HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-16, Page 31' 0 41.•. • 6 p' tIDAY,; APRIL, 16, 1886, . PERTHNEWa; - Esc-ohief Wilsons of Stratford, has at: cepted the Iioeition of chief' ,of police, in Ingersoh. Mr. John 'Wilson, of Lietowel,'broke his leg the other day, by tripping over an im- properly set grating. Mr,. Wm. golgnhoun, ofMitgliell, has pprohased from. Mr. John Jacobs. a half interest in the fine stallion, "" Scots Wha Hae." The. Windsor hotel, Stratford, has:again changed han ds, the new proprietor being Allele Huffman, formerly of the Defoe House, Belleville. • Mr. Andrew, Fart has. traded his. hotel property, at Fullerton. Corners, with Messrs. Ford and. Murray; for their Tilly feria in Logan, paying.adifferenee aortae. thing over $1800. Mr. Andrew Buchanan has leased the Commercial hotel,_ Carthage, (LYloruington) for -a number of years from Mr, Alexander NEWS NQTFS, A saloon keeper' .in'Sharon, Pa., is to be Whaf Mstsitobani, 8sy. 1 _...-,-...�._ a .y..,.. i►bilg'tifly,,. The Winnipeg News, which ie the Con - tried for ruantlaulthtet' because one of his. servativo Organ there, thes•speeke cif th latest e disallowance act of -the Goyera • adapt themselveeto the restrictions whi 1 customer died of alooholiem. M Thomas W meat e, arren of Tinge], � has a ,, Warren, R , , Ther n f the ?ederai�tgctlaerninent • People traveU:ng in localities where it e IM impossible its heyg.-the •hlatt•1:'`conveui- Id. a tile. d't" f eh cow weighing • 1,567 lbs, which since last. j d' 11 t't+,w n January has gait 18371ba, Sim Jones has..accepted the invitation of the Miniaterial Association, to come to s 'Toronto for three weeks this fall. A New York judge has ruled that te hus- band is liable kir slanderous words spoken 19a owantte .,f certain. Manitoba railway charters, received in this city to -day, is so fax as the people hero can understand the case, not #lnly.al...dsrtxrlright-•piece---of tys ranny ou the part of the Dominion cabi- net towards this province, but •lt direct breach of faith.. he act will prove is se - by hta wife, and' on this ruling a verdict of ,were strata un the loyalty of Sir John's 6 cents was rendered by a jury against a ;suppertcrs ii thol\iorthwest,and witl"clrive, man whose.wife 1 tl had uttered the algnder: the opposition to frets of politir119io1(nce,. It appears from the cannel repgrt of The 'Evening News, emphettcally con. the Cunard Steamship Company that the `lamps the Ottawa authorities for the oompany'a loss by the Oregon is over action they have token, It will Postpone $500,000. The: vessel was valued at the day of prosperity in this Dart. -.of -.the $1,245,245, and the -insurance was $00 , Dominion for a long period, told tax the $ ' endurance of a loyal, industrious Y -, people 000. beyond what they will b An•auctioneex s sale in London recently a I ear silence. i 1 eptly The hand of oppression must be .repelled. revealed that private indaviduals'had tag- bya free people 'nevery ' g en policies in insurance con nies on people i land, titeu to the a ossa. One of t1P eefor $?0 0 oppressors may characterize the stet .as p -disloyal. . T -bo llpttis--has--come when - patience is no longer a virtue." A. prominent Tinnier itlIlianitob expresses himself in rather' a'discour way about matters in the West :- • " Things' are growing worse all the The C-P.R. is crushing tate life out'o settlers, s e Our wheat a was badlyfr and they have tried every. schemto ant it fr v om going out of the count e r ear it. f would hurttlt� wt sch -. ems of ffo their bonds, and the ,press of the pro are enslaved by them, and dare not s word against alu t i" g s them,- and'any one ape „his mind a h nst them is hound death by the press, but I. will speal mind though.heaved:in' rains should A large ;amount of wheat was .burne the field here uncut, and,a lot lifter b cut. 1 threshed over 1,200.lxusbele, have but 300 T_,.an sell at any price,. that at twenty cents per. bushel; and yon will hear weave prosperous and' tented. We have• a siding within '9 in of us now, and if rightly dealt with w be all right. I have 100 acres ready wheat, but do not know whether to it or not, for it ismighty discouraging would get out of here at once, but. family; are�all settled hero and we c get away. They'd -het Sailer with fro Dakotealike we here, and they are crirahe ` monopoly like we are, wheat tides are not.s i h .which • o g_ ma about'tWe.ty tents 'per bushel- in p :and y,011, can ship -as yotr.like-and t do not force you to put it through ale ors as, they `do here, which costs th cents per bushel. There6ill be lot the -grain' left. in our granaries,. as t are not to Save grain. • The wheat are selling here.for twenty emits•is two fifty cents in .Dakota, and yet our pap say they are. bringing wheat frorn.there Manitoba, w_ which t h s a deliberate be ate li e. T grades in Dakota are. two grades lo than here; that is, wheat 'that grades •• &^here would grade No. 1 there, and smell buyers are crowded off the roar hare bvthe .Ogilviee and the C P.R.; latter not furnishing the small, buyers c Our people have been drawing to.s5idn ee-waseliter ifs of tit (� Urquhart, who has -retired frearthe- heat Vas (sl]'ered for sale. Itirt n queer kind of nese, and moved to his new residence in speculation, Carthage. To test ii ff t' b I A.0 Miss Ford, of St; Marys, was leav her uncle's residence in the West Ward ' Friday, she -slip -0d on a piece of ice fell tothe COnn id.In trying to to save h g Y R self her a rm came in'violent ,oleos o0 ntaot w the ground, breaking the bone, Two little Mitchell o b a• nettled i Ja boy m Hill and Wm.Moodie, secreted themael in some hay in a. car °entailing hoe -bound d far Manitoba. a. The b were disc q tired by the Owner `cif the tierces and H was sent back,. at the•request of his moth who was telegraphed to., Moodie has • yet returned. Mr. Hugh W, Brown, of Hibbert,' 1 an Tuesday for Dakota, where.he inters to travel'his fine htjrse "" General," Pu chased from Mr,John Lynch, of MpKillo • at a large figuite, .The animal is aired imported "" General," and from . an •"" 0 Haddo" mare, possesses fine action wi good 'bone and muscle, and • weighs, 10 m3 carried ed off:several series 'at t various shows held in 'P.irth.and .Euro and is perhrps as fine a. Canadian ,draw ariaafer-left-Usirada - • . The death of Mrs. Elisabeth' Carus zztother-of• the wife .of the Rev. W. Burges of Listowel, occurred rather suddenly o Wednesday afternoon. •`• Mrs.: Ourtne ha been- ailing for a fewrd are, but her deceas Was not looked" for: ,A ohange. in her ap pearance, however,,decifled; Mr,, Burges .to oall in Dr. Michener.. Before doings he_did- some other-little-business--inetown • and a messenger informed him of the and den 'departure of the old. lady before h reached the doctor's office. .. .A'Ford wich correspondent of the.L4ato well 1 Banner su dies his ern •- PP J y On Sun da night. y,two of our most .prominent Citi "zeiM •by name Jos. McMinn and 'Andre McGrath, while in the pact pf•excavating grave inthe cemetery, :lead a very Budde surprise by a 'white .object suddenly ap peering .before.. then accompanied ' b smoke and fire. The terrified men fled for their lives, dropping their tgnls ancj-nc taking. time t.p Iifetheir •garments whit they bad thrown; aside, ran 'down: the'hil to the bridge where another els.plosicititook place. Thea raveled the, .town in a' very, few minutes and could: s:careely--tell the tale for• trembling i'n their fright. As Mc Grath hoes under the nate° of Colonel, an was supposed to ba a very eourageette man 'he will 'now have to give -up as • such, fir he carne dow.n.. the hill •at• the rate -of six feet to the yard,•and not 'going lilok tie 'complete t'he job until the smiled risen far up in the-heaveps the next iit'orning, .: Ale,:. Minn,, being a more. superstitious elan thin' ]¥Garth, was the firat•to diacuver,tlie so- eall�d'ghost,.and being a much youiger Mall .than his companion,• soon• left him far behind, coming into Kennedy'sa.hotel-with• his hat on three. hairs,' -followed in.a few minutes by the Colonel even in'a'worse predicauientthanhimself: • . BLit•ktappeare- that McMinn had not' the. courage le re= turn -to the completion' of. the. job as had: McGrath:. • . -• . '• •-• The Mitchell Advocate' .of las. week - Mention s.these cleanse;. ;,Sunday Mrs: Cathariipe Lunney, `3rd con of Logan, • • while, attending to household' duties, lard down to rest, and in lees than_lialf an ' hour was found to lie dead, having passed away peacefully and without giving the slightest warning ; she ,was Iu the 75th year of her age. In .Hibbert; en' Friday, Mrs. •Ed•ward Roach, &later of Mr; Frank Carl- ing, of Mitchell, after a few days' illness, also passed -away. One Monday morning Mitchell was atartled' on heeeing-of the 'death of the . beloved Wife of'Mr.. John • Whyte, jr.; aome few, days before,she gave birth to a little one, -which only lived a few .hours,. and although everything- was done that human. hands could do', the unfortun- ate woman grew weaker and 'weaker until . _ ._..-she--w:as•=- celled away to a better; land. Death also visited another home,-. early Tuesday ,morning; Mr. Riohard Ruston. an old settler of Mitchell, who hal beendll for many manths, departed this life: at the age of 55 years; Last Sunday morning a little son of Mr. John Longworth, McKil-• lop, aged 'about.six years, was playing about the house in •full• enjoyment of health; in the afternoon he was a Cor se hev_iilg, rieii-after-n-4, w�htiurs it Hess, ':Tile very . sudden death of George, eldest son of Mr,' Samuel Harris, Bethel,. Fnll.erton, on .the 1st- inst,; was.tt 'surprise; to everyone ; lie was a,fine, streng young man of thirty-five sum iters, and bad always enjoyed good health, and the, summons came to him so 'uneapeotedly--that-this aletiek wase Bovero • one for his friends. Mr, Caleb Winters, Rho has been a, resident of, Mitchell from his youth, was cat down by that fell de• stroyer, consumption, on Wednesdayafter- `tloon•; he was eon the street some few 1 Y + era ec,luus, a n ton Choosy, leg New York, than had his sweetheart told on that he was killed, . The girl was frantic and with grief, and attempted suicide by hang- er, to herself inr It a barn. n. She was discovered red it h and out domain time to says her life. The ,directors of the Canadian. Paoifie e Railway • received m.r eery ed a reportr from c their ves Agent:General in Fngld giving a very sea encouraging account of, the prospect -.of 'v --large ' oimmigration n to 6 -the Northwest rth wee thr- ill- t ing'thie spring and summer from the oar• er ious countries in Europe. net putting r March. nearly 7,000 French- , Canadians left Bontrienture,depot'ler New eft England and Middle . States. Two bun ds dread and twenty-seven families represent- s, ing about 1,000 persona, ivho left the Pro- p, Vince of •Quebec, it is known will permit - by nently remain in the States: . • Id Blood will tll.". • A. face adorned t with th pimples, boils, •blotches, &c., is not a particu 00 Tarty pleasant 'sight, and 'invaris,bly betokens he an impure state of the blood, . • Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free•tbe system from alt gross .� hY. humors, renders"the blood puce and cook aids 8.. digestion and gives a healthy a .petite., Porsale;by-all•;dtuggists-in. g .—ij tiles at 60 aeries: e, Mi; Q. A. Fitrini, who has recdiitlytra, s, yelled extensively in the :Ka}ahari desert u north of Cape "Colony, in South Africa, d now reports that Jie--.found: millions .o£ e' acres of nutritioes grasses,•anil.•he:beliereti: that-eo called desert will'fil tints become• s .one of the greatest cattle producing: coun- o tries in .the world. • . , `Puoadey's storm .last. week- dad •almost. .irreparable damageto the Island kit Toon- e to. Edward Hanlon reckons 'his'. loss at $10,000, and the majoritvof the•reeidences have been damaged to the extent of from 100 to ` $ x00 Or a $ .tote , 1 of nearly 1 $20,000. Y$ One -residence. was completely broken_ up „ and scattered hither and thither.. • a; A. wedding ef,.,.un:usual' interest; .owing. n to the advanced. age of the-'artiea 'coli-. cerned, • took place at Glencoe en the 5th y 'inst.,'Mr. James Stenson,.' of Glencoe, for- : merly ayeoman, •aged. eighty.reven,.heing united -in the " h' „ " h Burr, of Euphemia, • the lady. having.also 1" . 'e''" ' " ' I ' attained the, mature age of seventy. eight. .cites, and they will have to draW.elsewhe now.• Oats are 18 cents, and,pork $3.u` 'A Camden, 'Ark, .despatch. aays ::.Some Weis:e.en'the verge ol'` " " time. ago Dr,; T, H. Boyd wee-inoarcerated.• Ix Pantc.here. in the • County Jail for horse stealing, for We have refrained up , to the press d which: offence' the doctor is a -much -wanted ,from stating the fact that a, number .c mad in several localities in this State and farmer's have_left.this Province for Dake r Texas. `As a.bigamist aieo, it will be Been this spring, in the hope that the 'prese' that the doctor is an expert. Thursday he; sittings of both the' Local and Doininio confessed in waiting over awn signature Douses would give ' us legislation that .• ti also aging ti i13 e, ' f tire e. pre- y, for axing vince nY >t a king ed to c my. fall, d in Bing and and yet con- iles ould for sold ritI 4411 st in not and kes pi - .and hey vat- tee s 'of' dern•ess;. you kin hey anytlengiyote l'ke. hoe • here, sonny -anything you like." •' w Sonny"• entered t e Ile hot's but ttlleAi� 1 k' d nut c o 1 e ha itis3 .i,py. els.' • • he wer No. all get the ars. ey, al 3t re 0: present ,f Dakota nt n at e. et o• t: s n enceseelassean be had in cities; shou cin t tons enforce with the ,best grl. possible. To do otherwise is to sonnies, expose one's self to the ridicule .of the who are more easily satisfied, or who h more good sense. :r1 fastidious young m from New York was :revellieg in t .Peocky.ilountains. At nightfall thecae rev before $ 1 un , f a l .+ eoto , toren cabin iv' the ward"Hotel:' on tiepins slab over t low .door. The young man was their passenger to alight, and be was in a burr for he evidently meant to sec;urethe b accommodation the houses aflilrrled, "11'here' the portals ;"' iw asked ore etont, rniihlt-Iookin'g man who came o of the cubist with his pipe in hi.s mouth, " Where's the what''" asked the man. " I hr'Tpnrtale". `Porta h' to which ?" "To the house; to the hotel, of eour'+e, h, yeas; I'm he." e.. Weiteinst•'get-tny'baggage t in room at once, [s the landlord ip'?''the asked. yeas.; 1ve11, I'm he." .• CBa4.. ZW' ART,.• • s e t zeta of ¥luneapolfa, a practical TAILOR and OUTTER ee rf several years experience, desires to intimate to the se People of CAnton and Vuolnl that he has commenced ave an IN - THE BE4YFR: BLOCK, he eh in rrolt es Poster k lln ley's Photo (lallery, where' he tr111 be pleased to f111 all orders en abort notice,. 1111 nue at reasopabte rates, Cloth O t cut or etre t 6 i. jest no L dcalr p J e a e . Orders • I rd c r t sperstfany sollelted, st - Y, CLINTONt� .i be • C N.cN SEED T () tl l{ ut " "" What -you? Well"-FltrfMIi tienlly-= ' 1)Crhitps ou'-re tlre'clerk too:"'; '" Yalta; `atran ger, I'm th •".. , (, • C clad, orifi he winkeda 0 r. ishl • • u 1 at the Il II. e eat ye(1. pas en s ars g anyl the bell. boy, lull the chum bermaid, and diniu''rootn gel, and at Elie ie a , rest throw ed ed ln. r Int• that case,"and the city man drew himself up,_feeling that he had been made fun of-" in that case let me have your best room, with plenty of towels, and hot watah and an open fire.". "" Smith! •Yeas. That's so have , You Carl e it, stranger. They s Pee -tern rooms in the -whole she -bang, and you kin hey the free run of 'em'both, if'one of 'em Te the kitehing. An" I reokon if you fly around lively, and git the fust use of the washpan, you'll git more good of the tow- el' nor if you waited till the•rest of the folks'was-done with it,' Mebbe'you kin wait till mornin', We change the towel ev'ry Sattaday, and this is Friday." "Allsir, I-I--weally". •All right all right, sonny. Run eight long in, and make yourself to'horne. You kiti -lsev-tit- tielddle: bunk* oei--ttre-*igh:t- ,ia6c1 tva11, and kin call it a 'bawdor' or'a `sweet' or. a drawin'room or' anything you'. `please. You kin, take your meals in it, if arm want to and kin 'take'erri lyra'-doµ'r They ain't room to situp," .rind there; was a meriy'twinkle in the labdlesrd's e.'e.' r .tell 'you, we knew whatgond. hotel=keopin' is if we do live in 'theivil. to Sheriff Bragg to eleven marriages they intend would show t ed doing' spine: • A steer was killed by a Virginia city but Expecting, t interests tof hat tthey Pwil lac 'ter cher the ri,e 9 y , day,e., whoco n8e .teetheathe letel e art ed uo Something; before itis too lat' we stat PP p y ncr4s mal ,that what we hove said is .an 'actual" -fat nwitfigold andeilver;bullien, The animal If is came from a ranch on -Career; River, and is desired we can 'give the localitit •it.is thought the metal'acoumulatea on his from which they have ;one.-73rando teeth while he was drinl ing the river:,wat San. er,.which' :is impregnated with the tailings s from tha_mills.reduagg.`Comstoek-oresr ort - nlz ire-tapnelit. ' Do not take pills tauf potedere Containing The Caeada Pre-shyteriaa, net] PertY Calomel, tor, •at this time of the. year, the re. sault may be 'serious. •If. you regaire loose afs ...orgatfijo: referring:to the odd -set made. Irby-sin:take Dia Carson's StoraliCh.and consti- •the Tory journal against Mr.: 131ake, pation Bitters: it ads gently on tae bowels, thus febnIces the slander e--" The Dhini- Pariges the blood, improves. the cireelation. pion parliament has by an unexpectedly• stimulates, the liver and•kidneys and s 11' large majority. sustahild the government ih their refusal to Cominnte the death Sens. able nmaliet ef Liberal members voted with the government and seventeen of Sir john's supporters -evoted • against him. ThOngh 'our feelings leaned strongly to the aide. of mercy, even' to Leiria Riel, we have from the first taken- the ground that, all things. considered; juseice forbade any interference with the sentente of the court. the conolusien. et which the Dominion parliament arriVed ; but •we.none the less admire the condeet of the members who vote, as their consciences dictated. All honor to the 'man, whether of Trench er British brigie, wholes the moral courage ew York, waa arrested while in the act . to steed up in a small• minoriey and vote eif setting fire to the building. -More than as he thinks yight. The„threat to 'drive 300 people mere at Work in the buildin s itt the French bolters," as theY. are Called, cures biliousness leadache, dy,spera, eion. Search the drug stores fio one en o Canada fib tile odic gen 'cannot End a remedy equal tb it. r'll•ty• it and use it in youv families. Sold everywhere in large bottles at indictment for 'committing an aggravated asseult, had- the bad taste to „attend a ;dinuer Ohm by the her of. Essex to Mr. Justice Itosei before whom the case ivill be tried. The Judge, when hesaw Mr. White present, informed the meneberwof the bar that he • could not copecientieasly fraternize with, a man who was under an indictment to be tried before hire. Mr. White took the hint --and .aavalla Win. J. McNieliolt, aged 18, employed as met:Selmer in Lovell's book bindery the time. The boy. conCessed"that he in tended to burn the place, and admitted that a ere in the building on Monday last had been set by hini. He also admitterL laet %eels, causing the elevator to fall with a load. The excuse. lie gave was that ho' was tired'of Work, and thought thee by des- troytng the building he would hoe ag ex- tencied holiday. 1V1r.• Lovell -yielded to the pleadings of the boy's.rnother and re, and Mr, Blake, arid the. small number of Liberals who voeed with 'him from pellicle mont, is base, thoroughly t ase, If there is ries-zoerealnetheepablicelifirof-Onneahrfee- rnon who dare to vete as they deetri right, then so inuch,the Worse for Canada. Jim. Bright hes mei° than ogee breken loose from'hie nerty, aye, once et ...least, resign- ad,his seat in the cabinet, bectoise he could not agree with his colleigues on one popet., If•we cannot understand:An:3h conduct -Re- mit -Oh the Worse for us. We had' always At the Mermen general copterence at tried to believe that public opinion 15 riot -Prom:Utah, last weelaii lengthy epistlelto so degraded in Canada and public life noe the ehurchlwas read frbin President John so rotten as many allege ; but if party has Taylor and Gearge O. Cannon, es eee... so corrupted the peoples that a member can-- gratulates the ehurch that circumstances not vote on•the hanging of a rebel half - days age, but it u?as then seen. that his end BO avoratle that the multetudee_cart, I had for years been a miserable snrieror froin Dyspepsia, ana triea all known remedies and the best medical skill of my acquaintaece, , bat still grew worse, until nimble to eat aey- thing without great suffering, or do any kind of wertr. began to think there wee no hope for me, and that I must surery die ; when, determinterto give McGregor 8 Speedy Cure a trial, ne once began to improve so rapidly that in two months 1 Ives as well lisq. had ever been in ity lifes.--Wer, Byrne,' Tamil:me Tom Stride was at woek at the bottotn.ef a tvoll seventy feet 'deep, whets a men et the tnp dropped a crowbar. Ile elled Tom lesike#1 up, saw the bar, atel sue, :AO in deft !See !s lt erne dealt. ferings are,:seVere, that they are not solbacl as theme formerly experienced in. Mitieouri monisas, thoseelringing the persecution Are .adyertising it „ and stimulating the faith of the people. Licentioue, depraved people would not still'er the treatment ex- tended ENS Mormons,. end be'ar it anmur- muritigly if accused. as the Moments' are by the courts, This 18 a war. against marriage and not sensuality, if indulged, according 10 016 popular method. The may be concealed for a time; but through lies propagated by tliose promoting it they are condi* to light, and no the persecu- tion conthittee the teeth Ieaks out. Men earl women go willingly to prisen ho, breed without elieewingallis palitaceLlife irlearenectIlien Canada is in a bad way, Men like Meaars. Blake,. Mills, Cameron and sorne other Ontario. men who voted With them can do quite as wells without a seae in parliament as parliament deo do without thetn. 'And the same is Wei, we have no doubt, . in regard to the Trench Conservatives who voted against the gove ernmeilt. Tor tipythirig we know to the cettrary it may be true of all of them. Some of fliern are certainly eieeptionally able men whose services the conntry -needs, toren if they dr: think Louis Mel should. 1"Blid etoOR ElOt tat,' ;lay (11. All • to, reltioV9 11eriaaelle, Tootle lanribaito Illiemnatistu, lint will it :nee . Intended grey. reel r Sharp: p • ROW fir • 1 A y ( CALLA - I [his' • >? alltr>uc�lt'r Gllr . •-• clO4Dar' MEN TO •GP.IFI. • John McHfirdy, otherwise a D. (;i ,son, a constable of.Lucknowe Ont., arri ed in: theseity, ol1-Sunday expres'slyto At a gang of sawdtict`swindlers and cone tit ed .from afello•w townsman of his, wit had been entitled intobargaining with th swindle-s'for 'a supplycef counterfeit In ney..'.0 i Monday he .registered :at th Grand Tinian Hotel and got roorn'450,• A 10 o'clock Tuesday morning a knock cans to the`door, and; in response .eoa " Com in," IL tlapp'er young man entered.-andlask ed .,for Mr. .Gibson. - The constable -an s'wered to the name, and the visitor an nounced that •he came. from Mr Girar Mt: Gibson's. •eorrespondent, who w�oul be delighted to sea him .at hit:"ofliee,. Th two got into a fourth avenue'0gr Rig behind them' was,.the `United States De laity Marshal Bernhard, and' followin the Carina cab were' two of Anthony Com stock's .assistants ; ' The. Canadian went with his guide -to liquor, store in Bleecker street, i ar t 'bowery: """His companion left him alone few:mil utes,aiul on returning piloted him to tebeer.'saloon':at18 West Thin! street where he intrptlueed• the constable to... muscular, red -complexioned young than who answered to the name of Girard. ,.• Mr. Girard inquired of the Daminiop constable how he came to -get his post oflce'-a-dilress;s The constable. said the he had'get it froin .a friend who.had .done. business with- Girard, . The red -heeded youngman wanted to: kniiw w}iethie the constable had ever...bandled ' '"grcetr ar- titles".himself, and the •constable replied that he had not, but was. de:Arens of be ginning on his own hook. Just' then the Deputy. Marshal •. surd . Comstoek's a aide hurried into the: room and grabbed the two;satvdust men:. There was a ssruggle to get away; but the sharpers surrendered when their captors drew 'pistols. The prisoners were marched. ,before Commis. a loner Shields, where Girard- .:gave h'i3 name as George Keine: His' companion ald thet'hewas •Wtn,l3riscow. Constable itic}ardy produced a lot- of letters .which he said 'came •from. Girard. ..:ile ardy paid that a friend of 'his hi" Canada had iorrowed $200 freln him and had':notpaid 1p, and when asked what had become of he money had confessed' thathe''}tadllieen windled outofi lleged:eott•n•terfeitertrs n ltTew or . The eonstable' then got nto correspondence with Girard. A week go he got ati affidavit and a power of ttorney from leis swindled friend, and ane to thb city to ebIlect`the $200, The Commissioner discharged i,3liscow, dt•held Keine in •51,500 'trail "for the -Grand=,rury; 1 w York Sun to PIE b - V: ,ll ct 0 e O- t - e f: 3 • h r'. a hea CLOVER and TIMc•riIY SE►;D, and all l:lnds Of PER1teteV NT ptsrutu MIXTURES,. GOLDEN VINE .PTAs, BLACK EYE PEAS, WRITE CRAMPION OA'r;, wrrrrn RussraN ss4RLEI, GRQWN trues, 11CAN(, C DS, CAR; ROTS, TURN!' VS, ONION SEED. •I will take OATS lit exchange Tor any or the above seeds. Ask'wlteros se.EEr a ap i1 • , • • Pape, and SEED. STURE JAMES STEEP, oistreI'UN• i t KING POWDER WD THE000K'S BES __ T FRIEND s..WIia, GENERAL DEALER'IN TINWARE - ;.neat N STREET, CLINTON. Roparing'of altkinds promptly attended• to at 'e • able. rates. A trial solicited, • l aauti •1 :vbe speediestand%11r+t certant ructli ,,eisteaKiriltLL FAut1.XEs (SIi ft`. eak.Hnelcl Enlarged Joints, t'nralys1s,Rhea Pelililiu1, 1, roiui,nr ei I)iphtIgrla,i Uterei. iretu,tta: IVa tresThe heist and only certain rewedp. to tenure p is rot' all adu,ua luattcrut.buq• lou,* etpud�ng, rt•stant re f�war. lederlppte.,ttivollea.lolut, Yartcoae vrit.v�heatersectsur htek lrendaehu. $uohne•, t•141N1e 6 . is n e tau ac t. Illaut�oil. •" d 1nfiinnntatiott et the Iiidner,r, 13IIgbt'M .it Iptuijtes,.tncunthasses ,lt rie1,- lo the•ouh - I;btilGe,i;-i- the world puasesslug alterative powers. Von he taken. In teruany; 1 ares° ('ramps and Culie, niurrhwa agd hrsanter, !•qid by nil D"nrrt[ipt,,. 7'rirtl Rotolo, 25x, Write Lit. UIL1 Tl, hos 3,4E3 N. 1', 1'. 0., who will sirs adrlce au all dtaeaae,, l$-Bee8•aru of unarrupuloua liealc'ra and counterfeits. • The irnoutna has lite nave blot) u Its the glass and facsimile pf the dtaxnterer'a nano ores each tort, of LE9 I)It RO lk D usxb axis a rrtL - aafe o ]lableundellut{rv, purely vegetable. . For tanners of on dtae N a eN of tht. Suer hex, Livor, Bowels, tell. Sold h all dru �iata at tae. per hue. .. r r i R 1 ROBERT D()WNS, .. F' C' LL\ t T)lr manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Nay/ i fl t the oar' Emilia 1'ATMtDOW in use. Agent r AI/TO Ir the IATIQ le and BBOILER °ratit,K, 'STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on sheet ttetieo,. - • Ii0tiers.,Engpnen, anti all Dhotis. of 111 chtine'ry. repaired e•petit tl.,naly and x -' is it,raiixt►4:tory manner: r Farurirnptenrenl+ tuannl'a(:Eured iittd roper:id. •.Stea:u and water Pipes furnished and put In positron. Daffy Kilts fitted tip on application. (Merges moderate. Ftjr - t , 'C WERE• . • aid Tomato-_-�Pl��t-s-�A�r��.c�"_ ' . HAIR i BALM, "�LMELO)Zh��'Jtl��1 , .Restores re,,, air drive in a few:days; a\ arge stock to select from. Conte and lee .them:: PINE APPLES: NEW t l: V OlI Y an ORANGES d r . I.i„VIONS,-.NEW CADDIES, A1` ALL; Choice, .Brands of Cicalas and T0BAcc.op. 0BWQ ...BUTTER extol EGGS 1.rANITED.' For which 11re1•Iighest'casli •price is paid • • :tf11S. • R.120DERIOK aecaseie aroma Etunov Si!teeteCraabox.,- Pi&ail) Notice. THIS AN 0 N URCfMENT (i f ism moneys which the had reed ,U Y, +rL����iJI1lIJ 1 UlG is ti, rhe market to compete with any 0.- - Diamond ,,llarro}v . made, . • • a • working worty Years For a Bride. Wm. t", Leach. was Married a few days ago at Erie, Pa., to Miss Lizeie Herrick,. to whom he has been engaged for 40 years. rick's parents, who wore in good Anancial, circumstances, objected to her marriage to a poor, young man. Leach reeolved to overcome this objection, mid went West to arainnulate a fortune. After many- year of diseotuagement in raining he " strook' it rich" in Idaho and returned fore the giel he left behind '40 yeare ago. apt found a bride of 57 instead df 17. 'The proud pa - Tante who thought their datmliter too gond for a man with other wealth than ids mus- cle and brain, heve ht the intetvenin years become poor, end are now dependent 30 "fuggier, tO be finished op Ifor moving, and Material for 400 stet of Marrows. . gotiAlistancling all ' the -opposition' by those sPeeia113- Interested, I will i3ell to any man :who 11111k collie before the tat er January, IMO, a •set ,f Harr° We dutliplete, for the sinall Sum ;of 58, - tad more than that, w:11 warn, ut then) •for one. he eta tomen,,s wades. t patent harrows. what•I say about !raj, Ilt ows is mg right, • His, answer, when asked ft) estimenial; Was 'I will sign inv name to anything you.writeabout ht laming's Patent Barrow. Cannot break it or ahake it loose. Wo.trld have nO•other."- The game ansu er is Oren 'by the Tiplady's, T. Gib-' Whom I have sold tb. 'Enci afro of:these tural color, re moves Dandruff stops the hail from falling oat increases• it: growth, and will not soil the skin. As.a hair dres- sing, it has--wr. superior. Guar, anteedl armless. Prepared by "Harkness & Co • Lond' o lit• . • London, U gild by ail', •t i•'+. ,•'r awl Patent :Il h. ;oi"f Dealers :.tcmiai.`�k+••." �� . . . E. _ Cure for 15:Cateor Pal; - N oNtlf.,aluoTiirt,ei?erine arntenita • ing manhood, ner- vousneSs,wealmess, lack of vigor, Strength andde-- Yelopment, caused by indiscretions, excesset, etc. • Benerita en a day; cures usually vrithin a. month, No deceptesn nor glutekery. Positive .prbofs, full destriptwiammeds of testimonials, with letter of advice mailed in- plain sealed envelopes, free. GROCERY & PROVISION STORE ehat she his opened eout in MR. 'THOS. COOPER'S' OLD STAND; a full line of For sale by the GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R. R. CO. Sugar maple the pringipp.1 timber.. Advaneages: Ralltbads already built, clus towns and cities, one of the healthiest parts of the United States, purest water, good markets, fine fruit; good koads, schools, &lurches, large agricultural population, best building •material, at low figures, good soil, low prices, easy terms,' perfect title. .For books, maps, charts, and ati ' T.and commissioner, grand Rapids, Mich., French and Almeria n ,iery•. large number of• lions -and. brood mares hdlie. Correspondence illustrated catalogue, Islaml gome Stool( Fara All stock 'selected from the -get of sires` - and 'dams of estab- lished reputation and regis tered in the Stlid Books, We have a. imported and grade stat- or) hand. Prices reason. solieited. Sead for large tree by /hall. . a.dilrese etroit, Rich. Cabinet Parlor Furllitorc The subscriber Recut! LIM finest „ the shortest 'make and loweskprlecs. . Lead log' Undertaker, 1,--" :JE WELLERS axis OPTICIANS... • 'intoNzE8,-VARBLE STAITARY; THOS, STEVENSON BRIC-A-13RAO, ETC. .yonanns AND RETAILERS 4:11P ' .itipnkr AND WALTHAM WATCHES STERLING SILT.ERWARE"; TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE, AMER/0AX CLOCKS, ' TINE CUT (MASS, ETC., ETC.; 14b woonwAttp .AVZ:, DETROIT OPBRA...H0t;SE 111,00E, It PPP, a: citl'al CEI,Ii1341 Gan and Invesiment (5052r