The Clinton New Era, 1886-04-09, Page 53, F A 11IAGNIIa'ICNTFULL LINE OIC T We are iclosNi'ug hoU niSCKce of��LCTRUNKS at SE PRI�Q Tia a,s• � S. require the. room for Boots- and Shoes. ve ' 'EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER C. OFF FOR • ,CASII, W, TAYLO ' &SON CLIIV9COINT., Right Hop. SVm E. Forster,- who-wes-.TSome-- u•ntbermsn of Jeannette, La,, chief secretary for Ireland under the' caught a genuine wild man oa the banks of - ,Lake. Sauvage on. Saturday last,. He was quite naked, andhis hair had grown to a great length,-1i'e"stetiggTed'.hard a first, but after yielding preyed by his own story to be an Ohio man; He said that his wife had betrayed him, and that he did not want any more human society. He had been in the woods since the -war, but had lost all reckoning of years and: months and days, only knowing that it' was spring. The Montreal Post, which•is not a Libe- ral paper, says ;—The Beaty -Woodworth railway scandal ':is but an instance of the highway robbery that is being'pragtised by the supporters of Sir John's Government nn the public ,treasury and lands. There isscarcely a Tory member who is not per- sonally, or through relatives and friends, implicated insome such transactions, by which they prostitute their positions, as guardians of the national interests,towards the replenishment of their own. -pockets -at the public epense. rt .is this Systematic corruption and the hope of "swag" and place that explain the Tory allegiance to an Adminiatretioil that is admittedly in a' state 'of utter'decay and; rottenness. - At the Thames, Police Court London, on Monday, there ware twenty-sei+en ,fresh and ten adjourned summonses taken out at the instance of the Snheol Board against nererits, .under. the compulsory. Clause Of the Education Act for'. ot,•sending their previous Gladstone Ministry, as Aral,. _He had been ijlefor so' time. Mr.. Forster was 68 -years of age,: -.T, ' • Four miles from Eau Clare, Wis., in a log cabin in the bush Mrs. Lars Grindani, aged ;,,, Sunday gave birth to four -male babies, weighing 20 pounds in all, each alive, bright eyed and healthy. They will live. The niother is doing well. She• has been married 16 years and had six children before these, all living. A, 'Mrs Jones, who died recently at Bode wydlan, North Wales, claimed before death that she was. the nio.ther• of Henry M. Stanley. She stated that the entry of birth could•bo found in the record of the local surgery, andthat the surgeon who had charge of the establishment at the time subsequently traced )Stanley until the latter werit to America. It is proposed to ereot amonulnent recording theefact that she was the mother Ofthe famous explorer` and traveller. • Messrs. Munro & Palmer, -.South Yar._ mouth, sustained a serious loss 'early Sun- day morning' by the slfdden`,-death of their celebrated heavy draft Clyde.. stallion; "Better Times." The animal was valued•. at $4,000 bythe 'owners. At '11:4i5 p. in, Saturday night tho horse was all.right, but' about 1.50 a. m.i i s found dead. It is: thought that the animal got castle. 'the stall and ruptured souie vital p11 t, cappingdeath: A year or two ago Messrs, Milero Sy Palm- er sustained a similarlova In the sudden children' to school. Many of the excuses death of their stallion, \S arbop, which was trade were of the most :piteoits:"haracter, valued at ,.,000.. , some of the parents stating that they had The storm of Tuescloy_itt__(�lnelph is con= not`eent• their child-rerf to school because d, 'siderethe' worst whioh has been ex- they had no food to give them nor clothes perienced in many years. A great' many to protect them from the weather. One chimneys were blown. clown, 'but the sub man brought his eldest daughter, bare• stantial character of the _buildings was.,: footed and dressed in rags,:into, the court: proved by the fact that all escaped damage with him, who stated that her two sisters ' except the high structure 000uptngs by the 'had nothing•but.a chemise and a- petticoat • Bell Organ Co. This was completely un- each to weary everything else having been,. roofed by a+gust of wind," the 'roof sailing sold for food ;. and notwithstilnding that L. away bodily and becoming, detached ip the the man. was 'receiving relief! :from the. air: One•part• fell on a'building near by the Mannon lionise Fund and had: no money, other dropping in the Street. Considerable! he. was fined two shillings, with the alter= dama�;e'was done a material in the -build• •. native Of three' days' imprisonment. 'Much • ing - indignation was feltin court, and the fine • • was at once paid by one of•the sullcitcii , Spring* Showy. ' who happened' to be. present; S1:rrn hot- Neal be held irl tLirvierrrit tris—seawolr ns follow•s : • - Manchester, Friday. April O. • • • North-western, Wittghant, April 14, Afilvertrin, Thursday, April 15. • ' East Wawanosh, Belgrave,.April 15th. East nuron, at Brussels, Friday; Aliril 10. llibbort, at Staffa, Friday, April 10. ; Sodfnrth, Tri2sddy=, April 20. MQRTGAGE• • SALE: pursuance of the Power of Sale in that behalf • contained in. n 1Lortgaset Which ich shall be produced at . the time ul sale, there will be offered for sale by'Pub- • lie Auction, at the RATTiixnt•isY I0et;sii, TOWN Or OLIN - TON, Bi trg.,, W udnc an;', April 21. • roe attUroe o'clock in the afternoon of S,tTCRDAY" Ithe S.LI'ENTI.ENTII• day of A.1'RIL, itos thoseAer• South Huron, llrucrl,eld,1Wednesday,April ..1. • tain parcels di tracts of land and ne'nisessituate;) oto Stratford, on Thursday, April 22. :And bomg in the Town. of in the Couhty of Ifensail, Thursday. April 22nd. •Pluton,. beingeontpOsed of town Clinton.,lots numbers nine Stephen and 0.d 1 ra,rue, at Dieter., iday, al ui *t,: l,midred and seventy -flys; nine hundred•..and seventy, -' • . six and nine',liundred aild `%vent.rsoven, •on the Qontreal Hive Stock lilfrarlcet. smith side of Newton Street; an •'let ninehundred and seventy-nine on the• eastado Of Erie Street and There utas about 27.a head of butchers' cattle offered t)ie ,O ith,sido of Newton St�ert, each Of iratd•lots 0011 at the East End Abattoiron: the lith lint the hero' raining one reed, more orrl"oss. 'Thorn is a one and''it, chiefly a rough lot, only a few•hoad ore ioico 6.oe,ves half storey Dwelling; IIdaso, also a smith Stable and being among them, Prices of nosiest cattle are firm, Sherr Trif the prenti eS, also a number. of fruit trees. hut all otlier.kind aro rather easiertllan on. last Tours- Just beginning ter"bear, and a grape tine. TeloMs— tlay, Choice butchers stock brought froin .1'.e, to r,c '0nq•hnlf i 0 to t'pureh tsc stoney on dyiy of sale, and per Ib. Mr. E. Charters bought.foursuperior steers.at tho•balanco.Within thirty' days thereafter. The other 4i per lb. ;.bulis, half -fatted steers, and milkman's. conditions:1f-safe will be made •known en day of sale. strippers, from 3V to ale do Calips'are not so pion. Title ¢'cells quay ho idspented, at the office of (. A. tiful a. on Thursday, but therm was no ivatcrialad ]Tara. 'For particulars apply to the auctioneer, Jas. vanco in prices cominon,y:oals cmlli*at-frolme2 ull:to lousoa,.or tz the_updersigiied. ' each. afar stilT,CIfi ones at-fromlin t„ Id per ]b;g C,• ,A IIARTT - Spring. lambs are notvery lilehtiful and ell'4tt.fi'om • Clinton,'Slarrlid1,185(f 1endor'sSoltcitor. The elittle' 'TrelY, Gran• d �' ••)sl'Et'15 ft It Tut tAASoN` •nLdl\Eb;,r The ylo iiroal Witness giveiltgl0 fallowing. iiite view` 'With a leading cattle-00er? alt i %Bret live stool: salesman of Lit erpool, 0d „ was Ib town thismorn• in lb convetsatt • mmlvith our re t r ' g 0 ter 11fr . Omit' . G t 1 t said that he came -to Canada te.mgko,nrrnneotnents for summer shipments. The prospeets•of trade on the other side were, he said, anything but favorable, ow:' ing to the low prices.. Ho iittributed these to t e generaldepri•ssimi in England.. Roof lead sold.lower at Liverpool the past iviOter than for 10 years prct•i- ' ously. ''Joints retailed at from four cents to -14 cents' ...per lb., and-soldat wholesale in bulk 'from 10 cents to 10i cents. Cattle delivered oit.•_hoard steamer hero would need to cost not morn, than live cents por lb,," , and !the freight innst not exceed fifty shillings; or. they could be . no money in the trade. The Now 'Len, land mutton, trade had gone down somewhat, Owing to several large-shippin�,lrms there having 'failed. The trouble with Canadian mutton seemed to bo that it was not good enough for the English market, Asl:- ed if the trade front Montreal was` likely to be large • ' this season, SIr.. Cruit said 'that the live stock bad to. go, whether there was money in the business or not,. _.aing lig expemtod a large shipment. Ile Will visit .Tor- onto and other places tm'0st. • ESTATE OF- THE LATE sonri IOE'$. • e have much pleasure in announcing that our GrandS'-:ri' a Opening of t .Millinery lie u Shorn.o _...._ .._.....________.___ __. ft..... . _ .......____,......._______________ "Will take place on SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, when we will also show, throughout ouar various departments, a very Larp^e and Attractive Stock, . - , ° q We extend a hearty welcome to all to comend `4ti JOHN O HN wISEMAN, Manager, .•-.. : _ __. -Estate 3. 1 0I) CENS: BOY'S AND MEN'S JUST OPENED: -OUT•:. AT NEW, •]MITE::. SHITS'mm Fane �Cam:brie Shirt Y s, Gent's New Ties. :An immense :stock of Ladies KID GLOVES, ... GI.�C�VES, . '. . New SpringShades. * ARRIVING ' W MILLINERY' IVING WEEKLY. NEW PRINT . GING- HAMS and- DRESS GOODS ..41'41 «. CLINTON MARICLT8. (corrected every Thursday afternoon.) Thursday,, April 8, 1880..' Markets are Almost at .a standstill, no _thing cnlniJ1g. >A...Ilnlross. the pro ticer,-as under• the• necessify of selling,) Butter: took a jump up last ,reek; because there was none to be hfic17and stillicommands a """-'"` :OrI r e, b i rpt lin 'li-e"i~ Ty to `hid at this long, Wheat, fall, - $0 77. a • 0 80" White and red y• •d 77 a 0. 80 Oats, 13; °?9 a 0 31 Barley, • , - 0 50 a: 0 613 .Peas.,-_, • — iI b'i ALL' • ' Flour, per bbl: • -I 00 a 4 50 d Potatoes, 0 35 a 40.. Butter, • • . 0 16.'• a" 0 18 Eggs, . (1 01) a' 0 11 " Pork, a 5 50 a G 00 Hay, - .. 8 00 h 8 'U'0` Sheep pelts • . 0 50. a 0 75 Lamb skins . • 0,60 a 0 80 Clover, per {lush. - 7 00 a 7 50 . SUPERIOR STIED .GRATN The a,fbscriber •uric The following v'ttrirtiee of sxiperior Seed Grain, o'! :—RHS'SLAlit BARU` Y, which, last war ?fielded about 00 bushels to the acre pt•iee;,70o. lrel••;l iiothcl .-,, Also WHITE RUM` 11 :TVJ!LA7 nel. 90,' per bush., old $1.10 per bush. Alco, TWO -PO 1 TE])�) EARLEY and Argil-' .NL'CT,rt Ifr•TTE (7'. This grail? i•4 ell,frPe f,•o>it anilrl oats rtnrl dtlie, ,ft)P/ T. vrrx5JA117)SPOR,0I.:GtJ,:; Lo 2.1, i" -n. a, TT Y;. I4„ `rttKkerwraitlr, • AGENC-Y•. skit: to cairoaxii For $37.35, VEVA' LOWEST RATES TO' ALL POINTS Inquiro .belorcpurchasing tickets..;_ •.. JAMES THOMPSON, . • Tiche't; Insurance, and Real',Estate Agent,• Llinlon Thofpsol's real Estate. Agnelli CLINTON, ONT:a,I .+:. . The undersigned has Opened an agency for "Ilio an le coital. Estate, and will ba glad•to deal' with parties• hn'hug stager- tYy to dispose of, Terme, twe per cent on all amounts ftp to 441005, and ern per a ert On any amount after the first 51000 No charge Ina& for advertising. and no charge whatever nnr less'n sale Or transfer'i effected, I hare now the following ;properties for sale.- , • Lot 14, Leto Road east, Celbnrue!!''1011 acres, 'Neared and under pasture, 20 acres alashedbanp^gaii easily be cleared, halnne(t,pf bash light. Will besoldebenh(�i fLacl3ei:aaellland,,.�2Ya-tapes._fnuleaoultsWnnsf.Daltata,: 50 ogres under. cultivation, smell Ivntse. Price $10 so sere. 110 :term 50 Rena res cleared, bt half lot almier: ore gon2nd eond) ush,15 acr s of Eaffa1l wheat, spring creek running noon uh the fano, bank born 40360, two 4,erea_n ercliatd,_oamelir•_rntu_At_tl,j]rll, ' Itt1RC:,,:11E,.1f OJIk *4i250 or 5150o down, !Aimee to suit paroaaser, Lot 800,.1 5 of gti Acre, on Moron St., situated on the cast side of,lfr,;Ridouts restdencey ecu fenced. Price, e3250, to suit ppllre08'5el", • r ° Sptendid-hiiifditplllotP fin -snitto the Cm111111 4..1 Ifotel, 401fect front by 06 feet deep. Priee reasonable. 'AS THOMPSON,. Cx.INToN HE :.PQPULA1- I - ods DETLOR c COr SPRING p18g6"h,.,� •� .its.: W. hith 'v o introduced two weeks a gn are. nearly all .sold, .and X0, -day We open the second consignment.:' We find that the. cut and 'tyle are right :and the workmanship ' excellent, while prices place`•them within the Peach of all persons who require, a suit of any lincX : Fairly Good Suit;;. first-cliss cut, $5 A Good -serviceable Tweed Suit, Nice colors,. A Daddy •Suit, fit to., be wornon your wed,ding *day . for $10 . A FULL 'AND CO'o P,i{T'I'E •~L1N1 OF RSTBD:' 8ps TV.EEIi Cortin, And STI:M;ED, T ROWSERING'S,-for: the 'ordered clothing department 'W. -home the neatest thing in STIFF HATS -NECKWE-1 1 ----LINEN- -and—C-EDkULD1D- -CO- ' LABS and CUFFSand SILK SQUARES.: laindl ,loo r through our StOc,. before buying your, . .i,oDEi ,IcK'S,,°:. Will alive in a few days, a largd steick to select from. Collie and see thdrn. I'1 N ]l; APPLES" NEN ('RANGES' and 1'sEial(lNiit Is Ely CAN'1`►TPS or ALL IriNDS.• . TRI]` 0T'13, 350. 'Choice Wends of CIutios and Tonise fsr,,f4 ('rxnirr,.talrT7'6"It,„»fr rvro.e 11•21n'7'l n. For which 'tfie]#'ighestcash prier is paid MRS. 111?O1)..;iaf'K. ' .? ,eucsoie STliop•r. (•f.l\in\. • • • LONDESBOROt. .SPRING 1E3'86. 'ENING On t h e 8th, . .• 9thand 10th, i.we�. Invite ILL to inspect our stock and get our prices. T.he Creat Cash Scor Clinton.. 'dolls goo pa AN ' ET,EGA.Nrlt LINEc)F , `M „Ffib Lncli'e'',' Oeats uwcl.. O1n1.`1 e>ii.N Wear; HIGHEST GRADES, NEWEST STYLES, BEST QUALIT• Y. • • I ,Sl`1T T (L'rt0lis, .Ttnii TAiai' 1\ Excir'\(:1;. • • , CHAS. OARLI N E, Cot BLOCK, (CLINTON iILL1NERY 0 STUR Y IL [illineFyBniporiuimt All farmers taa come into town and. bay Ivhat iyptt •s�'ant, it. will pay you 1f1t is a silk heat, get at--youcan't'get it of a j ecldlar If you slat cheap Crooera,es, why sura aB. you Ave, go' to 5, PALLISER and CO., OLIN 017. C�ASII FOR 1yGGS