HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-02, Page 2Pima swExuraEART
heed in true wozninish fashion. "Do
-pea thieltel ane ? N. words; could
be so olotmeiit, as you pretty eyes.
Deary ine," she says, with a qt.fick sigh,
"'tis many a year seine 1 stew "those
that wore lilt° them 1 Come now and
tell me then. Do pen reallytwant to See
Mr. Milan:lay e. Ile has peen you often e
euough, I warrant."
Seen ?"
"Ay. Couldn'b be holt from the
room after his sight iirst fell en you.
Aud well I hum the restson,.poor gen-
tleman !" She rises from her seat, and
with another sigh that has uothing to *
dowith ieiettes' or any ono of her gee -
oration, " If you, wish to see bine dear,
.E will tell him so," she says gently, gee
lug down ehsently' at, the fregito figure
in the bed.
" To thank him," aturniure Dolores
In a little evbile he conies to her,
•• 1
ing- band. " You WO My preserver.
May I not tell y. aow—"
"No, no; tcll ene nothing," interrupt!
be hurriedly, n excepb that you are or.
the highroad to recovery."
I shall 'recover," flays Dolores'
brightly. feeleeuite equal to gettirtg
up alreed. I an young, you see, and
eo strong."It is almost laughable to hear, her say
this -such a little frail 'waxen lily as
sbe look, up at him out of deli.
este pillows.
But err. Mildmay fails to see the joko.
An expression of iuteuse medusas makes
itself discernible upon his mobile lips
and sensitive brows.
"Ay, youth is ever strong," he SUP;
" yet there have been sad, sacs excep.
Again his wilco grows dreamy, again
that strange erinceutrated geze fixes it-
self upon the fragile invalid, Boueath
it she grows nervous. Is thiskindly old
man eccentric, or -or insane? An me-
, 1 . . • possible pang of fear seizes her for an
sloweees, and a tall zuau, bent some-. • instant, and then dies away,. never to
what, eud or ,,,, vety elderly aspect, ,
return. Surely there is no insanity in
ereeps eato the room"; he advanees to
lierians , the 'gentleness of the glauce directed at
wards bee on tiptoe with the her, or in. the almost womanish sweet-.
trette ,of 'one • to Whom illness ie; we- e. flees ()elle() benevolent emile! • '-
lcuowii. • • .
' With geette care be pats the heavy "And now I ;muse leave you, claildet
he says presently, rousing himself from
curta,ins et the gaunt old foiir-poster, 'his abstraction, "unless I would under -
and • loves dime upon the pale child
'resting on the pillows". Then all atone, go a scolding at the hazels of Mrs. Edge-
worth. Get well, get etrong, and then
as it seems et) Doleres, she IfIlOWS that you shall tell me the story of bovv"it Was
Home ite least of her feverish dreaeis ,
3 ou wore driven hither."
were realities. Not once, but many Delores shrinks from • biro. A great
time% thie same worn face Lad gezed as
terror grows within her eyes. The deli
her daring' her illness.) Aud eow she
eate hand lying' upon the coverlet he:
recellects that. ever witir the sense of
his coming had come too a strauge ewe" gins to tremble convulsively. Is he.
a, sking her • to deliver up her secii•et ?
taiuty of peace. - 0 . Now—now, when she has endured so
•' In those lialf-uncouecitels ute he far and so hea,v4y ? Would he hay° her
had stolen into her room, semping to .
undo all her "Week in one Swift moment,
her, in her' miserable incoherency', ere, and oat the:agomes of many honese_.
blend axe melte olio with the inetleY that have been longer than the Imigest
. crew that hedged her. . in on every sido years -to the winds? Oh, no, not that 1
and made havoc of her mind. During 4Te be again the mime of shame IC*.
, theSe.siokly visions lie had appearecleto misery to those two to whose hapm•-
, bend over.hor ; et few welds had fallen ;Jess, when weighed in the balance of
.. 4:on..1 him. Now thew words had come • . her. soul's reckoning, her own happiness
back to her again; some ring clear and is as naught! It:must not he, even
•'Ll'"6.68111Y .aistin°1'. ' Again oli°. se6ms thotigh by her -refusal to, speak the sum
to be' listeebel • to ' them, although of her sorrows be increased a thousand-
• throughout the whole of this le,slortho- fold by the -thought that grosa ingra,ti-
• dox visitehe ie Singularly silent and die- tilde will be impeted to her. •
Again his °Tee, so -fell of love and hepe,.
geze toOtil into 'bore ; again her hazel
grows werne, within hie. grasp ; and once
eetineeetnete 'her ear; thrthe
word e ; then she goes on, "When elm
leavee us, we shall. learn her lose," she
says, in adowtone. Be has seeraed so
elleme, une pathetic up to thie, that
wuaq against hi. she is losingCart, and a strong affec•
The blood recedeis from her brow, lier time fek the lonely child wboin fate has
. heart. grows ohilr; hitt the eileion sstill Ilug to her has grown up Within her
is there. Smiling, as though in the heart.
• teeit,, - . -• •• • • Mr; Mildtnay, noticing •thee instant
"Ha, dear mel •Riese My will! Tut, ' change in her expressive face;is shocked
tut, tut !" So Mr. elildinay used to mut- by it, and by the knowledge it betraYsk,
ter On every occasion whoa he appea,ted A to him. POOP child!. Does she imagine •
• at her bedside.. The" rich Oloquende 'of • -1-ehe Would heap another grief tipoe her :
" thoSe remarks was eettee improved. • - already overburdened heart ?.
non; perhaps there was he room. fer • e . "Do not mistake me," he says bur-
impeovemout.. Teey were' aleveys.the : riedly. " Whatever you wish to keep
S9,1110, and filled with a vivid cdneern sacred to•yourself hall so be kept. 1 .
that used to Nine comfort in some odd-. --seek to knowenothirtgebutetelfereeefedeiee
fa,shion to the little lengeid sufferer. sireto tell: Ali I would heir is how I
- The absurd formula never altered, but , ansere ypu:,! ,• -, •
. ,
.it never, tee, lost its eweetness for her. He ruses aleruptey. He is evidently
Somebody:0e for her; in that Jay the greatly distressed by hor want of con-
• clia•rnee • • ' • • •• • adence• in him, and very anxious that• .
Now, as he teens silently over bee, she she should know bow go-ocl. a friend ho
... • can eaullime more clearly, can ebnyince D. means to be to her. • • :,4voimill
'e • herself miore' positivelY of hie "-reality. • "Ab sir 1" 's Dolores.•
'• He ieeeeretall elnaireet -letelfteitleee'hYethe • No words einem to her. save these,
scourging. of fete than by years -a man, . though she Would •gladly have made
•'certainly more sinned.' against than ein- ' larger acknowledgment of his goodness;
• Mug, but nevertheless bound in chains - but en teak gentle eyes there Iles a world
oesome sort. ' There is -a weakness, a, of thankfulness,: .1-Ierliteidehee ceased
• suspicion of nervous irresolnteneigiz.L. ,
, and„Ahougltdier,-sonsit"
flesh, Boaverie stands before her, tall "Leaves us! That shall never. 'be !
and eager, wit kt the old glad light within She told me she heel now eo home. Why
his eyes -now -now, when she is lying should the go?" says Mr. Mildmay,
'Intee so far teem hirik, weals and lonely 1 Welkin Into more eager life than she
She tries desperately to coequer the bad see in him, I or yearsierever indeed
illueioe ; but her streugth is insufecient eines thatfax.off sad. event that had left
for her. The room in whicla she lies, hie house desolate wet° .
Mr. Mildmay, all facie from her, and "Her mind is made'up to it then,"
main she is waleing up that pale cor• she says grimly: "Only an hour agouti),
•ridor with, her true leve awaiting her in ahe wee discussitig with me the chance
H ' of ettingber living in some large town."
• . • . •
••• • •
impalpebly ; but the dear' large epee
• tne 8rays.
clad in that gray suit which she had
told him then would be for ever allied
to ho e memory pf him in the future.
How Y at 4
treeted, these Words of hers; but now -
does he remember them now?
He had laughed, she recollects, but
had macle no exepse for appearing.he-
fere Jeer at that late_hoer. in -morning-
dress. But she had understood it alt;
she lfziew that his love for her had pee.
vented. his re-entering hie mother's
doors that day. He had not dined be-
neath her roof, Ho had taken it in
vire, bad part. the cruel" telling of the
cruel truth to hie best beloved)
Yes, yes, she waS ha "hest be-
loved."' Be life from this dey forth the
worst thing poseible, she has at least
the blessed certainty that once she was
to him the dearest thing on earth ! He
loved her, and she loved hira-ay, will
ever love him, Oven to the sacrificing
for him all hope and peace and joy.
Oh, darling, darlieg I
A little beartehroken cry bursts from
her, and with the sound. of her Voice
comes the dissolution of her sad vision.
Bouverie faders awey. hone her, her mad.
dreaendiee. She is no longer with her
lever, but only lying here, Wet, illede-
Bemiring; crushed in soul and body,
lowered to the very verge of . tho gravo
-het, ales, alas, not dying 1' '
She raises her eyes to Mr. Mildmay..
• "Yes, it is true," ehe stet, -with a
painful • elfore, "there is -another -
whom I love," Andthen suddenly she
breaks bite bitter- weeping, and turns
her face to the wall., •
• Tears rise in the cieekof
He lays. his • hand tenderly' upon her
"Rcer child, poor child: And is it
so VI he says. "Bit take cbnifcirt.
There ,may be hope sennewhere. That
his love and yeiers are Mabel I feel
sure. Aed perhaps, whatreveredificulties
be in the.way,now, hetienrieteiti will be
again united -
9 Noe" says Delors* vatil Passieli-
Wteeliudder-" not now, or hi the future,
ereiver." • -
te•••••—. Set— kY"
''Her living! Her death rather!" ex.
claime Mr. IVIildnuty, strettgely agitated.
4' She cannot teer-she shall not. What !
Expose one so young, so gentle, to the
temptations, the miseries of poverty. It
shall not be, I telly/ou,!' %sista lie, turn-
ing upon his faithful servaet, as though
she too were in league against him..
• "-The world is e. horrible place; she iee-
not litio battle with it."
"1 said. all that to her," , says Mrs,
Edgeworth earnestly. As , far as I
Might, without ha,ving the word from
• your OM lips, I Old her there was no
great hurry about her leaving. this%
house, that you would make her gladly
welcome ; yet go, she says, she will."
"She is e, wayward. child,' returns
her mastor irapatienly ; the must be
reasoned with. A little *girl of her age
should have no determuuttrimes ; one
commanding word from her elders
ei liana he sufficient to reduce her fo,obe-
The utter abeurdity of this remark,
as coming -from Mr. ildildreay's lips i• e
patent. The holdneas of his attempt to
look stern stekee even -the • house-
keeper, as she bolts' upon his geetle
yielding face mid his'nervolis trembling
fingers. • '
"I think with you, sir -I quite think
so," she says demurely, tapping the
table ageht with. her bony ltnuckles,
"But wip) is. to say the ' commanding
, word ? I.'111.you ? " •
• " 01i, ,no -b, dear, n�!It will
come. =Lich better from you -a woms,nr •
•declares be falteringjet. •
"1• have spoken, sir, and failed."
. "Well, if X must exercise My atithor-
itY, will," says Mr. Mildmay, in a
• rather quaking tone. • Tut tut
Surely she ewes me something? am
her guardian, in a fashion, appointed by
.Fate herself, • shall therefore!' feehid
her -not too sternly, you understand;
" So like, so like -the reserchlanco is
•terrible," mutters' Mr. Mildmay, as he
paces up and down his tudy. in a ter- ,
vous abstraction. His hands are 'clasp-,
edbehhid his back, his heed .is bowed.
The belief that he is alone ii; gently bro.
ltee in u
• " e es, •ehe strangely like, says Mrs:
, . • e
,Edgeworth thoughtfully:: . -• ,
He starts and rouser; himself from his
. . .
aeverie. • -
'•;" Ae.e, youhere, Edgeworth," be says,
lips still quiyet ecirrowfully, her whole
• faceeseteexpresseve �f the very keeriese
aro open and fell of kindliness. About
66 Tell el% EdgeworthImev it is with'
from his folloWs and found his sole come • .friend gently, "and bow' we can help:• *ith a sighe •e I imagined mysElf
for rattily year§ ha's wiehdrewe himself
you, and be guided lea lier, my -dear, alone in body as I ever am in • spirit.
• • ,panioriS in the voiceless children of nee whereit is 'hi to • h Ana.so you' too WIN° noticed this mare teheays 2 -4,,
• grati• tude ' '•
• hie whole atpeet there . is e sextette of •
unworldlieees; , and• the air 'of one: Who yeti tie far as you. can," says her. new
Edgeworthe--I liave read that tyrenny
always defeats its Own i3OrPOSDS---but
shall, certainly give her firmly to know
that fay) shall not leave my house nn.„
• 1085itiltss says
be ,r sr e. • "Ea r na Le Q. et, te aef emet r
• "You will know what to "say to her,
• -who really, after alletheee 'yeitre, half
believes in him. AIA'Whe5,12 will you
speak to her sir --now ? ' •
• 0
• there is no such great haste ? " • •
• I think the sootier the better, sir,
She seems quite bent On leaving ue with
. . •
"But why? •She has been very con-
tent here apparently for three weeks-.
nearly' four.. 3Vhr-why," • says Mr.
Mildmay; lookbar,a stilts housekeeper And •
speaking jell hew confidential .ton, as •
• if half afraid, Of the. step he is aliont to -
talseee,ereyjiy should ,she not "stNeeee
.111,111GlinD control a largo antount Pilvatti one Com
espy Funds for investment, *lime good terms and low
interest, MANNING & SCOT! Barristers Eillott's
, ,
0lOck, - • .
Treins Piave Clinton as PloW'S :-
VrOlPg East. Going West.
7.25 express mixed
1.05 p.m. Mixed 3 00p.m.
4.30 p.m. mixed 9.15 p.m. eXifielle
' GoingNorth. Going Soate.
9.53 a.ra. express 8.03 a.m. express
( 0 p.m. express • 4.13 p.m. exprese
gr,ofollionot, and otttin kitart10,
Barristers, •Soficitbrs
' eoneneeenerster Ontario and Manitobs. • ,
!NONE Y- nee 31
plates Bloch, Huron S.
Fura.s. C. =OUT, Otlice
, ,
41. undersigned at the Library Rooms, Smith's,
Block. • 30 • J'AlitE4 SCOTT,
suras on good irlOrtgage founirity, moderate
ate of interest. if. 11ALE, Clinton.
ees"..entypsiperagrjeBuYre'dMoieDe:iog. .0Rff'Clie8a'uEeNreaerlieAllennce
yoxt Molsou's Rank, marketequare,
Lon Ontario streot,Cliatonioppositethe Englisn
numb. Entrance by side gate, "
.1111-verANCEit, and TEIStter of idarrilige-Lieinisea
ISIOney to lona.: Moe and residence, corner of
Ring and.Quee a streets, Iilyth.
previncialand Dominion, LanirSurveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, I'ERRIN BLOCK,
Clinton; °
L Murray Block, two doors east of, Ilodgens"
trance. Ilestience, opposite the Temperance Rail,
Huron Street,Olinton. •Oillee hours, 8 a.m. to &p.m,
lee t tended at their own residence,ifneeessary.
t4euce, Jobn Robertson's, ninon Street, onnton.
Rice's new method, tatight if desire,d.
Da4A-e. partmentofVletoriaUniversity,Torontp,for
merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yea
o ary MAW, etc. Ofthe, Siultta's Btecu,
BRUM STARR; CiarroN. TOrOrltd ag011ta, MeSSrs. MC-
C/artily, Osier, Hoskin Creelimin. • Private fluids to
oan at lowest rates of interest.
• 'iv. Wertdeere, B. A.', M. R., ORM:MATE op,
eeeTeronto UniversitY; member of tlreCollegeofk.hy
sielans and S urgeons, Ont. OFFICH ItEstria Nos' the
honseformerlyeaoupled by. Dr. Reeve,•Albert street
Clinton.. „"
n. TON,. Pit ysICIAN , SUItialEON
.1../Aecouehenr,Lieetatiateof the bollegeof Physician.
and Singb`ons of LOW, rdanada,o,nd ProvincialLiven,
Mate and Cereal,/ or theConotyafIliiron. Oilleeand
residenes,-The,huildin g. 10171101.1y oeoupied by Mr
Thweites, Huron's trout. •' •
• Clluton,Jan.10,1871. , • ••
" Now ? ood Edgeworth surely •
AISY g ooms, Perrin block, down
stairs. ••Abent 1,700 'volumes in the LibrarY and
all no Leading Newspapers nod PeriOdumis of
tit • ler.--Mearbership tleitet 31 per
annum., Opcia from 2 to 3 p .ra„ and' from 7t
9 p Applications' for metnnerslisP rdeived
by the Librarian in in the room.
1.10:1i0E01,1 DRN*ST, •
. tlie exclusive right for the county for the Hurd
p °tom.; of administering 'chemically, pure Nitrogen
Monoxide which is the safest and best systetM4mt
, 0, p.i ca. extraction of teeth. Cliarges
moderate, .setisfactien guaranteed. , Ot.raM,
-MOTT% 131,00E, over liance's*Talloi.Shop, Ifuron
Street, Clinton.
possi e you, • ecauee s • ••
• - e -"
venous liketeas • • • All, why nol, indeed-- •
Vire- . „ is a good and. ldnd Woman, and 'the ed.
e• I beer yeti ate bettor," lie sa.ys at
eke oe such•a •woman is ateee s of the " Ay, sir. Wile, having -once seal her "W ecan.leeep her! •
• • laete brealueve through a sudden reverie extrenieStvaltie.''. cohld.f.ail to have netibeel a..resene- • kee she will bekept. Go to her, sir--
• that had evtaently atie-en out of eight of . . .. I evillobee Toe lis"ftie as t are. * I. ' batice.toet? • They•itre the' -same eyes, , go to her She will 'listen to yoe, I
. . • ,
her. • "."Illio thought' is a great comfort , ; void(' that I eeould tell , You alleesays 1 the sante lieseena tbc bait haithe sante helm, r belieere. ,Already her „young
to ine.' I fete for you. Yes', yes," . • electieres, • with : eniotion: , . "But -e• my. little tonal. of gold in it, though' bets • heart has wetmed.'to you; as thcaigh you
Ills tong is etyktvard. He. does not • secret is not all mine eefeeivolves the. . tveult1 reach doten fat below her Waist were her own father." - " • er:
.„ . , , • lapp p .e o s. , Q. O nag o • • e,. . eet foldse•, ,
Th ' t 11' e i •t in its straieht ;m: You will re . .....i, -Ah, Edgeworth ,” says . the old man;
, . .
tied easily the Weds he would gladly •• j i es ' f others ti
1130. '. ' . might clestrey • •theire peace: . Do not 43011.:'er it 2 ' ' ' regerfling Internet -irefully, " had Heaven
. " Ab, Mr. Mildway; come here !" seys think Me ungrateful if I withhold =tell e Whet smallest thing do fpreet 2" eeen: reereifee Jest. leech e, eno 'as ale
• •from you.; but -it ell so.,.ernel leeshe "'Ile runs his hand acretee hiseloralead might: ba,ve- had lier home, within tur
Dolores, With aome of her old inipulettes•
breaks oue miseeably _clasphigeeliere
, and arews, his breath heavily. Lyle
. deutly memory coeteins no charms for
him...," How is Our invalid to he
aske abruptly; "Ithought when last I
heart to -day !"
• She tisse,s uPen hee elbow andpushes• • hands. Even .the .consolation • ef "Pdfhajs. no*, even late as it is,:
4 libellee has sent yen a sabstitutehe
back. the cretonne curtains that lielp to .seeecli of sympathy is denied mol
shiele her from the glare. of the aftor. want to tell you everYthing, 'but I •cen-
• ehat pretty child up stairee' says Mes.
• not 1 I have suffered terribly ----Oh, bow saw her she looked .flushed, excited-- 'Edgeworth tearfully. . ' 'Ah, dear sir, '
noon glin, that she nmy the better tricele e .
upon hor beet with the gentle gratitude I have suffered !-but I must be firth to eh?" . • , . • • • - , go eo her, and persuade•her to remain'
• . that is:overfilting her., • tefehe Was thinking of' her Old lite, 'twill be terrible if she leaves us tow 1".
6" Corne like,' ,she saye, vital i}retty. , thieleeioets!, •"
velem es choked "vein. grief. '1'.erlialis• The rentembraece of it wor- Here the geed woman throws her apron.
• • • eergistenee, "that I Lev thank you
ee±. eliblein,y draws Immo: to her. • riesher at times, I can see; yet, she • over her head and breaks into loud and
Trope -1.1y !" • • •• . • • " • '
h ly • g •bl • won't speak of it. •• She holds her secret . healthy sobs.
:dear, me 1 lees; thaultte erre , eeliis deterreieation to keep and cote- . • fast, evhatever at mat -be-so fast that e.
leven •evhilst sayig --------------0.2 s.ex- tells himself, no ea,rth13, consklere: that lies inethat. slight little ,frem - of mOrnine.room thee has now been eel -
den shall turn Lillie' frotn that most'
hastily but honourablyeforreed resiolve.
But Some ground to commence -on iniist
be Rimed,
" 1-la,ve you a father--ae brother 2" he
asks delicately. Even to himself he
eatinot explain the almost Passionate
feelsen the hietery of this obtusely..o meaning
interest. lee,„
little onteast•whone the %wield has MAT svotds ' fails to come home -to- hinie
upon his Uncle, The wetvee of lite •He sinks into A chair. "Wreng,''
have stranded her upouelaie threshold ; he' saes again; end theu_all at once he
shall he not therefore sucedur -her? cOinprehends and knows thathis worthy
4' My rqdther is dead; I do not know housekeepetis defending the eharacter
if I have a .father," replies she sadly. of the poor dida above. This defence
It is an intensecomfort to be able to • somehow raises great wrath within him.
ansever him se fae. e Telteve a; refusal "It is Oily a wicked Mina," he declares,
for ever on her bee for this hind feietel •with much agitation, "that could oon.
*mid be specially paiftful. . •nect even tbe idea of wickedness With •
"You have a guardien e" he eoes n
,., o . ,, deface such as hers." '
tilleeerytedfftlyeemeitingliteelles-ATOW' "d Iktiinthmtilltartseineldevii theil'Illii
a tone rueent eb assure her that ;be will •too, sir." says thr,housekoepor gently,
not be offended ghoul& she eleclite t ",But we west needs think, for telthate-
answer,.; . , .•• .• i on ylorlor saltete Peer young . a y.
4t• y a is . - je i • , • i• ' • e . net she ints.ftedefronn, her hotneis cep
• • neeessery; 'says Mr. MildinaY netvelielY• feet her has been a, ettoug one; nOW, one Might well weeder at the eirer • Sitting Dolciretes room-41ie. Pretty
hors. Bet that there should .be any- lotted o her since the deCtor ga,vo her
. thing wrong ossifire.cted With such en in- permiseion to move from one chum:-
nogent as • that lamb upstairs -no,
never le Bays Mrs. Edgeworth,. evitb
etartling v•elienieeect. " believe
it." • . .
' pressien Gressel. his face, a vague won-
der, a panful uncertainty that renders
hird. mate, Ho had •a rather pretty
, ,
speech be melte to her --arranged the
stUdy before ho carp up -hut 110.5' it for.
sakes him,. and lie stares at her pro••
•' foetidly, tit wierds•upon his lips.
" Brit _eyee,,,,,intle,ed," ',sem Dolores,
tears visieg in bee gym. . "I have been
gteetegreat teoulele,,to yeti; All the
• eratitede of ley life ie owing' to you be-
• cause yoti have Saved ,that life. •It al-
• most belongs • to •'you, doesn't it:1 .At
least, I feel it so," she ends'sweetly.•
• "Tit, bit! Yon must not speak like
•A thaV • lint get well, get strong. That
• will Show gratitude," says -11r. Mildnaaje
• knocking his eye -glass againse his foke.
linger ie a desultory fashion intleedehia •
• viottle-areedoeuttoryetoo.-------a-a "
•He glances at her fertively. • .Again
• the straaige reflective look covers his
gling with some force that 'would. keep
• bail from him a memory lying hidden
in the troubled past. Is it a memory
--e-efeeeetteeeelican ihte-Dehieweresem -
• lees"
Tim oda•patt Of t is that he tcM seems.
familiar to her, . Ts' the transmigration
• tlieory true? And have they perchance 1
• .liolniobbed tin • genie eaelier existence le
• This thoeght brings smile to her pale
lips; . • • - • •
Ceremiseyeeti Mee is some, littletilideiinf
• able expression about him that reminc16
. -her a sonic one. Slie piteziee over iti.
la it that sensitive paoventent of the lips,
or Ora idle centrection of the eyebrows 1
' Beyond doubt ho is Iike 'some one mite
• keows-blit who/ Thet is it. The tor.
meet of not being alele to " place " hot
diseoyery ireitatee her' foolishly, as She
lies there wealt and powerless. '
• Then sonic' sound strikes OD
senses, and she knows that Mr,
•elfldreay has been talking to her foi
• sdine time, • .
" You have been a geed chikl, vet
,goratl," he sa,ys. . ho Mrs. Edgewort •
tell,4 ince lexeolleet womane-oh? ? But
she nape toos you are not to' talk.
Ali, but 1 must 'talk to.yott I" sty:.
• Dolorts, oue him an ireplor
• "Wrong,wrout, "'repeats her ina,ster
nt ,
, . . 1-, .
thinking of the tattler grecious woman lait'-'1352tivh3r she ilea-le'net -se-clearT
at hone° *horse love hadl created, tho_i' ..Delike lliey_liad_tricd to force „herinto
eunibine of her life slime first her eyes. a m"riag° wibb clle whom. she toted
opened on the world mid she 'knew the ! nob levee,:11rs,.lgeworthfuho is well
difference between tight and day. .tpin the" penny dreadfuls," says this
!leaven grant that aloW she'. clee,ms her • fethnq' 1 l'a'v° 'oar 6 666
dead 1 ' •• - " myself, silo coucludes With ceignityl and
: .•" Ilash.e...beeetetheeteeeteteetes•-• Do -yea. a geod,ileel of seniTinettality. • .
Mee. bine 2" • . : "Ib may be --.-it may be indeed, • pooi
-.4 Xt is it woman," says Dolores simply, , child," says•Mr, Mildmay 'Sorrowfully;
'and 1 do. love her with all my heart." thinking of that groat ontbtitst 'of grief
, "Why, that is well!" exclaims, the 1 t'IP°n• IThiere's par± a 41Wn
old meat cheetfully. "Love is se great , 116 haa-110-teligilnYeetbuelled
brightter of lie's troubles. And vow 811Weet ef leVe generally. What 'if, lov-
tell ine-if love bb in your heart for her, i ing Ono inalll sh° had 'Wei' coerced and
it must bo• there for others also—X would i -driven towards. tnarriage with adother
fain see hope for von in the future—and • until only flight seemed possible to her
•there are other. fiiends, are there not V ' o's a TP0abo of esealle / •
You leVe some one else besides your " II" sPiritsa" dreadful low," altYM
guardidn,?" , Mra, Edgeworth, tapping the table with
He stoliS abruptly, Startled by 'the her forefinger--" dreadful, I can't abear
6uddenehange in tho girl's face. Ale at to see her like that, 'Tits -true we know n0.
oucti,in s, Hash as it wore, there conies thing other ; lint still roy b ear t goes out te
• to her a strange, a most vivid vision of her because ef that strange look of hers,
Dial as' he stood: before hot it the told boons° too it is a lonelyplace, sir1.
• ber- to anothet-Mr. Mildmay seeks
vainly for a successful method of cone
Mowing hilimission. The' "word of
con:inland" is still far from him; the
Stern power that • is to reduce her to
obedience is deplorably ,wanting. • The
haughty gem:dime" appointed by Fate"
is in a low eted clePressed state of mind.
• For quite three minutes he has been
• absolutelY silent. •'A weak endeavear to
ptoduee speech that will at least intro.
duce . his subjeetis rendering him' dumb.
Dolorps's soft low voice, !evoking upon
his distressing reverie) is welcomed by
him as a blessed relief;
"There is one thing that torments
me," says the tirl almost solemn' •-•-/ee.‘let
inhat am a ree • you o not thiek
understand hOw good yon have been to
aneee '
; Goo ? Tut--tu Not mg t 20
sort," returns ho, in hfsnervoes fashiou,
—He -takes etraid-puts on hisetibela,Clea
seeeraltimes. ,aftereeaaeteeg thieelenele
fiuelly ristingete hls feet, goes, over to
the window. . •• •
• "To take in one of wlioin
nothing, •to, tend her sti lovilfgly
Threligh a, dream, as it wore, ie 0.41
'conies 'Ascii to me now,' says Dolorea,
I remember. little things, Venter acts,
goetleglancos. Ah draws a long
breath—" indeed I am not ungrateful."
She looks ab him with dewy eyes. e! In.
all the long fame that leer lies • be
me'-you see even this fear has not
killed inee-e shall boar e lasting ineitioty
of yotie'
• "dent, my eliild, besides this future of
which yciu speak so sadly, you hay°
past," remarks Mr. MildMaY gently;
"stud in that pest lie friends; yon told
me the other day of two at least."
"Yes—two Only," says Dolores dream,
• All the rest*of.the world has van.
ished from licr,.loaving 'only the 'vivid
realisation other lover, and of her who
ictorinlit corridor on that last memotable . 414 a °In% aY " Y ' bad boon. to her almost .more „than a
occasion when their parrbing Was 80 nigh makes such luo in' the house," • umther.
--during tlicir hot sad interview crineh glancesfurtiivel6sfurtiivel6 'itti her itiSatet, as 0 Asid e,V 1-70 011809Vor*
be had 80 1itt10 itt10Wil to bo ti r last, • though to tee Whitt lie thinks of Fieriest give nue my dear, if / 'nein yati," 128
.• • •
W It 17,
#4 -ii A I. E R,
Albert it.; • Rid. Recker Store
ett /Pe
After the a vereet-testestathe late fair in
Clinton, it was universally Admitted that
87 VINISti, AND SWE'ETNESS 07 'r,ONE, the
EXCELSIOet was away ahead of all (Ah-
em, and destined to be the popular instru-
meneof the day. •This, along with the feet
teat a specialprize wasawarded. it, ceetain-
ly speaks volumes foe the instrumeets, and
parties purchising thould see the Ext.:441,-
min before buying elsewhere.• •
. CEO: F. OAKS, Paeralsion,
radery three doors West of Mtilloyei Pettit)
Shop) Rattenbury.St., Clietop.
_MISS 1".E.Plavv•
T114. LATTER or WRICII Ws MAKE A sreciArirr .• •
The aboYsi ornamental trees and shrobbery' will besold
at very low prices, and those wanting anything la
this connection will save money by purchoing here.
'Ortkrs by Mail teill be promptly attent1;4 to
• — • ----441tiresg, .
JOHN 'STEWART', itemottler
F1.---Nel:son• 4- Co..)
• • . • • • •
$5010(10 To LOAN -at 6 per Coat..
Why pay others. ei )3, 0 and 10 per cent,
when yoe can gee tneeey. from neat 6 per c.
.-* • - *
TERMS made to stile -borrower, regarding '111
payment and period of Ioatie
. Apply to .
Incorporated by :get of'Parlilunent, este. •
ig 000 000.
• THOMAS WomotAiii, •• • President.
J. 11, 11. „1,IOLSON • ,,••1 . • Vice,Pres;
"".• 1; WOLFERSTAN TROMAS,,General Manager,
Notes • diseonnted,.. -,macle; ib•afts
.. lotted, .Sterling and 'Arizeiican .e.zolong, •
-; ht and' sOld ?west • • •
. ;earrent. rates.• ,
• .interea. at 4 per .cent; allotved bit deposits,
.;. VA.14,01CAF's
„lid or mote endorsers. No mortgage required as Se.
-.Money advanced faHr,m• cto.ranonnEt\l‘;.irRo.wanlainieritgeesr:Itls
r,tirJja4:nary 183 • '• , Clint on .
3. -B ID DLL E 0413
Watch ROI -lock
•,..JEWELtElle .
PoIrrE Tice ta W 6,1 ti(12 ON
Sae 1:0.3•99 a select tissorttuent of ' •.
WA TC1iES,' dious,'..JEW.9-4ERr,
weieh wp will, sbli at.reasonablerates..
• Repairing • of every description vrolnrt),'
ton dedirr, afirall. 'work warranted. .
, J . 'BIDDLE 09)111B:
Ctinton,Nov. 1882. • • " . , ' ' "• '
and futnished his new.Planing 'Mill with machin-
ery of tho latest improved patterns,ls now prdpareti
to attend, to all orders in his lino in the Inost prompt
iind satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. he
would also tettini thanks to all Who patronized the
nitifinu before they wore horned out, and now being
in better position to iexecuto orders expeditiously, .
fecieeenatient he cad give satisfaction to all. •
• IPA CTOE Y—Arem, the,Gnei Trunk Rail •
. .
may, canton. •• • • . -
.••- ' THOMAS,MulIENZ8-
suFFER Ffpo -
-1-0; eadag.he
• . . WHEN
• Wilk thoroughly cure you. ThnY
aujidly, and whOtievor Laed •
donsiderod prEQo
ho con n00o.1 •WM •1•i".111EIl 'CLINTON. •• '
tit P'E•sr4illiiiiiic
. ;
*fittorantsaimirsigwommomaar. %Tomo ,
stimunts mommArid.
tit IN T\ 11'•
. •
ytkey novo
,r41l sufferoya frO indizovaloOr
.bitartier*.d Sicvnealu •
theta 4131d loo yeitlevNf fr�lai
oytiorirsItery. s a Offlp ts1
rticfore bnyitig,. gat our 'Special prime for
Balb, Marbles,. Locriitse, *Sticks,
Express WaggendiRoll Carriages.,
. e]loiet71ele BASE IlArel,rl
ellIeXtrr (46 )t)ti.
; WALL 144PS
1 MI 14.‘.1W+F.4T 13.1,1ST
• 111.1,01Elt BLOCK, IIOOMSTOR,V.; '
it bOz
• pwo. per ,btx4 111berunit, far 4117\..
• S4"Al:El'iS IN iffED1I.TINiS
Bow at ),30;1.1f _ft.; Arpl 1,: 1n,iLdiol4.
%%0 ink!' V • nil%itt Ir.`f,c"SC1.11'f• Nignv•
t tire 0 mory 1a.%. tifro
;sell ,rs
5.I1rr,:a ill Of 3 Or01.rfal:/1..'
,j140. f:It 44,
we. • „ e.)St Pe:Woe,
• 81 AND :e..e Mitre EL'. DO.