The Clinton New Era, 1886-04-09, Page 8.r
CLINTON NEW ERA A Loh,►L BRIEFs...-Mr. E. Mullins. train.
despatrer, Stratford, at one time athtipf
I?RIDAY, APRIL 9, 18$6, agent here, hap been transferred. to Lon!.
UNi9$aM5, Clinton. •
GRAND OPENING on Saturday next at the RED
- • to visit hobekig itto ShOar soma'31P9 v Pty CODUnuing his. studies at
=earn on uur a., ou vi e
ordcratukon� Ier,DACK's celebrated Mand•sewed gins: 0 -p
Bootf and Shoes. W. TAILOR & SON. because of injuries sustained by a defective
sidewalk • this items is scarcely necessary,
for the guidance of Clinton councillors,
but it will do no harm to keep, it in mind;
Miss Lane, after spending a few days with
friends at a' rural place called Seaforth,
has returned to town; she wanted to be
in a place where there i some,life. Mr.
John Cornish, of the base line, left for
Whitby, on Monday. where he has some
business to transact. Mr. T. E. Joslyn,
Wbe .boasts of Clinton as his birth -place,
and where be has scores of .friends, has
commenced business for bimsblf in Sea -
forth.; succees to you, Tom.• Mr. G. N.
Uavls,- of , Gofler eb.,,'br'oiher of Mr• S.
Davis, Clinton, announces that he is going
to withdraw from business and seek a
warmer climate. • Mr.. W. J. Paisley has
bought: of Mr. M. Kelly, the 57 acreson
the Bayfield road owned by him.
youngest daughter oflt. Holmes metwitb
.a;pajnful accident the other day; she was
running, with a stick in her mouth, when
she fell, the stick entering the fleshy part.
of the cheek for about. an winch. Mrs.,
Moffat, of this, place, who has been visit-
ing her daughter at Parkhill, has returned
to town. Mr; H. Snell is one of the
judges at Exeter Spring Show, and 11Ir. J.
J; Fisher acts in the same capacity at
Mitchell. The •ten acres on the Huron
road, Goderich township, next to Mr.
Henry Cook's, mentioned as' sold to this
person last week, has since been sold to
Mr. John Glazier. Mr. John Callander,
who . has a temporary position at St.
Thomas, was here fora couple of days
this week; his _family are Still. here, and
there is a possibility of him taking. a per-
manent position here again. • Mr. James
Smitlrrepresented the Liberals of Clinton
at the Court of. Revision for the Franchise
Act, held before Judge .Doyle, at Gode-
on Tuesday; Mr. E. Corbett appeared
for,the Conservative's. The Doherty Orthe gan
of 3.31Ya monthCo. are new ; and tilt cning mit annot tk keep -up
with.the. demand. Mr. T. C. Doherty.
displised of a Beintzman piano last week
to Mr. D. Buchanan, Mr..G Wybrowleft.
on Monday morning-for-Escana-bar•Mich.;.
where he purposes; working at bis trade.
A, Taylor., the popular.'merchant of •]3e1-
grave,.was in London on Monday sorting
up his spring •stock, which• will; he corn:
piete his. spring
few days, •and he dropped, off,at
Clinton on'his return; and spent the night:
at the Grand Union Hotel, run. •by Mrs. •
Morley,. formerly of Belgrave. The' wife
of Mr. H. S: McLean is viiiting:friends in
Detroit. Mr. John Lockwood, late, of
own, is clerkingiu'.a store .in Aberdeen,
akota. •Mr. W. Stanley, the well•known
inn:dement agent,:hats disposed oo,four
binders already tkis season: , 11Ir. Thos.'
Eppy sold a driving• braise .to Mr: John
Holifies last week. , i12r. W. Smithson is
on. the sick list.• Beatty-Bros.,ofBrussels,
who have bought oust. a livery business
there, are: brothers of those :in the 'same
business here.- Miss E. J. Foston, form-
erly of Brockville, hut • who has been
stopping with . her aunt herb for .'some
time, died on Tuesday last ofconsuniption;
her brother came hereto see her a few.
days before she died ;. the remains were
taken to Brockville' for 'interment. The
entrance "'examinations Tor. admission to
the county High.Scheels, will •be held in
Seaterth; Clinton, and- Wingbam, 'on the
5th, ' 6th and 7th of July next. Mise
Minnie;Steep, youngest daughter of Mr.
Henry Steept.was united in marriage, to
Mr. Jolin Wise; of,Ooderich township, on
Wednesday ; ".they• have the best wishes
of a large circle of Acquaintances; at the
very same hour Miss am'tnell,',(a cousin
of Miss Steep•- who vas recently here.on-a
visit, was.. married. at.' New' Baltimore,
D'DIES do not f II hone,
s t d y the loin rhes. A. lady reeaverecT a heavy
a a t th corporation
don. Mr. Tos., Whitehead, who bee been
in Ottawa several weeks on business, re-
turned to towin last week. The announce-
ment, in these columns that Mr, Linklater
of the Model School, would study for the
ministry, led to a number of applications
being tendered for his position, but he
retains his connection with the school for
of St ff 11 ,
Cali and see the WINDOW POLgg fut la@s sbrtaine,
t, a thotiEll�bCIi;%RSTORE•
THE RED ROCKER STORE is now filled
with F
niture from collar to garret, four fats,. which will be
sold cheap.
LADIES, Hoberteei. has•tho largcst•eseortmont
of Now Spring Dry Goods to be found in the. County,
and at 'armee which defy competition Got samples.
Nearly 500• different kinds of Wait '4RCr and
BORDERS,fromom 3o to, 5C1 to vhoose from at
u 11 complete for 75 cen f, t
l'Zf ow -o 1l epi . ,
GOOD COLT Mr.'Robt. Martin, of the
day, t af iviintonstlia old, and it
turned the scales at 1,100 pounds, an ex-
ceptionally' heavy weight for a. colt this
age. It was got by -lanes' Prince Arthur,
out of his own, imported mere,, and Mr.
Martin values it at $500. •
FARM SOLD.—Mr, Thos.. Jackson, of
this place, has bought the farm on the
base line, . known as "The Fonts" or
Whitehead farm. It consists of 824 acres,
and is said to have been sold at $20 an
acre. It requiresconsiderable improve -
anent, ..having been tenanted' for some
time, butt it is nevertheless a.very eheap
farm at this figure. ' • '
• SuRGIoaL.—The wife of Mr. W. Stan -
bury, of the London R•lad, who has been
suffering some time from a tumor in tire
breast, underwent an operation last iyeek
for the removal of the same. • Three medi-
cal men performed the operation which,
though exceedingly painful, was bravely
borne by the patient, who is•doing as well
es could be expected uhder the circum-,
stances. -
COSTLY. -Last week some one Who was
not Honest enough to disclose nils identity
broke a $6•pane of glass in the window. of
Mr. S. Davis' store,. notwithstanding that
there' is an iroh bar in. front of the win-
dow to act as aguaid for it.'. This was no
sooner replaced than another oneof the
same size was accidentlybroken.
• a kind of business in which there is no
profit. •
—The Plattsville, Bright and Drumbo
Star is the name' of the latest aspirant in
the newspaper line, for support.. It-: is
neatly printed,and doubtless expects wto
fill a long felt want," but our opinion is
that there are more papers'now trying to
'.fill a long' felt want',' than you could fire
•a gun at. , However, as.the:editor.himself
puts it, "it is the survi'Val, of the fittest:"
CLOSE FIGURING.—Builders are., evi
•dentlygetting their figures' dovrn pretty
: fine, inthese times of close competition, -
aa s own y a circ
f l - : .
. ed here =last week. ,-:14.11. Tiedpll. asked for'
tenders for his new : house, and received
three, one each from Messrs. Menzies,
Stevens, and .'Scott. When' they :were'
opened the figures were_ fount) to stand' in:
--.this ' order :—Menzies,: $3000 ; - Stevens;.
$2995 Scott, $2985, or. only a'difference
of $15 on a $3000:job,• as each was -After:
the job, it is plain there was no collusion
between them. Mr, Scott bein-g the lowest,
will undertake the building. .
AN UNTIDY TOwNA • entlemen
from thisplace,. _who :passesf through,
Mitchem the, (which place was
incorporated as a village the same year
as Clinton was,) expressed.•surprise fo see
so few shade trees there, and to notice the
• large piles of manure, dirt, cedar posts;
So., allowed to he on the streets. The
• council chamber of this model town is ad-
orned With a poiftrait of iIVIr: Matheson;
the first fnayor,;while'a rickety stove pipe
adds its stains to a half -white wall. •The'
heavy and hearty' town clerk of Mitchell.
Mr.'Christie, is Its happy as even, and re
• members many of our • old citizens, .Mr.
W. Rettenbury among the .number, who
10 years ago, were the life and mainstay
Of the place; when Mr. Christie. used •'to
come to Rance's mill, Clinton, to get his
girst ground . Our informant says the
Methodists, there'have secured a fine piece
of ground to build ah expensive church
, Arkin SHOWERS.—Two inches of snow
en the 2nd of April was a little disheart-•
ening, but theweather has been better
since that, (excepting on Tuesday, when
there was another fall of snow.); Millin-
ery' openings are all the go this week:
Notwithstandin '•the bad roads, a large
crowd were in town • Saturday last,
and business men were happy according-
ly. Street corners, are. again ;decorated
with spring stock of statuary; there are
not many changes from last year's styles
the old code of etiquette has been adopted
without amendment. A gentleman same
all the way from Itay, thisweek to`get bis
lio.zse_bilis printed at .the NEw ERA• office,
because he could get the newest style of
' " cut" and first-class work we aini to
please regardles of expense. Is there no.
sortof, cement whereby our stone crossings
could be 'Y' doctored" a little.;• they are'
paiufully•hard on tenderspring:
thew season opens to•day at Manchester,,,
the first of th'e season, . '
SOUND As A. DOLLAit.—The following
' letter from 111EF.,H: Fisher, of Denver,
under date of Mph-29,.requires no ex
pplanation:---I notice by the last copy of
NEW ERA, that somebody, has volunteer-
ed information;'that is, to say the, least,
considerable of a surprise. to my friends
otit here as well as to myself, I would'
not take the trouble,to refute it, but for
the fact that it don't tally very well with
what I have lately written my Clinton
friends concerning my improving health.
Last June I passed a rigid examination
for insurance, and was recommended as a
• first-class risk. passing without any difll'
culty. And slice then, though occasion-
ally suffering from cold, I have been able`
to sleep - like a' top,"eat. three square
meals daily, end get through considerable
work every day besides. While •these
f:'tet's may not be of r enernl interest -to the,
readers itis only right t0.111vo thus won-
derful Colorado climate credit for proser,-
ins iri good health tt life that 1 r rmly be-
' lieve would .have i ;;one tout,r1, 1eft•tbits
long fo'tlle inchintneit•; of Oar Canadian
wii.1' S
Mich. -Remember the lecture by Mr. J.
R. Clarke,, this (Friday) evening Mr.
Macpherson; of Fingal; the pioneer of the
threshing 'machine mannfactdringbusiness
was here ou ` a visit to .his : children, on
Monday. Mr. Thos. trooper is confined
to the hauss Dy a severe attabk'•of erysipe-
las in the face. A certain person in town,
on a small piece.ofground, cut down suffi-
cient poplar' trees, to '-make ten cords of
short wood; there are a good many mora:
poplars in townthat might be converted
to similar uses. Mr. A. A. Bennett Ins
moved his residence, from above his storg4
to the large. frame house on Orange St.,
near the Methodist church. Mr. W. Mutt
is here on a visit to bis parents. Mr. J.:
McMurray and family, late of Egmond-
ville, have been spending several days,•
here-; he would like to locate in.Clinton
again. A small' parcel 'was,lost on the
Huron Road west, ou Wed'nesday ; finder
will 'confer a favor by leaving it at this
office, were annoyed at the
non -arrival of the'nastern mail, on Wed- Suit this year..
nesday . afternoon ; such ae failure is for-,
tunately a rare occurrence.- Mr.Pousette,
the genial and general agent of the Cana-•
dtt Life:Inattraiics :.Co-•., is " working up"
this town " Harry" 'is tt good fellow,
a hard-shell; T—y. If there is a town in.
Canada that has been morepersistently;insurance agents than Clinton,
.,we'd like to hear of it.. The Town Beni
is -:a thing= of-(he--past..--A—of Mr
Weir, Albert St., 'accidently broke his
arm, on Tueslay+ ; he Ira�l pattlytopened a
'door, and the'htgii wind forced the door.
open wide, he hanging on it' and thus
having his arm broken • near the wrist,
Mr. Thos. Calbick leaves here next week
for British Columbia. In the S:etnile°
(Mich.) Democrat, appears an application
for a divorce between Mr. S. Thrower and
his wife. We,arm..sorry. tahear• that the
wife of Mr. Ilugh Moore -is -confined
Her room by illness, and hope she may
speedily recover. Farmers say that the
frost itas ,injured the fall wheat consider-
ably, • Mrs. C. A. Harts, who has been°
attending,an invalid sister at Toronto, for
a couple of months, has returned to town.
A Meetingof the County Photo Associa-
tion will eheld in. Clinton some time,
this month. Mr, Forrester exprcistoput
in between three and four hundred acres
of flax this year. Aird. Jeffers, wife of
iiev. Dr. Jeffers, died in Toronto, Tuesday
Morning, aged '60 years ; demised was + •
the it o her -in-law of Rev, Jas. Graham,
formerly of ('litrton. We are inereasirg
oar staff of ('r:rrepurlrlCnt:+. and we will
Lr ;;rr:l,tly i,blige,ci totitcsr if they will send
cv<•ry ihir'g iri the ahnl.r
And pogtalreap
--OIC' THE^---
We Make
The most. Comprehensive and Accurate; -MAP of the Dominion ever
published,compiledfrom the most recent:surveys and plans in the ..
possession of Doinini4on and various Local Governments,
All the Railroads'(printed in red,)•botb in the Dominion of Canada 'and the 'ad-
joining States, extending as far south as the city of New York, and showing at a
glance the entire -Railroad System of the north part of the American Continent.
Post Offices, Money' Order Offices, and Post Office Savings Banks, Telegraph Sta-
tions, Ports of Entry,,Harbours, Rivers, Canals,.ete.
.All the recent Readjustments of Provincial, County' and Township Boundaries,
The names: of Post Offices, Incorporated Villages, Towns, and Cities are written
in different styles of lettering, varying in size according to their impoi+tance
The Map also shows Statistics' of the Population of all the Cities, Towns, an&
• Counties in the Dominion,:according to the latest censul.
A list of all the Railroads, and the length of their Main Lines -and: --Branches ; a
. separate list of Custom Ports of
The Hudson' Bay, and, other' Routes. to Europe ; Atl°antic *Cables, etc
T.HE, NORTH-WEST portion of this Map is'no less complete than the older Pro:
winces. It shows theenew territorial divisions of Assiniboia. Saskatchewan,, Al-
berta, Athabaska; etc. Tlie•Main'Lrails, Indian ;Reserves, Mounted Police Sta-
tions, new Township Survey&. •
THE CANADA: PACIFIC RAILWAY, with all its Branches and Stations
froniPort'Arthur to'New Westminster, and many other features::
This is thefi nest arid onlyMapshowing the Electoral Divisions anil' internal.
` boundaries of 'BRITISH COLTIMBIA. .
Size, 6 ft. `6. in •5'ft. h in., mounted on good cloth, with rollers, and •.variiished'or
• unvarnished; as required. ' Price $p each, payable on delivery. _ ,
,•.dI R.IS. , DirC' lt8tA
ire eountie - t>ri' 1-tt-ro 'tit-Brnee,-
�✓)l1'1�ton� , Ont.
Wew s it how' one of the largest and best selected stocks of
the above goods ever- offered by us.
-The-cyclone of last Tuesday struck us and knocked the prices '
"of our goods clean under anything ever, offereel before.
arid; Oh�eap :Price$.
exception, ,
tion Oneof the finest ;tocks-.of . .
W8 ht�e �`Vltlll)tlt,
..Whenyou•are-takrngg•in the openings
on SATURDAY, call and , see us.
We. . have got something to showyou that will, startle' you
�• a o'iV ;+O'fl • '
• If you want, cheap ,goods, come .ave= -
some. quotations that will convince you that -
we have the cheapest'goods in Clinton.
00o.--= ---�
On batuticlay next,; in accordance with mir_.osinit etistorn, ,We o will -make :our great
- display d£..
;it 11 111 6`S and
r' es..seme... of
That tali befouiitl ii_Camacl-a -�-.Cur-•:stock compels
'the finest.niakes'of goods. that can be; bought Our prices
are cutdown so that everyone may. be --,able to have: a Spring.
'.1cHI1`'G. flJ J? EI '; 'IE1�T'.1 !
For this -department, we are.offering one 'of'the finest '•ranges of TWEEDS and
WORSTED COATINGS and TROWSERINGS. at Prices. fully 10 Ter cent
lower than heretofore: We can't afford to give credit, but to cash buyers we are
• offering;the'biggest bargains that can be shown in this section.°
See our great 60cent 'TWEEDS for boys wear, :in -ten .dif Brent -patterns. -
See • S•G
• We will mal.•c, an- 'elegant display of all theiletest
, , - - 1: y ikLLABS, Cl`.fFFS', ...
novelties. in NECI�� �V]� 1I�;,•
F,1L'CE-§,. arid MENS-anW]?LI.ER"5*., -..
Ask to see our great
in 'White and •Colored. . Without denbt t110 great-
est par ains in the county'. '
do not believe in NEwsPArha WIND) we do efnve n
We novo
letting the people of Clinton and surrounding country .k
just what;wve are ricin We advertise nothing but what
J -1
ail' follow- out to -the -letter in_'g:aod��ntl prides. _
A',,, j..`.yi is Y .... ......... ...
It willa. anyone to'see our goods and get our price`s.: It is:
no trouble to "show goods, but it is tin pleasure to'let the people
knew, tharive fire ling :treat %at trade in the county of Amon
0: RA19-0X CO.,
Ot,otru . RS .0i4NTON;
-Three Doy':ors 1116•4 O .)iCksoirv; 'cook Store
In this department, our stock comprises one of the most elegaguar setratite
side of the cities, and no purchaser of a Ilat 'Should miss seeing'. ct wonderful and
of all the. latest novelties. In English goods,
eWOODROW'B".: celebrated make of T•IATS, which ivo import �'direct f t the
manufacturer in England which cannot be, beaten for Hien.. 7.he,latest.New
novelties in Stiff and Soft goods. Boys' and Children's HATS, every
and Price.: t3'l'P,,:A•`)V „items�vliich'we wilt caw in: a short time at, •
' ltu
pike $1.j. the handsomest Straw.Ilatn the Mat•ket.
4,.d dl..� fr r.til.'