The Clinton New Era, 1886-04-02, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA
F t,I•DA.Y, .APRIL 2, 1886,
BIKER MA.11Md,L4DE o1;s2GisS—J. Cnsltio•
mei( 1 illnton.
LADIES do not Rail to visit Roberrtson'e ;Show
Room on Saturday, the 10th UM.
RoOrders ots andaShoes.ken W. T YLOR, & SON !land-eea'ed
LADIES, Robertson has the largest assortment
of•Newl Spring Dry Goode to be found lo the County,
surd at prices which defy competition. Oot samples.
Agritlr, A. A. Bennett, at the Red Rocker,
has a first-class Upholsterer. Send in your
orders early, for work to be done ov4r, so as to
avoid the rush at housstScleanisg nine.. RED
THE SALVATION ARMY will hold a Jubilee, on
-Tilesday, April 0th, Miss Olive Scarr, nab was healed.
by faith in the Physician, after the shill a the doctor
and friends had failed will relate her healingg, also J.
11. Glover, D.O., and 8pecsal YanAllen, the Cornet
layer nod officers frpm surrounding Corps. Come,
hear and see. Admission 10c, CAPT. ZIMMERMAN.
u 11<1V golyit'.
SETmED,.—Mt: R. Stewart laid infor-
mation before the Mayor last week, charg-
ing Mr. Milne with using abusive' lan-
guage towards his. daughter, Before the
case came up for trial the defendant,gave
plaintiff $10•• and. paid all costs, thereby
• effecting a settlement.
THE ,B.0OTI3LACIi,—Mr. J. R.. Clarke,
the bootblack orator, will try and make
' amends for disappointing the .people of
Clinton, by appearing here en the 8th and
•° 9th inst. He will, on these occasions,
give his popular lectures, "Among the
asses" and "Hits and' Misses." Mr.
- Clarke has been greeted by large crowds.
everywhere, and will no doubt have full
houses here.
live Committee • of the. North Huron.
T'ea'chers' Association; consisting •of
.Messrs. Groves, of Win liam, Sbaw„'of•
Blyth, and'IVIalloch' and Lough:, of Clin-
ton; met in the model_ school bere, on
Saturday, for the purpose of arranging a
programme and fixing a date for the next
meeting of the association, which it Was
decided would be beld•at Brussels,"on the
3rd and 4th of June next, ,
WINDow BREAICIao —On Friday even-'
ing a large piece_of 'brick..was_tll.rosxn_
through the window efthe Office, occupied •
by Mr. Jas. Scott, barrister,':• '.and. Pollee
Magistrate. Tho office was in' ,darknesi.
at• the time, and no reason can be assigned
for the act, unless it was done by some one
who took this way of showing their dis-•
like for him..The room being at Ole back
of the building occupied•by the. rm of
Manning & Scott,•inakes•this ill the more.
probable. • , . /
• few ,people have any ' idea of the large '
amount of truck, such as.rags,' bones, pa
• . per, old iron, etc githered up.,in a year,
but to give them `some idg'es; we subjojn a
few figures below, whic 'li`ow the amount
gathered, sorted and• 'ipped by Mr. W.
• Marten, .of this. B e^t a during the 'past
" year :—Scraps another iron,' 93,500lbs.;
rags, 55,380 lbs., bones, 12,543 lbs:;' cop
per, brass at d"iead, 1,435 lbs.; • wool pick-
• Ings, 1,56 )'lbs,. •oltl •rubbers, 650' lbs.; old
zinc,. 50, ba.: old papers, 50olbs:; making
a tot of 266,058. • This .will show • that,
al? Tart•en=.-c9riustlee--himself°prettg''„
, in order to collect such a large amount.
of what most people regard aa "rubbish.”
A MECIiUNICs'_ tl f41N..-It'is reported
that some of the mechanics .in town • pur-
pose forming themselves into a co-opera-
tive association, and start a'store for their
------individuttl-heirefit, -I't is -said tbatalready
75 subscribers at $]each with a promised
monthly assessment of 15c., have .been .so -
cured,• and when -the' number. reaches 100,
the scheme is. to go into operation, '.nf'
dourse these parties have • a perfect• right
to do as they please, but'. experience h,as'
shown pretty ,plainly that their plan•will.
not work.. It. htiis•been repeatedly tried
elsewhere, only to`end in failure and loss.
We are not aware that any' of our business
men are getting rich because of' .excessive
Profits --in fact,,the keennes?s of competi
'tion prevents this, 'and -those who are -ask-
ed to join this new organization ivill do
well to stop and think, before- they' do so:
IMPORTED HonsE$.--On. Thursday of
last week, Mr,' A:- Carlton arrived here with
five splendid stall iona,imported direct from
= SaotTan4: He"sfari`ed'ivr`tt ixbut ire voy-.
age was a rough one, and 'resulted in the.
death of one of the horses. This. was •111r.:
Carlton's sixth trip with horses; . and he
' has never yet insured one. = All' the horses
landed here in'.excelle t, condition, not-
withstanding their rough voyage; They
• are all of the heavy draught •class, four
being hays; and one gray..:They .brat`
been stabled at Kennedy's 'hotel; • here,.
and it is the owner s.1..intention•,to offer
them by auction, in this town, on the 8th
inst.,.commencing at •1 o'clock. They
have been visited Ilia great,many hoarse=
men during the past week, 'all of whom
speak of them as beingexeeptionally good
stock.. Parties who are interested in'.this
"class ofsto
stock Should u d attend :the' sale_an
. the 8th inst ' Messrs.Ot- llamilton, of.
'Blyth, and Jas. Rowson;.of Clinton, will
be the. auctioneers. '-•:.-'.. '
LooAi. Bitisrs.-Mfr. John Seruton has
been suffering from a. very sure hand,'
F • . caused by getting it, poienned in some
_ mannerh a dressing a •beeves• Mi A,,
McArthur has. accepted the contract for
the mason 'wnrk ot. the . new .Methodist
— ohurch, Mitehell,.,thi*
fieitr sing i,550,..t
the Methodists are therefore assured of a
good job. Messrs. 1'. ZI.•and Jas. Elliott,. i
and W. Cox, loft hoe with a ear of horses •
Air Lisbon,•Dakota,,.on Friday fast. :ItAa,
raid that-'itir. Alex Johnston; -better
known as ".lumbo " because of his gigantic.
proportions, fnrmere 1y of theAirm'of John
ston, Gale & Tisdall, hart accepted the,
c" t Posi„tien ,f.manager of a b:tnki ng house at
0.t.,:.,., :''tb.°4 .tUV ij Tatou, 'firemen have
been asked to participate ia tournament
at Kincardine, on the 23rd and 24th of
. June next. • A meeting for the formittir►1►.
of a Dominion Clydesdale ,Association
•washeld at Toronto last week, and steps
taken towards that end; the countb of
Huron was re'renteil b, ir.._A nt ,,
o Tim's sin t xcoile itTePresentative,-
Mr. It. Fitzsimons a, 'few days since hot►ght
a•three•yeste old Tontine colt from •Mr.
I6hn S:etart,: of Goderioh township,.for
which:he has already refused $160. .There
is a.moivenent'on foot to try and.persiiade
the several faetriries in town to close down
every Sa:turdhy, at o'clock, Messrs.: AV.
Ball and E. Tebbtltt, of the Maitland
eoncessu,n, txnderfr li township, funk
tickets nt. Thontleko rlo tieeney this tree]:,,
. for gal ifornia; 1?. they like-iln •cnuniry
they will remain there. Mr. Itobt, Walk.
er, •of town; has been en raged to manage
the MIaedcimd'l} tarot j lis yt';ir, on the.
London road near Granton. Mr. Wm.
McBrieu, ofhallett, who went to Dakota
with the first party that went out, a couple
of weeks ago, has returned here, thorough.
ly cured of any disposition to take: up his
residence on the "boundless pprairies of the
west ;" his description ot the country is
emphatic', ifnot.polite, Mr. John How.:
pop expects to leave in a few Jaya for
Regina, N.W.T., where lie goes' to take
chargeof the livery business ofhisbrother
Chares. Mr, J. R. Hitler, late Public
School Insppector, is a member of the legal
firm of Fulterton,•Cook &Miller, Toronto,
and has sent out to number of his old.
friends a remembrance card containing
his vignette, Mr. Ben Stanbury, who
recently went to Michigan, has succeeded
in passinghis examination, and expects
to get a school in that State. Mr. T. R.
Miller, formerly of Goderioh township,
who is teaching at Sandusky, Mieh,, is
getting a salary of $800, with the promise
of $1,200 next year if he will remain.—
Mr. A, Innes, of Stanley, sold a two-year
old entire Colt this week, to a man front
Lambton county, at.a good figure, It is
reported that Mr, Edwin Kaake, son -in
law- •ofMr. Henry .Young, Clinton lies at
the point of death at Wingham. We ate
indebted to Mr. Mitchell, editor of the
Goderich Star, and secretary of the hsso-
ciation, tor our report of the Clydesdale
Stud Book meeting. IkLi, •P; :Brennan left
this'week for Bay City, Mich. • Messrs. R.
Elliott, John Elliott, (son of Reeve Elliott)
and W. Dempsey, left here on Wednesday
for'. Dakota, -"Mr. W. McKowen is still
confined to his house, and does not gain
strength as lie would like to Mrs. Potts,
sr., who has been confined to bed all win-
ter, is now able to be out ; she is one of
the pioneers of the place. Mr. H. Foster
has entirely recovered from his late illness.
]kir. Thos. Moon has been laid upp with
the measles, but is now better; it was his
first illness, and confinement was irksome
to him. Mr. favid Moore, instead, of
leaving 'town, takes in the store of
J, 0, Detlor & Co. The. other day a
small boy on Wellington Street thought
be could bit a.pigeon sittingon top of 'a
house; it took about 50 Ceuta to put in 'a
fresh pane, of glass.• Tire annual meet-
ing of the ',Ceaciers'!Institute for East
Huron, will be helddn the 7th and 8th of
October--lne-a-tra•nd for the West on the
14th and 15tb. Several 'ceniiiiunications,
more or less interesting, will bo found on.
an inside page. It is said that Mr. Wm.•
McLean., cattle buyer, 'contemplates mak-
ing Clinton his h.eadeluarters, owing to its
ce nl location. 111r. Hunter, of : car-
e° ler_.fame -has- had a full-size model
manufactured for: attachment to cars,, and.
the same is now being tested at Montreal,
by the Mechanical Superintendent. of the
Grand Trunk; heshould soon know now
whether it is a..practicable and serviceable
invention • his estimate of US financial
value is.fiery modest—only about ,ten
million pounds sterling. Mrs. Arehlbald,'
of Dickinson's Landing, is here on a visit
to relatives.' The Doherty Organ•Factory.
has now,over sixty. hands' on its pay roll,
with a, monthly pay sheet of neat ly $2000
A change has taken place in.. the arrival
of trains•on both the'L.H. &` B. and. G.T.'
R., which will be found 'elsewhere. 'Mise
Holloway, oft. Thomas, has been engag-
ed as milliner for the Dry Good's Palace,
( li tow James viii ( silly, o
Hamilton nepJiecv of Mr R • 11? Rare
has .been appointed by the. Ontariogovern-
ment .to be deputy -registrar of the high
court of'justice at Hamilton, in the room
And Postal Map
--0%' THE-- -
The .most Comprehensive. and Accurate MAP of the Dominion ever
published,eompil'edfrom the mospirecent surveys and plans in the"
possession of Pominion and various Local' Governments.
All the Railroads (printed in red,)'both in the Dominion of Can tda and the 'ad-
joining States, extending as far south as 'the city of New York, and showibg at a.
glance the entire Railroad System of the north part of the American'Continent.
Post Offices, Money Order Offices, and Post Office Savings Banks, Telegraph Sta-
tions, Ports of Entry, Harbours,, Rivers, Canals, etc.
All tits recent Readjustments of Provincial, County- and Township ;Boundaries,
The names of Post Offices, Incorporated Villages,. Towns, and Cities are written.
in different stylos of lettering, varying in size according to their import'ance..
The 1VIap clap shows Statistics of the Population of all the --Cities, Towns, .anrl
Counties in the Dominion, according• to the latest census,
A. list of, ill, the Railroads, and the length of their Main Lines •and Branches; a
', separate list of Custom Ports of Entry.
• The Hudson• Bayand other Routes to Eiiro e , Atlantic Cables,.etc.
THE NORTH -!VEST portion of this Map is no less cofnplete than the older Pro-
vinces. It shows the new territorial divisions of Assiniboia,-• Saskatchewan,, Al-
berta, Athabaska, etc. The Main Trails, rndian Reserves;' Mounted Police Sta-
• tions, new'Township Surveys,•
THE GANAD .'PJOIFIO.RAILWAY with' all its Branches nd i
. -A > a Stations
. from Port Ajrthurto_New. 'Vestmin'Eer-,:and'many other features. This is thefi nest and only' Map. showing, • the Electoral Divisions anti "internal
• boiiiidaries of $RITIS1t COLUM] IA.
Size, 6 ft: 6 in.:c 5i ft 4 in:, mounted oat good: cloth, with rollers, and. varnished 'or
• nuvarnished, as°i,erinirocl. Price $8 each, payable'on delivery, •
Sole .Agent' tor. the :Comities of -H iron hnd . true 'l
Our'Mantle Department artment will be o ;en
p p
next week; for the execution
of all orders that may
be placed with
us, and -
would saythat
it , will, be under .t e.
management of Miss Dearness,
who has
so successfully
carried it - on,
• ,
for us for several seasons ast..
your : order early;---
a r1y:-
e guarantee •` . -.
satisfacti n .
aiid stead:of Miles.Orieliy, resigned, ;.-..Mr.-
Geo.I3errjngton has removed .h s family
to-Seaforth,-and the -house thfis vacated is
taken by' Mr.. David -Oluff, Mr. Thoni,
:School inspector fqr West Huron, was in
town on Wednesday, having been on ail.
official•visit, to schools in his inspectorate.
The rgmains;of•:Mrs. Wilson, wife' ef:az*
engineer on the Grand'T'runk, and daugh=;
ter of Mr. McIntosh, Goderioh, were taken
to. that. place for' interment, ,on Tuesday.;
quite a number of railway menfrom'Point•
Edward accompanied them. The: lady
specially referred, to` in the following par=
agraph' from the 'Seaforth Expositor, is
well known. to many, o our readers; having for many years, and being a
sister of Mrs:-. Whitt z—"•Mr: T. G Pren-
dergast, who has been a resident of •Sea=
forth: for, several years, removes his family
to Stratford this week,:, that .being a.more
central point—for ' his ,business,— Mire.'
Prendergast has been an active_ member.
of the Women's. Christian Temperance
Union piece its commencement, and her
departure will be especially regretted' by
the:members of that excellent association,
as well as by the citizens generally.
Messrs. McFarlane & McEwan, of Stanley,
near this town)' have sold one of their'
smported.stallions to Mr..Joseph Fisher;
jr,of•Colborne, for a;good :•figure ; ;the'
horse. has left some good stock. in this
section; they had, a good::offer from an
American, °for the other, but preferred to
keep it. Mears. Ferran, Macpherson &
Hovey shipped twoof'the world renown-'
ed Clinton •threshers to British' Columbia
last week.n
( WednesdayMrs. .Wetter-
' son
etter-''son accidebtly tan a needle into her hand,
and broke it; it was necessary to'lance •
in order in get it out, A man not one
hundred utiles, from, here, is said to have
gambled a railroad employee out•of be-
tween scot and $`60, then got gloriously
tight. We notice' That Mr. J. R. Steep
has. been winning lionnrs• at Winnipeg:
Medical College; he will win more -if he
teme,ti&e►:s soil a of the friends he hajbeeu
ryitrg rrimgnttiretinton •i411sstfOarsoon
et. this place, assisted ati a wedding.
n 'Morris, ' on 'Tuesday;, we shall be
glad to mention heat time that she occu-
pies first place instead of second in a like
ceremony. Mr Henry, Ceok, of the Hu-
ron i•on Road, and .John O, hlliott; leave;o'n
a trip to Illinois, in a I'ew days. MIr. C,
=`Itidout has moved his office over Mie J:
Jackson',,,• store, at; Chidley wishing, to
use the room Mr ltidout
had occupied,We are plesed' to sea., haafter al ng
i.11ness.Qthe wife of Mr...Henry Steep has
recovered sutliciently to be out again.
Mr. John .Cuninghame has sold the 10
acres oil the IIuron Road, Goderich town
shift, advertised in the Ntw ERA last
Teaseki :to-JIx Fieu ry,.:Cook,.:for-- $50 ;' '
there is considerable fruit 'on the p ce
Mr. Cook gets it cheap enough. T.b
daughter of W. Craig, cattle bur tvhci
has been laid up rick at Total` li, Or so
long, has .retained hotne, and !leas about
recoyered ' •Mr. A, Cantelon claidts, that
in the settlement between himself and Mr,
Junor, the latter obtained more than.he
Was entitled to through misrep-esentation
and threatens a suit unless a portion Of
amount is :refunded. Miss,,Kerr orr is visit
Tug her vaster, the wife of Dr.Taylor,' at
Goderich, Mr, (,leo. Shipley has purchas-
+',.1 a• u 1entlid hay driving, horse from ?Jr,
attiJ. E. (Itswforij . n
O. E. PAY & CO,
We are perfectly aware -that in•i,stabliAllingg a Cash Busines ,
a sNi.
there area _teat .latry,•diffqui -:o for-twomonths-
past, We;hase been kept exceedingly ,busy "through offering asr'
tonisbing low. "p ices lot; sash.-
1`n Fine Goods•
and Cheap fice.
We have. :without exception, one of the finest ;tocksof'.
be f
That'can - found in 'Canada. Oiir' stalk colli is
o c sea some ' • of
thefinest males ofgoods
that can be
'bon Our • ric'
are cut 'clown so,# a .everyone nay,be.ab1to have a Spring
Suit .this year., _
d_tlpnatJ elaevf -.iit s vY vT?,. b rLQab al: l n
'letting thepeople..of Clint. ` and surroundin . country know.
g .. •g . y'.
just.what'we are doing. e advertise. nothing but what we
can follow out to. 1e letter, both in goods and rices.
We have just passed .into :st'or'k ti: inagnitic'eut range ;ot
'VT 0 F
To all men who pay cash, we ask ail , inspeotiou 'of our. stock,
which for Assortment; Style:and ..• Price, cannot be excelled, in
this section: .
Oar- Prices are from ' 10 ' to X15 ° Per 'Ce o
nt. Trower than Heretofore.
Canadian to
Scotch `.Tweed
H s)I:ifa,
17in 4,
anyone to see our . `.gods and. get our prices. i It is
y g b
e to show gourds, but itis a pleasure to let the people
that we Are doing the finest tracle•rn the county of Huron
/• xT
a' . .:
C, RAN(JE .8z Ca,
Three 'Doors
• .
''xi atii 1►1 . i.
!! •ie,i t iatgti
e<1.: L1 11I1e
-!rst et,1
Special Liiie::
r6 are ,showing a fine, hate W
of : al-tST.EI ' TR I . SR
at -$5,5'0,j isuallysold at $6:50.
N, , .
lac r'..xL' f*''.I` ( ,:isTs