HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-03-26, Page 6s.
sFitIPAY,I4ts.R011 20,, 1886. I coaCluoion of the story to that luittead of
marrying the deter the youeg clerk is
talEt NEWS. • now the wife of the father, who happened
to he a widower.
formerly of /Milton, owing to a severe cold, to be fully restered; '
has been forced to suspend work for a One firm in Western Massachussette last
Ur. Robert Rogarth, of gibbed, had a
goose die last fall at the age' of 29 yeara,
lis mate about twelve yore ago was carried
off by a fox,
For the quarter ending March llth,
there were only twenty•three, convictions
made by the justices of the peace of the
county of Perth,
Mr. Simpson 13orrop, or the Gore of
Dow*, seld e tour year fAti gelding to a
gentleman from Seaforth, for the hand -
year naadei.30,000. druom. Tbey have a
great deal to answer for.
The very largezinmbert)f 787,110 letters
were.sent to the dead letter office at Otta-
wadtiVing int year. This ie much above
the average.
The largest bails in the world. is prob.
ably that of the Union Cattle Company, of
Cheyenne, near Omaha; It novere 5 acree-
coat $125,000, aed accommodates 3,750
head of cattle. •
. Makers of brooms repert an extraordi-
nary scarcity. of broom corn,. which nosv
The loronto Y lel. 0.4. giVe uppos'
session, of Shaftesbury Ball to the Sons
of England on, the first a April, lint
they retain a suite of rooms for associa,-
—1;beo Ass, erectton of the
proposed new building on the corner of
Yonge end, Magill streets.
Robert Morris, a Georgia murderer,
bas been sentenced to be hanged on
April 1G. When the Judge /sentenced
him be laughed, and to the sherifthe
said : "Send me plenty to eat, so that
will be heavy enough to break my Beek
when I fall.
The extent of the destitution prevailing
in Glasgow, spite of the ine.ssuree of
selief taken by the corporation, is shown
by the fact that two persons wcro recent -
seine sum of $250. ly found iyinn, in closets in the St Rol-
exttensel bir,11 liCS An the s, •
There were 151 prisoners committed to P . lox diStriet in estate ofexhanstion front
noitsale niarkete, and they prediet that • s. '
want ot toed.
the Perth ctenity jail in 1889, the greatest
According to accounts, Austialia is a
great country for sports. One day not
long ago sin Englishmen lost $325,000
on a race; and didn't mind it much eith-
er ; aed on ,tbe same day fi Billy" Rifler-
son,tlie American .minstrel,svou $50,000.
At st rue course near Melbourne on a
pep day 150,000 tiekete were sold at the
The usual story of the remarkable
itravels of a pin., is at band. This time
the scene is laid'in Newton, La„ where
thirteen- years ago Mrs. Cyrus Gage
dropped a pin in her ear. • The pin, in
due course of time, dropped into her
.throat end was swallowed. The other
day it dootoe took it out of her left Isig
near the ankle. . •
• :-•A young dotored 'women'estlied trpon
incolnton " Gs., judge recently, and
asked .for a marriage license When
the price of brooms will teem be doubled.
Bliss. Daisy Carroll, me of the beat
known ladiesof Rhea County, Tennessee,'
has been arrested for complicity its the
embezzlement of abet $100,000 from the
poor encouragement that iChampion works of Springfield, Ohio, by
t as een
eided hold none this year.
The bine tflificonfidentiel beolt keeper, Frank,Jones.
number confined at any onetune bein„.; 22.
The total.cost' of, maintaining the jail was
$2,460.49. . -- .
The. cornaittee appointed to raise money
Lor the Mitchell Spring Fair diet with suoh
were out, bet those posted_ up }save all
been pulled down. • • : -
One after anothei we see our dear friends
passing away, the aged, youths and babes,
The fairest of the fair succumbed to the
despotic power of death on •Saturday, the
13t14 int., in thepereon of Martha Zieumn.
beloved wife . of B. W. Ziernap, of Se-
Mr. Samuel Rankin had the Misfortune
to get, one of his legs broken it few days
ago. He was felling a small tree, when it
became lodged against the stump, and as
Mr. Rankin Was endeavoring to get it
down the tree cisme egaibst hisslege. break-
ing the bone close the knee tend.; and
'causing a serere and painful fracture.
Rev. Jarmo Freeman Clarke, the distib-
guished preatiher, says that it "protective"
tariff defeats its own aim, "When` every-
thing is protected it will be found that
nothing is protected," Be thinks the
greatest evil which WTI befall the oeople of
a nation is to be taught to look for support,
not ta their own enterpleae, but to the
help of the State.
The City of Paine which sailed ,from
San Francisco for China last week, took
1,400 Chieese. Many of them were old,
diseased,- crippled and poor, and there
were a number of womee and children,
The,Chinaman in charge said- that -ib was
necessary to send,all such home beaus
they feared trouble this summer, and
wanted to 'get all out of the way who tuight
A Shakespeare correspondent writes :- be a btirden on those who remain, Moat the judge asked for the name of her en -
Mr. Peter McFarlane (old Peter), who has ofiliern Waist at the expeasaof the Chinese -tended husband she said she bad not de -
been for seine time livinewith Mr. Alex. sooloties, ,• . eiclea yet, bat th.ought it me:mid be a
McTavish., in • taking a Walk roundthe . • - .- - „.e._________________,. . ___ , „• . .
house, fell on the ice and had hro hip bone .A.family of eleven chnorein is no rare -geett't‘Irthn, to halVe a.imellifdlird0. :6-... soine
broken ; at his age (91),:there is but slight thing tn„Cuba, nor is such a family cen-. man should offer. biesseff. She did not
sidered an unusually large not,: It is said get it.,• • •• • — •
•chance of his recovery, although it •thor-
th 6 is but .one man who • M k
oughly sound constitetion may even at tht" it Fr Pc The big. anuwi storm „in a ne pee ecl
is thelfather ineotre than a trozeii` °
his old age work wonders, • Mr, ',70eeell ren• in:.)-)vement
• ,014a, on .6" to the principal streets in t a
1- f t bi d 1 d tl t
Fraser has been downsielt for h week, and , t
after 88 Years of gobd Meath he will . take erect; a monument in .hriiier;nF.this poor. drift a ea bigb, an tes so i ,. us •
farmes., Jeanbe nettle', I believe; . Slaitild herses wild. be driven ()ter. it. • The
• it bad if long confined to .his beds • Mrs.
a' monement be ereyeal in 'Oahit to akiry yoling piee and boys :or the 'Village tun•
MeNicoll died on Sabbath morning nt the
faer oinere thee a clime!) childen the r
• ripe old age of 84 years, and Mr Bonn, nelled this theft,: and, s•-fter, to days'
who is over SO, died on therrah, . . tile shafts so tyck.ns to resemblstela
e e,. vr,.ork,,, made. a tunnel 175 feet. longf,..1
. . little island woald fairly glitter 'with' sor-
ts • • As feet Ingle .and 7 feet wide,. througji whia
piffle ft rma ions from heeveri, • A Cuban
NE\VS. NOTES: . • is' hoe in f lion unIe.se heels the proprieter I'''•.'el•ns were driven fQr'se•YEtral (illys. •
doz or. more • blooming," ehertirs:- A crtertA-d'ent i'tei;e:st takeni just
President Cleveland celebr,ate (qtr. Atlant Constitution.'•
ninth birthday on Thursday. ; now ifn dr east •and west rizlitides- of
; E. Gilberkesugirlier.ett -Mr. j, 'Mc- York • or t le lecal.. Itis.expecte thet.
Fanners .in the.. vicinity of .430110i:ill°. , • .. , ..
gan's Saw -Mill, •Southwdletie ebout sir: Col. Grey will, reuse from the latter to•
. have begun plouebieg: ,,. ' ',
.. •••.; Iles from St. Thoniad • had a narroW es.-. tak,e the .Officeof Brigade -Majors . and
• Heavy snow storms -are reported it t the cape,frone being killeet'entsTituredny night. •that• Mr.„Bedgerowswill vaeate the seat
e mei.: to becotne County et.ttar--
Two sisters have .beeri exeCeted in A.us•- engine broke, sending the Machinery fly- 1.6v th • f°
. tria for -murdering their -father, ii, old. ing at a•terrifie - Thi b k ' el
, , rate, • , S • ro e le • •
ney for York land Tin:ohne. ' Both seats
nein of eighty: . • • large belt leading:fiom the ;engine' eto the will.pyobablY beeonte vacant- shertl,y.•.ae.
' 'We p.re t onstantly receiving .tes many. that 'shafting. Messrs..MeGugan, 1 e , . I , . . • • • • .
' Gi b it and ter trorOgation.
' ' •
Ins Ceases* Catarrh Cure is wh its name im- another employee Were in the mill when 'It is probable that a Ahurning• match
plies a "Catarrh Cure:"- Yo r drunist is the belt: broke, - and all . escaped but 111r;,- • .11 1 '' l'Al ' tt ''. t'ot ' t - th
ono o ie a i.te i is a t
authorized to' refund the* in0 ey, if .it.fatls to Gilbert who was struck dn the side of the wi )e
give satisfaction. What c-•abe more fair and 1 . a . . 'tete in. ie i ea Is.. o
e or y
ou su er any, onger, aeuse ess. . , . .
• afterwards revived, 'and it was fon:14 Ise place a dozen or twenty churns :tit a -row
It may not be generallie knoln that the had received a severe cnt on the Side of on it stage, and have a. Plunip and 'rosy
present regiitrar-of Okford,•Ook.Ingertioll, the head • ' • • '''' .' . .
hes hald•the office continnoesly sin: ) the, • • • • :fairer's. „etatigliter operate 'each dasher; •
offering good •prizes to those who excel
year 1835.• Mr. Whitehead,. the Deputy-. Chicago sp c i..,.. 1 . . . . , , . .. , .. . s , ,
AI'dhi.. ' de • at I ' sass'...A nernitsg
Registrar, has been overe33 years. in: the paper stetes.that, Arther 'Pitcairn, st son of in times ,quality, end quaptity. ot pro-
• •• - 'anion -Pitcairn', of Eccles ,near 3Ylafiches- "dtiotion, neatness ".in appearance .and
. .
. north of England and.Scothstal.•
. . It' appears thet the .gteveriter4belt on the
William Jackson, Riel'a secretary,. who tett; &gland, has accepleer-tIe offer of jauntiness of motion also,tei be consider -
escaped from -a lonatic attylum • in Manito•
.$5",000. made by. the father of the dime nel as pointe.
• .niuseum. freak knottni ss
. should -give thanks that circumstances do .bi" footed irl; • to' any- man whe would Dr. Henry Collier,. a .Georgia dentist;
ba, is lecturing in' Chicage. The people .
not admit of his lecturing in ()made. . tarry his: ilegeghter. • The .Paper states -wide set upon , 'the other alight by four
that the young -Englishman and•the parent negroess ' who ,eleniandeel • his Moues;
It is suspected that niany of the. lynch = .eeee, satisfactory conference,' and that the' Petting hie ' hand in his pocket and Says.
.ingeof negroef in the South: cover crimes wedding eel take place. Pitcairis haa leis A Well; 1 etippose.-111 have. to giee,it
'dem-flitted by white men.. • It iS es;$37 for ben in Chicago for some -time in rather
du d cireumatences, but he is apperent to yob,' Dr. Colliee pel.1(td n Pistol and
' a white man to raise a mob egainst a negro , ,a
and hang him for a crime which. he (the did ive it ;6 them. --1-le killed . one,
ly what he to be, and gives as refer- • , , -
white min) committed. -.., • . en , 13.0 o.on?hei. of . prooipolst ,otergymen. wounued aflame, captured the ,. third
The "exhibitionNfl the wOrkins;' of the • .. . • • 1 1. ti, es
- •ancianarched him to the' lockup. The
- ' i' i • '
• S. B. Walrous, ono 'o he wealthiest •
merchants and stock raisers in Now 1 exi- Eamessysteinen 40..isiraph'.'ng-L.,te„..:nd..f.rom... foqrth, footpad:Nes An ty mons t
co, comnittfed suicide by shotitini7-11-is •a meeeng train by inaneticitifretethe roof • a waYt ; ' • •
son Committed imicidi.a few months ages the cars to the isire's.,-gtven,on,'a special - . • • . • .
and the fsther's suieicle.Was committed au train run on the Chicago, Milwaukee & Seven Philedelphia newsboye e,ngaged
match,the, other everting for
the same spot and with the sense jested St. Paul Road, frOrn Chicago to Milwaukee in a pie -eating
the arbliseinent of Apollo Senale, Knights
that ended the son's life: , ' t - and returp,bp Friday, was Ver f 1
, y successe . .
SpartaThe pies were large, thick, wily
Geo. W. Boggs, deputy Posit:easter of Sealed. messages written and aeldressed• to. of . -...
Si. Thomas, who was: cont cted.last week' the passengers were sent by the. Morse ^ juicy, and made of .cberriets.7
without the aid: ,of knife, fork, pro huger,
011 four different charges'of stealing reviS• • system from Chicago to the point where
tered letters, was brought before the Po- the condensers ;for the new'eystem were. first finished Ms pie was to have a dollar,
lice Magistrate and sentenced to fiveynareThe pt., pladed, and from there were telegraphed Every, boy was paid 50 cents in adelitioo.
es weire on.a narrow_eable, and after efi-e-Penitentiary on each charge,' to run :to "an 'operator on. the trails remising 85
each boy'e hand§ had been tied behindhins
concnerently. This means five yeaes alone. miles eis hoer and delivered "to the writ-
, s
A short time ago , , an, o • .
Esquire Bohm' f ers • Practical teleeraphers d el
s an ec re• time wassepalled.' In five minutes Jirame
--. .
Avondale, Ohio, loot a suit involving $5,00, cisme were unanimous i pronontscing it a Dougherty had eatee every crunsh, licked'
the plate cleinsand looked like a painted,
• • • • • • •• • - •
This so"preyed upon the mend.of Ins wife wonderful thing and capable of great de
that it is suppoied she beeseiesseeas ,geae, Jpnient. [Qui readers can NIP an idea
Thursday morning Bohrman heard:a noise of the invention when we state that there
in his wife's bedroom. He forced an en- is no connection whatever between, the
entrance and found 1 's wife deadwith her
throat out, His_so_n 4lbert,_14.eyessis
sees also dead- with his • throat cut, and.
another •son, Arthur, seierely, if net fate.-
ly, :wounded by it blow on the heed...with a
A mines case beforeJudge •Lyins„ itt
Ottawa, for Berne tune past, has just ,been
decided. Upon a prisoner arrested for
larceny there last fall. $40, without doeht
• part of the stolen property, watefoural.
This money i Ite•Chief of Police took charge
of. ' The counsel for the prisoner managed
tTY haVES istm-denlare-d- not guilty ni-litift
particular charge, though Ito ivas found
gnilty and itriprisoned for another 'similar
offence. The prisoner made ever the $40
,to the lawyer, but; the • Chief, -being in
doubt _whether it alionicl---fm-paid- to -,-that
party or to him from whonk.it was believed
to have -been stolen,-trilowed suit to tie
brought, with the, result that Therm:fey
.Judge Lyon ordered the 'stoney to be paid
to. the lawyer. •
roof of the ear and the telegraph wires
along the side of the triek. • The oar roof
is metal, and the 'electric current passes
"from this to the wire; no matterif' the
space 1s50 feet. -to. Niew ERA..
A romantic story comes' from Belgium.
A wealthysinantifecterer of Ielenburgslied
• an only danghler who had Teeny butters,
but who ehovied a marked preference for
a young clerk in her father employ, an.
orphan with no tneena but hie saints?. As
the young Clerk had : always given the
greatest satisfitetien to his employee, the
, father, persuaded, Out he would never
venture to raise his eyes to his daughter,
who was sincerely' attached to hirri, made
up his mind to brctsch the subject to him,
What was the father'it surprise, when the
young clerk after- mech hesitation, told
him he would only be too happy tongue',
his daughter as a sister. bat he could not
hut a young tyorneni in a disguise she had
adopted when left an (troll:he, 'in ieelet
obtain a more Ineretive sititation,
' A very peculiar case was -up in the Set
pi.enie ()cleft, Buffalo, for trial bo Thurs-
day. . It was that of Miss &delta Snydre,
against Mrs, J. It Reed, Adel's; is 24
years old and, rather good looking. She
had king auburn tresses, which bed en-
chatited ayoung twee who proptised to
imirry her, but her hangs were it Shade
•detker-than ho really lilted. Tit' "plesiSe
her prospeotive 'husband Miss Snyder visi•
ted the hair dressing. and bleaching estab-
lishment of Mrs. Reed. Mrs: .Reed or her
.husband contracted to do the works and
change- her hair into any h tie dattitittl,
.The reaulSelliss Snyderesays,eattialhatsher
:clothed were stab:sadwith the.liquid used,
and her heir was destreyed. 'The opera.
tion, site says; eaade her hair a fiery teet-
hed caused it to atittle mit at, variousenglese
The corriplainant says she became it perfect
fright, and her fastidious '°t10jL8p ore
live-Hallriitlirefit'elia tiller° 'all Itro-ved-twistrryoung lady, She was fast
totters of the bleaching establishment, asleep and did not ncitice the two men".
being horrified at this shaderewhich had They feared to touch her, as the fright
been impelled to the treses of the loving might perhaps prove 'fatal. One of• thetti
maid, deelined to marry. For all of these watchedhet while the other found,a police-
ille Mies Snyder sigma that mrs. Reed is *man. When the young lady:came up the
entitled to pay her $5,000, and sties for Polieeman took her in his arms and carried
'that amount, her into an hotel where she was laid on it
" se. 4w rounge in the dinstig-room still fast asleep.
seeisregerse Speedy Cnre. A doetor wee suremoried, and when she
It is popularly admitted everywhere that 111c awoke he had her.removeti to her borne
Gregor & Parkela Speedy Cure is the -safest, °t1 Bathurst St- -
most reliable and hy far the cheapest remedy A Washington correspondent tells of h
for Constipation;Liver Complaint, Inaigestion. death there recently, which is sensational
devil in pautornine. Tsvdot the bops vite
down on their knees, hoving dropped their
pies en the floor; ,
In the fall of 1883, the ice „houses and
fish -freezing establishment of 0. W, Gan-
thiers,situated near Monroe, Mich., were
burned. Gauthier 'claimed :the fire was
ezused bY a spark frotn loeotnotive on
patient, hes thought she had fainted. Ila
otepped into lier coupe and found her al-
ready a earpse.,• Ie drote b the' side ef
the dead woman to her boese and theece
-to tho hoto"41pitel, where hewto oxnected to
Apologizing to his colleaguee for his late-
-fleas,: he related hie ghaatly experience.
Then remarking, • "c I feel faint,' he fell
strut* dead by peralysie.
During the first eight months of the
„present nseal year, the United „States
reduced its national debt by sixiy-three
million dollars, Canada is increasing
her debt per eapita i about the sense
prcportion. A. slight differeece.
•A Tolerla telegram says :-Mes, Cal
via Vaughansher daughtee Minnie, aged
14, and ho r son Will, aged 19, were
placed under arrest today, the Mother
aud sister on the charge of,incest, and
the mother for soliciting a midwife to
perform en aboetion.
Bowinanville, Ont., March D. -A l-
ived Aldworth, a yoting, farmer, was
killed by lightning about one O'clock
lthis Morning. The fluid struck the
•cliinineyi• ran down the stove pipe and
• flew'. off, striking the bed in -which her
liTs wife and child were sleeping. The
other two escaped without int tiryi
Special reports frorn over 5,000 crop
coriespondenti of the . American Rural,
Home, Rechester; N. Y„ state that in
geneeal.the Winter wheat bee not bed. a
set -back, The season is a little more
.forward than in 1885. Seine spring
wheat is Sown in Nebraska and Dakota;
plowinghas conamenced in Southeastern
Itanses and Southern Illinois.
...Lightning_has alread.y:. commenced its
ravages for the Season, and the first
damage inflicted was upon the barn of
Mr. Tackeheery, on the VosiscOncession
of London Townshiti, on Friday right.
His stable wits struck -bY electriefluid-
And two cows' were killed by_the-,
shock -
The building was ignited, and 'eras, total,
ly. oonautteed, together with 'Thearry all
the cofitenta except the balance of the
cattle, which mere safely removed,
caritas hoses. ;
-••-• •
• The Conservatives area curious lot. For
Boners). days 'they have -beeu asserting that
no pet '
itions resolutiousi or requesta were
sent to the Ctoverninent. attkielg:t hat Riel
be ex.eoutecl.- 'Mr. Ry keit sai'd•so oti Toes.-
-day, and the Minister. of the Intericr re;;
peated the . statement •Wednesday: On
Thuradaye in ansWer to a questioti,piit by
his friend •Mr: Taylor, Mr. Chaplainssaid'
that:no such 'petithies hid beee received
from Oratigo Lenges,and then'aetauncled
the ,Bouse ;bylayieg, before it a petition
front the Orange Asseeiation of West To.
ronto, Which was tratistnitted o :the Gov
ernmerit.by Mr: jatues Beat ty,..M.P., ask
ii that the death -sentence Passecl'cnt Wei;
be not interfered. 'with. • Petitions from
residepts of Regina and Motiseinin to the
same' effect were -also transmitted to the
Government by •Nieholas Flood Davin:
•communicating the petition. of the. •
Mr. Beatty, ' MP., .asked. tho•Secretary,ef
State to lay; it before•the Gevernor-Gene-
rat,' .The petition set forth that Rel had
been corritieted of „acts) of violence, blood -
alma and treasCm. Regretis expressed by
the . petitioners: that nrolek etch • eiectup•
:staiices It Should he iteceesary to remind
the Governinent'oT their duty, blit,tha fact
:that public meetings had been' in.
ftivt,r orRieThrQbebec Province, especial-.
ly by. the ROMan Catholics, and that
strenuous efforts•were beteg nuta Riel's
friends to secure:a cominutatitn ,of the
tiiitenee; :rendete44it..Umperatixe....upOn a
,FrOtestavt .AssOciation to, :express
eimvietions .on the suh,*.• The pe-
tition goes on to say that portion and exile
tire' tried upon Biel before •without
results, ,his inurderons ' intentions having
beim"' intensified by such -freattheilt,, and,
Mr. Beatty is urged tti use all hi S influence
wi'fifthe -Government tijhvo.. t
splittlice carrien.ieto effect', and t,tt-„en treat
Ripe Cherries.
Those 5 cent PRUNES are going
off like ripe cherries, about
500 lbs. left Everybody
• delighted with them'
klaving leased the premises+ now occupied by us, for apother terta of 7 years. We are
prepared to give the BEST BARGAINS possible. We have on hancl a large and
and selected 'Stock of
We have ttie largest stock ip town. Combine 'quality With price and wepannot be
under 'sold.
Great ducoment
1-Iitving bought C. J. Tuthill's Stock of
• • • . • •
CIEIZTA, altoolic.Env. CLASSVC7.41kE
.At it discoutit, will sell at Wholeeale Prices until all is cleaned oUt.,
,..,...,71INE TOILET SOAP:
• .
PLEBS' -IRAN. & CO' S YEAST, fermerly'kept TUthill &Co. alerays en band
, . .
01,. P1,110Pt!TE:.
Cheap 'SALT., Cheap cuabanizans-
• 9.. heap 1512LONT1SIOVO.
tlisteGsieernte en t not to ell. iw :11.0 Petiti-911:4--
reqitests or iilfluences from Aier8 friends
to itultiett them to comninte the -seriteuee
'pottpone the executiere Mr. Beauty
eter warded • th.e petitioii to the- State. Des
pertinent, and Was inforieed.that it .would
rectii v e -consideration': •
Aniniportant meeting of the Pub'ic itc•
Counts CoMmittee was held Friday morn-
ing. Ste:Richard 'Cartwright called atter'.
tion to the -payment Of etiorniend Serie fa
ptibliC (etiolate foe extra services, Yihteh he
Characterized as it gross and. scandalous.
The payment, of 0,000 to Deputy
Minister Burbidgelor services in connec-
tion with the consolidation of the stetutes,
in addition to his salary of $4,000,•making
$6,060 isitetgether in one year, was strong-
ly condinneed. treeThWell stdmIttedsthat
such paynifeets were irregular, Mit would
not promisb any amendment :for the fn.,
, the Lake Shoreats Michigao Southern rail- •tore• • • . •
road, which waS dtie to the defeetivenetiii: • "
,Of the sparkarrester in the smoke•Stack,
and he brought auit for dainegeS in the
Wayne cirquit court, The case had beets
on trial before Judge Jennisee "for some
days, mid Theraday afternoon the ittry.
brought in a verdict ewarding, the plaintiff
$3,000. ...4.mongsthe requests to charge;
the jury were asked- to answer whether the
Sngineewes, properly construoted ; whether
the smoke -stack iu good ()relate and
whether this ,epark-arrester was In good
order ; to all of which:the jiiry replied
they couldn't tell., s
- - -
About I o Cloblf Thtirsdey staordiag as
Mr. Marshall and. a friend were walking
tip liatherist street, Ttsronto, they saw it
was because the 'moral teachers failed to
ijeuee in wiete,rneeing einag as frees touelt the real cauee of the evil.
them. They hastened their footsteps and Mr. Parnell states, in an ieterview•
soon caught, up .with the • figure, thich with it reporter, that he expects :the
landlord ,class to, use their infioence ii
Ihe support of a proposel to have the
lendlord interest beught out with pub-
lic money. Many of the estdtee jre.
land are mortgaged, and thera is a pone
'clemee to pay , the interests while the
no rent' pengriemnie.is adhered to by
the tenants, Things have chringed sinee
the Duke of Welliegton conceived it to
be his duty to invest the money, voted
to hip by Parliament, in land. It, is
t aliment which. wade
Mr, J. Leiceeter, M. P. spealstng re-
cently in St. Pancras, said lie had signed
the plodee for 000 years, and -his p.ro-
gt am me was to•rid Olt grand old gonn try
(Great Britain) of all.the crime and stiffer=
ing of which drink is the dashes Mee like
Bishop -Magee argued that their way of
carrying en the. reforni should lees•atnt to
ihotsup peblic-houses, but to.pray to God,
Ho thaught the Bishop was wrong,
Would say to hini t•There's a easponf whioh.
is poisening _theessir._ Am. X te abt,up
the pit. (1r pray ea Ckod Notwitlisland.
that reformers mortilrled and preached
the drink piestion still remained. This
now seen t
quantity before any result is produced, A, few strong, aud of great p.romise, was called to can alter them in t ntere e of .1.
" t hoe iitn _eresatts_ _3..fiNvidollie.rts.
doses will coevince von of its metits. Tria attend a lady its it carriage at hie door. Re- ere, end the people have the power to
lettle.given free at Cbmbe`ti Drug Store. cei,Ving 5n answer to his greeting to the move Peril:talent.. '
I ...
tTht 6„ --itiThot necessary to take-a-griat
.11 V .•kr
' •
Havin,es a large stook of Salt on harid; 'orders. Will be filled at the loiest prlcev
aver Offered'. in :Clinton, as the salt Werke will.: be Sold when artangements
coniplcted•Will buy and sell TIMOTT-1Y and CLOVER: SEED. '
. •
SALT SACKS and GRAIN BAGS for sale. • • - •
, , .
I SIN:, 'LARGE BARS Or • N ?V SOAP FOR casii poLL.A.R,
. • .
JOHN .11143 GAIeVA
jiBiticoopeneselka fINIALeW D.arti:.eStoore t.e.e
. .
Two doora 'Mit of the CityeACA Rare; where will be found a consplete assort- .-•
silent of Flee DRUGS and CHEMICALS, also. • A .
32,13U_GGIS2TS SyN:DRIES. ;that the ' May ask for in these
. thee Teildence iThig tote
Wegive 1 lb.. Mixed 'Candies for '106 lb Sticks
1 lb. Sullseyes .10c. 11b. Taffy Chunks -10e. - •
liEAD QUAUTERS eon OYSTERS, -As 1 get ply Oysters direct from ,Bgtitaute, yt.e
9W -depend' on getting Fresh Stock. •
POCCHES,, &sc. All 01 the cry beat quality to be had', sa call b011eiCed•
• • •
• , • •
. •
What? tb.e quality, oi tho Crocerions, az.d.
. the low prices at which they
are sold -
A.:ER) ,A,1`4"
Helms on hand a select stook of GLASSWARE AND CHINA GOODS
jest -the. things yeti want, and at prices to Bait. GREAT BARGAINS IN 011.111A...a
, TEA SETS, FA1TOZ LAMPS, Ste.) dt,p.
.A.Iso, a :choice lot of Fruits and General Gitootnits
fresh and cheap.