HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-04-02, Page 1410111.11101.10.1.110,10001111111, '^'T• VOL 21, NO. 44 TERMS -91.50 Per Annum in adVance .47 L if KINBILEN. % •ot f eW Advtrtiotment$., PrtonEirry-CHAxetg —Mr. James Stan- ALfTION.--THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOT/. .. CI ley has sold his store and two lots here, U ‘,1 tin 0)0 the Mniereigned will not be reaponsible to Mr, Segswor„th Cole, for the sum • of without his writi.$1700, which is considered a very good for any debts contraeted in his. name, - ten authority. Bnwattp SIBRIN. Hallett. 1m. I eale-indeed . . . ... - 1 • 11-‘1111,11A31 Ewa, FOR SERVICE. -THE UNDER- -I-7 SIGNED keeps for service on his farinooast half of lot 19, Huron road, Goderich township, a thoro-bred *1.,-with_Pririleguf r‘turitlith if nue try: liEpPLE SHORT HORN BULL, of first-claseydigree. Terms DISNEY. , . . MORTGAGE SALE. In pursuance of the Power of Sale in that behalf ebntamed in a Mortgage, which SIMIl bp produced at the time of sale, there Will be offered for sale by Pub - lie Auction, at the Itarrstcallar Heemi, TOWN OP CIAN- ior, at Circe o'clock in the afternoon of SATURDAY, he SEVENTEENTH day of APRIL, 1886, those cer• t tin parcels or tracts of land and pre.nises situate lying ; nd being in tho Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, being composed of town lots panthers nine nundred and seventy-five, nine humired and seVelltr• six and nine hubdred and seVenty seven, on the south side of Newton Street, and lot nine hundred and seventy-nine on the east side of Erie Street and the sotith side of Newton Street, caeli of said lots,con- taining one rood, more or less. There is a one ahd half storey Dwelling House, also a small Stable and Shed on the promisee, also a number of fruit trees just beginning to bear, and a grape vine. TERMS - One -half of the purchase money on day of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The other conditions of sole.willte made known otudayfof sale.. Title deeds may be Inspected, at the office of C. A. Hiatt. For particufers. apply to the aactio neer, jas. Howson, or tO the undersigned, ' • , C. A. HARTZ Clinton, March 31, 1886. Vendor's Solicitor. "VCR SALE. -----11 ACRES OF GOOD LAND ABOUT, one mile froth Wingbam Market Square, good water, good commons for cattle, JOHN HOLLOWAY, Wingham. • • • TIOUSE TO RENT. LARGE COMMODIOUS Well finished house to rent, centre* situated lit good locality. All modern' conveniences. Apply to 111A,NNING 800T1', Barristers, dm. _ mONEY TO la,,OAN ON 'FARM' PROPERTV.;-* Private and „CompapyFurids: • LoWdst interest, also,on approved notes for short dates,' -C.A. IIARTT, Attorney, Clinton. -* lin 10 n • VARA/ FOR SALE -PART OF LOT 20,, ON THE .A: 1.4t1, con. -01 the township of Hallett, containing about -46 acres. Terms to edit pnrehaser,- Apply to kMettoN,Hour dt CAMEHON, 13arristers,Goderich. -VCR SALE -LOT NO. 5.AND PART OF LOT NO. 4, ',vat side of Victoria St:, arid Lots 28 and 20, on James St., Clinton, with small frame houscystable hard and soft water. For particulars apply toMANN- INC & SCOTT,*Barristers, Clintdn. • .; . -a OUSE -FOR SALE OR TO RENT. THE large•frame'bouse on uatteebtire St., forinerly occupied -by Mr: W. Doherty, is offered for saleor to rent on reasonable terms. It contains Plenty of room, with hard and 'soft water, and is i(very dean able resii' dence. Terms on applieation to JOHN TAYLCiR , Spencer St., Clinton. ' • • • HOUSE -FOR SALE, -THE SITBS611.113E1I OFFERS for sale 'his home and iot on Maple Street. The lot is 000 -quarter of an acre, and. the house contains four rooms and large kitchen. Splendid fruit trees on tho place Good well. •. Only.five minutes' walk from the centre of the Own Will be actiti cheap - Apply • • . toll,LEX. MORRIS, Clinton. . , • STOCK FOR SALE, -SEVERAL READ or GOOD Polled Aberdeen Cattle, ;among atith ate two. yoang buuis, three-cows-imetilkand regiatefed or eligible therefor' ingood conditiomi alai) tire splendid grade heilem, 'tie!) milk.cows, Several Leicester and Shronshire ewes. ltdasonable prices. - JAMES McFARLANE, lot 30, colt: 4, Stanley, or to WIARM FOR SALE DR TO RENT.- THA'T VERY' 12 valuable farm conmelied of lots 29 and 30, eon,- Sr Mullett,' 200 aterei of this I5O acres are cleared, the- baiance good hardwood bush. Bearing orchardsof acres. Ordinary, dwelling housi; good fr.mo barn and outbuildings. Feria is WWI Watered., and situated about 5i inilcs hem the Town Of Clinton:. Terms cagy. tpply M. MeTAGGAItT, . If DULL Foil SERVICE. •-k „XHOltOrGliMi -1-"Shorthorti bull of larded pedigrf71,--wi1labe kept for service on let•S,./furon Road,Goderich tdwnship. :HQ is registered in the British American "Herd Book, anti is considered an excellent bull for age. Ternis for grade cows, 82, with privilege Of rettirhing if neeessary-, payable first.of January next, . Thoroughbred .cmvs , will bacharged 85.1 .. THOS. 11.. COOK. • • . . 1. TilARM--FOR-SA-LETIfE--FARM-11N-T111,71TURIT ON Road, lOtS 4.; and '7, _Qedm_cl,_•1 leafahip; con- sistingdf /44 -acres 'is offered for :rale mi reasonable terms... A boat 120'acms cleared and in 10..od tatdof cultivation ; balance good • hardttood, sued frame' house, &o., general buildings, Menty of water; bearing orchard ; miles frorn.the .rlaiag town. of Clinton: , Particulars may be obtained. bh the premises, Orb)" aAidrosaing JA.Mb.S.PERDI7E-,-Clinton P 0, . FARM FOB SALE -THE S1713SCRTS.LR OFFERS for sale his splendid farm of 100 acres, being lot 4, 2nd con. of Colborne, 14 storey /louse, good bank Barn, new Drive House, Wood Shed' and other out buildings, hard wed soft water, everything convenient; 2 acres of good orchard, 18 eatee wheat, 85 acres ' cleared and In good.stute of eultiVation; convenient to 'Church and School, 0 &ilea from Goderich, 12 smilea from Clinton. CHAS, ELSLEY, Benmiller P.O. 'WARE FOR SALE..--THESUBSCRIBER OFFERS A: fors ale his farni of. 80 floret on the Illth • Godeiioh township, being lot 16: All bugabout four area cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. Eight acres in tall wheat. Gorki dwelling house, bank barn, g oo d opthaildings ; 2.heres orchard; plenty! of water. , Situate close to Church and schoolhouse; and abotit.0 miles frMn Clinton. Pfuticulars mav be had on ainiu, ention-to-the-proprieSKEKVILLE, or of MR J. P. ,TISDALL, Clinton. Old °Country 'rickets.. , Tickets i-stie(1 'to all point's in ENGLAND, IRELAND end SCOTLAND The decotemedatioli is aliperior to all others, - "and rates no higher. Choice of three diiThir. out lines from N•ew Vot,k,enel JA-Q-KSON-r•CLINTOIN% •AG'ENT. LL Paper . WALL Paper r have juin. received a' fine assorted tock of WALL PAPER, of the roost inntlern Patterns. WD sell cheaper thee the cheap, est. Call and inspect one samplea. .?.1L'eak Are the wheie talk of he country: Dott't fail to et a CI .fidie. 'Phu best vslue you. ever. gr.c, me— • pLoopy,. GROCER A ND STA Tio'No STANLE1 . • COUNCIL,—The council met at Varna, on the 27th March, deputy4veve absent, reeve an chair. The following motions were passed. 6 that Geo., Brownett be paid the sum of $52, for keeping John Bartley from Jan. 1st, 1885 till Jan. let. .1886. That Mrs,, Mustard be paid $2,48,. for gravel, for 1885. That the appropriations be adhered to as closely aspossible and in case either of the commissioners expend either more or lees than the sum 'sipper. .tioned to him,eiuoli deficit or serphis shall be taken into account in making the ap- portionments the ensuing year. The path - masters, poundkeepers, fenceviewers and road commissioners, were appointed and are, with few exceptions, the same as last year. The council then adjourned to meet again, as a court of revision and, for other general `bueiness, on May 29th at ten o'clock a. m. _ . . Go. STEWART, Clerk. COLBOKNE. BRIEFS.—MiSS Fanny WEiter'S is at, present visiting her sister at Dungannon. Mr.- W. C. Dundase, and Mr, Richard Du ildass of Putman, are the guests of Air. R. H. Morrish. The Bennailler Celia of,i Foresters intend te have an oyster supper, next tVedheaday evening, all are envited to attend. •Mr. L, Sznitb, of Galt, is the guest of his parents, of Carlow. , (MERRIER TOWNSHO • BarErs..2-Rev. Xr. Rogers, et' Ailsa ' Craig, delivered a• lecture last Thursday ' evening, in Cole's church, on "Lights aed shadows ;" the Rev. gentleman bad been t announced to give "Talmage on Ingersoll,". and although his audience was not large, s they were slightly displeased that he did i not give the lecture announced.• Mr, W. er-t • CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1880. IwreertanoP PANORAmA.--The panorama held here last 'Thursday evening was a failure as regards attendance, there beihg only .about 22 present. The scenes, which were' taken' from the scriptures, were very indistinctly not represented, the magic lantern used being very good. • Rtronilt Cette:L:TheRefbrm Club held a very suceeseful.meeting here on Blonday evening, 'having the largest attendance they have had for some time. After a verylength_y_ancLeloquent, -debate on the subject, "Resolved that Home Rule in local affairs:would be a benefit to Ireland," the decision was, given 'in favor of the negative. The next meeting of the club is to be in two weeks, .and the subject ,of debate is to be "Resolved that it would be in the interest of civilization for Russia to acquire Turkey." • LONDEEBORO. • BeinFs.—Mr. Win. Whitely has a large consignment of shingles at „the station, which are going like hot caki,s; they are fine shingles from Georgian Bay, • Our • implement agents are at work lively now. Mr. Geo. Eassom has rented the Newcomb farm, and has rented his house •here to Mr. Wm. Murphy. Mr. Joseph Walker •has engsiged as groom for Mr. Lansing's horse,. Our village is quiet dow since the Savage army has left. They were very sorry to leave • Londesboro, and a, large number gathered at the station to see -; er le sugar and syrup. Now is the time:for taffy; boys. " Mr. Johi Holland lies returned fro Toronto hospital, Where he has been rind reatment for thelast two iuenths, , • . Mrs. Jas.- Weymouth, who has be lightly troubled with .erysipelas, is uo 1.1 Ole enjoyment of her usual good beak Mr. W. 'Stevens; Who' ha i• been in poor ieelth- for some time, .is getting:swelled very slowly, not yet being .able to db. muck, • . : Oeprge Sprung, of Prince Edward ounty, was visiting relatives in the othood of Manchester, last week. e eft last Monday for his home. Blaster Fred Bryant, of the 14t1i con: cies to Blyth to learn the trade of cabinet- making ; Fred IsAst. smart boy, and will ticlouhtedly be duccessftil 111 the -trade e ha chosen .•, • • . • . , • HAMLETT. •, The roads ai:e Very bad' just now, neith sleighing ne'r wheeling. Sorge of the farmers are making map Tey.or, (if the 14t1 con., has hired With eppel. isney for one Year, The: rciof of the old Orange ball; op the tth con , is razed to. the ground, the outer. • wall being used for fireWood. The trustees • of S.S: No, 9 have taken the ohrseete. out c Of the school, and replaced thein With new. b ones, Which looks like a change for the I better. Mr. Adam aantelon has purchasid th-ree ear -old filly,, for which lie paid ff 8160; 's e is a', beautiful piece of horse flesh. 9, . • u PECULtift tAto-Di 'OF TaAvErAixo.'.1-• • h ek, just, artfruthiftref-the recent thaw, a certain:gentleman and his. f -Wife, . thinking that -the water was rental -rig Over the bridge,s, determined to undertake a short journey on foot. They. had • not gone.:far when they beheld a large stream. of water • running over the road, but not- wishing to turn back arid not finding a heat -reedy, the 'young man lifted his fair, one in his arms and wade'd through the stream. • He , succeeded in. saving bia,ville from being wet. but when arrived at tire other side; you tnay, guesi. at4trAcrier xit woven punitsiter. MARNOCH.' LITERARY' ENTERTAINMENT. •-*.- The concert given in connection with the Lite- rary society, was a grand success. We remarked some time ago that the commit- tee were sparing tio pains to get up some, thing ahead of anything ever held in this vicinity, and all now agree that they have, succeeded. An excellent programme was prepared and was rendered in a manner reflecting great credit .on all tEe perform - ere. The, attractive feature Masa dialogue entitled A visit to the °Oil Regions" which fairly brought down the house, and pleaied. the people to 'such a degree that they sire keen to hear it again, and it has been decided to have it again at the enter- tainment to he given in S. S. No. 8, on. the evening of April 9th. e•*---.- TUOKEHisMITH. ACCIDENT.—On Friday - last a three year old'filly; belonging to Mr. Edward Turner, got tangled in a barb wire fence, and severely cut her front leg close to the body. The wound was dreseed_lay.D.-Mc- Intosh, V. S., of Brdcefield, and the mare is now doing nicely. TAKEN gang of sharpers have been, operating through this part of the country and a nuniber of farmers. have been victimized by signing' their names to papers of difterent kinds, but all of which turn,out to be promisory notes, in amounts varying from ore hundred to two Inindred dollars, HORSES SOLD.—Mr, John Thorp, of the 3rd con:, sold It team of •hbrses the other. day for the handsome sum of $50Q. Mr. r Thorp bought thee horses a coliple of months ago for -leis than $400. •Ono of these horses was a " Welcome" colt and was bred by Mr. Vivian, of Hilybertvand- sold for $275 and is acknowledged by coin. -g potent judges to be the best three year old m gelding over raised in Huron. His mate, er a'Jubt in lime" colt, Was bred by Mr. Elgie, of Tuckersmith, and sold for $225, eh and is also a superior animal. Mr. Thorp w has still a number 'et fine holies in Ins Ji. stables. arANoriEsTER. SALE. -3,1r. John Cullis will have an auction sale of farm stock, on Monday next, as he intends to stop runeing the farm and enter entirely into milling. ernrs..—Rev. Mr, •Prstchard left on Monday to attend the Assembly, at Tos ronto. Mrs. Phagae, Mother of Mrs: P. B. Wallace, was buried en Saturday tat; she was one of the first settlers of West Wewanosh. Miss Lizzle„Stalker returned hoine front Galt lately. • • Hofetineviza.E., . • • DaTa'a.--ltIr. T. 0, Plekerd has been confined to his bed for several days with inflammation in one lune., but is now on a fair way to recovery. • Oni merchant, Mr. .T. L. Courtice, has. been visiting To- ronto for E few days,,purchasing his stock of spring goods ;.be is doing an extensive business. The half -yearly examination of our school takes place onkFridayarternoon next; good attendance ie expected,— Mr. W. Grigg shot a fox the other 'day near the shore ofLake Huron; 13111 says "the fox never knew he was there." Pee - Cie talk of ploughing this Week near the village. „ .monals- • lIestp.inAr.,.—A fashionable wedding took place 011 the 30th ult., on the 3rd con. The Contracting parties were Miss Dora Wray, only daughter of Wm. Wray,d- our esteemed, -reeve—an-Mr Hathiltoie Buchanan; of Wing am. The guests were not numerous,"copsisting of the elatives of the happy couple. The cere- mony was performed, by the Rev.. Mr. Burwash, of Belgrave; at the.hoile Of 8•ft. te; ' The young couple stood up uriattend- ed or,groomsman, and loves antPother' "Aomfooldry" usually. indulged in on such occasions were dis- pensed with altogether.—Th.e bride, whs the recipient of it number of eostly pre- sents, consisting chiellyief silver :Ind gPass ware, Which 'go to Ahiii'y the • •esteem in which theyeneg lady WAS held -by those. , present. -' After th6 ceremony the party sat down to a repast which would heve that he was pretty -well out ofayind. . • • • Souathan Miller has,sol his farm, knewnas the' Slattery firm, t Ur. Ressler, for the SUM of .‘1143500. Thos. Elliot has moyed into the hous lately_occu pied by R. F. Wateon.' Mr. Ja.s .johnston has Moved into the house form erly occupied by E. Jordan. MW Wn Moore, oar shoe -maker, had the misfo tate to lose his driving pony; one nigh last week ; it got it a hind foot fast in th rope with which it was tied, and was deo when found in the maiming Alex.,Alli has returned trim Miehigan, where h spent the *filter in the woods ; Alex, look as though 'timbering agreed With' •liire .3li-.4..enbr1el.Spran4 has blee ift 1 leg rein a tumor', tor a 'considerable time. • Lstst week a •successful operetion was tui- - clertaken; and the :patient is progressing very succesafully. The frequent visite .of Mr. Ceo, Whituey to Welker burn 15 80 longer an_iy•S tory last --treek tie a-dvise-ct-Alisallartha Robertson :to s'nare his sorrows andjoys. A pleasant journey to 'Gpderieh and the happy couple w,ere• made one. : Woodhee-sItave been verY plentiful this inteefollowed by-theirsliht-dance at night whithhave...beets-largely attended: Life •• is e Curious mixture, for while ritany are• , members . of. certain churches,. in pod ti standing, they -seem to .think that all P' things arelawful"ip the, way of amusetnept.' 1.• On the ether.band: prayer .nteeting,S:- are as plantifal.as the more attractive " social gatherings" and tionlairleiable intercat.is taken in theni... ' 7 . . . • 1. • r.- • tiOOD.COLT SOLD,' Masmi, of• Hiillett sold' that first prize yearlitig e.•known as theRuddell colt, to Mr. Robt, d Heinilton, of Lacknow; for -.it sum, .the n: neighborhood of $400. • He has also gild e the ope he got f.:...omr Cuming; to s d gentlepian..from Iowa for a like sum. They„Were both -sired IA. that noted breed- er, Boreland Chief, whish it will be seen, ✓ he is;by the great nuniber of colts sold n from him ; he will travel on the same f route as last season, • - -• • • . • n • . aVEsT. wAvvAsusii. O