HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-02, Page 3• kesmamemmeessesswieemillille FRIDAtt, APIIIL 18811. Oully * Utile Way. A little know it is not far _ To that dear home where myrheleveil ere, And yet my faithsxaws-tViiriller as 1 and A poor, lone -pilgrim In 0 dreary /00, • Where present Pain the utme bliss obscures: Ana atm upon my hesit ens, like a bird, upon The empty not, and mourns its treasures gone; Planted for their flight, • And vanished quite. Ah, me! where lathe comfort -though 1 IV They have but Jentneyed on a little way! A little way -at times tbey seem so near, Their voices even. murmur at MY ear; To alt my duties lavingerixience lends And with sweat ministry my steps attend, 43 Apd bring mY Soul the melee a tsars, 'Twas here we met, and parted company .; Why should theie.gain. be such a grief to me• ' This sone of los ! non heavy cross! _ Dear Saviour, take the burden off, PreY, An show me heaven is but -a little wiki• • These sonihre robes, these saddened faces, all The bitterness and pain of death recall. Ah let me turn my face wheree'er I may, I see tho traces of a sure derieY ; And parting takes the marrow out. of life. Secure in bliss, Wo hold the golden chain which death, with name a wariiing,snaps in twain, And never more • Shall thno restore • „, The -broken links. 'Twos only yesterday They vanished froip our sig,Iltta little way. • • A little way I Thissentonee I repeat$, • ' Honing and longing to bxtractsome sweet To mingle with the.bitter. From thy hand I take the quo I cannot understand, • And la my weakness give myself to Thee'. Although it se. ms PO Very, very for - To that dear home where my beloved are, I know, I know It is not so. • Oh 1 give me faith to feel it when I say . That they are gone -,gone but a way.. -PE NEWS. — • Mr. Wro:lticInteab, for many years one 1 of St. Mary's moat esteerned dry goods merchants,has sold out and betaken himself and- finally to Minneapplis, Minne The bac ti of Mr. Fred ;Lehnheifdr, Shakespeare, was struck by lightning dur- ing 'the storm last Friday evening. .•A sheep that happened to be lying near the door was killed by the stroke. • On Wednesday last, a little girl -named Jennie Leishmate-of-Sttforcl, inet with a fatal accident, while at echoed. :She was playing, -with' some of the otter' pupils', when by seine Mishap the •burst blood vessel, and died shortly AfterWarde.' ek Mr. J. Grieee, assessor of; Mornington township,• ,has been laid up for the• last fourweek 'With a• severe' mad dangeious affection of the throat, WI.e.ch so fax refuses to yield to the most skilful naedicrue treete ment. He has. consequently been "meth% te perfermlis duties as aesesser.: - Alex., Martin, who a couple of y.eltre ado • taughein No. 10, in Ellice township, is lying in ;the .Toronto • hos.pitalsuffer• ing frorn bullet 'wognel ne, the shotil- der, received at the battle' of Batoche: He Petaled, all be bad just retuned home. The whole matter shrouded in watery. The pollee have raided •the gambling houses In several of the large towns of England. One hundred and fifty arrests were made. ememetensessresssesimerammaneweesememe for the titatetnent that tiir John Macdonald. mereey, of Detroit, wag welded to death el le.et I t accompanied by ileveral naembere el his Cale. hy upsetting a Wiwi of hot Bop over him. net and. inecabers ot Parlialnient, wenike a „At, The 'Victoria, B. C.) Times le *natality The eight month old SOH Of VVillittal V. XIV' IV p& ILoR SHOP - trip eererelle Canadian Pacific Railway from " A Fort Keough, Mune., despatch earl a the °Pi" lb VIna"v" 441 then" ta VI° .treat prairie Ore is raging on the Crow tads, provided a general election does not • V ,A. E.I776,11.T -1 Some feet chopping has been done at Reeervatein. It has Already `burned teke peace dui mg the ensuing summer, Which , . , Mr. llorana Zavitz'o, let 8, con, 10, Lobo, 15 amonirtho P 04abilit!oe. ° nun n a 0 tot i t sa d f is e f uncut hey. It is lately. Messrs. Thee, Skinner and Her. charged that Crow Indians fired the mire 'bort Hartle, cut, split and piled nine corde of wood in twa days. On Wednesday afternoon' a young man named Wm. :hamilton, stopping at David Malcolm's, lot 13, con. 10, East Zorra,was working with others on a straw stack, when it gave way; and fell on him. He could not be rescued before life was ex- tinct. • The Louisville charity organization has discovered that a beggar who has frequent. ly appealed for aid in. Louisville is in reAl- ity a prosperous Breckenbridge county farmer, Who leaves his farni in charge of his wife and grown sees, and comes to the city on begging etpepionr. • A twelve-year.old eon of Albert Tobins, Moraviantown, met with an almost fatal accident la-sTY'reek. He •lost hil-ifficivi Fri a tree and climbed up for it. Wben about twenty-feep high, lie missed his footipg and fell striking on the ice below the tree. Three of his riba were broken and the back of hirehead fractured. He laid whtrre he fell aboat thjeelioors before being discoi- ered; . . . Mr. Henry Frank, living two Miles from Reading, Pa.„ on a farm, kindled` fire with coal oil. The can eiplocled, and the burning oil scattered oyer the ,bedY of the woman and upon her two children, aged 0 and 11 years. The woman rartInto the yard, jumped into the cistern end Was drowned, The house was set on tire and the children were fatally burned, • Mr. H. A. Hodgens of Montreal, ar. eived hoine Friday. -14 sustained injur; ies ou the •Germanic about a.year ego, and Wan'not expeeted to survive, but by skil; ful surgery a piece of his cranium was re -moved. Af4 the clot a blood that rethlted from the fracture adhered to the bone in- stead of -the brain his life was saved, The White Ster Line paid the physicians bill ,aniounting ee $1,000.. •••: • Mrs. . Mary Apple, a lady of prominence atnong her people at Erie, Pa. wee ad- judged insane mid committed to a mad- houee at Warren. .Shie had been a eictirn of all three of the hroken. saving•banks in Erie, to the amount of $10,000. The loss sb preyed uponer, combinere with the ef- fect, upon her 'mind of the hisanitrofee.v. eral depositors, • that pine:too, stmetenbecl, aid bet for interference would have killed . . - is +prominent bank oftiterd. •• . -1)-(rieit take pills and powders containing Camel, for, • at this time of the year, the re- sult may be seriotis. If yrou require do e f will probably 'lose the use of his arm. - He physic take Dr, :Carson's Stomach and Consti- ' , has been liberally dealt with by 'the Gov-. nation Bitters; it aets gently on the bowels., . ernmeet. . . . purifies the bleed; improves the circulation, e . : stimulates en liver and kidneys, and -speedily John Ryan, of Hibbert, appeared before Tires ligliousliiiezsi, hdeadechte, dYepepsia, iniligeas-: Magistrate Flagg, of Mitchell, charged ...tion.Qanacla Itor°the..oetliiell,g asaareysalfitoiananonnoet eil,:iiil af with committing aseauit on Mr. Peeder- rexnedy equal to it. '1,ii: y it and use it in your ,,east, hotelkeeper, Dublin. It appears that families. 0 pole :everyweere in large boteest defendant was the worse of liquor on Fri. 50cents.. . • • . day,anc1Mr•Pendergeet refused te glee hiln • A telegiam from -London, Eng.; nye :•-•:- 'inything more to drink;when he. flew into A remarkable duel was fought. enthe field an awful paision,,and struck the plaintiff, of Waterloo to -da t co us elLas-d0rarti-.3444g411O-paper-friae-bar-- room walls, by ripping it up with a jack', knife. H,e was fined $10 and $5 costs: - NEWS Ise'pegs. A farmer in the West being .visited by eobbees, and having no Elliot for his dee for their appropriate reception put in a box of pills. .The outside application resulted in, the death of one of the intruders and the serious wounding of another:. David Tyson, a Clay couetyeeleorgieer wishing eo move and baying ne means but . a two -ox wagon and one steer. yoked him- sedf alongaiderof the steei and (lid his part' in pulling a load of 1,000 'mend's over seventeen miles of country eotid. • • ,A Toronto girl named Ann Lynch,while ,passing_the house of Mrs: Ne'ville, Farley avenue, Thursday night, was attacked by a ferocious bull dog, which tore the .skin off her right arm from the shoulder to elpe 'wrist. rt is feared erysipelas- will set in. The virtue of Carbolic Aeid for healing cleansing and purifying is well known; •bu from the many modes -of applying it, the pub - lie is uncertain how Fest to'use it To' During last winteg, no less then, 100 children were Leveed to death in Georgie. Ilote W. M. Smith, of Lexington/ III., committee euicele Thqrsilay'moriting, 1 -le was at one time speaker et the essembly. Be leaves an estate worth half a million. His health has been falling for yeare. • Captain Cannon, an oyster dredger, who sued the Bultippire _American for 85,000 damages becauee that journal celled hini a ".pirate king," has obtained a ve.rdiet with one cent damage& He pays the costs. A workmari in a Si.. Thomas planing mill, earned Penhide, became entapgled iu a helt,ancl his clethes were alniost stripped from his body before he succeeded in re- leasing himself with the aid of a jeek.knefe, Two Pittsburg women are fighting in the ceurts over the maternity et a ehildi both eilanning to be the mother .of the infant. The case is said to be withoet parallel in the history ef American and English juris- prudence). , . Capt. Moore, of the wreelreelesteamer Algoma, in conekleratiefrof hie long anti faithful service as Master Mueller on in- land waters of Canada and for other rea- sons, will have a certificate, which eras suspended scene thee •egee'resteeed en let of.May next. • A enainnioth learn on Hopkins stook farm at East Providence, R. I., was total- ly destroyed by an incendiary fire op Thursday *morning. Sixty.five head of cattle, includieg 61. Jerseys and one:Ayr- :shire, were battled, also four horses. Lose over $25,000. • More than 8,500 babies have been' enter- ed for the international baby (mutest in Paris. The favorite for the prize in the heavy weight elass is a boy named Sidoyne Vellez, a Belgian .by -descent. At the age of 5 years he 1 feet1i inches in height and weighs 158 pounds. Ira Delamatter, a farmer of. Pelham tewneldp, Welland Cb., was driving along the road on Friday., near Fonthill: When passieg the bush any the farm of W. O. Choral', he left hie'team fur the road and got over the fenee to out a whip, when he was 'horrified to tied •the dead bogy of man lying (pit° uear the road; ' " • Me. Rafe's...Fuller, of Cranberry Plates, Conn., being troupled by hen thieving, set a bigeteel-trap before the door of his hen- houeee and •covered it witli eeraw, ',After eereeeefifeeedireeslielieed; aner no thief was caught; Mr, Fuller endeaeored to 'ereare: range .theetraw Over the • trap. It..catight hini by the, hand,and he.'was held a prison? er•until'neighboie came to -his aide • The othen.evening. en 'the farm. of Mr John., Sharpe,' three miles east of •Foreet; ,Dau McPherson, of East. Williams, was engaged feeeine, hayepliekingena- chine,. When he. unconsciously• toreed his 'left foot the ..wiono• wiy. The ' packer eloserriti, on the limb; Which he weld net reniove though: he saw the eoltsecitienee &hen too late: His-fooe . . to drive cattle off the Reservation, ime crank earned Thomas Gerrie netiee through a Petrolia paper °•tha parson. moletting me, or looking cross at me, or bothering me in aey Way liable to get the gable mid of their blown to the four corners ef the earl beware !" 1310Q(I will tell." 'A. face adorned pimples, blotches, 8.te, is not a 'Pa larty pleasant sight, and invariably bet an impure stale• of the blood. • Dr. Ca Stomach Bitters free the system. from alt humors, renders the blood pure anti cool, digestion anti gives a healtilY appetite, sale by all druggists in. large bottles at 50 "At iner sate a husbend, as he dowp his •book and looked thought into the fire, " bow true it is that 'tis terto have loved and lost thane-tha -teNeveleto-have laved 46 supplie wife, softly, • "-No ;. than to Wye 1 and 'won," - • The barn of 'bitiIr, I -Lavey BArchard,. line, Warwick,Iyaii destroeecl. by tire a -nights since, together with 14 she° lambs, 1 spring calf,10 tons �f hay, rea seed., scales, buggy, 000 ,busbels of grain and other contents.' The work' is supposed to be tett. of an ineendir4, es-• pecialle as his faro* had given Consider- able eyidenee id the robbery on that Hoe. , I 'am employed at the house of Thurber, Whyland &0o., of Nievr York, and 'reside at 18 Warren •Plitee, Brooklyn. leering the intense cold weather of the pest wile. .ter, in creasing the bridge, the frost eteuelt my face. and. an altteek-of,.ery,sipelaseiVaa the result.. I applied. Giles Liniment Iodide .Ammonia ; the relief was iniinediete and the cure rapid. EDWARD Dems. Sold - by all druggists. • • In Dawn township on Wednesday a 7 • year-old deugete,e of Mr. Wra.leell loather life droweitig. Sltegepped on iece of icenn the shore. of Lenges creek, but it it broke and fleeted away. .Tee„fetther hear - *trig the .alarin ;ensiled into the deep Water, and thoughle succeeded in reachiegthe child She slipped from hissraip es he stro.ve to reach the shore in consequcince of the lerge 'Masses' ofeloatin.g ice. The bode. was foetid the. followingeday.• •• - ; A eleeer swindle has been perpetrated en•Toronto undertakers; A lady dressed in eneernii4g. ealledueori each aed ordered. a °Ain for. a stranger from New York, .who bad dive ie. her lioneeeit Mimeco. • As she hnd foreeteen, her :pers.e. aciwantod, to "teleiefeple trefiliiiide'-ef 'deceased, ereild they. oblige 'her' with Sufficient ti, payfor- it. Belidyingehey • bee' -a fat job each ob- liged hee-esoree •witla $5 and: ri'theee with $10'. The following day.they drove. out to meanie°. the • corpee,•, and earl 'friend he had been Swindled, • ; • . • 'A• deeeerate 'etruggle 'betiveen cowboys and horse • thieees reported from the TJ,ppeOlissouriRiVer country. It is stated 'that a parey.of cowhiiYe came upon a num• 'her 'of horse thieves in the timbrue.on the -elver bank, 100 miles iibeitiBismarcile. and ' atteeethe,e change •of several shpts. th 3 • 1 10 eseape. Charles Bead; .dock raid. Jack O'Brien; two &title wee Were .killed. Toni ihievee ieathed. tharteer eine rode out on Ali° ice. Terri hOrses• broke : thee:ugh. and with their eiders were swept. away': Tie() . other thieves returned. to. 111.0 her* 'weee the :cowboys eaeght them; tied - them on the -ticks cif ponieseAnd.teok them to eerie, Tlfejeleieee—Prribably beep, lynched: ' . ' • e• • • Tele report attic) "Ooramissioner of the West -el ounted Pcetee alien:thee t.he.. illicit eeljing Cie leper 'es on • thieineissase in • the etertitteries, and that --the.'Indiatie obe • tain liquor with comparatiee• • ease; • ftoe-:, Withstanding tee heavy penalties imposed. Mrs, •flleobert:•Roolier, of Xin"loss, -CeuntY'of: o ether results -can bc obtained. from tho ,Bruee, in a letter, says: have:bean tr bl • ' ed with. Dyspepsia and Liver (leratilaints for a • . ntunber- of'years, and' •,ani`glad :to say to the• publie ' well its, friends that lifeGregoeir Speedy Cure brought me around, and l'am no ,v • ;alright; thanks to McGregor's Speeile. Cure.•Hfindreds of like testimonials are frequently eceeieeee eine. are ..deily• previeg•that this es truly a wonderful remedy, °tiring .Sluegish Liver, Bilioue liemlaplie rind Costiveness, where all else Sold at • Cembe's • Dreg Stele... Tried bottles given free, • gives t ,a2y_ wdlyti , are beetle with rticu- falcons rsonei gross aids "For cents, laid fully bet. n—" d his oved 2nd few P; 2 per, e len b was emputated juet sayre, an•nitive ,of Frenceeantl „12,9!, e.,e., le • • - ' • Mies•Shelleyren American. The drier wee. .e. 2P3. '''''' a°^1e. : .. .. .i• ' the result ef": a dispete on. • ehe relative : -Geeerel Duriamiiippriats deterniieett to merits of French and Ainerieeriefemede secure What len belieyee. to be . his rights, Cleetoree' After a •stormy • altercate:el, be •ntityrithstanding that hula; in .exile;- 'Lle tweed the dieputantsre Mine. Valtrayee has writtent� the Ministee Of the Inter - threw her gloye in Miss 'Shelby's'. fabe, and lei risking thattis eerip; for: lands on the A duel was forthwith arranged. The wee. Saskatchewan be forwarded t� hire in . P008 were swerds. Miss Shelby wee Montinti. Duniont lutd:poie sense then wounded on ene arm. 'The -four secandi Riel.• The latter belibeed ihateha weide 'Were Americans, who et pressed theniseee. secure liepardoe if•he surrenderedemul he yes as setisfieseethat the duel had been bene • fiermitted.the scouts to capture hen.' -.His. 'elected fairly; 'mid thee .Franceed honors. lieutenant took tohis heels and teethed' had been avenged, . • • - .' - • • United States territery in, safety.: . At Norwalk, Ohioeeon.•Thersday merle. • . ing just bee:Ale:dee Father C.' V. Chevereux, who presides over St, Nary's Catholic Church', that city,, was Awak- ened by a slight noise in the house. Search revealed a masked Man' overlimiling the .bureag drawers. •"Keep back," cried the fellow, " not keep back, but shoot.'" resprratied • this priest, and; levelling his revOlYer . at. the • fellow's breast, he.firede' The jeen Were seareelyeen feet apart,. and the. shot evidently took effect, for the bur- glar reeled, htit recovering himself dashed uieee through en open window,n' that want, McGregor .17Parkeei Carbolie Ceeate • two more shot from the 'mimes I is prepared, and ;nay be used With confidence. . Do not be misled. Take only McGregor & " Puke's' Carbolic Cerate. Soid at: .Cembe's Drug Store. , From the Norfolk (Va.)Ledder: Prefioula to the war a colored Man, now living in eele eiteeand then a slave, purchased his freedom fit= -his owner, agreeing to elite $1,300 for the chattel property. When President Lincoln's emancipation proelame ation was issued the foeiner slave had paid $800 of his indebtednese and pince that tine, by his daily labor, he has a,ccumulat-, ed,dollar by dollartandpaidtoVer tohie forn-. er own thtaeremainrag$500and now is a free man indeed: The sense 'of honor was stronger in his 'mind than, the dew of the 'United States, by whieh he ivalimailumitti- ee, and he testae' example followed byfew. His name, which dements to be recorded everywhere, is John Ditties. failing to stop him: The plucky priest re- ceived it. telegearn from Bieber) Gilmour for hie bravery: • 'Winner' who are in the habit of biting off.the ends of their thread when they sew will do well to take a'lessoli from the mel- ancholy experienee �f Mrs. John T. Greee, Of Troy, Ne Y., -yam died the other day, as it was thought; �f a tumor in the stom- ach. She had complain:Jed of an exoruelia. leg pain in her side Wheie there tvah con. siderabfe ewellinte, and the ilyinetorns in her case appeared to be' so unuairal that the phyeicians insisted open making apoet mortemexatnination. Upon investigatipn, it was found:that the supposed tumorwas nothing but a large,roll of silk and mohair fibres, which had dathered in the stomach in such a way as to form au obsteuetion. It wars subsequently aseprtaicted that Mrs.. Green had been employed When h ...A.t Randol h Tent*eeeeeteeeneseeiortle-of- -yourtgegtrl-m-a-eilitefteeediejeeeliEifieeehllatf of Crouch engaged himself to tyre young ladies. One of them was harried, Tern ton, and, hearing a ma conduct w ot was enee--ew---P--ing merchant by the q e abite of Wit:1g silk thread • and chewing them: Sheefinall became a fond:of-eating threads tha a e continued -1haehalatt--up-ftretletre-d eyeedeath • a note to tall and explain. Orduch failed which was undoubtedly ---------1 to do so. Miss Templeton then informed her father of the ,s1W.;.elelleee-ie gentleinarteeelTeeronT: , • ,day night With a elieNtan, and made him go before him until the,house waareached when he was invited in to the parlor: On • entering he was confroeted'. by • Miss Teekpleton and her sister. •The young ladies locked the parlor door- and asked him to explain his conduet. Crouch Wing' • • A his head.in stame an ct eaid he bould hot give any ;satisfactory explanatkn, Where- upon both of the youngladies proceeded to horsewhip the perSclious young man, who made his escape throngh the*indotre, arry- Ing it with him. Crouch the day felleiving • anarried the other young lady, doubtleas fearing similar treatment fiesta her. Fir 3 brOk0 out three miles from Wiarton • at eight o'clock last Friday- night, in a house Occupied by Wm, Bailey, a farmer, . in which lie and his hired man, name un- known, wore burned to death. •The dames were far advanced wren neighbOrs got to the scone, and the outside doors were found*• locked, so that there was no chance a entering the buildina. Ilailey's • herv.s 1 mn,1 in the stable still Ear, • • practice of this oilm.en& vice. . „ vj, Nevrieuldianq are to the ffect that the iliatress iaparte of that poi. buy is very greet.' A. few dayaligo between 800 atid 900 people assembled -on- the grounds .in 'front of the Colonial building and demanded that sante special effort be made by the governmede to relieve their 'present dittress. They said they were not inclined to break the peace or commit ex - bruises of atiy kind. To obtain ernployinept from which to sustain themselves and their fat/lilies was their pole object, and their neceseities Were so Incasing tiukt. they non ld not and would not leave until 801)10 platen -- tee had been given that their demand would be attended to, Two banners were borne, by the leaders, each containing this brief bu t -very expressive se nten ee, "Bread or Work.” From the erhaelatecl, haggard appearance of inany in the crowd it was only too evidenlu that this extreine course was not :adopted by them until'days and Weeks, tilidgn some eases perhaps menth.N. of severe privations and sufferings had beeii endured, Thu (400.'crnineni allocated it sum of tummy to meet Om r-3.113i1om. uts r.; t'Acy ?„ led of prehibttion which has been estab• lithee le elm orthweat. By the present, eystereeintoxiceting drinks. in.-large-4mM- titiee are .every year :imported'• into • the • Taritoriet, , and the police, in •putting dowia the traffic; Aye ever metevith the de. fenee that the licplor in conned cottennate- tioe was under. sanctioe. „ef.the Geetein moue, Pei.rnits have been felith to easy obtained. •Property Burned. It is estimated bye eneuranee eoinpan. les that in the United States lase year. dwellin;g:houses were burned at the tate of one -every hour,. with an averageeloete of $1,39,e. Barns and stables, b0 pee .week-. •Couritry stores' three per day, with iteleis of 5'110,000' perweek. Ten hotels litirn weekly, with a loss.Per year:: of $'4,000;000. Every other day a luta-. ber yard goes up smoke;\ each repre- sentino $20,000.' Forty-four •cotton factories, the loss in each case being $28,000 ; forty-three weole,ii. 425,000 each, and. forty-ewii 017i6Lir works' at' $27 000 eiteh, were dest oyed by.fire last. rim. ...PortY.:two hoot ahel shee factories were eotisumed,.. the hoss. being $17,000 ,each. Theatres were Id ped. up by the flames at the rate of five, permonth, average loss $19,000. Only about 'TinTras maiir cour'6:17OuSei'lvere destroyed the cost'of each being •abo James• S.....Sdniptien; respectablegook- ing' :man of ,40 years, pleaded -guilty, at Toronto, Thursday, of having behaved himself in a most outrageous Manner in the Queen's Park. Detective liodgehe stated that .the.prisener bad been miscon- ducting himself in the manner accused of -for nearly a year, 'until parents of children Were afreid, eo send their little ones to echoed bemuse, of this man, • The mAgis. trate ailed him $40 and costs or, three monthie iniprisonment. • • . At talfpast hie o'clock•on Friday night, IVIre'Sarah Jane Gilbert, an old resident of passed. peacefully away. At half - past top °Week, four hours afterwards, the spirit of her aged husband, Mr: Tames • Gilbert, also took its :flight to ether spheree. MteGilbert was aged sixty -seen yearte, and 'Mr; Gilbert seventeesix. They had both. been twice .marriee, ane were married, t� 'each other some' twelve or thirteen yeries ago, They leve been ill for some time, and the:face:0_11e .W.ifiks_death,--Was-hot,-- to Mr. Gilbert„.eo that the knowledge that the partner of had preceded. him un outtv world had.- .., • a no.nifluenne ifi'liastening hie own end: ..., • , Hew it -CI-V-e-t;= eau 41)0J:date. . A telegram from Long Pine Neb sa s • .......— A.desperate attern t was e_ yeaterday. aleri, attya. no 0,...viairiono ,he 10., • A wife of it Detroit epeetilatot went oast. to lyndb. an un nown *amp who had coni- haede vane) ,w, elaweeeeleieee mitted a brutal seuiault upon an 8.year.old he reeetyed, a istor4r,piretl, thwimagi, daughter of Sohn, Wilkins, of this place. her ettee arre47,1, and kwing : The whole town turned out arid captured him about tWo 'Miles opt in the country. " 1 am going to show you that a woman His preliminary. examination occurred in knowa how to speculate as well as a Man, the afternoon. The girl positively identi- Apples are Much cheaper herethan,in De- fied him carlo as her assailant. Her father atr trait, 'and I am going to buy and ship a ad on speculation." tempted to shoot him in the Court room, crowded- with 800 people. He . was re The thermometer wad at zero and the strained by a constable. The tramp was man prenced around tike a orasY stool'. , • She could not be reached by telegraph, and remanded for Wel,: and a special, ppsse of the letter he sent he reply had not b„n thirty sworn in to protect him duringelis transit to the County Jail. The infuriat- gone two hours when he received a second ea Crowd followed the officer to the station, which said .. , „. . •. Where a passenger train was in waiting.. "Eilci"e'd You will th34 illp silipPin hill of the cardord of apple. Don't sell Repeated attempts wore toodo to Boor° pot the rapist and•lynch Mtn, 011 the deone -Of them less than $2 a barrel and 1 tf ia 8 wen thrown over , the den t .nover say again that women don't . - a o ie deputies in hopes of (melte cling the brutal ravisher .and choking him then and there, lie cies safely landett on the train, when fifty men jumptscI freight ngont naked : e. what wankcd fool board, and were' deivell °lliteoLviohn'ail8sir:ft itnee t 1), a 11 :at witi:ifacti m shippod yon applei in Ilii I s•qt r f weath- the deputies' revolver. A the Win strewed nut, 10111the prieoner te r„ei„, , or e' e, eeeo, wtti tfilo‘o, tl the le eloty Jail 'Of Vine. el 'Ate wit ., a;1, firj '1,,,,b) e" enetrelt wo-ri.h. Pree l',3'.: .3 .. mow low to turn a dollar to account." ...—Vesterday the man went clown to look at the car. .1tIvery apple. was,' of .course temp as hard as , stone, awl when the o• • Late of Minneapolis, a practical TA 11.01l and meant vf several year, experlene destreeto intimate to the People of Clintott and vielnitY, that he hos commenced business IN THE DEAVER: BLOC& •In front of Fester Rarley's Photo Gallery, u here IZ/IleCeaRele.4e-lerX* Te owners of Stock. - --:, I/ . 'AIM ATM' • rt e •• _Tele*. he will be pleased to 1 all orders on short notice, and at reasenabie rates. cloth cut or made up just as TRADF.MAM . •desired. Orders respectfully solielted. ,frore..,•—.....—.. —....,—......--....,,,, ............- ---, e Giles' Lemur Iodide Amnia ,, fi'o -The Warm:Lars. SEEP CRAIN and oe.owut sem.• -tattAleaf se;enes 4pr 01.1141. KINDS. .ALTFORNIA DEFIANCE SPRING wirEAT. BUM STIOI SpRINQ WIIEAT. ' MANITO RA. SPR W IfEA.T. WITI1'•E RUSSIAN BARLEY CHAMPION 0A.T4 BLACK MARRAFATS BLUE . WHITE PEAS. : CROWN le4(te. Teen: SEEEti ARE Ar.r, CLEAN. JAMES STEEP, CLINTON. •.: 2 NN' .1KINO POWDER THE COOK'SBEST FRIEND. _S. .W.ALSON.,.. GENERAL,DEALER IN TINWARE, • HURON' STREET, CLINTON. • Reports; ot tin kinds promptly attended Id at'reason- Able rato. Atrial solicited. Please Notice THIS ANNOHNCEINEHT CALLANDERS' Pateet HARROW is In the market re compete with any • Diamond. Darrow miade.• 50 Set of Irdzitows • romp -lost glee away. 4 - 50 lIttemies to he' tinfalted up for ;next spring, anil ;Material' for -100 set of • Ilarrows. :Om:: OIL l'IllilghtlY BO Odle& Ceres LOW/OMIT( Cattle: Spinal Idol saint. . , Finiiids7;v31111:ewiatkilpulanigat;anblos: SPNIZtegid4evsehNnolit be alnico it. Railroad whoa. awl ex PrePTI rolllpailieT1 all age nite's.Linitueut, and In tho great rm... out charge, give advice on 1.01 diseases and also oil the man ,irnbgeelt.ahles of Belmont and Lorillard it has arhicted tvoi.- dem. One teal will convince, tgoetriceiaamoilineaqttulftehsSnotiO02b?rmialitilryyligoltiitshact,t000; glIgtdi8a11:110.!! Write llit. GILES, Box MO, N. Y. P. 0., 'who will, with Giles Iodide Ammonia House and -Cattle yellow for cattle, pon:edtesrisa.lor lannly use; that Ill 4,' eroade,l1By•gehltIoit3 elfa,aeti:Igshheoerseuteii on :creme eark,• Fleet. obesd By and Ball's Bead. Never disappoiut, (Re tome, Alterative and Diuretic', Destroy Worms, cures Indigestion, Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh Foontler,Tfek-eye and Rheumatism. The &WM IP illn II d. de br hpegitesrafailing itdtot:0 it ., t,nlibthl ea Pe: rivArosneurrerefirunuadr(a,re esdo at r ill )1nat rl -1 - . .. . Ut4wartd of Oututterfeits I ROBERT DOWNS? CLINTON, • ; ItIanufacturer ;Ind Protirictor for the best SaW,Aitlill Dog in use. Agent for the sale and application of tho arPtsuint RATICNT AVT031A-110 BOILFA CLEANIM• STEAM FITTINGS fornished end applied on eine liotica. • • • • Boilers. Engines.. anti- all Dingle of' hiti , eitineeer repeAred eirpedittneisly and • , An a sat islitettory manner. - • Perm huplementS manufactured and ropoired, 'Stevan ' and Water pipes Jurnishect 'anti put in position. Dry . Kilns fitted up on application. Charges moderate. . • . HARKNESSFM451 HAIR RAMC% Restores, grey hair to .its na- tural color,: re moves Dandruff, • steps the hail from falling out, increaser. its growth, and will not soil the -skin, -7-As a hair the Notwithstanding all the opposition by those sing, it has' tic sPeelally interestetl, I will sell to any man who seperior. Guar. may. coma before the ist or January, 1880, a -sot year, -.This eirer is simply to showeip sonde of .eanteedharrnless. _of-Harrows•eompleterfortho-sinall‘stIllref' • . and more than that, will -Warrant them for ono • d atifiwer, when asked °for a testimonial, was "1 rkenpeasrse cpcy the stateiror ts mado about my patent harrows • Harr ati•fa7. 3 1Pid • ineeearifeg. Ask Hon Switzer it • London Ont what 1 say tweet my IlmiTows isnot rigid. His aoid-b---v-ail-D'i,jigr4.1;t will sign buy name to anything youviiste about ' Patbnt 1" 'akin Callender's .Patinat Ilarraw.. Cannot break- it • Dealers . or shako it loose. Would have no other.'e 'The - same answer is given by, the Tipiady's, hings, the' shipleys, Albert May, and others. whom have sold to. Enquire of these mono A. CAL.I.A.NDR, Chute!). EN•ohl , curator loseor fall. ' A quieir,periniinent, L . .absolutely certain vo ess,weo, ; eleeiienrg, UthreanaghtratInaer: velopreem, caused by indiscretions cereesses, eke. Benefits in a day;cures usually within a -month, No deception nor quackery. Positivb.proofs, full -. description, hundreds of testimdniaLs, with letter of advice mailed in plain, sealeti envelopes, free. ' Erielledicel eq;,,, Buffalo, Ni, Y." - . - . • • -• GlItAND MIRafEIRODERICK ,• . • Will SliolO, selected Stork consisting of CAOidt CANDiES, - • eeRO.CEXIES, FRUITS of ell:kinds, ?' • PHOReE T(iI3A.000S , AND (.4c4.111,S; Try them. , . STYLES. -1'R,E671 OYSERS 1*. In -Bulk. coneteeeiy-areiying., • . _ 0110101;:111.77'74R and BeiG$ IPA 71e:D. „ . • , 41u1g.- 'BROD:7J1/611f; JkCKOQNIITOO,t Hume STREET, CL/NTON. 0. • • N E W GRORRY & PyorsioN STORE . . The .iindersignecl begir,to inform the11.11b1ic eee, that ehe his opened out in MR. THOS. COOPER'S OLIrSTAND,. a full line of R.00E.RIES FLOUR • For saleb17 the GRAND RAPIDS &INDIANA. ' R. R, SugarmaPle the principal timber, Advantages-: Railroads arready.beilt, !fouler.: but towns and 0101031, 000 of the healthiestparts of the Unittd Statel, purest water, tool! markers, fine fruiti• good loads, schools, churches, largo. agricultural population, best building material -at low figures,•good soil, Inw prices,, easy terms, perfect tide: For books; mops, charts, and, •alt aciditibrial information, address . . ' " W. 0. RUGHART-, •: ?And CommisSioner, Grant! • II:eitcheirbes HOUSES* 1818141101118 statit Grosse Isle, Bich. - . All..stock• selected from tho get 00 sere •' -andrlains-oteestale lished reputation and. ' • tere cl hi the French and American Stnd BookS. •'Vire-have a.' • `very large ninaher of imported and graclo ewe lions and breed mares on hand. Trials reason - Correspondence solicited. 'Send for largo • ilinstrated 'catalogue, free ' by mail. Address NAN,A1511i FAIINUI4 BRAN,. OATMgAl..;.1 cpot,kL. 'OIL,&c, CASH PAID FOR EGGS 141-..11-AY$ON..„ sionemene ' o Owl iWriglit, JEWELLERS AND OP,TICIANS;' • eltePOnTiefts s — • :,,p?1,,ANpay),6.,,,WATCHES, CLOCKS," .ll'A.RETIE STATUARY', ART POTTERY,. ot,TRA 0LAss. 'y PANS, nnia.k.nitAc, ETo. • ..110PB.E4s. ANDAtierrikilmits Or LtIN A.ED -WALTHAM. WATCHES, STERLING SILVERWARE, TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE, • AMERICAN CLOCKS, 13INFM,TT GtASS, ETC., ETC.; •140W0.0 D WA 'AV 'DETI 3IT . . orv.R.A. 1Iors7 BLOCK, D.VrItOrr, xxoura-Ax. SOLE STATE GENTS VOR, PARK, PHILIPPE & C1)08 •ELE`TIIIATEI) ' ATUITE's;. • rat.S.raikadramratii. « Cabinet Parior .FullitutT .amp9ms, The subscriber iteeinf the 'finest .C.AgIdTgralicl COFFINS 'Always o -n hand. VallOtILIS f tirnisheti-at A OMd SO,LICIT4D, - •. • s.enti II not lin t10rtn10012,, RE IT1i113E.It T1I1.i PLAS;R, „ , • ; geccurer, 2_11p, TOWN gALL. *THOS,-,STEVENSON. ka, .1 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and investment Co4Y _ rhis tonipany i Loanbly 41toflo1j 'ott Sficztrify al Idnr,At, Rat, 8 of Idleri»4. , • Mott rfuqtg iltOn'Astr) •-,..:‘,17.11\7(48 DANK. A NLIII ie.) rime pee re et. Lefeetee e rilloterre fro • . the-we/ere-to iteeeto ' • met (tee Fl -F 'II • 11, . ' 3.1 r' !':-.'0.11,e,..!0.1:•3 R,iti, e II ile IlertTree. . . • 310 w yr:e Girt . • •,, •- t jj3• ,