HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-09, Page 6t I' FRIDAYa. APRIL ea ice, aible effort be made to have all—whether * cabinet miniatere or members—who have prostituted their position to steal from the CiiiittOili '' eta.public purse or public domain, placed in J► the felon a dock, as is all. probability will. , be their compeers, the thieving New Tian' officers and me "York 1 n of the 45th regi aldermen. I think there is not a t;ointilln of excuse. for members who have been Mont, of Montreal, who havebeen pursu- guilty of .malfeasan.e any more than £+n the i:ng the editor of, tine Toronto News for ,ministers, They °aro a had, scurvy lot, libel,, with tiendizl'1pertinacity, have de- and should spend a titue in the peniten aided. that unless lie apologises, they will teary— if not for life --for a ;;nod --omit:- of -years. ' all enter action againat him for amounts ___,.__.r. .-- _ aggregating -$70;000. As he will not apol- a•iaitiu late cQtntttf», ogise, they are. likely- to get judgment Zanesville for the past eight weeks has against him, but itwill not make any been undergoing a powerful religious re- - • ..,diflpreilee to hien,, for be will take good :vivo]. At the Second street Methodist churt:h alone one hom in d anti for tti three care to keepout of Quebeo province, and perinea have pet feteed roligtn1, At- the then they callnot touch bite. conclusion of the eerntuli a fewevenings ago areniarkabiylmpressive sceneliceurred,. THF• lack of property qualification by . TIrrllsltar was wall. fined by a tlulllbor of Mr. Howland, Mayor of Toronto, is giving_ ofrthoso eeesona k ngg k f dbtten nvitedtttonumber ibc -come rise Co a diaevasioar-that favors- theannttre.:.fotward and -t peak -a word of•col,solation abolition of the property qualification: ,,A to the tnourners •F$, 1 t t't i (L f: (1r, ea 1 .---.. man may be a' mewber ci arltarttent of : Accaseerirrliy:iroiidit>g-Hy tet--il4iisper- local . legislator? without any property rr'epentautrams sinner.of 1ovah Tholtiauditorium w las qualification whatever, and thus be a' party filled. with a vast tnultittide, scores of to the expenditure of thousand!' of dollars, 'whine were compelled to stand ups. but the same individual could not lei ally (Lot ns all now prey," said" the Rev. ;'1:'r, Keene. ." Let every one pray, tical be a member of a village council, it seams will visit na 'tn.-night. Let every ono rather an anomalous position, and a change bend their knee rn' how their head, and in ... one way or the other, will likely be made' silent wetli_tatioi watch the approac h itf, tic: IT I S' , .t �'1 i nett be l t s • a T NOTJDIAL ALAR*cLocKs. 'livery body should have one of our LUMINOUS DIAL n ALAS PM °CLOCKS You .can .`see the time in the dark, Oall• and. .see them at =0=3- V V T.. - C Qi, .zNA � rDs- t ' ere long. The proparty gnalitication ° y etre . i s t a f7 or on q n P evening;, for Christ will bo hero, fool Watchmaker jeweller and.E'n raver should either be dispensed ,with in both it." . g �. cases,'orp}se•bo required in both. . Three • miilntes pf the silence ofthe death chambezt ensued. .Everybody, eight Tun Finance Minister,in hie budget hundred, eine hundred, perhaps a thous= epeoch, announcedan iticretlSe.'of duties and people, saints and • sinners -alike, were on their knees or bowing their 'headsawait- on• many articles, :'.Phis. is done to menti ing the footfall of the omiiing guest,_ . So - the decreasing revenue, and the _minister quiet was it that the wail, of.tho light, as claimed " aid in restoring prosperity," it consumed itself throngh tho hundred of Buff the. simplest elements of . statesman- jets -ef flaming gas,cot?ld.a141 ost he beard. In the midst nf'this awful 'siFenoo the ahil education, should teach -the Finance minister whispered slowly, --pausing a me- liinister that the surest way to nurse• trent' after:each. sentence, " He. is'eom•. • ' trade and 'commerce back to prosperity. ha in . i hear'his footfalls. Nen-ver Ht�, by lessening -so far as' passible the burdens approaches,-:: f A pause.] 0 ,7estis,,hasten Thy'cnming. We are dying ! Fast dying! bf taxation, they.'have to bear. 'Even' Get-birdin time to save its i Make the dollar'less in tilaes'levied-upon the article' channel. clear. for us. IA panse..9 I see a produced, gives the producer that ,much rift In the donde."> , , • ,:4t the slaw •and solemn utterances of superior' advantage to competibgie the these words tlie-very atznosplrero seemed markets of the world. Decreased •taxation- to undergo a.chauge:" -It appeared -co grow means decreased cast of produetiou ;,,,,,,a' healt1hier, sweeter, fresher; -snore buoyant, •like the air, of afresh•borirfreedoti`, gentle decreased costs ofproduction mete a .im- as lteaven'a special zephyr, .like the breath creased eonst)mption--for cheapness :al- of an angel. , , . • ways .encourages the.latter. 'So :fiat the • Again the preacher whispers, " 0•Jpsus Finance Minister is taking the very•means we .want to entertain yon to -night as our special guest, Baptise' us with the fire of of •restricting •trade `instead of ..properly Thy consuming love:"' " encouraging it. A pause° : �..o.o^-..:.•. _ .. '`'Iie comes.". Some idea of ;.tete way the .cost of the . .A.memerit's silence. • ' - rebehion, Prof(mnd •silence for a: few seco,hds, the following charges, which are £roto the " „ - a Let Him 1n, saVs'tlto.'preacher, and Public:rs Accoents..,-And . What.: is .woe, a deadlier'a'ilence than' ever succeeds; these extortionate.. charges were all paid•:. inns run nn may bo drawn train "Ile is'knocking at:.the door.,' broken by the loud and gladsome acclaitn ""l2 . 1 Broad is charged for at ten gents_, her lb., o. is here,. Jesus. is here." ,Holy: Spirit, p 1 welcome ! A,thonsand'.welconie !, • 23less coal oil at one dohar•per spoon:; seven (Int: these mourning' souls and 'this teniting hers` a )Air for bl fritxrt seven-dellare a dozen for canned ,neat;�ffty' cents per. lb. congregation !" , . • • for relive 25 cents per Ib.•for bacon on . Not n breath, Pot rt whisper` is. then' r " ' heard,' as -all are yet oaga,pd in<sileu't' ,:,0'oents ler corned beef, • cents per ]b.' •prayer,!hut the ecenoisinrlescribablo. Let • for sugar, 10 cents a Tb, for tiatreeal, and , 90 cents a bushel for pntatoes,$2-per, gall„!: • for lime-juice;'30 cents a lb. fir cheese, el, ,per lb. for tgbacoo,,4 gents per IJI.'for„oats, 9 cents alb:^ ler 'flour, 60 cents'per' lb. for gunpowder,aiud=everytliiug else _in primer - tion.. • The .charges for transport are also _ exorbitant, and it is easy -to understand how the Hudson Bay. Compnny's.bi11; is.so large.- No . less'than $6.497 '• was paid' by 'the Government: as; commission and dis4 count open drafts. •forwarded- through j the bank tri the Minister for collection.• Mr Fred••;Stimson, of:bribery conspiracy fame. figures in accounts as recipient of $425 for. two horses, althongli-horses were. bonght for the Monnted Police`at less than d 150 each. 'Tho Qu'Anpelle Farrnicg Company also obtained $725. r, three lie reps. Of - the total payments • to the Hudson Bey Company, $48,1170 was for supplies, $611;- 671 for disliarspments, $30,5833 for corn- nitissiens; $6,497 as bank charges. .. • •'" Gnaesiolyr•i appearsto be having a hard tine of it, although he no doubt believes be is striving for the best interests of the • Irisheo le. A. reeen telegram says — n n c y - Prominent Liberals..prepared :to' support Horne Lute, say the present elpomysitua- tion is the result of Mi.:, Gladstonedesir- ing to stride the whole distance at once, instead of going 'step,by step.. Be insists, they say, on giving -Ireland -an --indepen- dence like that of Canada, while everybody else desires toconfer upon tier the position of an American state. The add that Mr. •Gladstone oohipletely sip in 'a balloon, knowing almost nothing about the depth, and character of the feeling of the house. of Comments-on'the question, apd that un- less. -leas he comes down and'censents to what can practically be secured„defeat is inovit' • able. :It is said, however, that althrmg,+'}t Mr. Gladstone s'scheme gives tttI customs ms and ee-ci a inti, Irish hands --it imposes _t; - condition that there shall be,no Protective' tariff against Eogyliah goods, As regards t 10' aemen, that t�n 11 ill- arid thalami purchase bill will he allowed to proceed "17ltri posit 1)0 stich,a method is known to parliament. One must be pitssed firat. Milt a dozen more resignations aro imminent,; hut as all are noble nobodies, holding household appoint ; i.L_.iq ulir necessary to specify the naftt' .i;' ”' '1'tle revelations tlt,,t halve been made showing hop rnemb,ers:of the liana() have .been plunderin tho "counir•Y-ere of the most startling .nature;_and shows dm depth towhich the people of this country have been brought by leaders' who have no honr+r 111 printip1e. lo New York ie m= hars of tla GO -Council ho were bribed for their influenee'ritld votes have been ha. rested, and will felons,. , be 'tried as felons and a :_. . r corrospondent of the Ottawa . Free `Press anggests similar treatment for these crimi• nate in ululatla woo :aro plundering, the ' \ public. -phare,, sh-n he sari:•—"Allinv me 10 make :.T!•(1i t eti:(gastititl• - nantr137-that too heirs, t iota iaht• lit,al.li` of thew eider,,+',• , ...and t li+i]l c,111 ] to ill, that ;t large ria,}•,; ty" r•f them a:,• aneli '. ,;'tea t;'iiit(•t•t, ' with t n•r(•ly i•a!• tfu flirt r:'ti r] tear, t c•tt'tiit rt f. > a ]i ev•:•,'-tit ri. ' t ': ry • Clinton, Mrs. A-, Fischer,t: : �l sate,}M, Fi'spher,. 'The Leading 'ra,iir., Clinton. T bog toannouncethat I have opened'ouTt in theTATLORING �T�E TR where you• can rely On.(=citing the latest goods' cut in the latest- Styles by Mil,. 'M.-I'IS lIti .,',,, as Cotter and n'Zanager..::Thanking you:@tl1 for the patronage extended to him, hoping to receive the s i.re ill the faT dire. :Fine range of goods to choose from, .,°r'aetp. for cash, aiS I Alii,not in a position to clo anything. else. '.!oe eitr WORSTE)•Pantin s & Scotch TWEEDS • Mrs A.1 isei er Props, - "01, ache.- it ea 9 l •, , v , ! i rq EW DRUB TORE I'he .:undereibned has just opened a Now Ding Silur:i1 in • .Tai,c. tt. on'e,. o ' hoc , I -[tiros) •tS •e' t,, Two dool:s...West of the City'Book Store, where will be found::r complete assort- ment of Fine' DRUGS' and iJ EMICALS; also PA'T'i T'.it113.D1CINI',S' and DRU(c IST> SUNDRIES,'. All that' thi;'•iinblic may ask for in theta,. lines, I',.S t_)'1liCe e11anged. from resit&eerie to Drug Stere. •- C Clinton. nton. 941"cJt E Iiatow• JIy Frieuala in Jaetevrenl*,I •you'"r'tan+_latnot there's 'a better land- -. hop wire' can paint: the. quietude of no- '' l'en1 whore (ilea tine 1101 et'sods - thin One i g' (yno en tial, ore,.. whet' there. Gang.1 na„lnes'th• at 'he ht,ars=thee t il; FNe,. and. kpfitV,,' and' lova 81?'fr coni. footsteps. of .Him .upon • whom • 'the9lr; xt'e • waiting; passing' up and doivtr. the ',deice • • My fit l 1--t]r+; delight of zny heart;.. 1 ltnow and lo.Ve-lm earth : J'IlCCy anu.t be mine—they-will be emus, . Else tia•tiven• hseg. tvetikl be a !Iearth and through the news, _shaking the jewela. of eternal brightness from off -the branches of the Tree of Life'to fall op, every head and as they: light a soul is bedecked fay evt rlasting•life, ' Pearls ;of-priceless:value are.•given away'' for .the •asking: • `rhe repentant . `tear is crystalized .: and placed ' in the coronet-, of • Sailits, f t. glint and sparkl© forever; The fonetrun? :of unending joy has broke forth ani flows • • Al>•I well 1 know that Gid is goga, IIe gives u:s all tliirips stiveet and 'iter, On all the breadth 'of earth rind sky His nunio,i4 u•littr'n everywhere., ' N unobstructed•thraugh a.soul''tllat is•clearis .',Miert would he; whin all i:; -iiia;-- - •ed: An immaculate creation is absorbing .- nave made the living human 'heart the sighs of the •sorrowing.: A',pirdoniug • Se full of love from his own hand, v. spirits triumphantly.. bearing., theivoight ;'Io teat' its. , ,ielry cords. apart? -of liin'from' the sou' the believer, It fs a. Bible' triumph ' Ask, andye shall. re Nay -(.leech io"scrod—si1preanelygood, calve:; knock, and it shall -be opened onto' : Anil perfect in lies each design, your., _ And • —if e'er.,I enter heaven Ten r�'W ni -i•. r� nu es have elapsed, The eleven I goow niy friends will 'atilt be elute. him, and- -seraphim have~ sunk their songs of praise and rejoicing, and all at :once.' i hey Rii!iyedl ,Ire J8o After A11, the assemblage arises, and, with bile accord ',lack wan not' a had bo but hte' a,tn'u. unite in singingy" a}. 1 It was a re ly fe t zelief at Lie shoo htt that hti we. terribly. ntischievtius one, and his Parent:- . Praise God;;fromryltoth all blessinz flow. solemn acene, 'aad'fell of'dramaiic phwer•and "s'umblimity: •- Eiuilneuce dtr-1 arty tinportntigais of "'• 1'reueh' /formes. • There have beenoccasional• importa-. tions:' of French draft'' horses into the - Uni:teT`Sttttes• and•Canada, •which, while '. they ltave'n`tacie thele 1n&rk end been .of benefit to 'the ltoi'se stock of the reentry, have made no articular mark i p n litera- tut'e. • ,Percherons of the lig type lighter t e g hare•' (neusiolttally developed notable trotting r ualities. It is highlyprobable that; he French 'stallion. imported frorn Franco into Quebsc sheep I625, and sold _ tlto .. `v1' i tllipgten Ca r.: Z>Y Y ._;where lie was; itt'it3'33 the sirs :of: It horse known as "Nornalf;'i lir r"1Vtorse's'Gray,"' was il. P t"`Cl 1 01- � C 1 .lit; (.tient � �' .1 0 ltli'Irfn'. Se Forman; his 01.me, and the fact thatllis. sire was lsrptrght from Franco to QQjtobee, all .indicated . it trustblood, Nornittn• blo dl , This horao„-Normana hot-u„—Normanhad filen as a sty"- _.=. •.r. - .- 'di Cr-o1't-rt „out, iii^lesTl' ,,testi 't11r�e" ue%nu es,'which was very fast 'at'•that dav; had great staying -tjuailitios, and' ,his stock evert) Sliid to eombino trotting Powers, 'cpurage', and Bottom, to a re.. markable degiree, 4.11 of which certainly is not inconsistent, with the idea, that he bad Peroheron' blood:- :Snlerieiln+_•cigri- ,culturist for April., ' Accounts of the soa fishery from St. t Jhula � A I1 indicates splendid seas t tnon a catche:rfor the fleet. Seals ih.great mon- here aro frequently aeon 00 'the const, and sonic thousands have been hatl1Cd ashore by people Iiving in the fishing villages at vati.>ns.potuts. At ono place as many as 0,000 a day for several' dap in snero.Isron have been brought ttahti10 front• tl.e ice, to start for boarding;' school tile next day; His father had .tliotrght<-o:F jto-whin }ter found Jack had need his razor to whittle -a kite st.iuk. .1-1e thotieht so again when hE ':dieooifered that ;Jack's ball. had gone through the.parlor window-, • Jack's mealier' thought so when she found, muddy font - prints all over -the . parlor earpet.and' a great mark on tho'piaun leg, : They thought so when their chat at the: sopbr table was interrupted b * whistling and the sitin p, . s .,ng . it n � .,g of the ndik pitcher, and they told Jo*, an; tylion, after having driven airilost wild hie father,' who woe trying to• read the evening newspaper., by get ting tip a fight between the dog new cat, ho sat' down.on his 'iuo- ther's new •boners, and utterly ruined it. arty the next Terrain g, _gaols tFas• rteketl�_ oft • oh ! 111rnt ii, relief 'from. noise Intl'. trouble• it •w:1s: ' Ills father's lames• re - arained tind_!sturbed',:no sound of breaki Toss was 'Tte n, c - 'T"tTie ltrTur gni iii: Fv ; n . g na n " n. n stairled.by mild..But somehniv..tlttn house - vary cheerful to its Ceenpanta. Ripe Cherrjes. Those 5 cent PRUNES are going off like ripe cherries-' about ° 50° 10 lbs. left. Everybody • a delighted'. with them S. ALLJ S , x, _cLy. zrrow; iosetaite Having leased the preuiiaea may treetipibd by us, for '1111014,r te'rn1 of 7 ytare. 11'o erre prepared' to give`theBEST f3ARG*AINS posaiblt+. We have On hand a large and • and well eeleoted stock. of GROCERIES, CANNED •GOODS, EXTRACTS FRUIT and SPICES, ;F'ARE:A-AM PURi:, NOTiflNCi ii1iTT1 R IN' THE 11><ARi i r', ALSO BLACKING, 13R0OUS, BEUsItES, ..BASKETS, i3ISCTITS''`•OoNFEc',TVON=' • ERY, OI Ii\?i1, CitOGcEY', •AND GLASSWAR* We have the largest ,stock in town. ' °Combine quality with price a`n.d .We.catrribt be ender sold. A. ANG'HTS, • . CLI T rCN ' •- • Great inducemeu Having 'bought 0.J._Tuthill's'' oek i:se onIzT,Ati, • C.iE.00ZE 3.Y•- •(SA CLA.SSW I LE A t .i (lisoount; will- sell at 'Wholesale Pricea'antil all is cleaned out. _ ' • k Ppm ASSORT tF r. OF J. S:.ICTRIC°Si. OF CFrzt:ncu> • F1 E '9'O11EE.T•'SOAP FLEES1IMAN t.0 C OS Y. EAST, fol inerly kept by Tuthill zG ee. aia'ays`oa hand 'JOHN • YTJNINGHA'13IIGs f+ 1 CSC 1 I lT�C) cT. ,Y 1;0,'R T. O •P Chea SAX'S, Chea. COE.en tZES a C Cheap PROVX IC Tr . • Having a 110 ;e stock of Salt o -r heeled,, orde a will lie ' filled at :,lie lowest yucca ever offered -in .Clinton, as the .salt works will be, sold.. 'when arrangements are • completed. •Will btiy and sell rTIMOTFIY :end CLOVER SI+.ED. • 1 lot of •- > • SALTalickS .and. GRAIN' BAGS 'for. sale: `+TN" LARGE BARS • , OF N1' $0AP FOT' ONE "T)OI,LAI ,' JOHN. Mc GAR.1T.F.".:''. • WE AR•E, NOW OPENING Clip E' ,i).1?' PUE `r;A1tOE! r:STOCXS 01? BOOTS' and SHOES .'at•.Remarkabl ::Low• Prices. Y n• r,1 _ (,dello; tour Route 0110 call :tt 0.0VaC, ihei t e . .r• .;1',u1.4,••u uta•ca:,•.. ,l,'ivp;.lnr cn ,ul;t,a(,nt, shush, li(cw 4 ten lleavy Dr(tttyf •fent; hid Dy' horsemen to• be the he,t .rapie11o,1it lion of a hoary iU.it>ThL.hurnn - --�1,} (nk,,,z :. 'srnilt.,t ,,c• ettn(ttsheet, TRUNKS Ri V-ALIISES::by the e hundred Cheap - TEAM HARNESS $24. ,. _ - SINGLE HARNESS .*10. A3 tA1►I TitESjust tirxlve1 latest at etwes, (. ,y Cheap,etp. MOR , 3rA(4E SALE. 1 High land PINE „and 'CEDAR .:tl•TI•bTor,Es at Lowest Prices. • t'ntici' and by vittne of a pooer of salecrilt:teine,I in • •". 1i , urtahi mortga(e and as.signmeitt thereof, which will' hagn•uduccd• st time of ..le, there will boofered for sate, by public auction, at the JAW 011ier of !tanning Scott, t'1; tit a Tun in of Clinton, at 2 o'clock in the afternooin, nu S4rt,au,lt,•rtq;,1Trtt 001.0 0 ,1901,, Hese, ell n1>1esingular,dome certain parcels or, tracts of land (1the premise, '1144tultryying and being:11) the Tnivn of ill t'uer ' 'enliven uY ]lntnn; and .firo,•tnco of Uhtit i ,, -'nut uuinlr togetlicr•by itdhremaremcat t1100 .rood4 ttaet parches and 4vo-tmntlts of n perch be thd,same, mord or lelo, to ing':composed of town' lot nntnber twelve .hundred and twenty-four,., situate on Lie ut+tsttte of i"iciort4 street, containing tnirtytwo ,iso,ehea, More ur, ito-: and the north half of town lot mer mbe to oval undyed and thirty-eight, eight, situate on the Weil Aldo of East Street, containing two roods,. twenty ;lelelI rs and 'llvr•tunths uta peieh, more or lest, ruttl avhleh s:tt(4 north half ,nay be bettor (lesoribod ns o;nupri4ind one erloal moiety in extent of. the said lost mentioned Int, 'satiate north. of 11 Ituo drawn through the said Cot ;a1:Via angle,' to hist Strict 1,,nets-10 per cent clow;u mt day'af sale, and .bnitinco h, JU days tlu reafteit, Tho- other conditione'of rho` sale Will be the stat(dhr' conditions cf the Chancery Division of t)is Ilij;it (:curt of Justice. Further par- ticuLtrs tun•,' bu hash from the auct iont(r>' or '• , 1`, t 1tltltiii, aANNI\l.-L•'-i eon',. obtlontet'.• Vendor. siliviturs; 1 lanf<nn 3frn li 1.;th, • 1 'tl W••,�• _ ji 11'1.:` 1L. �'�.'•� ��.Z.J I..••.' � .. ll tT•Ir. XMAS .. 7>; TRADE. D Es. ADI. I AN D A WakY : • DOWe, FOR cIES e 0 give 11U. Mixed :.Candies. for : _lac .° •1- b. Sticks ks 1' l ul .8 1 see 10 b s c 1.1b ..Taffy 1 a,. ..T � Chunks 1'Oc: • Y Y TIIEIt. DANDIES .EQUALLY AS LQVIr: • ORA GJS AND .LEMONS• 25 •OE S,..'; E�1�. 36'�i L/JGiiv'•,. '' ' I .. I!c tri 'f1nA.ia 1 Its POR, OY'b1t ti I;IdiAs' 1 get my .Oysters direct from Baltimore, you can "depend on getting Fresh Stock. OYSTERS 'SERVED BY THE DISH 1 F1vlase tint>l'l- 01 TOB4CCOE, CIGAUS; CIGAR•I1dLDERS,'SO] ACOO , 1 Ol,(.HES Cr All of the ver best'qualityh h• plieited.. �!� ���'- �. •11TT1) � d('tC)1 . _. , � � , y xt, a ,,d. .�, cm11 �, l,t;Si l ,rlllurl,hi,y 3�Ara C�ciT•O didn't seem v'r"• It was a long day. Tea was served -=there tells no noise arid upsetting of dis1..., to in: l&rilntytho conversation, eraattoibot thotal<rl"l pot seem to run'so smoothly after all,. And when it came to reading, the evening,aper and {fixing up another bonnet', tho'dog and oat slept serenely on tho henrth•rt>g'tlnd no disturbance interrupted the proceed. ings. .That's the difference between hava fog a boy ,in the hoose aid having him • away., aitci/ie gentleman, p it down his . paper- roman, as muc�i to bis , when he noticed_ a quivering about her. illtt ltt' i•t moved t d Ills'hrlshit.s4 to the pr.1111ier formerly 1(noun g�'1`IiJ,-MOLIN7 C AS1f,1; 3I1L1„ wnuidthank ddl 0l(1 patiens fol' pati, Sat Ol' i, and t4 in , hl ttl,l' t,osh r, nr th ever topromptly till aft orders c n i tt ttd n Mb . ri i'rfaa:-..or(nihil) reales F, r tiiANo.-- Qraerod-tr•or1 es'iwetalty. •`IVelis dig olid.eatupleted un abort Aldine. All' eorcgunral(tenI PHI 'egrcnv (1. alltvs Onbiins 111'((Arl.'r1W,11'r3V Ar ( hst ti rel . l n ed ua wife, moth and' two biti•'rops on her cheeks, and there tuns n lei id of mistinels shunt Ilia eyes tbat bothered him about see ng. t" Yea," she answered, Crit--is-ilfce---1nr1 f.tlil�ti T?E1.101.1SUN, 131,"4"1'11: .° "'+'!,`'v"' 1ll'I'cr• '1®' GhIi,1l:1LP,.�; ht;nr EF'AIR .tD. ., 'ate lnli'r•wing ttstununlnl•, rrtuivid by Wm. Janis V t sStt•rt>ta, ,• peak Citi' thrtlt4c1w.4:a?' i ,r u' •bent ,inr looms two; and I racetrcd my a(whl� ms hh .1 f u 4 AM ;lust es well messed with the Work et It, as the day f_ 01•- celved it from the hnmln of the repairer,.y ,}n est•- 41/4 ,110.( " nn IL tt t') told—ire gt-t-1] n — wpa,OrmaF(oadvei itotowirig nu f t inr about six (1051,ls nun, nor1 n,-btrtrtltrr•pnlrr•d,n u1 tinsanrpriseill3 sea tin awl went ^13o•the window . and looked oltt akcrllrnt tvn.k11 dons;'nett was lnt•1 Lv nt'pr four yams and and blew his nose .steadil •fnr tryst, , rnndewnrtl. '1'onra t iy, FY, rt, s1It0'1'1rA1n. y � mien tee. lh•' Ncw'S'nrk hha(,•r tovain4,81arbinn, wh.eb'I lntte,11 1 got 1 re germ- I rinl 1,teltly Pleased i.ith Itat,d ratan) ton my stn- - 1 hoe to solo nalydee tete rr rept of my lona lett lrra',ure, lireCfrnt;oi"a0: 5>ierf... e1retlsat.,,1Vr'it 03 (t 4$plvitIn,. ALM Will1R0Gtt, The ;ata"nrnnr Lenprl11i ,b1s' rrrrivfri at F;r, of ll;uui'tan 00 to , - t, n the n)n ntfsotureea el fire gr'a((51; hr:ilil, amt. nlriivi10 e .. 1 erg ouu(1 /mown lar aor,::t, lin, it . mita. cetthl.•, salt 1101tr,1, fr,t-t bitn,I,(+te. Itis r,'n.ilo4llteGreeor Lit •I".trkr s 0 wholes errs tr 1>f> an re you. g•'t s;:h. t 'r t 1 tt no.l:foil (')1(15 in lite titogmnrt.o;tfr'dl i' o t1'Ttrko'st" 1hn1i,1(,(r. a 1 01 , " t; tr r .Y AIT! u,.l.l h r 7. !I, 1 ,,11 . t r,: 1 John Wit.13 hotFFnen .l.r,l'lt'Fd hyo lrx,l)1,U, nnd „aneilr, 1' at..'r.`nsilil, !Ivat.3!,1 t•i Ire be lh�int red, i 1'vo"r"rth 0 lot 'tiro way to 3iarq torntF Pik '1111 ;At,. t4,[rt r> t 411 5. ,l4ti'r ' " TLr riin.i 11, Lin • 1 gut repair, 1 alum' 1.1I maths nun proves tn',u• la r rt ry re 030-! t a ,olprrinr tole. (t 100.0„ 1141111.9r or p,'api, 0111iimt 1 lr• wc4mtUta 1..' • 0411••1 nruar tailoring o,1nhll Gnu ,•• 0a -t aro 1..131.11m+1 • ( ir4.•Y,.'.•Uont soak, is ,juvt 0 .11 3, .tS1 .err,$ ,,tate,•. • P.trt,t••• 1 ,i inti .tr•:rl. 113 ti,ia 1'ae, e.411 ',ay.! tt olfena- ed to on 1. et.0 . r r•i, r. tt 1 I r)rlp5 v +10111 rte nt ke.i•1 •,,•. ,' Pm .ild fr 1 Sart :, r I,,a,'1; .1;11. 1 W,. urpasse .;> .1 one What? the" 'gua1ity' of the oroceriee, abed, the low prices at which they ' are sold; t - Re has on hand a select stook.of G ASSW'ARE AND CHINA GOODS just the things you want', at3!d'lit prices 100 ret, LAMPS, BARGAINS 1N OI1IT,4;\ TEA SETSNY, FAO a[}LAMP'S, &e., '&e, A.7S0a(i�(4� tl1It4 and General CatOCERiES .s :.., fresh. a nd 6",hes ?. A 41' 1 Ql i.'Y t i Ti) •. .