The Clinton New Era, 1886-04-16, Page 8CLINTON N r ERA
F1' AY, ,A,P?IX. 16, 1886..
Dr. Appleton has returned and
realigned the, practice OT his pro-
• Clinton, April l3ti►, 1886.
been .carrying on the Kinburri hotel for a
couple of years, moves back to town this
week; Joe eaya be might nearly es well
be in Goderich jail as in Einburn-both
are too quiet for bins, Messrs. as. Smith
and S. Hunt left last Thursday on a trip
to California,, both have friends there; if
suited with the country, it is -trot unlikely
that Mr, Smith night move there, On
Tuesday, Messrs, Frank Kelly, and Frank
Hinder, of Brussels,, and Thos. Calbick,
left here for British Columbia, .going yia
San Francisco.; they secured tickets at
131TTEI.1. MAU LADE OOILANOES-.r. csriu a and
did . E brick hohd av Cor the
ont eaars. W.a Rill,
neva, Oilntoa.
.NEW MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR at RES. W'. on the base line, one doing the woodwork
-- B RORERiexa. and the other the masonry; Clinton build-
orders.taken for DACES Celebrated Halul-se„ea ors have a lot of contracts on band for this
` B000..4111 ghees. \P. TAYLOR do SOIL
Buy your MOT ORQSS BUNS at the New Era summer. Mies Jackson, daughter of Mr.
Baltgry.. Best Agee ii town. T. DUNLOP. Abu Jackson, is confined to the house by
Call and see the WINDOW POLES for.lace curtains an attack. of bronchitis, and Miss Hartt is
- utk.complete (or7Gcents;atthe RFD11001iEttSTORE- raid R with eongeati0n,of-the-lungs. r. RED I1oGEERSTORE is now filled with fur- Geo, avis had the misfortune, while
niture from cellar to garret, four flats, which wi 1 be• working at 11IOOre's tannery, on Saturday,
sold Nearly
to slip into a vat,, scalding ono of his feet
RDrl S, cinO.different kinds Roto oho nPor and p
BORDERS, from be to $1• a Roll choose from at. very badly ,•it will be some time before be
R1QxsON'S Bookstore, Clinton. - is able to use it. Mr. S. Marshall, of
• @@
75 WILD BUY A 14 INO1fBI0YOLE, WORTH Manchester, leaves in a couple of weeks
yP$121. Title is a tremendous bargain. Write:
up call for P.artlgula:s. NEW Rita OFFICE, Clinton. on it trip
to the old country. The next.
the Division Court will Abe held
4101V11 g.01/10. . o stock a few days since, Mr, Henry Plum -
on the 26th inst, At a sale of thoroughbred
steel, of thistown, bought a cow, calf and
two-year old heifer, paying a high price
for them, Mr. P. Robb as putting two
peddling rigs on the road this summer;
there will soon be as many grocery stores
moving around -the bank concessions,
are located in town. Mr.Jas. Dodds,as
Blyth• purchased a ticket at Tbompson's,
Agency, on Tuesday for Whitomouth,
Man, - Mr. B. S, Brown is about to leave
town, and. doers his furniture by private
gale. A daughter of Mr, S. Cassels is very
ill, and only slight hopes are entertained
-pf-her recovery. On .Tuesday; Inspector
Yates and constable Paisley made a search
for liquor, under the provisions for the
enforcement of the Scott Act, in the pre-
mises of several of our tiwnapeople but
found 'nothing .-whatever •to-- support -the
suspicions entertained. The Town Band,
which has for some time been in'a state
ofdisinteratuOfl, has decided to wind up:
its existence, and will give •a "final fare-
well". publicly, on Tuesday •evening next,
We have been requested to say that, a big
day isanticipated at Goderich ou the 24th
Ancient Order• of TlniLed
Workmen, and other societies,, having
taken the matter of a celebration in hand.
Mr. Geo. Duncan, (of. Clinton,) lately
freight clerk at Berlin, has been pronsoted.
• (SOME " ENorJek."--,The Signal of last
week, jocularly calls attention to our
"newspaper English" because a local para-
graph was not written quite as correctly
next col-
umnshould have been, In the n e
umn of the Signal appeared this paragraph:
" The gale of Tuesday. did little or •no.
danger here." What•kind'ofEnglish.dses
the•Signal call this?
MaelisTR,ATElScasr.2 Police1Xagistrate
Scott sat in judgment and had his first
experience in his official Capacity; on
Wednesday, when the case gf`the young
num Davis, of. Exeter, charged with die..
turbing the Salvation Army services these,
came up for trial. The evidence clearly
showed a wanton breach of the peace,-
and-afine of 410 and -costs, ('$17 in all)
was imposed. Mr.- Scott discharged his
duties very creditably, and gave the youth
some sound advice that will be -worth :all
it cost him; if he acts upon' it in the fu-
tures on Thursday and Friday evening,
o act we y 14Xr. J.R. Clarke, were not
attended on'.either-occasion, by<•the num
ber anticipated, although the ,attendance
was better• on the second exening than
the first, His sub'ect on. Thursday even. to. the position of chief freight. clerk, -at
ing was" Hits and Misses,' and': Among • -Stratford. At.a meeting of the directors
of the Mechanics' Institute, on. Monday
of' which he showed Iiimself
' the Masses" on - Friday evening, in both
urehase abbot
conversant with all phases of life and cis• evening,0 wth of a it vibeoks ,fded to or the . library;
tom. His .addresses' are particularly in- and arrangements (vers inadefor -the an:
•teresting, and we suppose the fact that nual meeting of the association,• which
there have been ao many other entertain- takes place on the 3rd •of May. 'A -eon: of
meats this winter,,niilitated .against their 1VIr, Isaac .Jackson left foo :Qolumbus,
• .success ori this occasion . Ohio; on Tuesday ; he has been residing
RETURNED.—Mr. W Steep, due of the• there for so e' time, and bad,. been home
"old residents of this, place, but who liar' on a visit Mr S. W. Perry paid a flying
been away for conic, time, is: (rack here. visit to his' sister the other .day,,, who is
again,. andlooks about as usual: He spent about •to'take •a trip to the •old country.
the winter at Los . Angelos, Cal.,. and- Mrs. J. Flodgens ,has been . for : several
s.eaks in the most glowing.' terns of the days_, the :guest of. 11]'r.; John, Acheson,
,- e-fi et:-iritC-a i}ji"1YYb H _ . 1 .
of Canadians, among them 'Mr, Frank given on aturday when some town pro
Paltridge. well known to our readers, encl. "petty: will be offered Eby auction, under
Mr. L. Thorn, late of Seafortb, ; Who is: "power of mortgage. The wind storm .of a:
• .carrying 'on a fancy'' poultry yard. He week ago, destroyed a wind millon the.
. states that during the.Winter season every. farm of .Mr. Rowland, Jenkins, 1Gth .con.
train from the east is crowded with pass Goderigh'township Messrs: Jas. Stevens,
engers; who ar8 moving from the •rigors Base line, Samuel Sloan; .Goderich, • and
of winter to the glories of suinmer in the Peter. Fisher Wingham, here been ap-,
month of January. "' •pQinted. License Commissioners for the
• .we Riding of Huron-, Mr Rowland•
OLD FR1ENiis H1 A1tD ,~ROM. -In a let- Jenkins has lately bought -a span of Mexi-
ter to this- office Mr., Gavin Johnson,_of can they are very .small.._ . The
• Bedford, Montana, a 'former resident of NEW ERA may have been a little/rah as
this place says:—" I, was on a visit toiNei alleged by our cotem,"an giving a solution.
burt county, Montana. 1 met. Duncan' of those, chalk figures in town, but that is
• McDonald; formerly: of _. Goderiob town-•• our forte, giving fresh news;'and .11 it is
ship, he also told me of Alex. Yount; for. any satisfactionto' the parties. interested,.
• merly of Stapleton ; in fact•I have met so with whom we. haveno quarrel,' we • will
many old acquaintances, they are too nu say this.} that the solution... was . "given
merous.:to mention. The Northern Pa• away" by. One .of themselvesand corrober.--
cifie railroad-bas-killed•=slit and ated iL-ot-hers.--r• ineetiu if=1,It1
*Wall ,ll Paper and Borders, from
LERICLI,11111111: 1121111111
in finish and ionone ele'g ant ,in design than last
Much supenol •
year- and -also- uclf- lreapez m
Save aney__b-y-pure acing-h?r-e,-
1 arm Agent for this Allan Line of Roy'ai
Mail Steams.h:4s.
in10 P!i!!es itL --ro1-IeFs cheap
We Make
r Gra 111 Dispi
Wewilt. show one of tiie largest and best selected stocks of
° the
'above goods ever offered by us.
The cyclone of last Ttiesclay struck its and knocked the prices
• of our goods clean under anything ever offered before.
When you are: takingin-the openings
on SATURDAY., call . and see us.
We • have got something' to show you that will startle -you.
I you want cheap goods, come' and we will give you., ..
' fronts tlia tivlkl: ecrrr�
= nee-uirthat
' .—T—,ai7Tnt-frttOt� .. � . ..:
we have::the_chea est moods; in Clinton.
. , it killed me too for :the, time.being, but:I'roil 11Ied'ical'Association•will. tai- a 'place
am not dead,•nnd will be at the .top of tlse "tit'the•Coirimereial':hotel,`,. Cllnton,.op"'the.
20th inst. 'The family ofMr. .C. J. Tut-
hill, removed to Woodstock this''..iveek..
l'1r. Chas Hine (eaves in • afew days for'
Y,-�It is altogether likely XCansas city, where he intends to take a•
• that the town council will appoint the firstsituation, .'The transparency. 1n the door
Friday in May, as • ArborDay, this being 'of Foster .& - Bayley s Photo Gallery; ,is a
the day set apart as Arbor.. Day. by the Piece of artistic work of . unique .design
Educational Department for the purpose• aaC1 who is now . 5. Oriel), of
'flower 'r a
shade trees, planting ,. g with his
of g ol: leisure contemplates.. trip . h.
prproving otherwise beautdyinW:. and.'m- wife to California. p 1•Ir. W.. A,
ie the ted' willl grounds We hind. worth' is in Winnipeg, grid purposes tak-,
those interested'. ig- bear this in Will
ing Op ,bis residence there again ; Mrs:
and that- rhe coming, d..ArM .Day has b be Charlesworth will sell the furniture by .
Much been
`very paauction, on the 24th rust., • The funeral of
done in the past innoh may be yet be Mrs: Jacob Miller was very largely at
none On this subject the Goderich Sig- on Wednesday ; she;was"tge moth=
nal Wit week.'coniplimented Clinton as er tended Mr, Jacob I'1iller, of town one of
follows: --"It is•a pity that small inland thepioneers' ot Goderich township,- and
towns' like Clinton can enter upon .an died at the -residence' of her. daughter,
• "Arbor Day'•' tvith•apirit, while the ones; Mrs. Jas.'Donaldson, in Stanley. ` Dr. J.
tion languishes in;a town like Goderich. H. Arnott died at Viagara Falls •onTues-
Sclroo>a BoAi1D.=A meeting of the day, from the effect of a stroke ot appo
Public School Board was 'held on: Mon-' plexy ; the deceased: was 7d, years of age,
day everting, � to' consider.a letter from the and superintendeut.Of the American Ex -
Minister ofEducation,rvhich requests cont- .press Company for some fears past, and.
fiance with the schoiil regulations in re- had been in the ertiploy of, that company
fer6noe to additional room, and an oasis- for over 40 years, and was widely and, fa -
1 ta•
nt teacher for the mbdellites. 'twos re- vorably known throughout Ontario andsolved that the 'sei tetany., be instructed to New York. State; he has.frequentiybeen
notify the Minister of Education that the in Clidtoit on official business, Constable
board are, makingprovisions to •comply Paisley was on the sick: list on`Saturday
With the departmental regulations requir= and Sunda but he soon got over,it; none
.in au a ifionail:rot2m._a tli:e:-fmnloy=°....0-_y.our__common aiiiFaaenEs._can 1arh,in
tient of nii assistant for the principal this out. &Ir..John'Smith left on Wednesday,
year, during tlie.model .time, The chair- on•a 10 days',;businees_trio in the liiteiest,
man and Mr. Steep were appointed as a of the City Book Stot e. • Wedn( slay was
.committee to see if. the basement of Ott- 'the 21st anniversary of the assassination
ario-,SE: ehurelucouldbe"seeured-as-stem o Abratham-Lincoln;-•-Mr. X41= Flood y'has
- ,pdrary room for the use of tlieschool, The bought Mr. Sharman's periling: outfit, Mr.
chairman and Messrs. Cuningbame, Steep V. B. Powell,•latvyer has bought the pro-
and Taste: were, appointed it committee pert;+ of Mr. John If ishei•, nearly opposite
to see to the suitable improvementof the, .the foundry. ;Mt :Isaac Dodds hit's raised
school grounds on Arbor Day,: his 'cottage on 1.3rincess St,,•abd has,
- Walker & Beesley have the contract of
Local., B1rii;rs.—Miss Sarah Acheson, putting •a stone foutsdatien beneath it.
daughter of Mr, Robt. Acheson, 14th coir, Mr. E. Irwin is this week shipping forty
Goderich township, has taken a situation cars of barley ID tlie.States, Mr. .ft E,.
in the store of Messrs. G. E; Pay & •Co. 'tent of weafui•tb, is to assist' I Xr, George
Mf`. klendershott, of Welland, spent Stn- Oakes witPhis easter concert. Callander_
day with his sou herrn ; lie:.was much imp & Bro, are booming the buggy business
pressed with the business activity ot this' this year, having disposed of about a
place, and the floe appearance of the dozen in one week; they have manufae.
country here. Thebouse and lot in town tuned fifty, which they expect td dispose
owned by Mr.1)avid Eleoat,: has beensold of ere long. We axe pleased to see that
to Mr. Gagen, for• the sum -of $700; he Mr. Thos; Cooper is again able to be out;
has a• bargain. Mr. Geo, Shipley bought ltfissHannah Howson is still very
of Nr. Thos. 1r on,Iu11 tta two-year TheDoherty Band willgIvbara en -sir
Good f-
old gelding, for the corn of 1G0, and re- eanaert on Uocd Friday, at,, west i
Sold the same .to llr. Jas; Fair for ,$1$0, er permitting. The Good•r'emplars have
Master Thos. itumball, wb'i his been Con., sold the furniture in their hall to the'-
nected with the Army, Iver since its or- Knights of Labor, . Mr. Wm. •F.ii'trlaud
ganization here, has been promoted to the has started work on his new lams., is Y, 00
position ofcadet. with iieadifuttrteri near ;Ct.attenbtiry s treet. .
Torouav: •, fr,. Jtis,' Wheatl•li,ry, who•is ..
• tree again,' if they give me time., The.
thermometer hgs not been lower than 18°'
below zero at any time this winter.
FineGoods—And-Cheap Prices
of the
finest ..too
ks of
,We have•VYitllOtlt �1C8ptIC11, one o
That can be found in Canada. ..Our, stock comprises :some" of
the :finest makes of goods that can be bopght. Our 'prices
are cut down so that everyone may be able to have' a. Spring
Suit this year:
We do mit believe in Nz;wSPAl?E' WIND, but, ,we do belive
�'.eoundiri county: `know.
.l1l� 1p-��-c�linton_�tinCl Sttrro �.��Y ...�
..advertise -nothing but what we
just -what we are doing... We � � '�.' DCIS and • �riceS.
_ ..:..con follti ..ot t;to the'�ettol., both'in ,Q s • 1
It W-111 per art one to see our hoods and. get our prices: It' is
known j'liat' weare ttomg the finest trade hip the county of Huron.
ne trouble to sho r.geods, but it is a pleasure•te let the people
R. .NCE ` ..00.,
Z+, HU'B .oriniras .AL1 `TON. '
Three %iVesi: Mte DieksonN :ook Store
The- principle of paying cash for all pui chases is word( con
sidering A won.dertul difference can be made' ,between a
cash`bu er. and one. who 'takes long' credit, and.. we are demon -
strating this :'fact. every Clay, .by offering the cheapest prices -for . .
Lrstc1ass :Clothing
• 1
.Than has: ever been offered it our estabishn ent.
W e do business for cash, and stXou� y1y . n7aintain that, it ,Will paay..
,everybody to come'and get our prices. Our• establishment' is
the largest of the kind in the'west.
Ow .•Stock is _.,t"h`etar est:
tour. Business is the. arrest=:
• Our •�r�ce
are .the. ,Lowest.
Now is the time to make your the
whil8. the assortment
•is at the best:
•cI- 1T( )