hill 35 repttled as statement cif the ease in his, defence. ' , " If the statement of the boininion •3'7•trj 1)"S. ^ • • Ministers could be relied upon, there .A letur rode past eabhe ovate in, wouldbe no erteral •eldetiOn this year. Virginia the Other day and 's-'0,ing Ins•conscience of actino• noainst eon-. and that he then. declared that.' though . • _ he knew •that °what 110 Was :about to do 'wouldiu j re him yelecet hie coescience coilld,clo„ no. dliCe '110 WOtilti ote•in fa kilt' et theinfitiOn,•:3-littnai peepl&IS like 'and -10a1:.'1, I'Inke; Poem's() hoia . . shy of mintier, :they say lin is arrogant, haughty ,nntl...exclusiVe," '110! is °verbose.- ing end ineoneidera.te.ef. the I:Polities, O others,: Yet 'they.....reepeet :lrilo, ' Even iri their view his faults are the fttults of na man. Who ,is too,.,Thrond to stoop :for in- suriport. To accuse 'ono -who JI -LO never beee known. to palter 'with IN THE DEMUR • BLOCK, in front id 'Foster Dayloy's Photo gallery, where be will be pleased to till all -orders on blunt rootlet), Ltd at, reasonable rates. Cioth cut or matte unjust as desired. Orders respectfully Selleitell, CLINToN SgED. sToaril ALL PAIIILIES" USE Pr. The sperillfst antlAlest certain inedicitie ill the worl Weals JInek, Enlarged Joilits, Paralysis, Illietimatisus, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Nola tiea _Prolapitas thierel, Imo liebt.nnd oirslekliel'snrit:inlYellieadl;nteumrst:Ilevo pain tor all Muds, uo twitter of how luttig standing,. !masa relief guar. indeed cripples. Swollen_ Outs, V11641813. Veins. Bites of inserki or melt neelleelle. No ell 4,r grease; is titan sweet ; will ao I allaimitation of the KitiniitYn, Bright's, • Disease, !halides, Incontinence of Urble, la the nu I r Liniment the world passessiaolterutive powers, eau 't lu 'will take 0.1CfS in exchange fot any of tho ferually; cures Cramps Colte, Diarrloen Ptsentey. above ell,eds. sold by all Druggists. 'Print Dot tie, 2.5e, — write Int, Ing-W,.itti N.Y., P. 0., who era Ask where is stmes o coo SEED sTgetE Ewa livIlteem($1•11trnel :1)riPinnsgi:;11paluits dealers uudecitotterfults., Pb , genuine hits the prose blown itt,the glues sad AN.h.she or tto Cr;INT()N. r• tsgsrEIS'er2litinill'ant) 'lig eft' ilielirRk*A E etee.-Sa fo sere re, llable. and etteetive, purely vegetable. Per the yore of ell diseases if the Stinnathe Liver, Bowels, 4e, druggists at 25e. per bes.z. • __- MOVER, and TIMOTHY SEI!3), and all kinds, of PERIVANENT PASTURE 111IXTURESi Gor.teuer vin PEAS, ittetok. EYE PEAS, WHITE CHAMPION OATS, WHITE RUSSI.AINT BARLITIC, OROtVIV PEAS, 111AN.ClOLDS, CAR- ROTS, TURNIPS, ONION SEED. J .4.31 ST.ttit P , . DER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND S. WILSON, • GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, eau HURON STREET; CLINTON, - RoParing of all kinds komptly attended to at reason. . able ratos. -A, trial Solicited. • .• ' YLOWERa Tomdo Plants. 11013ERT, .I)(YWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the -hest slew met pee.e, use. Agent for the sale mad application of tho rAl ENT "AUTOMATIC .BOILEIt eidana, syEazt 101TTlNali furnished vid applied on !dna • notice, , • Etagin.eo. and all ;clads of Pia • chinory releaRmall Oxpedittouslk and ' •• a.Natitifaetory alanner. • • • • Faint implements mannitietnied and repaired. (Steam, ona Watet Pipes furnished and put hi position. Dry • Elins Stele upon application,. charges moderate.:. • HAltKINTLeSS •• •HAIR BALM NT.:111t0. DERITICS, Will arive in a few days, A !Ate stock to • select tram. Come and see them. PINE APPLES, NEW ORANGES and LEMONO7S,ANLTE, :rci.NOpsA..NDIES TRY OUR 35c: TEA. Olipice Brands of Omens and Toneeeoes f/OIC'E.:1U.TTRie )il •ES' ei Web For winch thellighest cash price is' paid . - • • 3.11? ' PODE.1,10.1- . , . , • , • JACKSON liLoCic; , Rrag LT. p./fIsT(IN.!' „ • . • Notlice CALLANDE1185-. Plallt 1-IA111101V - im.1,...?,:;igtiy,:tf..Atteto with' nay : 9.40. • : „ 60 Set 7.7.17,e.ra„Aows. yoatfinost give away. • • , f • 5.0 litiag•Irti•st be twitioisers up ftir /next • ftpritti:, atttl. ittitteria 1 for .100 set of •BlatridfiVgi. The'Alinisicir of Justice a. few. da no• wonoto in -the front door he spoketto her • (food mornin" 3h° athwc'red.'. Bad t vm iOnS becaueee,after• inore.thatormh :stated thet the .R.oyal connniesioe on . • . e , _ hi e . . • study .of thq whale.. queetion eleni any' . P 114xil ways Would .2! epprb next session been weat ler Ix 1' e .1.tc...0 teirni, fre eon- Illari.lieeei....es is ('11 kit., ko ,e9tee:, ,t'el'es the ctoSe- of this' '-arlittnient. : Mt.'. tint.ted• ' P.0.-y'rul, , m?zzalil.V.•..::` ‘,.,1;0 tto'pet-t.liq irie.jority.'and on the pile. epee Chapieein hes just stiited to a i'eporter 'times' P'vettY h!tra witli Yon 'l, '..\\"'"' i'lar o'l'e of it qeestion about which than. or e Mienticeil: paper thit; “nthp. genero thee wuz tell los! ‘Vees.;', all' in', bqs is much reoul -.for' difference of opinion,- ' • • eleCtioo will take place next year after aid.n't do's enongli• Sic,are.01Y- ie .4p-..iden?c of Unwisdom. There. next session." j St: as 'Well, hew. Invet theirsel'ees. but thio o14 man died , • are right livino• arid devout men who •ever- that Reforniert. should reinele .8'4den Sur day. night, artd. si nee then • '• 'the bois have been loakiii! so peart in thus coneletem Mr 13I•tl-e W1.10 •Cluard and make their •preparations on neverthelesel vete ter and uphold alead. , et -who tres no eonscienee. •• • , , Jiist ns540. Wahl Going. to 'Hating Himself* r. fret far. tram Fort Dodge, Iowa; lived a man named- Eminerson.. Some relatives- of his in the. east had put him f ` ther.assumptiori thae the -lug was cote.h18X10 cloe• that pro8pecks is.brignning rect in its statement Abet lection tniglItilY:. • would take piece. clueing this ear.• • 0.onnatockii:m Vandeibilt 'levet. 'kept Mayor I-ToWlited L doing good wor r . money byhim in. arge sums, btit alinost in -Toronto, but those •is,a7faint reason '`aIweys invested it the veilclay it waS to suspect that he it toinevvhat 'Quixo- eecerved, and eerierally iiva • made the• tic. • -It .is reported that he proposes that arrangements beforehand. „He made it • no able bodied man shall be allowed to a point never'to lose it dollar in interest engagenin the busine.ss•of peddling nuts, through lack oflietattness. Like A.s- ete., during the summer. Theeeismell tor, Steseart, Drew, een•Richinend and stands, if allowed at all '011 the streets, other, wealthy Men, be ittie„ close at a he thinks, eheuld be in charge of men bireein, and watched his pe,- is more incapab1 f engaging in treinoal Faber, carefully than the average Obis ows: The Mayor, no doubt; means well, but 'When he was worth. $50,000,000 ie•is no part of the Mayor's business.te Undertake to • regulate trade and cone- on a, piece of land to make a living, but he was sickly; had -a large fatally to sup- pcirt, and between doctors' and poor crops wile finally geouod .down until he was a little thort of starving. One morn- ing, after takiug the whole night to delib- eretergremerson ,erose, teok a rope from. -eeonornited-in. the -same old way; -and in 7.i e shed and started for the woods... He ha -come 16 the conclusion to hang him. nierce. Provided- that it is not unlaw- self. nd :Indeed; , histwife, who wee fretful . efault-Iineding Undeteher trials, had ef- 'fel in itself, •the Mayor is scarcely elothed with the autlioeity 'to require ten flung' .otite et him that any man who could' not mak living for his family men to 'undergo a medical examination . In the IIouSe of,Pommone on FridaY had better choke hi self to death with a pilOr to embaidcing in any besiness. •• a ;petition was preSenteci by Me. M. rope. Emmerson entered a piece of :• retired, eclergymaill in a -letter tol.Craney from the -corpmettion of the woods on ow . • e making out certificates of.stock, would lump -as many ahares as possible togeth- er, in order to save the 25 cents inter-: nal revenue tax on each certificate, hia n land and was looking around hint for a convenient limb; when be 'saw a rabbit eau into it, Inilieweloe.. • Strange as it may seena to the eyeing() reader, this thrilling Weide& changed•the eorrent of his thoughts, unit he flun Ilieerpreeirreopreerd-retruiel plugge up the end: of the tog so that :the rabbit • could not escape. It was a pretty.old log and the hollow extended half its lengt The man returned to -the house ati _axe to chop the rabbit otit, en helot through to thnholloiv. bejioifrd the link n'gttinstithr c -of the-uxernt: fewluore stroke ought te•liglit enough ten and tttny dollar pieces to footup thejsosT1 sum of $4,000. The coin hd nce been, enclosed. in a canvas ag, but only a fetv decayed rem- nants:of the cloth remained, Emmer- son was an honest 'man, and let his .find beeknown,but no owner was over ob- tained for it, The investigation by legal authoriqcs discovered that au- old country immigrant, who landed at11ilwaultee 8 or 4 years before complained of the loss of a- bag, containing g5,000,in„,go1d, but he had long sinee passed frodeeight; end no one could, tell Obither-- 1t had gone. Hit was his monev, the thief lied the. Newe-Yerk Tribune says t ---This town of Milton., stating that' after a. talk about clergy as Clads being over- feur years' trial of- the Canadian Toiie•• worked is all bosh. Of cOIrse thevintye perance Aot the, ToWn Ceimeil aro of the opinion that the morality of.. tho po--rdationelias beetreinjurect-thend ness having increased ingtend of dimin- ished, :and that it is almost impoesible for the local authorities to maintain that condition of. order Which prevailed .before the:adoption or ttio &Ott Act. -Thepetitioireasks- th at -either -11m Soli- Aolt be repeated or amended so as to permit the sale of ale, beer,. and light wines iti countries whore it kin forge,or that an election on it petition for the repel of the. Act shall he held at time, provided such petition -signed by one.third. of the eleato of the coun- try. [Whether the tfetition repeesenttr the views of the TOM:: or the Towx Cor,Nctr, alonoli not stated.- • Do fl ,t talto pills Intl powders containing ettioniel, for, at this time of the year', the re. 41twmar-b-t. 4,n•lott4". If yotrrequire dose n pliXsin take T)r, t'arsoig Stomach ;ma consti. 'to do a geed deal of hard work ; rind a, great many of theter-haverfo-wrirk . great deal battler, ,than is right. But taken as a whole theelergy have a much eaeier time than men in any othet. call- ing, They can arrange' their: ‘Virlc to pleaboethenisolves, and within --Certain- vagee-limitrtheit-timee abrattiuly— Nieir own. They ,• can -gee a longer iet- cationthan any man in bueinos otepro- fessional life; and by arranging say,fone exchanges the...course of the year,they can practially add A month to their va- cation.. Their salaries are generally small it is true, but they usually have enough for their needs, and they know nothing of the anxiety and renons!bility that aro so common to all bnsiness men The trouble with it great many elerey. men is that they are coddled ittid the women e 'Cy do a iefe,‘ hard etojelertind so at last they • • iit tascovery oi iit.t4invihous process or taking photographs liqs 11, .1 quickly follow - d in the Medical world by 41S:rivet 4101 1113(110 • ttIllS(AIR remedy. for all acjiag ati,1 pains. to 1,,,in•rthria, •Toothache, Ithebili.no.c et This valuable reine,ay..1-,.L11,•driaid .ightnihp•I awl Steldett 2r; cents P..!, it. . • really imagine:they are tee hardest• patina Bitterq ; ads gently the leercle, taken out•$10!)- for current exrnsee and - . • • • ..0 • E, eltrificA. the blood, Inearovea time eircialation, Olen hidden. the, restebut te4 t to imbhory heel take the place of, seine :Intey mer- ilbeiontec dygpopia, indig..4- ;•11•1 you • cannot, End 10104 away, it would have been difficult to t 01 .(41 peep 0 in le world.. )1th eP gtirantoq livor aunt litino:ye,, and 9vP(Iiiy occurred bdween Chicago and Milivitukee. chtioi or railroad bit.'1r neWspaper time Hemel' .1ree rtore.4 Lontoies `,.pf ati'l as t'llQ• 4°11 WRS f"nd hum-ited4 (:)f o[urvia, 11, t t .eithdr 'rst for nne. week, and they evoold lv .t ael eacet eye.. ne;:er again talL ,f hu I work et the ree:11... t El 'in, 17' tO". • 01'; see prove •the conneetvei, .1..m3ne3sen WitA h fI 1.1 1,14sFin'1 of 1.httiter, eri:1 be .:••.ar!.' r3)•.,i3e.,1 t..) 1 4Tc:taut t•".`3•4`. ' • ..,NiltWitlifetailaing all the oppoSitlomby thoSe Apt:Wally in torested“ will sell to any man 'who May come ,before the 1St of Jel.teittiryi 1886, fiet of•Ifarrows complete, for tho smolt sum, of and more time thitt, win. Warrant thou /or 6110 year. ils ollex IS Simply to show up some of .th a .statefue its Made about uty patent IlarrOWS its falko adC1 nusieading. Ask Bon Bwi'• r f what I say about my lIarrows,is not right. Iris answer, when asked for 11.testinilinial,. will sign my 0)111141 to anything you write about • Callituder,s Pateat narrow: ()motet InTalt•it .111 shake it Ibose. Would •Intve ThO sante answer lsgiven by the Tiplany, hi rigs'. the. •iiiiipleys, Albert. May, and...others whom.?:haro soisisto. •!!:n quire of these; men. • • —•' - 4...(41.14N1),BR, , Olintom ' 'NflN Aceeck,permanent, absolutely certain - cure for lost or fail- . vonsness,wealmess, lack of viglonrf stinreannghtra' dat: yelopnient,'eaused by indiscretions, excesses, 'etc. , • Benefits ha a day; cures usually vvithin it month. bTo deception nor quackery. Positive 'proofs, full • description, hundreds of testimonials, with letter of advice mailed in plain', sealed envelopes, free. -Erie XedicalCo., Buffalo, N. X', • N E W GROCERY & PROVISION STORE • • The 'undersigned begs to inform the public that she has opened out inTMR. THOS. COOPER'S OLD STAND,: a•full line Of aFt'oc E:R I ES,.---F-Latj11.i' 13 RAN, T.M.EA •'COAL. e4c CASH PAID li'OR 'EGGS ' ARS. JOIEN BATSON.. Roehni.1 . . eeestoree gre; ,hair to. its na- tural, color, To niovett Datidraff -.stops thethal from falling oht -increases growth, and *ill ••• not sollthe skin. . As. a hair dres •sing, it has: ',c i7S-uperior. Camr. =teed harmless • Prepared by ''Harkness Co .• '..leondoe;• Ont. -,b•Alld Dri•i!e:lsl 151341-eatent 111. • . • Dealere • ' - • re' .f.e#K1..4e For ialebytlie GRAND RAPIDTi•& INDIANA. R. R. CO. ...pie he I 'az AdtabledgCS: Railroads alreadyi nurser- ous.towns and cities, one of Alio healthiest parts qf the•Cnited States, purest Wafer, good markets, fine fruit, g•ocal roads, • sehoolsi:nhurches, largo • agrioulturantopulation, best building material at • low figures, gooti.soil, /pw Vrices,...easy terms, • perfect title. Por books, rnaps,, et -lits, and ill additional information, address ... . . W. O. 'HUORART, Land Comminiloner Grand Rapids,'Idich., Percheron • eepeteEs. ISIallt1 stack Farm • Grosse Isle, Mob. All stock selected . riora tee get of sires and dams or •estab- • ushed reputtttion and registered in -the French and dineric•`an Stud Books. We have tr, very- large number of imported and grade stal- lions and brood mares on hand, Prices reason- able. Correspondence solicited. Send for largo illustrated catalogue., free by mail. 'Address 'WAGE Detrou, Riau, g t „V' RS AND OPTIOIAM l'iezereirecette eui. DIAMONHS,• W'AT,Q,I1ES, QL&OKS'; ' • Le.1.3...R.ONZESe l'ilAiBLE STATUARY, 02-TERY,-ORERA.41kASSES-;--ee FANS,. ••••••„,e,,, BRIC-A.-BRAC, ETC., JOIMAIRS AND 'AtIgICAltifiltS Oi - ELGIN AND. WALTHAM WATCHES, • STERLING SILVERWARE,• TRIPLE PLATED:SILVERWARE • . AMERICAN CLOOltS, . FINE CUT GLASS,. ETO., ET.O.,, • . • UltBRELLAS„ , • 140 WOOD.WAE----17ETIT4.T OPERA nouo, ntoox;--. .. DETROIT, - AgIoHIGAIC . SOLE STATE •VIENTS POP. i'ARK, PHILIPPE tc:, n )48 Cittri'llni3.11P,D1 WeiCIT'Ul't. wevernestettecreetemsetie Cabinet Parlor - • trllitift apOoollis —All 0— 'PR6 sub er sKETs .ocalixs Always on hand. Pim:crab; furnished at 'the shortest notice and lowest prices. PALL St,Thicall.0.. . . „ . . Loadiat 'llIntlerfait cr. • REM. tor DFiR 'IT Orrosrre ToWer }fete, . . TilOS STEVENSON al11.111111111.111111.1.1.10iMIVE SUM -- HURON AND C3FWOE L(fitild Invedment Co'.Y • ('''.thitpetalpior4.01.1.g A I omPy OHi Si•Qtro Lonlfid,Rot.:8 01' Ifitreo,,i, MOItTUAGEI; : • lit:itt"-HASE1/ L":"-SA.VISTIS Ifrf.‘Nt ;. and pre (Y'»t. Ltr,I ,„,17foo,..1 en - • ilepo.01v, aficorfliag, 4') (1,..,.111-2, •foil , (eve. 1. (!or.i.l. Merlv 3•••., N•ttlt•Stret. il0T4 it Or 1.1111•!Ti • 'A tX,ttieft •••