HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-16, Page 77RIDAYY . .'RIL 16, 1880, • t othrlr'Al llxen!Ifntr•Bssket Over anal under and in and out Tho swift little needle thea, - Icor always between her and idleness The mending baskealies And the patient hands though wear;, ' Work levrugly on and °a At. tasks that never are finished; For mending is never done. 'She takes Pp the father's stoctihrg, And skilfully:knits in the heel, And emoQths the seams with a tender touch,. That bo may. no roughness feel. Andber thoughts tit her merry girlhood And her early wifehood go,; And she smiles at the first pair of atoeldar; Slut kuit so long ago. %Len she steaks to' the littlo Malden Learning to knit at Icor side .&m l tells her about those stocking's Uooven and shapeless and wide -- I ide--I had to ravel then out, my leak: Don't bo discouraged but try, And after a while you'll learn to knit " As swift and even Its T," She takes up. a Ifttlo .whi to apron, And. thinks Of the wool'ulface Of her darling when she,. tine crying: 4' Ob, mamma ! I've torn my lace." q sbe mended the child's pet apron; Then tool: up atiny shoe, And fastened a stitch that was broken,' A•ndtledtho ribbon of blue: The maiden has wearied of ,r orkiry And gone away to her play The sun in the west was shitting At the close of the quiet day, Now the mother's handsare resting, htill-lioiding astocking of red, And her thoughts in the twilight shadow To the far off future have fled. • 0 ! where will the little feet wander Before they have time to rest? Where will the bright heads bo pttlowed When the mother's loving breast • le under the spring's bine violets, Is under the summer grass, When over the toll the atittlini leaves And the storms of winter pass?' Anda prayer from her heart she utters: "God bless them, my dear ones all ! ' al 1 may it be many, many years, Ere sorrow to them befall !” To her work from the mending basket She turns with a heart at rest ; Per she knows that to husband and children she is always the first and best,- • Britain'swiheet' suepla'. . A STATEMENT OF INTERES1. TO FARMERS • Bradstreet's English agricultural coons: pondent writes under date of March 9 There-isreason=to-lrope that tbe.-`weather is gradually and permanently improving, for although there is hard: frost .every night and in the shade by day, the sun-haa rhnntlyrightl_y sip t11�5 h fug ,.°tad the wind has got into the southeast to -day. -Last week snew.fcll heavily in most parts of the country, causinggrbat losses among sheep in the hill districts ot!Scotla,tld,• the north of 'England •and Wales.In the south, where the snow was .not deep,,it• has nearly .all.. melted, and farmersq acre only waiting for the cessation of -W stand' a little .drying of thesarface before going on withtheir sowing. , At present only Portions of the bean, and .pee.. crop,' with. here and there -a. piece of .bailey or • oats, have been sown, and it must -be the middle 'of.March at the earliest 'before anythin like a general commenceinent'of the woFk Will be made. • Such- lateness is- a'serious disadvantage, but if we citta •only get :try weather Without frost the work will. be 'very rapidly,carri,ed on, as the soil will be; in splendid condition.after the'severe WI n-- ter. Com plaieta 'of injury -.to -.the wheat crops are increasing, ; : Iu marry'•, districts pieces`sown in•Decemberiare not up a, fu .plant yet, and 'it is do.nbtful••if they ever. will'be. The .unusually long period dtir- ing Which .thewheats la 'e b subjected jects, The subject reserved to the. Imperial " 'arliawen€ are.: Xverything relating to the prerogatives of the Crown, to Custotna, and Excise, to defence, the army and navy, armed forces generally, the constabulary (as to wd►foli' haIiperia1 Government will pay all expenaea exceeding £I,0C,0,00 per annum), no religious Beet. is to tt)la'en. dowed or established, and no . power , is given 'over the coinage or'legal tender, The aubjeot of postal' a ervice,quaratitine and a few kindred subjects are reserved: for Parliament to decide, which Legiala• tura shall deal with them, The Vice -Royalty will btt'a n„u. poli i cul office, that is, the occupant will girt retire with the British Cabinet that appoints him. The Irish Parliament will appoint the judges and the Civil Service, Provision. tis made for the pensioning of •all who are prepossessed, Irish, Parliaments are to sit, for not ion. ger than five years, They are to be emit - posed of two orders, the members of which may-sit:and. ,.deliberate together and yote together if .they choose ; or they may sit or vote separately if either order desires it ,• and either order has a limited veto upon the acts of the other. - -The first order is to consist of 1Q3.t era. 'Twenty-eight of them may' be, if ey 'choose -to sit, tho Irish Representa- tive Peers, who are to be -relieved from attendance at Westminster. The remain* der will be elected by the £25 occupiers througbout,the corietry. A NUTAL •AN1) COMPLETE. LINE OF The second order is. to consist of 200 members, to • be elected on a franchise which°is apparently left for the•Irish Par- Coatings m T Hainaut to settle. oRS'' '� (f) de TWEE r �• y� s P p P -+- ..+s++ .L .� 1D hiQ�Ulll A7g TT �)`, . 'OPTT, A.F ,R .ry Goods, Rouse, • L.O.NT) SBUl.O. • Tliose Ready Made Suits Which we introduced two weeks ago aro nearly all sold, and to -day we open the second consignment. cut and style aroright � We find that the y right and the workmanship excellent, while prices place them within the reach of all persons who require (l. a suit of any kind • 0111111100 'laving Cooper &Swaffiejcj, SUCCESSORS TO H ....1, STEVENS & SON. CL iNT. O'N.: Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS BLINDS,FLOORING, CEILING, ZVTOL*LBIN(iS FE ' SIDING, , FRAMES, PICKETS,-- 8LC,,' ancI all binds. oL Interior "an.cl Exterior Einishings, LATH and SHINd.14ES kept on ,band, Mill on Wellington ,; S .r opposite Woollen Mill. —.._ _- _ "P:,LANS" ;tan.___ SPE(:IFIUt1TI0 S ,� N PR1.PA A Fairly Good Suit, first-class gut $ . - S. soap r. nem= Good:serviceable:"Tweed Suit Nice colors, - , Ol S, $� A Dandy- Suit, fit :to be°'worn, on 'your wedding day for $10: ' Loxpov, Aril .O,—Tile news a ers ,.throughout. Great. Britain and Ireland comment at great".length on Glacdstone's scheme for Irish' government:. The Liverpool Post says: Whether Gladstone is successful or not in carrying his•bill through parliaeient he haa'forever killed oppression and coercion in Ireland. Proposals so unexpected as those made,by the premier, the Post says, requires time to consider. The Manchester Guardian, says, it is n scheme substantially for the'epeal of leg- islative union between Great Britain and Ireland. If the bill is.not rejected by par- liament it must, in its central feature, be recast. The representation of Ireland 'at Westminster must be retained, then with this modification, the measure may: pass. The Newcastle ,Journal deelares the scheme to be cumbersome and unwork- able.' Besides' that • it -is crude and dan- gerous and is certain to be rejected'. " .. 'Th'e Newcastle: Chronicle says though the. meastire may admit of :improvement in detail, IA, is .the best. scheme ever pre sented to parliament: . • . The Edinburgh Scotsman says the bill will not do as it stands. The exclusion of Irish members frgtn Westminister-will be fatal. - Gladstone _1ias.,apProachetl.the, subject With • heroic spirits. i13ut.'his de-. sire'to be- generous to Ireland has' carried him' too fir. He was asked to give hottte rule, and he' proposes'to'give repeal. -It is safe to say ,that the country will not sanction the scheme. The Edinburgh Daily Review-recogniz- 8es Gladstoae'a ` pure, lofty and patriotie arms," but bays it .is. disappointed at the exclusion of Irishi, members from the im penal. parliament. 7-, " - 5 uv gen :1' itbut f it-.5eettioli ltcfei--i -earn.: to the ravages of grutns, without a: chance. of growingaway:•frore their• enemies,: must result in litany thin crops.;, aiid besides this, there is 00' doubt that. it -Creat deal of the,late plan tell seed has „rottedin :the -grond, while frost bels in some" districts l[fted•the plants, eitely' or I ate,. anal greatlyy" injured their Vitality; where it hits tfytde, stroyed it The'exteut of the:damage done cannot yet be-esti:nated '&ft'er all; • there` in ey be a chance- cf, f fair wheat • crop, it' we get *genial weather at once and for a lntrg tim't7but a1.1 -hope of afilet-rate crop, throughout tlulcountry iis.a whole must now; be t l 1ipcioned. 'All'''Over I:tt= raqppe,, exceptin the south, 'the outlook most be soft ewi t similar, '• i•n Germany it is ropOrled that rt great deal- iit damage has been done to the heatw by frost, and although there a.re .no. tiiafavorable reports ,from France 'at present,. the . crop in •tlio north of than country. esti scarcely have escaped injury. The •upward-Inllrer ent '•t wheat prices which began intent a fort- night ago continues;, anda rise of 1st to ls. 0d. -from the fewest ppiut may now be noted. This did not' occur,•however, in . c `tim'e'to prevent the averageIri-ce of wheat in England and Wales going down to 29s. per quarter, the lowest price ever record-• ed since t be at erages were 016, or long before th,.tt, anti no doubt the lowest .ever current, taking, into' ,consideration the value of money: In fact awe have to go, back to 1761 to find n. year In which the price of wheat was as low as 298., and then ' it was 263 9d.; but the value of money' • was much higher than it is note. Consid- ering the, position of wheat trop and. pros- pects of supplies up to harvest, the slow- ness, with which the-itdVance. in -prices'' is taking place is somewhat stran'ge:. • The Bente Janie RI11'. Thurailay last was perhaps she mostim- portant day the British Empire, has suit, during the lifetime of this generation, or perhaps• sinci, the -sunsank to rest overthe • blood-stained. plains • •of Waterloo, ,.Never_ Was apolitical annnu,rcernentionIted- forward to with .such intense. interest, as Mr.,Gladetone's:measure hasevoked,never one listened to. (practivaily by the whole civilized work w th 'sucl •s,apt,.fxtten.tinn: and neenr ryas there one,itis safe to say, which was more earnestly debated word by - word than this' rum willrbe . • Mr. Glad'stone's apeech'can be, described itetwo words..." thurourchly ('ladstnuihn " '1Tie phraseology was grand, its mull -intents are the noblest' f hat hem an tongue• can utter. No cne•cah• road. it'tvititont being convinced that the spealcer believed from the bottotir of his soul every word • Ise tit- tered.. And' the knowledge. that IV1r,. Gladstone is convinced that Homo }rule is just, expedient, tend absolutely necaasary will go far to reconcile to his way of think- ing 'thousands who yesterday ' were 'iii doubt, mends. the Selene and pleads for Scotch • �- t•Zhe Gerdeen Journal:$rououueis the . VQ _L LN•G-TY .. Grill -toll pro)nsitl••.s repttlsive to every instinct of h-13ritishiteople, , anti fatal to Mr. Glad-°„ - — stone'., reputation. • ,. o • - -- _. ro . 'And S1RIPEIY'TROWSERINGS for the ordered clothing department. , We have the` neatest thing in STIFF HATS, NECIIWEAR, LINEN and CELLULOID ' 'COL- LARSand CUFFS, and SILK SQUARES: -. Kindly look through Our stock before buying ygtii' outfit.• . ' LO:NDESBORO. . 'SV. S..2%1 waTheld. GREAT - DISCOUNT -SALE" MOOTS ,ASD ?T; C xt-aux i s'H,A.N-]a• In order tu,reduco.niy large stock to make 'room. for Spring Land Sumner. Goods, l will give a . DISCOUNT OF IO• PER • CENT On all.Cash•Sales, until the loth of April. Now' is your time to get BOOTS and SHOES AT and 13ELOw COST,' Be sure to -call and get the Best. Bargains in Feet- ' wear -that can be got anywhere,: Remember 10 percent off for cash.., Cell on. C.' Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT ST-I;,HE7. BRIO)j 'BLOCK, CLTNTON AN ELEGANT LINE. !OF' 11, Si /ND •Q fit F.S.. and-Gbiidren' -Wear. • HIGHEST 'GRAPES,_NEWEST-STYiLES,'BEST QtiALITY Pitta ss TO. suer -Ain '('IMES.° 'ELMS' TAKE\ ' IN i[CITA CCiT:: „ • .OHAS. .OARLINE COMB BLOC DRUG STOREC14 CLiNT011ll:,. • ' The. undersigned has just opened a New Drug Store in Jaeksoijl.'s We* Stir Eat, Two doors Wiest of the City Book Store, where twillbefound a complete assort went of Fine DRITGS`Ithcl CHEMICALS, also.: PATENT 'MEDICINES and 'P'R,Vf,•gISTs -SUNDRIES, Ali that the public may' ask . for In these ,•---•pmiee,chalSi etl from residence to Drug Store..• ' Despatches from ahi.overr (heat•Iaritain and Ireland show that.ever3=whore popular Interest was tibsorbe is the outgolne of.. yesterday evening'_s proceedings • in' the Iouse Of Con'inons.. Extra editions of daily: newspapers were gotten out in all the provincial tonins, and'as rapidly as the news could be obtained front London were sold everywhere. There, were croicils 1 f ceulitrt people4in •the towns everywhere III the- tTtiited 'I ingdou ,.•and • remained over firght.to heir .the latent dews from the -par!iainient The Liberal papers,:,the; Aberdeen Free Press, the Glasgow Herald; the Bel fast•C'lirg, the Londonderry'Stand'' and all oppose' the, bill• The Leeds Bier eery ;Says it is ingenious- and original: The Birmingham Post says it will not tindertake togivc'adecision oft hantl•on the bill. • An examination of the •measure i.a• neeessary_before an opinion is given,' The'Dnblin Freeman's Journal :approves the scheme. ';.The Dublin Irisli'Tirnes and Dublin Express' disapprove ofit.. In Cork there is much ecitement over Gladstone's proposals,.but the' general (pinion of the people is favorable to.thetn: I .! L9f1flofe'Vriatli states that the 'I:rnperial Government has decided to sebsidize'the ••new line of Steamers betweenr•ything 'Col- ambiar hong Keee- Australia,. by pay-- rnb- a: hundred •thousancl pounds sterling annually for; ton : years. . The • stearriers Must be first-class and cis Liable, of carrying gnus and troops...If required; the govern• merit bare 'the right' av 'use the steamers tti.the:e•vent.of tear* .These are the naual- .coridieiuns rittrrched; tr, ateainer;s carrying A Belleville telognni says': ' 'The 16. year-old sun . of- M r. James Morton, 7th con. of Tyendinaga, was instantly killed on Tuesday, by thcf limb of a tree whioh feWois fruit-- . ` The rector of St, Paul's, Kingston, has heart giving the rdCmizens ef..the-Limestone • ,r�• city his ulk*is:: rbo'at nmbliuq in ic,nitt• •- O�f�nea o�x,� ELtilXOTT ELoc1. II NEXT. DOOR •,'l'(I 'i'I1i`. CCTV 1300K STORE, BEDROOM SETS • 'PARLOR' SET-. LOUNGES .....NGE S, 'LOU G S C 1u tfvauking his humorous'eratcMors for their liberal Patronage ithe past, begs be s to;aurtuuuee that`he lrss:;lust received a splendid n.ssortuntrt'l'.uf ;t•oupit t iNtrift, I.,trr5r So'li,tM..-;•'A '1'\V ELI).' , 1)It1 i 4 (rO01)hf PRINTS, 11l'S I\ 5; (,Ii\"(i1L \L', S 1.A,C E ' 1',i1ifLOIDER,I3+.S, 4HJPrt.NU'S, (011ON DES.: l?.I'(''7 ,F' it. DENIMS T iy liEDS. a specialty, and ''a iirst•class.I'aiIor who guarantees a tit. A -full Supply -4' li'ai d tn'tde BOOTS and SHOTES just arrived for. the spring trade. A fresh astortutent of WA,LI. ' PkPJ;ft,.nescest•patteins .. • .' , 111, ritual: of GEOOERILS•is Now and Pieslr. • Try our 50 cent 'Y-uting liy=sate-Tl A, best value•over offered to the puhlic. HAItpWVAltE, CIIOC.CEIrit and ti[AS5,1yAlti, at full. supply. LARDINE and CROWN OIL for Machinery,- always op hand, anti : everything usually kept in a first lass-oourtry-store, :COAL OIL ..ti) ce: rket price phial in.trade fnr+ U7,,1 ER'i. l frfx$,. OATS', fir. `'t`•oino out: and •all an,l inspect•iny ' ;stook, ;so,trouble to. show goods: N. 145;--I have also pit,ehased a:•l'urge tivantity of the 13L.l,1..1 TIN 'f'At,•13[,N IiINO "P'sV I NE". Heat in the market, which 1 otter at the. lowest. possible 'rate..., r,. 'e' ba Ver, 'ed,9YOUNG tf-erests of. eery�ifeOCc . 3YSU1r which We will sell for a month At- 4Leta. by'thefilb.•caddie.: This is the beet value ever offered in. tlfis.eo,anty, Don't t . fail. to ge ;t caddie before •`it is -all sold. We have opened 'a full stock, of• New 'Valenta, Raisins, Extra Selected ValentaRaisins, Black Baket Raisins. Seedless Reis s~,• Sultana' Raisins: Nj't\v (J 1tlt ANTS, NOW S.Tfl LL .D. ALMONDS, 'NEW .1. Oft LI \ (,1? .AND CITRON' PEEL... ' 2lbs,'. GOOD 11I:I N EP (:'ANDS" FOR ''24'a'', C'till slid•:I:irspeet Mir Stocl-, • . 1 i- • •er_ N"TON isswiewsisasamisomemeimisiatermammiswes 1 -VARNA,' March 5th•;,:lbtfti,. qtr»« JOSEPH.- MrORII.O ',• • bly,plain language. Emerson, Mew*. John.. 1)pyle,..rt drummer' frosnSt,, Paul, BItrin wr,,,_ grot to hand it) $2000 (tire proceeds of his last trip) to his employers. IHa-ilrrrposectrto exhibirre'irl3aratker and severaletlier,.of thi,; North west Indians His nrgunronty were (in• imical on the bold and true, statement that nn' one matt .050 legislate for any atter than to the tatisfac. tion of the latter, . 110 illustrated this by the •experience ttirh; the Cofoniea before and hinco they 'were nrancipated from Dnwf i tg Street rule. The nntlin's of lir, Ciladsfnne'sitneasure 'a are as follows • -. Full lealslativtr and neln,rni„trative3.aufd• not* is given to Ireland except with re- gard In certain retert'od and slteeifierl subb- latelyrolease'd from prisor,'n Great Britain. 'Mr. Mack Huo'se,.tvho hes the achenie•in hand, thinks, "there's millions in it." • ,i farmer. named Downes • drove into 'teestvater with it 4800 teen}, which -he wa walked into ami eon :an , roR 1 •have'also oil liana a large Stock of TABLE ass - -IlAND) .LAMPS irr every lvaricfty, h[A.IIDWARE and TINS% .RE,a- ,i: 19.1.(4.‘ Ytgol oP..G.G(1.KINCR Intl= - ��_. Iy AR•LO1t STOVES. Agent Mr the GVItNtit s IiElt1 (17t•i j BOYNTON PURNA•OE: . -�1 us�trliess i'541'1latttii.Itrtftlr.ltrliiclfl tirl[ Seetsawass SIDEB.CARDS,,..-:,CHAIRS &c AND A- •Ji 1 7i1l,ti, • Mson'rstl�,�i1' nl l l 1 t•,r1' I31, 'i fiaAS0:.Anial PItft i e. • , y i' , :tfAri , I` T ltd '11 . C f.T• A7' chan deft standing , , -The-enders/geed begs to notify the people of Cltirtnu awl. vicinity.thakhe has bought tie.: .. ontn.de to ad1•Iinln� Betel..: • The tenni lk 1 t th mill d d ]"%� RUPTURE %]�.�D��1 ��] .: •. .. x T . were drowned, . _ ` .L L+ lfi (:J PT V ,.��!`L. D •i •. HARNESS BUSINESS S formerly ..carried oil by ` . L Nextiiil ]•reit, (Myer, :Mowat and .Bits. Mowat r r ► 1 . ,�3 y at , , ° y t •" , ,' 'Truss .A,ttl that he is piepated tb.tnriusl, passed through London. on.:Saturaay en 0 CHAS, CIA J YIY, S P 1 eplll ed r1 j(.( tat lits ro.ate to the l.'acifrc'slo 'slope inc udin a stay Ha a Collars, ill 'f p 1 � y me s pilar Whips, Trunks, Valises,' Buffalo Robes, blankets. t. $' weeks iii COTOrao. 1'LeGuelph114fa` s s p , ;a��d, �. y that ,ciine ti or 8 of the pro ont'•filtt'lkeepers will' leave the city on the 1st of May, Horne t f -the' ' nrerntses will be entirely cl'osed. Farm hands in 1 Is h � e lower end of -The cl ire county Of Halton are a!tl ing-$:.'() .per month and borr1, which lx teddy given liy the thrillers. • JIas Crured iii f`otil' 1'Il0ft1Tw.,-.l.)oc toi's' Wear and v f t - , ..,And. everything iia ally kepo, in a iirstWAfls IJiarheia ries at'tbo lowest est ,ric ' r `via �., l,'. t c prices. 'ale r ltoconmi•end them; as the best .for all closes. attention is directed to my stock of Litr'trt H ctr`a- , w•hies 11vi11 tnako tt specialty.. D(,Scriptivo Circulars on.` )plication to. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, , .,UNTO., owr. �i • • •G,tii.I,G'• AXa4LILtlG 1: LtOMP,bLSi A.a.Ti.StVThalol TO,. •�P asttivet a to tion to bsitiees> and carefully Y studying n the w1ts..tf tnSnstrrner r • 1 e s� t o-- .tmer•itleha e of phtrdunfe. (,ave ms a raltttfartjnrcbuysng alamllef.. • ItEh$11IE wit Ain.< 'I,